Hybrid Ceramic Ball Bearings: MRC Bearing Services
Hybrid Ceramic Ball Bearings: MRC Bearing Services
Hybrid Ceramic Ball Bearings: MRC Bearing Services
Hybrid Ceramic
Ball Bearings
MRC Bearing Services
Extended Grease Life
In environments that place high demands on the bearing 4000
lubricant, standard bearings experience surface wear Steel bearing w/standard grease
because of insufficient lubricant film. Bearings can fail if 3000 Steel bearing w/high temp. grease
Hybrid bearing w/standard grease
the initial grease charge is not replenished within an Hybrid bearing w/ high temp. grease
acceptable period of time. Hybrid bearings run cooler 2000
con Benefit
Lower Operating Temperatures
The heat generated in bearings is attributable to viscous
friction from lubrication and load dependent friction
Lower density reduces the centrifugal force and thereby between the balls and raceways. The source of the load-
reduces bearing friction ing is external as well as internal. There is little that can
be done to reduce the external loads. However, since
Higher hardness promotes wear resistance against hard ceramic balls have only 40% of the density of steel balls,
particles and lower plastic deformation the centrifugal load generated by the balls is less and the
internal friction is lower. This provides cooler running for
Higher modulus of elasticity increases the bearing stiffness.
Hybrid bearings deflect less under load, providing more the same operating conditions or, if applicable, a higher
predictable performance rotational speed while maintaining the same temperature.
Steel bearing
centrifugal force
or) The ceramic balls break the electrical current (DC) path Hybrid bearing
and act as an insulator
Operating temperature
those dents. This condition causes noise and premature
20 wear as the steel balls roll over those surfaces. The hard-
er ceramic ball material smooths the surface roughness
with no material removal. Also, there is little evidence of
0 adhesive wear as seen in steel bearings. This reduces the
Steel bearing Hybrid bearing
noise and wear, which extends the bearing service life.
Wear reduction
MRC Bearing Services