Dictionary Forgotten Realms
Dictionary Forgotten Realms
Dictionary Forgotten Realms
spruar: an
spruar Alphabet2
Espruar Characters4
spruar Punctuation
Espruar punctuation has a
reputation for being very involved, but
the truth is that in and of itself, it is
relatively simple and straightforward.
Where it becomes involved is in the
relation of the punctuation to the
existing words, which often have
numerous multiple meanings based on
context and word relationships, as the
later text will illustrate. There are some
simple, essential marks, most of which
has a correlation to the punctuation
indicators of the Common tongue.
spruar Numerals
Espruar numerals are a ten-numeral
system including a character for zero;
which is actually a very significant
development in mathematics. It is
unclear whether the Elves learned this
concept from the draconic species (who
are very concerned with accurate
counting,) or whether they conceived of
this great development on their own
and taught it to others. Like the
remainder of Espruar characters, they
are written from the top of a line down,
rather than the Common format that we
are familiar with, which is the reverse of
8 = pye'aia
9 = khovakhov
10= ennakeshaki
11= aia'enna
12= ennakeshaia
100= ennakeshaiaki
ow to
bael - guardian
baelnorn, bael'norn - "guardian lich" an elven lich; created through High
Magic, or through simply choosing not
to answer the call of Arvandor, the
baelnorn give up their final reward to
serve the elven people.
baelreth - "guardian arcane" - an elf
who undertakes a sacred vow to protect
the elven people and their needs. Some
are open about their vow and affiliation,
some keep the knowledge of their
purpose a well-guarded secret. A
baelreth is marked by his tahlemar,
which is hidden or displayed as the
baelreth sees fit. It is said that the
baelrethi share an empathic link that
allows them to feel the emotional state
of all other baelreth. In most elven
cultures, baelrethi are accorded almost
complete autonomy in their dealings,
and their deeds and rulings can only be
gainsaid by a Coronal, though the
empathic link is said to prevent
corruption (see also tahlemar)
Baelshe - "Time Sentinel" - a priest of
Labelas Enoreth who is active in the
world around him, going forth to
Eladarn/Eledarn hawk-vision or
"Hawkeye" (female/male) - a priest of
Solonor Thelandira. Ranks within the
Church are as follows:
Ni'ela'dho (female) or Nieledho (male)
- "Fledgling" - an acolyte
Ash - "Fletcher" - first rank
Athel'uanna - "Bowyer" - second rank
Lydhaer - "Shadowwolf or Grey Wolf"
- third rank
Cath'sigen - "Snow Tiger" - fourth rank
Ari're - "Grizzly Bear" - fifth rank
Alushfaen'ela (female) or Alushfaenele
(male)- "Blood Hawk" - sixth rank
Maskan'dho - "Fire Falcon" - seventh
Arkan - "Gold Eagle" - eighth rank or
See also Alushfaen'ela, Alushfaenele,
Ari're, Arkan, Ash, Athel'uanna,
Cath'sigen, Lydhaer, Maskan'dho,
Ni'ela'dho, Nieledho.
ela'dho female raptor or bird of prey
(see dho, ela)
elandi - arrow
Elaorman - "Place from All Around and
Nowhere, Home of Summoning" - a
High Magic ritual that causes a building
to grow; also used to create elven
spelljamming ships.
eldritch - eldritch
ele hawk (male)
ele'dho male raptor or bird of prey
(see dho, ele)
-elis - breeze; see also -lis, -lys
Elikarashe bowshot like a hawk see Shevarash.
ella strike
elladyr starstrike a comet or
falling star
evar flute
ever- elven place, home of the People
everae - of the People
Evermead - the foremost of elven
meads, reputed to be second to none.
Brewed on Evermeet.
exanimos - extra, surplus, surfeit
-ezair - lightning (male name suffix); see
also -ezara, zair
-ezara - lightning (female name suffix);
see also -ezair, zara
faen - life
faenya - heal, medicine
Faer - "Art" - magic in its highest,
Mystra-sacred form (see also quideh,
lerret); also, lifeforce - Faer is used to
describe the energy that is the Weave
that powers all life, as the elves see life
and magic as essentially one and the
same (see also Selu.)
faerie magical - 1. magical, touched
by magic 2. a term used to describe a
gold elf with violet eyes and silver hair,
usually accompanied by a particularly
pale complexion. This is thought to be a
mark of favor and exceptional
intelligence by many elven cultures,
being the most rare of gold elven
coloring. Perhaps it marks
gael - pegasus
gala - whisper
gar - owl
ghaatiil - gate, elfgate
Ghaatiil - "The Traveling Path" - a High
Magic ritual that establishes permanent
portals between two or more given
ghaatil'ren - "to pass west" - the journey
that an elf makes when he travels to
ha - free, freedom
hakar - enemy
hakarmaskannar - dragon - literally
translated as "enemies bearing fire," one
can get an excellent picture of the first
elven encounter with dragons centuries
hakavarn - orc - literally translated as
"enemy-evil," the elven opinion of the
orcish race becomes quite clear
hal - pale, weak; see also -ahal, -ihal
halan - battle
halantrad - battlecraft
Halcyon - "halcyon" - A priest of Aerdrie
Faenya; ranks within the Church are as
Nikan - "little eagle, Eaglet"; also
known as Kerradun'drimme "without
flight; the Tethered" - an acolyte
Avinar - "Winged Brother or Sister" - a
full priest of Aerdrie Faenya
See also Avinar, Kerradun'drimme, Nikan.
Hanali Celanil - "freedom's shadow,
highest gift of a beautiful daughter" - the
elven goddess of love, romance, beauty,
fine art and artists, and to some degree
moon elves; one of the aspects of
Angharradh; one of the Seldarine.
har - 1. to join 2. wisdom, wise; see also
-ihar, -uhar
is - scribe
-is - scribe, scroll; see -iss, -ist
isal - honey, sweet; see also sal, sali
-isar - quest, seeker; see also -asar, sar
-isel - mountain, like a mountain; see
also -isel, -sel
-iss - scribe, scroll; see -is, -ist
-ist - scribe, scroll; see -is, -iss
itae - beloved; a term of endearment,
sometimes used as a suffix (also -tae)
itas ward
iten spinner
-ithar - friend; see also -ethar, -thar
Ityak-Ortheel - "the Elf-Eater" - a
terrible creature created by the beast-
ja - staff, stick
jar - dove
Jar - "dove" - title given to a first rank
priest of Hanali Celanil. See Araestar.
jen - how
jharren - rope
Jhimari - the "red dukars" - members of
the Dukar Order of Jhimar
karask - demon
kash - fate; see also -ashk, -okash
kathan - branch
ke' - a pluralizer (like "s" in the
Common tongue); used as a prefix. See
also -i.
kekuel - smart, clever
ker - spell, enchantment
la - night
Labelas Enoreth - "guardian of the wild
night, arcane flower of autumn" - the
elven god of time, longevity, the
moment of choice, and history; one of
the Seldarine.
lae, llae harmony; see also al/-ala
laf- moonlike
lahr - name
lam 1. east, eastern 2. fair; see also ilam, -ulam
-lan son; see olan
lani - beautiful
Lani - "the Beauteous" - an acolyte of
Hanali Celanil. See Araestar.
-lanna daughter; see ola
lar shine
laran regal, one who is regal
neheless - yourself
nehel'feer - them "you-us"
nehel'quen - they "you-we"
nekra - sheath
nelluon - veils, concealment, shadows
Nelluonkkar - a dualist wizard from
ancient Cormanthor who focused
exclusively on the schools of
Illusion/Phantasm and Necromancy.
nes - heart
nesh - for
neshanas stop
neshyrr - spellsong
nesirtye elsewhere; also, the elven
word for the spell dimension door
nevae - dark, darkness "not light"
nevaedarn - darkvision
Nevaetriel - "Dark Lady" - a priestess of
Eilistraee. Also known as Kerym'quaress
or Keraera. Acolytes of the faith are
querimhinukeryness bladesong
warrior a student of the lesser form
of the bladesong martial art, who
practices the maneuvers but not the
arcane and martial study. Plural
querimhinukerynessi. See Evaliirkerym,
querimhinue; see also
quess - "of the People"
Quess'Ar'Teranthvar - "the Golden
Grove of Hidden Knowledge" - a sacred
but mysterious treasure of lost Myth
Drannor that is said to have contained
great magical knowledge "High Sacred
Grove of the People".
quessir - 1. people 2. a term of respect
used for an honorable elven male, often
of noble lineage 3. he 4. male, a male
quesst - 1. wine of extremely great
quality, ambrosia 2. nectar
quesstiasa nectar-wine strong elven
spirits distilled from fruit nectar and
honey under moonlight
quevan - the greatest accumulated
wisdom of the forests, "wisdom of the
trees" - from Oacil'Quevan "forms of
unity and age among the forests" and
radh - leaf
-rae - beast; see also rah, -raee
-raee - beast; see also -rae, rah
raer - unicorn
rah - beast; see also -rae, -raee
reth - arcane
rail - hunter (male); see also aral, ria, -ral, ryl
-ral - hunter; see also -aral, -ral, rail, ria, ryl
ran - binding, shackles; see also -re, -reen
ravan - forest; see also -van, -vanna, -var
ravanthas - friend (obviously derived
from "forest-dwellers")
re bear, ursine
-re - binding, shackles; see also ran, -reen
-reen - binding, shackles; see also ran, reen
reithirgir exceptionally powerful
rel - cow, force to submit, subjugate;
something thought of as a vile thing by
rell - many
relos - coward
reloseer - cowardice, fear
ren - west, western
resoshi - grant(s), bestow(s)
revar - rest
reverie - sleep, meditation,
daydreaming, reflection; the meditative,
dreamlike state that is the elven form of
sleep, which has made its way in limited
saaden - below
sae- wood, of or like the wood
saelas wildwood wood that
continues to grow and heal damage to
itself, even after it has been shaped into
other items
SaeQuess wood elf (informal), wood
elven; see SyQuess, SyTelQuessir
Saerloonian "Glowfire" - a pale,
luminous wine with a taste reminiscent
ta - fox
tae love, beloved; a term of
endearment, often used as a suffix (see
tahl - blade
tahlemar - "blade of honor" - a blade
sacred to the baelreth, which is bonded to
their spirit and grants them special
abilities, the embodiment and symbol of
their vows (see also baelreth)
tahl'nodel - moonblade (see also
tarine - animal
tarkhal - lost
Tarkhal - "the Lost" - an acolyte of
Fenmarel Mestarine. See Lyenna.
tas - wall
tasa - flow, run, wash, dripping
teague - upon
tel' - the
tel - ancient, lore
Tel'Adar - the World
Tel'Ennama "The First Flowering" - the
creation of the world and the first elves.
teless - lorekeeper, chronicler
telmiirkara transfiguration,
Telmiirkara Neshyrr Transfiguring
Spell-Song a spell that changes the
essential nature of a caster to that of
some form of outsider
Tel'Quess - of the People (adjective)
Tel'Quessir - The People (elves)
tel'quiet - me "a part of the People"
telthukiilir High Seeing Orb or
great gem of lore effectively, a very
powerful crystal ball, capable of
piercing even the most powerful
magical defenses; a relic of Aryvandaar.
One was housed in the Tower of the
Moon in Evermeet, and another was
acquired by the feyri who invaded
Myth Drannor.
ten spin
tenya - clothing
teranth - secret knowledge, the occult
teranthvar - a sacred or magical grove
teshuel - take
teu - tear, moon, silver, spirit (refering
to Sehanine's Tears, by which the Elven
spirit is said to have been created)
Teu'dhaer "Silver Shadows" - a
euphemism for the Lythari as used by
the green elves.
teu'heriryar - moonhorse
teu'ivae - moonlight - the intangible
radiance of the moon (see also lateu'ivae,
teu-kelytha legendary moonhorse of
Evermeet; formal name for the
moonhorses and a formal form of
teu'kerym - moonblade (see also
teukiir - moonstone
Teu'quaress - "Moondancer" - a priest of
Sehanine Moonbow who has reached the
second rank. See Aerakiir.
Teu'revar'sehaness - "one who quests
for visions" or "Vision Seeker" - a priest
u - thought, mind
ua - family, kin, cousin, kinswoman
(female); plural uai; see also us
u'aestar'kess - communion - a unique
spirit bond of the elven people, that all
elves may enter into with one another if
they succeed in the proper preparation,
which involves complete and total
trust. This bond of the spirit creates an
empathic link.
U'Aestar'Kess - "one heart, one mind,
one breath" - an ancient High Magic
ceremony, which was once the standard
of marriage ceremonies among the elven
people. It created an empathic and
partially telepathic link between the
newly-bonded couple. It is perhaps a
vaarn - evil
vain - spirit; see avain
-van, -vanna, -var - "of the trees"; see
-var - father; see also avar
vara - mother; plural varae
vel - arms
velahr - of the army or military; also, a
velahrn - the army or military
von - ice
vuorl - message
Vuorl'Kyshuf - "A Message on Birds'
Wings to Silver" - a High Magic ritual
xilo petal
yrrin - faith
yrrinnam - (the) faithful
za - royal, of royalty
za'af - crown "circlet of royalty"
zair - lightning; see also -ezair, zara
Zandilar the Dancer - "Princess of
generosity and creation," more properly
called Zandilar tel'Quaress in Espruar.
One of the Seldarine. See Sharess.
Zandilar tel'Quaress - the proper
Espruar for Zandilar the Dancer.
ommon -
above - ar
acolyte - urspliniqu'ess
acorn - nainiffi
act - kar
adamantine - atamar
adolescence - beryn fin
adolescent - beryn finess
advisor - venishu
aeon - rysar
aeons - adoe
aflame - rillis
after - deshu
against - uaul
age - she
ages - adoe
air - drii
ale - irasku
alike - e
alliance - cint'nias
ally - mus
also - eso
alone mestar
always eathshe
ambrosia - quesst
ancient - na, tel
and - ent
animal - tarine
apprentice - urspliniqu'ess
arcane - reth
archer - cael
armor hither; -ther, -ather, -thir
arms (as in "taking up arms") - velahr
arms (weapons) - kerymeth
army - velahrn
arrow - elandi
art - trad
Art - Faer
artifact - wihylo; plural wihylos
as e
at all times eathshe
attack, strike - ella
autumn - en
awake, awakened - awain
axe - shaalth
azure eil
badge - giir
bag - esk
ballad - evaliir
bane - athil
banish, banishment - khaor
bard - celoralanalath, also seanchai
(really talented or skilled)
bark - trakai
battle - enyor, halan
battlecraft - halantrad
battle magic - keryfaer
bear (animal) - re; grizzly bear - ari're
bear (carry, endure) - deth
beast rah; -rae, -raee
beat (rhythm) - alurashe
beautiful - ama, lani
beauty - ama
before - kesha
beginning - iqua
beginner - urspliniqu'ess, iqua'ess
behind - lothos
belief, believe - yrrin
believer - yrrinnam
beloved - tae, itae, thiramen
below - saaden
beside - ausa
bestow(s) - resoshi
betrothed - thiramindil, thiraminitae
beyond - firvain
big ary
binding ran; -re, -reen
birth - ennama "first flowering"
black - cerlyn; korblade - tahl; also kerym
bladesinger kerymaer (male),
kerymaera (female)
bladesong Evaliirkerym
bless - suor
blessing - miir, suor; also ialyshae "go
with my blessing"; saloh "blessed gift"
canine - coo
caress - seharan
carry - deth
cat - cath; elven cat - cath shee; catlike - si
cave, cavern - sanerek
celerity - kyshuf
celestial - surinya; celestial being surinyar
chamber - hoarth
champion - fera
change alura
chant, chanting - quis
chaos - syol
charge (something one is charged to do) akh
charm encik (a magical charm,
enchantment); dre (charm of personality);
charming - dre
chase usal
chief lon, ellon
child - lyth; one's child -lean (as a suffix
to a name)
childhood - lith
children - lythi
chronicler - teless
chronologist - she'teless
circle - af
city - benerel
city dweller - N'tel-que'tethira
clear - vivendi
cleric - surnar
clever - kekuel
clothing tenya
comet - elladyr
command - akh
communion - u'aestar'kess
companion - mus
concealment - nelluon
confidant - venishu
dagger - nikym
dance quar; -atri
dancer quaress; -atri; -tril, atril (male); tria, atria (female)
danger - daquin
dark, darkness - nevae, dhaer, fir;
darkness (spiritual) - mor; dark of the moon
dark elven DhaerQuess, drow,
dark elves dhaeroaw, drow, Ilythiiri,
dark/green elves - Cha'Tel'Quessir
darkvision - nevaedarn
daughter - ola; -lanna (as a term of
affection added to a name)
dawn ennama; -nis, -anis
day, daytime - noresh; a day - ia; days iaa
daydream - reverie
daylight - ia
daylightlike - ia
death - mor; of death - mai-; ghaatilren
death of old age, though the meaning of
that phrase is really passing west,
which is thought to be a journey to
Arvandor as opposed to a true death
decay orar
declamation - ysele
deep - nim
deity - arsurinya; creator deities Iquar'Tel'Quessir; elven deities
demon - karask
destiny - dharasha
destruction - orar; mhaor (terrible
genocidal destruction)
devour - went; devourer, to devour wenta
dew - holl
diamond - mion; of diamond or
diamondlike - nydie mor
dimension door - nesirtye
dimensions - dijak
dirt erek
distant noarun; -nal, -inal, -onal
do - kar
dog - coo; elven dog - cooshee
dove - jar
draconic - ka
dragon - hakarmaskannar; also takal
dream - revar, reverie, ru; dreamlike - rudrink - san
drow - drow, dhaeroaw, Ilythiiri,
druid - maravar, celoralanalath; sea
druid - alu'mara
dungeon - kerymhoarth
during zel
dusk ir; -ira, -ire; see also twilight
duskwood - rilisira
duty akh; -im
dwarf erkatam
dweomer - estierran
dynamics - alura
dynasty - rysar
each - enna
eagle - kan
eaglelike - kanearth - erek; earthy - koeh
eat - went; to eat - wenta
east - lam
eastern - lam
ecstacy - aravae
eight - pye'aia
eighth - pye'aia
either - op
elf - kesir, quessir
elf maid - etriel
elfblade - kerym
Elf-Eater - Ityak-Ortheel
elf-friend - Sha'Quessir
elfgate ghaatiil
elsewhere - nesirtye
elven quess, esti
Elvenkind - Tel'Quessir; of the elvenkind
- Tel'Quess, shee, ever-
feywine - Elquesstria
field - rum
fiend - karask
fifth - deshu'pye
fighter - keryness
filth - biir
finger - vil
fire - maskan; -iat; aflame - rillis
first - enna; first among Cor
fist - spar
five - deshu'pye
flaming - rillis
flee - sekkar
fletcher ash; -as, -sah
flight drimme; -drim, -udrim
flow - tasa
flower ama; -or, -oro
flute - evar
fly (to fly) drim
folk - yth
food - klatha
fool - siffi
foolish - kessuk
for - nesh
forbidden khaor
forever eathshe
forgotten - que
forest ravan, -van, -vanna, -var; ancient
forest, wisdom of the forest - quevan
fortress antha
fortune via, avia
four - pye
fourth - pye
fox - ta
free - ha
free thinker - u'haess
freedom - ha
friend sha, ravanthas; -ethar, -ithar. thar
friendship - quarlani'har
frond - lia
frost losi
funeral - be-inway
gale - keth
garb - tenya
garbage biir
gate oth; plural othi
Gate - ghaatiil
gem - kiir
gift - fhaor, saloh; -il, -iel, -ila, -lie
give yewl
giver yewless; -il, -iel, -ila, -lie
glade dul
glamour encik charm, enchantment,
nelluon illusion
glitter - ang
glow - ivae
gnome - sharatam
go - shan
god - arsurinya
goddess - arsurinya
gold - ar (color), scient (metal)
gold elven ArQuess; see also sun elven
gold elves - Ar'Tel'Quessir; ArQuess
(informal); see also sun elves
good thar
good fortune, good luck via, avia
grandfather - cor'avar "legend-father";
grandfathers - cor'avarn
grandmother - cor'avara "legendmother"; grandmothers - cor'avarae
grant(s) - resoshi
great - ael
hair - kacha
half, less than half - zenar
half-elf zenar-bhen; half-elven zenar'quess
half-orc - zenar'hakavarn
halfling - sherekir
hand - an
happiness - avae
happy - ava
harmony - ala; harmonious llae; -al/ala, -la, -lae, -llae
harp, harper aethus (male), aethas
(female); -thus (male), -thas (female)
hatred - drag
haunted - adomhaor
haven - holme
hawk el, ela (female), ele (male)
he - quessir
heal faenya
healer thal, ethal (male), tha, etha
hear - hin
heart - ne, nee, nes "one heart" - aestar
heavenly - surinya; heavenly-blessed surinya'suor
heel - meli
held hiedoso
helm - ya
her - etriel
hers - d'etriel
here - quor
herald - cas
here - quor
hero - arraness
heroic - arran
hibernation - adoessuor
hide (skin) - kai
hide, hiding - nelluon
hidden - n', nelluon
high - sel
High Mage - Ar'Selu'Taar; Great High
Mage - Cor'Selu'Taar
High Magic - Arselu'Tel'Quess
hill - dun
his - d'quessir
history - sol
historian - sol'teless
hoard - kiin; hoards - kiins
hold - hied; also kiin (connotation of
holy suor; -ual, -lua; of the Seldarine
Seldar; of Corellon Larethian Cor
holy liberator - kerynsuoress
holy person - suoress
I - le
ice - von
idiot - siffi
idiotic kessuk
illusion nelluon
illuminated - ium
in - aul
influences - encik
inn scennel
into - aulor
invader ilaer; plural ilaeri
invoke, invoked theur
is - nha
iron - mault
ivory zy
jade - ry
jewel - kiir
join - har
joining - oacil
journey - sehan
joy avae
jump ariorwi; iorwe jumps
jungle elves - Cha'Tel'Quessir
kingdom - coraar
kiss - harkess
knife - iolaa
knight - ael
know - thro, millentu
known - fendil, millentu
knowledge - menatu, tel, thro, ursplin
knowledge acquired through study,
wytalimen knowledge acquired
through experience; high knowledge
labyrinth - kerymhoarth
lady etriel; -ianna; noble lady - laranlas
lament sofema
lance uath; -luth, uth
land of the elves - ever
lake que; -fel, -afel, -efel
law - aer
leaf - radh; green leaf elrad
leap ariorwi; ariorwe leaps
learning - ursplin; learning by experience wytalimen
leather - anharad
legendary - cor
libertine - u'haess
library - ursplindaar; librarian ursplindaaress
lich - norn; elven lich - baelnorn
lie - n'avae
life - faen, kess; a life, one's life - veritam
lifeforce - faer
light - ivae, fis (bright)
lovely - sinnivi
lover - thiraminitae, evael'dil
maelstrom - sykerylor
mage - faern, mah (male), ma (female),
uth; dualist mage - Dukar; High Mage Selu'Taar; plural - mahs
magic - faer "art," quideh (spontaneous
magic,) lerret (spell-magic); battle magic
keryfaer; powerful magic - reithirgir
magical - tia, tiamake uann; -a, -ani, -uanna
maker uanna; -an (male name suffix), ana (female name suffix); -a, -ani
malaise adomhaor
male quessir (noun), -ar (adjective)
malicious - anil
many - rell
marriage aestar
master - lian
mate - aia, aias
mausoleum - morenial
me - tel'quiet
meadow - rum
meat - klathmor
medicine - faenya
meditation - reverie
meet - aelo
meeting - aelou
memory sol, ansrivarr
mercury - aasterinian
message - vuorl
might - ik (strength & power)
mighty - ik
military - velahrn
mind - u
mine - ath tel'quiet
mist il
mistress - lia
misty - il
mithral mithral
mithral elven MithralQuess; see also
star elven
mithral elves RuaTelQuessir;
MithralQuess (informal); see also star
moment shekyshuf time-quick; in
the moment quorshe here-time
monolith - arkhol "great stone"
moon - nodel; crescent moon - lateu; as an
adjective - teu
moon elven TeuQuess; see also silver
moon elves - Teu'Tel'Quessir;
TeuQuess (informal); see also silver elves
moonblade - teu'kerym, tahl'nodel
moonbow - lateu
moondark - odelhir
moonhorse - teu'heriryar; teu-kelytha
moonlight - teu'ivae; light of the moon nodel'ivae; crescent-moonlight - lateu'ivae
moonlike - laf, teu
moonstone - teukiir
mother - vara, avara
mound - dun
mourn - sofema
mountain silath; -sel, -asel, -isel (like a
move iorwe (a command)
movment, movements iorwi
murder eisliesen
murderer - savalir
music wyn
musician wyn
must - akh
mythal mythal
name - lahr
nameless - nar
near - tham
nectar - quesst
nefarious - anil
nemesis - athil
never - nielen
night - lo; of the night - la
nightfall - lareth
nine - khovakhov
nineth - khovakhov
no - neh
no matter - nievana
noble ary; ruil; -aruil, -eruil; -ia, -ii, ion a noble, a lord or lady
noblesse oblige - cormanth
nocturnal - lonoon - nharaigh
nor - nars
north - sim
northern - sim
not - col, n'
novice - urspliniqu'ess
now quorshe here-time
only - ennamar
onyx - cy
opal - ilyran
open, openly - welsa
opposed (to) - uaul
or quin, op
orc - hakavarn
order - aer
origin - iqua
original - iquar
owl gar
pain - avae'mhaor
pair - aia
paladin kerynsuoress
pale hal; -ahal, -ihal
palpable - qua
parliament (buildings) ahkiilor
parry ellathil counterstrike
passing West ghaatilren; which is
how Elves pass out of this world at the
end of their natural lifespans; see death
passion evael
pastry - quinpah
path - ya
peace - adon, ver
peacekeeper - adoness
peacetime - laev
pegasus - gael
people yth, quessir
People, the - Tel'Quessir; of the People quess, Tel'Quess
perilous - nilaamin
person - quess, ess
petal - xilo
philosophy - u'tel; philosopher - u'teless
pin - giir
pit - athal
place - shesh
plague - mhaor
plain - shaar
plane (as in Outer Plane) - dijak
point - vil
polearm - penaal
pool (of water) - thosel
portal ghaatiil
potency - ondreier
power - ik (temporal, ie. strength),
preceed, preceeding kasha
prey - aes
rain - alushtasa
rainbow - lateu'ivae
rainlike - firaptor - ela'dho (female), eledho (male)
ray lyn, -llinn, -lihn
real - fendil
realm - or
red harsan
regal - laran
regardless - nievana
reign - rysar
reserve - kiin; reserves - kiins
rest - revar
restoration - suyoll, ahrmaesuol (a great
resurrection - suyoll
revival - suyoll, ahrmaesuol (a great
rhythm - alurashe
riddle - lue
ride heriryarean; -ean
rider heriryarean; -ean
ring af
rite nin; -nine, -nyn
ritual nin; -nine, -nyn
rope - jharren
rose - cla
royal - za
Royal Guard - armathor
ruby - iridor, ky; ruby red - kyrules - aer
run (move quickly) - sehan'kyshuf
run (running water) - tasa
rune ansr
screen foqal
scribe is; -iss, -ist
scro - ar'hakavarn
scroll lersaat; -is, -iss, -ist
sea alu
sea elven AluQuess; see also blue
sea elves - Alu'Tel'Quessir; AluQuess
(informal); see also blue elves
second - aia (the second in a series)
secret - olin
see - linta "to see," wylinta "see, see for
oneself"; seen - mel
seed niffi
seeker sar; -asar, -isar
senate - caerilcarn
seven - deshu'khovaia
seventh - deshu'khovaia
shackles ran; -re, -reen
shadow - dhaer; -ali;
shadows/concealment - nelluon; of shadow n'
shadowtop seldhaer
shape darach; also to shape
sharp - eir
she - etriel
sheath - nekra
shield - foqal
Shieldmeet - Aeloulaev, Cinnaelos'Cor,
short - ni
short sword nikerym
shine lar, lirr
sibling - inar
sight darn; -ti, -eti, - til
silent - ssri
silk - ssri
silver - ari, teu (as a color); don (as a
silver elven TeuQuess; see also moon
silver elves - Teu'Tel'Quessir;
TeuQuess (informal); see also moon elves
silverbark - teu'trakai
similar (to) e
simple siff; see idiot
singing - aer, hinual
singer aer (male), aera (female)
sister - inar
six - khovaia
sixth - khovaia
skin - kai
sky - ther
slain - mertel
slayer - mai
sleep - reverie
sly - ah
small - sarash, nismart - kekuel
snow - sigen
so - desha
soft - seh
solid - qua
soldier - velahr; soldiers - velahrn
someone - iltem
son - olan; -lan (as a term of affection
added to a name)
song - hinue, aer, aera
soon - skiimer
soul - quarlani
soulmate - thiramin
sound - hin
south - arn
southern - arn
sparkle - ang
speak - hinual
spear - rid
speed - kyshuf
spell ker
spellsong - neshyrr
spin ten
spinner - iten
spirit - teu (spirit as substance or an
intangible thing,) quarlani (a spirit or
soul); vain, avain
spirits (alcohol) - quesstiasa
spring ari; -ri
staff - ja, ehalaer (usually a mage's or
druid's staff or a magical staff of some kind)
stag - ev
stanza - ni'hinuallae
star stacia; rua- ; bright star - kiir;
shooting star syolkiir
star elven RuaQuess; see also mithral
star elves RuaTelQuessir, RuaQuess
(informal); see also mithral elves
starlight, starshine - daoine
starlike - rua
steed - heriryar
steel maskaulat
step iorwe
step aside - iorwe
stern - heri
stick - ja
taboo - khaor
take - teshuel
talk - hinual
tangible qua
teacher - aerister
tear- teu
tears - hel; teushtasa; -ahel, -ihel
tempo - alurashe
that - siilen
the - tel'
them - nehel'feer
they - nehel'quen
thief - leshere
third - khov
this - bren
thorn - thearn
those - thas
thought u
thousand fhoel
thousandfold - fhoeldin
three - khov
through eshaal
thunder - dalsien
time - she
to - lor (in relation to someone), nae (to a
together - aestar
tolerate - deth
tomb - morenial
tomorrow - belath
tool - meth
top - sel
tornado - arrn; sykerylor
touch - haran
tower - tirith
tradition - trad
traitor dhaeroaw
transfiguration telmiirkara
transformation - telmirrkara
travel - sehan
treasure - piir
tree - lath, tra
tribute - fhaor, saloh
trio - khov
twig - ja
twilight - lareth
two - aia; the two of them, both inti
ugly - biir
un- n'
unawakened - malawain
undead - mormhaor
under - ernath
understanding - nuvendi
unicorn raer
unjoin kileaarn
unjoining - kileaarna
unknown - niefendil
unrest - adomhaor
upon - teague
us feer
veil - nelluon
verse - ni'hinuallae
versus - uaul
vice versa - e __ eso __ "as __, also __"
vigil, vigilance - tha
vile - anil
villain - aniless
visage - kai
wake - be-inway
walk sehan
walker sehaness, ro; -ri, -ron
walks ro; -ri, -ron
wall - tas
wand - aha
want - kerradun
war, warfare - keryth, mal
ward - itas
warrior - keryness
wash - tasa
water - alus, sumway ya; durr (a path or gate)
we quen
weak hal; -ahal, -ihal
weapon - kerymeth
Weave, the - Selu; the energy that is the
Weave that is also life - Faer
weep - teushtasa
weeping - teushtasa
weirwood - rilisafel
west - ren
western - ren
what - sen
whatever nievana
when - shunti
where - sharti
which - siilen
whisper gala; -ae, -nae
white - ivae; dae (daylight-white)
wife - aia
wild syol, sy or syl, las
wild elven SyolQuess; see also green
wild elves SyTelQuessir; SyolQuess;
see also green elves
Wildspace - Syolkiira "wild stars",
Ther'noarun "far sky"
wind - keth, kess
window - foqal
wine - iasa, san (drink, wine), quesst
(nectar); quesstiasa (strong elven spirits
distilled under moonlight from fruit nectar
and honey); types of wine Arthuen'Saerlooniasa (Saerloonian
year - ashanelath
yellow - thuen
yes - avavaen
yet - aeleth. sil (still)
you nehel
yourself - neheless
young - lyth
orms of
addressing, one's cousin or other family,
the suffixes "-ua" or "-us" may be added
to the end of the elf's first name (ie.
Laerothus "my cousin Laeroth,"
Arilynua "my cousin Arilyn.") This is a
term of endearment. When speaking of
another elf's cousin, the same suffixes
are used, and the name of the elf whose
cousin is being discussed is proceeded
by the possessive prefix "d'" (ie.
d'Laerothus "Laeroth's cousin.") Plural
forms are the same as the singular.
daughter - ola - when speaking of, or
addressing, one's daughter, the suffixes
"-lanna" or "-ola" are added to the end of
the elf's first name (ie. Arilynola "my
daughter Arilyn." This is a term of
endearment. When speaking of another
elf's daughter, the same suffixes are
used, and the name of the elf whose
daughter is being discussed is
proceeded by the possessive prefix "d'"
(ie. d'Laerothlanna "Laeroth's
family - see cousin
father - avar, plural avarn - when
speaking of, or addressing, one's own
father, the suffixes "-var" or "-avar" may
added to the end of the elf's first name
(ie. Laerothavar "my father Laeroth").
This is used as a term of endearment;
notice that it marks a more equal
relationship between parent and child
than humans are used to. This can also
be added to the end of an elf's name to
refer to that elf's father; this is a term
always used in the third person, and the
elf's name is always proceeded by the
prefix possessive "d'" (ie. d'Arilynavar
"Arilyn's father.")
Arilynlia Mistress
Arilyn, Durothillia Mistress
Durothil.) When speaking of another
elfs mistress, the same suffix is used,
and the name of the elf whose mistress
is being discussed is proceeded by the
possessive prefix d (ie. dLaerothlia
Laeroths mistress. See also master.
noble elven lady - etriel (a term of
respect); see also Princess
noble elven male - quessir (a term of
respect); see also Prince
Prince - Za'quessir, Zalaranlors; see also
noble elven male, royalty.
Princess - Za'etriel, Zalaranlas; see also
noble elven lady, royalty.
Queen - Cor'Etriel; note that unlike
human cultures, this form of address is
equal to that of King on an Order of
Precedence, even in implication. See
also royalty.
royalty - Za or Cor - when addressing
royalty, the prefix "za'" is added to the
riting &
peaking in
Noarun Quessir'kerradun
Leha thro'Quessir thiramen
nehel'feer ivae
Ent usal nevae.
Bren u'aestar'kess d'Corellon
Nesh Sehanine'itae?
Ilphu e d'aestarath tel'quiet
Ausa tel'ennamath enna stacia?
Quessir'deth tel'rillis?
Noarun Quessir'kerradun
Far, he goes without (this refers to
how far the Sun is from the Moon and
Stars, as day's appearance drives away
the visible Moon and Stars, and implies
that this is a great deprivation,
something essential that is painfully
denied. The capitalization of Quessir
implies a great Lord; in this case,
Corellon as the Sun.)
Nesh Sehanine'itae?
For Sehanine-beloved? (this
completes the previous line's phrase;
now we see that the author believes his
love for his wife to be akin to that of
Corellon's love for Sehanine. The
greater implication of this is in the
legend of the Seldarine, in which the
love between Sehanine and Corellon
sustained him and gave him strength in
his most desperate and dark moment,
and then from that love and the spilled
intermingled blood and tears the first
elves were formed. In this simple
phrase the author proclaims that his
wife's love has sustained him in his
most desperate and dark moments, and
he believes that with the power of the
love between them, they can create great
things by accident almost, and can truly
conquer all. It also suggests that he
likens the creation of their children to
the creation of the original elves; a
cosmic accident of love that was a true
and beautiful miracle.)
Quessir'deth tel'rillis?
Athans, Philip. Realms of the Elves: The Last Mythal Anthology. Copyright
2006 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Baker, Richard. Forsaken House: The Last Mythal Book I. Copyright 2004 by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Baker, Richard, Bonny, Ed, and Stout, Travis. Lost Empires of Faerun.
Copyright 2005 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L. City of Splendors: Waterdeep. Copyright 1996 by TSR, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L. Demihuman Deities. Copyright 1998 by Wizards of the Coast,
Boyd, Eric. L. Environs of Waterdeep (PDF). Copyright 1996 by TSR, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L. Mintiper's Chapbook - Part 5: Myth Glaurach. Copyright 1995 by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L. Mintiper's Chapbook - Part 8: Grandfather Tree. Copyright 1995
by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Boyd, Eric L and Mona, Eric. Faiths and Pantheons. Copyright 2002 by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Collins, Andy, and Cordell, Bruce R. Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead.
Copyright 2004 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Collins, Andy, Noonan, David, and Stark, Ed. Complete Warrior. Copyright
2003 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Cook, Monte. The Glass Prison. Copyright 1999 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Cordel, Bruce R., Greenwood, Ed & Sims, Chris. Forgotten Realms Campaign
Guide. Copyright 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
"Cormanthyr" Website. *An excellent resource for insight into the elves of the
Realms and their culture.
Cunningham, Elaine. Elfshadow. Copyright 1992 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Elfsong. Copyright 1994 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Evermeet: Island of Elves. Copyright 1999 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. The Radiant Dragon. Copyright 1992 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Silver Shadows. Copyright 1996 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Silver Shadows. Copyright 1996 by TSR, Inc.
Cunningham, Elaine. Windwalker. Copyright 2003 by Wizards of the Coast,
De Bie, Scott. Shadowbane: Eye of Justice (Kindle edition). Copyright 2012 by
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Schend, Steven E. The Sea of Fallen Stars. Copyright 1999 by TSR, Inc.
Stephens, Owen K.C. "By Any Other Name: The Drow." Dragon Magazine Issue
#267, Volume XXIV, No. 8, January 2000, pp. 28-31.
Stephens, Owen K.C. "By Any Other Name: The Elves." Dragon Magazine, Issue
251, Volume XXIII, Number 4, p. 52 - 54. Copyright September 1998.
Williams, Skip. Races of the Wild. Copyright 2005 by Wizards of the Coast,
Young, Barbara G. The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook. Copyright 1992 by
TSR, Inc.
Most of this information comes directly from the 3rd edition Forgotten Realms sourcebook,
though the Abyssal and Celestial connections are my own personal theory.
Graphics adapted from the third edition Forgotten Realms sourcebook, and from "An Elven
Lexicon." Dragon Magazine, Issue 279, Volume XXV, Number 8, p. 56 - 59.
From "An Elven Lexicon." Dragon Magazine, Issue 279, Volume XXV, Number 8, p. 56 - 59.
From Forgotten Realms: Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Setting
This is my attempt to explain contradictory information from two sources; the Forgotten Realms
sourcebook and "An Elven Lexicon" (Dragon #279). The official standard given by WoTC is
that when two sources differ, a primary source (in this case, the Forgotten Realms sourcebook)
takes precedent over a secondary source (such as the Dragon Magazine,) but as Sean Reynolds,
one of the three listed authors for the Forgotten Realms sourcebook, wrote the article, I don't feel
that in this case I could just ignore it, especially when I draw upon it so extensively for the
Coming up with these was probably the greatest challenge I faced in this compilation, being as
no source I could find anywhere was kind enough to list the proper names of the numerals for me,
not even the recent article "An Elven Lexicon"! So this is, to a large extent, educated guesswork
on my part. I'll explain how I arrived at this terminology.
a) The only proper number I could find was enna "one," listed in "An Elven Lexicon" (but it
didn't list any of the other numbers!)
b) The closest thing I could find to the mention of any other numbers was Khov "Trio," given
as part of the phrase Khov'Aniless "the Trio Nefarious," in Cormanthyr, Empire of the Elves. It
was logical to assume they would use the same word for "three."
c) Pyesigen, a name for Shieldmeet, meant "four snows." It is entirely a guess on my part that
the pye part is the part that meant "four," but it would be consistent with the names of numbers
being simple words, as the other numbers thus far seemed to be.
d) Ki, as listed in "By Any Other Name," Dragon Magazine, Issue 251, Volume XXIII,
Number 4, p. 52 - 54, means "void." By the holistic, naturalist approach of elven culture and
language, it seemed a good name for "zero."
e) The same article "By Any Other Name" lists the suffix aia as meaning "mate" as in a wife or
a husband. Again, it seemed a logical assumption that it might also mean "pair," or "two."
f) The rest of the names of the numbers combine these in ways which seemed to make sense
based on the emphasis that was placed on individual Espruar numerals in their differencing
features when written:
deshu'pye - after-four - "five"
khovaia - mated (paired) threes - "six"
deshu'khovaia - after mated threes - "seven"
pye'aia - mated fours - "eight"
khovakhov - three threes - "nine"
ennakeshaki - one before zero - "ten"
aia'enna - mated ones - "eleven"
ennakeshaia - one before two - "twelve"