Ism Implementation
Ism Implementation
Ism Implementation
ASSEMBLY A 28/Res.1071
28th session 5 December 2013
Agenda item 10 Original: ENGLISH
Resolution A.1071(28)
NOTING that the ISM Code became mandatory, under the provisions of chapter IX of the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended, for
companies operating certain types of ships, on 1 July 1998; and for companies operating
other cargo ships and mobile offshore drilling units propelled by mechanical means
of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, on 1 July 2002,
NOTING FURTHER that the Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-second session,
adopted, by resolution MSC.353(92), amendments to the ISM Code,
RECOGNIZING ALSO that there may be a need for Administrations to enter into agreements
in respect of the issue of certificates by other Administrations in compliance with chapter IX
of the 1974 SOLAS Convention and in accordance with resolution A.741(18),
RECOGNIZING FURTHER the need for uniform implementation of the ISM Code,
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2 URGES Governments, when implementing the ISM Code, to adhere to the Revised
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Table of contents
2.1 Definitions
2.2 Scope and application
3.1 General
3.2 Ability of the safety management system to meet general safety
management objectives
3.3 Ability of the safety management system to meet specific requirements of
safety and pollution prevention
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1.1.1 The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for
Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management (ISM) Code) was adopted by the
Organization by resolution A.741(18) and became mandatory by virtue of the entry into force,
on 1 July 1998, of SOLAS chapter IX on Management for the Safe Operation of Ships. The
ISM Code provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of
ships and for pollution prevention.
1.1.2 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-second session held in June 2013,
adopted amendments to sections 3, 6, 12 and 14 and footnotes of the ISM Code by
resolution MSC.353(92). As a result it was necessary to revise the Guidelines on the
implementation of the ISM Code by Administrations (resolution A.1022(26)), which are
superseded by these Revised Guidelines.
1.1.3 The ISM Code requires that companies establish safety objectives as described in
section 1.2 (Objectives) of the ISM Code and, in addition, that companies develop,
implement and maintain a safety management system which includes functional
requirements as listed in the Code's section 1.4 (Functional requirements for a safety
management system).
1.1.4 The application of the ISM Code should support and encourage the development of
a safety culture in shipping. Success factors for the development of a culture that promotes
safety and environmental protection are, inter alia, commitment, values, beliefs and clarity of
the safety management system.
1.2.2. Effective enforcement by Administrations must include verification that the safety
management system complies with the requirements as stipulated in the ISM Code, as well
as verification of compliance with mandatory rules and regulations.
1.2.3 The mandatory application of the ISM Code should ensure, support and encourage
that applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by the Organization,
Administrations, classification societies and maritime industry organizations are taken into
1.3.1 The Administration is responsible for verifying compliance with the requirements of
the ISM Code and for issuing Documents of Compliance to companies and Safety
Management Certificates to ships.
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1.3.2 The Guidelines for the authorization of organizations acting on behalf of the
Administration (resolution A.739(18)) and the Specifications on the survey and certification
functions of recognized organizations acting on behalf of the Administration
(resolution A.789(19)), which have been made mandatory by virtue of SOLAS regulation XI/1,
and the Guidelines to assist flag States in the implementation of IMO instruments
(resolution A.847(20)) are applicable when Administrations authorize organizations to issue
Documents of Compliance and Safety Management Certificates on their behalf.
2.1 Definitions
The terms used in these Revised Guidelines have the same meaning as those given in the
ISM Code.
.2 carrying out the interim, initial, annual and renewal verification of the
Document of Compliance and the interim, initial, intermediate and renewal
verification(s) of the Safety Management Certificate and the
issuing/endorsement of corresponding documents; and
3.1 General
3.1.1 To comply with the requirements of the ISM Code, companies should develop,
implement and maintain a documented safety management system to ensure that the safety
and environmental protection policy of the Company is implemented. The Company policy
should include the objectives defined by the ISM Code.
3.1.2 Administrations should verify compliance with the requirements of the ISM Code by
.2 that the safety management system ensures that the objectives defined in
paragraph 1.2.3 of the ISM Code are met.
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difficult for a Company to develop the solutions which best suit that particular Company,
operation or ship. Therefore, particular operations should be ship specific and fully reflected
in manuals, procedures and instructions.
3.1.4 Therefore, Administrations are recommended to ensure that these assessments are
based on determining the effectiveness of the safety management system in meeting
specified objectives, rather than conformity with detailed requirements in addition to those
contained in the ISM Code, so as to reduce the need for developing criteria to facilitate
assessment of the companies' compliance with the Code.
3.2 Ability of the safety management system to meet general safety management
The ISM Code identifies general safety management objectives in section 1.2.2. The
verification should support and encourage companies in achieving these objectives, which
provide clear guidance to companies for the development of safety management system
elements in compliance with the ISM Code. However, the ability of the safety management
system to achieve these objectives cannot be determined beyond whether the safety
management system complies with the requirements of the ISM Code. Therefore, the
objectives should not form the basis for establishing detailed interpretations to be used for
determining conformity or non-conformity with the requirements of the ISM Code.
3.3.1 The main criterion which should govern the development of interpretations needed
for assessing compliance with the requirements of the ISM Code should be the ability of the
safety management system to meet the specific requirements defined by the ISM Code in
terms of specific standards of safety and pollution prevention. The specific standards of
safety and protection of the environment are specified in section 1.2.3 of the ISM Code.
3.3.2 All records having the potential to facilitate verification of compliance with the
ISM Code should be open to scrutiny during an examination. These may include records
from delegated SMS tasks. For this purpose, the Administration should ensure that the
Company provides auditors with statutory and classification records relevant to the actions
taken by the Company to ensure that compliance with mandatory rules and regulations is
maintained. In this regard the records may be examined to substantiate their authenticity and
3.3.4 Specific arrangements may be required to ensure compliance with the ISM Code
and to provide the objective evidence needed for verification in these cases, such as:
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.3 relevant records of the ships being operated by the Company, e.g. flag
State records, port State controls, class and accident reports.
3.3.5 The verification of compliance with mandatory rules and regulations, which is part of
the ISM Code certification, neither duplicates nor substitutes surveys for other maritime
certificates. The verification of compliance with the ISM Code does not relieve the Company,
the master or any other entity or person involved in the management or operation of the ship
of their responsibilities.
4.1.1 The certification process relevant to a Document of Compliance for a Company and
to a Safety Management Certificate for a ship will normally involve the following steps:
.1 interim verification;
.2 initial verification;
.5 additional verification.
4.1.2 These verifications are carried out at the request of the Company to the
Administration, or to the organization recognized by the Administration to perform
certification functions under the ISM Code, or the verifications are carried out at the request
of the Administration by another Contracting Government to the SOLAS Convention. The
verifications will include an audit of the safety management system.
4.2.1 Interim certification may be issued under certain conditions as specified by the
ISM Code and should facilitate the implementation of a safety management system.
4.2.2 The Company should apply for interim certification to the Administration.
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4.2.5 The process of interim verification of the ship should be undertaken by the
Administration to ensure that the ship is provided with a safety management system, in
accordance with paragraph 14.4 of the ISM Code.
4.3.1 The Company should apply for ISM Code certification to the Administration.
4.3.5 In cases where certificates are issued by a recognized organization, copies of all
certificates should also be sent to the Administration.
4.3.6 The safety management audit for the Company and for a ship will involve the same
basic steps. The purpose is to verify that a Company or a ship complies with the
requirements of the ISM Code. The audits include:
.2 verification that the safety management system ensures that the objectives
defined in paragraph 1.2.3 of the ISM Code are met. This includes
verification that the Document of Compliance for the Company responsible
for the operation of the ship is applicable to that particular type of ship, and
it includes assessment of the shipboard safety management system to
verify that it complies with the requirements of the ISM Code and that it is
implemented. Objective evidence demonstrating that the Company's safety
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4.4.1 Annual safety management audits are to be carried out to maintain the validity of the
Document of Compliance, and should include examining and verifying the correctness of the
statutory and classification records presented for at least one ship of each type to which the
Document of Compliance applies. The purpose of these audits is to verify the effective
functioning of the safety management system, and that any modifications made to the safety
management system comply with the requirements of the ISM Code.
4.4.2 Annual verification is to be carried out within three months before and after each
anniversary date of the Document of Compliance.
4.4.3 Where the Company has more than one shoreside premises and/or delegates
safety management system tasks, the annual assessments should endeavour to ensure that
all sites are assessed during the period of validity of the Document of Compliance.
4.4.4 During the annual verification, administrations should verify if the Company is
operating all ship types on the Document of Compliance. Appropriate action should be taken
if the Company has stopped operating a particular ship type.
4.5.1 Intermediate safety management audits should be carried out to maintain the validity
of the Safety Management Certificate. The purpose of these audits is to verify the effective
functioning of the safety management system and that any modifications made to the safety
management system comply with the requirements of the ISM Code. In certain cases,
particularly during the initial period of operation under the safety management system, the
Administration may find it necessary to increase the frequency of the intermediate
verification. Additionally, the nature of non-conformities may also provide a basis for
increasing the frequency of intermediate verifications.
4.5.2 If only one intermediate verification is to be carried out, it should take place between
the second and third anniversary date of the issue of the Safety Management Certificate.
Renewal verifications are to be performed before the validity of the Document of Compliance
or the Safety Management Certificate expires. The renewal verification will address all the
elements of the safety management system and the activities to which the requirements of
the ISM Code apply. Renewal verification may be carried out from three months before the
date of expiry of the Document of Compliance or the Safety Management Certificate, and
should be completed before the date of expiry.
4.7.1 The Administration may, where there are clear grounds, require an additional
verification to check if the safety management system still functions effectively. Additional
verifications may be carried out following situations beyond normal procedures such as port
State control detentions, or in the case of reactivation after the interruption of the operations
due to a period out of service, or in order to verify that effective corrective actions have been
taken and/or are being properly implemented. Additional verifications may affect the
shore-based organization and/or the shipboard management system. The Administration
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should determine the scope and depth of the verification, which may vary from case to case.
The additional verifications should be completed within the time period agreed, taking into
account guidelines developed by the Organization. The Administration should follow up on
the results of the verification and take appropriate measures, as necessary.
The procedure for safety management audits outlined in the following paragraphs includes all
steps relevant for initial verification. Safety management audits for the interim, annual,
intermediate, additional and renewal verification should be based on the same principles,
even if their scope may be different.
4.9.1 The Company should submit a request for audit to the Administration or to the
organization recognized by the Administration for issuing a Document of Compliance or a
Safety Management Certificate on behalf of the Administration.
4.9.2 The Administration or the recognized organization should then nominate the lead
auditor and, if relevant, the audit team.
As a basis for planning the audit, the auditor should review the safety management manual
to determine the adequacy of the safety management system in meeting the requirements of
the ISM Code. If this review reveals that the system is not adequate, the audit will have to be
delayed until the Company undertakes corrective action.
4.11.1 The auditor should review the relevant safety performance records of the Company
and take them into consideration when preparing the audit plan, for example, flag State
records, port State controls, and class and accident reports.
4.11.2 The nominated lead auditor should liaise with the Company and produce an audit
4.11.3 The auditor should provide the working documents which are to govern the
execution of the audit in order to facilitate the assessments, investigations and examinations
in accordance with the standard procedures, instructions and forms which have been
established to ensure consistent auditing practices.
4.11.4 The audit team should be able to communicate effectively with auditees.
4.12.1 The audit should start with an opening meeting in order to introduce the audit team
to the Company's senior management, summarize the methods for conducting the audit,
confirm that all agreed facilities are available, confirm time and date for a closing meeting
and clarify possible unclear details relevant to the audit.
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4.12.2 The audit team should assess the safety management system on the basis of the
documentation presented by the Company, and objective evidence as to its effective
4.12.3 The objective evidence should be collected through interviews and examination of
documents. Observation of activities and conditions may also be included when necessary to
determine the effectiveness of the safety management system in meeting the specific
standards of safety and protection of the environment required by the ISM Code.
4.12.4 Audit findings should be documented. After activities have been audited, the audit
team should review the objective evidence collected. This should then be used to determine
what is to be reported as major non-conformities, non-conformities or observations, and
should be reported in terms of the general and specific provisions of the ISM Code.
4.12.5 At the end of the audit, prior to preparing the audit report, the audit team should hold
a meeting with the senior management of the Company and those responsible for the
functions concerned. The purpose is to present the observations in such a way as to ensure
that the results of the audit are clearly understood.
4.13.1 The audit report should be prepared under the direction of the lead auditor, who is
responsible for its accuracy and completeness.
4.13.2 The audit report should include the audit plan, identification of audit team members,
dates and identification of the Company, and observations on any non-conformities and on
the effectiveness of the safety management system in meeting the specified objectives.
4.13.3 The Company should receive a copy of the audit report. The Company should be
advised to provide a copy of the shipboard audit reports to the ship.
4.14.1 The Company is responsible for determining and initiating the corrective action
needed to correct a non-conformity or to correct the cause of the non-conformity. Failure to
correct non-conformities with specific requirements of the ISM Code may affect the validity of
the Document of Compliance and related Safety Management Certificates.
4.14.2 Corrective actions and possible subsequent audits should be completed within the
time period agreed. For corrective actions this should not normally exceed three months.
The Company should apply for the follow-up audits as agreed.
4.14.3 Failure to take adequate corrective actions, in compliance with the requirements of
the ISM Code, including measures to prevent recurrence, may be considered as a major
4.15.1 The verification of compliance with the requirements of the ISM Code does not
relieve the Company, management, those undertaking delegated safety management
system tasks, officers or seafarers of their obligations as to compliance with national and
international legislation related to safety and protection of the environment.
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The organization performing the ISM Code certification is responsible for ensuring that the
verification and certification process is performed according to the ISM Code and these
Revised Guidelines. This includes management control of all aspects of the certification
according to the appendix to these Revised Guidelines.
4.17.1 Whether or not the verifications involved with certification are performed by a team,
one person should be in charge of the verification. The leader should be given the authority
to make final decisions regarding the conduct of the verification and any observations. His
responsibilities should include:
4.17.2 Personnel participating in the verification are responsible for complying with the
requirements governing the verification, ensuring confidentiality of documents pertaining to
the certification and treating privileged information with discretion.
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The audit team involved with ISM Code certification and the organization under which it may
be managed should comply with the specific requirements stated in this appendix.
2.1 Organizations managing verification of compliance with the ISM Code should have,
in their own organization, competence in relation to:
.3 the terms of reference that must be taken into account under the safety
management system as required by the ISM Code; and
2.3 Any organization performing verification of compliance with the provisions of the
ISM Code should ensure that there exists independence between the personnel providing
consultancy services and those involved in the certification procedure.
Management of ISM Code certification schemes should be carried out by those who have
practical knowledge of ISM Code certification procedures and practices.
3.2.1 Personnel who are to participate in the verification of compliance with the
requirements of the ISM Code should have a minimum of formal education comprising the
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3.2.2 They should have undergone training to ensure adequate competence and skills for
performing verification of compliance with the requirements of the ISM Code, particularly with
regard to:
.3 the terms of reference which the ISM Code requires that companies should
take into account;
3.3.1 In order to assess fully whether the Company or the ship complies with the
requirements of the ISM Code, in addition to the basic competence stated under 3.2 above,
personnel who are to perform initial verifications or renewal verifications for a Document of
Compliance or a Safety Management Certificate must possess the competence to:
3.3.2 This competence can be accomplished by teams that together possess the total
competence required.
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Personnel who are to perform annual, intermediate and interim verifications should satisfy
basic requirements for personnel participating in verifications and should have participated in
a minimum of two annual, renewal or initial verifications. They should have received the
special instructions needed to ensure that they possess the competence required to
determine the effectiveness of the Company's safety management system.