Effective Lectures Seminar - Evidencia 1
Effective Lectures Seminar - Evidencia 1
Effective Lectures Seminar - Evidencia 1
7. Bad posture
You have to be standing straight unlike this presenter.
18. While the video was playing he was pointing out examples but
couldnt be heard because of the high volume of the music
He shouldnt have set the high volume or even set volume at all, if he was
going to talk or explain during the video.
He just says hi and that hes going to talk about trickshotting and thats it.
When presenting, it is really important not to make any of this mistakes this
trickshot presenter did, all of this can affect how the audience see your presentation
or even you as a person (that, if they are close to you or you see them on a daily
basis, like in this school.); all of this errors can be avoided if you investigate enough
to know about your topic and practice long enough so that you can explain
everything with ease.
10 common elements for effective presentations (Dos)
Steve jobs iPhone presentation 2007 (Good)
1. Create a headline that sets the direction for your meeting: its
memorable and it gives your audience a reason to listen (Today Apple
is going to reinvent the phone).
6. His presentations are visual: use minimal text and enough pictures
so that it doesnt overwhelm the viewers.
8. They skip the last part of the presentation just to finish quickly
This shouldnt be done in presentations, when they did this, they skipped
anything that had to do with the actual presentation, and instead they just
read the whole topic derailment.