Flexible Rubber Joint Tozen

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A joint reliance



TWIN-SPHERE RUBBER JOINT with floating flanges

Resistance High Pressure : The excellent Highly effective to eliminate sound and vibration.
molding technique, combined with tough Excellent in resisting the effects of heat, water and
chemical fibers, give TWINFLEX an outstanding weathering, etc.
pressure withstandability. It can withstand the Other advantages :
bursting pressure of over 780psi. (55kgf/cm2) and 1. Neither gasket nor packing is needed.
the max. working pressure of 300psi. (20kgf/cm2) 2. Mass production makes comparatively low prices
Allow large compression, elongation, and angular possible.
movement. 3. Fit for use as both expansion and flexible joint.
Fit for suction and delivery (discharge). 4. A good insulator to electricity.
Outstanding in absorbing thermal expansion.

1) Pressure piping systems for water and warm
water used in building equipment and general
industrial plants, etc.
2) Pump lines and turbine lines used for power
generation plants, industrial machinery and
universal pump, blowers, etc.
3) Feed-water and drainage lines for waterworks,
sewerage and sanitary piping system, etc.
Others : This connector has wide range of
applications in waste water disposal plants, mines
and chemical plants, etc.
** Please note that TWINFLEX is not applicable
to oils, circulation pumps for pool water, air,
gases and hot water supply line. **

Applicable Fluid : water, warm water, sea water,
weak acids, alkalines, etc.
Other kinds of fluids may be applicable with the
change of the composition or constituents of
rubber. For details, please consult us.

No. Parts Materials
1 Flange FCD450, SS400
2 Reinforcing Ring Carbon Steel (SWRH)
3 Inner Rubber Synthetic Rubber
4 Outer Rubber Synthetic Rubber
5 Reinforcing Cord Synthetic Fiber
- Standard item employs JIS10K flange. May be
replaced with ANSI, BS, DIN, and other standard
- Standard rubber is Neoprene. EPDM and other
rubbers are available upon request.

Dimension and Allowable Movement
Nominal Dia Dimension (mm) Mass Allowable Movement (mm) Installation Tolerances(mm)
mm inch L Od Kgs T.M. A.E. A.C. A.M. T.M. A.E. A.C. A.M.
32* 1 1/4 175 32 1.8 20 10 20 20 8 3 6 7.5
32 1 1/4 175 35 2.2 20 10 20 20 8 3 6 7.5
40 1 1/2 175 35 2.3 20 10 20 20 8 3 6 7.5
50 2 175 45 3.0 20 10 20 20 8 3 6 7.5
65 2 1/2 175 60 3.9 20 10 20 20 8 3 6 7.5
80 3 175 70 4.1 20 10 20 20 8 3 6 7.5
100 4 225 95 5.3 25 15 30 20 10 3 6 7.5
125 5 225 120 7.6 25 15 30 20 10 3 6 7.5
150 6 225 145 11 25 15 30 20 10 3 6 7.5
200 8 325 195 17 30 20 40 20 12 3 6 7.5
250 10 325 245 24 30 20 40 20 12 3 6 7.5
300 12 325 290 28 30 20 40 20 12 3 6 7.5
350 14 250 340 35 15 15 20 15 6 3 6 7.5
400 16 250 390 66 15 15 20 15 6 3 6 7.5
450 18 275 440 67 15 15 20 15 6 3 6 7.5
500 20 275 490 83 15 15 20 15 6 3 6 7.5
* Assembly with ANSI 150P Use the products within the given allowable movements.
T.M. = Transverse Movement Tolerances for installation are included in the allowable movements
A.E. = Axial Elongation (Allowable movements = Tolerances for installation + Operating movements)
A.C. = Axial Compression Although allowable movements are given, no allowance for elongation is
A.M. = Angular Movement recommended when installing the joint.
Operating Condition
Normal Working Pressure (at normal temp) :
Size 32A to 150A : Max 20 Kgf/cm2 (300 PSI).
Size 200A to 300A : Max 16 Kgs/cm2 (240 PSI).
Size 350A to 500A : Max 16 Kgs/cm2 (240 PSI).

Working Temperature :
Size 32A to 300A : -10 to 70 deg.C.
Size 350A to 500A : -10 to 40 deg.C.
*For high temp. application, please consult us. *

Bursting Pressure :
32~150mm : 780 PSI or above at normal temp.
200~300mm : 525 PSI or above at normal temp.
350~500mm : 600 PSI or above at normal temp.
Control Unit
In case of the following conditions, control unit is recommended to use for protection of connectors.
In case that it is hard to support reaction force (thrust) by pressure during the test
operation or normal operation.
In case that lateral movement is anticipated more than the designed movement.
In case that the connectors are anticipated to be compressed when installation.
When control units are required to assist with the installation of joint, refer to the below table.
Max Working Size
Pressure 32-100A 125A 150-300A 350~500A
10 kgf/cm2 No No Yes Yes
16, 20 kgf/cm2 No Yes Yes N/A

Control units for Twinflex can be either back-plate type or integrated type. Next is the illustration of Twinflex
Integrated Type. For back-plate type, please consult us.
2 TWF-0216
Twinflex Integrated Type
No. Parts Materials
1 Flange FCD450
2 Reinforcing Ring Carbon Steel (SWRH)
3 Inner Rubber Synthetic Rubber
4 Outer Rubber Synthetic Rubber
5 Reinforcing Cord Synthetic Fiber
6 Bolt, Nut, Washer Mild Steel
7 Bushing Hard Rubber

- Standard item employs ANSI150 and JIS10K flanges.

- Standard rubber is Neoprene. EPDM and other
rubbers are available upon request.

Dimension (mm)
Nominal Dia. ANSI150LB JIS10K
L OA Od Ls
(A) m-OQ (Md) Z m-OQ (Md) Z
32 175 80 40 320 2-23 (M20) 247 2-23 (M20) 255
40 175 80 40 320 2-23 (M20) 257 2-23 (M20) 260
50 175 96 50 320 2-23 (M20) 262 2-23 (M20) 295
65 175 115 65 320 2-23 (M20) 308 2-23 (M20) 315
80 175 125 75 320 2-23 (M20) 321 2-23 (M20) 325
100 225 152 100 380 2-23 (M20) 359 2-23 (M20) 350
125 225 182 125 380 2-23 (M20) 384 3-23 (M20) 390
150 225 212 150 380 2-23 (M20) 419 3-23 (M20) 420
200 325 263 200 480 2-23 (M20) 483 4-23 (M20) 470
250 325 322 250 480 4-23 (M20) 546 4-23 (M20) 540
300 325 370 300 480 4-23 (M20) 623 4-23 (M20) 585
- Please follow ANSI or JIS standard for OD, n-OH, and OC.
- For other dimensions, allowable movements, and operating conditions, please refer to the previous table and

1. Information in the above table is for single displacement 5. Before installation of the joint, check any cracks on
only. In case of complex displacement, follow the rubber body surface, especially after a long period
below expression. storage.
C.EL(C)=A.EL(C)x{1-(A.T.M.-T.M.xA.A.M.-A.M.)} 6. In case of the joint movements, pay attention for rubber
A.T.M. A.A.M. body not to be damaged by external objects (especially
C.EL(C) = Correct Elongation (Compression) those with sharp edge).
T.M. = Transverse Movement 7. Keep joints away from heat when installation. Cover the
A.EL(C) = Allowable Elongation (Compression) joint with protection sheet to free from any harm of
A.A.M. = Allowable Angular Movement sparks resulted from welding, prearcing and grinding
A.T.M. = Allowable Transverse Movement near the spot of installation.
2. Install the joint according to the above given allowable 8. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight for outdoor piping to
dimensions. prevent aging and deterioration of rubber.
3. Do not install joints at full limits of all allowable 9. If oil, fat, organic solvent (like thinner, toluene), acid or
movements simultaneously. alkali are adhered, wipe them off quickly.
4. Always check suitability of the operating conditions 10. To avoid elongation of the joint by reaction force resulted
when installation of the joint. from water pressure, fix pipes before and after the joint.

CAUTION -Operating conditions in this catalog have been developed from our design calculation,in-house testing,
field reports provided by our customers and/or published official standards or specifications. They are
a general guildline to user of TOZEN products. For any specification application,please contact us.
*Any information provided in the catolog is subject to change without notice.

3 TWF-0216
A joint reliance


TEL : (66) 0-2367-5721-8 TEL : 048-993-1030
FAX : (66) 0-2367-5729, 0-2367-5066 FAX : 048-993-1038
URL : www.tozen.co.th

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