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A Field Study of the Elven Language in the

Forgotten Realms
Diane Morrison
Version 1.0

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spruar: an


The elvish of the Realms is an

interesting and complicated
language. Perhaps one of the oldest
languages in the Realms, Espruar,
the elegant tongue of the Tel'Quessir,
still lends its alphabet to many
commonly spoken Realms
languages, including Aglarondan,
Dambrathan, and the common
language of the Realms Below,
known to surface Realm scholars as
Undercommon. So elegant and yet
so simple, many other beings have
also come to look to the Elves for
their source of written inspiration,
including creatures of the Elemental
Plane of Water (who use the Espruar
script for their Aquan tongue,) and
the fey (who write Sylvan in

turn, Espruar may have been

derived of Hamarfae, the unique and
elegant alphabet that portrays
Seldruin (the language of Elven High
Magic,) or perhaps from a
combination of Celestial and
Draconic, to which it bears a passing
Interestingly, there is
surprisingly little difference in the
Espruar spoken from region to
region, or between the different
subraces; or even, for the discerning
planar traveler, from world to
world. The one exception to this is,
of course, the language of the drow,
which still draws upon the Espruar
alphabet (and has lent this same
alphabet to the writing of
Undercommon,) but sounds much
different from the surface elven
tongue when spoken. There is some
disagreement between scholars as to
why this is the case; some say that
the long separation from the other
elvenkind has led to a divergent
evolution of language, while another
school of thought suspects that the
drow tongue is simply Elvish
corrupted by Abyssal influences.1

There is much debate concerning

Espruar's origins as it was invented
several thousand years ago. Most
scholars theorize that it was
originally created by the moon elves
and adopted by the other elven
subraces, including the drow
(though sun elven scholars will be
quick to claim that it was first
conceived by their own subrace.) In

spruar Alphabet2

The alphabet of the Tel'Quessir is

flowing, elegant, and given to ornament
that slightly alters the sound of the
character. Not being at all related to the
Common alphabet, it is a language
based on phonetics.3 When writing,
elves prefer to use natural materials
such as wood, and their alphabet,
composed of curving lines and gentle
arcs, reflects this. Elven artisans master
the technique of cutting script into the
natural grain of wood in ways that
might be clearly visible from one angle
and entirely invisible from another.
Having also discovered papyrus
centuries before the Mulhorandi, the
Espruar script also lends itself easily to a
painted rather than written medium,
which looks as lovely on paper as it
does in woodcarving.

There is no corresponding character

for the letter C. Like many runic scripts,
Espruar expresses the "C" sounds as
either hard "K" sounds, or soft "S"
sounds, in which case it is written
accordingly. Occasionally, where we
might use a C, the Elves might also use
an "X" character, but this would depend
upon word flow and context.

A "G" sound is always soft, as in

"general," when a "G" character is
written in Espruar. When it is what we
would consider to be a hard "G" sound,
such as in "gold," the Elves would write
their "J" character instead. This seems
unusual, in that the similar sounds are
separated, and one would suspect that a
"J" character has come to represent a
similar function to our own "g"

Espruar Characters4

Being a phonetic language rather

than a symbology, Espruar is entirely
concerned with sound. A "sh" sound,
such as in "wash" or "shutter," is an
accented "S" character. A soft "th"
sound, as in "with," is written as a "T"
character with a softening accent,
similar to the ornament for the "sh"
sound. A hard "th" sound, such as in
"those" or "thing," is a "T" character with
another differencing ornament.

"K" and hard "C" characters are

interchangeable, as explained

The Espruar "X" character is a

wonderful example of the complex
phonetic nature of the alphabet.
Studied closely, it is revealed to be a
hybrid of the "S" and "K" characters.

A "Q" character in the Espruar

tongue is much more versatile than our
own equivalent. Depending upon the
letters it is combined with, it might be
pronounced as a "K" sound or a hard
"G" sound. This is actually because the
true Elvish pronunciation of the "Q"
character is a lilting, throaty mixture of
the two sounds that is nearly impossible
for the human tongue, or even the halfelven tongue, to imitate. It is often by
this that a non-native speaker of Espruar
is revealed. If one looks closely at the
"Q" character, one can see that it is a
slightly ornamented "K".

In addition to characters that are

similar to our own alphabet structure,
Espruar has a "ch" sound character (a
"K" character with a softening accent,)
and an "ng" character (which is, in turn,
a hybrid of the "N" character and the
character for the soft "G".)

spruar Punctuation
Espruar punctuation has a
reputation for being very involved, but
the truth is that in and of itself, it is
relatively simple and straightforward.
Where it becomes involved is in the
relation of the punctuation to the
existing words, which often have
numerous multiple meanings based on
context and word relationships, as the
later text will illustrate. There are some
simple, essential marks, most of which
has a correlation to the punctuation
indicators of the Common tongue.

Ancient Espruar, which is perhaps

more similar to Seldruin, used different
markings5. A period was a line with
curved ends, questions were flanked by
a pair of curving lines, representing the
turns of a river, and an exclamation was
concluded with a loop that vaguely
resembles a backwards "6". It is possible
that punctuation changed to its present
form to make the written language more
easily understood by non-elves, or
perhaps it simply evolved into its
present form over time. Elves of other
worlds sometimes use these ancient
marks still.

From left to right: Espruar period, comma,

question mark, and exclamation mark.
From left to right: Espruar possessive, and
"cren" mark.

The most easily understood

equivalent punctuation is presented
above. Espruar has characters for
periods, commas, question marks, and
exclamations, used in roughly the same
way that the Common marks are used.
These marks, rather than being written
along the bottom of a line, as common
punctuation is, are written at the top of
a line, beside the tops of the other
characters (see initial Espruar
illustration for comparison.)

Possessives and plurals are usually

indicated in commonly written and
spoken Espruar by language prefixes or
suffixes (explained later in the lexicon.)
But ancient Espruar, and modern poetic
expression, uses the cord-like possessive
mark. Also used in ancient and poetic
Espruar is the "cren" mark, unique to
Elvish and with no Common
equivalent. It is used as a prefix to
indicate something important or
sometimes magical, especially if the
item has been described earlier in the

From left to right: Old Espruar period,

question mark, and exclamation mark.

spruar Numerals
Espruar numerals are a ten-numeral
system including a character for zero;
which is actually a very significant
development in mathematics. It is
unclear whether the Elves learned this
concept from the draconic species (who
are very concerned with accurate
counting,) or whether they conceived of
this great development on their own
and taught it to others. Like the
remainder of Espruar characters, they
are written from the top of a line down,
rather than the Common format that we
are familiar with, which is the reverse of

It is unclear why the Tel'Quessir

seemed to focus on their "four"
character, which is unique. Perhaps it is
because the Elves are such a natureoriented people, and the number four is
extremely significant in nature.
However, this is mere speculation, and
is not grounded in much supporting
The names for the numerals6 are as
0 = ki
1 = enna
2 = aia
3 = khov
4 = pye
5 = deshu'pye
6 = khovaia
7 = deshu'khovaia

The characters for "one," "two," and

"three" are rather straightforward. The
character for "four" is differenced.
"Five," "six," and "seven" are also very
similar to one another, and again differ
in structure from the others. The
character for "eight" is indicated as
perhaps two "fours." "Nine" is
interesting in that it is an amalgamation
of "four" and "five." The character for
"zero" is entirely unique of the others
and may indicate that it was developed

8 = pye'aia
9 = khovakhov
10= ennakeshaki
11= aia'enna
12= ennakeshaia
100= ennakeshaiaki

ow to



Elvish is often confusing to non-native speakers, who are expecting a linear

language with simple symbology and not much room for interpretation. Espruar is an
intuitive language. Each "word" has a general meaning, with specific clarifications of
definition dependent upon how they are combined with other words in the sentence,
who is saying them, whether they are written or spoken, and any number of other
factors. Rather than seeking a literal translation of Espruar, the serious scholar is better
served to read Espruar much like Tarot; to consider the individual meanings, then the
wider implications, then to interpret how they all fit together. If there is a multiplicity of
meanings one could glean from the message, chances are that the writer meant ALL of
them. An example:
Translated literally as "legendary-oath-realm" or "King's Oath Realm," this word has
been translated by scholars as The King's Vow Forest, Place of Great Promise, King of
the Oathlands, Ruler of the Forest True, the Fulfillment of Promise, and Culmination of
Hope and Faith - and all of these are correct, depending on context and inflection.



While it would be a misnomer to include a precise, accurate translation of an Elvish

to Common lexicon, this list may suggest possibilities that will encourage a reader to
develop a greater appreciation and understanding of how the language combines. Some
of these "words" are actually parts of words that are never used alone, but have a
consistent meaning when applied.



-a 1. a pluralizer - used as a suffix, it

indicates multiples of the word it is
added to, like our own "s" 2. make,
maker; see also -an, -ana, -ani, uann,
uanna, -uanna
-aar - a place (append)
aasterinian - quicksilver, mercury (the
Aasterinian - "Quicksilver" - 1. another
name for Avachel 2. the name for a
priest of Erevan Ilesere; see Syoluanna.
abrar craftsman
-adar - world; see dar, -odar, tel'adar
adoe - ages, aeons (a long period of
Adoessuor -"the Reverie of Ages,"
"Blessing of the Ages" - a High Magic
ritual that puts an elf into a sort of

temporal stasis state of reverie (see also

reverie, suor).
Adomgisir Peacekeeper one of two
types of Dukars (elven dualist mages);
plural Adomgisiae. See Dukar; see also
adomhaor - unrest, malaise "corruption
of peace" (see adon, mhaor)
Adomhaora - "the Haunted" - an acolyte
of Shevarash. See Dhaeroawathila.
adon - peace
adoness - peacekeeper
Adoness - "Peacekeeper" - a priest of
Corellon Larethian who has achieved the
second rank. See Aegis'shee.
-ae - whisper; see nae
aegis - protection, to protect
aegisess - protector

Aegisess - "Protector" - a priest of

Corellon Larethian who has achieved the
first rank. See Aegis'shee.
Aegis'shee - "Feywarden" - a priest of
Corellon Larethian; the ranks within the
Church are known as follows:
Faerna - "those who serve Art" acolytes
Aegisess - "Protector" - first rank
Adoness - "Peacekeeper" - second rank
Kerynsuoress - "Holy Warrior" - third
Ivae'ess - "Lightbringer" - fourth rank
Avae'ess - "Joybringer" - fifth rank
Syolkiir - "Wildstar" - sixth rank
Lateusuoress - "Crescent-Moonblessed"
- seventh rank
Araegisess - "Great Protector" - eighth
Aradoness - "Great Peacekeeper" ninth rank
Arkerynsuoress - "Great Holy Warrior"
- tenth rank
Very high-ranking priests are known as
Cormiira "high blessings of Corellon" as
a term of deep respect. See also Aegisess,
Aradoness, Araegisess, Arkerynsuoress,
Avae'ess, Cormiira, Faerna, Faernsuora,
Ivae'ess, Kerynsuoress, Lateu'suoress,
ael - 1. knight 2. great
Aelavellin Corellon Sword Knights
of Corellon a knightly order sworn to
the service of Corellon Larethian
ael'cor'avar - plural ael'cor'avarn "great-legend- father" - greatgrandfather. See cor'avar, ael'cor'avara,
ael'cor'avara - plural ael'cor'avarae "great-legend-mother" - greatgrandmother. See cor'avara, ael'cor'avar,
aeleth - yet
aelo - to meet
aelou - a meeting

Aeloulaev - "when peaces meet" - an

elven slang term for Shieldmeet (see
also Pyesigen, Cinnaelos'Cor)
Ael'teukacha - "Silver-haired Knight" - a
priest or priestess of Eilistraee who is
part of a faction within the Church that
redeems drow by accepting their sins
upon themselves. Also known as
aer 1. law, order 2. song, singer (male)
aera song, singer (female)
Aerakiir - "Starsinger;" a priest of
Sehanine Moonbow, also known as
Surinya'suor. Ranks within the Church
are as follows:
Teu'suoress - "Mooncalled" - an acolyte
Rua'darness - "Stargazer" - first rank
Teu'quaress - "Moondancer" - second
Ther'darness - "Sky Seer" - third rank
Teu'revar'sehaness - "Vision Seeker" fourth rank
Suorevar'vuorless - "Omen Teller" fifth rank
Revar'sehaness - "Dream Walker" sixth rank
Surinyar - "Celestial Being,
Transcendentalist" - seventh rank
Suor'revaress - "Reverent Dreamer" eighth or higher rank
See also Revar'sehaness, Rua'darness,
Suor'revaress, Suorevar'vuorless, Surinyar,
Surinya'suor, Teu'quaress,
Teu'revar'sehaness, Teu'suoress,
Aerdrie Faenya - "healing song charm"
or "keeper of the healing aerie" - the
elven goddess of air, weather, avians,
rain, fertility, and the avariel; one aspect
of Angharradh; one of the Seldarine.
Priests of Aerdrie Faenya are known as
aerie aerie
aerister teacher
aes - hunted
aestar - together; see Aestar

Aestar - "one heart" - marriage, which to

the elves is a sacred bonding of heart
and soul. It is always capitalized, and
often preceded in poetic expression by
the "cren" mark.
Aestar'Khol - "marriage stone" - a stone
created to symbolize the vow between a
married couple
aethas harp, harper (female); see also
aethus, -thas
aethus harp, harper (male); see also
aethas, -thus
af - ring, circle
Afaera - "Circle Singer" - a priestess of
Angharradh; see also Quarlaninar.
-afel - lake; see also -efel, -fel
ageas - guard, to guard
ah - crafty, sly, clever
aha - wand
-ahal - pale, weak; see also hal, -ihal
-ahel - sadness, tears; see hel, -ihel
ahkiilor - place of duty - the central
district of any given elven community in
which the basic buildings of
government are built, or an elven court "Parliament Hill," as it were.
Ahrmaesuol - "The High Revival,
Restoration" - High Magic ritual that
heals a large area of damage, both
plants and animals.
aillesel blessing, protection, salvation
Aillesel Seldarie May the Seldarine
save us a prayer or oath meant to
invoke the protection of the Seldarine.
aia - mate, wife
aias - mate, husband
-aira - home; see also aith
-aith - home; see also -aira
akh - duty, oath, promise, a sacred
Akh'Aegis - a significant medal
awarded in the days of Myth Drannor
"Duty of Protection"
akhan - a dutiful person, dutiful one
Akh'Faen - "life of duty" - a sacred oath
or vow given to serve in a certain

capacity for a lifetime, or even beyond a

single lifetime. This is an archaic term
now rarely used, and was associated
with great sacrifice in the call of duty,
such as an elf who takes up a
moonblade that bears the elfshadow
power (which requires that an elf be
denied Arvandor until their blade has
become inert.)
Akh'Faen'Tel'Quess - "Life of Duty,
Form of the People's Need" - a High
Magic ritual that alters an elf from one
subrace into another.
Akh'Faer - "duty of Art" - once used to
describe the army of wizards and
sorcerers employed by the elves during
the time of Cormanthyr and Myth
Drannor as a whole; an akh'faern serves
in the Akh'Faer (see also akh, faer,
akh'faern - "one who serves the duty of
Art" - used to describe a member of the
army of wizards and sorcerers
employed by the elves during the time
of Cormanthyr and Myth Drannor;
akh'faerna serve in the Akh'Faer (see also
akh'velahr - "one who serves the duty of
Arms" - a soldier in the army of warriors
employed by the elves during the time
of Cormanthyr and Myth Drannor as a
whole; an akh'velahr serves in the
Akh'Velahr (see also akh, velahr,
Akh'Velahr - "duty of Arms" - once
used to describe the army of warriors
employed by the elves during the time
of Cormanthyr and Myth Drannor as a
whole; an akh'velahr serves in the
Akh'Velahr (see also akh, velahr,
Akh'Velahrn - "those who serve the
duty of Arms" - used to describe the
members of the army of warriors
employed by the elves during the time
of Cormanthyr and Myth Drannor


collectively; Akh'Velahrn serve in the

Akh'Velahr (see also Akh'Velahr)
al- of the sea, ocean, or water; seacolored (see also alu-)
-al/-ala - harmony, harmonious; see also
-la, -lae, -llae
ala - harmony
-ali shadow
alu- of the sea, ocean, or water; seacolored (see also al-)
Alu'mara - "sea priest, sea druid,
Aquarian" - the name for most priests of
Deep Sashelas, also known as a Delphion.
Ranks in the Church, such as they are,
are as follows:
N'avae - "Impure" - an acolyte
Qu'alushtasa - "Bathed" - a priest
Delphite - "Dolphin-servant" - a high
See also Delphite, Delphion, N'avae,
AluQuess sea elven, sea elves
(informal); see AluTelQuessir
alura - dynamics, change
alurashe - tempo, beat, rhythm
Alurakar - a dualist wizard of ancient
Cormanthor who focused exclusively on
the schools of Abjuration and
alurashe - tempo, beat, rhythm "time
alus - water
alushfaen - blood "water of life"
Alushfaen'ela - "Blood Hawk" - a
priestess of Solonor Thelandira who has
reached the sixth rank. See
Alushfaen'ele - "Blood Hawk" - a priest
of Solonor Thelandira who has reached
the sixth rank. See Eladarn/Eledarn.
alushtasa - rain, bathing
Alu'Tel'Quessir - sea (blue or water)
elves (see alu, AluQuess, EilQuess,
am - 1. swan, swanlike 2. stride, strider

ama 1. beauty, beautiful, flower 2.

stride, strider (female)
amarillis - "flame-flower" - the name of
an elven clan
amne - oak
Amnes - "Oakheart" - a priest of Rillifane
Rallathil. See Celoralanalath.
an - hand
-an 1. one who (adjective) 2. make,
maker (male name suffix); see also -a, ana, -ani, -uanna
-ana - make, maker (female name
suffix); see also -a, -an, -ani, -uanna
ang- glitter, sparkle
Angharradh - "glittering leaf of
wisdom" - the elven goddess of spring,
fertility, planting, birth, defense, and
wisdom, believed to be the unified force
of Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and
Sehanine Moonbow; Corellon Larethian's
consort; one of the Seldarine. Priestesses
of Angharradh are known as Afaera or
anharad - leather
-ani - make, maker; see also -a, -an, -ana,
uann, uanna, -uanna
anil - nefarious, malicious, vile
aniless - a nefarious or malicious being
-anis - dawn; see also nis
ansr rune
ansrivarr - memory
antha - fortress
ar- high, above, great, gold
-ar 1. forest of (append) 2. male, a
-ara - female, a female
Aradoness - "Great Peacekeeper" - a
priest of Corellon Larethian who has
achieved the ninth rank. See Aegis'shee.
Araegisess - "Great Protector" - a priest
of Corellon Larethian who has achieved
the eighth rank. See Aegis'shee.
Araestar - "Goldheart" - a priest of
Hanali Celanil; ranks in the Church are as
Lani - "the Beauteous" - an acolyte


Jar - "Dove" - first rank

Thiramindil - "Suitor" - second rank
Thiraminitae - "Lover" - third rank
U'haess - "Free-thinker or Libertine" fourth rank
Seharan - "Soft Touch" or "Soft Caress"
- fifth rank
Kerradunes - "Want of the Heart" or
"Heart's Desire" - sixth rank
Evael - "Firey Ardor" - seventh rank
Any priest of Hanali Celanil past the
level of acolyte is also refered to as
Evael'dil "Devoted to Passion" or
"Paramour." See also Evael, Evael'dil, Jar,
Kerradunes, Lani, Seharan, Thiramindil,
Thiraminitae, U'haess.
arakhor - "one who protects the forests"
or "tree warden," a sort of elemental tree
being that may have been an ancient
ancestor to the treants, such as
Grandfather Tree in the High Forest
(plural arakhora)
aral - hunter
-aral - hunt, hunter; see also rail, ria, -ral,
Araushnee - "highest beside my heart" Lolth's name before she betrayed the
Seldarine and fell from grace. She was
known at that time as the goddess of
weavers, tapestries, and destiny,
especially dark elven destiny.
aravae - great happiness, ecstasy,
supreme joy
Ar'Cor'Kerym - "high-legendary-blade,"
"Great King's Sword" or "the Ruler's
Blade" - one of the three elfblades of
Cormanthyr, which chooses the Coronal
(king) of the nation.
Arfaern - "high practitioner of Art" - a
rank in the Akh'Faer just below a SpellCaptain.
ar'hakavarn - scro "high orc". See also
ari 1. silver 2. Spring
ariorwe leaps, jumps
ariorwi leap, jump

ari're - "great silver bear" - a grizzly bear

Ari're - "Grizzly Bear" - a priest of
Solonor Thelandira who has reached the
fifth rank. See Eladarn/Eledarn.
Arkan - "Gold Eagle" - a priest of Solonor
Thelandira who has reached the eighth
rank or higher. See Eladarn/Eledarn.
Arkerym - "high elven blade" - an
officer's title in the Akh'Velahr, given to
the commander of a regiment - higher
than Kerym but lower than the ArmsCaptain (second in command of the
Arkerynsuoress - "Great Holy Warrior"
- a priest of Corellon Larethian who has
achieved the tenth rank. See Aegis'shee.
arkhol - great stone - a monolith
armathor - one of the elite guard of
Myth Drannor proper, usually a wizard
or a fighter/wizard "high-mage-armor"
arn - south, southern
aro - summer
ArQuess gold elf (informal), gold
elven; see ArTelQuessir, ShaQuess
arran - heroic, brave
arraness - a person of great courage, a
brave soul; a hero
arranaseer - courage, bravery
arrn - great storm (ie. hurricane,
Arrn'Tel'Orar - "Storm Erosion" - a High
Magic ritual that reduces entire cities to
their natural component states.
Ar'Selu'Taar - High Mage - a
practitioner of High Magic, fantastic
rituals that defy the standard limitations
of magic (see Arselu'Tel'Quess, see also
Arselu'Tel'Quess - "great High Lore of
the People" - High Magic, the greatest of
elven magics, reputedly granted to them
by the gods (see also Ar'Selu'Taar)
Arshaalth - "high axe" - a rank within
the Akh'Velahr between Nikerym and


Ar'Sha'Quessir Keryth - "The Great

Friends' Crusade" - a name given to a
major campaign during the fall of Myth
Drannor in which several Sha'Quessir
held Myth Drannor and its mythal
against the Army of Darkness (see also
arsurinya - deity "high celestial" (see
also Iquar'Tel'Quessir)
arta - on
Ar'Tel'Quessir - gold (sun) elves (see ar,
Arthuen'Saerlooniasa - "golden yellow
wine of Saerloon" - see Saerloonian Topaz
-aruil - noble (virtuous); see also -eruil,
Arvandor - "high-forest-world" - the
High Forest - a term used to describe the
Elven paradise in the Heavens, to which
all Elves will be called to dwell with the
Seldarine (their gods.)
ary - noble, big (slightly less than ar)
Arykerym - "noble elven blade" - a title
given to an officer in the Akh'Velahr,
given to the commander of a brigade,
just below an Arkerym but above a
Ary'Faern'Kerym - "noble-Art-blade,"
"Noble Sorcerer's Sword" or "the
Artblade" - one of the three elfblades of
Cormanthyr, traditionally wielded by
the Spell-Major (commander of the
Ary'Velahr'Kerym - "noble-war-blade,"
"Noble Warrior's Sword," or "the
Warblade" - one of the three elfblades of
Cormanthyr, traditionally wielded by
the Arms-Major (commander of the
-as - bow, fletcher; see also -ash, -sah
-asar - quest, seeker; see also -isar, sar
Asathalfinare, The - an alliance of good,
non-human Undersea deities. It
includes Deep Sashelas, Trishina,
Surminare (goddess of selkies,) Persana
(god of the tritons,) Eadro (god of the

merfolk and locathah,) Water Lion, and

strangely, Syranita (goddess of the
-asel - mountain, like a mountain; see
also -isel, -sel
ash - fletcher
Ash - "Fletcher" - a priest of Solonor
Thelandira who has reached the first
rank. See Eladarn/Eledarn.
-ash - bow, fletcher; see also -as, -sah
-ashk - fate; see also kash, -okash
ashanelath - year
atamar - adamantine
ath - by, of
-ath - end, ending
ath tel'quiet - "of me" - mine
atha, athal - pit
athel bow (weapon for hunting etc.)
athel'uanna - bowyer "bow crafter, bow
Athel'uanna - "Bowyer" - a priest of
Solonor Thelandira who has reached the
second rank. See Eladarn/Eledarn.
-ather armor, protection; also ther, thir
-athil - a suffix meaning "bane" or
"nemesis," often used in the naming of
-atri - dance, dancer; see also -atril, atria, -tril, -tria
atria - dancer (female); see also tria
atril - dancer (male); see also tril
auglathla - winterbreeze
aul in
aulor - into
ausa - beside, with
av- winged
avae - 1. true, pure 2. joy, happiness for the elves, they are one and the same
Avae'ess - "Joybringer" - a priest of
Corellon Larethian who has achieved the
fifth rank
avae'mhaor - suffering, pain "corruption
of happiness"
avain - spirit; see vain
avar - father; plural avarn; see -var


avara - mother; plural - avarae

Avariel - an informal descriptor of the
winged elves (literally "winged hawk
person"); also, winged elven. See
avavaen - yes
avel - sword
avia - good fortune, luck; see also via

avin - storm; see vin

Avinar - "Winged Brother or Sister" - a
priest of Aerdrie Faenya; see also Halcyon.
Av'Tel'Quessir - winged elves (formal)
(see av, Tel'Quessir)
aza - life, lives
azae live

bael - guardian
baelnorn, bael'norn - "guardian lich" an elven lich; created through High
Magic, or through simply choosing not
to answer the call of Arvandor, the
baelnorn give up their final reward to
serve the elven people.
baelreth - "guardian arcane" - an elf
who undertakes a sacred vow to protect
the elven people and their needs. Some
are open about their vow and affiliation,
some keep the knowledge of their
purpose a well-guarded secret. A
baelreth is marked by his tahlemar,
which is hidden or displayed as the
baelreth sees fit. It is said that the
baelrethi share an empathic link that
allows them to feel the emotional state
of all other baelreth. In most elven
cultures, baelrethi are accorded almost
complete autonomy in their dealings,
and their deeds and rulings can only be
gainsaid by a Coronal, though the
empathic link is said to prevent
corruption (see also tahlemar)
Baelshe - "Time Sentinel" - a priest of
Labelas Enoreth who is active in the
world around him, going forth to

adventure and right wrongs, concerned

with preserving knowledge of the
world. A more research and bookoriented priest of Labelas is known as a
She'teless. Ranks within the Church are
the same under both titles, and are as
Urspliniqu'ess - "Tyros" - an acolyte
Wylint'ess - "Observer" - first rank
Soless - "Recorder" - second rank
Ursplindaaress - "Librarian" - third
Teless - "Lorist, Lorekeeper" - fourth
Urspliness - "Scholar" - fifth rank
Sol'teless - "Historian" - sixth rank
Throess - "Sage" - seventh rank
U'teless - "Philosopher" - eighth rank
Haress - "Wizened, One Who is Wise"
- above eighth rank
See also Haress, She'teless, Soless,
Sol'teless, Teless, Throess, Ursplindaaress,
Urspliness, Urspliniqu'ess, U'teless,
be-inway wake, funeral
belath - tomorrow
belluth - "hand power, gifts of Art" ancient magical and elaborate rings once


worn in Myth Drannor, that function

more as wands than rings, but do not
interfere with spellcasting.
benerel - city (loose translation "place of
beryn fin - Time of Discovery - a time of
learning and spiritual seeking among
elves, most commonly referred to by
other races as adolescence (ages 50 - 100

approximately). Beryn finess - an

bes - oath
bhen - human
bhin - young human (often an insult)
biir - ugly, filth, garbage
brar - craft
bren this

cael - archer, arrow, relating to archery

caerilcarn council or senate
Caerilcarn The Council of the Wood
a council of moon elven nobles and
wood elven elven elders, which passes
news between, and loosely, unifies the
elves of the High Forest
cal - faith
cas - herald
cath - cat, feline
cath shee - elven cat "fey cat"
cath'sigen - snow tiger or snow leopard
"snow cat"
Cath'sigen - "Snow Tiger" - a priest of
Solonor Thelandira who has reached the
fourth rank. See Eladarn/Eledarn.
celoralanalath - "those who sing the
trees" - an old elven term of respect for
druids or bards
Celoralanalath - "those who sing the
trees" - the name for a druid of Rillifane
Rallathil; priests are known as Amnes
"Oakhearts". Ranks within the Church
Nainiffi - "Acorn" - an acolyte
Felsul - first rank (a kind of tree)
Teu'trakai - "Silverbark" - second rank

Laspar - third rank (a kind of tree)

Hiexel - fourth rank (a kind of tree)
Eilrahd - "Blueleaf" - fifth rank
Phandar - sixth rank (a kind of tree)
Rilisira - "Duskwood" - seventh rank
Seldhaer - "Shadowtop" - eighth rank
Rilisafel - "Weirwood" - ninth rank
Note that on other worlds with differing
flora, an entirely different system of
ranks and naming may exist, in
accordance with the sorts of trees that
are native to that world.
See also Amnes, Eilrahd, Felsul, Hiexel,
Laspar, Nainiffi, Phandar, Rilisafel, Rilisira,
Seldhaer, Teu'trakai.
cerlyn - black
cha- green (a hue such as emerald green,
as opposed to nature's forest or leafgreens - see also sy-, el-).
chas - green (a hue such as emerald
green, as opposed to nature's forest or
leaf-greens - see also sy-, el-)
Cha'Tel'Quessir - jungle elves - a name
given to a long-extinct tribe of mixed
dark and green elves, which existed
before the Separation (see Tel'Quessir)


Cinnaelos'Cor - the Day of Corellon's

Peace, or literally, "Legendary Sabbath"
or "Legendary Alliance-Meeting" - the
formal elven term for Shieldmeet (see
also Aeloulaev, Pyesigen)
cint'nias - alliance
cla - rose
col - not
coo - dog, canine
cooshee - elven dog "fey dog"
cor - legend, legendary, of rulership,
king, of kings
coraar - kingdom
cor'avar - plural cor'avarn - "legendfather" - grandfather. See ael'cor'avar,
ael'cor'avara, cor'avara.
cor'avara - plural cor'avarae - "legendmother" - grandmother. See
ael'cor'avara, ael'cor'avar, cor'avar.
Corellon Larethian - "King-chief, arcane
lord of the night" - the leader of the
Seldarine, creator of the elves; the elven
god of magic, especially High Magic,
music, arts, crafts, war, the elven race
(especially gold elves,) poets and poetry,
bards, and warriors. Priests of Corellon
Larethian are known as Aegis'shee.
cormanth - king's vow; or loosely,
"noblesse oblige"
Cormiira - "Blessings of Corellon" - title
of respect for very high ranking priests
of Corellon Larethian. See Aegis'shee.

Coronal - "ruler harmonious" or

"legendary keeper of harmony" - an
ancient title given to a great elven King
or Queen. It is perhaps more equivalent
to our own concept of "Emperor,"
though the elves would not attach the
same tyrannous associations with the
term. In the Sea of Fallen Stars, many
small sea elven city-states have rulers
that have taken the title "Coronal."
CorRysarKeryth legendary dynasty
war The Crown Wars - a series of
wars in the ancient history of the elves
concerning elven rulership and attempts
by various elven Coronals to establish
empires under their own rule. These
ancient wars nearly destroyed the Elven
race, and resulted in a number of
horrors, including the Dark Disaster that
destroyed Miyeritar, the Descent of the
Drow, and the creation of the feyri.
Cor'Selu'Taar Grand High Mage the leader of the High Mages of an area,
sort of the same as an Archmage of a
city (see Ar'Selu'Taar)
cren a mark of punctuation in some
elven cultures that indicates something
of great importance, such as an artiface,
divine revelation, or true love.
cryshal - crystal
cy - onyx

d' - a possessive; belonging to someone equivalent to our own " 's"

dae white
dalsien - thunder

daoine - starshine, starlight

Daoine Teague Feer - "Starshine Upon
the People" - a High Magic ritual of


rejuvenation that heals and cleanses

body and spirit with starlight.
daquin - danger
dar world
darach shape; to shape or change form
darn - sight, vision; see also linta
dath - end
Deep Sashelas - "deep below the wild
ocean" - the elven god of oceans, sea
elves, creation, knowledge, underwater
and sea elven beauty, and water magic;
primary deity of the Alu'Tel'Quessir; one
of the Seldarine. More properly, the
Espruar is "Nim'Sashelas." Priests of
Deep Sashelas are known as Alu'mara or
Delphite - "Dolphin-servant" - a high
priest of Deep Sashelas. See Alu'mara.
Delphion - "Dolphinite" - a priest of
Deep Sashelas. See also Alu'mara.
desha - so
deshu - after
deth - endure, tolerate, bear
-deth - eternal; see also -eth, eath
dhaer- shadow, darkness, of the night
(see also Dhaeraow)
Dhaeraow - "face of shadow, heart of
night" - a traitor. It came to describe the
dark elves, who betrayed the elves of
the surface world centuries ago, and
over time this term has become
corrupted to its present form, "drow."
(see also Drow.)
Dhaeraowathil Traitorbane the
name of Shevarashs sword; one of five
sacred weapons wielded by Shevarash.
See also Korathel, Maelat, Shama, Ukava.
Dhaeraowathila - "Dark Avengers" or
"drowbanes" - the priests of Shevarash.
Acolytes of the faith are known as
Adomhaora. It is customary for
Dhaeraowathila to organize themselves
into warbands of five members, each
wielding the five sacred weapons of

Shevarash, in order to hunt drow. See

also Adomhaora.
DhaerQuess dark elven; see
Dhaeroaw, Drow, Ilythiiri, SsriTelQuessir
dharasha - destiny
dho - falcon
diir - stone (as a substance, like a stone
wall) - see also khol.
dijak - dimensions, worlds, planes
Dijakkar - a dualist wizard from ancient
Cormanthor who focused exclusively on
the schools of Conjuration/Summoning
and Divination)
-dil - devotion to, lover of (append)
don - silver
drag - hatred
Dragathil - "bane of hatred" - one of the
baneblades of Myth Drannor, this
sword, which promotes peace and
compassion, had powers of defense and
dre 1. Hound (a dog) 2. charm (of
personality), charming; see also encik
drii - air
drim, drimme - flight, flyer
Drow - dark elves or a singular dark elf,
or of dark elves; a Common corruption
of the traditional word "dhaeraow,"
which has now become elven slang as
well (see Dhaeraow)
du - crescent
Dukar - a sea elven specialist mage,
evolved from the elven dualist mages of
Cormanthyr. There are two types
Telgisiae (Lorekeepers) and Adomgisiae
(Peacekeepers) - and there are four
Orders; Jhimari, Kupavi, Maalirni, and
Numosi. See also Adomgisir, Telgisir.
dul - glade
dun - hill, mound
-dur - belief in, faith in (append)
durr way, gate
Durathil - "faithful nemesis" - the name
of a distinguished noble gold elven


e - as, like, similar to; e ___ eso ___ - "as

__, also __" - vice versa
-ean - ride, rider
eath eternal, endless; see also deth, eth
eathshe all times, forever, always
-efel - lake; see also -afel, -fel
ehalaer - staff, usually describing a
wizard's staff or other staff of magical
eil - azure, blue
Eilistraee - "azure elven exile" or "azure
beast" - the drow goddess of the elven
values; song, beauty, dance, swordwork,
hunting, and moonlight; this name is a
rare combination of Espruar and Drow
language elements.
EilQuess blue elven, blue elves
(informal); see AluQuess,
eilrahd - blueleaf - a type of tree native
to the Realms, especially common in the
forest of Cormanthyr. The leaves,
which are an eerie blue color with many
points like a maple's, have healing
properties, and are also used along with
the sap for dyeing. The trees bend
rather than break under ice, and the
wood is burned to produce a beautiful
blue flame.
Eilrahd - "Blueleaf" - a priest or druid of
Rillifane Rallathil who has reached the
fifth rank. See Celoralanalath.
eir sharp
eisliesen killing, murder
el - green, esp. forest green; compare
cha, sy-.
elrad - green leaf
ela hawk (female)
-ela - gift, giver; see also -il, -ila, -lie

Eladarn/Eledarn hawk-vision or
"Hawkeye" (female/male) - a priest of
Solonor Thelandira. Ranks within the
Church are as follows:
Ni'ela'dho (female) or Nieledho (male)
- "Fledgling" - an acolyte
Ash - "Fletcher" - first rank
Athel'uanna - "Bowyer" - second rank
Lydhaer - "Shadowwolf or Grey Wolf"
- third rank
Cath'sigen - "Snow Tiger" - fourth rank
Ari're - "Grizzly Bear" - fifth rank
Alushfaen'ela (female) or Alushfaenele
(male)- "Blood Hawk" - sixth rank
Maskan'dho - "Fire Falcon" - seventh
Arkan - "Gold Eagle" - eighth rank or
See also Alushfaen'ela, Alushfaenele,
Ari're, Arkan, Ash, Athel'uanna,
Cath'sigen, Lydhaer, Maskan'dho,
Ni'ela'dho, Nieledho.
ela'dho female raptor or bird of prey
(see dho, ela)
elandi - arrow
Elaorman - "Place from All Around and
Nowhere, Home of Summoning" - a
High Magic ritual that causes a building
to grow; also used to create elven
spelljamming ships.
eldritch - eldritch
ele hawk (male)
ele'dho male raptor or bird of prey
(see dho, ele)
-elis - breeze; see also -lis, -lys
Elikarashe bowshot like a hawk see Shevarash.
ella strike
elladyr starstrike a comet or
falling star


ellathil parry, counterstrike,

ellon - chief; see also lon
Elquesstria - a type of elven wine, often
also called feywine in the Common
tongue - translated literally, "greenwine-dancer".
Elvarquesst - a sacred elven wine, used
for ceremony and ritual by the elves but
prized by all for its quality. It is rubycolored and magically distilled from
sunshine and rare fruits. "Utterly
smooth, the liquor is nonetheless flecked
with gold and has an iridescence of both
color and flavor. It is highly prized at all
times, but in the autumn rituals it is
savored as if it is the gift of one final,
perfect summer day." 9 Translated
literally, "green-father-wine," perhaps
implying a correlation to Rillifane
emar - honor
en - autumn
encik - influences, charm, glamour
(enchantment over the mind or heart);
compare dre
Encikkar - a dualist wizard from ancient
Cormanthor who focused exclusively on
the schools of Enchantment/Charm and
enial - home
enna - one, each, first (as in the first one,
not first among)
ennama - "first flowering" - birth, dawn
(see Tel'Ennama)
ennamar - few, only
ent - and
enyor - battle
er - boar
-er - one who is (with adjective)
erek - earth (as in dirt, soil, or stone; not
in terms of "the world")
Erevan Ilesere - "stag of the winter
forest, mist of winter" - the elven god of
mischief, change, and rogues - a very
chaotic and free-spirited deity who

often gets into trouble; one of the

erkatam - dwarf - evidently derived
from the words for "earth" and
"adamantine," perhaps loosely
translated as "salt-of-the-earth";
surprisingly, a very complimentary
name for a race that often does not see
eye-to-eye with the elves.
erl - winter
ern - winter
-eruil - noble (virtuous); see also -aruil,
ernath - under
eshaal - through
esk - bag, sack
eso - also
-ess - one (a person, a being; not "one" as
a number)
esti - elven, of the elves
estierran dweomer, enchantment
estierran nha morden part of a spell
intended to undo other spells,
-eth -eternal; see also -deth, eath
etha - healer (female); see also tha
ethal - healer (male); see also thal
-ethar - friend; see also -ithar, -thar
ethil - wing
-eti - eye, sight; see also ti, -til
etriel - 1. a noble elf-sister, a term of
respect used for a noble elven lady or
maid 2. she 3. female, a female
ev - stag
evael - passion - used to describe any
firey, intense emotion
Evael - "Firey Ardor" - a priest of Hanali
Celanil who has reached the seventh
rank. See Araestar.
Evaelathil - "bane of passions" - one of
the baneblades of Myth Drannor, forged
to defend against angry or enraged foes;
also known as the "Halfling's Blade"
evael'dil - paramour, lover


Evael'dil - "Devoted to Passion" or

"Paramour" - a fully recognized priest of
Hanali Celanil. See Araestar.
evaliir - "great song" - music of a bard or
elven minstrel, or a great ballad
Evaliir'Enevahr - "the Song of Enevahr"
- a High Magic ritual that inspires
legendary courage among a battle
Evaliirkerym bladesong the
martial and arcane art of the
bladesinger. See kerymaer/kerymaera;
see also hinukerym.

evar flute
ever- elven place, home of the People
everae - of the People
Evermead - the foremost of elven
meads, reputed to be second to none.
Brewed on Evermeet.
exanimos - extra, surplus, surfeit
-ezair - lightning (male name suffix); see
also -ezara, zair
-ezara - lightning (female name suffix);
see also -ezair, zara

faen - life
faenya - heal, medicine
Faer - "Art" - magic in its highest,
Mystra-sacred form (see also quideh,
lerret); also, lifeforce - Faer is used to
describe the energy that is the Weave
that powers all life, as the elves see life
and magic as essentially one and the
same (see also Selu.)
faerie magical - 1. magical, touched
by magic 2. a term used to describe a
gold elf with violet eyes and silver hair,
usually accompanied by a particularly
pale complexion. This is thought to be a
mark of favor and exceptional
intelligence by many elven cultures,
being the most rare of gold elven
coloring. Perhaps it marks

RuaTelQuessir ancestry. See

ArTelQuessir, RuaTelQuessir.
Faerna - "those who serve Art" - acolytes
in the church of Corellon Larethian
(singular Faern). See Aegis'shee.
Faernsuora - "Art-blessed" - the priests
of Corellon Larethian (singular
Faernsuor). See also Aegis'shee.
Faern One Land
Faervian - "Boon of Art" - a legendary
sword, one of the baneblades of Myth
fanil - fail, failure
feer - us
-fel - lake; see also -afel, -efel
felsul - "mountain lake" - a type of tree
native to the Realms. The leaves are an
eerie blue color and have many points
like maple leaves, which are used with


the sap for dyeing. Felsul bends rather

than breaks under ice. The wood, when
burned, produces a blue flame.
Felsul - a priest or druid of Rillifane
Rallathil who has reached the first rank.
See Celoralanalath.
fendil - known, known to exist, real
Fenmarel Mestarine - "champion of
honor, brother of the lonely" - elven god
of feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats,
isolation and isolationists; one of the
fera champion
fete - fire
fey'ri - a race of tieflings that are half
gold elven, half demon, created when

the exiled Vyshaari clan mated with

demons to increase their own power
and the power of their bloodline.
Commonly known as daemonfey.
fhaor - gift, tribute; the opposite of khaor
fhoel - thousand
fhoeldin - thousandfold
Fhoeldin Durr The Thousandfold
Way also known as the Waymeet; a
place where several elfgates meet
fi, fi- rain, of or like rain
fir, fir- dark, darkness, of or like
firvain - beyond
fis, fis- 1. light, or or like light; 2. depth
foqal - shield, screen, window

gael - pegasus
gala - whisper
gar - owl
ghaatiil - gate, elfgate
Ghaatiil - "The Traveling Path" - a High
Magic ritual that establishes permanent
portals between two or more given
ghaatil'ren - "to pass west" - the journey
that an elf makes when he travels to

giir - brooch, pin

giiraegis - "brooch of guardianship" or
more literally, "protection-brooch".
Plural is giiraegir. A special brooch or
pin worn in Myth Drannor to provide
magical force-armor and other
protective effects such as teleport, haste,
or invisibility.
gil - griffin
gis - keep
gisir - keeper; plural gisiae


ha - free, freedom
hakar - enemy
hakarmaskannar - dragon - literally
translated as "enemies bearing fire," one
can get an excellent picture of the first
elven encounter with dragons centuries
hakavarn - orc - literally translated as
"enemy-evil," the elven opinion of the
orcish race becomes quite clear
hal - pale, weak; see also -ahal, -ihal
halan - battle
halantrad - battlecraft
Halcyon - "halcyon" - A priest of Aerdrie
Faenya; ranks within the Church are as
Nikan - "little eagle, Eaglet"; also
known as Kerradun'drimme "without
flight; the Tethered" - an acolyte
Avinar - "Winged Brother or Sister" - a
full priest of Aerdrie Faenya
See also Avinar, Kerradun'drimme, Nikan.
Hanali Celanil - "freedom's shadow,
highest gift of a beautiful daughter" - the
elven goddess of love, romance, beauty,
fine art and artists, and to some degree
moon elves; one of the aspects of
Angharradh; one of the Seldarine.
har - 1. to join 2. wisdom, wise; see also
-ihar, -uhar

haran - "join hand" - touch, hold hands,

Haress - "Wizened, One Who is Wise" a high priest of Labelas Enoreth. See
harkess - "joined breath" - kiss
harsan - red
hel - sadness, tears
heri - stern
heriryar - horse, steed
heriryarean - ride, rider
hied - hold; held - hiedoso
hiexel - "green freedom and fate" - a
type of tree native to the Realms.
Hiexel - a priest or druid of Rillifane
Rallathil who has reached the fourth
rank. See Celoralanalath.
hiine - your, yours
hin - sound, listen, hear
hinual - speak; evidently considered by
the Tel'Quessir to be a variation of
singing (see also hinue)
hinuallae - poetry, poem "harmonious
speech". See also hinual, hinue.
hinue - song (see also hinual)
hithar - armor
hoarth - chamber, labyrinth
holl - dew
holme - haven, sanctuary
hu- horselike, equine


-i - a pluralizer - used as a suffix, it

indicates multiples of the word it is
added to, like our own "s"
ia, ia- day, a day; daylight, or or like
daytime or daylight; days - iaa
-ia - noble, a noble; see also -ian, -ianna, ii, -ion
ialyshae - blessing, blessed - this is a
hands-on kind of blessing, direct from
the gods, or a direct blessing "go with
my blessing," as opposed to a more
passive blessing "you are blessed."
Ialyshae'Seldar'Wihylos - "Sacraments
of Seldarine Blessing" - a High Magic
ritual that creates a large amount of
normal magical items at once.
-ian - lord; see also quessir, -ia, -ii, -ion
-ianna - lady; see also etriel, -ia, -ii, -ion
iasa - wine (see also quesst)
-iat fire
-ihal - pale, weak; see also -ahal, hal
-ihar - wisdom, wise; see har, -uhar
-ihel - sadness, tears; see -ahel, hel
-ii - noble, a noble; see also -ia, -ian, ianna, -ion
ik - might, mighty (physical strength)
il- mist, misty
-il - gift, giver; see also -ela, -ila, -lie
-ila - gift, giver; see also -ela, -il, -lie
ilaer invader; plural ilaeri
ilaerothil sentinel or, more
accurately, bane of invaders also
Ilaerothil The Sentinel, a mountain in
-ilam - fair; see also lam, -ulam
ili - give, gives
iltem - one (figurative,) someone
ilphu - blossom
ilyran - an opal of rare beauty

Ilythiir noble folk of the mist at

dusk the name of a dark elven nation
that eventually became corrupted and
made war on the other elven nations
Ilythiiri noble folk who walk the mist
of dusk 1. the formal name of the
dark elves of Ilythiir 2. a semi-formal
name used for all dark elves (drow)
-im - duty
-imil - bond, promise; see also -mil, -umil
-inal - far, distant; see also -nal, -onal
inar - sibling (brother or sister); plural inarn
inorum - within
inti - both
iolaa - knife
Iolaa - "knife" - a title within the
Akh'Velahr, given to the commander of a
detachment; just above Nilaa and below
ion - noble, a noble; see also -ia, -ian, ianna, -ii
iorwe step, step aside; also, the
elven name for the spell blink; plural
iqua - creation, beginning, origin
iquar - creator, original
Iquar'Tel'Quessir - "Creator-People" the elven term for the Creator races (a
term used to refer collectively to the
gods that created them and the other
races that they share the world with.) It
is most commonly used in reference to
the gods of the dwarves, the halflings,
the gnomes, the humans, and their own
gods (the Seldarine.) (See also arsurinya,
ir, ira, ire - dusk
irasku - ale
iridor - ruby


is - scribe
-is - scribe, scroll; see -iss, -ist
isal - honey, sweet; see also sal, sali
-isar - quest, seeker; see also -asar, sar
-isel - mountain, like a mountain; see
also -isel, -sel
-iss - scribe, scroll; see -is, -ist
-ist - scribe, scroll; see -is, -iss
itae - beloved; a term of endearment,
sometimes used as a suffix (also -tae)
itas ward
iten spinner
-ithar - friend; see also -ethar, -thar
Ityak-Ortheel - "the Elf-Eater" - a
terrible creature created by the beast-

god Malar to destroy the elves. It is

unclear whether this name is an Elvish
phrase or the name Malar gave to it.
ium lit, illuminated
ivae - light, white, glow
ivaebhin boy filled with brightness
a nickname for Khelben Blackstaff as a
Ivae'ess - "Lightbringer" - a priest of
Corellon Larethian who has achieved
the fourth rank. See Aegis'shee.
Ivae'rillis'Saerlooniasa - "Glowfire wine
of Saerloon" - see Saerloonian Glowfire

ja - staff, stick
jar - dove
Jar - "dove" - title given to a first rank
priest of Hanali Celanil. See Araestar.

jen - how
jharren - rope
Jhimari - the "red dukars" - members of
the Dukar Order of Jhimar

ka- dragon, draconic

kacha - hair
kai - skin
Kai'Soeh'takal - "Skin and Breath of the
Wyrm" - a High Magic ritual that
transforms an elf into a dragon, with all
the accompanying natural abilities.
kan - eagle, eagle-like
kar - act, create, do

karask - demon
kash - fate; see also -ashk, -okash
kathan - branch
ke' - a pluralizer (like "s" in the
Common tongue); used as a prefix. See
also -i.
kekuel - smart, clever
ker - spell, enchantment


Keraera - "Spellsinger" - a priestess of

Eilistraee. See also Kerym'quaress,
kerradun - privation, going without,
kerradunath - "the end of privation and
want" - used once to describe a district
in Myth Drannor
Kerradun'drimme - "without flight, the
Tethered" - an acolyte of Aerdrie Faenya;
see also Halcyon, Nikan.
Kerradunes - "Want of the Heart" or
"Heart's Desire" - a priest of Hanali
Celanil who has reached the sixth rank.
See Araestar.
keryfaer - battle magic
keryfaern - war wizard; one who
specifically studies spells that are of use
on a field of battle (plural - keryfaerna).
Keryfaertel - "the Lore of Battle Magic" a "manual" of a sort once written for the
armathors, including shared spells.
kery- of or relating to warfare,
destruction, or battle
kerym - "blade," most often used to refer
to a sword, or "elfblade"; also, a title for
an officer within the Akh'Velahr.
Kerym - "elven blade" - 1. an elven
blade, usually a sword of noteworthy
power 2. a title for an officer within the
Akh'Velahr who is the commander of a
company, below Penaal and above
kerymaer/kerymaera - "bladesinger"
(male/female) - an elven warrior who
combines magical power and grace with
a sword into a deadly martial art.
Bladesingers are highly respected and
admired in elven society. It takes at
least a human lifetime of training to be
one, requiring both arcane and martial
skill and musical and acrobatic talent.
Orders of kerymaer and/or kerymaera
mark their students with a distinctive
tattoo representing the order upon

graduation. See also

querimhinukeryness, Evaliirkerym.
kerymeth - weapon ("sword-kin" or
"war-tool"); also, a claw or tooth
kerymhoarth - dungeon "chamber of
war, chamber of blades"
Kerym'quaress - "Sword Dancer" - a
priestess of Eilistraee. See also Keraera,
keryness - warrior
kerynsuoress - holy warrior - a word for
a paladin or a holy liberator
Kerynsuoress - "Holy Warrior" - a priest
of Corellon Larethian who has achieved
the third rank. See Aegis'shee.
keryth - warfare, war
Keryvian - "Boon of Battle" - a
legendary sword, one of the baneblades
of Myth Drannor, which contained
powers that enhanced the abilities of its
kesha - before
kesir - elf; see Quessir
kessuk - stupid, gullible
keth- wind, like the wind
kess - breath, life, wind
Khalreshaar - "harmonious binding of
earth, sea, and Man" - the elven name
for Mielikki. Some say that in this
aspect she serves Rillifane Rallathil and
not Silvanus; some say that a human
druid was elevated to the ranks of the
Seldarine for great deeds; and some say
that she is actually the half-elven deific
offspring of Silvanus and Hanali Celanil.
She is one of the Seldarine.
khaor - a curse, forbiddance, banishing;
the opposite of fhaor
khol - (a) stone; see also diir
kholiast - an elven card game consisting
of a 1000 card deck and a very difficult
method of counting points, favored by
sun elves.
khol'maniith - "oath stone" - a stone
that is created by the ritual of
Quamaniith (see Quamaniith)


khov - three, trio

Khov'Aniless - "the Trio Nefarious" the name given to the three mycaloths
Aulmpiter, Gaulguth and Malimshaer
who helped to rally the Army of
Darkness that destroyed Cormanthor
and Myth Drannor.
ki 1. void 2. zero
kiin - keep, reserve, hoard, hold
(connotation of greed); also kiins (keeps,
reserves, hoards, holds)
kiir - a gem, a jewel, a bright star
kileaarn unjoin
kilearrna - unjoining
Kileaarna Reithirgir Unjoining the
Mystic Weave a High Magic rite that
negates other spells

Kintiara - a famous elven marine unit in

the Elven Imperial Navy
klatha - food
klathmor - meat - literal translation:
koeh - earth, earthy
kor black
Korathel the Black Bow; one of the
five sacred weapons of Shevarash. See
also Dhaeraowathil, Dhaeroawathila,
Maelat, Shama, Ukava.
kukisha - bribe
kulaa - bread
Kupavi - the "blue dukars" - members of
the Dukar Order of Kupav
ky - ruby
kyshuf - "on birds' wings to silver" speed, celerity, quick, quickness

la - night
Labelas Enoreth - "guardian of the wild
night, arcane flower of autumn" - the
elven god of time, longevity, the
moment of choice, and history; one of
the Seldarine.
lae, llae harmony; see also al/-ala
laf- moonlike
lahr - name
lam 1. east, eastern 2. fair; see also ilam, -ulam
-lan son; see olan
lani - beautiful
Lani - "the Beauteous" - an acolyte of
Hanali Celanil. See Araestar.
-lanna daughter; see ola
lar shine
laran regal, one who is regal

laranlas regal lady"- a title used by

female rulers of Ardeep
laranlors regal lord" - a title used by
male rulers of Ardeep
lareth - nightfall, twilight
las wild
laspar - "night fist" - a type of tree native
to the Realms.
Laspar - a priest or druid of Rillifane
Rallathil who has reached the third
rank. See Celoralanalath.
lateu - 1. crescent moon, holy to Corellon
Larethian 2. a moonbow - a silvery
crescent that appears in the eyes of the
most ancient of elves when they are
called home to Arvandor, sacred to
Sehanine Moonbow.


lateu'ivae - 1. crescent-moonlight differenced from moonlight in that this

is the special, faint light of the crescent
moon, thought sacred to Corellon
Larethian and Sehanine Moonbow (see also
nodel'ivae, teu'ivae). 2. a rainbow
Lateu'quor - "crescent-here," "Forest
Communion of the Crescent Moon" - a
sacred celebration to Corellon Larethian
that takes place each month at the
crescent moon, celebrating song, dance
and art.
Lateu'suoress - "Crescent-Moonblessed"
- a priest of Corellon Larethian who has
achieved the seventh rank
lath tree
lathanyll - sunlight
laev - a time of peace, peacetime
le - I
-lean - child (as in son or daughter, one's
child); see lyth
leha - but
le'lorinel tel'e'brenequiette - "I to you
as you to me" - a common elven
expression - from le lor nehel
tel'e'bren'quiet "I to you as this one of the
len - ever
lerret - magic; implies applied spell
knowledge, such as a directly-cast
written spell from one's spellbook or
scrolls or the like; practical magic. See
also Faer, quideh.
lersaat - scroll
leshere - thief
lia 1. frond 2. mistress
lian - master
lida - strength (spiritual or inner
-lie - gift, giver; see also -ela, -il, -ila

-lihn - bolt, ray; see also lyn, -llinn

linta - to see (verb); see also pellinta,
lirr shine
-lis - breeze; also -elis, -lys
-llae - harmony, harmonious; see also al/-ala, -la, -lae
-llinn - bolt, ray; see also lyn, -lihn
lo - night
lon - chief; see also ellon
lor - to (in relation to someone, in order
to) - see also nae.
losi - frost
lothos - behind
-lua - holy; see also ual
lue - riddle
-luth - lance; see also -uath, -uth
ly, ly- wolf, wolven, lupine
Lydhaer - "Shadowwolf or Grey Wolf" a priest of Solonor Thelandira who has
reached the third rank. See
Lyenna - "lone wolf" - the title for a
priest of Fenmarel Mestarine; ranks in the
Church, such as they are, are as follows:
Tarkhal - "the Lost" - an acolyte
N'relos - "the Unbowed" - a full priest
See also N'relos, Tarkhal.
lyn - bolt, ray; see also -llinn, -lihn
-lys - breeze; see also -lis, -elis
Ly'Tel'Quessir - the formal name for the
Lythari (see ly, Lythari, Tel'Quessir)
lyth - child, young elf, young, youthful;
see -lean
lythi - children
Lythari - "wolf-friend; great wolf" - the
common name of the Ly'Tel'Quessir,
elves who can take the form of wolves;
also, of the lythari wolf elven (see


Maarlirni - the "green dukars" members of the Order of Maalirn

Maelat a club; one of five sacred
weapons wielded by Shevarash; see also
Dhaeraowathil, Korathel, Shama, Ukava.
maernthor - homeland
ma - mage (female); plural mahs
mah - mage (male); plural - mahs
mil - bond, promise; see also -imil, -umil
mai, maie - death, slayer
mal - war
malawain - "the unawakened" - those
who have not experienced the spiritual
epiphany that other elves usually do at
the end of adolescence. They tend to
feel as though they are outcasts among
their people and often take to a life of
wandering, and they are often regarded
with some pity by other elves.
maniith - the effects of a vow, the result
of an oath
manth - a great oath, a sacred vow
mara - priest, priestly
maravar - "priest of the trees" - a druid
maskan - fire
Maskan'dho - "Fire Falcon" - a priest of
Solonor Thelandira who has reached the
seventh rank. See Eladarn/Eledarn.
maskaulat - steel; perhaps derived from
a descriptor "fire-tempered-iron"
mault - iron
meli - heel
menartu - knowledge
mertel - killed, slain
mestar - lonely, alone (from Fenmarel
meth - tool

mhaor - corruption, plague, or any great

death-bringing force (life-draining
magics, genocidal destruction,
Mhaorathil - "plaguebane" or "bane of
corruption" - one of the baneblades of
Myth Drannor, this one given to
warriors or paladins, that had powers
against sickness and corruption,
including that of undead.
Mhaor'wenta - "Sin-Eaters" - priests or
priestesses of Eilistraee, otherwise
known as Ael'teukacha.
miir - a great blessing, directly from a
divine source
millentu - know, known
mion - diamond
mithral - mithral; this is one of the few
words that Common has taken from the
Espruar tongue
MithralQuess mithral elf (informal),
mithral elven; see RuaQuess,
mor - die, death
morenial - tomb ("home of death")
morimatra - a spiced wine favored by
the drow
mormhaor - undead "the corrupted
Mormhaor'Sykerylor - "The Killing
Storm" - a legendary High Magic ritual
that causes mass destruction of life and
magic on a cataclysmic scale. No one
knows if it ever actually existed or not.
It is said that its use is considered a
sacrilege by the elves, and its use has
been forbidden since the early days of
the Crown Wars.


Morvian - known as "Darkbane," its

name more correctly translates to "boon
against darkness." One of the
baneblades of Myth Drannor, it has
powers against dark forces and chaos
and evil.
muden - blunt(ed)
mus ally, companion
my - emerald
myth - a title given to a city protected by
a mythal, to honor the great magic
embodied there
Mythaalniir Mythal Rite a High
Magic spell that creates a mythal; this

can refer to both the more recently

developed and slightly corrupted, lesser
version of this rite, or to its more
powerful predecessor ritual
Mythaalniir Darach Mythal-shaping
Rite a High Magic spell that alters the
form and function of an existing mythal
to work according to the casters desires
mythal - a mythal; a web of magic that
creates several incredibly powerful,
permanent spell effects through an area,
usually created for its protection.

N' - un-, not, no - a prefix used to negate

whatever it is connected to, much like
our own prefix "un-".
na- ancient
nae - to (go to a place) - see lor
-nae - whisper; see ae
nai- oak, oaken
nai breeze
nainiffi - acorn "oaken-seed"
Nainiffi - "Acorn" - an acolyte of
Rillifane Rallathil. See Celoralanalath.
-nal - far, distant; see also -inal, -onal
nar - nameless, without a name (often a
curse or term of banishment)
nars - nor (as in neither nor)
N'avae - "Impure" - an acolyte of Deep
Sashelas. See Alu'mara.
ne, nee - heart
neh - no
nehel you

neheless - yourself
nehel'feer - them "you-us"
nehel'quen - they "you-we"
nekra - sheath
nelluon - veils, concealment, shadows
Nelluonkkar - a dualist wizard from
ancient Cormanthor who focused
exclusively on the schools of
Illusion/Phantasm and Necromancy.
nes - heart
nesh - for
neshanas stop
neshyrr - spellsong
nesirtye elsewhere; also, the elven
word for the spell dimension door
nevae - dark, darkness "not light"
nevaedarn - darkvision
Nevaetriel - "Dark Lady" - a priestess of
Eilistraee. Also known as Kerym'quaress
or Keraera. Acolytes of the faith are


known as Etriel "Maid." There is also a

faction of the Church known as the
Ael'teukacha "Silver-haired Knights" or
the Mhaor'wenta "Sin-Eaters," which
accepts males as well as females. See
also Kerym'quaress, Keraera.
nha - is
nharaigh - noon
nharaigh lathanyll noontime
sunlight part of a powerful light spell
ni- little, short
nie- un, not (prefix)
niefendil - unknown, known to none
nielen - never
niemel - unseen
ni'ela'dho - fledgling "little raptor"
ni'ele'dho - fledgling "little raptor"
Ni'ela'dho/Nieladho - "Fledgling"
(female/male) - an acolyte of Solonor
Thelandira. See Eladarn/Eledarn.
nievana - no matter, regardless
niffi - seed
ni'hinuallae - "little poem" - a verse or
nikan - eaglet
Nikan - "little eagle, Eaglet" - an acolyte
of Aerdrie Faenya; see also Halcyon,
nikerym - short sword
Nikerym - "short sword" - a title of rank
in the Akh'Velahr given to the
commander of a unit, below Kerym and
above Shaalth.
nikym - dagger
Nikym - "dagger" - a title of rank in the
Akh'Velahr given to the commander of a
section, below Shaalth and above Iolaa.
Nilaa - "little knife" - a title in the
Akh'Velahr given to the common foot
soldier; just below Iolaa.
nilaamen - perilous
nim - deep

Nim'Sashelas - Proper Espruar for the

deity commonly known as Deep
Sashelas. See Deep Sashelas.
nin - rite, ritual; see also -nine, -nyn
-nine - rite, ritual; see also nin, -nyn
-nis - dawn; see also -anis
N'Maernthor - "Hidden Homeland,"
"the homeland that is not" - a High
Magic ritual that conceals an elven
settlement from view and teleports
them around the area so protected.
noarun - far
nodel - moon
nodel'ivae - light from the moon, the
light that the moon gives off - as
differenced from moonlight itself,
thought an intangible thing, this word
refers specifically to the radiant moon's
light in the sky (see also lateu'ivae,
noresh - day, daytime
norn - lich (see baelnorn)
N'Quor'Khaor - "The Banishing,
Binding Outside of the People's Lands,"
"Not-here curse" - a High Magic ritual
that binds or banishes extraplanar
entities, creating a condition for their
N'relos - "Not-coward," unafraid,
uncowed, "the Unbowed" - a name for a
priest of Fenmarel Mestarine. See Lyenna.
N'Tel'Orar - "Corrosion/Erosion" - a
High Magic ritual that induces centuries
of natural erosion in a moment.
N'Tel'Quess - "not-People" - a term
used to describe both other, non-elven
races, and outcasts of the Elven People
(see N', Tel'Quess, Tel'Quessir)
N'tel-que'tethira - city dweller (green
elven term only) - loosely translated,
"Not-People of eternal dusk"
nu - hope, hopeful
Numosi - the "white dukars" - members
of the Dukar Order of Numos
nuvendi - understanding


N'Velahr - "Shadow Soldiers" - a covert

operations faction within Cormanthyr
before its fall, who worked in secret
against inner corruption.

N'Velahrn - one or more members of

the N'Velahr
ny - diamond
-nyn - rite, ritual; see also nin, -nine

oacil - to join together, for separate

things to merge together into one
Oacil'Quevan- "The Forms of Unity and
Age Among the Forests" - a High Magic
ritual that shapes great trees and other
plant life into different forms, including
houses, barriers, and buildings.
-odar - world; see -adar, dar, tel'adar
odelhir - dark of the moon
-okash - fate; see also kash, -ashk
ola daughter; see -lanna
olan son; see -lan
Ol'Iirtal'Eithun - "Flights of True Mark,
Arrows of Art; a High Magic ritual that
forms a large number of magical arrows
with varying effects.
olin - secret
Olin Gisir - "Secret-Keeper" - a mage
tradition among the elves, where the
members learn secret and potentially
dangerous knowledge, and work to
keep it out of the hands of the
unworthy; plural - Olin Gisiae
-on - keep, keeper (male); see also -onna
-onal - far, distant; see also -inal, -nal

ondreier potency, power

Ondreier Ysele Potent Declamation
or Word of Potency a High Magic
spell that adds power to the next spell
cast by the High Mage who invokes it
-onna - keep, keeper (female); see also
op either, or; see quin
-or 1. a suffix meaning "realm" 2.
flower; see also oro
orar - erosion, entropy, decay, corrosion
orisa - grow, growth
-oro - flower; see also or
Or'Tel'Quessir - translated in one
source as "people of the woods," it
perhaps more accurately translated as
"people of the realm" - a tribe of feral,
barbaric green and moon elves who
survived the destruction of Eillur in the
Crown Wars, enslavement by the
Ilythiiri, and unspeakable horrors
unleashed in the jungle territory they
were given to inhabit. They universally
worship Fenmarel Mestarine.
oth - gate; plural othi


pellinta - look, to look; see also linta,

penaal polearm
Penaal - "polearm" - a title in the
Akh'Velahr given to the commander of a
battalion, between Kerym and Arykerym.
phandar - "blossom maker of the world"
- a tree native to the Realms, prized for
its beauty

Phandar - a priest or druid of Rillifane

Rallathil who has reached the sixth
rank. See Celoralanalath.
piir - valuable item, treasure
py - sapphire
pye - four
Pyesigen - "four snows" - an alternative
name in elven slang for Shieldmeet,
which happens every four years (see
also Aeloulaev, Cinnaelos'Cor)

qua - tangible, palpable, solid

Qu'alushtasa - "Bathed" - a fully
recognized priest of Deep Sashelas. See
Quamaniith - "The Vow Tangible" - a
High Magic ritual that creates a stone
embodying a vow or pact made
between two or more parties; if the oath
is broken, the stone is shattered.
quar - dance, to dance
quaress - dancer
quarlani - soul (from the words for
"beautiful dance")
quarlani'har - "soul-bond" - friendship
Quarlaninar - "Totem Sister" - one of the
rare priestesses of Angharradh
who studies the art of totemic magic; see
also Afaera.
que 1. lake 2. forgotten, lost
quen we
querimhinue bladesong the lesser
form of the bladesong martial art known
as Evaliirkerym, which teaches only
martial arts maneuvers and not the
combined mastery of arcane and
warriors arts that mark the greater
form. See querymhinukeryness; see also

querimhinukeryness bladesong
warrior a student of the lesser form
of the bladesong martial art, who
practices the maneuvers but not the
arcane and martial study. Plural
querimhinukerynessi. See Evaliirkerym,
querimhinue; see also
quess - "of the People"
Quess'Ar'Teranthvar - "the Golden
Grove of Hidden Knowledge" - a sacred
but mysterious treasure of lost Myth
Drannor that is said to have contained
great magical knowledge "High Sacred
Grove of the People".
quessir - 1. people 2. a term of respect
used for an honorable elven male, often
of noble lineage 3. he 4. male, a male
quesst - 1. wine of extremely great
quality, ambrosia 2. nectar
quesstiasa nectar-wine strong elven
spirits distilled from fruit nectar and
honey under moonlight
quevan - the greatest accumulated
wisdom of the forests, "wisdom of the
trees" - from Oacil'Quevan "forms of
unity and age among the forests" and


Codex Quevan (great books of

accumulated magical knowledge)
quideh - magic, implying that it is of a
relatively minor or spontaneous nature,
as opposed to a formal study (see also
Faer, lerret)
quin or; see op

quinpah a light, flaky honey pastry

quis - chant, chanting
quor - here, the place that one is
currently in (from N'Quor'Khaor)
quorshe now, in the present moment

radh - leaf
-rae - beast; see also rah, -raee
-raee - beast; see also -rae, rah
raer - unicorn
rah - beast; see also -rae, -raee
reth - arcane
rail - hunter (male); see also aral, ria, -ral, ryl
-ral - hunter; see also -aral, -ral, rail, ria, ryl
ran - binding, shackles; see also -re, -reen
ravan - forest; see also -van, -vanna, -var
ravanthas - friend (obviously derived
from "forest-dwellers")
re bear, ursine
-re - binding, shackles; see also ran, -reen
-reen - binding, shackles; see also ran, reen
reithirgir exceptionally powerful
rel - cow, force to submit, subjugate;
something thought of as a vile thing by
rell - many
relos - coward
reloseer - cowardice, fear
ren - west, western
resoshi - grant(s), bestow(s)
revar - rest
reverie - sleep, meditation,
daydreaming, reflection; the meditative,
dreamlike state that is the elven form of
sleep, which has made its way in limited

form into the Common tongue as a

synonym for reflection or daydreaming
reverie'lateu - "dream of the moonbow"
- a holy vision, a psychic flash
Revar'sehaness - "Dream Traveler" or
"Dream Walker" - a priest of Sehanine
Moonbow who has reached the sixth
rank. See Aerakiir.
-ri 1. spring; see ari 2. walker, walks;
see ro, -ron
ria - huntress; see also aral, rail, -ral, -ryl
rid - spear
rilis - wood (as a part taken from a tree,
not as a woodland grove)
rilisafel - weirwood "wood of the lake" a type of tree native to the Realms
which resembles oak, but has silverybrown leaves with black velvet
undersides. The wood will not burn in
natural fire and is favored in the making
of musical instruments. It is very rare
and actively protected by druids.
Rilisafel - "Weirwood" - a priest or
druid of Rillifane Rallathil who has
reached the ninth rank. See
rilisira - duskwood "wood of dusk" - a
type of tree native to the realms, dark in
color and exceptionally hard but
lightweight. It is prized by the elves as
armor and building material, and


weapons and shields of duskwood are

highly prized by adventurers.
Rilisira - "Duskwood" - a priest or druid
of Rillifane Rallathil who has reached the
seventh rank. See Celoralanalath.
Rillifane Rallathil - "wood-father,
nemesis of fire" - the elven god of
woodlands, nature, wild elves, druids
and trees, especially oaks; one of the
rillis - burning, flaming, aflame
ro - walker, walks; see -ri, -ron
-ro summer; see aro
-ron - walker, walks; see -ri, ro
ru - dream, dreamlike
rua - star, starlike
Rua'darness - "one who sees stars" or
"Stargazer" - a priest of Sehanine
Moonbow who has reached the first
rank. See Aerakiir.
RuaQuess star elf (informal), star
elven; see RuaTelQuess, MithralQuess
RuaTelQuessir star elves elves that
dwell in Sildeyuir, an extraplanar refuge
connected to the Yuirwood. They have

pearly gray or faintly violet overtones to

their pale skin, gold, red, or silver-white
hair, and gray or violet eyes, often with
gold flecks. Star elven blood may be
what causes faerie elves to appear
among the gold elves. Also called
mythral elves. See MithralQuess,
RuaQuess, TelQuessir.
ruathar star-friend a being of
another race (usually human) who
serves and aids Elvenkind, who is
granted special blessings by the
Seldarine in order to do this, including
elf-sight and an extended lifespan
ruil - noble (virtuous); see also -aruil, eruil
rum - meadow
ry - jade
-ryl - hunter; see also aral, rail, ria, -ral, ryl
rysar - an important span of time, an
elven generation, a ruler's reign;
roughly equivalent to our term "aeon" or

saaden - below
sae- wood, of or like the wood
saelas wildwood wood that
continues to grow and heal damage to
itself, even after it has been shaped into
other items
SaeQuess wood elf (informal), wood
elven; see SyQuess, SyTelQuessir
Saerloonian "Glowfire" - a pale,
luminous wine with a taste reminiscent

of pears; the true Elvish form would be

Saerloonian "Topaz" - a yellow amber
wine with a nutty quality and bold fruit
overtones; the true Elvish form would
be Arthuen'Saerlooniasa.
-sah - bow, fletcher; see also -as, -ash
sal, sali - honey, sweet; see also isal
saloh - gift, blessing, tribute


Saloh'Cint'Nias - "Gift of Alliance" - a

High Magic ritual that calls upon the
ancient allies of the elves, be they
natural or extraplanar, to assist them.
san - drink, wine
sanerek - cave, cavern ("below-earth")
sar - quest, seeker; see also -asar, -isar
sarash small
savalir murderer, killer
scennel - inn or pub; generally one of
low quality (see also aul)
scient - gold (metal)
seanchai - a bard of great talent and
seh - soft
Sehanine Moonbow - "soft-makersister" or "soft creator-sister" - elven
goddess of mysticism, dreams, death,
journeys, transcendence, the moon, the
stars, the heavens, and moon elves, who
protects against madness and who
guides the aged and those who have
died to Arvandor; one of the aspects of
Angharradh and one of the Seldarine. The
more proper elven form of her name
would be Sehanine Lateu.
Sehanine Lateu - the proper Espruar for
the deity commonly known as Sehanine
Moonbow. See Sehanine Moonbow.
sehan - travel, journey, walk
sehan'maniith - quest "journey as a
result of an oath or vow"
seharan - caress, soft touch
Seharan - "Soft Touch" or "Soft Caress" a priest of Hanali Celanil who has
reached the fifth rank. See Araestar.
sekkar - flee
sel - high
-sel - mountain, like a mountain; see
also -asel, -isel
Seldar - of the Seldarine
Seldarine - "brothers and sisters of the
high wood" - the name given
collectively for the elven deities. Since
they are all related in some way
according to mythology, perhaps it can

be thought of as a sort of "family name."

The Seldarine includes Aerdrie Faenya,
Angharradh, Corellon Larethian, Deep
Sashelas, Erevan Ilesere, Fenmarel
Mestarine, Hanali Celanil, Khalreshaar,
Labelas Enoreth, Rillifane Rallathil,
Sehanine Moonbow, Shevarash, Solonor
Thelandira, and Zandilar the Dancer; and
once also included Araushnee, Eilistraee,
and Vhaeraun. See also arsurinya,
seldhaer - shadowtop "high shadow" - a
type of tree native to the Realms,
respected for its thick, green, almost
impenetrable foliage. It has high,
feathery leaves with copper undersides,
and its fibrous wood is used in
Seldhaer - "Shadowtop" - a priest or
druid of Rillifane Rallathil who has
reached the eighth rank. See
selu - high knowledge, great Art, High
Selu - the Weave
Selu'Kiira - "high lore gems" (see
Tel'Kiira) - these larger, more ornate and
multi-faceted crystals were used in
much the same fashion as the Tel'Kiira,
containing memories and knowledge of
the previous wearers, only they passed
on the knowledge of High Magic. It is
thought that at one time all High Mages
possessed these great gems, and it was
even speculated that at one time, one
could not perform High Magic without
one. They changed coloration with age
and accumulated knowledge, beginning
in hues of blue, and then changing to
green, black, brown, orange, and finally,
a brilliant red. There were also said to
be disastrous consequences to the
wearing of one by those not considered
worthy. Again, as with the Tel'Kiira, the
last of them is believed to have been lost


with the fall of Myth Drannor. Singular

form - Selu'Kiir.
Selu'Taar High Mages
sen - what
sennivi - lovely
sherekir - halfling - perhaps related to
the words for "jewel rogue" or "thief of
jewels," one must wonder at the initial
contact between the elves and the
halflings, and whether they meant this
in an affectionate or exasperated
sha 1. sun 2. friend
-sha - ocean; see also -she, -shor
shaalth - axe
Shaalth - "axe" - a rank within the
Akh'Velahr, given to the commander of a
platoon, below Nikerym and above
shaar - plain, savannah
shalaquin - a long-necked elven
instrument somewhat akin to a vielle. It
is plucked or strummed like a lute, and
string tension (tuning) is controlled by a
ratcheting wheel.
Shama a spear; one of the five sacred
weapons wielded by Shevarash. See also
Dhaeraowathil, Korathel, Maelat, Ukava.
shan - go
ShaQuess sun elf (informal), sun
elven; see ArQuess, ArTelQuessir
Sha'Quessir - "elf-friend" or "friend of
the People" - a non elf honored by a
place of status and respect in elven
society, usually by virtue of some great
deed done for the Elven People or their
sharatam - gnome
Sharess - "one who is a friend" - a
goddess of joy, ecstasy and pleasure,
who is an amalgamation of the elven
deity once known as Zandilar the Dancer
and the Mulhorandi goddess called
Bast. See also Zandilar the Dancer.
sharti - where
she - age, time

-she - ocean; see also -sha, -shor

shee - fey, of the fey, of elvenkind
shekyshuf a split second, a moment
shesh - place
she'teless - chronologist
She'teless - "Chronologian" - a priest of
Labelas Enoreth, one more focused on the
lore of study than on the lore of worldly
things. See Baelshe.
Shevarash - "timeless archer-father" the elven god of hatred of the drow,
vengeance, military crusades, loss and
revenge; one of the Seldarine. Also
known as Elikarashe by the elves of the
Yuirwood. Priests of Shevarash are
known as the Dhaeroawathila.
shiorell - contentment
-shor - ocean; see also -sha, -she
shunti - when
si- cat, feline
sian - brook
siffi - fool, idiot
sigen - snow
siilen - that, which
sikki - equal, equally
sil - still (as in "even still"), yet
silath mountain
sillevi astraedh a password used to
open the magically-protected door to
the Elven Court
sim - north, northern
Sindiath Line - a spelljamming trading
company loyal to the Elven Imperial
skiimer - soon
soeh - breath, breath weapon
sofema - lament, mourn
sol - history, memory
soless - loremaster
Soless - "Recorder," "one who
remembers" - a priest of Labelas Enoreth
who has reached the second rank. See


Solonor Thelandira - "keeper of the

memory of flowers, son of the dusky
sky" - the elven god of archery, hunting,
and wilderness survival, and patron of
rangers; one of the Seldarine. See
sol'teless - "keeper of the lore of
memory or history" - a historian
Sol'teless - "Historian" - a priest of
Labelas Enoreth who has reached the
sixth rank. See Baelshe.
spar fist
Srinnala - an order dedicated to
defending the ideals of the dream of the
Coronals of Cormanthyr, who desired
peace and harmony for all peoples,
named for a legendary individual
known as the Srinshee (see Srinshee; see
also Telessrin)
Srinshee - a title used as a name by a
great and noble High Mage who served
the Coronal Eltargrim Irithyl in
Cormanthyr, who also was the last
known possessor of the Ar'Cor'Kerym.
The title was taken from the ancient
name of her noble House, of which she
was the last (see also Srinnala, Telessrin)
ssri- silk, silent
Ssri'Tel'Quessir - "silk elves" or "silent
elves" - an ancient term used to refer to
the drow before the Descent (see
DhaerQuess, Dhaeroaw, drow, Ilythiiri,
ssri, Tel'Quessir)
stacia - star
staleen - luck
sum- water, of water
suor - bless, a blessing, holy, blessed by
suoress - one who is blessed, a holy
person, a deity's Chosen or prophet (in
that case, usually capitalized)
Suor'revaress - "holy or blessed
dreamer," "Reverent Dreamer" - a priest
of Sehanine Moonbow who has reached
eighth or higher rank. See Aerakiir.
Suorevar'vuorless - "messenger of holy
visions" or "Omen Teller" - a priest of

Sehanine Moonbow who has reached the

fifth rank. See Aerakiir.
suor'reverie - "holy dream" - a holy
surinya - celestial, of the heavens
Surinyar - "Celestial Being,
Transcendentalist" - a priest of Sehanine
Moonbow who has reached the seventh
rank. See Aerakiir.
Surinya'suor - "Heavenly blessed" or
"the Heavenly" - another name for a
priest of Sehanine Moonbow. Plural
Surinya'suora. See Aerakiir.
surnar - cleric ("one touched by the
suyoll - great renewal or revival,
resurrection, restoration
Suyoll - "The Revival" - a High Magic
ritual that restores an elf's natural
harmony (rids curses, poisons, spell
effects like petrification, etc.)
sy - faerie, wild, sylvan, green (a natural
leaf green, or referring to "green" under
its associations with nature); also,
copper (color or metal)
sykerylor - maelstrom, hurricane,
tornado, killing storm
syl - faerie, wild, sylvan, green (a
natural leaf green, or referring to "green"
under its associations with nature)
syldritch - ancient and magical, faerie
Sylvanesti - "faerie wood elves" - a term
used to refer to the green elves of the
world of Krynn
SyQuess copper or green elf
(informal), copper or green elven; see
SyolQuess wild elf (informal), wild
elven; see SyQuess, SyTelQuessir
syol - wild, chaos
syolkiir - a shooting star
Syolkiir - "Wildstar" or perhaps more
accurately "shooting star" - 1. the title
given to the liaison/messenger of the
Arms-Major of the Akh'Velahr in the
last days of Myth Drannor 2. a title


given to any runner between divisions

in the Cormanthor military 3. a title
given to a priest of Corellon Larethian
who has achieved the sixth rank of
Syolkiira - "wild stars" - Wildspace (see
also Ther'noarun)
Syoluanna - "Mischiefmakers, Makers
of Chaos" - priests of Erevan Ilesere; there
are only a few ranks within the Church,
which are as follows:

Kessuk - "The Gullible" - an acolyte

Aasterinian - "Quicksilver" - a full
sy'quideh - "green magic" - magic
associated with nature or the forest
Sy'Tel'Quessir - green or copper elves.
This race name refers to both green or
wild elves, and copper or wood elves.
See SaeQuess, sy, SyQuess, SyolQuess,

ta - fox
tae love, beloved; a term of
endearment, often used as a suffix (see
tahl - blade
tahlemar - "blade of honor" - a blade
sacred to the baelreth, which is bonded to
their spirit and grants them special
abilities, the embodiment and symbol of
their vows (see also baelreth)
tahl'nodel - moonblade (see also
tarine - animal
tarkhal - lost
Tarkhal - "the Lost" - an acolyte of
Fenmarel Mestarine. See Lyenna.
tas - wall
tasa - flow, run, wash, dripping
teague - upon
tel' - the
tel - ancient, lore
Tel'Adar - the World
Tel'Ennama "The First Flowering" - the
creation of the world and the first elves.
teless - lorekeeper, chronicler

Teless - "Lorist, Lorekeeper" - a priest of

Labelas Enoreth who has reached the
fourth rank. See Baelshe.
Telessrin - "keeper of the Srinshee's
lore" - a title given to the leader of an
order known as the Eternal Srinnala that
existed in the days of Myth Drannor
right before its fall (see Srinnala,
Telgisir Lorekeeper one of two
types of Dukars (elven dualist mages);
plural Telgisiae. See Dukar; see also
Tel'Kiira - "lore gems" - magical gems
once worn on the forehead in
Cormanthyr and other elven nations by
the lords or ladies of noble houses.
They were semi-sentient and contained
the knowledge and memories of all
previous wearers, handed down
through elven generations as family
heirlooms. After the fall of Myth
Drannor, all known Tel'Kiira
disappeared (see also Selu'Kiira)


telmiirkara transfiguration,
Telmiirkara Neshyrr Transfiguring
Spell-Song a spell that changes the
essential nature of a caster to that of
some form of outsider
Tel'Quess - of the People (adjective)
Tel'Quessir - The People (elves)
tel'quiet - me "a part of the People"
telthukiilir High Seeing Orb or
great gem of lore effectively, a very
powerful crystal ball, capable of
piercing even the most powerful
magical defenses; a relic of Aryvandaar.
One was housed in the Tower of the
Moon in Evermeet, and another was
acquired by the feyri who invaded
Myth Drannor.
ten spin
tenya - clothing
teranth - secret knowledge, the occult
teranthvar - a sacred or magical grove
teshuel - take
teu - tear, moon, silver, spirit (refering
to Sehanine's Tears, by which the Elven
spirit is said to have been created)
Teu'dhaer "Silver Shadows" - a
euphemism for the Lythari as used by
the green elves.
teu'heriryar - moonhorse
teu'ivae - moonlight - the intangible
radiance of the moon (see also lateu'ivae,
teu-kelytha legendary moonhorse of
Evermeet; formal name for the
moonhorses and a formal form of
teu'kerym - moonblade (see also
teukiir - moonstone
Teu'quaress - "Moondancer" - a priest of
Sehanine Moonbow who has reached the
second rank. See Aerakiir.
Teu'revar'sehaness - "one who quests
for visions" or "Vision Seeker" - a priest

of Sehanine Moonbow who has reached

the fourth rank. See Aerakiir.
teushtasa - "rain of tears" - cry, crying,
tears, weeping
Teu'suoress - "Mooncalled," "Moonblessed" - an acolyte of Sehanine
Moonbow. See Aerakiir.
TeuQuess moon/silver elf (informal),
moon/silver elven; see TeuTelQuessir
Teu'Tel'Quessir - silver (moon) elves
(see teu, Tel'Quessir)
teu'trakai - silverbark - a type of tree
native to the Realms, prized for its
Teu'trakai - "Silverbark" - a priest or
druid of Rillifane Rallathil who has
reached the second rank. See
tha, tha- 1. blue 2. vigil, vigilance 3.
healer (female); see also etha
thaes young stranger-elf, an archaic
form of address expressing a neutral
stance towards a younger elf whom one
has just met.
thal - healer (male); see also ethal
tham - near
thar - good
-thar - friend; see also -ethar, -ithar
thas those
-thas harp, harper (female name
suffix); see aethas
thearn - thorn
theur - summoned, conjured, invoked,
evoked - conjured by magic, magical
Theur'foqal - "Summoned Shield,
Conjured Screen" - a High Magic ritual
that creates a sheet of magical energy to
be used as a really high quality window.
ther - sky, of the sky
-ther armor, protection; also ather, thir
Ther'darness - "one who sees/observes
the sky," "Sky Seer" - a priest of Sehanine
Moonbow who has reached the third
rank. See Aerakiir.


Ther'noarun - "far sky" - Wildspace; see

also Syolkiira
-thi - wing, winged
-thir armor, protection; also ather, ther
thiramin - love, soul-mate
thiramindil - suitor "devoted to soulmate"
Thiramindil - "Suitor" - a priest of
Hanali Celanil who has reached the
second rank. See Araestar.
thiraminitae - lover, betrothed "beloved
of soul-mate"
Thiraminitae - "Lover" - a priest of
Hanali Celanil who has reached the third
rank. See Araestar.
tho - true, truth
thosel - pool (of water)
thro - lore, sage
throess - "sage one" - a sage

Throess - "Sage" - a priest of Labelas

Enoreth who has reached the seventh
rank. See Baelshe.
thuen - yellow
-thus harp, harper (male name suffix);
see aethus
ti - eye, sight; see also -eti, -til
tia - magic, magical
-til - eye, sight; see also -eti, ti
tirith - tower
tra - tree
trad - craft, art, tradition
trakai - bark "tree skin"
-tria - dancer (female); see also atria
-tril - dancer (male); see also atril
Trishina - "dancer of the ocean's heart" ally to the Seldarine, goddess of dolphins
and consort to Deep Sashelas.
trea - grove
ty crystal, crystaline

u - thought, mind
ua - family, kin, cousin, kinswoman
(female); plural uai; see also us
u'aestar'kess - communion - a unique
spirit bond of the elven people, that all
elves may enter into with one another if
they succeed in the proper preparation,
which involves complete and total
trust. This bond of the spirit creates an
empathic link.
U'Aestar'Kess - "one heart, one mind,
one breath" - an ancient High Magic
ceremony, which was once the standard
of marriage ceremonies among the elven
people. It created an empathic and
partially telepathic link between the
newly-bonded couple. It is perhaps a

testament to the tragic state of the

elvenkind that they have lost the
knowledge of this ritual now, except
among a select few, and it has become
very dangerous to perform.
-ual - holy; see also lua
uann - make; see also -a, -an, -ana, -ani,
uanna - maker, builder, crafter; see also
-a, -an, -ana, -ani, uann
uath - lance; see also -luth, -uth
uaul - against, opposed to
Uaul'Selu'Keryth - "The Sundering, at
War With the Weave" - a High Magic
ritual that causes a temporary rift in the
Weave, causing all kinds of mass


destruction. Once used to create the

island of Evermeet.
-udrim - flight, flyer; see also -drim,
U'haess - "Free-thinker or Libertine" - a
priest of Hanali Celanil who has reached
the fourth rank. See Araestar.
-uhar - wisdom, wise; see har, -ihar
Ukava a sling; one of the five sacred
weapons wielded by Shevarash. It is
traditional amongst some priests of
Shevarash to assign one of the five sacred
weapons sword, bow, spear, sling, and
club to each member of a Drowhunting party. See also Dhaeraowathil,
Dhaeraowathila, Korathel, Maelat, Shama.
-ulam - fair; see also -ilam, lam
-umil - bond, promise; see also -mil, -imil
ursplin - learning, study, attainment of
knowledge; compare wytalimen
ursplindaar - library "place for study
and the attainment of knowledge"
ursplindaaress - librarian
Ursplindaaress - "Librarian" - a priest of
Labelas Enoreth who has reached the
third rank. See Baelshe.

urspliness - scholar "one who studies"

Urspliness - "Scholar" - a priest of
Labelas Enoreth who has reached the fifth
rank. See Baelshe.
urspliniqu'ess - "one who is at the
beginning of study" - apprentice, novice,
acolyte, tyros.
Urspliniqu'ess - "Tyros" - an acolyte of
Labelas Enoreth. See Baelshe.
us - family, kin, cousin, kinsman (male);
plural usi; see also ua
usal - chase, hunt, pursuit
Usal-Keryth - "the Chasing War" - an
alternative name for the Ar'Sha'Quessir
u'tel - philosophy "the lore of thought"
u'teless - "keeper of the lore of thought"
- a philosopher
U'teless - "Philosopher" - a priest of
Labelas Enoreth who has reached the
eighth rank. See Baelshe.
uth - wizard
-uth - lance; see also -luth, uath

vaarn - evil
vain - spirit; see avain
-van, -vanna, -var - "of the trees"; see
-var - father; see also avar
vara - mother; plural varae
vel - arms
velahr - of the army or military; also, a
velahrn - the army or military

venishu - counselor, confidant, vizier,

ver - peace
veri - live, living
veritam - a life, one's life
via - good fortune, luck; see also avia
-vian - a suffix meaning "boon," often
used in the naming of swords
vil - finger, point
vin - storm; see avin
vivendi - clear


von - ice
vuorl - message
Vuorl'Kyshuf - "A Message on Birds'
Wings to Silver" - a High Magic ritual

that allows communication between

people at a distance, speaking to images
of one another.

welsa - open, openly

wihylos - sacraments - sacred objects,
artifacts, items directly blessed by the
divine; singular wihylo.
wy- experience; experienced directly,
personally understood (prefix)
wylinta - see(n) for oneself (from wy"experience" and linta "to see")
wylint'ess - watcher, observer

Wylint'ess - "Observer," "one who

watches or sees" - a priest of Labelas
Enoreth who has reached the first rank.
See Baelshe.
wytalimen - firsthand knowledge,
knowledge gained by experience
(compare ursplin)
wyn - music, musician

xilo petal

ya 1. bridge, path, way 2. helm

yewl - give

yn - bringer; see also yr

yr - bringer; see also yn


yrrin - faith
yrrinnam - (the) faithful

ysele word, declamation

yth - folk, people

za - royal, of royalty
za'af - crown "circlet of royalty"
zair - lightning; see also -ezair, zara
Zandilar the Dancer - "Princess of
generosity and creation," more properly
called Zandilar tel'Quaress in Espruar.
One of the Seldarine. See Sharess.
Zandilar tel'Quaress - the proper
Espruar for Zandilar the Dancer.

zara - lightning; see also -ezara, zair

zel - during, in the meantime
zenar - half, less than half
zenar'bhen - "half-human" - a half-elf
zenar'hakavarn - a half-orc (rarely used,
as elves are wont to think of anyone
with orcish blood as an orc)
zenar'quess - half elven
zy - ivory


ommon -

above - ar
acolyte - urspliniqu'ess
acorn - nainiffi
act - kar
adamantine - atamar
adolescence - beryn fin
adolescent - beryn finess
advisor - venishu
aeon - rysar
aeons - adoe
aflame - rillis
after - deshu
against - uaul
age - she
ages - adoe
air - drii
ale - irasku
alike - e
alliance - cint'nias
ally - mus
also - eso
alone mestar
always eathshe


ambrosia - quesst
ancient - na, tel
and - ent
animal - tarine
apprentice - urspliniqu'ess
arcane - reth
archer - cael
armor hither; -ther, -ather, -thir
arms (as in "taking up arms") - velahr
arms (weapons) - kerymeth
army - velahrn
arrow - elandi
art - trad
Art - Faer
artifact - wihylo; plural wihylos
as e
at all times eathshe
attack, strike - ella
autumn - en
awake, awakened - awain
axe - shaalth
azure eil


badge - giir
bag - esk
ballad - evaliir
bane - athil
banish, banishment - khaor
bard - celoralanalath, also seanchai
(really talented or skilled)
bark - trakai
battle - enyor, halan
battlecraft - halantrad
battle magic - keryfaer
bear (animal) - re; grizzly bear - ari're
bear (carry, endure) - deth
beast rah; -rae, -raee
beat (rhythm) - alurashe
beautiful - ama, lani
beauty - ama
before - kesha
beginning - iqua
beginner - urspliniqu'ess, iqua'ess
behind - lothos
belief, believe - yrrin
believer - yrrinnam
beloved - tae, itae, thiramen
below - saaden
beside - ausa
bestow(s) - resoshi
betrothed - thiramindil, thiraminitae
beyond - firvain
big ary
binding ran; -re, -reen
birth - ennama "first flowering"
black - cerlyn; korblade - tahl; also kerym
bladesinger kerymaer (male),
kerymaera (female)
bladesong Evaliirkerym
bless - suor
blessing - miir, suor; also ialyshae "go
with my blessing"; saloh "blessed gift"

blessed - suor; also ialyshae "directly

blessed from the hands of the gods"
blink iorwe (spell)
blood - alusfaen
blossom - ilphu
blue - eil, tha
blue elven EilQuess; see also sea elven
blue elves - Alu'Tel'Quessir; EilQuess
(informal); see also sea elves
blueleaf - eilrahd
blunt, blunted - muden
boar er
bolt lyn; -llinn, -lihn
bond mil; -imil, -umil
boon - vian
both - inti
bow athel; -as, -ash, -sah; moonbow lateu
bowyer - athel'uanna
branch - kathan
bravery - arranaseer
bread - kulaa
breath - kess, soeh (dragon's breath)
breathe - soeh
breeze nai; -lis, -elis, -lys
bribe - kukisha
bridge ya
bring - yn
bringer yr, yn
bright - fis
brooch - giir
brook - sain
brother - inar
build - uann
builder - uanna
burning - rillis
but - leha
by - ath


canine - coo
caress - seharan
carry - deth
cat - cath; elven cat - cath shee; catlike - si
cave, cavern - sanerek
celerity - kyshuf
celestial - surinya; celestial being surinyar
chamber - hoarth
champion - fera
change alura
chant, chanting - quis
chaos - syol
charge (something one is charged to do) akh
charm encik (a magical charm,
enchantment); dre (charm of personality);
charming - dre
chase usal
chief lon, ellon
child - lyth; one's child -lean (as a suffix
to a name)
childhood - lith
children - lythi
chronicler - teless
chronologist - she'teless
circle - af
city - benerel
city dweller - N'tel-que'tethira
clear - vivendi
cleric - surnar
clever - kekuel
clothing tenya
comet - elladyr
command - akh
communion - u'aestar'kess
companion - mus
concealment - nelluon
confidant - venishu

conjure, conjured - theur

contentment shiorell
copper - sy
copper elven SyQuess; see also wood
copper elves SyTelQuessir; SyQuess
(informal); see also wood elves
corrosion - orar
corruption mhaor
council - caerilcarn
counselor venishu
counter athil, -thil
counterattack, counterstrike - ellathil
courage - arranaseer
court ahkiilor
cousin us (male), ua (female)
covert operations - N'Velahr
covert operative - N'Velahrn
cow (frighten) - rel
coward - relos
cowardice - reloseer
craft - brar, trad; to craft - uann
crafty - ah
craftsman - abrar, uanna "maker"
create - kar, uann
creation - iqua; the Creation Tel'Ennama "The First Flowering"
creator - iquar
crescent - du
crescent moon - lateu; crescent moonlight
- lateu'ivae
crown - za'af; of the Crown - za'
Crown Wars CorRysarKeryth
crusade - keryth
cry - teushtasa
crying - teushtasa
crystal - ty, cryshal; crystalline - ty
curse - khaor
cyclone - arrn, sykerylor


dagger - nikym
dance quar; -atri
dancer quaress; -atri; -tril, atril (male); tria, atria (female)
danger - daquin
dark, darkness - nevae, dhaer, fir;
darkness (spiritual) - mor; dark of the moon
dark elven DhaerQuess, drow,
dark elves dhaeroaw, drow, Ilythiiri,
dark/green elves - Cha'Tel'Quessir
darkvision - nevaedarn
daughter - ola; -lanna (as a term of
affection added to a name)
dawn ennama; -nis, -anis
day, daytime - noresh; a day - ia; days iaa
daydream - reverie
daylight - ia
daylightlike - ia
death - mor; of death - mai-; ghaatilren
death of old age, though the meaning of
that phrase is really passing west,
which is thought to be a journey to
Arvandor as opposed to a true death
decay orar
declamation - ysele
deep - nim
deity - arsurinya; creator deities Iquar'Tel'Quessir; elven deities
demon - karask

destiny - dharasha
destruction - orar; mhaor (terrible
genocidal destruction)
devour - went; devourer, to devour wenta
dew - holl
diamond - mion; of diamond or
diamondlike - nydie mor
dimension door - nesirtye
dimensions - dijak
dirt erek
distant noarun; -nal, -inal, -onal
do - kar
dog - coo; elven dog - cooshee
dove - jar
draconic - ka
dragon - hakarmaskannar; also takal
dream - revar, reverie, ru; dreamlike - rudrink - san
drow - drow, dhaeroaw, Ilythiiri,
druid - maravar, celoralanalath; sea
druid - alu'mara
dungeon - kerymhoarth
during zel
dusk ir; -ira, -ire; see also twilight
duskwood - rilisira
duty akh; -im
dwarf erkatam
dweomer - estierran
dynamics - alura
dynasty - rysar


each - enna
eagle - kan
eaglelike - kanearth - erek; earthy - koeh
eat - went; to eat - wenta
east - lam
eastern - lam
ecstacy - aravae
eight - pye'aia
eighth - pye'aia
either - op
elf - kesir, quessir
elf maid - etriel
elfblade - kerym
Elf-Eater - Ityak-Ortheel
elf-friend - Sha'Quessir
elfgate ghaatiil
elsewhere - nesirtye
elven quess, esti
Elvenkind - Tel'Quessir; of the elvenkind
- Tel'Quess, shee, ever-

Elves - Tel'Quessir; of the Elves Tel'Quess, shee

emerald - my
enchantment - ker, encik (enchantment of
the mind or heart)
end - dath
ending - dath
endless - eath
endure - deth
enemy - hakar
entropy - orar
equal, equally - sikki
equine - hu
erosion - orar
eternal eath; -deth, eth
ever - len
evil - vaarn
evoke, evoked - theur
extra exanimos
eye ti; -eti, -til

faerie - syl, shee, syldritch

fail, failure fanil
fair lam, -ilam, -ulam
faith - yrrin, cal
faithful - yrrinnam
falcon dho
falling star - elladyr
family ua

fate kash; -ashk, -okash

father avar; -var
far noarun; -nal, -inal, -onal
fear - reloseer
feline si
female etriel (noun), -ara (adjective)
few - ennamar
fey - shee, syldritch


feywine - Elquesstria
field - rum
fiend - karask
fifth - deshu'pye
fighter - keryness
filth - biir
finger - vil
fire - maskan; -iat; aflame - rillis
first - enna; first among Cor
fist - spar
five - deshu'pye
flaming - rillis
flee - sekkar
fletcher ash; -as, -sah
flight drimme; -drim, -udrim
flow - tasa
flower ama; -or, -oro
flute - evar
fly (to fly) drim
folk - yth
food - klatha
fool - siffi

foolish - kessuk
for - nesh
forbidden khaor
forever eathshe
forgotten - que
forest ravan, -van, -vanna, -var; ancient
forest, wisdom of the forest - quevan
fortress antha
fortune via, avia
four - pye
fourth - pye
fox - ta
free - ha
free thinker - u'haess
freedom - ha
friend sha, ravanthas; -ethar, -ithar. thar
friendship - quarlani'har
frond - lia
frost losi
funeral - be-inway

gale - keth
garb - tenya
garbage biir
gate oth; plural othi
Gate - ghaatiil
gem - kiir
gift - fhaor, saloh; -il, -iel, -ila, -lie
give yewl
giver yewless; -il, -iel, -ila, -lie
glade dul
glamour encik charm, enchantment,
nelluon illusion
glitter - ang
glow - ivae
gnome - sharatam
go - shan

god - arsurinya
goddess - arsurinya
gold - ar (color), scient (metal)
gold elven ArQuess; see also sun elven
gold elves - Ar'Tel'Quessir; ArQuess
(informal); see also sun elves
good thar
good fortune, good luck via, avia
grandfather - cor'avar "legend-father";
grandfathers - cor'avarn
grandmother - cor'avara "legendmother"; grandmothers - cor'avarae
grant(s) - resoshi
great - ael


great-grandfather - ael'cor'avar "greatlegend-father"; great-grandfathers ael'cor'avarn

great-grandmother - ael'cor'avara
"great-legend-mother"; greatgrandmothers - ael'cor'avarae
green - chas; also sy or syl (natural); also
el- (forest green)
green elven SyQuess; see also wild

green elves - Sy'Tel'Quessir; also

Cha'Tel'Quessir; SyQuess (informal);
see also wild elves
griffon - gil
grove - teranthvar, trea
grow, growth - orisa
guard (verb) - ageas
guardian - bael; see protector
gullible kessuk

hair - kacha
half, less than half - zenar
half-elf zenar-bhen; half-elven zenar'quess
half-orc - zenar'hakavarn
halfling - sherekir
hand - an
happiness - avae
happy - ava
harmony - ala; harmonious llae; -al/ala, -la, -lae, -llae
harp, harper aethus (male), aethas
(female); -thus (male), -thas (female)
hatred - drag
haunted - adomhaor
haven - holme
hawk el, ela (female), ele (male)
he - quessir
heal faenya
healer thal, ethal (male), tha, etha
hear - hin
heart - ne, nee, nes "one heart" - aestar
heavenly - surinya; heavenly-blessed surinya'suor
heel - meli
held hiedoso

helm - ya
her - etriel
hers - d'etriel
here - quor
herald - cas
here - quor
hero - arraness
heroic - arran
hibernation - adoessuor
hide (skin) - kai
hide, hiding - nelluon
hidden - n', nelluon
high - sel
High Mage - Ar'Selu'Taar; Great High
Mage - Cor'Selu'Taar
High Magic - Arselu'Tel'Quess
hill - dun
his - d'quessir
history - sol
historian - sol'teless
hoard - kiin; hoards - kiins
hold - hied; also kiin (connotation of
holy suor; -ual, -lua; of the Seldarine
Seldar; of Corellon Larethian Cor
holy liberator - kerynsuoress
holy person - suoress


holy warrior - kerynsuoress

home enial; -aith, -aira
homeland maernthor
honey sal, sali, isal
honor - emar
hope, hopeful - nu
horse - heriryar
horselike - hu
how - jen

hound - dre, coo

human - bhen; young human - bhin
hunt usal; -rail/-ria, -aral, -ral, -ryl
aes - hunted
hunter aral, rail (male), ria (female); ral, -ryl
hurricane - arrn, sykerylor
husband aias

I - le
ice - von
idiot - siffi
idiotic kessuk
illusion nelluon
illuminated - ium
in - aul
influences - encik

inn scennel
into - aulor
invader ilaer; plural ilaeri
invoke, invoked theur
is - nha
iron - mault
ivory zy

jade - ry
jewel - kiir
join - har
joining - oacil

journey - sehan
joy avae
jump ariorwi; iorwe jumps
jungle elves - Cha'Tel'Quessir


keep - gis, kiin (connotation of greed);

keeps - gis, kiins; -on/-onna
keeper - gisir; plural gisiae; -on (male), onna (female)
kill - mai, mor
killed - mertel
killer mai, savalir
killing - eisliesen
kin us (male), ua (female)
king - Cor'Quessir; Coronal
kingly - cor

kingdom - coraar
kiss - harkess
knife - iolaa
knight - ael
know - thro, millentu
known - fendil, millentu
knowledge - menatu, tel, thro, ursplin
knowledge acquired through study,
wytalimen knowledge acquired
through experience; high knowledge

labyrinth - kerymhoarth
lady etriel; -ianna; noble lady - laranlas
lament sofema
lance uath; -luth, uth
land of the elves - ever
lake que; -fel, -afel, -efel
law - aer
leaf - radh; green leaf elrad
leap ariorwi; ariorwe leaps
learning - ursplin; learning by experience wytalimen
leather - anharad
legendary - cor
libertine - u'haess
library - ursplindaar; librarian ursplindaaress
lich - norn; elven lich - baelnorn
lie - n'avae
life - faen, kess; a life, one's life - veritam
lifeforce - faer
light - ivae, fis (bright)

lightning zair, zara; -azair/-ezara

like (similar to) - e
listen hin
lit - ium
little - ni
live - azae, veri, veris
living - veri
loaf - kulaa
lone - enna
lonely - mestar
look - pellinta
lord quessir; -ian; noble lord - laranlors
lore - tel, thro; high lore - selu
lorekeeper - teless
loremaster - soless
lost tarkhal, que
love - aestar "marriage, the love of a
couple", thiramen "love, beloved,
soulmate", u'aestar'kess "soul-bond,
communion", quarlani'har "soul-bond,
friendship"; tae, itae


lovely - sinnivi
lover - thiraminitae, evael'dil

luck staleen; via, avia good fortune,

lupine ly

maelstrom - sykerylor
mage - faern, mah (male), ma (female),
uth; dualist mage - Dukar; High Mage Selu'Taar; plural - mahs
magic - faer "art," quideh (spontaneous
magic,) lerret (spell-magic); battle magic
keryfaer; powerful magic - reithirgir
magical - tia, tiamake uann; -a, -ani, -uanna
maker uanna; -an (male name suffix), ana (female name suffix); -a, -ani
malaise adomhaor
male quessir (noun), -ar (adjective)
malicious - anil
many - rell
marriage aestar
master - lian
mate - aia, aias
mausoleum - morenial
me - tel'quiet
meadow - rum
meat - klathmor
medicine - faenya
meditation - reverie
meet - aelo
meeting - aelou
memory sol, ansrivarr
mercury - aasterinian
message - vuorl
might - ik (strength & power)
mighty - ik
military - velahrn
mind - u
mine - ath tel'quiet

mist il
mistress - lia
misty - il
mithral mithral
mithral elven MithralQuess; see also
star elven
mithral elves RuaTelQuessir;
MithralQuess (informal); see also star
moment shekyshuf time-quick; in
the moment quorshe here-time
monolith - arkhol "great stone"
moon - nodel; crescent moon - lateu; as an
adjective - teu
moon elven TeuQuess; see also silver
moon elves - Teu'Tel'Quessir;
TeuQuess (informal); see also silver elves
moonblade - teu'kerym, tahl'nodel
moonbow - lateu
moondark - odelhir
moonhorse - teu'heriryar; teu-kelytha
moonlight - teu'ivae; light of the moon nodel'ivae; crescent-moonlight - lateu'ivae
moonlike - laf, teu
moonstone - teukiir
mother - vara, avara
mound - dun
mourn - sofema
mountain silath; -sel, -asel, -isel (like a
move iorwe (a command)
movment, movements iorwi


murder eisliesen
murderer - savalir
music wyn

musician wyn
must - akh
mythal mythal

name - lahr
nameless - nar
near - tham
nectar - quesst
nefarious - anil
nemesis - athil
never - nielen
night - lo; of the night - la
nightfall - lareth
nine - khovakhov
nineth - khovakhov
no - neh

no matter - nievana
noble ary; ruil; -aruil, -eruil; -ia, -ii, ion a noble, a lord or lady
noblesse oblige - cormanth
nocturnal - lonoon - nharaigh
nor - nars
north - sim
northern - sim
not - col, n'
novice - urspliniqu'ess
now quorshe here-time

oak - amne; oaken - naioath - manth

oathgiver - akhan
oathstone - khol'maniith
observer - wylint'ess
occult - teranth
ocean alu; -sha, -she, -shor
of - ath
of the People (elves) - everae; quess
omen - reverie'lateu, suor'reverie
on - arta
one - enna; also ess (a person); iltem
(figurative "one", someone)

only - ennamar
onyx - cy
opal - ilyran
open, openly - welsa
opposed (to) - uaul
or quin, op
orc - hakavarn
order - aer
origin - iqua
original - iquar
owl gar


pain - avae'mhaor
pair - aia
paladin kerynsuoress
pale hal; -ahal, -ihal
palpable - qua
parliament (buildings) ahkiilor
parry ellathil counterstrike
passing West ghaatilren; which is
how Elves pass out of this world at the
end of their natural lifespans; see death
passion evael
pastry - quinpah
path - ya
peace - adon, ver
peacekeeper - adoness
peacetime - laev
pegasus - gael
people yth, quessir
People, the - Tel'Quessir; of the People quess, Tel'Quess
perilous - nilaamin
person - quess, ess
petal - xilo
philosophy - u'tel; philosopher - u'teless
pin - giir
pit - athal
place - shesh
plague - mhaor
plain - shaar
plane (as in Outer Plane) - dijak
point - vil
polearm - penaal
pool (of water) - thosel
portal ghaatiil
potency - ondreier
power - ik (temporal, ie. strength),
preceed, preceeding kasha
prey - aes

priest - mara, surnar

priest of Corellon Larethian - Aegis'shee
"feywarden" - ranks within the Church
are given different titles, see the entry
for Aegis'shee in the Elvish - Common
priestess of Angharradh - Afaera "Circle
Singer"; or Quarlaninar "Totem Sister."
priest of Aerdrie Faenya - Halcyon
"Halcyon" - ranks within the Church,
such as they are, are given different
titles, see the entry for Halcyon in the
Elvish - Common section. Priests of
Aerdrie Faenya are likely to take
individual titles such as Aquiline
Hunter, Cloud Walker, Feathered
Dancer, Rain Bringer, Rising Thermal,
Silent Screech, Sky Diver, Soaring Spirit,
or Windchaser.
priest of Deep Sashelas - Delphion
"dolphinite"; or Alu'mara "sea druid, sea
priest, Aquarian". Sashelas priests in
the Great Sea use individual titles such
as Sea Otter, Seal, Sea Lion, Walrus,
Delphinus, Narwhal, and Balaenas; in
the Inner Sea they use such individual
titles as Clam, Oyster, Nautilus,
Argonaut, Trophon, Cowrie, Abalone,
Conch and Pearl. There are names for
the Acolytes, the full priests and the
High Priests; see Alu'mara in the Elvish Common section.
priestess of Eilistraee - Nevaetriel "dark
lady," Keraera "spellsinger" or
Kerym'quaress "sword dancer." See the
entry for Nevaetriel in the Elvish Common section. There is also a faction
within the Church known as
Ael'teukacha "silver-haired knights" or


Mhaor'wenta "sin-eaters" which is also

open to males. See the entry for
Ael'teukacha in the Elvish - Common
priest of Erevan Ilesere - Syoluanna
"mischiefmaker". See the entry for
Syoluanna in the Elvish - Common
section. Priests of Erevan use individual
titles too varied to count, which may
change randomly by day or even hour.
priest of Fenmarel Mestarine - Lyenna
"lone wolf". See the entry for Lyenna for
individual ranks, such as they are, in the
Elvish - Common section. Priests of
Fenmarel have vary little use for fancy
or flowery titles.
priest of Hanali Celanil - Araestar
"goldheart" or Evael'dil "paramour." See
the entry for Araestar for individual
ranks in the Elvish - Common section.
High ranking priests of Hanali often use
individual titles.
priest of Labelas Enoreth - Baelshe "time
sentinel" or She'teless "chronologist."
See the entry for Baelshe in the Elvish Common section for individual ranks.
Which of the titles uses depends on how
proactive and worldly a priest of
Labelas is.
priest of Rillifane Rallathil - Amnes
"oakheart" or Celoralanalath "druid;

those who sing the trees." See the entry

for Celoralanalath in the Elvish Common section for individual ranks
within the Church, mostly named for
trees of the Realms.
priest of Sehanine Moonbow - Aerakiir
"starsinger," also known as Surinya'suor
"the Heavenly." See the entry for
Aerakiir in the Elvish - Common section
for individual ranks within the Church.
priest of Shevarash - Dhaeraowathila
"dark avenger, drowbane." See the
entry for Dhaeroawathila in the Elvish Common section.
priest of Solonor Thelandira
Eladarn/Eledarn "hawkeye." See the
entry for Eladarn/Eledarn for individual
ranks within the Church in the Elvish Common section, most of which are
named for aspects of archery, birds of
prey, or carnivorous hunters.
privation - kerradun
promise manth; -mil, -imil, -umil
prophet - suoress
protect - aegis
protection aegis; -ther, -ather, -thir
protector - aegisess
pub - scennel
pure - avae
pursuit usal

queen - Cor'Etriel; Coronal

quest sar, sehan'maniith; -asar, -isar

quick, quickness - kyshuf

quit neshanas


rain - alushtasa
rainbow - lateu'ivae
rainlike - firaptor - ela'dho (female), eledho (male)
ray lyn, -llinn, -lihn
real - fendil
realm - or
red harsan
regal - laran
regardless - nievana
reign - rysar
reserve - kiin; reserves - kiins
rest - revar
restoration - suyoll, ahrmaesuol (a great
resurrection - suyoll
revival - suyoll, ahrmaesuol (a great

rhythm - alurashe
riddle - lue
ride heriryarean; -ean
rider heriryarean; -ean
ring af
rite nin; -nine, -nyn
ritual nin; -nine, -nyn
rope - jharren
rose - cla
royal - za
Royal Guard - armathor
ruby - iridor, ky; ruby red - kyrules - aer
run (move quickly) - sehan'kyshuf
run (running water) - tasa
rune ansr

's - d' (possessive; prefix); ni (possessive;

-s - -i (pluralizer; suffix), ke' (pluralizer;
sack - esk
sacraments - wihylos
sadness hel; -ahel, -ihel
sage thro
salvation - aillesel
sanctuary - holme
sapphire - py
savannah - shaar
scholar - urspliness

screen foqal
scribe is; -iss, -ist
scro - ar'hakavarn
scroll lersaat; -is, -iss, -ist
sea alu
sea elven AluQuess; see also blue
sea elves - Alu'Tel'Quessir; AluQuess
(informal); see also blue elves
second - aia (the second in a series)
secret - olin
see - linta "to see," wylinta "see, see for
oneself"; seen - mel


seed niffi
seeker sar; -asar, -isar
senate - caerilcarn
seven - deshu'khovaia
seventh - deshu'khovaia
shackles ran; -re, -reen
shadow - dhaer; -ali;
shadows/concealment - nelluon; of shadow n'
shadowtop seldhaer
shape darach; also to shape
sharp - eir
she - etriel
sheath - nekra
shield - foqal
Shieldmeet - Aeloulaev, Cinnaelos'Cor,
short - ni
short sword nikerym
shine lar, lirr
sibling - inar
sight darn; -ti, -eti, - til
silent - ssri
silk - ssri
silver - ari, teu (as a color); don (as a
silver elven TeuQuess; see also moon
silver elves - Teu'Tel'Quessir;
TeuQuess (informal); see also moon elves
silverbark - teu'trakai
similar (to) e
simple siff; see idiot
singing - aer, hinual
singer aer (male), aera (female)
sister - inar
six - khovaia
sixth - khovaia
skin - kai
sky - ther
slain - mertel
slayer - mai
sleep - reverie
sly - ah
small - sarash, nismart - kekuel

snow - sigen
so - desha
soft - seh
solid - qua
soldier - velahr; soldiers - velahrn
someone - iltem
son - olan; -lan (as a term of affection
added to a name)
song - hinue, aer, aera
soon - skiimer
soul - quarlani
soulmate - thiramin
sound - hin
south - arn
southern - arn
sparkle - ang
speak - hinual
spear - rid
speed - kyshuf
spell ker
spellsong - neshyrr
spin ten
spinner - iten
spirit - teu (spirit as substance or an
intangible thing,) quarlani (a spirit or
soul); vain, avain
spirits (alcohol) - quesstiasa
spring ari; -ri
staff - ja, ehalaer (usually a mage's or
druid's staff or a magical staff of some kind)
stag - ev
stanza - ni'hinuallae
star stacia; rua- ; bright star - kiir;
shooting star syolkiir
star elven RuaQuess; see also mithral
star elves RuaTelQuessir, RuaQuess
(informal); see also mithral elves
starlight, starshine - daoine
starlike - rua
steed - heriryar
steel maskaulat
step iorwe
step aside - iorwe
stern - heri
stick - ja


still - sil (even still)

stone - khol (a stone), diir (made of stone)
stop - neshanas
storm - sykerylor; arrn (great storm), vin,
strength - ik (physical strength), lida
(spiritual or inner strength)
stride, strider am (male), ama (female)
strike, attack - ella
string - nijharren
study - ursplin
stupid - kessuk
subjugate - rel
suffering - avae'mhaor
suitor - thiramindil
summer aro; -ro

summon, summoned - theur

sun - sha
sun elven ShaQuess; see also gold
sun elves - Ar'Tel'Quessir; ShaQuess
(informal); see also gold elves
sunlight - lathanyll
surface - kai
surfeit, surplus - exanimos
swan am
sweet sal, sali, isal
sword - kerym, avel; short sword nikerym
sylvan - sy or syl
sylvan elves - Sy'Tel'Quessir

taboo - khaor
take - teshuel
talk - hinual
tangible qua
teacher - aerister
tear- teu
tears - hel; teushtasa; -ahel, -ihel
tempo - alurashe
that - siilen
the - tel'
them - nehel'feer
they - nehel'quen
thief - leshere
third - khov
this - bren
thorn - thearn
those - thas
thought u
thousand fhoel
thousandfold - fhoeldin
three - khov
through eshaal

thunder - dalsien
time - she
to - lor (in relation to someone), nae (to a
together - aestar
tolerate - deth
tomb - morenial
tomorrow - belath
tool - meth
top - sel
tornado - arrn; sykerylor
touch - haran
tower - tirith
tradition - trad
traitor dhaeroaw
transfiguration telmiirkara
transformation - telmirrkara
travel - sehan
treasure - piir
tree - lath, tra
tribute - fhaor, saloh
trio - khov


true - avae, thotrue love - thiramin

truth - tho

twig - ja
twilight - lareth
two - aia; the two of them, both inti

ugly - biir
un- n'
unawakened - malawain
undead - mormhaor
under - ernath
understanding - nuvendi
unicorn raer

unjoin kileaarn
unjoining - kileaarna
unknown - niefendil
unrest - adomhaor
upon - teague
us feer

veil - nelluon
verse - ni'hinuallae
versus - uaul
vice versa - e __ eso __ "as __, also __"
vigil, vigilance - tha
vile - anil
villain - aniless
visage - kai

vision - darn; psychic or holy vision reverie, suor'reverie, reverie'lateu

vizier venishu
void - ki
vow - manth; the result of a vow - maniith
vowkeeper - akhan
vulpine - ly-

wake - be-inway
walk sehan
walker sehaness, ro; -ri, -ron
walks ro; -ri, -ron

wall - tas
wand - aha
want - kerradun
war, warfare - keryth, mal


ward - itas
warrior - keryness
wash - tasa
water - alus, sumway ya; durr (a path or gate)
we quen
weak hal; -ahal, -ihal
weapon - kerymeth
Weave, the - Selu; the energy that is the
Weave that is also life - Faer
weep - teushtasa
weeping - teushtasa
weirwood - rilisafel
west - ren
western - ren
what - sen
whatever nievana
when - shunti
where - sharti
which - siilen
whisper gala; -ae, -nae
white - ivae; dae (daylight-white)
wife - aia
wild syol, sy or syl, las
wild elven SyolQuess; see also green
wild elves SyTelQuessir; SyolQuess;
see also green elves
Wildspace - Syolkiira "wild stars",
Ther'noarun "far sky"
wind - keth, kess
window - foqal
wine - iasa, san (drink, wine), quesst
(nectar); quesstiasa (strong elven spirits
distilled under moonlight from fruit nectar
and honey); types of wine Arthuen'Saerlooniasa (Saerloonian

"Topaz",) Elquesstria (feywine,)

Elvarquesst (rare elven wine only for
special occasions,) Ivae'rillis'Saerlooniasa
(Saerloonian "Glowfire",) morimatra
(spiced drow wine).
wing ethil; -thi
winged av, -thi
winged elven avariel
winged elves - avariel, Av'Tel'Quessir
winter - erl, ern
winterbreeze - auglatha
wisdom har; -ihar, -uhar; quevan "tree
wisdom, woodcraft"
wise har, ihar, uhar
with - ausa
within - inorum
without - kerradun
wizard - uth; war wizard - keryfaern; see
High Mage, mage
wolf, wolflike - ly; lone wolf - lyenna
wolf elven - lythari
wolf elves - lythari, Ly'Tel'Quessir,
Teu'dhaer "Silver Shadows"
wood - rilis; a wood - var, van; like or of
the wood - sae-; see Grove
wood elven SaeQuess; see also copper
wood elves SyTelQuessir; SaeQuess
(informal); see also copper elves
woodcraft quevan
word - ysele
world - dar; -adar, -odar the world tel'adar
wyrm takal


year - ashanelath
yellow - thuen
yes - avavaen
yet - aeleth. sil (still)
you nehel
yourself - neheless
young - lyth

young elf, child - lyth

your, yours - hiine
youth (a person) - beryn finess; thaes
(polite but neutral form of address; archaic)
youth (a time in one's life) - lith, beryn fin


orms of

addressing, one's cousin or other family,
the suffixes "-ua" or "-us" may be added
to the end of the elf's first name (ie.
Laerothus "my cousin Laeroth,"
Arilynua "my cousin Arilyn.") This is a
term of endearment. When speaking of
another elf's cousin, the same suffixes
are used, and the name of the elf whose
cousin is being discussed is proceeded
by the possessive prefix "d'" (ie.
d'Laerothus "Laeroth's cousin.") Plural
forms are the same as the singular.
daughter - ola - when speaking of, or
addressing, one's daughter, the suffixes
"-lanna" or "-ola" are added to the end of
the elf's first name (ie. Arilynola "my
daughter Arilyn." This is a term of
endearment. When speaking of another
elf's daughter, the same suffixes are
used, and the name of the elf whose
daughter is being discussed is
proceeded by the possessive prefix "d'"
(ie. d'Laerothlanna "Laeroth's
family - see cousin
father - avar, plural avarn - when
speaking of, or addressing, one's own
father, the suffixes "-var" or "-avar" may
added to the end of the elf's first name
(ie. Laerothavar "my father Laeroth").
This is used as a term of endearment;
notice that it marks a more equal
relationship between parent and child
than humans are used to. This can also
be added to the end of an elf's name to
refer to that elf's father; this is a term
always used in the third person, and the
elf's name is always proceeded by the
prefix possessive "d'" (ie. d'Arilynavar
"Arilyn's father.")

amily & Friends

beloved - tae, itae - when speaking of, or
addressing, one's lover, the suffixes "tae," or "-itae" are added to the end of
the elf's first name, depending on
whether or not it ends in a vowel (ie.
Amalanatae "my beloved Amalana,"
Laerothitae "my beloved Laeroth"). This
is a term of endearment.
brother - inar, plural inarn - when
speaking of, or addressing, one's
brother, the suffix "-in" is added to the
end of the elf's first name (ie. Laerothin
"my brother Laeroth." This is a term of
endearment. When speaking of another
elf's brother, the suffix "-inar" is added
to the end of that elf's first name, and
the name is proceeded by the possessive
prefix "d'" (ie. d'Arilyninar "Arilyn's
child - lyth, plural lythi - when speaking
of, or addressing, one's child, regardless
of gender, the suffix "-lean" may be
added to the end of the elf's first name
in the place of the "daughter" or "son"
suffixes (ie. Arilynlean "my child
Arilyn." This is a term of endearment.
When speaking of another elf's child,
the same suffix is used, and the name of
the elf whose child is being discussed is
proceeded by the possessive prefix "d'"
(ie. d'Laerothlean "Laeroth's child.")
cousin - ua, plural uai (female), or us,
plural usi (male) - when speaking of, or


grandfather - cor'avar, plural cor'avarn "legend-father" - when speaking of, or

addressing, one's own grandfather, one
uses this title of deep respect, which is
never matched with an elf's proper
name. When speaking of one's
grandfather in the third person, an elf
simply uses cor'avar; it is assumed that
the "grandfather" referred to is one's
own. If an elf needs to differentiate
between two grandfathers (say, in the
case of his mother's father and his
father's father,) the elf would
differentiate in that very way (ie.
avar'avar "my father's father," vara'avar
"my mother's father;" this form of
address is always in the third person,
when discussing one's grandparents
with others, and is never used to
address one's grandfather directly. One
may also speak of another elf's
grandfather in a similar fashion to
Common references, by pairing the
word cor'avar with a name and
possessive (ie. cor'avar d'Arilyn
"Arilyn's grandfather.")
grandmother - cor'avara, plural
cor'avarae - "legend-mother" - when
speaking of, or addressing, one's own
grandmother, one uses this title of deep
respect, which is never matched with an
elf's proper name. When speaking of
one's grandmother in the third person,
an elf simply uses cor'avara; it is
assumed that the "grandmother"
referred to is one's own. If an elf needs
to differentiate between two
grandmothers (say, in the case of his
mother's mother and his father's
mother,) the elf would differentiate in
that very way (ie. avar'avara "my father's
mother," vara'avara "my mother's
mother;" this form of address is always
in the third person, when discussing
one's grandparents with others, and is
never used to address one's

grandmother directly. One may also

speak of another elf's grandmother in a
similar fashion to Common references,
by pairing the word cor'avara with a
name and possessive (ie. cor'avara
d'Arilyn "Arilyn's grandmother.")
great-grandfather - ael'cor'avar, plural
ael'cor'avarn - "great-legend-father" when speaking of, or addressing, one's
own great-grandfather, one uses this
title of deep respect, which is never
matched with an elf's proper name.
When speaking of one's greatgrandfather in the third person, an elf
simply uses ael'cor'avar; it is assumed
that the "great-grandfather" referred to
is one's own. If an elf needs to
differentiate between two greatgrandfathers (say, in the case of his
mother's grandfather and his father's
grandfather,) the elf would differentiate
in that very way (ie. avar'cor'avar "my
father's grandfather," vara'cor'avar "my
mother's grandfather;" this form of
address is always in the third person,
when discussing one's greatgrandparents with others, and is never
used to address one's great-grandfather
directly. One may also speak of another
elf's great-grandfather in a similar
fashion to Common references, by
pairing the word ael'cor'avar with a
name and possessive (ie. ael'cor'avar
d'Arilyn "Arilyn's great-grandfather.")
Note that this title is used to refer to any
male ancestor of a particular elf's past
great-grandfathers, back through any
number of generations.
great-grandmother - ael'cor'avara,
plural ael'cor'avarae - "great-legendmother" - when speaking of, or
addressing, one's own greatgrandmother, one uses this title of deep
respect, which is never matched with an
elf's proper name. When speaking of
one's great-grandmother in the third


person, an elf simply uses ael'cor'avara;

it is assumed that the "greatgrandmother" referred to is one's own.
If an elf needs to differentiate between
two great-grandmothers (say, in the case
of his mother's grandmother and his
father's grandmother,) the elf would
differentiate in that very way (ie.
avar'cor'avara "my father's
grandmother," vara'cor'avara "my
mother's grandmother;" this form of
address is always in the third person,
when discussing one's greatgrandparents with others, and is never
used to address one's greatgrandmother directly. One may also
speak of another elf's greatgrandmother in a similar fashion to
Common references, by pairing the
word ael'cor'avara with a name and
possessive (ie. ael'cor'avara d'Arilyn
"Arilyn's great-grandmother.") Not that
this title is used to refer to any female
ancestor of a particular elf's past greatgrandmothers, back through any
number of generations.
husband - aias, plural aiasi - when
speaking of, or addressing, one's own
husband, the suffix "-aias" is added to
the end of the elf's first name (ie.
Laerothaias "my husband Laeroth").
This is used as a term of endearment.
This can also be added to the end of an
elf's name to refer to that elf's husband;
this is a term always used in the third
person, and the elf's name is always
proceeded by the prefix possessive "d'"
(ie. d'Arilynaias "Arilyn's husband.")
Notice that since elves of different
cultures may accept multiple marriages
or same-sex marriages, this is not
limited other than by the gender of the
spouse in question (it might be perfectly
correct to speak of d'Laerothaias
"Laeroth's husband" or even
d'Laerothaiasi "Laeroth's husbands").

kin, kinsman - see cousin

mother - vara, avara, plural varae, avarae when speaking of, or addressing, one's
own mother, the suffixes "-vara" or "avara" may added to the end of the elf's
first name (ie. Arilynavara "my mother
Arilyn"). This is used as a term of
endearment; notice that it marks a more
equal relationship between parent and
child than humans are used to. This can
also be added to the end of an elf's name
to refer to that elf's mother; this is a term
always used in the third person, and the
elf's name is always proceeded by the
prefix possessive "d'" (ie. d'Laerothavara
"Laeroth's mother.")
siblings - ine - This is only used as a
suffix when speaking of another elf's
brothers and sisters collectively, and
therefore, it is only used in the third
person. The elf's name is always
proceeded by the prefix possessive "d'"
(ie. d'Laerothine "Laeroth's siblings.")
sister - inar, plural inarn - when
speaking of, or addressing, one's sister,
the suffix "-in" is added to the end of the
elf's first name (ie. Arilynin "my sister
Arilyn." This is a term of endearment.
When speaking of another elf's sister,
the suffix "-inar" is added to the end of
that elf's first name, and the name is
proceeded by the possessive prefix "d'"
(ie. d'Laerothinar "Laeroth's sister.")
son - olan, plural olani - when speaking
of, or addressing, one's son, the suffixes
"-lan" or "-olan" are added to the end of
the elf's first name (ie. Laerothlan "my
son Laeroth." This is a term of
endearment. When speaking of another
elf's son, the same suffixes are used, and
the name of the elf whose son is being
discussed is proceeded by the
possessive prefix "d'" (ie. d'Arilynolan
"Arilyn's son.")
wife - aia, plural aiae - when speaking of,
or addressing, one's own wife, the suffix


"-aia" is added to the end of the elf's first

name (ie. Arilynaia "my wife Arilyn").
This is used as a term of endearment.
This can also be added to the end of an
elf's name to refer to that elf's wife; this
is a term always used in the third
person, and the elf's name is always
proceeded by the prefix possessive "d'"
(ie. d'Laerothaia "Laeroth's wife.")
Notice that since elves of different
cultures may accept multiple marriages
or same-sex marriages, this is not
limited other than by the gender of the
spouse in question (it might be perfectly
correct to speak of d'Arilynaia "Arilyn's
wife" or even d'Arilynaiae "Arilyn's

name, as that is reserved for a different

title. See also dame, Lady, Lord, noble
elven lady, noble elven male, sir.
Lady laranlas regal lady - to address
an elven Lady directly, the suffixes "ianna" or "-ia" are added to the end of
the elf lady's first name; or, if she is the
Lady of a House, it can also be added to
her surname (ie. Arilynia or Arilynianna
"Lady Arilyn"; Durothilianna "Lady
Durothil.") Note that unlike human
cultures, this form of address is equal to
that of Lord on an Order of Precedence,
even in implication. See also noble, noble
elven lady.
Lord laranlors regal lord - to address
an elven Lord directly, the suffix "-ian"
is added to the end of the elf's first
name; or, if he is the Lord of a House, it
can also be added to his surname (ie.
Laerothian "Lord Laeroth"; Durothilian
"Lord Durothil.") See also noble, noble
elven male.
noble any member of the nobility may
have the suffixes ia, -ii, -ion added to
their names as a term of respect (ie.
Laerothii Laeroth, the noble elf,
Arilynia Arilyn, the noble elf) this is
commonly used to address the scions of
noble families, who are not entitled to
Lord or Lady. See also Lady, Lord,
noble elven lady, noble elven lord.
master lian to address ones master
directly, the suffix -lian can be added
to the end of his first or last name (ie.
Laerothlian Master Laeroth,
Durothillian Master Durothil.) When
speaking of another elfs master, the
same suffix is used, and the name of the
elf whose master is being discussed is
proceeded by the possessive prefix d
(ie. dArilynlian Arilyns master. See
also mistress.
mistress lia to address ones mistress
directly, the suffix -lia can be added to
the end of her first or last name (ie.

oble & Formal Titles

dame - ael - when addressing an elven
knight directly, this prefix is added to
the beginning of her name (ie.
Ael'Arilyn "Dame Arilyn",) or simply
used alone (ie. ael "Dame.") See also
knight, sir.
Emperor or Empress - Coronal; also
occasionally King or Queen; a great
ruler; see also royalty.
High Mage - Selu'Taar
King - Cor'Quessir; see also royalty.
knight - to speak of a knight, one uses
the term "ael." When addressing a
knight directly, one may do so by title
(ie. Ael'Laeroth "Sir Laeroth," Ael'Arilyn
"Dame Arilyn",) or may simply refer to
him or her as Ael "Sir" or "Dame"; or,
one may also substitute the respectful
forms of address for a noble elven lord
or lady "quessir" or "etriel." It is not
appropriate, however, to add the suffix
for Lord or Lady to an elven knight's


Arilynlia Mistress
Arilyn, Durothillia Mistress
Durothil.) When speaking of another
elfs mistress, the same suffix is used,
and the name of the elf whose mistress
is being discussed is proceeded by the
possessive prefix d (ie. dLaerothlia
Laeroths mistress. See also master.
noble elven lady - etriel (a term of
respect); see also Princess
noble elven male - quessir (a term of
respect); see also Prince
Prince - Za'quessir, Zalaranlors; see also
noble elven male, royalty.
Princess - Za'etriel, Zalaranlas; see also
noble elven lady, royalty.
Queen - Cor'Etriel; note that unlike
human cultures, this form of address is
equal to that of King on an Order of
Precedence, even in implication. See
also royalty.
royalty - Za or Cor - when addressing
royalty, the prefix "za'" is added to the

beginning of the name of the royal

person (ie. Za'Laeroth "Your Highness
Laeroth"); this is also true when
speaking of the royal personage in the
third person (ie. Za'Arilyn "Her
Highness Arilyn.") This is applicable
regardless of the actual royal title, be it
Prince, Princess, King, Queen, Emperor,
or Empress. Anyone below that - Duke,
Duchess, Count, Countess, and so forth
- is addressed as Lord or Lady. In the
case of a King, Queen, or Coronal, one
may also use the prefix "Cor'", which
has a higher implication (ie. Cor'Zaor
"Your Majesty Zaor" or "His Majesty
sir - ael - when addressing an elven
knight directly, this prefix is added to
the beginning of his name (ie.
Ael'Laeroth "Sir Laeroth",) or simply
used alone (ie. ael "Sir.") See also dame,



Adofhaeranede - "city of the gift of

ages" - the original name of Myth
Adofhaer before the mythal was formed
Adoivaealumanth - "ages-light-oceanvow" or "light of ages promised to the
ocean" - a sea elven community off the
coast of Telflamm in the Easting Reach a great temple city to the ocean deities,
especially Deep Sashelas and Trishina.
Aelinthaldaar - "realm of the healer
knight brothers" - formerly the capital of
Illefarn, located where present-day
Waterdeep now stands
Ahkiilor - "place of duty" - the central
buildings of old Myth Drannor,
including the major buildings of the
High Mages and the ruler
Akhageas - "duty to guard" - a sea elven
garrison in the Sea of Fallen Stars
Akhanmyr - "realm of the dutiful one" a sea elven city now lying in ruins in the
Sea of Fallen Stars.
Aluchambolsunvae - "greatest joy of the
deep green sea" - a sea elven community
that is the center of the Dolphin Throne.
Aluianti - an elven city in the forest of
Aluwand - capitol city of the sea elven
kingdom of Selu'Maraar, located 10

miles east of the Scar in the Sea of Fallen

Alysyrr - resettled ruins in the former
sea elven kingdom of Aryselmalyn in the
Sea of Fallen Stars
Arcorar - "high legendary realm" - the
Great King's Forest (first name of
Arkeym - "great sword" - a citadel once
on the border of Aryvandaar and
Aryselmalyr - "noble high war realm" the name of a lost sea elven kingdom
that was located in the Sea of Fallen
Stars around the Year of the Oaths
Forsaken (-626 DR).
Aryvandaar - "noble forest kingdom" an elder gold elven nation, one that was
heavily involved in the Crown Wars
and which also was instrumental in the
founding of Cormanthyr. It later became
known as the Vyshantaar Empire.
Ascalhorn an outpost city built at the
top of Ascals Horn to defend the
northeastern corner of the High Forest,
which was the frontier of Eaerlann.
Elves gave it to refugee Netherese after
Netherils fall. Centuries later, their
descendants summoned devils and
demons, which wiped out Eaerlann in


882 DR. It then became the site of

Hellgate Keep.

Athalmault - "Iron Pit" - a fortress of the

Ilythiiri during the Third Crown War,
near the Lake of Steam.

Cormanthor - "forest of the king's vow"

- name of the forest of Cormanthyr, site
of the ruins of Myth Drannor.
Cormanthyr - "realm of the king's vow"
- perhaps the greatest elven civilization,
the capital of which was Myth Drannor,
where elves and most of the other
goodly races dwelled together. It was
destroyed by hubris and a horde of
devils in the Year of Doom.
Cormyr - "realm of legend" - this now
human-ruled nation was once an elven

realm, and needs no introduction to one

familiar with the Realms.
Corselmal - "legend of the high war" the Coral Capital; formerly the capital of
the destroyed sea elven nation of
Aryselmalyr, which was destroyed by a
great tidal wave.
Corsuor - "Corellon's Blessing" or
"legendary blessing" - a city in the sea
elven realm of Naramyr

Daoine Dun - "Hill of the Stars,

Starlight Hill" - a sacred elven haven in
the forest of Shilmista

Duathamper - 1. a river running

through the forest of Cormanthor 2. an
elven city on the shores of that river
Dysrisa - an elven city in the forest of


Eaerlann - a nation founded by Sharrven

nobles to check the ambitions of
Siluvanede (-4700 DR)
Eerienne - an elven city in the forest of
Eiellur - one of the ancient elven
kingdoms destroyed by the Crown
Wars, a green elven nation located in the
woodlands that stretched from the
present day Thornwood to the
Eredruie - an elven city in the forest of
Everahkiilor the Elven Court a site
of considerable elven history in the
forest of Cormanthor. It was founded
when the elves were called together in
council during the Crown Wars by
Corellon Larethian to resolve their
differences, later becoming part of the

nation of Cormanthyr, and in the present

day, the sanctuary of surface-dwelling
Vhaeraunite drow.
Everantha - "the Watchful Fortress" - a
fortress protecting the town of
Evereska - "sack of the People" founded south of Netheril (now the
Anaurach Desert,) though not nearly
what it once was, this last bastion of
Elven civilization on Faerun still remains
to this day, safely sequestered in a
mountain range.
Evermeet moot of the People - a
sacred, secret island that houses the
present-day elven court and the Elven
Retreat, protected by powerful magic,
mysterious creatures, and some say, the
Seldarine themselves.

Faenasuor - "life of blessing" - a city

from the former sea elven kingdom
Aryselmalyr, once known for its great
artwork, recently excavated by the High
Mages of Sylkiir.
Faerie - "Art-place, Weave-source" ancient homeland, place of origin, the
First Forest
Faerlorin - "sibling to the Weave" - an
elven city in the forest of Cormanthor

Faern One Land - the world "homeland of our choosing" which,

according to legend, was named by the
elves when they came to the Realms
from Faerie.
Fhaoralusyolkiir - "the ocean's tribute to
a shooting star" - a sea elven community
near the mouth of the Vilhon Reach


Glauachydaar - "realm of Glauach" - a

fallen gold elven nation that was
corrupted by demonic forces, resulting

in, among other things, the creation of

the fey'ri.
Glaemril - a river in the forest of

Hyaline - a sea elven city in the forest of

Cormanthor (Lake Sember)

Ilaerothil The Sentinel a mountain

in Evereska.
Illefarn - a moon elven nation that
sheltered refugees from Miyeritar during
the Crown Wars; also, a short lived
alliance between the moon elves of the
Ardeep and the shield dwarves of
Durdath, formed 342 DR.
Iliyarbruen - a small elven nation that
existed in the time of Illefarn and
Eaerlann (north of Illefarn beneath the
Spine of the World)

Ilythiir noble folk of the mist at

dusk an ancient dark elven nation
that swept through Faerun enslaving
and destroying the other elven races
during the Crown Wars. Dark elves
were often known through Faerun as
Ilythiiri as a result of the fame, and then
infamy, of this nation.
Iumathiashae illuminated by the
blessing of the gods - a sea elven
community off the coast of Evermeet


Jhyrennstar one of the realms of the

forest of Cormanthor, which united with

Semberholme and the Elven Court to

become the nation of Cormanthyr

Keltormir - a peaceful moon elven

nation whose withdrawl from their own
eastern lands during the Fourth Crown
War brought the Ilythiiri and the
Vyshantaar Empire into direct conflict

Kerradunath - "the end of privation and

want" - used once to describe a district
in Myth Drannor
Kirthol Erdel - the Thunder Peaks
mountain range
Kraanfhaor - "Kraan's tribute" - a great
wizard school of Miyeritar

Lhuve a ruined city in the nation of

Sharrven, reachable through a portal in
Teunoarun Farsilver
Lothen a city that was once a center of
learning in Siluvanede on its soutern
border, later annexed by Eaerlann. It

was known for its beautiful silver spires.

It still stands but is populated by Malarworshipping orcs.
Lyrathil - "wolfbane" - former sea elven
garrison in the Sea of Fallen Stars once
controlled by vodyanoi and drow.


Mhilamnir - once a city filled with

temples in Eaerlann that was the seat of
power for elven clergy, it was razed by
the demons of Hellgate Keep.
Miyeritar - a dark and wood elven
nation, the conquering of which was the
impetus for the First Crown War.
Aryvandaar's ruling family, the Clan
Vyshaan, citing a distant relation to the
ruling family of Miyeritar, used this as
an excuse to launch aggressions, then a
war, against the nation. It was
eventually destroyed by the Dark
Disaster, resulting in the creation of the
High Moor.
Myth Adofhaer - "mythal of the gift of
ages" - this sun elven mythal was
removed from Faerun, and it waits in
stasis until some unknown condition is
Myth Drannor - "mythal of Drannor" capital city of the lost nation of
Cormanthyr, home of one of the Realm's
most famous mythals. It was named for
an elf who loved a dwarf ages ago.
Myth Dyraalis - this mythal somewhere
in the Forest of Mir can only be found

by elves, gnomes, and perhaps some fey

Myth Glaurach - "mythal of Glaurach" capital city of the destroyed elven nation
of Glaurachydaar, located near the High
Forest and what is now Hellgate Keep.
Myth Lharasi - "mythal of Lharasi" - this
mythal, created for a sanctuary for
unorthodox Selune worshippers, was
removed from Faerun by the power of
Myth Nantar - a mythal located in the
Sea of Fallen Stars, sustaining the sea
elven communities there.
Myth Ondath - built on the ruins of
Ondathel, dedicated to Eldath, this city
was destroyed by the Ice Queen in a
magical winter.
Myth Rhynn - this mythal was a tomb
city for elven heroes; now the corrupted
mythal makes elves nauseated and
animates dead creatures. It was built by
the elves of Keltormir.
Myth Unnohyr - a former elven
stronghold in the Forest of Mir, this
dangerous corrupted mythal is now
known to be a wild magic zone by day
and a dead magic zone by night.


Nalufaen - "life in the shadow-sea" - a

city in the sea elven realm of Naramyr
known for its artisans
Nar Kerymhoarth - "the Nameless
Dungeon" - an underground prison to
hold the fey'ri on the edge of the High
Naramyr - a sea elven realm in the
Dragonmere, in the Sea of Fallen Stars,
off the coast of Cormyr

Nikerymath short swords end an

elven nation in the Chondalwood,
founded by refugees from Syorpiir
Nimlith deepstone a city on
Evermeets southwestern shores.
Nordahaeril a moon and wood elven
settlement in the High Forest

Ondathel bow-keeper - the city of

peace - a lost elven city that later became
the site for Myth Ondath
Onthrilaenthor keeper nemesis
whisper end realm or bulward
against whispers of the end - a mostly
underground city carved into the Star
Mounts by the dwarves of Ammarindar

for the elves of Eaerlann, and abandoned

since the nations fall.
Orishaar - "Realm of the Plains" - a
moon elven nation destroyed in the
Crown Wars by Ilythiir, located in the
forests that now make up the
Duskwood and the plains of the Shaar.

Phalagiir - " brooch" - a ruined sea

elven fortress in the Sea of Fallen Stars


Quamaniith - "The Vow Tangible" the

Oathstone in the Cormanthyr Forest

Raumauthar a nation in the Great

Wastes which existed around the Year
of the Oaths Forsaken (-626 DR)
Reiltheillaethor a moon and wood
elven settlement in the High Forest
Rilithar friend to the wood - a small
elven nation that existed between
Illefarn and Eaerlann

Ruathym bringer of a stars end a

sea elven realm between Faerun and
Rucien Xan a city in the nation of
Rulovar father of a nights dream - a
ruined sea elven fortress in the Sea of
Fallen Stars

Sar Andathal seeker of the hands

pit - an elven city in the forest of
Selu'Maraar - "kingdom of ancient
sacred lore" - a sea elven kingdom
within the Dragon Reach in the Sea of
Fallen Stars that ranges from about 170
ft to 250 ft below the surface.
Sember - a lake in the forest of
Semberholme - "Sember's Haven" - an
elven city in the forest of Cormanthor
Shantel Othreier those who are
bound to go to the ancient gate - a sun
and moon elf kingdom that surrendered

to the Vyshantaar Empire during the

Third Crown War after their Coronal
mysteriously died
Shaeradim a mountain range
surrounding Evereska, concealing it
from the outside world.
Sharrven - a moon elf nation founded in
the southern reaches of the High Forest
from Siluvanedenn immigrants
Sheshyrinnam - "the homes of the
faithful" - the former Temple District of
the city of Myth Drannor
Shilmista - "Forest of Shadows" - a
forest nation of elves


Sildeyuir stillness of Yuir - an

extraplanar refuge, which can be
reached by a portal in the Yuirwood;
ethereal home of the star elves
(RuaTelQuessir), which concealed its
existence for more than 2000 years.
Siluvanede - "forest of the High Art" - a
sun and moon elven nation founded in
the High Forest 600 years after the end
of the Fifth Crown War
Ssrenshen - an elven city in the forest of
Syldritch Trea - "The Most Ancient of
Trees" - a sacred grove within the forest
of Shilmista

Sylkiir - "faerie gem" or "fey star" - a

temple city in the sea elven kingdom of
Selu'Maraar, from which the last High
Mages known to the sea elves of the Sea
of Fallen Stars came.
Syorpiir - "treasure of the wild" - a
green elven kingdom destroyed in the
Crown Wars, once located in the
woodlands that covered what is
the present day Thornwood to the
present day Chondalwood.

Tarkhaldale - "the Lost Dale" - a region

near the Spiderhaunt Woods
Tarkhaldan - "place of the lost" - a city
in Tarkhaldale
Telardon high silver lore or ancient
high silver - a city of Siluvanede on the
western edge of the Silverwood,
overlooking the High Moors, known for
its emerald spires and its unusual
magical artifacts. It was leveled by the
combined forces of Sharrven and
Telvanlu riddle of the ancient forest
- capital of Naramyr, a sea elven realm
Tethir ancient armor - a forest just
north of Calimshan, now called the
Tethyr bringer of the ancient armor
- a nation that formed in and around the
forest of Tethir

Teuveamanthaor realm of the vow of

the vigilant silver trees - the capital of
Eaerlann, a tree city founded on the
present-day site of Talltrees
Teunoarun Farsilver an ancient
fortress from the nation of Sharrven
located in the southeastern portion of
the High Forest
Thearnytaar - "Thornwood" - a green
elven nation that was destroyed in the
Crown Wars, which was located in the
area between the present day
Thornwood and the present day
Tsornyl - an elven city in the forest of
Ty'athalael - "the peace attained
through the absolute beauty of nature
and harmony with one's surroundings" a valley community on Evermeet
Tynathiir - a sea elven garrison in the
Sea of Fallen Stars


Ursplindaar - "place of learning and

knowledge" - the Myth Drannor library
Uvaeren - thought of the whispers of
the west - a settlement inhabited by

drow that was the site of a famous battle

that claimed the life of Coronal
Sakrattars of Cormanthyr

Velyraar place of the bringer of

arms - a fortified sea elven city in the
Sea of Fallen Stars that serves as a
bastion of Undersea defense.
Verire peaceful dusk - a river in the
forest of Cormanthor
Vyshantaar Empire - "realm of the
Vyshaan clan" - formerly the nation of

Aryvandaar, which changed its name

during the Third Crown War, this
conquering nation subjugated all the
other elven nations of Faerun during the
Crown Wars, under the leadership of
the demon-tainted and corrupt Vyshaan

Yuireshanyaar Yuir-binding-gobridge-realm or Yuirs realm of

passage the old name for the
Yuirwood, when it was strictly an elven

nation (around the Year of the Oaths

Forsaken, -626 DR)
Yuirwood Yuirs wood a forest in
Aglarond, named for the elven nation of
Yuireshanyaar which once existed there.


riting &

peaking in

The following is included to give

you an example of how all of this comes
together to form a cohesive language,
and the process by which this works. In
order to facilitate this, I have chosen the
example of a poem. This particular


poem was composed by a gold elven

soldier, and was written to his moon
elven wife.
When written in the native Espruar,
this is what the poem would look like:

Translated into Common characters,

it reads as follows:

Breaking each line down

individually, one can see the following

Sha'darn teague Nodel

Kiira'daoine quar ath tel'Etriel e

Sha'darn teague Nodel

Sun-vision upon Moon (this refers
to the Sun and the Moon specifically,
not sun- or moonlight.)

Noarun Quessir'kerradun
Leha thro'Quessir thiramen
nehel'feer ivae
Ent usal nevae.
Bren u'aestar'kess d'Corellon
Nesh Sehanine'itae?
Ilphu e d'aestarath tel'quiet
Ausa tel'ennamath enna stacia?
Quessir'deth tel'rillis?

Kiira'daoine quar ath tel'Etriel e

Jewels of starlight dance by the
Lady like children (this refers to the
stars dancing near the Moon, who is


refered to as "the Lady," probably

implying that she (the Moon) represents
Sehanine; the stars are likened to
children, and one gets the impression
that the author is speaking of the stars
as "children of the Sun and Moon," or
the children of Corellon and Sehanine.)

This, deep spiritual love that is

Corellon's (the use of u'aestar'kess refers
to the unique, complete bond of the
spirit that is a special vow when a
couple is married, or refers to the
transitory union of elven communion,
both of which create either an empathic
or an empathic/telepathic bond that is
truly on a spiritual level. The love of the
author, which is compared to a love that
belongs to Corellon Larethian, is no
small thing. It is deep and pure and allencompassing; a true soul-mate bond
beyond description.)

Noarun Quessir'kerradun
Far, he goes without (this refers to
how far the Sun is from the Moon and
Stars, as day's appearance drives away
the visible Moon and Stars, and implies
that this is a great deprivation,
something essential that is painfully
denied. The capitalization of Quessir
implies a great Lord; in this case,
Corellon as the Sun.)

Nesh Sehanine'itae?
For Sehanine-beloved? (this
completes the previous line's phrase;
now we see that the author believes his
love for his wife to be akin to that of
Corellon's love for Sehanine. The
greater implication of this is in the
legend of the Seldarine, in which the
love between Sehanine and Corellon
sustained him and gave him strength in
his most desperate and dark moment,
and then from that love and the spilled
intermingled blood and tears the first
elves were formed. In this simple
phrase the author proclaims that his
wife's love has sustained him in his
most desperate and dark moments, and
he believes that with the power of the
love between them, they can create great
things by accident almost, and can truly
conquer all. It also suggests that he
likens the creation of their children to
the creation of the original elves; a
cosmic accident of love that was a true
and beautiful miracle.)

Leha thro'Quessir thiramen

nehel'feer ivae
But His lore/knowledge bond-oflove they light (this sounds broken in
the direct translation, but it suggests
that light is brought to His family by His
love and that He knows this; the choice
of thro, meaning lore, implies that this
knowledge is a point of deep and great
wisdom, and the choice of thiramen
means that the love He feels for His
family is the intense, true bond of the
spirit. This is also the first suggestion
that this is a romantic poem, because by
selection of the word thiramen, the
author does not limit the love to that of
the partnership or marriage, but does
suggest that romantic love is at the heart
of the love of the family.)
Ent usal nevae.
And chases darkness (this would be
"chase" in the sense of "hunt" or
"pursuit," inferring a relentless hunt that
pursues darkness to its destruction.)

Ilphu e d'aestarath tel'quiet

Blossom like the love that is mine
(ilphu is a gentle blossoming; again it is
the true bond of marriage of spirit, in

Bren u'aestar'kess d'Corellon


this case his own, that the author refers


He endures the burning? (phrased

as a question; it shows admiration for
Corellon, that he can endure the
burning flames of the power of his love,
which the author feels and is not sure
that he can withstand himself.)

Ausa tel'ennamath enna stacia?

With the birth of each star?
(tel'ennama implies not only a special
birth, but refers to the creation of the
first elves once again in the phrase "the
First Flowering." By this he suggests
that as Corellon's love for Sehanine
must have grown with the creation of
each elf/star, so his love for his wife has
grown with the birth of each of their
children. The phrasing also suggests a
metaphor that is common to elven
theology, that each star in the sky
represents an elven spirit.)

Translated loosely into Common, it

would read as follows:
The Sun gazes upon the Moon
Stars play about her as children
He is farther from them than he
would wish
But he knows that his love
illuminates them
And chases darkness away.
Is this the love that Corellon holds
For His dear Sehanine?
Does it blossom like mine
With the birth of each star?
How does he endure the flames?11

Quessir'deth tel'rillis?



Athans, Philip. Realms of the Elves: The Last Mythal Anthology. Copyright
2006 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Baker, Richard. Forsaken House: The Last Mythal Book I. Copyright 2004 by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Baker, Richard, Bonny, Ed, and Stout, Travis. Lost Empires of Faerun.
Copyright 2005 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L. City of Splendors: Waterdeep. Copyright 1996 by TSR, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L. Demihuman Deities. Copyright 1998 by Wizards of the Coast,
Boyd, Eric. L. Environs of Waterdeep (PDF). Copyright 1996 by TSR, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L. Mintiper's Chapbook - Part 5: Myth Glaurach. Copyright 1995 by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L. Mintiper's Chapbook - Part 8: Grandfather Tree. Copyright 1995
by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L and Mona, Eric. Faiths and Pantheons. Copyright 2002 by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Collins, Andy, and Cordell, Bruce R. Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead.
Copyright 2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Collins, Andy, Noonan, David, and Stark, Ed. Complete Warrior. Copyright
2003 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Cook, Monte. The Glass Prison. Copyright 1999 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Cordel, Bruce R., Greenwood, Ed & Sims, Chris. Forgotten Realms Campaign
Guide. Copyright 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
"Cormanthyr" Website. *An excellent resource for insight into the elves of the
Realms and their culture.
Cunningham, Elaine. Elfshadow. Copyright 1992 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Elfsong. Copyright 1994 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Evermeet: Island of Elves. Copyright 1999 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. The Radiant Dragon. Copyright 1992 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Silver Shadows. Copyright 1996 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Silver Shadows. Copyright 1996 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Windwalker. Copyright 2003 by Wizards of the Coast,
De Bie, Scott. Shadowbane: Eye of Justice (Kindle edition). Copyright 2012 by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


Greenwood, Ed & Grubb, Jeff. Cormyr: A Novel. Copyright 1998 by Wizards

of the Coast, Inc.
Greenwood, Ed, Reynolds, Sean K., Williams, Skip, and Hseinsoo, Rob.
Forgotten Realms: Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Setting Copyright 2001,
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Grey Company, The. "The Elven Language." Copyright December 5, 2000. *I
didn't use much of their material as my source because of the inclusion of
Tolkein elvish in their work, but they did catch some things from the source
material I did use that I would have otherwise missed. An excellent dictionary
for those seeking a more complete language, as long as you do not mind the use
of the Tolkien aspect.
Forgotten Realms Wiki.
http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Elven_dictionary. Accessed February
16, 2013.
Henson, Dale "Slade". The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier. Copyright
1996 by TSR, Inc.
Jaquays, Paul. The Savage Frontier. Copyright 1988 by TSR, Inc.
Kemp, Paul S. Another Name for Dawn (PDF).
Laws, Robin D. "Leaf and Thorn, the Secret Life of Elves." Dragon Magazine,
Issue 279, Volume XXV, Number 8, p. 34 - 40. Copyright January 2001.
McComb, Colin. The Complete Book of Elves. Copyright 1992 by TSR, Inc.
Pryor, Anthony. Elves of Evermeet. Copyright 1994 by TSR, Inc.
Reynolds, Sean. "An Elven Lexicon." Dragon Magazine, Issue 279, Volume XXV,
Number 8, p. 56 - 59. Copyright January 2001.
Reynolds, Sean K., Maxwell, Duane, and McCoy, Angel Leigh. Magic of Faerun
Copyright 2001, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Salvatore, R.A. The Hunter's Blades Trilogy Collector's Edition. Copyright
2007 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Salvatore, R.A. In Sylvan Shadows. Copyright 1992 by TSR, Inc.
Salvatore, R.A. Sea of Swords. Copyright 2001 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Salvatore, R.A. The Two Swords. Copyright 2005 by Wizards of the Coast,
"Semberholme" Website. *While I have not drawn upon much of their material
here in terms of my elvish dictionary, being as the author(s) draw upon much
Tolkien Elvish, I cannot help but acknowledge the extra insight provided in their
interpretation of the same source material that I used. Their interpretations were
not always the same as mine and provided a unique perspective; and when their
interpretation was the same as mine, I took it as a sign that I was accurate and
used it for confirmation. My thanks to the people of Semberholme also for the
3rd edition Espruar font, which is available to download at their fine site.
Schend, Steven E. Blackstaff. Copyright 2006 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Schend, Steven E. and Melka, Kevin. Cormanthyr: Empire of Elves. Copyright
1998 by TSR, Inc.
Schend, Steven E. The Fall of Myth Drannor. Copyright 1998 by TSR, Inc.


Schend, Steven E. The Sea of Fallen Stars. Copyright 1999 by TSR, Inc.
Stephens, Owen K.C. "By Any Other Name: The Drow." Dragon Magazine Issue
#267, Volume XXIV, No. 8, January 2000, pp. 28-31.
Stephens, Owen K.C. "By Any Other Name: The Elves." Dragon Magazine, Issue
251, Volume XXIII, Number 4, p. 52 - 54. Copyright September 1998.
Williams, Skip. Races of the Wild. Copyright 2005 by Wizards of the Coast,
Young, Barbara G. The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook. Copyright 1992 by
TSR, Inc.



Most of this information comes directly from the 3rd edition Forgotten Realms sourcebook,
though the Abyssal and Celestial connections are my own personal theory.
Graphics adapted from the third edition Forgotten Realms sourcebook, and from "An Elven
Lexicon." Dragon Magazine, Issue 279, Volume XXV, Number 8, p. 56 - 59.
From "An Elven Lexicon." Dragon Magazine, Issue 279, Volume XXV, Number 8, p. 56 - 59.
From Forgotten Realms: Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Setting
This is my attempt to explain contradictory information from two sources; the Forgotten Realms
sourcebook and "An Elven Lexicon" (Dragon #279). The official standard given by WoTC is
that when two sources differ, a primary source (in this case, the Forgotten Realms sourcebook)
takes precedent over a secondary source (such as the Dragon Magazine,) but as Sean Reynolds,
one of the three listed authors for the Forgotten Realms sourcebook, wrote the article, I don't feel
that in this case I could just ignore it, especially when I draw upon it so extensively for the
Coming up with these was probably the greatest challenge I faced in this compilation, being as
no source I could find anywhere was kind enough to list the proper names of the numerals for me,
not even the recent article "An Elven Lexicon"! So this is, to a large extent, educated guesswork
on my part. I'll explain how I arrived at this terminology.
a) The only proper number I could find was enna "one," listed in "An Elven Lexicon" (but it
didn't list any of the other numbers!)
b) The closest thing I could find to the mention of any other numbers was Khov "Trio," given
as part of the phrase Khov'Aniless "the Trio Nefarious," in Cormanthyr, Empire of the Elves. It
was logical to assume they would use the same word for "three."
c) Pyesigen, a name for Shieldmeet, meant "four snows." It is entirely a guess on my part that
the pye part is the part that meant "four," but it would be consistent with the names of numbers
being simple words, as the other numbers thus far seemed to be.
d) Ki, as listed in "By Any Other Name," Dragon Magazine, Issue 251, Volume XXIII,
Number 4, p. 52 - 54, means "void." By the holistic, naturalist approach of elven culture and
language, it seemed a good name for "zero."
e) The same article "By Any Other Name" lists the suffix aia as meaning "mate" as in a wife or
a husband. Again, it seemed a logical assumption that it might also mean "pair," or "two."
f) The rest of the names of the numbers combine these in ways which seemed to make sense
based on the emphasis that was placed on individual Espruar numerals in their differencing
features when written:
deshu'pye - after-four - "five"
khovaia - mated (paired) threes - "six"
deshu'khovaia - after mated threes - "seven"
pye'aia - mated fours - "eight"
khovakhov - three threes - "nine"
ennakeshaki - one before zero - "ten"
aia'enna - mated ones - "eleven"
ennakeshaia - one before two - "twelve"


aiakeshaki - two before zero - "twenty"

ennakeshaiaki - one before mated zeros - "one hundred"
From Cormanthyr: Empire of Elves.
As you might expect, this was the part that took the greatest amount of time to compile. It was
assembled in the following fashion:
a) I started with what I knew for certain; which was the basic lexicon outlined in "An Elven
Lexicon" (Dragon #279), supplemented with the parts of elven names from "By Any Other
Name" (Dragon #251).
b) I added anything that was specifically clarified from any other related sourcebook.
c) I added anything that was listed anywhere else but NOT specifically clarified, and tried to
establish meanings based on what was already specifically known thus far (much like translating
using the Rosetta Stone.) For instance, if keryness means "warrior," and suor means "blessed,"
then it logically follow that kerynsuoress must mean "blessed warrior," or "holy warrior" (one of
the titles of the priesthood of Corellon Larethian, or could mean a paladin or a holy liberator.)
Conversely, if Akh'Faer means "duty of Art" and Akh'Velahr means "duty of Arms," then
breaking it down, it follows that akh is a duty or a sacred charge, Faer is Art, and Velahr refers to
arms, warfare, and the military. N'Velahr meaning "shadow soldiers," n' must mean "shadow," or
must be a negation "not-soldiers."
d) I finished up with educated guesses based on the existing material that I had already defined.
For example - N'Quor'Khaor, a High Magic ritual means "The Banishing, Binding Outside of the
People's Lands." Knowing that n' is a negation, and khaor means "curse," translated literally, this
would suggest that the whole phrase meant "Not-here curse," a driving away of creatures that are
within the place that you are, so that they are no longer in that place. Therefore, it follows that
quor must mean "here."
From Elfshadow.
Though I tried to research this as much as possible, I am absolutely certain it is by no means a
complete list. If you know of something I've missed, please email me
(Sable@thethreadsthatbinus.net) with the information. Don't forget to site your source (tell me
what book or work you got it from, just as I do in the Sources section above) and if you wish, I
will be happy to add your name to the list of acknowledgements as a special contributor.
This poem is of my own composition, which I wrote mostly to test whether or not I had
achieved a compilation of language that was workable in a practical manner; although it was used
as part of my existing campaign, and the details about the "author" are true (at least, of the
----------------------------------------------Compilation copyright 2003, 2014 by Diane Morrison. This work was created entirely for my
own enjoyment and that of other elfophiles, so please feel free to distribute it freely, as long as this
copyright notice, and all the appropriate acknowledgements of sources, are included.


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