Ken-Consti 1 Reviewer
Ken-Consti 1 Reviewer
Ken-Consti 1 Reviewer
branch of public law which deals with the organization and operations of the
governmental organs of the State and defines the relations of the State with the
inhabitants of its territory.
2. Administrative Law - That branch of public law which fixes the organization of
government, determines the competence of the administrative authorities who
execute the law, and indicates to the individual remedies for the violation of his
3. Law on Municipal Corporations.
4. Law of Public Officers.
5. Election Laws.
1. 1987 Constitution;
2. 1973 and 1935 Constitution;
3. Other organic laws made to apply to the Phillipines (Philippines Bill of 1902,
Jones Law of 1916 and Tydings-Mcduffie Law of 1934);
4. Statues, executive orders and decrees and judicial decisions; and
U.S. Constitution.
That body of rules and maxims in accordance with which the powers of
sovereignty are habitually exercised [Cooley, Constitutional Limitations,
p. 4];
1. WRITTEN - precept are embodied in one document/set of documents
UNWRITTEN - rules which have not been integrated into single, concrete form
but are scattered in various sources (statutes, judicial decisions, commentaries,
customs and tradition, common law principle)
2. ENACTED (CONVENTIONAL) formally struck off at a definite time and
place following a conscious or deliberate effort taken by a constituent body or
EVOLVED (COMULATIVE) result of political evolution, changing by
accretion rather than by any systematic method.
3. RIGID amended only by formal and usually difficult process.
FLEXIBLE changed by ordinary legislation.
1. Verba legis - given their ordinary meaning except where technical terms are
2. Ratio legis et anima - ambiguity - intent of the framers, bearing in mind the
objects sought to be accomplished and evils sought to be prevented; doubtful
provision shall be examined in light of the history of the times and the conditions
and circumstances under which the Constitution was framed.
3. Ut magis valeat quam pereat - Constitution to be interpreted as a whole.
- Safer to construe the Constitution from what appears upon its face. If, however, the
plain meaning of the word is not found to be clear, resort to other aids is available.
- In case of doubt, consider provisions as self-executing; mandatory rather than directory;
and prospective rather than retroactive.
- Self-executing provisions: one that lays down principle is usually not self-executing.
That which is complete in itself and becomes operative without the aid ofsupplementary
or enabling legislation, or that which supplies a sufficient rule by means of which the
right it grants may be enjoyed or protected, is self-executing.
- Self-executing if the nature and extent ofthe right conferred and liability imposed are
fixed by the Constitution itself.
- Section 26, Article II of the Constitution neither bestows a right nor elevates the
privilege to the level of an enforceable right. Like the rest of the policies enumerated in
Article II, the provision does not contain any judicially enforceable constitutional right
but merely specifies a guideline for legislative or executive action. The disregard of this
provision does not give rise to any cause of action before the courts [Pamatong v.
Comelec, G.R. No. 161872, April 13, 2004].
In Francisco v. House of Representatives, G.R. No. 160261, November 10, 2003, the Supreme Court made
reference to the use of well- settled principles of constitutional construction, namely:
First, verba legis, that is, wherever possible, the words used in the Constitution must be given their ordinary
meaning except where technical terms are employed. Thus, in J.M. Tuason & Co., Inc. v. Land Tenure
Administration,36 this Court, speaking through Chief Justice Enrique Fernando, declared:
We look to the language of the document itself in our search for its meaning. We do not of course stop
there, but that is where we begin. It is to be assumed that the words in which constitutional
provisions are couched express the objective sought to be attained. They are to be given theirordinary
meaning except where technical terms are employed in which case the significance thus attached to
them prevails. As the Constitution is not primarily a lawyer's document, it being essential for the rule of
law to obtain that it should ever be present in the people's consciousness, its language as much as possible
should be understood in the sense they have in common use. What it says according to the text of the
provision to be construed compels acceptance and negates the power of the courts to alter it, based on the
postulate that the framers and the people mean what they say. Thus these are the cases where the need for
construction is reduced to a minimum.37 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
Second, where there is ambiguity, ratio legis est anima. The words of the Constitution should be interpreted in
accordance with the intent of its framers. And so did this Court apply this principle in Civil Liberties Union v.
Executive Secretary38 in this wise:
A foolproof yardstick in constitutional construction is the intention underlying the provision under
consideration. Thus, it has been held that the Court in construing a Constitution should bear in mind the
object sought to be accomplished by its adoption, and the evils, if any, sought to be prevented or remedied.
A doubtful provision will be examined in the light of the history of the times, and the condition and
circumstances under which the Constitution was framed. The object is to ascertain the reason which
induced the framers of the Constitution to enact the particular provision and the purpose sought to
be accomplished thereby, in order to construe the whole as to make the words consonant to that
reason and calculated to effect that purpose.39 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
Finally, ut magis valeat quam pereat. The Constitution is to be interpreted as a whole. Thus, in Chiongbian v. De
Leon,42 this Court, through Chief Justice Manuel Moran declared:
x x x [T]he members of the Constitutional Convention could not have dedicated a provision of our
Constitution merely for the benefit of one person without considering that it could also affect
others. When they adopted subsection 2, they permitted, if not willed, that said provision should
function to the full extent of its substance and its terms, not by itself alone, but in conjunction with all
other provisions of that great document.43 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
Union Carbide Labor Union vs Union Carbide Phil. GR No. L-41314 November 13, 1992
As pointed out by Justice Isagani Cruz, to wit:
Finally, it should be observed that the provisions of the Constitution should be given only a
prospective application unless the contrary is clearly intended. Were the rule otherwise, rights
already acquired or vested might be unduly disturbed or withdrawn even in the absence of an
unmistakable intention to place them within the scope of the Constitution.
Sec 2, Art. III
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of
whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search
warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be
determined personally by the judge after examination under oath or
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and
particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things
to be seized.
Sec 1, Art. II
The Philippines is a democratic and republican State.
Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority
emanates from them.
Sec 4, Art. II
The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the
people. The Government may call upon the people to defend the
State and, in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required,
under conditions provided by law, to render personal military or
civil service.
Sec 7, Art. II
The right of the people to information on matters of public
concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to
documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or
decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for
policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such
limitations as may be provided by law.
Sec 4, Art. VII
The President and the Vice-President shall be elected by direct
vote of the people...
As requisite for Statehood: Adequate number for self-sufficiency and defense; of both sexes
for perpetuity.
The waters around, between and connectingthe islands of the
archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form
part of the internal waters of the Philippines 2nd sentence,
Sec. 1, Art II
Defined: The supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in aState by
which that State is governed.
Legal power to issue final commands.
Political sum total of all the influences which lie behind the law.
1) Permanence
2) Exclusiveness
3) Comprehensiveness
4) Absoluteness
5) Indivisibility
6) Inalienability
7) Imprescriptibility
Loreta Gozo bought a house and lot which was located inside the US
Naval Reservation which is within the territorial jurisdiction of Olongapo
City. Upon the advice of an assistant in the Mayors Office and some
neighbors, she demolished the house standing thereon without acquiring
the necessary permits and then later on erected another house. She was
then charged by the City Engineers Office for violating a municipal
order which requires her to secure permits for any demolition and/or
construction within the City. She was convicted in violation thereof by the
lower court. She appealed and countered that the City of Olongapo has no
administrative jurisdiction over the said lot because it is within a Naval
Base of a foreign country.
HELD: Yes. The Philippine Government has not abdicated its sovereignty
over the bases as part of the Philippine territory or divested itself
completely of jurisdiction over offenses committed therein. Under the
terms of the treaty, the United States Government has prior or preferential
but not exclusive jurisdiction of such offenses. The Philippine
Government retains not only jurisdictional rights not granted, but also all
such ceded rights as the United States Military authorities for reasons of
their own decline to make use of (Military Bases Agreement). Hence, in
the exercise of its sovereignty, the State through the City of Olongapo
does have administrative jurisdiction over the lot located within the US
Naval Base.
Territorial: power of the State over persons and things within its territory.
(1) Foreign states, head of states, diplomatic representatives and consuls to
a certain degree;
(2) Foreign state property, including embassies, consulates and public
vessels engaged in non-commercial activities;
(3) Acts of state
(4) Foreign merchant vessels exercising the rights of innocent passage or
involuntary entry such as arrival under stress
(5) Foreign armies passing through or stationed in its territory with its
permission; and
(6) Other persons or property, including organizations like the UN, over
which it may, by agreement, waive jurisdiction.
1. The State cannot be sued without its consent [Sec. 3, Art. XVI].
2. Scope of consent: consent to be sued does not include consent to the execution of
judgment against it. Such execution will require another waiver.
INCORPORATED if the charter provides that the agency can sue and be sued,
then suit will lie, including one for tort. The provision in the charter constitutes
express consent on the part of the State to be sued.
Municipal corporations, agencies of the state when they are engaged in
governmental functions and should enjoy sovereign immunity from suit. They
are subject to suit even in the performance of such functions because their
respective charters provide that they can sue and be sued. (Section 22 LGC)
The doctrine of state immunity also applies to complaints filed against officials of
the State for acts performed by them in the discharge of their duties within the
scope of their authority.
Where a public officer has committed an ultra vires act, or there is a showing of
bad faith, malice or gross negligence, then the officer can be held personally
In order that suit may lie against the state, there must be consent. Where no
consent is shown, state immunity from suit may be invoked as a defense by the
courts sua sponte at any stage of the proceedings.
Scope of consent: consent to be sued does not include consent to the execution of
judgment against it. Such execution will require another waiver.
1. Police power regulates liberty and property
Eminent domain and taxation affects only property rights
2. Police power and taxation are exercised only by government
Eminent domain may be exercised by private entities
3. Property taken in police power is usually noxious or intended for noxious purposes and
may be destroyed
In eminent domain and taxation, the property is wholesome and devoted to public
4. Compensation in police power is the intangible, altruistic feeling that the individual
has contributed to the public good;
In eminent domain, it is the full and fair equivalent of the property taken;
In taxation, it is the protection given and/or public improvements instituted by
government for taxes paid.
1. Bill of Rights
2. Courts may annul improvident exercise
of police power
A. Preamble
a) Does not confer rights nor impose duties
b) Indicates authorship of the Constitution
c) Enumerates the primary aims and aspirations of the framers
d) Serves as an aid in the construction of the Constitution
B. Republicanism [Sec. 1. Art. II: The Philippines is a democratic and republican State.
Sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them].
Essential features
(1) Representation
(2) Renovation
(1) Government of law and not of men
(2) Rule of majority
(3) Accountability of public officials
(4) Bill of rights
(5) Legislature cannot pass irrepealable laws
(6) Separation of powers
To prevent concentration of authority in one person or group of persons
that might lead to an irreversible error or abuse in its exercise to the
detriment of republican institutions.
Principle of Blending of Powers
Instances when powers are not confined exclusively within one
department but are assigned to or shared by several departments.
Principle of Checks and Balances
This allows one department to resist encroachments upon its prerogatives
or to rectify mistakes or excesses committed by the other departments.
Doctrine of Necessary Implication
Absence of express conferment, the exercise of the power may be justified
under this doctrine, that the grant of an express power carries with it all
other powers that may be reasonably inferred from it.
Delegation of powers
Potestas delegate non potest delegare
Delegated power constitutes not only a right but a duty to be performed by the
delegate through the instrumentality of his own judgment and not through the
intervening mind of another.
Permissible delegation
(1) Tariff powers to the president
(2) Emergency powers to the president (in times of war or national emergency)
(3) Delegation to the people specific provisions where the people have reserved
to themselves the function of legislation
power of the electorate to approve or reject legislation through an election
called for the purpose; referendum on statutes and referendum on local
electoral process by which an initiative on the Constitution is approved or
rejected by the people.
(4) Delegation to LGUs
(5) Delegation to Administrative Bodies power of subordinate legislation
Tests for valid delegation
(1) Completeness test: the law must be complete in all its essential terms and
conditions when it leaves the legislature so that there will be nothing left for the
delegate to do when it reaches him except to enforce it.
(2) Sufficient standard test: intended to map out the boundaries of the delegates
authority by defining the legislative policy and indicting the circumstances under
which it is up be pursued and effected; the standards usually indicated in the law
delegating legislative power.
Doctrine of Incorporation
Our courts have applied the rules of international law in a number of cases even
of such rules had not previously been subject of statutory enactments, because
these generally accepted principles of international law are automatically part of
our own laws.
Independent Foreign Policy and Nuclearfree Philippines (Sec. 7 & 8, Art II)
(Sec. 7, Art II)-State shall pursue an independent foreign policy. In relations with other
states, the paramount consideration shall be national sovereignty, territorial integrity,
national interest and the right to selfdetermination.
(Sec. 8, Art II)-The Philippines consistent with the national interest, adopts and pursues a
policy of freedom from nuclear weapons in its territory.
In Lim v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 151445, April 11, 2002, the Supreme Court said that
these provisions, along with Sec. 2, Art. II, Sec. 21, Art. VII, and Sec. 26, Art. XVIII, betray a
marked antipathy towards foreign military presence in the country, or of foreign influence in
In pursuance of Commonwealth Act 548 which mandates the Director of Public Works,
with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, shall
promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to regulate and control the use of and
traffic on such roads and streets to promote safe transit upon, and avoid obstructions on,
roads and streets designated as national roads, the Director of Public Works adopted the
resolution of the National Traffic Commission, prohibiting the passing of animal drawn
vehicles in certainstreets in Manila. Petitioner questioned this as it constitutes an undue
delegation of legislative power.
Whether or not there is a undue delegation of legislative power?
There is no undue delegation of legislative power. Commonwealth Act 548 does not
confer legislative powers to the Director of Public Works. The authority conferred upon
them and under which they promulgated the rules and regulations now complained of is
not to determine what public policy demands but merely to carry out the legislative
policy laid down by the National Assembly in said Act, to wit, to promote safe transit
upon and avoid obstructions on, roads and streets designated as national roads by acts of
the National Assembly or by executive orders of the President of the Philippines and to
close them temporarily to any or all classes of traffic whenever the condition of the road
or the traffic makes such action necessary or advisable in the public convenience and
The delegated power, if at all, therefore, is not the determination of what the law shall be,
but merely the ascertainment of the facts and circumstances upon which the application
of said law is to be predicated.
To promulgate rules and regulations on the use of national roads and to determine when
and how long a national road should be closed to traffic, in view of the condition of the
road or the traffic thereon and the requirements of public convenience and interest, is an
administrative function which cannot be directly discharged by the National Assembly.
It must depend on the discretion of some other government official to whom is confided
the duty of determining whether the proper occasion exists for executing the law. But it
cannot be said that the exercise of such discretion is the making of the law.
Respect for human dignity and human rights (Sec. 11, Art II)
State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human
Florentino Pilapil insured himself and he indicated in his insurance plan that his
child will be his beneficiary. He also indicated that if upon his death the child is
still a minor; the proceeds of his benefits shall be administered by his brother,
Francisco Pilapil. The child was only ten years of age when Florentino died and
so Francisco then took charge of Florentinos insurance proceeds for the benefit
of the child.
On the other hand, the mother of the child Melchora Cabanas filed a complaint
seeking the delivery of the insurance proceeds in favor and for her to be declared
as the childs trustee. Francisco asserted the terms of the insurance policy and
that as a private contract its terms and obligations must be binding only to the
parties and intended beneficiaries.
ISSUE: Whether or not the state may interfere by virtue of parens patriae to
the terms of the insurance policy.
HELD: Yes. The Constitution provides for the strengthening of the family as the
basic social unit, and that whenever any member thereof such as in the case at bar
would be prejudiced and his interest be affected then the judiciary if a litigation
has been filed should resolve that case according to the best interest of that
person. The uncle here should not be the trustee, it should be the mother as she
was the immediate relative of the minor child and it is assumed that the mother
shall show more care towards the child than the uncle will. The application
of parens patriae here is in consonance with this countrys tradition of favoring
conflicts in favor of the family hence preference to the parent (mother) is
State affirms labor as a primary social economic force. It shall protect the rights or
workers and promote their welfare.
In JMM Promotion and Management v. Court of Appeals, 260 SCRA 319, the
Supreme Court said that obviously, protection to labor does not indicate
promotion of employment alone. Under the welfare and social justice provisions
of the Constitution, the promotion of full employment, while desirable, cannot
take a backseat to the governments constitutional duty to provide mechanisms
for the protection of our workforce, local or overseas. As explained in Philippine
Association of Service Exporters v. Drilon, 163 SCRA 386, in reference to the
recurring problems faced by our overseas workers, what concerns the
Constitution more paramountly is that such an employment be above all, decent,
just and humane. It is bad enough that the country has to send its sons and
daughters to strange lands, because it cannot satisfy their employment needs at
home. Under these circumstances, the Government is duty bound to provide them
adequate protection, personally and economically, while away from home.
In Bernardo v. NLRC, G.R. No. 122917, July 12, 1999, the Supreme Courtheld
that the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons mandates that qualified disabled
persons be granted the same terms and conditions of employment as qualified
able-bodied employees; thus, once they have attained the status of regular
workers, they should be accorded all the benefits granted by law, notwithstanding
written or verbal contracts to the contrary. This treatment is rooted not merely in
charity or accommodation, but in justice for all.
In Tanada v. Angara, 272 SCRA 18, it was held that the World
TradeOrganization (WTO) agreement does not violate Sec. 19, Art. II, nor Secs.
10 and 12, Art. XII, because the said sections should be read and understood in
relation to Secs. 1 and 13, Art. XII, which require the pursuit of a trade policy
that serves the general welfare and utilizes all forms and arrangements of
exchange on the basis of equality and reciprocity. The provisions of Art. II are
not intended to be self-executing principles ready for enforcement through the
courts. They do not embody judicially enforceable rights, but guidelines for
legislation. The reasons for denying cause of action to an alleged infringement of
broad constitutional principles are sourced from basic considerations of due
process and lack of judicial authority to wade into the uncharted ocean of social
and economic policy-making.
Equal access of opportunities for public service (Sec. 26, Art. II)
State shall guarantee equal access of opportunities for public service and prohibit political
dynasties as may be defined by law.
In Pamatong v. Comelec, G.R. No. 161872, April 13, 2004, the SupremeCourt
said that this provision does not bestow a right to seek the Presidency; it does not
contain a judicially enforceable constitutional right and merely specifies a
guideline for legislative action. The provision is not intended to compel the State
to enact positive measures that would accommodate as many as possible into
public office. The privilege may be subjected to limitations. One such valid
limitation is the provision of the Omnibus Election Code on nuisance candidates.
Honest public service and full public disclosure (Sec. 27, Art. II)
(Sec. 27, Art. II)-State shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public service and take
positive and effective measures against graft and corruption.
(Sec. 28, Art. II)-State adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its
transactions involving public interest.
In the elections of Sept 17, 1935, Angara, and the respondents, Pedro Ynsua et al.
were candidates voted for the position of member of the National Assembly for
the first district of the Province of Tayabas. On Oct 7, 1935, Angara was
proclaimed as member-elect of the NA for the said district. On November 15,
1935, he took his oath of office. On Dec 3, 1935, the NA in session assembled,
passed Resolution No. 8 confirming the election of the members of the National
Assembly against whom no protest had thus far been filed. On Dec 8, 1935,
Ynsua, filed before the Electoral Commission a Motion of Protest against the
election of Angara. On Dec 9, 1935, the EC adopted a resolution, par. 6 of which
fixed said date as the last day for the filing of protests against the election, returns
and qualifications of members of the NA, notwithstanding the previous
confirmation made by the NA. Angara filed a Motion to Dismiss arguing that by
virtue of the NA proclamation, Ynsua can no longer protest. Ynsua argued back
by claiming that EC proclamation governs and that the EC can take cognizance
of the election protest and that the EC cannot be subject to a writ of prohibition
from the SC.
That judicial supremacy is but the power of judicial review in actual and
appropriate cases and controversies, and is the power and duty to see that no one
branch or agency of the government transcends the Constitution, which is the
source of all authority.
That the Electoral Commission is the sole judge of all contests relating to the
election, returns and qualifications of members of the National Assembly.
Judge Catalino Macaraig, Jr. took his oath as Judge of the CFI of Laguna and San
Pablo City on June 29, 1970. The court, being one of the 112 newly created CFI
branches, had to be organized from scratch. From July 1, 1970 to February 28,
1971, Macaraig was not able to assume the duties and functions of a judge due to
the fact that his Court Room can not be properly established due to problems as
to location and as to appropriations to make his Court up and running. When
Macaraig realized that it would be some time before he could actually preside
over his court, he applied for an extended leave (during the 16 years he had
worked in the Department of Justice, he had, due to pressure of duties, never
gone on extended leave, resulting in his forfeiting all the leave benefits he had
earned beyond the maximum ten months allowed by the law). The Secretary of
Justice, however, convinced Macaraig to forego his leave and instead to assist the
Secretary, without being extended a formal detail, whenever he was not busy
attending to the needs of his court.
Paz Garcia on the other hand filed a complaint alleging that Macaraig is
incompetent, dishonest and has acted in violation of his oath as a judge. Garcia
said that Macaraig has not submitted the progress of his Courts as required by
law. And that Macaraig has received salaries as a judge while he is fully aware
that he has not been performing the duties of a judge. Also questioned was the
fact that a member of the judiciary is helping the the DOJ, a department of the
executive oi charge of prosecution of cases.
ISSUE: Whether or not Macaraig has acted with incompetence and dishonesty as
HELD: No. Macaraigs inability to perform his judicial duties under the
circumstances mentioned above does not constitute incompetence. Macaraig was,
like every lawyer who gets his first appointment to the bench, eager to assume
his judicial duties and rid himself of the stigma of being a judge without a sala,
but forces and circumstances beyond his control prevented him from discharging
his judicial duties.
On the other hand, none of these is to be taken as meaning that the Court looks
with favor at the practice of long standing, to be sure, of judges being detailed in
the DOJ to assist the Secretary even if it were only in connection with his work
of exercising administrative authority over the courts. The line between what a
judge may do and what he may not do in collaborating or working with other
offices or officers under the other great departments of the government must
always be kept clear and jealously observed, lest the principle of separation of
powers on which our government rests by mandate of the people thru the
Constitution be gradually eroded by practices purportedly motivated by good
intentions in the interest of the public service.
The fundamental advantages and the necessity of the independence of said three
departments from each other, limited only by the specific constitutional precepts
on check and balance between and among them, have long been acknowledged
as more paramount than the serving of any temporary or passing governmental
conveniences or exigencies. It is thus of grave importance to the judiciary under
our present constitutional scheme of government that no judge of even the lowest
court in this Republic should place himself in a position where his actuations on
matters submitted to him for action or resolution would be subject to review and
prior approval and, worst still, reversal, before they can have legal effect, by any
authority other than the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court, as the case may
be. Needless to say, the Court feels very strongly that it is best that this practice
is discontinued.
Delegation of powers:
-Potestas delegate non potest delegare
-Delegated power constitutes not only a right but a duty to be performed by the
delegate through the instrumentality of his own judgment and not through the
intervening mind of another.
Permissible delegation:
(1) Tariff powers to the president
as specifically provided in Sec. 28(2), Art. VI: The Congress
may, by law, authorize the President to fix within specified
limits, and subject to such limitations and restrictions as it may
impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and
wharfage dues, and other duties or imposts within the
framework of the national development program of the
power of the electorate to approve or reject legislation through an election
called for the purpose; referendum on statutes and referendum on local
electoral process by which an initiative on the Constitution is approved or
rejected by the people.
(4) Delegation to LGUs
(5) Delegation to Administrative Bodies power of subordinate legislation
Tests for valid delegation
(1) Completeness test: the law must be complete in all its essential terms and
conditions when it leaves the legislature so that there will be nothing left for the
delegate to do when it reaches him except to enforce it.
(2) Sufficient standard test: intended to map out the boundaries of the delegates
authority by defining the legislative policy and indicting the circumstances under
which it is up be pursued and effected; the standards usually indicated in the law
delegating legislative power.
Such legislation (by local governments) is not regarded as a transfer of general legislative
power, but rather as the grant of the authority to prescribe local regulations, according to
immemorial practice, subject, of course, to the interposition of the superior in cases of
necessity [Peopje v. Vera, supra.]. This recognizes the fact that local legislatures are more
knowledgeable than the national lawmaking body on matters of purely local concern, and are
in a better position to enact appropriate legislative measures thereon.
Legislative power the power to propose, enact, amend and repeal laws.
- Vested in Congress except to the extent reserved to the people by the provision in initiative and
-People can directly propose and enact laws or approve or reject any act or law or part thereof
passed by the Congress or local legislative body after the registration of a petition thereof signed
by at least 10 per centum of the total number of registered voters, of which every legislative
district must be represented by at least 3 per centum of the registered voters.
Initiative power of the people to propose amendments to the Constitution or to propose and
enact legislation through an election called for that purpose.
1) Initiative on the Constitution
2) Initiative on Statutes
3) Initiative on local legislation
Indirect Initiative exercise of initiative by the people through a proposition sent to Congress
or local legislative body for action
Referendum power of the electorate to approve or reject legislation through an election called
for that purpose.
1) Referendum on Statutes
2) Referendum on local legislation
Prohibited measures
1) Petition embracing more than one subject
2) Involving emergency measures, the enactment of which is specifically vested in
Congress by the Constitution, cannot be subject to referendum, until 90 days after
Local Initiative,
-Not less than 2,000 registered voters in case of autonomous regions
-1,000 in provinces and cities
-100 in municipalities
-50 in baranagays
-File a petition with Regional Assembly or local legislative body
Limitation on Local Initiative
1) Exercised not more than once a year.
2) Extend only to subjects or matters which are within the legal powers of the local
legislative body to enact.
3) If at any time before the initiative is held, the local legislative body shall adopt in toto
the proposition presented, the initiative shall be cancelled.
1) Minor follows domicile of parents
2) Domicile of origin is lost only when there is:
a. actual removal or change of domicile
b. bona fide intention of abandoning the
former residence and establishing a new one
c. acts which corresponds with the purpose
3) Wife does not automatically gain husbands domicile
Other Inhibitions
not personally appear as counsel before any court, ET, quasi-judicial or other administrative
not be directly or indirectly interested financially in any contract with, or any franchise or
special privilege granted by the Government
not intervene in any matter before any office of the Government for his pecuniary benefit or
where he may be called upon to act on account of his office.
Regular: convene once a year on the 4th Monday of July unless a different date is fixed by
law; and shall continue for such number of days as it may determine until 30 days before the
opening of its next regular session, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.
Special: call by president usually to consider legislative measure which the President may
designate in his call
1) Voting Separately
a. Choosing the president
b. Determine disability of the president
c. Confirming nomination of VP
d. Declaration of the existence of a state of war
e. Proposing constitutional amendments
2) Voting Jointly
a. Revoke/extend proclamation suspending the privilege of the writ of HC
b. Or placing the Philippines under martial law
Adjournment neither House during the sessions of the Congress shall, without the consent
of the other adjourn for more than 3 days nor to any other place than that in which the 2 Houses
shall be sitting.
Senate elects its President
House elects its Speaker
Each nay choose such other officers as it may deem necessary
Majority of each House
But a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may compel the attendance of absent
Members in such manner and under such penalties as such House may determine
Quorum in the Senate shall be the total number of Senators who are in the country and within
the coercive jurisdiction of the Senate.
Rules of Proceedings
Each House determined the rules of itsproceedings.
Discipline of Members
House may punish its members for disorderly behavior, and with concurrence of 2/3 of all its
members, suspend (for not more than 60 days) or expel a member.
Determination of acts which constitute disorderly behavior is within the full discretionary
authority of the House concerned, and the Court will not review such determination, the same
being a political question.
Records and Books of Accounts
Preserve and open to public
Books shall be audited by COA which shall publish annually an itemized list of amounts paid
to and expenses incurred by each member.
Legislative Journal and Congressional Records
Each House shall keep a Journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same,
excepting such parts as may, in its judgment, affect national security;
And the yeas and nays on any question shall, at the request of 1/5 of the Members present, be
entered in the Journal.
Each House shall also keep a Record of its proceedings.
Matters which under the Constitution are to be entered in the journal:
a. Yeas and nays on 3rd and final reading of
a bill
b. Veto message of the President
c. Yeas and nays on the repassing of a bill vetoed by the President
d. Yeas and nays on any question at the request of 1/5 of members present.
Enrolled Bill Theory: enrolled bill is one duly introduced and finally passed by both Houses,
authenticated by the proper officers of each and approved by the President.
Enrolled Bill prevails, except to matters which under the Constitution must be entered in the
Electoral Tribunals
a. 3 SC Justices designated by CJ, the senior justice shall be the chairman
b. 6 members of the house, chosen on the basis of proportional representation from the
political parties registered
Non-partisan court; independent of Congress
Termination of Membership:
a. Expiration of congressional term
b. Death
c. Resignation from political party
d. Formal affiliation to another political party
e. Removal for other valid causes
Cannot disqualify senator-member just because election contest is filed against him. (Abbas
vs. Senate ET)
Doctrine of Primary Administrative Jurisdiction, prior recourse to the House is necessary
before the case may be brought to the Court.
Power: sole judge of all contests relating to the election, returns and qualifications of their
respective members.
HRET may assume jurisdiction only when after the winning candidate shall have been duly
proclaimed, has taken oath of office, and has assumed functions of the office.
Decisions may be reviewed by SC by showing grave abuse of discretion in a petition for
certiorari filed under R65.
Commission on Appointment
a. Senate President, ex-officio chairman
b. 12 senators
c. 12 house
* b and c elected by each House on the basis
of proportional representation from the
political parties registered.
Powers act on all appointments submitted to it within 30 session days of Congress from
their submission.
Shall rule by majority vote of its members
Meet only while Congress is in session
At the call of its Chairman or majority of all its members
Independent of the 2 Houses and has the power to promulgate its own rules of proceedings.
Powers of Congress
1. General (plenary) legislative power
- Limitations:
1. Substantive
- Express
a. Bill of rights
b. Appropriations
c. Taxation
d. Constitutional appellate jurisdiction of SC
e. No law granting a title of royalty or nobility shall be passed
- Implied
a. Non-delegation of powers
b. Prohibition against the passage if irrepealable laws
2. Procedural
a. Only one subject to be expressed in the title
- Title is not required to be an index of the contents of the bill
- Sufficient compliance if the title expresses the general subject and all the provisions of the
statute are germane to thee subject
- Sufficient if the title is comprehensive enough, as in this case, to include subjects related to the
general purpose which the statute seeks to achieve.
- Rider is a provision not germane to the subject matter of the bill.
b. Three readings on separate days
- Printed copies of bill in its final form distributed to Members 3 days before its passage
- EXCEPT when the President certifies to its immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or
- Upon last reading, no amendment allowed, and vote thereon taken immediately and the yeas
and nays entered in the journal
- Presidential certification dispensed with the requirement not only of printing but also that of
reading the bill on separate days.
3. Legislative Process
- Requirements as to bill
Only 1 subject to be expressed in the title
Appropriation, revenue bills, tariff bills, bills of local application, bills authorizing increase of
public debts and private bills shall originate exclusively in the House of Representative.
It is not the law, but the bill, which is required to originate exclusively in the House, because
the bill may undergo such extensive changes in the Senate that the result may be a rewriting of
the whole.
The Constitution does not prohibit the filing in the Senate of a substitute bill in anticipation
of its receipt of the bill from the House, so long as the action by the Senate as a body is withheld
pending receipt of the House bill.
- Procedure: passed 3 readings on separate days, and printed copies in its final form have been
distributed to its Members 3 days before its passage EXCEPT when President certifies to the
necessity of its immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or emergency.
Courts are denied the power to inquire into allegations that, in enacting a law, a House of
Congress failed to comply with its own rules, in the absence of any showing that there was a
violation of constitutional requirements or the rights of private individuals.
It is within the Bicameral Conference Committee to include in its report an entirely new
provision that is not found either in the House or Senate bill.
If the Committee can propose an amendment consisting of 1 or 2 provisions, there is no
reason why it cannot propose several provisions, collectively considered as an amendment in
the nature of a substitute so long as the amendment is germane to the subject of the bills before
the Committee.
Jurisdiction of the Conference Committee is not limited to resolving differences between the
Senate and the House versions of the bill. It may propose an entirely new provision.
- Approval of Bills
-The bill becomes a law in the following cases:
a. President approves the same and signs it.
b. Congress overrides the Presidential veto if the President disapproves the bill, he shall return
the same, with his objections contained in his Veto message to the House of origin (which shall
enter the objections at large in its Journal). The veto is overridden upon a vote of 2/3 of all
members of the House of origin and the other House. Yeas and Nays entered in the Journal of
each House.
-No pocket veto.
-Partial veto, as a rule, is invalid. It is allowed only for particular items in an appropriation,
revenue or tariff bill. The President cannot veto part of an item in an appropriation bill while
approving the remaining portion of the item.
-Legislative Veto a congressional veto is a means whereby the legislature can block or modify
administrative action taken under a statute. It is a form of legislative control in the
implementation of particular executive action. It may be negative (subjecting the executive
action to disapproval by Congress) or affirmative (requiring approval of the executive action by
c. When the President fails to act upon the bill for 30 days from receipt thereof, the bill shall
become a law as if he had signed it.