Resistancepropulsion Exercises
Resistancepropulsion Exercises
Resistancepropulsion Exercises
A 6 m model of a 180 m long ship is towed in a model basin at a speed of 1.61 m/s. The towing pull is 20 N.
The wetted surface of the model is 4 m 2. Estimate the corresponding speed for the ship in knots and the
effective power PE, assuming resistance coefficients to be independent of scale for simplicity.
a) A ship of 15000 t displacement has speed 20 kn. Determine the corresponding speed for a similar
ship of displacement 14000 t using geometric and Froude similarity.
b) A ship of 140 m length has speed 15 kn. Determine the corresponding speed for a 7 m model.
c) A ship of 5000 t displacement has speed 18 kn, length 120 m. The towing tank model has 6 m
length. At which speed should the model be tested? What is the ratio of the ship-to-model PE at this
a) Let's denote the ship with 15000 t displacement with index 1, the other with index 2. The lengths L
of the ships correlate to the displacements following geometric similarity:
L13 1 L1 3 1
L32 2 L2 3 2
The speeds follow from Froude similarity:
1/ 6 1/ 6
V1 V2 L 14000
V2 V1 2 V1 2 20 19.8 kn
gL1 gL2 L1 1 15000
it scales with 3, as the area scales with 2 and the speed in Froude similarity scales with 0.5. Thus
the power scales with 3.5:
3.5 3.5
PE , s Ls 120
PE , m Lm 6
A ship (L = 122.00 m, B = 19.80 m, T = 7.33 m, = 8700 t) has the following power requirements:
V [kn] 16 17 18 19 20
P [kW] 2420 3010 3740 4620 5710
Estimate the power requirements for a similar ship with 16250 t displacement at speed 19.5 knots.
We convert the speed of the new ship of 19.5 kn to the corresponding speed for the original ship, following
Froude and geometric similarity:
1/ 6 1/ 6
gL1 1 8700
V1 V2 V2 19.5 17.57 kn
gL2 2 16250
For this speed, the power for the original ship is linearly interpolated to:
3740 3010
P1 (17.57 17) 3010 3426 kW
18 17
This is scaled to the new ship:
3.5 / 3 3.5 / 3
new 16250
P P1 3426 7088 kW
old 8700
Explanation: Power scales with speed V3 and area A, which gives for the speed with Froude similarity a scale
with length scale 1.5 and for the area 2, thus together 3.5. If we use the displacement instead of the length,
we divide by 3. Hence the exponent of 3.5/3.
A car has a wind resistance value of CW = 0.3. The car has a frontal area of 2 m 2. The air density is 1.23
kg/m3 and the car weighs 1200 kg.
Now compare the efficiency of a ship to that of the car. A ferry has a resistance of 2000 kN at a speed of 25
kn. The ferry has a mass of 16500 t, length Lpp = 190 m, and a wetted surface of 4400 m2.
a) Compute the necessary power for car speeds of 10, 20, 30, 40, 100 and 200 km/h.
b) What scale has to be taken to get a ship model of same mass as the car?
c) What is the model speed if Froude similarity is kept?
d) What is the model resistance if the correlation allowance is cA = 0?
e) How fast could the car go with the same power the ship model needs in towing at design Froude
V F P = F V
10 km/h 2.78 m/s 2.85 N 8W
20 km/h 5.56 m/s 11.39 N 63 W
30 km/h 8.3 m/s 25.63 N 212 W
40 km/h 11.11 m/s 45.60 N 506 W
100 km/h 27.78 m/s 284.72 N 7910 W
200 km/h 55.60 m/s 1138.9 N 63272 W
0.075 0.075
cF , s 1.398 10 3
log10 Rn, s 2 log10 21 108 2 2
0.075 0.075
cF , m 2.708 10 3
log10 Rn, m 2 log10 18.3 106 2 2
The total resistance coefficient for the ship is:
RT , s 2 106
cT , s 1 1 5.357 10 3
2 sea s s
1026 12.86 4400
We assume the same wave resistance coefficient for full scale and model scale. Thus:
cT , m cF , m cF , s cT , s ( 2.708 1.398 5.357) 10 3 6.676 10 3
This yields a resistance (with S m S s / ):
m 2 Ss 1000 4400
RT ,m cT ,m Vm 2 6.676 10 3 2.63 2 177 kN
2 2 23.957 2
A sailing yacht has been tested. The full-scale dimensions are Lpp = 9.00 m, S = 24.0 m2, = 5.150 m3.
The yacht will operate in sea water of = 1025 kg/m3, = 1.19106 m2/s.
The model was tested with scale = 7.5 in fresh water with = 1000 kg/m3, = 1.145106 m2/s.
We consider only the lowest 4 speeds as for the others a considerable wave influence is to be expected.
Then regression analysis (e.g. using a spreadsheet like Excel) yields = 0.165 and k = 0.545.
(If only the last 3 points are used, = 0.190, k = 0.540.)
An underwater vehicle shall be tested to make a resistance prediction. The streamlined body is tested in a
wind tunnel. The following data are given:
The density and viscosity of air at standard atmospheric pressure are (as function of temperature):
1.293 kg/m3
T 273
= 105(1.723+0.0047T) kg/(ms)
The model resistance measured in the wind tunnel is 3.9 N. The full-scale vehicle is 9 m long and operated
in the ocean at 15C, = 1.19106 m2/s, = 1026 kg/m3.
a) What similarity law is most important and what full-scale speed in m/s corresponds to keeping this
b) What is the full-scale resistance at this speed (using same total resistance coefficient)?
c) Predict the full-scale resistance following ITTC'78 assuming c AA = cA = 0 for full-scale speed 2 m/s?
d) Can the accuracy of prediction be improved by changing the temperature in the wind tunnel? How?
a) For an underwater vehicle, wave resistance (and thus Froude similarity) can be neglected. Thus
Reynolds similarity is most important. Same Reynolds number then yields the full-scale speed:
273 273
m 1.293 1.293 1.1845 kg/m3
T 273 25 273
m 10 5 1.723 0.0047 T 105 1.723 0.0047 25 105 1.8405 kg/(ms)
m 10 5 1.8405
m 1.5538 10 5 m2/s
m 1.1845
V L 30 1.5
Rn , m m m 2.896 106
m 1.5538 10 5
Keeping Reynolds similarity (Rn,m=Rn,s) then yields:
R R 2.896 106 1.19 106
Vs n , s s n , m s 0.3829 m/s
Ls Ls 9
cT (1 k ) cF
0.075 0.075
cF 3.767 10 3
log10 Rn 2 log10 2.896 10 2
6 2
cT 6.097 10
1 k 1.6185
cF 3.767 10 3
Thus, we have the resistance at 2 m/s:
Vs Ls 29
Rn 15.12 106
s 1.19 10 6
0.075 0.075
cF 2.795 10 3
log10 Rn 2 log10 15.12 10 26 2
cT (1 k ) cF 1.6185 2.795 10 4.52 103
2 3 1026
RT cT Vs S s 4.52 10 2
2 43.2 401 N
2 2
d) Reducing the temperature increases the Reynolds number. However, to get the same Reynolds
number in this case would require a temperature of 163C...
The full-scale ship is 140 m long and has speed 15 kn, the model 4.9 m. The resistance is measured to 19 N
in the model basin. Following the ITTC'57 approach, what is the predicted full-scale resistance?
The wetted surface of the full-scale ship is 3300 m 2. The density of sea water 1025 kg/m3, that of fresh water
1000 kg/m3. m = 1.14106 m2/s , for fresh water, s = 1.19106 m2/s for sea water. Use a correlation
coefficient of cA =0.0004.
The wave resistance coefficient (assumed same for model and ship) is then:
c w cT ,m c F ,m 4.533 10 3 3.267 10 3 1.266 10 3
Thus the total resistance coefficient of the ship is:
cT , s c F , s c w c A (1.549 1.266 0.4) 10 3 3.215 10 3
The resistance follows:
s 2 1025
RT , s cT ,s Vs S s 3.215 10 3 7.716 2 3300 323.7 kN
2 2
A ship model with scale = 23 was tested in the model basin with 104.1 N total resistance for the bare hull
model at towing speed Vm = 2.064 m/s. The wetted surface of the model is Sm = 10.671 m2 and its length Lm =
7.187 m. The viscosity is = 1.14106 m2/s in fresh water and = 1.19106 m2/s in sea water, density =
1000 kg/m3 in fresh water, 1025 kg/m3 in sea water.
a) What is the prediction for the total calm-water resistance of the bare hull in sea water of the full-
scale ship following ITTC'78 with a form factor k = 0.12? Assume standard roughness ks/Loss = 106,
corresponding roughly to 150 m average surface roughness, neglect air resistance.
b) The appendages of the ship (bilge keels, shaft brackets and rudder) add 8% to the total resistance of
the smooth bare hull. What is the total resistance now?
c) Fouling increases the surface roughness by a factor 10 to ks/Loss = 105. What is the total resistance
V L 9.899 165.3
Rn , s s s 1.375 109
s 1.19 10 6
The friction coefficients follow:
0.075 0.075
cF , m 2.867 10 3
log10 Rn 2 log10 1.301 10 2
7 2
0.075 0.075
cF , s 1.472 10 3
log10 Rn 2 log10 1.375 10 2
9 2
The frictional resistance for model and full scale follow:
m 2 1000
RF ,m c F ,m Vm S m 2.867 10 3 2.064 2 10.671 65.2 N
2 2
RF , s cF , s s Vs2 S s 1.472 10 3 9.899 2 5645 417.2 kN
2 2
a) We compute the correlation coefficient following ITTC78:
c A 10 3 105 3 s 0.64 10 3 105 3 10 6 0.64 0.41 10 3
The total resistance coefficient of the model and the model is:
RT , m 104.1
cT , m 1 4.580 10 3
mVm S m 2 1000 2.064 10.671
2 2
The total resistance coefficient of the full-scale ship follows then according ITTC'78:
A ship model (scale = 23) was tested in fresh water with: RT,m = 104.1 N, Vm = 2.064 m/s, Sm = 10.671 m2,
Lm = 7.187 m. m = 1000 kg/m3, s = 1026 kg/m3, m = 1.14 106 m2/s, s = 1.19 106 m2/s
What is the prediction for the total calm-water resistance in sea water of the full-scale ship following
ITTC'57? Assume cA = 0.0002.
Vm Lm 2.064 7.187
Thus: Rn , m 1.301 107
m 1.14 10 6
V L 9.899 165.3
Rn , s s s 1.375 109
s 1.19 10 6
0.075 0.075
cF , m 2.867 10 3
log10 Rn, m 2 log10 1.301 10 2
7 2
0.075 0.075
cF , s 1.472 10 3
log10 Rn, s 2 log10 1.375 10 2
9 2
RF , m cF , m m Vm2 S m 2.867 10 3 2.0642 10.671 65.1 N
2 2
s 2 1026
RF , s cF , s Vs S s 1.472 10 3 9.8992 5645 417.7 kN
2 2
A model of 6 m length has total resistance 70 N at 1.8 m/s. The wetted surface of the model is 5 m 2.
Determine the resistance for a geometrically similar ship of length 130 m using the ITTC'57 approach.
Density of model basin water m = 1000 kg/m3, density of sea water s = 1026 kg/m3. m = 1.14 106 m2/s for
fresh water, s = 1.19 106 m2/s for sea water. Use a correlation coefficient cA = 0.00035.
The wave resistance coefficient (assumed same for model and ship) is then:
cw cT , m cF , m (8.642 3.028) 10 3 5.614 103
Thus the total resistance coefficient of the ship is:
cT , s cF , s cw c A (1.548 5.614 0.35) 103 7.511 103
The resistance follows:
s 2 1026
RT , s cT , s Vs S s 7.511 10 3 8.382 2347 635.1 kN
2 2
A base ship (Index O) has the following main dimensions: Lpp,O = 128.0 m, BO = 25.6 m, TO = 8.53 m, CB =
0.565. At a speed VO = 17 kn, the ship has a total calm-water resistance of RT,O = 460 kN. The viscosity of
water is = 1.19 106 m2/s and density = 1026 kg/m3.
What is the resistance of the ship with Lpp = 150 m if the ship is geometrically and dynamically similar to the
base ship and the approach of ITTC'57 is used (essentially resistance decomposition following Froude's
The wetted surface may be estimated by an empirical estimate: S 3.4 0.5 Lwl
1/ 3 1/ 3
Lwl may be estimated by Lwl = 1.01Lpp.
The Reynolds number shall be based on Lpp. The correlation coefficient can be neglected.
L pp ,1 150
The ships are geometrically similar with scaling factor: 1.1719
L pp ,O 128
We have: O C B , O L pp , O BO TO 0.565 128 25.6 8.53 15792.4 m3
Lwl , O 1.01 L pp , O 1.01 128 129.28 m.
SO 3.4 1 / 3 0.5 Lwl 1 / 3 3.4 15792.41 / 3 0.5 129.28 15792.41 / 3 m2
S1 2 SO 1.1719 2 3761.9 5166.4 m2
The speed of the base ship is VO = 17 kn = 170.5144 = 8.7448 m/s. Dynamic similarity means:
V1 VO 1.1719 8.7448 9.467 m/s
Then we have:
VO L pp ,O 8.7448 128
Rn ,O 9.406 108
1.19 10 6
V1 L pp ,1 9.467 150
Rn ,1 1.193 109
1.19 10 6
0.075 0.075
cF , O 1.5423 103
log10 Rn,O 2 log10 9.406 10 2
2 8 2
0.075 0.075
cF ,1 1.4976 10 3
log10 Rn,1 2 log10 1.193 10 2
9 2
2 3 1026
RF , O cF , O VO SO 1.5423 10 8.7448 3761.9 227.6 kN
2 2
RF ,1 cF ,1 V12 S1 1.4976 10 3 9.467 2 5166.4 355.7 kN
2 2
The residual resistance is RR RT RF . Thus:
RR ,O RT ,O RF , O 460 227.6 232.4 kN
RR ,1 RR , O 3 232.4 1.17193 374.0 kN
RT ,1 RR ,1 RF ,1 374.0 355.7 729.7 kN
a) The ship resistance at design speed is 580 kN. The ship is at constant speed. What is the thrust
deduction fraction t?
b) Give an estimate for the propulsive efficiency D.
c) For a 1:16 model of the ship a wake fraction w = 0.19 is measured in towing tank tests. What should
be the propeller rpm at the model speed corresponding to full-scale design speed?
d) Compare Reynolds numbers at 0.7R for the model and at full scale. The full-scale propeller chord c
at r/R = 0.7 is 2 m.
Vs Vs 13
c) Similarity laws give: Vm 3.25 m/s
Vm 16
Inflow velocity in model scale: V A,m Vm (1 wm ) 3.25 (1 0.19) 2.63 m/s
The advance number in model scale is equal to the advance number in full scale. This gives:
V A, m V A, m 2.63
n 11.2 Hz
J Dm J ( Ds / ) 0.833 (4.5 / 16)
Thus the model propeller turns at 674 rpm.
VR c
Reynolds number: Rn
VR , s c s 31.75 2
At full scale: Rn , s 56 10 6
s 1.139 10 6
VR ,m c m 7.4 ( 2 / 16)
At model scale: Rn ,m 0.78 10 6
m 1.188 10 6
The model scale Reynolds number is close to the point where laminar/turbulent transition is
expected. Unless turbulence is stimulated, some contamination due to partially laminar flow may be
Make a resistance prognosis for a newly designed containership. A model of the ship is towed in a model
basin. Temperature of seawater shall be 15, its salinity 3.5%, temperature of water in basin 20. The model
basin measures the values given in the table below.
V [kn] 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
R [N] 23.24 28.38 33.92 37.53 41.47 44.79 47.49 52.13 58.71
The model has Lpp = 5.6 m at model scale = 25 and wetted surface S = 8.16 m2.
a) Compute density, viscosity and wetted surface for model and full scale, using the formulae:
106 0.014 s (0.000645 t 0.0503) t 1.75
p2 0.7028423 p1
p1 = 5884.8170366 + t(39.803732+t(-0.3191477+t0.0004291133)) + 26.126277s
p2 = 1747.4508988 + t(11.51588 0.046331033t) s(38.5429655+0.1353985t))
where s is the salinity and t the temperature in C.
b) Compute Froude and Reynolds numbers for the model test, the speeds and Reynolds numbers for
full scale.
c) Compute the frictional (ITTC'57), residual and total resistance coefficients for the model.
d) Compute the frictional and total resistance coefficients for full scale as well as the resistance at full
scale following ITTC'57, assuming cA = 0.0003.
b) Fn gL pp and Rn and 1 kn = 0.5144 m/s. Then we have:
RT , m
c) cT , m 1
Vm2 S m
2 m
cF , m
log10 Rn, m 2 2
cR cT , m cF , m
d) cT , s cF , s cR c A
cF , s
log10 Rn, s 2 2
s 2
RT , s cT , s Vs S s
Vs [kn] cF,s103 cT,s103 RT [kN]
12.0 1.579 2.420 242.2
13.0 1.564 2.602 304.4
14.0 1.549 2.747 372.7
14.5 1.542 2.886 420.1
15.0 1.536 3.033 472.0
15.5 1.530 3.094 514.6
16.0 1.524 3.083 546.4
16.5 1.518 3.232 609.2
17.0 1.512 3.513 702.9
Consider a ship with speed Vs = 15 kn, thrust deduction fraction t = 0.2, wake fraction w = 0.15. The ship is
equipped with a Wageningen B4-40 propeller with diameter D = 6 m. The water density is = 1025 kg/m3.
The resistance curve between 10 and 16 kn is given in good approximation by (R in kN, V in kn):
R 10 V 2 185 V 1100
Now we plot this function in the diagram for the B4-40 propeller. The intersections of this KT = f(J)
curve with the KT curves of the propeller for the various P/D values (solid lines) gives
(approximately taken from the diagram) J and KT. The corresponding values of 0 and 10KQ for this
J are listed as well:
P/ J KT 10KQ 0
0.8 0.570 0.147 0.150 0.620
0.9 0.620 0.174 0.265 0.630
1.0 0.665 0.200 0.330 0.635
1.1 0.705 0.225 0.400 0.630
1.2 0.745 0.251 0.475 0.625
c) The best efficiency is for P/D = 1.0 with 0 = 0.635. So we select this propeller. The propeller rpm
VA V 6.559
follows from: J n A 1.64 s-1 = 98.6 rpm
nD J D 0.665 6
P/ J KT 10KQ 0
1.0 0.690 0.188 0.405 0.650
VA 5.247
This yields: n 1.267 s-1 = 76.0 rpm
J D 0.690 6
Q K Q n 2 D 5 0.0405 1025 1.267 2 65 518 kNm
PD 2 n Q 2 1.167 518 4124 kW
A container ship shall be lengthened by adding a parallel midship section of 12.50 m length (40' container
and space between stacks). At full engine power (100% MCR = maximum continuous rating), the ship is
capable of V = 15.6 kn. Ship data (original before conversion):
Wake fraction and thrust deduction are estimated by: w 0.75 CB 0.24 and t 0.5 C B 0.15
Viscosity and density are: = 1.1910-6 m2/s, sea = 1025 kg/m3
The ship is equipped with a propeller with 0 = 0.55. The relative rotative efficiency is R = 1.
The calculation length for Lap-Keller is Ld 1.01 L pp 1.01 117 .20 118 .37 m.
( Ld Lwl for Lwl 1.01L pp , but this is not the case here.)
The prismatic coefficient based on this length is CPd = CP/1.01 = 0.685.
The speed is V = 15.6 kn = 8.025 m/s.
V Ld 8.025 118 .37
The Reynolds number is: Rn 7.983 108
1.19 10 6
0.075 0.075
cF following ITTC'57 is: cF 1.574 10 3
log10 Rn 2 log10 7.983 10 2
8 2
The residual coefficient is determined following Lap-Keller. For
V 8.025
0.891 and CP = 0.692 we read from the diagram in Fig.4 of Keller
CPd L 0.685 118 .37
(1973): r = 0.025. We do not have to apply any correction for CP, as CP < 0.8. Then:
Lap, A.J.W. (1954). Diagrams for determining the resistance of single screw ships. Int. Shipb. Progr., p.179; Keller, W.H. auf'm (1973). Extended
diagrams for determining the resistance and required power of single-screw ships. Int. Shipb. Progr., p.253
Am 130.20
cR r 0.025 1.111 10 3
S 2925
The correction factor K2 for B/T is given by Lap (1954) as:
B 20.00
K 2 1 0.05 2.4 1 0.05 2.4 1.032
T 6.56
The total resistance is:
RT c F c R c A K 2 V 2 S 1.574 1.111 0.35 1.032 8.025 2 2925
2 2
= 302 kN
PE RT V 302 8.025 2424 kW
w 0.75 CB 0.24 0.75 0.688 0.24 0.276
t 0.5 CB 0.15 0.5 0.688 0.15 0.194
1 t 1 0.194
H 1.113
1 w 1 0.276
PE 2424
PD 3960 kW
H 0 R 1.113 0.55 1
b) Considerations after ship conversion (We denote values for the new version by a prime.)
The new length is L' pp L pp L 117 .20 12.50 129.70 m.
Thus L'd 1.01 L' pp 1.01 119 .70 131.00 m.
' Am L 10579 130.2 12.50 12206.5 m3
C 'B 0.710
L'B T 131 20 6.56
C 'B 0.710
C 'P 0.715 and C 'Pd C 'P 0.708 .
CM 0.9926 1.01
Thus the ship is a group D ship according to Kellers (1973) Figure 1.
The wetted surface according to the Lap-Keller formula is:
S ' (3.4 1 / 3 0.5 L pp ) 1 / 3 (3.4 12206.51 / 3 0.5 117 .20) 12206.51 / 3 3296
w' 0.75 C 'B 0.24 0.75 0.710 0.24 0.293
t ' 0.5 C 'B 0.15 0.5 0.710 0.15 0.205
1 t ' 1 0.205
'H 1.124
1 w' 1 0.293
The other data remain unchanged. (The relative rotative efficiency is largely influenced by the
aftbody shape and the propeller. Both do not change here, so the assumption of unchanged R is
acceptable.) We now use Keller's (1973) Figure 5.
Note: The method is based on regression analysis of ships without bulbous bows. Such ships are not built
anymore. The method of Lap-Keller must thus be seen with appropriate scepticism!