Collar BlackBrowedBarbet
Collar BlackBrowedBarbet
Collar BlackBrowedBarbet
Frank R. Lambert, c/o 64 Eldred Avenue, Brighton BN1 5EG, U.K. Email:
Colin R. Trainor, Tropical Savannas Management Cooperative Research Centre, Charles Darwin University, Casuarina
0909 Northern Territory 0812, Australia. Email:
Almeida F. Xavier, Chief District Forest Officer (Los Palos), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Timor-Leste.
As commonly treated (e.g. Peters 1948, Cheng 1987, Hainan, M. o. annamensis through parts of eastern
Clements 2000, Short and Horne 2001, 2002, Dickinson Indochina (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam), and M. o. oorti in
2003), Black-browed Barbet Megalaima oorti consists of Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra (see Fig. 1; note that
five widely disjunct subspecies: M. o. nuchalis on Taiwan, Robson [2000] also lists nominate oorti for extreme
M. o. sini in southern mainland China, M. o. faber on southern Thailand). In terms of plumage morphology,
Forktail 22 (2006) SHORT NOTES 171
these five taxa fall into three distinct groups, (1) nuchalis
as a standalone, (2) sini and faber, and (3) annamensis and
oorti. Wolters (19751982), who confined Megalaima to
a single species and placed the birds considered here in
the genus Cyanops, elected to treat these groups as three
species, M. nuchalis, M. faber and M. oorti. Lewthwaite
(1996) evidently concurred with this judgement, but his
information was overlooked by Short and Horne (2002)
who, in retaining all taxa in the single species M. oorti,
Very well-marked races sini and faber could prove
specifically distinct; nuchalis also sometimes thought
possibly to be a distinct species, but tends to bridge
the gap between these two races and nominate oorti
and annamensis; thus, all are considered better
treated as races of present species.
Lewthwaite (1996), however, had made the point that
important vocal differences supported the separation of
the taxa into three species:
When recent recordings of birds singing in Guangxi,
Guangdong, Taiwan and South Annam... were
compared with published recordings from
Malaysia..., the songs of sini and nuchalis were found
to differ from each other and from those of annamensis
and oorti, which in turn resembled each other.
Moreover, on the basis of a rapid assessment of museum
specimens, Collar (2004), who also overlooked
Lewthwaite (1996), pointed out that nuchalis is certainly
not geographically intermediate between the southern
Chinese faber group and the South-East Asian oorti group
(Taiwan is a north-easterly outlier of the complex and
over 10 further east than the latitudinally similar sini: see
Fig. 1), and much less morphologically intermediate than Figure 1. Ranges of the five taxa of Black-browed Barbet Megalaima
at first glance. While nuchalis shares a full red breast- oorti, conflated from maps in Short and Horne (2001, 2002) and adjusted
patch with the faber group, its forecrown coloration is to incorporate new range data for M. o. (=M. faber) sini (see text).
shared with the oorti group (in many ways this is the more Dashed lines indicate new species limits.
striking concordance, thereby leap-frogging the
geographically intermediate black-crowned Chinese
birds); but the latter two groups share a red rear mid- bill and tarsus for annamensis and faber, tail and tarsus for
crown while nuchalis has a red upper mantle-patch, a nuchalis and sini). I therefore measured, using digital
feature which further undermines the notion of the latters calipers, bill, tarsus, wing and tail of all five taxa represented
intermediacy. by specimen material in the American Museum of Natural
Measurements of taxa in Short and Horne (2001), History, New York (AMNH), and Natural History
although helpfully broken down by sex, do not allow full Museum, Tring (BMNH), constructing a matrix of their
comparisons because certain features are omitted (tail, key plumage patterns (Table 1) and morphometrics
Table 1. Plumage colour matrix for the five taxa in the Megalaima oorti complex. The asterisk (*) indicates that the text discusses slight differences
on the lower forehead.
Table 2. Morphometrics (in mm) of the five taxa and grouped taxa in the Megalaima oorti complex. Bill was measured from skull, wing curved.
Sample sizes: oorti 10 males, 9 females, 1 unsexed; annamensis 10 males, 10 females; faber 10 males, 8 females, 2 unsexed; sini 1 male (bill 26
mm, tarsus 29 mm, wing 111 mm, tail 74 mm); and nuchalis 10 males, 10 females. For each pair or group of taxa considered, and for each variable,
a one-way ANOVA was done to test for statistically significant differences amongst the taxa and, if found, a Scheffe post-hoc comparison was
made to determine where the differences lie; the significance values in Table 3 are for these comparisons.
Table 3. Statistical significance of different measurements of the taxa area (frontal ear-coverts) (1) and significantly smaller
in Table 2. size (bill, tarsus and wing) (1). There is the further
testimony (Lewthwaite 1996) that their songs, while
Contrasts between similar to each other, are different from the three more
subspecies Bill Tarsus Wing Tail northerly taxa (a score of 2 here may be unjustly low but
annamensis vs faber 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.01
at least assumes the difference cannot be minor). A total
annamensis vs nuchalis n.s. 0.001 0.01 0.05 of 13 indicates that these two taxa are better treated on
annamensis vs oorti n.s. n.s. 0.01 0.05 these multiple, distinctive characters as a single species,
faber vs nuchalis n.s. n.s. 0.05 n.s. although annamensis is unique among all taxa under
faber vs oorti 0.001 0.001 0.001 n.s. consideration in having a yellowish-green crown and throat
nuchalis vs oorti 0.001 0.001 0.001 n.s. (score 2) and in its longer wing and shorter tail it shows
nuchalis vs Group 1 n.s. n.s. n.s n.s. a (weakly) significant difference from oorti (1), and its bill
oorti+annamensis vs Group 2 0.001 0.001 0.001 n.s. more extensively grey-horn on the lower mandible than
faber+sini vs Group 3 n.s. 0.001 0.001 n.s. all other taxa (1), all suggesting that there is considerable
distance between the two forms in the newly arranged
species M. oorti.
(Tables 2 and 3). In order to assess species limits, I It is also clear that nuchalis separates out from faber
deployed a quantitative systemto be published in detail and sini on the basis of its paler, more turquoise-blue
elsewhere (Collar et al. in prep., but outlined in Collar upper breast-band and ear-coverts (1), much larger red
2006)for grading morphological and vocal differences loral spot (1), yellowish shading to whitish crown (2),
between allopatric taxa: a major difference scores 3, bluish shading to green upper hind-crown (2), diffuse red
medium difference 2, minor difference 1, a threshold of patch on upper mantle (2), and slightly smaller size
7 is set to allow species status, and no taxon can qualify (although this is only on average, and only signficant for
for this status on minor differences alone, no matter how wing length) (no score). In addition, a different song
many. (In this analysis, degree of significance in size (again, with the disclaimer it may be too low, 2), fide
difference is not allowed for, and such differences, if Lewthwaite (1996, also P. I. Holt in litt. 2006) takes the
counted at all, are considered minor.) total to 10 and confers species status on nuchalis.
From Tables 13 it is clear that oorti and annamensis The differences between faber and sini are small. In his
separate out (whether considered together or separately) original description, Stresemann (1929) diagnosed sini as
from faber, sini and nuchalis on the basis of their complete very similar to faber aber Federn des Stirnrandes mit
red forehead and lores (in the other taxa the lores are roten Spitzen auf blaugrnem Grunde statt mit
black by the eye, red by the bill, the latter making a red blaugrnen Spitze; Ohrdecken und seitlich-rckwrtige
spot) (score 2), turquoise (vs blue) on upper breast and Begrenzung des gelben Kehlflecks mehr veilchenfarben,
ear-coverts (2), red spot each side of the upper breast (vs weniger blau (but the feathers on the edges of the forehead
red breast-band) (2), and small, blue-boxed red nape- have red tips on a blue-green base, rather than blue-green
patch (vs either large and black-sided or absent) (1), all- tips; ear-coverts and lower upperside borders to the yellow
yellow crown (2), turquoise (vs black) subocular cheek throat [=lower malar area] more violet, less blue). He
Forktail 22 (2006) SHORT NOTES 173
gave the wing of the type as 112 mm, which conforms well 1988; also Short and Horne 2002), and common wherever
with the 111 mm of the single specimen in BMNH and found (typically in forest at 7501,300 m) in Peninsular
suggests that a longer wing may be a further minor point Malaysia (Wells 1999). Thus it would appear that all
of separation from faber (score 1). On the BMNH specimen three qualify as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.
(1934.6.20.4) the more violet coloration of the ear-coverts
and lower malar is just discernible (1), but the red tips to
feathers on the lower forehead (area immediately above ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the bill) are absent (indeed, the dull blue-green feathers
on the lower forehead of the five BMNH faber are very few I am very grateful to the staff at AMNH (Paul Sweet, Shannon Kenney,
and barely noticeable) (0); however, it has a more complete Peter Capainolo) and BMNH (Robert Prys-Jones, Mark Adams,
blue lower border to the red hindcrown-patch than appears Katrina Cook) for access to the specimens used in the morphometric
on any of the five BMNH faber (0, since it is not known analysis, to Ana S. L. Rodrigues and Claire N. Spottiswoode for advice
if this feature is constant in other specimens of sini). A on statistical analysis and preparation of the tables and map, to Yves
score of only 2 therefore separates the two taxa. de Soye, Mike Kilburn, Craig Robson and Paul Holt for various
Most of the plumage differences used here to establish kindnesses, and to two refereesRichard Lewthwaite and Martin
species limits are evident in the photographs published in Williamsfor sensible suggestions and additional data.
Collar (2004). Vocal differences merit further analysis
when recordings of all five taxa become available
Lewthwaite (1996) was lacking faberand more detailed REFERENCES
analysis of these and other characters may perhaps suggest
that annamensis has a claim to species rank. Meanwhile I Cheng Tso-hsin (1987) A synopsis of the avifauna of China. Beijing:
commend the species-level treatment proposed by Wolters Science Press.
(19751982). Possible English names for the resulting Clements, J. F. (2000) Birds of the world: a checklist. Fifth edition.
species might be Taiwan Barbet for Megalaima nuchalis Robertsbridge, Sussex, U.K.: Pica Press.
and Chinese Barbet (or possibly Black-crowned Barbet) Collar, N. J. (2004) Subspecies of Taiwan birdsfirst impressions.
for M. faber, with Black-browed Barbet restricted to M. BirdingASIA 2: 3452.
oorti, yielding the following arrangement: Collar, N. J. (2006) A partial revision of the Asian babblers (Timaliidae).
Megalaima nuchalis TAIWAN BARBET (Gould, 1863) Forktail 22: 85112.
Taiwan Collar, N. J., Fishpool, L. D. C., Pilgrim, J. D., Seddon, N. and
Megalaima faber CHINESE BARBET Spottiswoode, C. N. (in prep.) The assessment of avian species
M. f. sini (Stresemann, 1929) S China rank, 2: quantification of character significance.
M. f. faber (Swinhoe, 1870) Hainan Dickinson, E. C. ed. (2003) The Howard & Moore complete checklist of
Megalaima oorti BLACK-BROWED BARBET the birds of the world. Third edition. London: Christopher Helm.
M. o. annamensis (Robinson and Kloss, 1919) Lewthwaite, R. W. (1996) Forest birds of southeast China: observations
Indochina during 19841996. Hong Kong Bird Report 1995: 150203.
M. o. oorti (S. Mller, 1835) W Malaysia, Sumatra Lok, C. B. P., Shing, L. K., Zhang, J.-F. and Su, W.-B. (2005) Notable
bird records from Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan
Fortunately, all three species are relatively common and Island, China. Forktail 21: 3341.
widespread. Megalaima nuchalis is common... in all types MacKinnon, J. and Phillipps, K. (2000) A field guide to the birds of
of forest from sea level to 2,800 m on Taiwan China. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(Severinghaus and Blackshaw 1976; also Short and Horne van Marle, J. G. and Voous, K. H. (1988) The birds of Sumatra. Tring,
2001). Megalaima faber sini was recently speculated to be U.K.: British Ornithologists Union (Check-list 10).
at risk when it was believed confined to the Yao Shan Peters, J. L. (1948) Check-list of birds of the world, 6. Cambridge, Mass.:
range in China (Short and Horne 2002), but this Harvard University Press.
overlooked the comment in MacKinnon and Phillipps Robson, C. (2000) A field guide to the birds of South-East Asia. London:
(2000) of its being a common resident in Guanxi New Holland.
(Yaoshan) and, more importantly, the information in Severinghaus, S. R. and Blackshaw, K. T. (1976) A new guide to the
Lewthwaite (1996) which extended its range 250 km birds of Taiwan. Taipei: Mei Ya.
south-east and 400 km east. Indeed, R. W. Lewthwaite Short, L. L. and Horne, J. F. M. (2001) Toucans, barbets and honeyguides.
(in litt. 2006) notes that sini is now known from all parts Oxford: Oxford University Press (Bird Families of the World, 8).
of Guangxi except the coast, southern Hunan, western, Short, L. L. and Horne, J. F. M. (2002) Family Capitonidae (barbets).
northern and central Guangdong, southern Jiangxi, with Pp.140219 in J. del Hoyo, A. D. Elliott and J. Sargatal, eds.
a recent record from south-east Guizhou, although he Handbook of birds of the world. Vol. 7. Barcelona, Spain: Lynx
adds the caveat that it is restricted to areas of mature Edicions.
native forest and is an indicator of forest quality. Stresemann, E. (1929) Eine Vogelsammlung aus Kwangsi. J. Orn. 77:
Megalaima f. faber, although described as rare on Hainan 323337.
(Cheng 1987, Short and Horne 2001, 2002), proves from Wells, D. R. (1999) The birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Vol. 1.
recent observations to be common and widespread (Lok London: Academic Press.
et al. 2005). Megalaima oorti annamensis is fairly common Wolters, H. E. (19751982) Die Vogelarte der Erde: eine systematische
to common (Robson 2000), while M. o. oorti is common Liste mit Verbreitungsangaben sowie deutschen und englischen Namen.
and locally abundant in Sumatra (van Marle and Voous Hamburg and Berlin: Paul Parey.
N. J. Collar, BirdLife International, Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge CB3 0NA, U.K. Email: