PC33 Shekelle New Tarsier Species
PC33 Shekelle New Tarsier Species
PC33 Shekelle New Tarsier Species
Myron Shekelle1, Colin P. Groves2†, Ibnu Maryanto3, Russell A. Mittermeier4, Agus Salim5 and Mark S. Springer6
School of Archaeology and Anthropology, Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, LIPI, Cibinong, Indonesia
Global Wildlife Conservation, Austin, TX, USA
PT. Hatfield Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA
Abstract: We describe and name a new species of tarsier from the Togean Islands, in Tomini Bay, bounded by the northern and
eastern peninsulas of Sulawesi. In doing so, we highlight how 25 years of sustained research on the alpha taxonomy of Sulawe-
sian tarsiers, Tarsius, have helped to identify key conservation priorities in the Sulawesian region of the Wallacea Biodiversity
Key words: Biodiversity, bioacoustics, cryptic species, duet call, Togean form, taxonomy, hotspots
Shekelle et al.
We present a new molecular phylogeny for Tarsiidae based on and relatively dark pelage with dark gray facial fur, particu-
12S mtDNA sequences that offers further support that Togean larly in adults (Fig. 3). Atypical for tarsier species endemic to
Island tarsiers are taxonomically separable from other known small islands, T. niemitzi does not have a reduced tail tuft (see
tarsier taxa. Shekelle et al. 2008b). VOCALIZATIONS: Spectrograms of
the Togean form were published by Nietsch and Kopp (1998)
Tarsius niemitzi sp. nov. (Fig. 4). Its duet is structurally simple, possibly the simplest
of all known tarsier duets (Nietsch and Niemitz 1993). One
Holotype: MZB 32654 (Fig. 1, Table 1), adult male. female call is followed by two or three male calls. The female
Museum Zoologicum, Bogoriense, Cibinong, West Java, note is a downward modulated whistle, with a maximum fre-
Indonesia. Collector: Simson Katiandagho, 1 October 2009. quency of 12−13 kHz, and a minimum frequency around 6
Type locality: Desa Benteng, Kecamatan Togean, Kabu- kHz. Each female note has a duration of about 0.5 seconds
paten Tojo Una-Una, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Geo- and notes are repeated at the rate of about 1 call per 1.5 sec-
graphical coordinates for Desa Benteng, Togean Island are onds. The male note resembles a temporally compressed ver-
0°23'36.7"S, 122°01'37.8"E. sion of the female call: maximum frequency is around 10−11
Hypodigm: Only the type specimen available. kHz, and the minimum frequency is 5 kHz or lower. The
Description: MORPHOLOGY: Surveys of wild popu- duration of the male note is only about 0.15 seconds. Male
lations have indicated that body weight and tail length fall calls occur in a phrase of 2 or 3 notes that gradually ascend
within the range of a number of other Tarsius species, includ- in maximum frequency. Togean tarsiers are unique among
ing T. tarsier, T. fuscus, T. dentatus, T. spectrumgurskyae, and known tarsier acoustic forms in that they respond in play-
T. supriatnai. Body weights and tail lengths may well over- back experiments to all other tarsier duet calls by duetting
lap with all species of Tarsius, except T. pumilus and possi- themselves (Fig. 5). GENETICS: Shekelle et al. (2008a)
bly some offshore taxa, such as T. sangirensis. Body weight: reported genetic evidence showing Togean Island tarsiers to
female 104−110 g (n = 2); male 125−138 g (n = 3). Tail be a monophyletic clade with an apomorphic 2 base pair dele-
length: female = 245−261 mm (n = 2); male 246−258 mm (n tion in the 12S gene that is diagnostic of the clade. Shekelle
= 3) (data from Shekelle 2003). Tarsius niemitzi is similar to T. et al. (2010) used a subset of their previous alignment, which
dentatus in having darkly pigmented skin, particularly the tail, eliminated the region with the 2 bp deletion from the analysis.
New species of tarsier on the Togean Islands
Figure 2. Top right: Southeast Asia and Australia, with red box indicating
contents of Top Left. Top left: Sulawesi, with red box indicating contents of
bottom. Bottom: The Togean Islands in the U-shaped bay of Tomini, bordered
in the north and west by the northern peninsula, and the south by the eastern
peninsula of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Expected species distribution circled in red, Figure 3. Niemitz’s tarsier Tarsius niemitzi sp. n. from Malenge Island,
approximate location of type locality marked with red X. Sulawesi. Photo by Myron Shekelle, illustration by Stephen D. Nash.
Figure 4. Spectrograms for six species of Eastern tarsiers (adapted from Shekelle 2008). The Sejoli form might be conspecific with T. supriatnai.
Shekelle et al.
New species of tarsier on the Togean Islands
Shekelle et al.
Southeastern peninsula of Sulawesi. Shekelle and Leksono Specifically, the T. tarsier species complex (i.e. all of the spe-
(2004) predicted Sulawesi would ultimately be shown to be cies of Tarsius except for T. pumilus), listed as Lower Risk /
home to at least 16 distinct tarsier taxa. The speciose alpha Near Threatened (LR/nt) in 2000, would likely be listed as
taxonomy of Tarsius stands in contrast with that of Cepha- Vulnerable (VU), were it classified as a single species (Fig. 7,
lopachus and Carlito. We question if this contrast is based Table 3). With reclassification, taxa in this species complex
upon knowledge or ignorance of the alpha taxonomy of the range from VU to Critically Endangered (CR) (Fig. 7, Table
latter two genera, and we encourage more fieldwork in order 3). Four of the sixteen taxa hypothesized by Shekelle and
to answer this question (see Brandon-Jones et al. 2004). Leksono (2004) are VU, seven are EN, one is CR, and four
are DD (Fig. 7, Table 3).
Conservation Gursky et al. (2008), following previous work by Supri-
atna et al. (2001) and Shekelle and Leksono (2004) estimated
One of the most significant outcomes of 25 years of sus- that the Togean Island tarsier would be Endangered [EN],
tained research on the alpha taxonomy by one of us (MS) and that the Togean Islands were a unique area of endemism
and subsequently by colleagues (for example, Merker and in Sulawesi, in that they possess native tarsiers, lack native
Groves 2006; Merker et al. 2009, 2010; Driller et al. 2015) monkeys, and appear to be geologically separated from the
has been to identify the critical conservation hotspots in the Sulawesi mainland by an ocean barrier that exceeds 120 m
Sulawesian region (i.e. Sulawesi plus nearby islands), of in depth—believed to be deeper than the lowest ocean levels
the Biodiversity Hotspot of Wallacea (Fig. 7). Reclassify- during Pleistocene glacial maxima. Each of these assertions
ing a single widespread species into numerous allopatric and are hypotheses for further testing. The broader implication
parapatric cryptic sibling species has the secondary effect is that the Togean Islands possess a largely endemic biota of
of clarifying conservation priorities (Bickford et al. 2007). taxa that do not disperse easily across water barriers.
Table 3. Conservation status for 16 Indonesian tarsier taxa and populations (listed in Brandon-Jones et al., 2004) show the impact of 25 years of sustained research
on the alpha taxonomy of Sulawesian tarsiers of the genus Tarsius toward priority areas in the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot.
*These populations still remain classified with T. tarsier, but are implausibly disjunct, and are hypothesized to be three separate taxa.
**These populations were classified with T. tarsier (=spectrum) in 2000.
New species of tarsier on the Togean Islands
Figure 7. Mapping the priority areas hotspots in the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot: a 25-year effort. (L) 2000 and prior, (R) present based upon combined sources
(Supriatna et al. 2001; Gursky et al. 2008; IUCN Red List). Green = LR/NT, Yellow = VU, Orange = EN, Red = CR. Note: distribution of T. pumilus is a conjectural
representation of regions between 1800–2200 m above sea level in the species’ polygon.
facilitated by a grant from the Margot Marsh Biodiversity
We are deeply saddened by the passing of our colleague Foundation and a private donation by the Tjiasmanto Family.
and coauthor, Colin Groves, on November 30, 2017. Colin
was described by Jane Goodall as the world’s greatest pri- Literature Cited
mate taxonomist, and while we concur, that description only
scratches the surface of his expertise. A recent bibliogra- Bickford D., D. J. Lohman, N. S. Sodhi, P. K. L. Ng, R. Meier,
phy of his work indicates that from his very first taxonomic K. Winker, K. K. Ingram and I. Das. 2015. Cryptic spe-
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