Ship Propeller - Design
Ship Propeller - Design
Ship Propeller - Design
Propeller Rpm:
Determined by the propulsion plant.
Resonance risk with the natural frequencies of vibration of the hull and shafting system
High rpm may increase propeller cavitation risk
Low rpm results in large propeller diameter (high effiecency)
Number of blades:
The larger number of blades the smaller is the exciting force per blade.
The smaller number of blades the greater is the opt,mum propeller diameter (higher efficiency but heavier propeller)
Pitch ratio:
Governs the power that it will absorb in given operating conditions
Propeller Diameter:
Clearances are important
General Considerations in Propeller Design-2
Aft Rake:
Increase the clearances between the hull and the propeller tips and leading edges.
Results in higher efficiency
But causes an increase in the bending moment due to the centrifugal forces since requiring thicker blades (lower
Slow running propellers may have a rake aft up to 15 degrees, but in high rpms aft rake is best avoided
Results in a lower magnitude of unstready forces generated by the propeller in circumferentially varying wake.
Heavily skewed blades have low backing efficiencies, are difficult to manufacture and require special strength
Blade Sections:
Naca16, Naca66 sections with a=0.8 and a=1.0 mean lines are used.
The Propeller Design using Methodical Series Data
May be used to design both free running and towing duty propellers
The MARIN-B Series is widely used for propeller design because it has excellent performance characteristics,
particularly for moderate loadings.
For heavily loaded propellers used in high speed case, the Gawn Series may be preferred. (segmental blade sections,
less cavitation risk)
PE 3388 kW The Output will be
PE 3388
RT 411.64 kN (Ship's resistance) SECILEN PERVANE = 50. PERVANEDIR
VS 8.2304 P/D= .990
J= .791 Kt= .144 10Kq= .266 eta= .683
RT 411.64 Bp= 9.6915 delta= 128.0115
T 484.29 kN (Propeller Thrust) T= 484.29 kN Va= 8.230 m/s RHO = 1025.0
1 t 1 0.15 kg/m3
Z = 5. EAR = .550 D = 5.500 m
Vtip= 32.69 m/s
Therefore Option 1 can ve used in Program ‘Propcalc’ RPS= 1.892 dev/san RPM= 113.50 TORK= 491.217 kNm
Pd= 5838.4 kW
V0.72 R VA2 0.7 nD 6.5842 0.7 2.1 5.26 6.5842 24.292 633.42 m2 / s2
2 2
for T=15 tons of Bollard Pull ( 15.79 tons)
1 0.05
n= 4
2.61 rps ( from KT )
Q 0.023*1.025* 2.612 *3.15 45.97 kNm ( from K Q )
PD 2 Qn 2 * 45.97 * 2.61 753 kW (enough 880 kW )