Hybrid Ceramic Ball Bearings: MRC Bearing Services

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MRC Bearing Services

Hybrid Ceramic
Ball Bearings
MRC Bearing Services

Hybrid Ceramic Ball Bearings . . . a combination of traditional 5

Prevents Electrical Arcing
When electrical current passes across bearings, a wash-
board or fluting pattern appears on the raceways, in
addition to a darkened grey appearance. This damage
usually results in excessive noise which requires that the
bearing be removed. Besides the surface damage, pre-
mature aging of the lubricant also occurs. The natural
insulating properties of ceramic material eliminates this
type of damage.
Fluting created by electrical arcing

Material Properties Bearing Steel Bearing Silic

Lower Maintenance Costs Nitride
Maintenance costs can quickly add up if a bearing must Mechanical properties
be changed frequently. Anything that extends the service
life of a bearing without increasing maintenance costs Density [g/cm3] 7.9 3.2
will reduce the operating cost of the equipment. Though
the initial cost of a hybrid bearing is higher than a stan-
Hardness, HV10 [kg/mm2] 700 1600
dard steel bearing, the difference is quickly recovered in
maintenance savings. Less friction also results in lower
energy costs. Modulus of elasticity, E 210 310

Coefficient of thermal 12 x 10-6 3 x 10-6

expansion [/C]
Extended Service Life
Most bearings are designed into applications based on Electrical properties
loading conditions and do not take into account factors
such as lubrication, contamination and maintenance. Electrical resistivity [Wm] 0.4 x 10-6 1012 (insulato
Without proper attention to these external factors, a steel (conductor)
bearing rarely reaches its design L10 life and therefore has
a shortened service life. Because of the properties of Relative dielectric constant N/A 4.2 to 6.1
ceramics, the service life of a hybrid bearing is up to 10
times that of a standard steel bearing. And longer service Magnetic field influence Yes No
life reduces the need for maintenance on your machine as
well as the costly interruptions in production. Chemical resistance Reactive Inert

Extended Grease Life
In environments that place high demands on the bearing 4000
lubricant, standard bearings experience surface wear Steel bearing w/standard grease
because of insufficient lubricant film. Bearings can fail if 3000 Steel bearing w/high temp. grease
Hybrid bearing w/standard grease
the initial grease charge is not replenished within an Hybrid bearing w/ high temp. grease
acceptable period of time. Hybrid bearings run cooler 2000

and can operate with thinner lubricant films, so there is

less aging of the grease and the required relubrication
interval will be longer. The result is increased service life 0
compared to standard bearings in the same operating
conditions. Median grease life L10 [hours]

Extended grease life

52100 steel rings precision matched with silicon nitride (ceramic) balls
Reduced Wear from Vibration
In equipment exposed to static vibration, there is an
inherent risk of false brinelling, (the wearing away of the
surfaces within the ball and raceway contacts) which can
eventually lead to spalling and premature failure. Because
of the lighter weight ceramic balls and dissimilar materials,
the risk of false brinelling damage is much less.

Wear caused by static vibration

con Benefit
Lower Operating Temperatures
The heat generated in bearings is attributable to viscous
friction from lubrication and load dependent friction
Lower density reduces the centrifugal force and thereby between the balls and raceways. The source of the load-
reduces bearing friction ing is external as well as internal. There is little that can
be done to reduce the external loads. However, since
Higher hardness promotes wear resistance against hard ceramic balls have only 40% of the density of steel balls,
particles and lower plastic deformation the centrifugal load generated by the balls is less and the
internal friction is lower. This provides cooler running for
Higher modulus of elasticity increases the bearing stiffness.
Hybrid bearings deflect less under load, providing more the same operating conditions or, if applicable, a higher
predictable performance rotational speed while maintaining the same temperature.

Lower coefficient of expansion reduces the effects of ring temp-

erature difference resulting in more stable clearance or preload

Steel bearing
centrifugal force

or) The ceramic balls break the electrical current (DC) path Hybrid bearing
and act as an insulator

The ceramic balls break the electrical current (AC) path

and act as a large impedance
Ceramic balls do not respond to magnetic forces

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Ceramic to steel contacts show no micro-welding and do
not seize during poor lubrication ndm [10 mm/min]

Operating temperature


50 Reduced Wear from Contamination

In contaminated environments, solid particles create
dents in the rolling surfaces and raised edges around

those dents. This condition causes noise and premature
20 wear as the steel balls roll over those surfaces. The hard-
er ceramic ball material smooths the surface roughness
with no material removal. Also, there is little evidence of
0 adhesive wear as seen in steel bearings. This reduces the
Steel bearing Hybrid bearing
noise and wear, which extends the bearing service life.

Wear reduction
MRC Bearing Services

Part Numbering System Designation Principal Dimensions Mass

d D B r1,2
Basic Conrad Series min
mm mm mm mm kg lbs
300S 306S-HYB#1 30 72 19 1.00 0.328 0.72
Sealing Options 207S-HYB#1 35 72 17 1.10 0.265 0.58
ZZ- Two contact seals 307S-HYB#1 35 80 21 1.50 0.422 0.93
FF- Two shields
FFP- Two low friction seals 208S-HYB#1 40 80 18 1.10 0.334 0.74
308S-HYB#1 40 90 23 1.50 0.580 1.28
Other suffixes
HYB- Ceramic balls 209S-HYB#1 45 85 19 1.10 0.384 0.85
#1- ABEC 1 309S-HYB#1 45 100 25 1.50 0.769 1.70
210S-HYB#1 50 90 20 1.10 0.427 0.94
MRC hybrid ball bearings are stocked 310S-HYB#1 50 110 27 2.00 0.997 2.20
in an open version in the sizes listed. 211S-HYB#1 55 100 21 1.50 0.564 1.24
In most cases, hybrid bearings can 311S-HYB#1 55 120 29 2.00 1.282 2.83
also be supplied with seals, shields,
or low friction seals through the 212S-HYB#1 60 110 22 1.50 0.737 1.62
MRC Made-to-Order (MTO) program. 312S-HYB#1 60 130 31 2.00 1.606 3.54
In addition to those listed, other sizes 213S-HYB#1 65 120 23 1.50 0.946 2.09
of the 200S and 300S series as well as 313S-HYB#1 65 140 33 2.00 1.957 4.31
the 100KS series can be supplied
through the MTO program. Most 214S-HYB#1 70 125 24 1.50 1.017 2.24
series of angular contact ball bearings 314S-HYB#1 70 150 35 2.00 2.181 4.81
can also be supplied through MTO.
215S-HYB#1 75 130 25 1.50 1.106 2.44
Contact MRC at 1-800-MRC-7000 for 315S-HYB#1 * 75 160 37 2.00 2.884 6.36
price, lead time and other information
for non-stocked variants. 216S-HYB#1 80 140 26 2.00 1.358 2.99
316S-HYB#1 * 80 170 39 2.10 3.415 7.53
217S-HYB#1 85 150 28 2.00 1.712 3.77
317S-HYB#1 85 180 41 2.50 4.012 8.85
MRC Bearing Services
1510 Gehman Road 218S-HYB#1 90 160 30 2.00 2.082 4.59
Kulpsville, PA 19443 318S-HYB#1 * 90 190 43 2.50 4.657 10.27
220S-HYB#1 100 180 34 2.00 3.006 6.63
Call Toll Free: 1 (800) MRC-7000
(215) 513-4400 222S-HYB#1 110 200 38 2.00 4.169 9.19
Toll Free Fax: 1 (888) 322-4672
224S-HYB#1* 120 215 40 2.00 4.935 10.88
226S-HYB#1* 130 230 40 3.00 5.471 12.06
228S-HYB#1* 140 250 42 3.00 7.260 16.01
230S-HYB#1* 150 270 45 3.00 10.855 23.94
232S-HYB#1* 160 290 48 3.00 13.583 29.95
236S-HYB#1* 180 320 52 4.00 17.319 38.19

* Scheduled to be put into stock 4th qtr. 2002.

MRC is a registered trademark of SKF USA Inc.

Although care has been taken to assure the accuracy of the data compiled in this publication, SKF does not assume liability for errors or omissions.
2002 SKF Publication M880-600 10M (8/2002 AN) Version 8/2002 Printed in U.S.A.

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