Effective Lectures Seminar - Evidencia 1

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Second Evidence

Effective lectures seminar

Luis Armando Ruiz Parra

Prof. Elia del Carmen Gmez Toledo
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mxico
April 2th, 2016
Reflection and analysis why the way the presentation is
made does affect the audience interest.
School presentation about trickshotting (Bad)

1. He doesnt know his audience

He uses terms that are not known by the audience as if they already know
what they mean.

2. He doesnt know his topic

The guy clearly shows he doesnt even know what to say or what hes talking

3. He gets confused when speaking

Hes often seen struggling with his choice of words.

4. He makes use of words that he doesnt even know

He finds it hard to explain the words that hes using so he leaves his talk as

5. Wrongly dressed for a presentation

While it may just be a school presentation, he shouldnt be wearing a hoodie
while presenting, unprofessional.

6. Poor Font choices

Some of the text in the presentation are barely readable due to the Font size.

7. Bad posture
You have to be standing straight unlike this presenter.

8. He often turns his back to the audience

You should never turn your back to your audience, when you do, you are
showing them your lack of interest in them.

9. The video shown as an example was inappropriate for a school

This video used as an example by the presenter had really loud and
inappropriate music with inappropriate lyrics for a school presentation, this
made the presenter seem really unprofessional and even look bad as a

10. He reads his own slides a lot of times

When presenting, you have to avoid reading your slides; get some flashcards
to help you remember.

11. Speaks too low

Raise the volume of your voice so that your audience can listen to you

12. Gives very vague explanations about topics

He didnt make a proper investigation about the topics, so he gives off a very
vague explanation on everything.

13. He wasnt well prepared

He used a lot of unnecessary information, slides, and images, also, he didnt
even know what to say during the presentation.

14. He obviously didnt practice

When you dont practice, it really shows, this guy didnt practice and his
presentation was a complete failure.
15. Too much information
The guy fills some slides with an insane amount of bullet points.

16. Poorly designed presentation

The slides design is very simple in a bad way, he probably used a badly
designed template which makes the presentation look like an average and
unoriginal one.

17. Irrelevant photos or graphs

The photo of him sitting in front of the computer as well as the slide setting
up was completely unnecessary.

18. While the video was playing he was pointing out examples but
couldnt be heard because of the high volume of the music
He shouldnt have set the high volume or even set volume at all, if he was
going to talk or explain during the video.

19. Awkward gestural examples

This weird gestures couldve been avoided with constant rehearsing and

20. No proper introduction

He just says hi and that hes going to talk about trickshotting and thats it.

When presenting, it is really important not to make any of this mistakes this
trickshot presenter did, all of this can affect how the audience see your presentation
or even you as a person (that, if they are close to you or you see them on a daily
basis, like in this school.); all of this errors can be avoided if you investigate enough
to know about your topic and practice long enough so that you can explain
everything with ease.
10 common elements for effective presentations (Dos)
Steve jobs iPhone presentation 2007 (Good)

1. Create a headline that sets the direction for your meeting: its
memorable and it gives your audience a reason to listen (Today Apple
is going to reinvent the phone).

2. Provide an outline for your presentations: Make it easy for your

listeners to follow your story (Today we are introducing three
revolutionary products).

3. Demonstrate enthusiasm: use words like Extraordinary, Amazing,

and Cool because it is passionate and enthusiastic.

4. Make numbers and statistics meaningful: Numbers dont mean

much unless theyre place in context.

5. Open and close each section with a clear transition: when he

finishes one of the sections of the topic he jumps to the other in a very
clear and comfortable way so that the audience wont have trouble
following up.

6. His presentations are visual: use minimal text and enough pictures
so that it doesnt overwhelm the viewers.

7. His presentations have a memorable moment: when he began

talking about the new products and then said they were three in one
people got super hyped and amazed.

8. Lots of practice: he makes his presentation effortless because he

spends hours rehearsing.

9. Engaging the audience: talking to the audience and using the

audience as examples through the presentation.

10.Really good posture: when speaking, walking and presenting in

general, Steve keeps up a very good posture showing hes secure
about the topic.
10 common elements for failing presentations (Donts)
Bad Presentation (Bad)

1. Poorly designed presentation

They picked up a template and just filled it with text and images with white

2. Irrelevant photos and graphs

When the presentation begins they start adding a lot of unnecessary imagery
just to derail the topic since they dont know anything.

3. Too much information

At the end of the presentation they put a whole lot of info about the company
(two slides).

4. The team doesnt know the topic

They dont know absolutely anything about the topic and it shows.

5. 2 teammates give the back to the audience

Since they dont even know what to do or how to present correctly, two
teammates give the back to the audience several times.

6. Two of the teammates blocked the slides

When they were changing slides, two of the teammates were blocking the
visual communication standing right in front of the slides.

7. Bad team communication (they dont know what to do)

The team is really disorganized and argue about who will say each thing.

8. They skip the last part of the presentation just to finish quickly
This shouldnt be done in presentations, when they did this, they skipped
anything that had to do with the actual presentation, and instead they just
read the whole topic derailment.

9. They dont introduce themselves

The team goes right into the presentation without no introduction or saying
their names.

10. Low voice volume

I cant really know when they speak (read the slides) since they talk really

Legionari3. (February 18, 2011). Bad Presentation. April 2,

2016, from YouTube website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Appleblub/N2TechGeeks. (January 10, 2013). [HD] Steve Jobs -

iPhone Introduction in 2007 (Complete). April 2, 2016, from
YouTube website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Tenser. (February 2, 2015). School presentation about

trickshotting. April 2, 2016, from YouTube website:

TecMilenio University. (2015). Topic 10. Reasons Why

Presentations Fail. April 2, 2016, from Blackboard Learn

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