Large Craft
While more ships will be presented in future prod-
When designing a larger craft, use the standard
ucts, players and referees may feel the desire or need
rules presented in Traveller Book 2: High Guard. To
to use a ship not represented within these pages.
install Transit Drives, use the following table and re-
Your first option is to find an appropriate ship within
member that you cannot install a Jump drive. A large
one of the many Traveller products that present a 103
craft is any spacecraft that is between 100 and 2000
large variety of spaceships. When using this option,
keep in mind that the spaceships in the Chthonian
Stars setting do not have jump engines, since man-
Large Craft
kind has not yet expanded beyond the confines of Displacement Tonnage MCr
our solar system. For simplicitys sake, just assume 101 12 5.0
the Jump engines are actually Transit Drives.
200 24 10
300 36 15
If you would like to design spaceships of your
400 48 20
own, use the rules presented in Traveller Book 2: High
Guard and the Traveller Core Rulebook for now, with 500 60 25
just a couple of minor changes. 600 72 30
700 84 35
In general, equipment should be limited to Tech 800 96 40
Level 8, though some higher tech equipment may be 900 108 45
acceptable depending on the situation. 1000 120 50
For purposes of fuel, only concern yourself with 1100 132 55
the operational endurance of the ship while it is not 1200 144 60
in transit between planets. While in transit, the tran- 1300 156 65
sit drives are designed to provide the bulk of the 1400 168 70
power needed by the ship. They do this by storing
1500 180 75
some of the energy they generate in high-efficien-
1600 192 80
cy capacitors. To ensure that this provides the ship
1700 204 85
enough power to operate systems such as the ma-
neuvering drives, weapons and anything more than 1800 216 90
minimal sensors are locked and powered down dur- 1900 228 95
ing a transit. 2000 240 100
Arduous Class Frigate
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
One of the most common ships of war fielded their careers. The Arduous is known for its cramped
by the Unified World Council, Arduous frigates act accommodations and relatively sparse recreational
to protect many of the inner-system trade routes facilities. Naval architects figured that since the ship
from the various pirates and privateers that prey was primarily designed for inner-system duty, the
upon ships in mid-cruise. They also sometimes take crews could do with fewer creature comforts as
on the role of orbital security and act as escorts for they would make port calls more often than outer-
some of the larger naval ships the UWC fields. It is system ships.
on this class of vessel that most naval officers begin
Aristocracy Class Yacht
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
Where there is money to be made, there will al- pressurized and modular, and it is often converted
ways be those that have more of it than common into large ball rooms, shooting ranges, or whatever
sense. This is the type of person the Aristocracy, and the owner wishes. With large suites for each passen-
similar designs, are marketed towards.While, at their ger, sculpted hydroponic gardens, recreation centers
core, these ships are essentially just people movers, with the latest technology available, and more, these
it is the style in which they do this that make them ships are the envy of nearly every spacer in the sys-
stand apart.With its displacement, one would expect tem. However, one must truly be connected or have
a ship like this to have berths for over 100 passen- serious money to even consider setting foot on one.
gers. However, it actually is designed to accommo- It is said that some even serve as permanent resi-
date only 14, plus crew. Every inch of these ships dences for their owners.
oozes luxury and privilege. The large cargo hold is
1. Bridge
2. Storage
3. Crew Rooms
4. Galley
5. Stage
6. Crew Mess Hall
7. Dining Hall
8. Crew Lounge
9. Theater
10. Passenger Lounge
11. High Class Rooms
12. Luxury Suites
13. Cargo Hold
14. Shuttle Bay 107
Perhaps the single most common spacecraft in use, Camel is designed for short operational windows
the OTV shuttle has one purpose to get people and never operates outside the orbital space of a
and goods from the surface of a planet to a waiting planet it simply does not have the endurance to
station or ship in orbit.The Camel class OTV is simi- do so. The Camel has a crew of three and can carry
lar to many others. Designed to move both cargo up to ten passengers and a little more than 19 tons
and passengers, it has a smaller capacity than those of cargo.
dedicated to one or the other. Like most OTVs, the
1. Bridge
2. Passenger Cabin
3. Cargo Hold
Equinox Class Interplanetary Transport
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
The Equinox is one of the more common inner- is stored in both pressurized and vacuum exposed
system transports in use. Designed to operate ex- pods aft of the rotational section. Because the ship
clusively within the Martian orbit the Equinox car- sometimes makes trips to the innermost parts of the
ries both passengers and cargo. An in-line rotational solar system all of this is hidden behind a large solar
section provides crew and passengers a near 1-G shield mounted both forward and aft of the ship.
gravity during the cruise portion of the trip. Cargo
Gravity Rings
1. Staterooms
2. Rec Rooms 111
3. Lounge
4. Mess Hall
5. Galley
6. Food Stores
7. Library
8. Grav Couches
Forge Class Mining Barge
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
The Forge is designed for long term mining mis- around especially rich comets or other orbital bod-
sions in some of the most isolated parts of the solar ies. Mining pods swarm about the ship and nearby
system. These massive ships are some of the larg- asteroids bringing raw materials from asteroids and
est in the solar system. Onboard are massive cargo small moons to the barge to be stored or processed.
bays for storing raw materials, refining arrays, mining Once a barge has mined to its capacity it returns to
pods and more. Most often these vessels are found its home base to off-load and then heads back out
in the Kuiper Belt but some also a maintain station again.
Forge Class
Mining Barge Tons Price (MCr)
Hull 2000 Tons Hull 40 180
Distributed Structure 40
Self Sealing 20
Armor Titanium Steel Protection 4 200 27
Maneuvering Drive Reaction L Thrust 1 21 33
Maneuvering Fuel 4G Thrust Hours 200
Power Plant Fusion L 34 88
Power Plant Fuel 8 Weeks of Operations 88
Transit Drive 240 100
Bridge 40 10
Computer Model-1 Rating 5 .03
Electronics Standard DM -4
Weapons Hard Point #1 Dual Missile Launchers 1 1.25
Missile Storage (40 missiles) 4 .675
Hard Point #2 Dual Missile Launchers 1 1.25
Missile Storage (40 missiles) 4 .675
Hard Point #3 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo Storage (40 shots) 2 .001
Hard Point #4 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo Storage (40 shots) 2 .001
Hard Point #5 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo Storage (40 shots) 2 .001
Hard Point #6 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo Storage (40 shots) 2 .001
Cargo 861 tons 861
Ore Processing Equipment 250 tons of ore/day 50 2.5
Staterooms 30 Staterooms 120 15
Extras Ships Locker
1x Sprint Shuttles 30 17.13
2x Mining Pods 40 35.5
Recreation Facilities 4 0.075
Software Maneuver - 0 Transit Drive Control-1 2.1
Library - 0
Total Tonnage & Cost 2000 552.189
Forge Class Mining Barge
1. Bridge 7. Cargo Hold & Mining Pods
2. Maintenance Access 8. Haz Mat Cargo Hold
3. Observation Deck 9. Haz Mat Monitoring Station
4. Weapons Control 10. Gravity Ring
5. Surveying Deck 11. Engineering
6. Cargo Hold & Shuttle Bay
Gravity Ring
1. Rec Area
2. Staterooms
3. Library
4. Lounge
5. Mess Hall
6. Galley
7. Food Stores
Guardian Class Customs Cutter
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
Every planet, colony, or station has their own rules ity and duty. Lightly armed and fast, it is equipped
and regulations on what can be imported, exported, with an external docking collar so that the Guardian
orbital and docking procedures, and so on. It is up can quickly overtake freighters or civilian ships and
to each customs officer to enforce these rules and forcibly dock and board the ship in question. Most
regulations. Most of this work is done inside the sta- often, they do not need to resort to such drastic
tions and on the tarmacs of spaceports, but some of actions and they often simply transport customs of-
them have to enforce the law with a firmer hand.The ficials from ship to ship as they conduct random in-
Guardian cutters are a common tool of this author- spections.
Guardian Class
Customs Cutter Tons Price (MCr)
Hull 200 Tons Hull 4 8
Structure 4
Armor Titanium Steel Protection 4 20 2.4
Maneuvering Drive Reaction F Thrust 6 11 12
Maneuvering Fuel 6G Thrust Hours 30
Power Plant Fusion F 19 48
Power Plant Fuel 1 Week of Operations 6
Transit Drive 24 10
Bridge 10 1
Computer Model-1 Rating 5 .03
Electronics Basic Military DM 0 2 1
Weapons Hard Point #1 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo (80) 4 .04
Hard Point #2 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo (80) 4 .04
Cargo 9 tons 9
Staterooms 12 Staterooms 1 Standard, 9 Doublebunk 48 6
2 Brig/Secured
Extras Ships Locker 1 .05
Breaching Tube 3 3
Software Maneuver - 0 Transit Drive Control-1 2.1
Library - 0 Fire Control-1
Total Tonnage & Cost 200 102.61
Guardian Class Cutter
1. Bridge
2. Weapons Control
3. Staterooms
4. Mess Hall
5. Storage
6. Galley
7. Armory
8. Mess Hall
9. Airlock/Breaching Tube
10. Cargo
11. Brig
12. Engineering
Knights Errant Class Corvette
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
The Knights Errant is a ship unique to the War- Science stations, medical bays, high end sensors, and
dens. Officially designated as a corvette, the truth is more are available to the team. These ships are also
it really doesnt fit easily into any traditional desig- armed well enough that they can generally fight off
nation. Designed to assist Warden teams who have anyone foolish enough to actually take an aggressive
been deployed on missions, these ships have a me- stance towards the ship.
nagerie of systems that all contribute to this end.
1. Bridge
2. Weapons Control
3. Sensor Control
4. Cargo
5. Gravity Ring
6. Engineering
Gravity Ring
1. Mess Hall
2. Galley
3. Stateroom
4. ER
5. Science Lab
6. Infirmary
7. Science Lab
8. Ships Locker
Mercy Class Search and Rescue Vessel
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
No matter what sort of precautions are taken, to be salvaged. The crews of these vessels are often
accidents do happen and, as mankind has expanded viewed as some of the most expert and elite in the
into the most remote parts of the solar system, a system. Their job is also seen as one of the deadliest,
need arose for specialized search and rescue craft given the conditions they often must work under. All
that could get experts to the scene rapidly. The ves- crews on these ships are volunteers that have under-
sels also needed to have trauma-rated medical facili- gone not just extensive and specialized training, but
ties to treat wounded, machine shops for doing re- also psychological tests to ensure they can withstand
pairs when possible, and extra passenger capacity for the extreme stress they are often under.
returning crews home when their ships are unable
Gravity Rings
1. Patient Room
2. Trauma Room
3. O.R.
4. Storage
5. Staff Room
6. Mess Hall
7. Galley
8. Food Stores
9. Lounge
10. Rec Area
11. Library
12. Lab
Perth Class Bulk Freighter
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
A great deal of ore and other materials are gener- ered in cargo pallets filled with a variety of cargos.
ated in the outermost portions of the solar system, Most commonly these include ores, precious metals
and that material must find its way to the factories and other bulk materials, but the ship can also take
and refineries that are located primarily in the inner on pallets designed to store more precious cargos,
system. This is where bulk freighters come in, and such as foodstuffs and delicate machinery. A pair of
the Perth class is one of the most successful designs counter-rotating life sections sit at either end of the
in common usage today. When empty, these vessels ship, providing the crew a gravity environment for
look like nothing more than an incomplete ship skel- the long trips between the inner and outer system.
eton. However, when in action, that skeleton is cov-
Perth Class
Bulk Freighter Tons Price (MCr)
Hull 2000 Tons Hull 40 180
Distributed Structure 40
Armor None
Maneuvering Drive Reaction L Thrust 3 21 33
Maneuvering Fuel 6G Thrust Hours 300
120 Power Plant Fusion L 34 88
4 Weeks of
Power Plant Fuel
Operations 44
Transit Drive 240 100
Bridge 40 10
Computer Model-1 Rating 5 .03
Electronics Basic Civilian DM -2 1 .05
Weapons Hard Point #1 Dual Missile Launchers 1 1.25
Missile Storage (40 missiles) 4 .675
Hard Point #2 Dual Missile Launchers 1 1.25
Missile Storage (40 missiles) 4 .675
Cargo 1162 tons Modular Cargo 1162
Staterooms 15 Staterooms 40 Long-Term Grav Couches 80 15.5
Extras Ships Locker
2x Sprint Shuttles 60 34.26
Recreation Facilities 4 0.075
Software Maneuver - 0 Transit Drive Control-1 2.1
Library - 0
Total Tonnage & Cost 2000 468.865
Perth Class Freighter
1. Cargo Access Station
2. Bridge
3. Weapons Control
4. Gravity Ring 1
5. Gravity Ring 2
6. Shuttle Bay
7. Cargo Hold
8. Engineering
Gravity Rings
1. Staterooms
2. Mess Hall
3. Galley
4. Food Stores
5. Lounge
6. Rec Room
7. Grav Couches
8. Library
Sprint Class Shuttle
Chapter 6: SpacshIps
Designed to ferry people back and forth between heat shielding, which limits their ability to land on
ships and/or stations, or to travel between the planets or those moons that sport an atmosphere.
moons of a planetary system, the Sprints are com- They are also not streamlined for atmospheric ma-
mon sights in both stations and ship craft bays. Able neuvering. However, these limitations also mean they
to hold up to a dozen passengers plus the pilot, these are very inexpensive and make a good choice when
craft have no capacity for moving cargo heavier than selecting auxiliary craft for a ship or station.
the baggage of its passengers. Sprints do not have
The Turbulate class is another mining vessel, but is their constituent components and store them in vast
vastly different from the larger and more industrial storage tanks. Operation of these ships can be dan-
Forge class. While these spaceships are not designed gerous, as the atmosphere of these planets can be
to land, they have been designed to skim along the highly turbulent and unpredictable. As a result, the
upper atmosphere of a gas giant while taking in vast pilots of these craft are some of the best, and highest
quantities of the atmosphere of those planets. Inter- paid, in the solar system.
nal processors then separate the various gases into
Turbulate Class
Gas Giant Skimmer Tons Price (MCr)
Hull 1000 Tons Hull 20 110
Streamlined Structure 20
Armor Titanium Steel Protection 2 50 15.5
Maneuvering Drive Reaction L Thrust 3 21 33
Maneuvering Fuel 9G Thrust Hours 225
Power Plant Fusion L 34 88
Power Plant Fuel 2 Weeks of Operations 22
Transit Drive 120 50
Bridge 20 5
124 Staterooms 18 Staterooms 72 9
Computer Model-1 Rating 5 .03
Electronics Basic Civilian DM -2 1 .05
Weapons Hard Point #1 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo (40) 2 .02
Hard Point #2 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo (40) 2 .04
Hard Point #3 Railgun Barbette 5 4
Railgun Ammo (40) 2 .04
Hard Point #4 Dual Missile Launchers 1 1.25
Missiles (48) 4 .675
Cargo 385 tons 350 Tons of Gas Cargo 385
35 Tons of Solid Cargo
Extras Ships Locker
Fuel Processor 20 1
Library 4 4
Software Maneuver - 0 Transit Drive Control-1 2.1
Library - 0 Fire Control-1
Total Tonnage & Cost 1000 331.67
Turbulate Class Skimmer
1. Bridge
2. Captains Quarters
3. Airlock
4. Rec Room
5. Staterooms
6. Library
7. Mess Hall & Galley
8. Rec Facilities
9. Engineering & Fuel Processor
10. Shuttle Bay