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Theory of Li
Nonlinear Wong

Structural Analysis
Theory of Nonlinear
The Force Analogy Method
for Earthquake Engineering
Gang Li, Dalian University of Technology, China
Kevin K.F. Wong, Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles, USA

Theory of
Nonlinear structural analysis in civil engineering is not a new topic. The Force Analogy Method
as a relatively new algorithm was first developed in 1999 for solving nonlinear dynamic
analysis problems.

Conventional methods for calculating the nonlinear behavior of civil engineering structures use
the analysis procedure of changing the structural member stiffness, while structural dynamics
is incorporated into the procedure through implicit time integration of the varying stiffness
matrices. Examples of these conventional methods include the Wilson- and Newmark-
methods. In these conventional methods, the major problem is that significant iterative

computations in updating the time-varying stiffness matrices have to be performed to ensure
numerical convergence once the structure experiences yielding and nonlinear deformation.
As a result, the iterative operation is time consuming and the entire dynamic analysis process
becomes practically uneconomical. By using the force analogy method, on the other hand, the

state-transition matrix needs to be computed only once due to the constant use of the initial
stiffness of the structure, and this greatly simplifies the overall computation and makes the
nonlinear analysis readily available for solving various practical problems.

The book:
Introduces an analytical/computational method of nonlinear analysis of structure
the Force Analogy Method The Force Analogy Method
for Earthquake Engineering
Covers both the theoretical background and practical applications in seismic analysis
of structures
New topic, not currently covered in any books, authored by experts in the area

This book is essential reading for professional scientists, engineers and researchers in structural
engineering. Graduate and undergraduate students in civil engineering, software developers

Gang Li | Kevin K.F. Wong

will also find it helpful.

Gang Li
Dalian University of Technology, P. R. China

Kevin K.F. Wong

Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles, USA
This edition first published 2014
2014 John Wiley & Sons, Singapore Pte. Ltd.

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1 2014

Preface ix

About the Authors xi

1 Introduction 1
1.1 History of the Force Analogy Method 1
1.2 Applications of the Force Analogy Method 4
1.2.1 Structural Vibration Control 4
1.2.2 Modal Dynamic Analysis Method 6
1.2.3 Other Design and Analysis Areas 6
1.3 Background of the Force Analogy Method 6
References 14

2 Nonlinear Static Analysis 17

2.1 Plastic Rotation 17
2.2 Force Analogy Method for Static Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems 19
2.2.1 Inelastic Displacement 19
2.2.2 Application of the FAM on SDOF System 20
2.2.3 Nonlinear Analysis Using FAM 22
2.3 Nonlinear Structural Analysis of Moment-Resisting Frames 26
2.4 Force Analogy Method for Static Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems 31
2.5 Nonlinear Static Examples 36
2.6 Static Condensation 52
References 61

3 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis 63

3.1 State Space Method for Linear Dynamic Analysis 63
3.1.1 Equation of Motion 64
3.1.2 State Space Solution 66
3.1.3 Solution Procedure 68
vi Contents

3.2 Dynamic Analysis with Material Nonlinearity 72

3.2.1 Force Analogy Method 72
3.2.2 State Space Analysis with the Force Analogy Method 74
3.2.3 Solution Procedure 76
3.3 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis with Static Condensation 87
3.4 Nonlinear Dynamic Examples 99
References 109

4 Flexural Member 111

4.1 Bending and Shear Behaviors 111
4.1.1 Hysteretic Models 111
4.1.2 Displacement Decomposition 113
4.1.3 Local Plastic Mechanisms 115
4.2 Inelastic Mechanisms of Flexural Members 115
4.2.1 Elastic Displacement x0 116
4.2.2 Plastic Bending Displacement x001 117
4.2.3 Plastic Shear Displacement x002 117
4.2.4 Combination of the Bending and Shear Behaviors 117
4.3 Nonlinear Static Analysis of Structures with Flexural Members 118
4.3.1 Force Analogy Method for Static Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems 118
4.3.2 Force Analogy Method for Static Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems 129
4.4 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Structures with Flexural Members 143
4.4.1 Hysteretic Behaviors of the Flexural Members 143
4.4.2 Solution Procedure of the FAM 146
References 159

5 Axial Deformation Member 161

5.1 Physical Theory Models for Axial Members 161
5.1.1 General Parameters 162
5.1.2 Displacement Decomposition 163
5.2 Sliding Hinge Mechanisms 164
5.3 Force Analogy Method for Static Axial Members 166
5.3.1 Regions OAa and OF 166
5.3.2 Region FG 166
5.3.3 Regions AaA and AB 167
5.4 Force Analogy Method for Cycling Response Analysis of Axial Members 170
5.4.1 Region BC 170
5.4.2 Region CD 171
5.4.3 Region D0 A2 172
5.4.4 Region DE 173
5.4.5 Region EF 174
5.4.6 Region Aa2A2 174
5.5 Application of the Force Analogy Method in Concentrically Braced Frames 178
5.5.1 Force Analogy Method for Static SDOF CBFs 178
Contents vii

5.5.2 Force Analogy Method for Static MDOF CBFs 182

5.5.3 Force Analogy Method for Dynamical CBFs under
Earthquake Loads 188
References 194

6 Shear Member 195

6.1 Physical Theory Models of Shear Members 195
6.1.1 Flexural Behavior 195
6.1.2 Axial Behavior 197
6.1.3 Shear Behavior 197
6.2 Local Plastic Mechanisms in the FAM 198
6.2.1 Displacement Decomposition 198
6.2.2 Behavior of VSH 199
6.2.3 Behavior of HSH 200
6.3 Nonlinear Static Analysis of the Shear Wall Structures 201
6.4 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of RC Frame-Shear Wall Structures 222
6.4.1 Hysteretic Behaviors of the RC Shear Wall Members 222
6.4.2 Solution Procedure of the FAM 224
References 234

7 Geometric Nonlinearity 235

7.1 Classical Stiffness Matrices with Geometric Nonlinearity 236
7.1.1 The P- Approach 237
7.1.2 The Geometric Stiffness Approach 238
7.2 Stability Functions 239
7.2.1 Stiffness Matrix [Ki] 240
7.2.2 Stiffness Matrix [K0i ] 244
7.2.3 Stiffness Matrix [K00i ] 246
7.3 Force Analogy Method with Stability Functions 250
7.4 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Using Stability Functions 261
7.4.1 Force Analogy Method 261
7.4.2 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis with the Force Analogy Method 262
7.4.3 State Space Analysis with Geometric and Material Nonlinearities 263
7.5 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis with Static Condensation Using
Stability Functions 272
7.6 Nonlinear Dynamic Examples 283
References 294

8 Application of the Force Analogy Method in Modal Superposition 297

8.1 Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis in the FAM 298
8.1.1 NSPA for Mass-Normalized SDOF Systems 299
8.1.2 NSPA for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems 303
8.2 Modal Decomposition in the FAM 312
viii Contents

8.3 Modal Response Summation 318

8.4 Nonlinear Modal Superposition Method Example 319
References 329

9 Application: Structural Vibration Control 331

9.1 Passive Control Technique 331
9.1.1 Model of Passive Energy-Dissipation Devices 331
9.1.2 Model of Framed Structures with PEDDs 333
9.1.3 Force Analogy Method for Dynamical Analysis of
Multi-Degree-Freedom Systems 334
9.2 Application of the FAM in Active or Semi-Active Structural Control 336
9.2.1 Background of MBC 336
9.2.2 Force Analogy Method in Market-Based Control 342
References 349

Index 351

Although the seismic design for buildings is currently based on elastic analysis, nonlinear struc-
tural analysis has become increasingly important in the investigation of structural response to
environmental loads, especially during earthquakes. Nonlinear structural analysis in civil engi-
neering is not a new topic, but the existing method used for calculating the nonlinear behavior
of civil engineering structures is often by changing the structural member stiffness. With
respect to the dynamic analysis algorithms, the typical method is the time integral of variable
stiffness matrices, such as the Wilson- and Newmark- methods. For these conventional
methods, the primary problem is that significant iterative computations have to be carried
out to ensure numerical convergence once the structure experiences yielding and nonlinear
deformation. As a result, the iterative operation is time consuming and the entire dynamic anal-
ysis process becomes practically uneconomical. The Force Analogy Method as a relatively new
algorithm was first developed in 1999 for solving nonlinear dynamic analysis problems, in
which the state transition matrix needs to be computed only once due to the consistent use
of initial stiffness, and this greatly simplifies the overall computation and makes the nonlinear
analysis readily available for solving various practical problems.
This book focused on the Force Analogy Method, a novel method for nonlinear dynamic
analysis and simulation. A review of the current nonlinear analysis method for earthquake engi-
neering is summarized and its importance explained. Additionally, how the force analogy
method can be used in nonlinear static analysis will be discussed through several nonlinear
static examples. The emphasis of this book is to extend and develop the force analogy method
to performing dynamic analysis on structures under earthquake excitations, where the force
analogy method is incorporated in the flexural element, axial element, shearing element and
so on will be exhibited. Moreover, the geometric nonlinearity into nonlinear dynamic analysis
algorithm based on the force analogy method is included in this book. The application of the
force analogy method in seismic design for buildings and structural control area will be dis-
cussed combined with practical engineering. This book will be a milestone of nonlinear
dynamic analysis and may bring about significant advancement in earthquake engineering.
x Preface

The authors would like to express their appreciation to Professor Hong-Nan Li at the Dalian
University of Technology (DUT), for his advice and support, Professor Larry A. Fahnestock at
University of Illinois at Urbana & Champaign, Mr. Yu Zhang, a Ph. D candidate at DUT, and
Mr. Feng Zhang, a graduate student at DUT, for their collaborative works, and Mr. Ying Li, for
his early contributions. In addition, many thanks go to Zhi-Qian Dong, Yong-Qiang Jin,
Jia-Long Li and Li-Hua Zhu, present students at DUT, for their work on the figures.

Gang Li
About the Authors

Gang Li is an associate professor of the Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian Univer-

sity of Technology, China. He received a B.S. degree in civil engineering from the Hebei Uni-
versity of Engineering, China and Ph.D. degree in civil engineering from the Dalian University
of Technology, China. His research interest is in the earthquake engineering, structural control,
structural dynamic analysis, steel structures, large-scale structural experiments, etc. Some of his
techniques have been applied to many engineering structures.

Kevin K.F. Wong is a research structural engineer at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) in the United States. He received a B.S. degree in civil engineering from
the University of Hawaii and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering from the University
of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His research areas include structural dynamics, nonlinear
structural analysis, earthquake engineering, and structural control.
Dr. Wong was first exposed to the Force Analogy Method as a graduate research assistant
under the supervision of Dr. T. H. Lin at UCLA in 1992 while conducting research on the
development of plastic strains in high-cycle fatigue of materials. He successfully captured
the essence of the method and applied it to the nonlinear analysis of civil engineering structures,
where he summarized the work in his Ph.D. thesis titled Optimal Linear Control of Inelastic
Building Response During Earthquakes in 1996. Since then, he has published over 30 journal
articles and 30 conference papers related to the method.
Prior to joining NIST, Dr. Wong was an assistant professor at the University of Utah, USA,
for four years, and the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, for six years. He coau-
thored the textbook Structural Dynamics for Structural Engineers for John Wiley & Sons in
2000 with his Ph.D. advisor, Dr. Gary Hart. Currently at NIST, he is a member of the National
Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program research group, conducting research on the develop-
ment of Codes and Standards on the use of nonlinear analysis for performance-based seismic
xii About the Authors

The opinions expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the National Institute of Standards and Technology or the United States Govern-
ment. While the information in this book is believed to be correct, the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology and the authors assume no liability for, nor express or imply any
warranty with regard to, the information contained herein. Users of the information contained
in this book assume all liability arising from such use.

1.1 History of the Force Analogy Method

The force analogy method (FAM) is an analytical tool for solving structural analysis problems
with material nonlinearity. It uses the concept of inelastic displacement, or more commonly
known as the residual displacement in the formulation, where the nonlinear stiffness force
due to material nonlinearity is represented by a change in displacement instead of a change
in stiffness. The original concept of FAM was first introduced by Lin (1968), where the pro-
posed method was actually applied to stress and strain in continuum mechanics with the ine-
lastic behavior defined by plastic strain. Unfortunately, this concept only found limited
acceptance because it was developed at approximately the same time as researchers were focus-
ing their attention on studying the deformation of solids using numerical simulation methods,
such as the finite element method with the inelastic behavior defined by changing stiffness.
Although the finite element method is a powerful tool and widely used, the procedure of
the step-by-step numerical integration is unavoidable, time consuming, cumbersome, and
costly for practical design in 1980s and even today.
Recognizing that nonlinear finite element method of analysis is a time-consuming process,
many structural engineers are constantly seeking a simplified dynamic analysis approach for
analyzing nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems to carry out their structural
designs. One simplified approach is to represent the nonlinear MDOF system as an elastic sys-
tem, in which structural response can be estimated by response spectra analysis of using the
convenient and efficient modal superposition method. Newmark (1970) proposed a well-
known method of extending the elastic response spectra analysis to engineering design of non-
linear systems through the use of inelastic response spectra. However, the method is strictly
valid for single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems and thus is inadequate for the analysis

Theory of Nonlinear Structural Analysis: The Force Analogy Method for Earthquake Engineering,
First Edition. Gang Li and Kevin K.F. Wong.
2014 John Wiley & Sons, Singapore Pte. Ltd. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Singapore Pte. Ltd.

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