Peo Presidents Letter 2017

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Chapter A P.E.O.

Boise, ID

February 2, 2017

Jane Ingram
President, Idaho State Chapter, P.E.O.
2960 Cherry Lane
Boise, Idaho 83705

Dear Jane:

We are very happy to report that Chapter A experienced a year of growth and vitality in 2016.
Our business meetings are held on the first tuesday of every month, and we continue to
alternate between day and evening meetings to accommodate the various schedules of our
members. Our evening wine and cheese socials prior to the business meetings are especially

Our membership took a big leap. We welcomed Maryanne Wendt and Lynette Quapp as
transfers last spring, and initiated four new members, Megan Ramey, Debbie Ketchum, Jenny
Weaver and Barb Egland between April and October. As the years progress, we find that our
new members are attracted to P.E.O. and its mission first. That speaks so highly for what
P.E.O. as an organization is able to do for so many young women. We are proud to be initiating
our newest member, Cami Hill, in March. Cami was our PCE candidate when she was pursuing
her Masters degree in Social Work a few years ago.

Our longtime member, Janet Eyth, moved to Colorado in January to be close to family. She
does hope to transfer to a new chapter, but we will miss her.

We also lost our recently inactive member Elinor Brown to Chapter Eternal in December.

We were very successful in our efforts to fund our projects last year. Our main fundraiser is our
joint Chapter A, Chapter H luncheon and Auction in November. We also continue to sell our
brooms. Our member Sue Fillman helped organize a Chapter A team to participate in the
Cause and Event 5K Walk, netting us $281 toward our projects. We had fun as a team and
hope to continue that. Our total contributions to our projects was $3390.

Our project focus this past year was a Star Scholarship application for Mahalie Hill. Mahalie is
the granddaughter of our member, Sue Olson. Mahalie was an exceptional candidate and we
hope for a successful outcome on her application this spring.

Our program committee designed an outstanding program schedule for us this past year,
showcasing talents within the chapter. Cory Samson presented a program on Living in
Rotterdam. Rita Rodriguez has collected antiques for years and presented Antiques for every
Day. Yoga Instructor and Chapter A sister Susan Lamberson, in Yoga keeps us moving,
focused on what Yoga can do for all of us, at any age. Tuckie Shaver has worked for the Boise
Police Department for 19 years and presented a program on Personal Safety and Protection in
an Internet World. We had two guest programs. Diane Ronayne came to present The Dos
and Donts of Obituary Writing, and Heidi Ware, from the Intermountain Bird Observatory,
presented an informative talk on The World of Birds. We always like to have a program that
allows us to get to know each other better, and did that with 1 minute impromptu questions.
Sara Mink presented one of the more fun Founders Day programs ,making a Founders Day
coffee cake on our dining room table.

Chapter A has three social events each year. In late spring, we host a multi chapter wine and
appetizer social on the top deck of the Tavern at Bown Crossing. Its an opportunity to visit with
P.E.O.s from other chapters. We also encourage guests who might be interested in P.E.O.. Our
new initiates Barb Egland and Jenny Weaver were first introduced to P.E.O. at the social. The
Chapter A and H auction is our second social of the year, and our third will be a February Bunko
and Chili Social with BILs. In addition to our socials, we also have a quite popular monthly
Book Club that meets at the 36th Street Bistro and a Secret Sister Program that lasts all year

Chapter A was a sponsoring Chapter for the Idaho State Convention this past year. Sue Fillman
and Sue Olson chaired that committee, organizing the BIL Dinner and entertainment with
Basque music and Dancers, and recruiting assistance from the chapter for guards and
registration. Thanks go to them, and all in Chapter A who dedicated their time to make the
convention a success.

I am concluding my first term as President of Chapter A. Its been a privilege. When we meet
with a prospective new P.E.O., we tell them that they will gain from P.E.O. as they give and
participate. I have found that to be true for myself. I have to thank my officers for the time they
so willingly give, and the chapter who so readily pitches in to make Chapter A a thriving P.E.O.

Lovingly in P.E.O. ,

Maggie Williamson
President, Chapter A P.E.O.

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