Constitutional Law Memory Aid PULIDO
Constitutional Law Memory Aid PULIDO
Constitutional Law Memory Aid PULIDO
Political Law Defined. That branch of public law which deals with the organization ,and operations of the
governmental organs of the State and defines the relations of the State with the inhabitants of its territory
[People v. Perfecto, 43 Phil. 887; Macariola v. Asuncion, 114 SCRA 77].
1. Political law.
2. Constitutional law
The study of the maintenance of the proper balance between authority as represented by the
three inherent powers of the State and liberty as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights [Cruz,
Constitutional Law, 1993 ed., p. 1].
3. Administrative law
That branch of public law which fixes the organization of government, determines the competence
of the administrative authorities who execute the law, and indicates to the individual remedies for
the violation of his rights
4. Law on municipal corporations
5. Law on public officers
6. Election laws
7. Public international law
1. The law of public administration -organization and management of the different branches of the
2. Constitutional law - guaranties of the constitution to individual rights and the limitations on
governmental action
3. Administrative law - exercise of executive power in the making of rules and the decision of
questions affecting private rights
4. The law of public corporations -governmental agencies for local government or for other special
purposes [SINCO1]
Constitutionalism refers to the position or practice that government be limited by a constitution. The doctrine
or system of government in which the governing power is limited by enforceable rules of law, and
concentration of power is limited by various checks and balances so that the basic rights of individuals and
groups are protected
The essence of republicanism is representation and renovation, the selection by the citizenry of a corps of
public functionaries who derive their mandate from the people and act on their behalf, serving for a limited
period only, after which they are replaced or retained at the option of their principal. (More discussion of
Republicanism under Article II)
A constitution is that body of rules and maxims in accordance with which the powers of sovereignty are
habitually exercised.5 (Cooley). A constitution is that written instrument enacted by direct action of the
people by which the fundamental powers of the government are established, limited and defined, and by
which those powers are distributed among several departments for their safe and useful exercise for the
benefit of the body politic. (Malcolm, Philippine Constitutional Law, p. 6) In other words: It is the supreme
written law of the land. A constitution is a municipal law. As such, it is binding only within the territorial
limits of the sovereignty promulgating the constitution
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Class of: Atty. Roberto Rafael Pulido
Its nature and purpose is: (a) serves as the supreme or fundamental law, (b) establishes basic framework and
underlying principles of government and (c) To prescribe the permanent framework of a system of
government, to assign to the several departments their respective powers and duties, and to establish certain
first principles on which the government is founded. (11 Am. Jur. 606 cited in Cruz)
The 1987 Constitution is classified as written, enacted and rigid. (Art. XVII, 1987 Constitution). It took effect
on February 2, 1987, which was the date of the plebiscite. (De Leon v. Esguerra, G.R. No. L‐78059, Aug. 31,
o Written v. unwritten. A written constitution is one whose precepts are embodied in one document or
set of documents. An unwritten constitution consist of rules which have not been integrated into a
single, concrete form but are scattered in various sources, such as statutes of fundamental character,
judicial decisions, commentaries of publicists, customs and traditions. [CRUZ, Constitutional Law
4-5; NACHURA, Outline Reviewer in Political Law 2]
o Enacted (conventional) v. evolved (cumulative). A conventional constitution is enacted, formally
struck off at a definite time and place following a conscious or deliberate effort taken by a
constituent body or ruler. A cumulative body is the result of political evolution, not inaugurated at
any specific time but changing by accretion rather than by any systematic method. [CRUZ, id, at 5]
o Rigid v. flexible. A constitution is classified as rigid when it may not be amended except through a
special process distinct from and more involved than the method of changing ordinary laws. It is
supposed that by such a special procedure, the constitution is rendered difficult to change and
thereby acquires a greater degree of stability. A constitution is classified as flexible when it may be
changed in the same manner and through the same body that enacts ordinary legislation. The British
Constitution is flexible.
centum (12%) of all registered voters, with each legislative district represented by at least three
per centum (3%) of its registered voters. The Lambino Group also claimed that COMELEC
election registrars had verified the signatures of the 6.3 million individuals.
o Section 2, Article XVII of the Constitution is the governing constitutional provision that allows a
people’s initiative to propose amendments to the Constitution. The essence of amendments
“directly proposed by the people through initiative upon a petition” is that the entire proposal on
its face is a petition by the people. This means two essential elements must be present. First,
the people must author and thus sign the entire proposal. No agent or representative can
sign on their behalf. Second, as an initiative upon a petition, the proposal must be embodied
in a petition. These essential elements are present only if the full text of the proposed
amendments is first shown to the people who express their assent by signing such complete
proposal in a petition. Thus, an amendment is “directly proposed by the people through initiative
upon a petition” only if the people sign on a petition that contains the full text of the proposed
Amendment vs Revision
o This distinction is significant because the 1987 Constitution allows people’s initiative only for
the purpose of amending, not revising, the Constitution.[See Lambino, supra]
o Determination whether a proposed change is an amendment or a revision
Quantitative test – asks whether the proposed change is so extensive in its provisions as
to change directly the ‘substantial entirety’ of the Constitution by the deletion or
alteration of numerous existing provisions. One examines only the number of
provisions affected and does not consider the degree of the change.
Qualitative test – whether the change will accomplish such far reaching changes in the
nature of our basic governmental plan as to amount to a revision. (Lambino v. Comelec,
G.R. No. 174153, Oct. 25, 2006)
An addition or change within A change that alters a basic
the lines of the original principle in the constitution,
constitution as will effect an like altering the principle of
improvement, or better carry separation of powers or the
out the purpose for which it was system of checks-and-balances;
framed; a change that adds, alters the substantial entirety of
reduces or deletes without the constitution, as when the
altering the basic principles change affects substantial
involved; affects only the provisions of the constitution.
specific provision being [Id.]
amended. [Lambino v.
COMELEC (2006)]
Generally affects only the Generally affects several
specific provision being provisions of the constitution,
Isolated or piecemeal change A revamp or rewriting of the
merely by adding, deleting, or whole instrument altering the
reducing without altering the substantial entirety of the
basic principle involved Constitution
Allows people’s initiative only
for the purpose of amending
Doctrine of Proper Submission defined. Plebiscite may be held on the same day as regular election
(Gonzales v. COMELEC, G.R. No. L‐28196, Nov. 9, 1967), provided the people are sufficiently informed
of the amendments to be voted upon, to conscientiously deliberate thereon, to express their will in a
genuine manner. Submission of piece‐meal amendments is unconstitutional. All amendments must be
submitted for ratification at one plebiscite only. The people have to be given a proper frame of reference in
arriving at their decision. (Tolentino v. COMELEC, G.R. No. L‐34150, Oct. 16, 1971
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Class of: Atty. Roberto Rafael Pulido
Note: While the substance of the proposals made by each type of ConAss is not subject to judicial review, the
manner the proposals are made is subject to judicial review. Since ConAss owes their existence to the
Constitution, the courts may determine whether the assembly has acted in accordance with the Constitution.
See Occena v. Comelec, 104 SCRA 1, which is authority for the principle that the choice of method of
proposal, i.e., whether made directly by Congress or through a Constitutional Convention, is within the full
discretion of the legislature
b. Constitutional Convention – Called into existence by (i) 2/3 of all members of Congress OR (ii) the
electorate, in a referendum called for by a majority of all members of Congress [CONST., art. XVII, sec. 3]
Three Theories on the position of a Constitutional Convention vis-a-vis the regular departments of
government: (1) Theory of Conventional Sovereignty [Loomis v. Jackson, 6 W. Va. 613]; (2) Convention is
inferior to the other departments [Wood’s Appeal, 79 Pa. 59]; (3) Independent of and co-equal to the other
departments [Mabanag v. Lopez Vito, 78 Phil. 1],
If Congress, acting as a ConAss, calls for a ConCon but does not provide details for the calling of such
ConCon, Congress by exercising its ordinary legislative power may supply such details. But in so doing, the
Congress (as legislature) should not transgress the resolution of Congress acting as a ConAss.
Note: The manner of calling a ConCon is subject to judicial review because the Constitution has provided for
voting requirements.
Note: Choice of which ConAss or ConCon should initiate amendments and revisions is left to the discretion
of Congress. In other words, it is a political question.
Congress, as a ConAss and the ConCon has no power to appropriate money for their expenses. Money may
be spent from the treasury only pursuant to an appropriation made by law.
c. People (through a People’s Initiative)- petition of at least 12% of the total number of registered voters;
every legislative district must be represented by at least 3% of the registered voters therein
i. Limitation on Initiative: No amendment in this manner shall be authorized (1) within 5 years
following the ratification of the 1987 Const. nor (2) more often than once every 5 years thereafter.
ii. Enabling Law: Constitutional provision on amendments via People’s Initiative not selfexecutory
[Santiago v. COMELEC (1997)]
Under Republic Act No. 6735 [An Act Providing for a System of Initiative and Referendum], approved on August
4, 1989, initiative is the power of the people to propose amendments to the Constitution or to propose and enact
legislation through an election called for the purpose. There are three systems of initiative, namely: initiative on
the Constitution which refers to a petition proposing amendments to the Constitution; initiative on statutes which
refers to a petition proposing to enact a national legislation; and initiative on local legislation which refers to a
petition proposing to enact a regional, provincial, city, municipal or bararigay law, resolution or ordinance [Sec.
2(a), R.A. 6735]. Indirect Initiative is exercise of initiative by the people through a proposition sent to Congress or
the local legislative body for action [Sec. 2(b) R.A. 6735]. In the Resolution (on the Motion for Reconsideration) in
Lambino v. Comelec, the Court noted that the majority of the justices had voted to declare RA 6735 sufficient and
adequate for a people’s intitiative. Lambino thus effectively abandoned the ruling in Defensor-Santiago v.
Comelec, G.R. No. 127325, March 19, 1997, where the Supreme Court declared R.A. 6735 inadequate to cover the
system of initiative to amend the Constitution
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2. Ratification [Sec. 4, Art. XVII] the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the people and shall be deemed ratified by
the majority of the votes cast in the plebiscite, held not earlier than 60 days nor later than 90 days
a. After approval of the proposal by Congress or Concon
a. After certification by the COMELEC of sufficiency of petition of the people
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superior to any ordinary act of the legislature, the Constitution, and not such ordinary act, must
govern the case to which they both apply.
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o The issue of whether a Deputy Ombudsman may be subjected to the administrative disciplinary
jurisdiction of the President (concurrently with that of the Ombudsman) is a justiciable – not a
political – question. A justiciable question is one which is inherently susceptible of being decided
on grounds recognized by law, as where the court finds that there are constitutionally-imposed
limits on the exercise of the powers conferred on a political branch of the government. Under
Section 12, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution, the Office of the Ombudsman is envisioned to be
the "protector of the people" against the inept, abusive, and corrupt in the Government, to function
essentially as a complaints and action bureau. The Ombudsman’s broad investigative and
disciplinary powers include all acts of malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance of all public
officials, including Members of the Cabinet and key Executive officers, during their tenure.
o Under the Constitution, several constitutional bodies have been expressly labeled as
"independent."41The extent of the independence enjoyed by these constitutional bodies however
varies and is to be interpreted with two significant considerations in mind: first, the functions
performed or the powers involved in a given case; and second, consistency of any allowable
interference to these powers and functions, with the principle of checks and balances. Notably, the
independence enjoyed by the Office of the Ombudsman and by the Constitutional Commissions
shares certain characteristics – they do not owe their existence to any act of Congress, but are
created by the Constitution itself; additionally, they all enjoy fiscal autonomy. In general terms, the
framers of the Constitution intended that these "independent" bodies be insulated from political
pressure to the extent that the absence of "independence" would result in the impairment of their
core functions.
o The Judiciary, the Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman must have the independence
and flexibility needed in the discharge of their constitutional duties. The imposition of restrictions
and constraints on the manner the independent constitutional offices allocate and utilize the funds
appropriated for their operations is anathema to fiscal autonomy and violative not only the express
mandate of the Constitution but especially as regards the Supreme Court, of the independence and
separation of powers upon which the entire fabric of our constitutional system is based.
o The constitutional deliberations explain the Constitutional Commissions’ need for independence. In
the deliberations of the 1973 Constitution, the delegates amended the 1935 Constitution by
providing for a constitutionally-created Civil Service Commission, instead of one created by law,
on the premise that the effectivity of this body is dependent on its freedom from the tentacles of
politics.43 In a similar manner, the deliberations of the 1987 Constitution on the Commission on
Audit highlighted the developments in the past Constitutions geared towards insulating the
Commission on Audit from political pressure.44 Notably, the Constitution also created an
"independent" Commission on Human Rights, although it enjoys a lesser degree of independence
since it is not granted fiscal autonomy in the manner fiscal autonomy is granted to the constitutional
commissions. The lack of fiscal autonomy notwithstanding, the framers of the 1987 Constitution
clearly expressed their desire to keep the Commission independent from the executive branch and
other political leaders
o The authority granted by the Constitution to Congress to provide for the manner and cause of
removal of all other public officers and employees does not mean that Congress can ignore the
basic principles and precepts established by the Constitution.
B. Rules of Interpretation
o In Francisco v. House of Representatives, G.R. No. 160261, November 10, 2003, the Supreme
Court made reference to the use of well- settled principles of constitutional construction, namely:
Verbal legis– whenever possible, the words used in the Constitution must be given their
ordinary meaning except where technical term are employed;
Ratio legis est anima– words of the Cnstitution should be interpreted in accordance with
the intent of the framers;
Ut magis valeat quam pereat– the Constitution should be interpreted as a whole
o If, however, the plain meaning of the word is not found to be clear, resort to other aids is available.
Again in Civil Liberties Union, supra., it was held that while it is permissible to consult the debates
and proceedings of the constitutional convention in order to arrive at the reason and purpose of the
resulting Constitution, resort thereto may be had only when other guides fail as said proceedings are
powerless to vary the terms of the Constitution when the meaning is clear. We think it safer to
construe the Constitution from what “appears upon its face”. The proper interpretation, therefore,
depends more on how it was understood by the people adopting it than in the framers’
understanding thereof
o In case of doubt, the provisions should be considered self-executing; mandatory rather than
directory; and prospective rather than retroactive
o Self-executing provisions. A provision which lays down a general principle is usually not self-
executing. But a provision which is complete in itself and becomes operative without the aid of
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supplementary or enabling legislation, or that which supplies a sufficient rule by means of which
the right it grants may be enjoyed or protected, is self-executing.
o Thus, a constitutional provision is self-executing if the nature and extent of the right conferred and
the liability imposed are fixed by the Constitution itself, so that they can be determined by an
examination and construction of its terms, and there is no language indicating that the subject is
referred to the legislature for action [Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS, G.R. No. 122156, February 03,
o Section 26, Article II of the Constitution neither bestows a right nor elevates the privilege to the
level of an enforceable right. Like the rest of the policies enumerated in Article II, the provision
does not contain any judicially enforceable constitutional right but merely specifies a guideline for
legislative or executive action. The disregard of this provision does not give rise to any cause of
action before the courts [Pamatong v. Comelec, G.R. No. 161872, April 13, 2004].
o In the case of Francisco v. HR, (2003) The Supreme Court speaking through Justice Carpio Morales
opined: “American jurisprudence and authorities, much less the American Constitution, are of
dubious application for these are no longer controlling within our jurisdiction and have only limited
persuasive merit insofar as Philippine constitutional law is concerned. As held in the case of Garcia
vs. COMELEC, "[i]n resolving constitutional disputes, [this Court] should not be beguiled by
foreign jurisprudence some of which are hardly applicable because they have been dictated by
different constitutional settings and needs." Indeed, although the Philippine Constitution can trace
its origins to that of the United States, their paths of development have long since diverged. In the
colorful words of Father Bernas, "[w]e have cut the umbilical cord."”
Judicial Review is the power of the courts to test the validity of executive and legislative acts in light of their
conformity with the Constitution. This is not an assertion of superiority by the courts over the other
departments, but merely an expression of the supremacy of the Constitution [Angara v. Electoral
Commission, 63 Phil. 139]. The duty remains to assure that the supremacy of the Constitution is upheld
[Aquino v. Enrile, 59 SCRA 183]. The power is inherent in the Judicial Department, by virtue of the doctrine
of separation of power. Judicial review refers to the power of the courts to test the validity of governmental
acts in light of their conformity with a higher norm (e.g. the constitution). The judiciary has the power to
determine the nature, scope and extent of powers of each branch of the government. All courts can exercise
judicial review
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Judicial review is not an assertion of superiority by the courts over the other departments, but merely an
expression of the supremacy of the Constitution. Constitutional supremacy produced judicial review, which in
turn led to the accepted role of the Court as “the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution.”
Functions of Judicial Review
o Checking - - invalidating a law or an executive act that is found to be contrary to the Constitution.
o Legitimating (legitimizing) - upholding the validity of the law which results from a mere dismissal
of a case challenging the validity of that law. When the Court exercises this function, it uses the
double negative by declaring that the law is "not unconstitutional". This is no mere semantics. The
Court cannot declare the law constitutional for it enjoys the presumption of constitutionality, so that
a declaration to that effect by the court would not make it more constitutional. On the other hand,
anyone who challenges the validity of a law has the burden of proof to show its invalidity.
Declaring that the law is not unconstitutional is tantamount to saying that the challenger has not met
the burden required
o Symbolic - to educate the bench and bar as to the controlling principles and concepts on matters of
great public importance [See: Salonga v. Pano, 134 SCRA 438]
o In John Hay People’s Alternative Coalition v. Lim, G.R. No. 119775, October 24, 2003, it was held
that the controversy must be definite and concrete, bearing upon the legal relations of parties who
are pitted against each other due to their adverse legal interests. It is not enough that the controversy
exists at the outset; to qualify for adjudication, it is necessary that the actual controversy be extant
at all stages of the review, not merely at the time the complaint is filed [Davis v. Federal Election
Commission, 128 S. Ct.2759 (2008)].
Advisory Opinion. A case becomes an advisory opinion when there is no actual case and
controversy that demands constitutional construction for its resolution. This may take the
form of declaratory relief. It is not wise for the court to engage in an advisory opinion
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because: (a) This only leads to dialectics, to abstract legal arguments and sterile
conclusions (Laurel quoting Frankfurter) and (b) The judicial function is impoverished
since it thrives on facts that draw out the meaning of the law. A request for an advisory
opinion is not an actual case or controversy. But an action for declaratory relief is
proper for judicial determination.
Ripeness. A constitutional question may come to the court either too early or
prematurely, so that it is still abstract (advisory opinion), or too late, so that the court's
decision would no longer affect the parties (mootness). The court must resolve
constitutional issues only when they come to it at the right time (ripeness).
o Facial Challenge
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The established rule is that a party can question the validity of a statute only if,
as applied to him, it is unconstitutional. The exception is the so-called ‘facial
challenge”. But the only time a facial challenge to a statute is allowed is when
it operates in the area of freedom of expression. In such instance, the
“overbreadth doctrine” permits a party to challenge the validity of a statute
even though, as applied to him, it is not unconstitutional, but it might be if
applied to others not before the Court whose activities are constitutionally
protected. Invalidation of the statute “on its face”, rather than “as applied”, is
permitted in the interest of preventing a “chilling effect” on freedom of
A facial challenge is allowed to be made to a vague statute and to one which is
overbroad because of possible "chilling effect" upon protected speech
Void-For-Vagueness Doctrine - a statute which either forbids or requires the
doing of an act in terms so vague that men of common intelligence must
necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to its application, violates the first
essential of due process of law. Overbreadth Doctrine - - a governmental
purpose may NOT be achieved by means which sweep unnecessarily broadly
and thereby invade the area of protected freedoms. The overbreadth and
vagueness doctrines then have special application only to free speech cases
o Political Question
A ‘political question’ is one the resolution of which has been vested by the Constitution
exclusively in either the people, in the exercise of their sovereign capacity, or in which
full discretionary authority has been delegated to a co-equal branch of the Government
Thus, while courts can determine questions of legality with respect to governmental
action, they cannot review government policy and the wisdom thereof, for these questions
have been vested by the Constitution in the Executive and Legislative Departments. When
the question deals with the necessity, expediency and wisdom of a particuar act, the same
is political and not justiciable (ALMARIO VS. ALBA, 127 SCRA 69)
A moot and academic case is one that ceases to present a justiciable controversy
by virtue of supervening events [Province of Batangas v. Romulo, G.R. No.
152774, May 27, 2004] so that a declaration thereon would be of no practical
use or value [Banco Filipino Savings and Mortgage Bank v. Tuazon, Jr., G.R.
No. 132795, March 10, 2004]
The issues raised in the case must not be moot and academic, or because of
subsequent developments, have become moot and academic. Generally, courts
decline jurisdiction over such case [Royal Cargo Corporation v. Civil
Aeronautics Board, G.R. No. 10305556, January 26, 2004] or dismiss it on
ground of mootness [Lacson v. Perez, G.R. No. 147780, May 10, 2001].
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the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction is not invoked, and the Court will not even
hear the other issues presented
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A case becomes moot when there are facts, injuries and heated arguments but
for some reason the legal problem has become stale. When a case is moot and
academic, it ceases to be a case and controversy. Any decision reached by the
court would not be conclusive on the parties.
Exceptions to mootness:
a. If the question is capable of repetition and evasive of review
b. If there exists a mere possibility of collateral legal consequences if the
court does not act.
c. Voluntary cessation from the wrongful act by the defendant, if he is
free to return to his old ways.
o Concepts
A party has a standing in a case if his interest is such that he stands to be benefited if the
case is resolved in his favor, and he stand to be really injured if it is decided against him.
Standing is established by two nexuses: the party's status and the type of legislative act
being questioned, or his status and the precise nature of the constitutional infringement.
The test of standing is whether the party has alleged such a personal stake in the outcome
of the controversy as to assure such concrete adverseness which sharpens the presentation
of issues upon which the court so largely depends for illumination of difficult
constitutional questions (Baker v Carr, supra.)
A person has standing to challenge the governmental act only if he has a personal and
substantial interest in the case such that he has sustained, or will sustain, direct injury as a
result ot its enforcement. (People v. Vera, infra.)
Petitioners may be accorded standing to sue provided that the following requirements are
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o KMU Labor Center vs. Garcia, (G.R. No. 115381, December 23, 1994)
LTFRB Chairman Fernando issued DOTC Memorandum Order No. 90-395 allowing
provincial bus operators to charge passengers within a range of 15% and above and below
the LTFRB official rate of one year. PBOAP filed an application for rate increase of eight
and a half centavos (P0.085) per kilometer for all types of provincial buses. PBOAP
reduced its proposed fare to of eight and a half centavos (P0.085) per kilometer for all
types of provincial buses. LTFRB granted the fare rate increase. DOTC Secretary Prado
issued Department Order No. 92-587 defining the policy framework on the regulation of
transport services. [The control in pricing shall be liberalized to introduce price
competition complementary with the quality of service, subject to prior notice and public
hearing. Fares shall not be provisionally authorized without public hearing.] PBOAP
availed DOTC deregulation policy in which PBOAP announced a 20% fare increase
effective on March 16, 1994. KMU filed a petition before LTFRB opposing the increase
in bus fares. LTFRB dismissed KMU’s petition for lack of merit. PBOAP, DOTC
Secretary Garcia, and LTFRB assert that KMU don’t have the standing to maintain the
instant suit and claimed that it is within LTFRB and DOTC’s authority to set fare range
schemes and to establish a presumption of public needs in applications for certificates of
public convenience.
The court declared that KMU has legal standing since according to the court “the parties
have suffered and continue to suffer, members of the KMU have been affected by the fare
hikes upon the avail of public transportation every day” DOTC Department Order No. 92-
587 and LTFRB Memorandum Circular No. 92-009 both violates of the Public Service
Act and the Rules of Court. DOTC deregulation policy [allowed provincial bus operators
to collect plus 20% and minus 25% of the prescribed fare without first having filed a
petition for the purpose and without the benefit of a public hearing]
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The Court disagrees to the contention that by the deployment of the Marines, the civilian
task of law enforcement is “militarized” in violation of Sec. 3, Art. II of the Constitution.
The deployment of the Marines does not constitute a breach of the civilian supremacy
clause. The calling of the Marines constitutes permissible use of military assets for
civilian law enforcement. The local police forces are the ones in charge of the visibility
patrols at all times, the real authority belonging to the PNP. Moreover, the deployment of
the Marines to assist the PNP does not unmake the civilian character of the police force.
The real authority in the operations is lodged with the head of a civilian institution, the
PNP, and not with the military.
o Tañada vs. Tuvera 136 SCRA 27 (April 24, 1985) 146 SCRA 446 (December 29, 1986)
Invoking the right of the people to be informed on matters of public concern as well as the
principle that laws to be valid and enforceable must be published in the Official Gazette,
petitioners filed for writ of mandamus to compel respondent public officials to publish
and/or cause to publish various presidential decrees, letters of instructions, general orders,
proclamations, executive orders, letters of implementations and administrative orders.
The Solicitor General, representing the respondents, moved for the dismissal of the case,
contending that petitioners have no legal personality to bring the instant petition
Art. 2 of the Civil Code does not preclude the requirement of publication in the Official
Gazette, even if the law itself provides for the date of its effectivity. The clear object of
this provision is to give the general public adequate notice of the various laws which are
to regulate their actions and conduct as citizens. Without such notice and publication,
there would be no basis for the application of the maxim ignoratia legis nominem excusat.
It would be the height of injustive to punish or otherwise burden a citizen for the
transgression of a law which he had no notice whatsoever, not even a constructive one.
The publication of presidential issuances of public nature or of general applicability is a
requirement of due process. It is a rule of law that before a person may be bound by law,
he must first be officially and specifically informed of its contents. The Court declared
that presidential issuances of general application which have not been published have no
force and effect.
The clause “unless it is otherwise provided” refers to the date of effectivity and not to the
requirement of publication itself, which cannot in any event be omitted. This clause does
not mean that the legislature may make the law effective immediately upon approval, or
in any other date, without its previous publication. “Laws” should refer to all laws and not
only to those of general application, for strictly speaking, all laws relate to the people in
general albeit there are some that do not apply to them directly. A law without any
bearing on the public would be invalid as an intrusion of privacy or as class legislation or
as an ultra vires act of the legislature. To be valid, the law must invariably affect the
public interest eve if it might be directly applicable only to one individual, or some of the
people only, and not to the public as a whole. All statutes, including those of local
application and private laws, shall be published as a condition for their effectivity, which
shall begin 15 days after publication unless a different effectivity date is fixed by the
legislature. Publication must be in full or it is no publication at all, since its purpose is to
inform the public of the content of the law.
o Standing as a Technicality
A party’s standing in court is a procedural technicality, which mav be set aside bv the
Court in view of the importance of the issues involved. Thus, where the issues raised by
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the petitioners are of paramount public interest, the Court may, in the exercise of its
discretion, brush aside the procedural barrier [Kilosbayan v. Guingona, 232 SCRA 110].
Earliest opportunity
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real properties by way of dacion en pago still leaving an unpaid amount. PNB
proceeded to extrajudicially foreclose the mortgaged properties. PNB still had a
deficiency claim. Petitioners continued to ask PNB to account for the proceeds,
insisting that said proceeds, if properly liquidated, could offset their outstanding
obligations. PNB remained adamant in its stance that under P.D. No. 579, there
was nothing to account since under said law, all earnings from the export sales
of sugar pertained to the National Government
The purpose of the mandatory notice in Rule 64, Section 3 is to enable the
Solicitor General to decide whether or not his intervention in the action
assailing the validity of a law or treaty is necessary. To deny the Solicitor
General such notice would be tantamount to depriving him of his day in court.
We must stress that, contrary to petitioners' stand, the mandatory notice
requirement is not limited to actions involving declaratory relief and similar
remedies. The rule itself provides that such notice is required in "any action"
and not just actions involving declaratory relief. Where there is no ambiguity in
the words used in the rule, there is no room for construction. 15 In all actions
assailing the validity of a statute, treaty, presidential decree, order, or
proclamation, notice to the Solicitor General is mandatory.
o Symbolic Decisions
Salonga vs. Cruz Pano, 134 SCRA 438
A rash of bombings occurred in the Metro Manila area in the months of August,
September and October of 1980. On September 1980, one Victor Burns Lovely,
Jr., a Philippine-born American citizen from Los Angeles, California, almost
killed himself and injured his younger brother, Romeo, as a result of the
explosion of a small bomb inside his room at the YMCA building in Manila.
arrest, search, and seizure orders (ASSOs) were issued against persons,
including Salonga, who were apparently implicated by Victor Lovely in the
series of bombings in Metro Manila. Elements of the military went to the
hospital room of Salonga at the Manila Medical Center where he was confined
due to his recurrent and chronic ailment of bronchial asthma and placed him
under arrest. The arresting officer showed Salonga the ASSO form which
however did not specify the charge or charges against him.
The setting aside or declaring void, in proper cases, of intrusions of State
authority into areas reserved by the Bill of Rights for the individual as
constitutionally protected spheres where even the awesome powers of
Government may not enter at will is not the totality of the Court's functions.
The Court also has the duty to formulate guiding and controlling constitutional
principles, precepts,doctrines, or rules. It has the symbolic function of educating
bench and bar on the extent of protection given by constitutional guarantees. In
dela Camara v. Enage (41 SCRA 1), the petitioner who questioned a
P1,195,200.00 bail bond as excessive and,therefore, constitutionally void,
escaped from the provincial jail while his petition was pending. The fact that
the petition was moot and academic did not prevent the Court in the exercise of
its symbolic function from promulgating one of the most voluminous decision
sever printed in the Reports. Herein, the prosecution evidence miserably fails to
establish a prima facie case against Salonga, either as a co-conspirator of a
destabilization plan to overthrow the government or as an officer or leader of
any subversive organization. The respondents have taken the initiative of
dropping the charges against Salonga. The Court reiterates the rule, however,
that the Court will not validate the filing of an information based on the kind of
evidence against Salonga found in the records.
o What is the effect of an act subsequently declared unconstitutional?
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violated due process. She also alleged that it violated sec 2 of the Bill of Rights, and the properties
were confiscated against her will and were done with unreasonable force and intimidation.
o Under the new Constitution, “. . . no search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon
probable cause to be determined personally by the judge after examination under oath or
affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing the
place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized”. Mayors and prosecuting officers cannot
issue warrants of seizure or arrest. The Closureand Seizure Order was based on Article 38 of the
Labor Code. The Supreme Court held, “We reiterate that the Secretary of Labor, not being a judge,
may no longer issue search or arrest warrants. Hence, the authorities must go through the judicial
process. To that extent, we declare Article 38, paragraph (c), of the Labor Code, unconstitutional
and of no force and effect… The power of the President to order the arrest of aliens for deportation
is, obviously, exceptional. It (the power to order arrests) cannot be made to extend to other cases,
like the one at bar. Under the Constitution, it is the sole domain of the courts.” Furthermore, the
search and seizure order was in the nature of a general warrant. The court held that the warrant is
null and void, because it must identify specifically the things to be seized.
A. Elements of a State
A state is a community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of
territory, independent of external control, and possessing a government to which a great body of inhabitants
render habitual obedience. See: Collector of Internal Revenue v. Campos Rueda, 42 SCRA 23.
Elements of the State
o People - A community of persons, more or less numerous
o Territory - Permanently occupying a definite portion of territory
o Sovereignty - Independent of external control
o Government - Possessing an organized government to which the great body of inhabitants render
habitual obedience
o Territory is the fixed portion of the surface of the earth inhabited by the people of the state.
Territory as an element of a state means an area over which a state has effective control. (Read
Province of Cotabato v. GRP. October 14, 2008)
o Territory includes land, maritime areas, airspace and outer space
Each state has exclusive jurisdiction over the air above its territory.
The consent for transit must be obtained from the subject nation.
Aircrafts not engaged in international air service, shall have the right to make
flights into or in transit non-stop across its territory and to make steps for non-
traffic purposes without the necessity of obtaining prior permission and subject
to the right of the State flown over to require landing. (Chicago Convention on
International Civil Action)
Sovereignty over airspace extends only until where outerspace begins. (50-100
miles from earth)
o UN Convention on the Law of the Sea [April 30,1982; ratified bythe Philippines in August, 1983]
Territorial sea 12 nautical miles (n.m.)
Contiguous zone 12 n.m. from the edge of the
territorial sea
Exclusive economic zone 200 n.m. from the baseline [includes
(1) and (2)]
NOTE: There can be a Continental Shelf without an EEZ, but not an EEZ without a Continental
o Control over territory is of the essence of a state (Las Palmas case). Certain rights and authority are
exercised within the state’s territory.
State’s sovereignty is over its:
Land territory (and airspace above it)
Internal Waters (and airspace above it and seabed under it)
Archipelagic Waters( and airspace above it and seabed under it)
Territorial Sea (and airspace above it and seabed under it)
The coastal state has a right against innocent passage in its internal waters.
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The coastal state exercises authority over the area (contiguous zone) to the extent
necessary to prevent infringement of customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitation authority
over its territorial waters or territory and to punish such infringement.
The coastal state has rights over the economic resources of the sea, seabed and subsoil.
o The belt of the sea located between the coast and internal waters of the coastal state on the one
hand, and the high seas on the other, extending up to 12 nautical miles from the low water mar is
called territorial sea
o The contiguous zone xxtends up to 12 nautical miles from the territorial sea. Although not part of
the territory, the coastal State may exercise jurisdiction to prevent infringement of customs, fiscal,
immigration or sanitary laws
o The exclusive economic zone is Body of water extending up to 200 nautical miles, within which
the state may exercise sovereign rights to explore, exploit, conserve and manage the natural
resources. The state in the EEZ exercises jurisdiction with regard to:
the establishment and use of artificial islands, installations, and structures;
marine scientific research;
the protection and preservation of marine environment;
o Archipelagic Doctrine. A body of water studded with islands, or the islands surrounded with
water, is viewed as a unity of islands and waters together forming one integrated unit. [N.B.
Embodied in Art. II, specifically by the mention of the “Philippine archipelago” and the
specification on “internal waters.”]. This articulates the archipelagic doctrine of national
territory,based on the principle that an archipelago, which consists of a number of islands separated
by bodies of water, should be treated as one integral unit. It is the principle whereby the body of
water studded with islands, or the islands surrounded with water, is viewed as a unity of islands
and waters together forming one integrated unit.
Two elements:
1. The definition of internal waters – waters around, between, and connecting the
islands of the archipelago, regardless of breadth and dimension
2. The straight baseline method of delineating the territorial sea – consists of drawing
straight lines connecting appropriate points on the coast without departing to any
appreciable extent from the general direction of the coast
o Straight baseline method. Consists of drawing straight lines connecting appropriate points on the
coast without departing to any appreciable extent from the general direction of the coast, in order to
delineate the internal waters from the territorial waters of an archipelago
See R.A. No. 9522–amended R.A. No. 3046, entitled "An Act to Define the Baselines of the
Territorial Sea of the Philippines;" specified that baselines of Kalayaan Group of Islands and
Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal) shall be determined as “Regime of Islands” under the
Republic of the Philippines, consistent with the UNCLOS. R.A. No. 9522 is not
unconstitutional: it is a statutory tool to demarcate the maritime zone and continental shelf of
the Philippines under UNCLOS III, and does not alter the national territory. While UNCLOS
III does not bind the Philippines to pass a baselines law, Congress may do so. The law also
does not abandon the country’s claim to Sabah, as it does not expressly repeal the entirety of
R.A. No. 5446. [Magallona v. Ermita (2011)]
o The Philippine archipelago is that body of water studded with islands which is delineated in the
Treaty of Paris, modified by the Treaty of Washington and the Treaty of Great Britain
o Article 1 National Territory: The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all
the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has
sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its
territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters
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around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.
1. Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein.
2. All other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction
Consists of:
a. Territorial sea, seabed, subsoil, insular shelves, and other submarine
b. Terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains
o Definition of “all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction”
It includes any territory that presently belongs or might in the future belong to the Philippines
through any of the internationally accepted modes of acquiring territory. This includes any territory
which presently belongs or might in the future belong to the Philippines through any of the
internationally modes of acquiring territory. (a) Batanes islands and (b) Those belonging to the
Philippines by historic right or legal title (Sabah, the Marianas, Freedomland)
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terms. That is the extent of its jurisdiction, both territorial and personal. Necessarily,
likewise, it has to be exclusive. If it were not thus, there is a diminution of it sovereignty.
The principle of auto-limitation: "It is to be admitted that any state may, by its consent,
express or implied, submit to a restriction of its sovereign rights. There may thus be a
curtailment of what otherwise is a power plenary in character. That is the concept of
sovereignty as auto-limitation, which, in the succinct language of Jellinek, 'is the property
of a state-force due to which it has the exclusive capacity of legal self-determination and
self-restriction.' A state then, if it chooses to, may refrain from the exercise of what
otherwise is illimitable competence." 16 The opinion was at pains to point out though that
even then, there is at the most diminution of jurisdictional rights, not it appearance. The
words employed follow: "Its laws may as to some persons found within its territory no
longer control. Nor does the matter end there. It is not precluded from allowing another
power to participate in the exercise of jurisdictional right over certain portions of its
territory. If it does so, it by no means follows that such areas become impressed with an
alien character. They retain their status as native soil. They are still subject to its
authority. Its jurisdiction may be diminished, but it does not disappear. So it is with the
bases under lease to the American armed forces by virtue of the military bases agreement
of 1947. They are not and cannot be foreign territory."
o As an element of a state, “people” means a community of persons adequate in number for self-
sufficiency and defense, and also capable of maintaining the continued existence of the community
and held together by a common bond of law. (BERNAS). The term assumes three different
meanings, depending on the context in which it is used: (NACHURA): (i) Inhabitants [Sec 2, Art
III; Sec 3, Art II), (ii) Electors [Sec 4, Art VII] and (iii) Citizens [Preamble; Sec 1, Art II; Sec 4, Art
II; Sec 7, Art III]
policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be
provided by law.
o Section 2, Administrative Code. Government of the Republic of the Philippines refers to the
corporate governmental entity through which the functions of government are exercised throughout
the Philippines, including, save as the contrary appears from the context, the various arms through
which political authority is made effective in the Philippines, whether pertaining to the autonomous
regions, the provincial, city, municipal or barangay subdivisions or other forms of local
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Upon denial of its Motion for Reconsideration, the prosecution filed the present special
civil action for certiorari with the Supreme Court.
The AFP-RSBS was created by Presidential Decree 361. Its purpose and functions are
akin to those of the GSIS and the SSS, as in fact it is the system that manages the
retirement and pension funds of those in the military service. Members of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police are expressly excluded from
the coverage of The GSIS Act of 1997. Therefore, soldiers and military personnel, who
are incidentally employees of the Government, rely on the administration of the AFP-
RSBS for their retirement, pension and separation benefits. For this purpose, the law
provides that the contribution by military officers and enlisted personnel to the System
shall be compulsory. Its enabling law further mandates that the System shall be
administered by the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines through an
agency, group, committee or board, which may be created and organized by him and
subject to such rules and regulations governing the same as he may, subject to the
approval of the Secretary of National Defense, promulgate from time to time. Moreover,
the investment of funds of the System shall be decided by the Chief of Staff of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines with the approval of the Secretary of National Defense. The
funds of the AFP-RSBS, except for the initial seed money, come entirely from
contributions and that no part thereof come from appropriations. While it may be true that
there have been no appropriations for the contribution of funds to the AFP-RSBS, the
Government is not precluded from later on adding to the funds in order to provide
additional benefits to the men in uniform. The above considerations indicate that the
character and operations of the AFP-RSBS are imbued with public interest. As such, we
hold that the same is a government entity and its funds are in the nature of public funds.
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compulsory in nature; the latter the those that are undertaken only by way of
advancing the general interest of society, and are merely optional.
Are the two-fold function of government as enumerated by the Supreme Court
in BACANI VS. NACOCO, 100 Phil. 468 (Ministrant [merely directory] and
Constituent [Mandatory] Functions) still applicable today? No more as held
in ACCFA VS. CUGCO, 30 SCRA 649. This is due to complexities of the
changing society, the two-fold function of the government as classified by
President Wilson is no longer relevant as a result of the changing society
wherein what are considered merely ministrant functions of the State before are
now considered constituent , or vice versa
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o Concepts
Sovereignty is the supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in a State by which that
State is governed.
1. Legal, which is the power to issue final commands; orPolitical, which is the
sum total of all the influences which lie behind the law.
2. Internal, or the supreme power over everything within itsterritory; or External,
also known as independence, which is freedom from external control.
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C. Philippine Citizenship
There are only two categories of Philippine citizens: the natural born and the naturalized. On the one hand, a
natural born citizen is someone who is already a Filipino at the time of his birth and does not have to do
anything to acquire or perfect his citizenship (Sec. 2, Art. II). In other words, he is a Filipino by birth. On the
other hand, a naturalized citizen is someone who was once a foreigner then later on became a Filipino by
legal fiction. Paragraph 2 (Either father or mother is a Filipino) and paragraph 3 (Elect Philippine Citizenship)
of the above provision are natural born citizens, while paragraph 4 (naturalized under the law) refers to the
naturalized citizen. Paragraph 1 (citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution) may refer to either a
natural born or naturalized citizen depending on the kind of citizenship he has at the time of the adoption of
the 1987 Constitution.
Note: Jus sanguinis and naturalization are the modes followed in the Philippines
o The government, through its three branches, can confer citizenship by naturalization. Hence, a
foreigner can be naturalized in either of three ways: (a) Judicial naturalization refers to
naturalization by means of court judgment pursuant to the “Revised Naturalization Act.”
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Applications are filed with the proper Regional Trial Court which will render the decree of
naturalization; (b) Legislative naturalization refers to naturalization by means of a direct act of
Congress, that is, by the enactment of a law by the Congress declaring therein that a foreigner is
conferred citizenship and admitted into the political community; and
(c) Administrative naturalization is naturalization by means of administrative proceedings before
the Special Committee on Naturalization pursuant to the “Administrative Naturalization Law of
2000.” Applicants must be aliens born and residing in the Philippines with all of the qualifications
and none of the disqualifications provided by law
o Special note must be given to Republic Act No. 9225, otherwise known as “Citizenship Retention
and Reacquisition Act of 2003,”which amended Commonwealth Act No. 63. It provides that natural
born citizens of the Philippines who lost their citizenship because of naturalization in a foreign
country shall be deemed to have reacquired their Philippine citizenship upon taking the oath of
allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines. After the effectivity of RA 9225, those who are
naturalized in a foreign country shall retain their Philippine citizenship also upon taking the oath of
allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines. Thus, under the present law, it is the taking of the
necessary oath of allegiance and registration of the same that retains and reacquires Philippine
o Dual Allegiance vs Dual Citizenship. The Philippines cannot prohibit dual citizenship because its
laws cannot control the laws of other states. It is dual allegiance that is prohibited because it is
intentional while dual citizenship is generally unintentional, in that it is only accidentally cause by
birth in a foreign state or marriage with a foreigner
o The Court of Appeals did not err in ordering the correction of the citizenship of respondent Chule
Y. Lim from “Chinese” to “Filipino” despite the fact that respondent never demonstrated any
compliance with the legal requirements for election of citizenship. By being an illegitimate child of
a Filipino mother, respondent automatically became a Filipino upon birth, and as such, there was no
more need for her to validly elect Filipino citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. Also, she
registered as a voter inside the country when she reached 18 years old. The exercise of the right of
suffrage and the participation in election exercises constitute a positive act of election of Philippine
o The Court of Appeals did not err in allowing respondent to continue using her father’s surname
despite its finding that respondent is an illegitimate child. The Court of Appeals did not allow
respondent to use her father’s surname. What it did allow was the correction of her father’s
misspelled surname which she has been using ever since she can remember. The court held that
prohibiting the respondent to use her father’s surname would only sow confusion. Also, Sec. 1 of
Commonwealth Act No. 142 which regulates the use of aliases as well as the jurisprudence state
that it is allowed for a person to use a name “by which he has been known since childhood”. Even
legitimate children cannot enjoin the illegitimate children of their father from using his surname.
While judicial authority is required for a chance of name or surname, there is no such requirement
for the continued use of a surname which a person has already been using since childhood.
BENGSON vs. HRET and CRUZ, G.R. No. 142840, May 7, 2001
o The citizenship of respondent Cruz is at issue in this case, in view of the constitutional requirement
that “no person shall be a Member of the House of Representatives unless he is a natural-born
citizen.” Cruz was a natural-born citizen of the Philippines. He was born in Tarlac in 1960 of
Filipino parents. In 1985, however, Cruz enlisted in the US Marine Corps and without the consent
of the Republic of the Philippines, took an oath of allegiance to the USA. As a Consequence, he lost
his Filipino citizenship for under CA No. 63 [(An Act Providing for the Ways in Which Philippine
Citizenship May Be Lost or Reacquired (1936)] section 1(4), a Filipino citizen may lose his
citizenship by, among other, “rendering service to or accepting commission in the armed forces of a
foreign country.” Whatever doubt that remained regarding his loss of Philippine citizenship was
erased by his naturalization as a U.S. citizen in 1990, in connection with his service in the U.S.
Marine Corps. In 1994, Cruz reacquired his Philippine citizenship through repatriation under RA
2630 [(An Act Providing for Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship by Persons Who Lost Such
Citizenship by Rendering Service To, or Accepting Commission In, the Armed Forces of the United
States (1960)]. He ran for and was elected as the Representative of the 2nd District of Pangasinan in
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the 1998 elections. He won over petitioner Bengson who was then running for reelection.
Subsequently, petitioner filed a case for Quo Warranto Ad Cautelam with respondent HRET
claiming that Cruz was not qualified to become a member of the HOR since he is not a natural-born
citizen as required under Article VI, section 6 of the Constitution. HRET rendered its decision
dismissing the petition for quo warranto and declaring Cruz the duly elected Representative in the
said election.
o Filipino citizens who have lost their citizenship may however reacquire the same in the manner
provided by law. C.A. No. 63 enumerates the 3 modes by which Philippine citizenship may be
reacquired by a former citizen: (1) by naturalization, (2) by repatriation, and (3) by direct act of
Congress. Repatriation may be had under various statutes by those who lost their citizenship due to:
1. desertion of the armed forces; 2. services in the armed forces of the allied forces in World War II;
3. service in the Armed Forces of the United States at any other time, 4. marriage of a Filipino
woman to an alien; and 5. political economic necessity. Repatriation results in the recovery of the
original nationality This means that a naturalized Filipino who lost his citizenship will be restored
to his prior status as a naturalized Filipino citizen. On the other hand, if he was originally a natural-
born citizen before he lost his Philippine citizenship, he will be restored to his former status as a
natural-born Filipino. Having thus taken the required oath of allegiance to the Republic and having
registered the same in the Civil Registry of Magantarem, Pangasinan in accordance with the
aforecited provision, Cruz is deemed to have recovered his original status as a natural-born citizen,
a status which he acquired at birth as the son of a Filipino father. It bears stressing that the act of
repatriation allows him to recover, or return to, his original status before he lost his Philippine
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o Concepts
The basic postulate enshrined in the Constitution that “[t]he State may not be sued
without its consent,” reflects nothing less than a recognition of the sovereign character of
the State and an express affirmation of the unwritten rule effectively insulating it from the
jurisdiction of courts. It is based on the very essence of sovereignty. As has been aptly
observed by Justice Holmes, a sovereign is exempt from suit, not because of any formal
conception or obsolete theory, but on the logical and practical ground that there can be no
legal right as against the authority that makes the law on which the right depends. True,
the doctrine, not too infrequently, is derisively called “the royal prerogative of
dishonesty” because it grants the state the prerogative to defeat any legitimate claim
against it by simply invoking its non-suability. We have had occasion to explain in its
defense, however, that a continued adherence to the doctrine of non-suability cannot be
deplored, for the loss of governmental efficiency and the obstacle to the performance of
its multifarious functions would be far greater in severity than the inconvenience that may
be caused private parties, if such fundamental principle is to be abandoned and the
availability of judicial remedy is not to be accordingly restricted. (Department of
Agriculture v. NLRC, 227 SCRA 693, Nov. 11, 1993 [Vitug]) The rule, in any case, is not
really absolute for it does not say that the state may not be sued under any circumstances.
On the contrary, as correctly phrased, the doctrine only conveys, “the state may not be
sued without its consent;” its clear import then is that the State may at times be sued. The
State's consent may be given either expressly or impliedly. Express consent may be made
through a general law (i.e., Commonwealth Act No. 327, as amended by Presidential
Decree No. 1445 [Sections 49-50], which requires that all money claims against the
government must first be filed with the Commission on Audit which must act upon it
within sixty days. Rejection of the claim will authorize the claimant to elevate the matter
to the Supreme Court on certiorari and, in effect, sue the State thereby) or a special law.
In this jurisdiction, the general law waiving the immunity of the state from suit is found in
Act No. 3083, where the Philippine government “consents and submits to be sued upon
any money claim involving liability arising from contract, express or implied, which
could serve as a basis of civil action between the private parties.” Implied consent, on the
other hand, is conceded when the State itself commences litigation, thus opening itself to
a counterclaim or when it enters into a contract. In this situation, the government is
deemed to have descended to the level of the other contracting party and to have divested
itself of its sovereign immunity. This rule x x x is not, however, without qualification.
Not all contracts entered into by the government operate as a waiver of its non-suability;
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distinction must still be made between one which is executed in the exercise of its
sovereign function and another which is done in its proprietary capacity.
A suit against the State is proper: (1) When the Republic is sued by name, (2) When the
suit is against an unincorporated government agency and (3) When the suit is on its face
against a government officer but the case is such that ultimate liability will belong not to
the officer but to the government
One State cannot assert jurisdiction over another in violation of the maxim par in parem
non habet imperium. To do so would “unduly vex the peace of nations.” (Cruz.)
Immunity is enjoyed by other States, consonant with the public international law principle
of par in parem non habet imperium. The Head of State, who is deemed the
personification of the State, is inviolable, and thus, enjoys immunity from suit
A suit is against the State regardless of who is named the defendant if: (1) It produces
adverse consequences to the public treasury in terms of disbursement of public funds and
loss of government property and (2) Cannot prosper unless the State has given its consent.
When not against the state. It was held that the suit is not against the State: (1) When the
purpose of the suit is to compel an officer charged with the duty of making payments
pursuant to an appropriation made by law in favor of the plaintiff to make such payment,
since the suit is intended to compel performance of a ministerial duty. [Begoso v. PVA
(1970)], (2) When from the allegations in the complaint, it is clear that the respondent is a
public officer sued in a private capacity; and (3) When the action is not in personam
with the government as the named defendant, but an action in rem that does not name the
government in particular.
Suits against Government Agencies
o Article XVI, Section 3. The State may not be sued without its consent.
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A suit against the state is not permitted, except upon a showing that the state has
consented to be sued, either expressly or by implication through the use of statutory
language too plain to be misinterpreted. The complaint involves land not owned by the
state but private land belonging to Feliciano, hence the government is not being divested
of any of its properties
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o Philippine National Bank vs. Court of Industrial Relations, 81 SCRA 314 (1978)
A writ of execution in favor of private respondent Gabriel V. Manansala had previously
been issued. The validity of the order assailed is challenged on two grounds: (1) that the
appointment of respondent Gilbert P. Lorenzo as authorized deputy sheriff to serve the
writ of execution was contrary to law and (2) that the funds subject of the garnishment
"may be public in character."
An order of the now defunct respondent Court of Industrial Relations denying for lack of
merit petitioner's motion to quash a notice of garnishment can be stigmatized as a grave
abuse of discretion and assertion that the funds "could be public" in character, thus giving
rise to the applicability of the fundamental concept of non-suability valid. The petition
for certiorari is dismissed. No costs. The premise that the funds could be spoken of as
public in character may be accepted in the sense that the People's Homesite and Housing
Corporation was a government-owned entity It does not follow though that they were
exempt from garnishment. as a government owned and controlled corporation, it has a
personality of its own, distinct and separate from that of the Government. By engaging in
a particular business thru the instrumentality of a corporation, the government divests
itself pro hac vice of its sovereign character, so as to render the corporation subject to the
rules of law governing private corporations
From the opinion being penned by the great Chief Justice Marshall. As was pointed out
by him: "It is, we think, a sound principle, that when a government becomes a partner in
any trading company, it divests itself, so far as concerns the transactions of that company,
of its sovereign character, and takes that of a private citizen. Instead of communicating to
the company its privileges and its prerogatives, it descends to a level with those with
whom it associates itself, and takes the character which belongs to its associates, and to
the business which is to be transacted. The office or entity is "possessed of a separate and
distinct corporate existence." Then it can sue and be sued. Thereafter, its funds may be
levied upon or garnished.
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The Constitutional provisions enshrined on Human Rights and Social Justice provides
guarantee among workers with the right to organize and conduct peaceful concerted
activities such as strikes. On one hand, Section 14 of E.O No. 180 provides that “the Civil
Service law and rules governing concerted activities and strikes in the government service
shall be observed, subject to any legislation that may be enacted by Congress” referring
to Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 1987 of the Civil Service Commission which states
that “prior to the enactment by Congress of applicable laws concerning strike by
government employees enjoins under pain of administrative sanctions, all government
officers and employees from staging strikes, demonstrations, mass leaves, walk-outs and
other forms of mass action which will result in temporary stoppage or disruption of public
service.” Therefore in the absence of any legislation allowing govt. employees to strike
they are prohibited from doing so
83 December 19, 1981
At the height of the infamous typhoon "Kading", the respondent opened simultaneously
all the three floodgates of the Angat Dam which resulted in a sudden, precipitate and
simultaneous opening of said floodgates several towns in Bulacan were inundated. The
petitioners filed for damages against the respondent corporation. Petitioners opposed the
prayer of the respondents forn dismissal of the case and contended that the respondent
corporation is merely performing a propriety functions and that under its own organic act,
it can sue and be sued in court
The government has organized a private corporation, put money in it and has allowed it to
sue and be sued in any court under its charter. As a government owned and controlled
corporation, it has a personality of its own, distinct and separate from that of the
government. Moreover, the charter provision that it can sue and be sued in any court
o Farolan vs CTA
S/S Pacific Hawk vessel with Registry No. 170 arrived on January 30, 1972 at the Port of
Manila carrying among others, 80 bales of screen net consigned to Baging Buhay Trading
(Baging Buhay). The import was classified under Tariff Heading no. 39.06-B of the Tariff
and Customs Code at 35% ad valorem. Bagong Buhay paid the duties and taxes due in the
amount of P11,350.00. The Office of the Collector of Customs ordered a re-examination
of the shipment upon hearing the information that the shipment consisted of mosquito net
made of nylon under Tariff Heading No. 62.02 of the Tariff and Customs Code. Upon re-
examination, it turns out that the shipment was undervalued in quantity and value as
previously declared. Thus the Collector of Customs forfeited the shipment in favor of the
Bureau of Customs cannot be held liable for actual damages that the private respondent
sustained with regard to its goods. Otherwise, to permit private respondent's claim
to prosper would violate the doctrine o f sovereign immunity. Since it demands
that the Commissioner of Customs be ordered to pay for actual damages it sustained, for
which ultimately liability will fall on the government, it is obvious that this case has been
converted technically into a suit against the state. On this point, the political doctrine that
“state may not be sued without its consent,” categorically applies. As an unincorporated
government agency without any separate judicial personality of its own, the Bureau of
Customs enjoys immunity from suit. Along with the Bureau of Internal Revenue, it is
invested with an inherent power of sovereignty, namely taxation. As an agency, the
Bureau of Customs performs the governmental function of collecting revenues which is
defined not a proprietary function. Thus private respondents claim for damages against
the Commissioner of Customs must fails
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in their answer in intervention. In other words, this is not a case where the private
respondents take the initiative in an action against petitioner by filing a complaint in
intervention or a complaint. Private respondents' action for intervention in Civil Case No.
0025 is not, therefore, a suit or counter-suit against petitioner Republic of the Philippines.
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used for other purposes, the only relief left is for the government to make due
compensation—price or value of the lot at the time of the taking.
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The DFA's function includes, among its other mandates, the determination of persons and
institutions covered by diplomatic immunities, a determination which, when challenged,
entitles it to seek relief from the court so as not to seriously impair the conduct of the
country's foreign relations. The DFA must be allowed to plead its case whenever
necessary or advisable to enable it to help keep the credibility of the Philippine
government before the international community. When international agreements are
concluded, the parties thereto are deemed to have likewise accepted the responsibility of
seeing to it that their agreements are duly regarded. In our country, this task falls
principally on the DFA as being the highest executive department with the competence
and authority to so act in this aspect of the international arena. "In Public International
Law, when a state or international agency wishes to plead sovereign or diplomatic
immunity in a foreign court, it requests the Foreign Office of the state where it is sued to
convey to the court that said defendant is entitled to immunity.”
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for the State, in whose service he is, under the maxim – par in parem, non habet imperium
– that all states are sovereign equals and cannot assert jurisdiction over one another. The
implication is that if the judgment against an official would require the state itself to
perform an affirmative act to satisfy the award, such as the appropriation of the amount
needed to pay the damages decreed against him, the suit must be regarded as being
against the state itself, although it has not been formally impleaded. A foreign agent,
operating within a territory, can be cloaked with immunity from suit but only as long as it
can be established that he is acting within the directives of the sending state. The consent
of the host state is an indispensable requirement of basic courtesy between the two
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covered by an immunity from legal process except for borrowings, guaranties or the sale
of securities pursuant to Article 50(1) and Article 55 of the Agreement Establishing the
Asian Development Bank (the "Charter") in relation to Section 5 and Section 44 of the
Agreement Between The Bank and The Government Of The Philippines Regarding The
Bank's Headquarters (the "Headquarters Agreement"). The Labor Arbiter took cognizance
of the complaint on the impression that the ADB had waived its diplomatic immunity
from suit and, in time, rendered a decision in favor Magnayi. The ADB did not appeal the
decision. Instead, on 03 November 1993, the DFA referred the matter to the NLRC; in its
referral, the DFA sought a "formal vacation of the void judgment." When DFA failed to
obtain a favorable decision from the NLRC, it filed a petition for certiorari.
Under the Charter and Headquarters Agreement, the ADB enjoys immunity from legal
process of every form, except in the specified cases of borrowing and guarantee
operations, as well as the purchase, sale and underwriting of securities. The Bank’s
officers, on their part, enjoy immunity in respect of all acts performed by them in their
official capacity. The Charter and the Headquarters Agreement granting these immunities
and privileges are treaty covenants and commitments voluntarily assumed by the
Philippine government which must be respected. Being an international organization that
has been extended a diplomatic status, the ADB is independent of the municipal
law. "One of the basic immunities of an international organization is immunity from local
jurisdiction, i.e., that it is immune from the legal writs and processes issued by the
tribunals of the country where it is found. The obvious reason for this is that the
subjection of such an organization to the authority of the local courts would afford a
convenient medium thru which the host government may interfere in their operations or
even influence or control its policies and decisions of the organization; besides, such
subjection to local jurisdiction would impair the capacity of such body to discharge its
responsibilities impartially on behalf of its member-states."
The ADB didn't descend to the level of an ordinary party to a commercial transaction,
which should have constituted a waiver of its immunity from suit, by entering into service
contracts with different private companies. “There are two conflicting concepts of
sovereign immunity, each widely held and firmly established. According to the classical
or absolute theory, a sovereign cannot, without its consent, be made a respondent in the
Courts of another sovereign. According to the newer or restrictive theory, the immunity of
the sovereign is recognized only with regard to public acts or acts jure imperii of a state,
but not with regard toprivate act or acts jure gestionis. “Certainly, the mere entering into
a contract by a foreign state with a private party cannot be the ultimate test. Such an act
can only be the start of the inquiry. The logical question is whether the foreign state is
engaged in the activity in the regular course of business. If the foreign state is not engaged
regularly in a business or trade, the particular act or transaction must then be tested by its
nature. If the act is in pursuit of a sovereign activity, or an incident thereof, then it is an
act jure imperii, especially when it is not undertaken for gain or profit.”
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whatever damage he may have caused by his act done with malice and in bad faith, or
beyond the scope of his authority or jurisdiction
The Court strongly stresses that Republic Act No. 65, the veterans' Bill of Rights, was not
meant to compensate alone veterans for the wounds of war. It is, above all, a gesture of
gratitude on the part of the State and a tribute to their gallantry and selfless love of
country. Though valor cannot be measured in terms of money, money is the best we can
offer for the moment. And if we cannot do more, let us do no less. This case should not
have indeed reached this Court had not insensitivity gotten the better of Government
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Article 27 of the Civil Code accords judicial relief to "[a]ny person suffering material or
moral loss because a public servant or employee refuses or neglects, without just cause, to
perform his official duty." This originated from the complaint filed against respondents
Jesus M. Fermin and the Municipality of Victorias, Negros Occidental, by petitioner Jose
V. Nessia for recovery of damages and reimbursement of expenses incurred in the
performance of his official duties as the then Deputy Municipal Assessor of Victorias.
The complaint theorized that Fermin deliberately ignored and caused the non-payment of
the vouchers in question because Nessia defied the former's request to all municipal
officials to register and vote in Victorias in the 1980 local elections.
On the defense of lack of appropriation, while it is true that Fermin may not be compelled
by mandamus to approve vouchers because they exceeded the budgetary appropriations,
he may, nevertheless, be held liable for damages under Art. 27 for malicious inaction
because he did not act on the vouchers. This provision against official inaction finds its
ally in Sec. 3, par. (f), of R.A. 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the "Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act," which criminalizes "[n]eglecting or refusing, after due demand or
request, without sufficient justification, to act within a reasonable time on any matter
pending before him for the purpose of . . . discriminating against any interested party." It
is apparent that public officials are called upon to act expeditiously on matters pending
before them. For only in acting thereon either by signifying approval or disapproval may
the plaintiff continue on to the next step of the bureaucratic process. On the other hand,
official inaction brings to a standstill the administrative process and the plaintiff is left in
the darkness of uncertainty. In this regard, official "inaction" cannot be equated with
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case, thus, fell squarely within the exception. The judgment of the trial court could then
be validly enforced against such funds.
A. Preamble
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and
establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop
our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of
law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
o Principles are binding rules which must be observed in the conduct of the government. Policies are
guidelines for the orientation of the state. Note: The distinction between principles and polices is of
little significance because not all of the six “principles” are self-executory and some of the
“policies” already anchor justiciable rights.
o Legislative power is given to the Legislature whose members hold office for a fixed term; executive
power is given to a separate Executive who holds office for a fixed term; and judicial power is held
by an independent Judiciary. The principle of separation of powers is based on the conception that
if the totality of governmental powers were concentrated in one person or group of persons, the
possibility of establishing a despotic and tyrannical regime capable of suppressing and suffocating
the rights of the people becomes a tempting reality
o Checks and Balances is one department to resist encroachments upon its prerogatives or to rectify
mistakes or excesses committed by the other departments, e.g. veto power of the President as check on
improvident legislation.
o Delegation of Powers. Potestas delegata non potest delegare. Premised on the ethical principle that
delegated power constitutes not only a right but a duty to be performed by the delegate through the
instrumentality of his own judgment and not through the intervening mind of another. Exceptions:
Tariff powers of the President, Emergency powers of President, Delegation to the people,
Delegation to Local Government units and Delegation to administrative bodies
Lanao del Norte in connection with the 10 May 2010 local and national elections. Respondent
Balua contended that Arnado is not a resident of Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte and that he is a
foreigner, attaching thereto a certification issued by the Bureau of Immigration dated 23 April 2010
indicating the nationality of Arnado as “USA-American.” The COMELEC First Division ruled that
the petition for disqualification be granted because he is still using his US passport after his
renunciation of his US citizenship which negates his Affidavit of Renunciation. Arnado filed a
Motion for Reconsideration before the COMELEC En Banc. Petitioner Casan Macode Maquiling
(Maquiling), another candidate for mayor of Kauswagan, and who garnered the second highest
number of votes in the 2010 elections, intervened in the case and filed before the COMELEC En
Banc a Motion for Reconsideration together with an Opposition to Arnado’s Amended Motion for
Reconsideration. The COMELEC En Banc granted the Motion for Reconsideration of Arnado on
the ground that the use of a US passport……. does not operate to revert back his status as a dual
citizen prior to his renunciation as there is no law saying such. More succinctly, the use of a US
passport does not operate to “unrenounce” what he has earlier on renounced. Maquiling files a
petition before the Supreme Court to assail the decision of the COMELEC En Banc.
o Between 03 April 2009, the date he renounced his foreign citizenship, and 30 November 2009, the
date he filed his COC, he used his US passport four times, actions that run counter to the affidavit
of renunciation he had earlier executed. By using his foreign passport, Arnado positively and
voluntarily represented himself as an American, in effect declaring before immigration authorities
of both countries that he is an American citizen, with all attendant rights and privileges granted by
the United States of America. The renunciation of foreign citizenship is not a hollow oath that can
simply be professed at any time, only to be violated the next day. It requires an absolute and
perpetual renunciation of the foreign citizenship and a full divestment of all civil and political rights
granted by the foreign country which granted the citizenship. While the act of using a foreign
passport is not one of the acts enumerated in Commonwealth Act No. 63 constituting renunciation
and loss of Philippine citizenship, it is nevertheless an act which repudiates the very oath of
renunciation required for a former Filipino citizen who is also a citizen of another country to be
qualified to run for a local elective position. We agree with the COMELEC En Banc that such act of
using a foreign passport does not divest Arnado of his Filipino citizenship, which he acquired by
repatriation. However, by representing himself as an American citizen, Arnado voluntarily and
effectively reverted to his earlier status as a dual citizen. Such reversion was not retroactive; it took
place the instant Arnado represented himself as an American citizen by using his US passport. This
act of using a foreign passport after renouncing one’s foreign citizenship is fatal to Arnado’s bid for
public office, as it effectively imposed on him a disqualification to run for an elective local position.
The citizenship requirement for elective public office is a continuing one. It must be possessed not
just at the time of the renunciation of the foreign citizenship but continuously. Any act which
violates the oath of renunciation opens the citizenship issue to attack. We therefore hold that
Arnado, by using his US passport after renouncing his American citizenship, has recanted the same
Oath of Renunciation he took. Section 40(d) of the Local Government Code applies to his situation.
He is disqualified not only from holding the public office but even from becoming a candidate in
the May 2010 elections.
o Maquiling is not a second-placer as he obtained the highest number of votes from among the
qualified candidates. With Arnado’s disqualification, Maquiling then becomes the winner in the
election as he obtained the highest number of votes from among the qualified candidates. We have
ruled in the recent cases of Aratea v. COMELEC[ and Jalosjos v. COMELEC that a void COC
cannot produce any legal effect. Thus, the votes cast in favor of the ineligible candidate are not
considered at all in determining the winner of an election.
reach of process, may not be permitted to restrain a fellow citizen of her liberty by forcing her to
change her domicile and to avow the act with impunity in the courts, while the person who has lost
her birthright of liberty has no effective recourse. The great writ of liberty may not thus be easily
make this duty of the government excusable should there be no sufficient men to volunteer to enlist
registered political party with a national constituency. Pamatong filed a Petition For Writ of
Certiorari with the Supreme Court claiming that the COMELEC violated his right to “equal access
to opportunities for public service” under Section 26, Article II of the 1987 Constitution, by limiting
the number of qualified candidates only to those who can afford to wage a nationwide campaign
and/or are nominated by political parties. The COMELEC supposedly erred in disqualifying him
since he is the most qualified among all the presidential candidates, i.e., he possesses all the
constitutional and legal qualifications for the office of the president, he is capable of waging a
national campaign since he has numerous national organizations under his leadership, he also has
the capacity to wage an international campaign since he has practiced law in other countries, and he
has a platform of government.
o What is recognized in Section 26, Article II of the Constitution is merely a privilege subject to
limitations imposed by law. It neither bestows such a right nor elevates the privilege to the level of
an enforceable right. There is nothing in the plain language of the provision which suggests such a
thrust or justifies an interpretation of the sort. The “equal access” provision is a subsumed part of
Article II of the Constitution, entitled “Declaration of Principles and State Policies.” The provisions
under the Article are generally considered not self-executing, and there is no plausible reason for
according a different treatment to the “equal access” provision. Like the rest of the policies
enumerated in Article II, the provision does not contain any judicially enforceable constitutional
right but merely specifies a guideline for legislative or executive action. The disregard of the
provision does not give rise to any cause of action before the courts. The privilege of equal access
to opportunities to public office may be subjected to limitations. Some valid limitations specifically
on the privilege to seek elective office are found in the provisions of the Omnibus Election Code on
“Nuisance Candidates.” As long as the limitations apply to everybody equally without
discrimination, however, the equal access clause is not violated. Equality is not sacrificed as long as
the burdens engendered by the limitations are meant to be borne by any one who is minded to file a
certificate of candidacy. In the case at bar, there is no showing that any person is exempt from the
limitations or the burdens which they create. The rationale behind the prohibition against nuisance
candidates and the disqualification of candidates who have not evinced a bona fide intention to run
for office is easy to divine. The State has a compelling interest to ensure that its electoral exercises
are rational, objective, and orderly. Towards this end, the State takes into account the practical
considerations in conducting elections. Inevitably, the greater the number of candidates, the greater
the opportunities for logistical confusion, not to mention the increased allocation of time and
resources in preparation for the election. The question of whether a candidate is a nuisance
candidate or not is both legal and factual. The basis of the factual determination is not before this
bottom of the promulgation of the said law and the state in order to promote the general welfare
may interfere with personal liberty, with property, and with business and occupations. Persons and
property may be subject to all kinds of restraints and burdens in order to secure the general comfort,
health, and prosperity of the State. To this fundamental aims of the government, the rights of the
individual are subordinated. Liberty is a blessing which should not be made to prevail over
authority because society will fall into anarchy. Neither should authority be made to prevail over
liberty because then the individual will fall into slavery. The paradox lies in the fact that the
apparent curtailment of liberty is precisely the very means of insuring its preserving. Social justice
is “neither communism, nor despotism, nor atomism, nor anarchy,” but the humanization of laws
and the equalization of social and economic forces by the State so that justice in its rational and
objectively secular conception may at least be approximated. Social justice means the promotion of
the welfare of all the people, the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to insure
economic stability of all the competent elements of society, through the maintenance of a proper
economic and social equilibrium in the interrelations of the members of the community,
constitutionally, through the adoption of measures legally justifiable, or extra-constitutionally,
through the exercise of powers underlying the existence of all governments on the time-honored
principles of salus populi estsuprema lex.
o Petitioner, Phil association of Service Exporters, Inc., is engaged principally in the recruitment of
Filipino workers, male and female of overseas employment. It challenges the constitutional validity
of Dept. Order No. 1 (1998) of DOLE entitled “Guidelines Governing the Temporary Suspension of
Deployment of Filipino Domestic and Household Workers.” It claims that such order is a
discrimination against males and females. The Order does not apply to all Filipino workers but only
to domestic helpers and females with similar skills, and that it is in violation of the right to travel, it
also being an invalid exercise of the lawmaking power. Further, PASEI invokes Sec 3 of Art 13 of
the Constitution, providing for worker participation in policy and decision-making processes
affecting their rights and benefits as may be provided by law. Thereafter the Solicitor General on
behalf of DOLE submitting to the validity of the challenged guidelines involving the police power
of the State and informed the court that the respondent have lifted the deployment ban in some
states where there exists bilateral agreement with the Philippines and existing mechanism providing
for sufficient safeguards to ensure the welfare and protection of the Filipino workers.
o SC in dismissing the petition ruled that there has been valid classification, the Filipino female
domestics working abroad were in a class by themselves, because of the special risk to which their
class was exposed. There is no question that Order No.1 applies only to female contract workers but
it does not thereby make an undue discrimination between sexes. It is well settled hat equality
before the law under the constitution does not import a perfect identity of rights among all men and
women. It admits of classification, provided that: 1. Such classification rests on substantial
distinctions, 2. That they are germane to the purpose of the law, 3. They are not confined to existing
conditions and 4. They apply equally to al members of the same class. In the case at bar, the
classifications made, rest on substantial distinctions. Dept. Order No. 1 does not impair the right to
travel. The consequence of the deployment ban has on the right to travel does not impair the right,
as the right to travel is subjects among other things, to the requirements of “public safety” as may
be provided by law. Deployment ban of female domestic helper is a valid exercise of police power.
Police power as been defined as the state authority to enact legislation that may interfere with
personal liberty or property in order to promote general welfare. Neither is there merit in the
contention that Department Order No. 1 constitutes an invalid exercise of legislative power as the
labor code vest the DOLE with rule making powers.
the school to confirm and validate the teaching method of Dr. Daleon is at once apparent in the
third freedom, i.e., “how it shall be taught.” Academic freedom also accords a faculty member the
right to pursue his studies in his particular specialty. It is defined as a right claimed by the
accredited educator, as teacher and as investigator, to interpret his findings and to communicate his
conclusions without being subjected to any interference, molestation, or penalty because these
conclusions are unacceptable to some constituted authority within or beyond the institution. s
applied to the case at bar, academic freedom clothes Dr. Daleon with the widest latitude to innovate
and experiment on the method of teaching which is most fitting to his students (graduate students at
that), subject only to the rules and policies of the university. Considering that the Board of Regents,
whose task is to lay down school rules and policies of the University of Southeastern Philippines,
has validated his teaching style, we see no reason for petitioner to complain before us simply
because he holds a contrary opinion on the matter.
college preparatory, and military training school, obtained preliminary restraining orders
prohibiting appellants from enforcing Oregon’s Compulsory Education Act. The Act required all
parents and guardians to send children between 8 and 16 years to a public school. The appellants
appealed the granting of the preliminary restraining orders.
o The Act violates the 14th Amendment because it interferes with protected liberty interests and has
no reasonable relationship to any purpose within the competency of the state. The Appellees have
standing because the result of enforcing the Act would be destruction of the appellees’ schools. The
state has the power to regulate all schools, but parents and guardians have the right and duty to
choose the appropriate preparation for their children.
A. Concepts
There are three branches of the government — legislative, executive and judicial. Each department of the
government has exclusive cognizance of the matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own
sphere. But it does not follow from the fact that the three powers are to be kept separate and distinct that
the Constitution intended them to be absolutely unrestrained and independent of each other. The Constitution
has provided for an elaborate system of checks and balances to secure coordination in the workings of the
various departments of the government.
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continued to be taxed at 9%. Garcia, a representative from Bataan, avers that EO 475 and 478 are
unconstitutional for they violate Sec 24 of Art 6 of the Constitution which provides: " All appropriation,
revenue or tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of local application, and private bills
shall originate exclusively in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with
amendments." He contends that since the Constitution vests the authority to enact revenue bills in Congress,
the President may not assume such power of issuing Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478 which are in the
nature of revenue-generating measures.
Under Section 24, Article VI of the Constitution, the enactment of appropriation, revenue and tariff bills, like
all other bills is, of course, within the province of the Legislative rather than the Executive Department. It
does not follow, however, that therefore Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478, assuming they may be
characterized as revenue measures, are prohibited to the President, that they must be enacted instead by the
Congress of the Philippines. Section 28(2) of Article VI of the Constitution provides as follows: "(2) The
Congress may, by law, authorize the President to fix within specified limits, and subject to such limitations
and restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other
duties or imposts within the framework of the national development program of the Government." There is
thus explicit constitutional permission to Congress to authorize the President "subject to such limitations and
restrictions as [Congress] may impose" to fix "within specific limits" "tariff rates . . . and other duties or
imposts . . . ."
G. US v Tang Ho 43 Phil 1
The Philippine Legislature enacted Act 2868 with one of its salient provisions, Section 1, authorizing the
governor-General “fro any cause resulting in an extraordinary rise in the price of palay, rice or corn, to issue
and promulgate temporary rules and emergency measures for carrying out the purposes of the Act”. Thus, on
August 1, 1919, the Governor-General signed EO 53, fixing the price of rice. On August 6, 1919, Ang Tang
Ho was caught selling a ganta of rice at the price of eighty centavos, a price higher than that fixed by EO 53.
Defendant was found guilty and now assails the constitutionality of the Act 2868 for invalid delegation of
legislative powers.
Act 2868 is unconstitutional. Said Act constituted an invalid delegation of power since the said Act
authorized the Governor-General to promulgate laws and not merely rules and regulations to effect the law.
The said Act was not complete when it left the legislature as it failed to specify what conditions the Governor-
General shall issue the proclamation as the said Act states “for any cause”. It also failed to define
“extraordinary rise” that such proclamation by the Governor-General aims to prevent. Lastly, the said Act
authorized the promulgation of temporary rules and emergency measures by the Governor-General
argues: “If the President, under this new law, cannot even create a barrio, how can he create a municipality
which is composed of several barrios, since barrios are units of municipalities?” The Auditor General
countered that there was no repeal and that only barrios were barred from being created by the President.
Municipalities are exempt from the bar and that a municipality can be created without creating barrios. He
further maintains that through Sec. 68 of the RAC, Congress has delegated such power to create
municipalities to the President.
here was no delegation here. Although Congress may delegate to another branch of the government the power
to fill in the details in the execution, enforcement or administration of a law, it is essential, to forestall a
violation of the principle of separation of powers, that said law: (a) be complete in itself — it must set forth
therein the policy to be executed, carried out or implemented by the delegate — and (b) fix a standard — the
limits of which are sufficiently determinate or determinable — to which the delegate must conform in the
performance of his functions. In this case, Sec. 68 lacked any such standard. Indeed, without a statutory
declaration of policy, the delegate would, in effect, make or formulate such policy, which is the essence of
every law; and, without the aforementioned standard, there would be no means to determine, with reasonable
certainty, whether the delegate has acted within or beyond the scope of his authority. Further, although Sec.
68 provides the qualifying clause “as the public welfare may require” – which would mean that the President
may exercise such power as the public welfare may require – is present, still, such will not replace the
standard needed for a proper delegation of power. In the first place, what the phrase “as the public welfare
may require” qualifies is the text which immediately precedes hence, the proper interpretation is “the
President may change the seat of government within any subdivision to such place therein as the public
welfare may require.” Only the seat of government may be changed by the President when public welfare so
requires and NOT the creation of municipality. The Supreme Court declared that the power to create
municipalities is essentially and eminently legislative in character not administrative (not executive).
A. Concepts
The Constitution is the fundamental law of the land. The present political structure of the Philippines was
defined by the 1987 Constitution, duly ratified in a plebiscite held on February 2, 1987 and proclaimed
ratified on February 11, 1987.
The Philippines is a republic with a presidential form of government wherein power is equally divided among
its three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. One basic corollary in a presidential system of
government is the principle of separation of powers wherein legislation belongs to Congress, execution to the
Executive, and settlement of legal controversies to the Judiciary. The Legislative branch is authorized to make
laws, alter, and repeal them through the power vested in the Philippine Congress. This institution is divided
into the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Executive branch is composed of the President and the
Vice President who are elected by direct popular vote and serve a term of six years. The Constitution grants
the President authority to appoint his Cabinet. These departments form a large portion of the country’s
bureaucracy. The Judicial branch holds the power to settle controversies involving rights that are legally
demandable and enforceable. This branch determines whether or not there has been a grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part and instrumentality of the government. It is
made up of a Supreme Court and lower courts. The Constitution expressly grants the Supreme Court the
power of Judicial Review as the power to declare a treaty, international or executive agreement, law,
presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance or regulation unconstitutional.
Doctrine of Shifting Majority– For each House of Congress to pass a bill, only the votes of the majority of
those present in the session, there being a quorum, is required.
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Composition [Sec. 5(1) and (2), Art. VI]: Not more than 250 members, unless otherwise provided by
law, consisting of:
District representatives, elected from legislative districts apportioned among the provinces,
cities and the Metropolitan Manila area.
Party-list representatives, who shall constitute twenty per centum of the total number of
representatives, elected through a party-list system of registered national, regional, and sectoral
parties or organizations.
Sectoral representatives. For three consecutive terms after the ratification of the Constitution,
one-half of the seats allocated to party-list representatives shall be filled, as provided by law,
by selection or election from the labor, peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural communities,
women, youth, and such other sectors as may be provided by law, except the religious sector.
Note: The original legislative power of the people is exercised via initiative and referendum. In this
manner, people can directly propose and enact laws, or approve or reject any act or law passed by Congress or
a local government unit.
Other Concepts
1. Regular Elections.
2nd Monday of may, every 3 years, starting 1992 (unless otherwise provided by law).
The term of office begins on the following June 30. For the transitory period, the first election was
held on the 2nd Monday of May, 1987
2. Special Elections
In case of vacancy in the Senate or the House, a special election may be called to fill up such vacancy
"in the manner prescribed by law." The law that governs and lays down the details concerning the
special congressional elections is Rep. Act No. 6645 (December 28, 1987). Under the law, no special
election will be called if the vacancy occurs (i) less than 18 months before the next regular election in
the case of the Senate, or (ii) less than 1 year before the next regular election in the case of the House;
in these cases, we will just have to wait for the next regular election, for practical reasons. When the
vacancy occurs during the period when special elections are allowed to be conducted (18 or 12 months
or more before the next regular election), the particular House of Congress must pass either a
resolution by the House concerned, if Congress is in session, or a certification by the Senate President
or the Speaker of the House, if Congress is not in session, (a) declaring the existence of the vacancy
and (b) calling for a special election to be held within 45 to 90 days from the date of calling of the
special election (that is, from the date of the resolution or certification). But the Senator or Member of
the House thus elected shall serve only for the unexpired portion of the term.
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Funds certified by the COMELEC as necessary to defray the expenses for holding regular and special elections,
plebiscites, initiatives, referenda, and recalls, shall be provided in the regular or special appropriations and, once
approved, shall be released automatically upon certification by the Chairman of the COMELEC.
Initiative is the power of the people to propose amendments to the Constitution or to propose and
enact legislation through an election called for the purpose. There are three systems of initiative,
namely: Initiative on the Constitution which refers to a petition proposing amendments to the
Constitution; Initiative on statutes which refers to a petition proposing to enact a national legislation;
and Initiative on local legislation which refers to a petition proposing to enact a regional, provincial,
city, municipal or barangay law, resolution or ordinance. Indirect initiative is the exercise of initiative
by the people through a proposition sent to Congress or local legislative body for action [Sec. 2, R. A.
Referendum is the power of the electorate to approve or reject legislation through an election called
for the purpose. It may be of two classes, namely: Referendum on statutes which refers to a petition to
approve or reject an act or law, or part thereof, passed by Congress; and Referendum on local laws
which refers to a petition to approve or reject a law, resolution or ordinance enacted by regional
assemblies and local legislative bodies [Sec. 2(c), R. A. 6735].
Prohibited measures.
The following cannot be the subject of an initiative or referendum petition: No petition
embracing more than one subject shall be submitted to the electorate; and statutes involving
emergency measures, the enactment of which is specifically vested in Congress by the
Constitution, cannot be subject to referendum until ninety (90) days after their effectivity
[Sec. 10, R. A. 6735].
Local Initiative. Not less than 2,000 registered voters in case of autonomous regions, 1,000
in case of provinces and cities, 100 in case of municipalities, and 50 in case of barangays,
may file a petition with the Regional Assembly or local legislative body, respectively,
proposing the adoption, enactment, repeal, or amendment, of any law, ordinance or
resolution [Sec. 13, R. A. 6735].
Limitations on Local Initiative: (a) The power of local initiative shall not be exercised
more than once a year; (b) Initiative shall extend only to subjects or matters which are
within the legal powers of the local legislative bodies to enact; and (c) If at any time before
the initiative is held, the local legislative body shall adopt in toto the proposition presented,
the initiative shall be cancelled. However, those against such action may, if they so desire,
apply for initiative.
Until a law is passed, the President may fill by appointment from a list of nominees by the
respective sectors the seats reserved for sectoral representation [Sec. 7, Art. XVIII, 1987].
These appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the Commission on Appointments
[Quintos-Deles v. Committee on Constitutional Commissions, Commission on
Appointments, 177 SCRA 259].
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Congress to make reapportionment of legislative districts within three years following the return of
every census.
Political party refers to an organized group of citizens advocating an ideology or platform, principles
and policies for the general conduct of government and which, as the most immediate means of
securing their adoption, regularly nominates and supports certain of its leaders and members as
candidates for public office. It is a national party when its constituency is spread over the geographical
territory of at least a majority of the regions. It is a regional party when its constituency is spread over
the geographical territory of at least a majority of the cities and provinces comprising the region.
Sectoral party refers to an organized group of citizens belonging to any of the following sectors: labor,
peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, elderly, handicapped, women,
youth, veterans, overseas workers and professionals, whose principal advocacy pertains to the special
interest and concerns of their sector.
Sectoral organization refers to a group of citizens or a coalition of groups of citizens who share
similar physical attributes or characteristics, employment, interests or concerns. ’
Registration: Manifestation to Participate in the Partv-List System Any organized group of persons
may register as a party, organization or coalition for purposes of the party-list system by filing with
the Comelec not later than 90 days before the election a petition verified by its president or secretary
stating its desire to participate in the party-list system as a national, regional or sectoral party or
organization or a coalition of such parties or organizations. Any party, organization or coalition
already registered with the Comelec need not register anew, but shall file with the Comelec not later
than 90 days before the election a manifestation of its desire to participate in the party-list system.
Refusal and/or Cancellation of Registration. The Comelec may, motu propio or upon a verified
complaint of any interested party, refuse or cancel, after due notice and hearing, the registration of any
national, regional or sectoral party, organization or coalition on any of the following grounds: (i) it is a
religious sect or denomination, organization or association organized for religious purposes; (ii) it
advocates violence or unlawful means to seek its goal; (iii) it is a foreign party or organization; (iv) it
is receiving support from any foreign government, foreign political party, foundation, organization,
whether directly or through any of its officers or members, or indirectly through third parties, for
partisan election purposes; (v) it violates or fails to comply with laws, rules or regulations relating to
elections; (vi) it declares untruthful statements in its petition; (vii) it has ceased to exist for at least one
year; and (viii) it fails to participate in the last two preceding elections or fails to obtain at least 2% of
the votes cast under the party-list system in the two preceding elections for the constituency in which
it has registered.
Nomination of party-list representatives. Each registered party, organization or coalition shall submit
to the Comelec not later than 45 days before the election a list of names, not less than five, from which
party-list representatives shall be chosen in case it obtains the required number of votes. A person may
be nominated in one list only. Only persons who have given their consent in writing may be named in
the list. The list shall not include any candidate for any elective office or a person who has lost his bid
for an elective office in the immediately preceding election. No change shall be allowed after the list
shall have been submitted to the Comelec except in cases where the nominee dies, or withdraws in
writing his nomination, becomes incapacitated, in which case the name of the substitute nominee shall
be placed last in the list. Incumbent sectoral representatives in the House of Representatives who are
nominated in the party-list system shall not be considered resigned.
Manner of Voting. Every voter shall be entitled to two votes: the first is a vote for the candidate for
member of the House of Representatives in his legislative district, and the second, a vote for the party,
organization or coalition he wants represented in the House of Representatives; provided that a vote
cast for a party, sectoral organization or coalition not entitled to be voted for shall not be counted.
In Bantay Republic Act or BA-RA 7941 v. Comelec, G.R. No. 171271, May4,2007, the Supreme Court
held that the Commission on Elections has a constitutional duty to disclose and release the names of
the nominees of the party-list groups, citing Sec. 7, Article III of the Constitution on the right of the
people to information on matters of public concern as complemented by the policy of full disclosure
and transparency in Government.
Number. The party-list representatives shall constitute 20% of the total number of the members of the
House of Representatives including those under the party-list. For purposes of the May, 1998,
elections, the first five major political parties on the basis of party representation in the House of
Representatives at the start of the Tenth Congress of the Philippines shall not be entitled to
representation in the party-list system. In determining the allocation of seats for the second vote, the
following procedure shall be observed: (i) the parties, organizations and coalitions shall be ranked
from the highest to the lowest based on the number of votes they garnered during the elections; and
(ii) the parties, organizations and coalitions receiving at least 2% of the total votes cast for the party-
list system shall be entitled to one-seat each; provided, that those garnering more than 2% of the votes
shall be entitled to additional seats in proportion to their total number of votes; provided, finally, that
each party, organization or coalitions shall be entitled to not more than three (3) seats. •
In Veterans Federation Party v. Comelec, G.R. No. 136781, October 6, 2000, the Supreme Court
reversed the Comelec ruling that the 38 respondent parties, coalitions and organizations were each
entitled to a party- list seat despite their failure to obtain at least 2% each of the national vote in the
1998 party-list election. The Court said that the Constitution and RA 7941 mandate at least four
inviolable parameters: [a] the 20% allocation- the combined number of all party-list congressmen shall
not exceed 20% of the total membership of the House of Representatives; [b] the 2% threshold- only
those parties garnering a minimum of 2% of the total valid votes cast for the party-list system are
qualified to have a seat in the House; [c] the three-seat limit: each qualified party, regardless of the
number of votes it actually obtained, is entitled to a maximum of three seats, i.e., one qualifying and
two additional; an<^ M proportional representation: the additional seats which a qualified party is
entitled to shall be computed “in proportion to their total number of votes”.
In Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) and Butil Farmers Party (Butil) v. Comelec, G.R. No. 164702,
March 15, 2006 petitioners party-list groups sought the immediate proclamation by the Comelec of
their respective second nominee, claiming that they were entitled to one (1) additional seat in the
House of Representatives based on the number of votes they obtained and on the formula used by the
Supreme Court in Ang Bagong Bayani. The Court held that the formula used in the landmark case of
Veterans Federation Party, which is:
Votes cast for
Additional seats Qualified Party x Alloted seats for
Party = Votes cast for First First Party
shall be followed. Ang Bagong Bayani merely reiterated this formula for computing the additional
seats which a party-list group shall be entitled to.
In Ang Bagong Bayani - OFW Labor Party v. Comelec, G.R. No.147589, June 26, 2001, the Supreme
Court said that even if major political parties are allowed by the Constitution to participate in the
party-list system, they must show, however, that they represent the interests of the marginalized and
under-represented.. The following guidelines should be followed in order that a political party
registered under the party-list system may be entitled to a seat in the House of Representatives: [a]
must represent marginalized and under-represented sectors; [b] major political parties must comply
with this statutory policy; [c] Ang Bagong Buhay Hayaang Yumabong (as a party) must be subject to
the express constitutional prohibition against religious sects; [d] the party must not be disqualified
under RA 7941; [e] the party must not be an adjunct of an entity or project funded by the government;
[f] the party and its nominees must comply with the requirements of the law; [g] the nominee must
also represent a marginalized or under-represented sector; and [h] the nominee must be able to
contribute to the formulation and enactment of appropriate legislation that will benefit the nation.
Effect of change of affiliation. Any elected party-list representativewho changes his political party or
sectoral affiliation during his term of office shall forfeit his seat; provided that if he changes his
political party or sectoral affiliation within 6 months before an election, he shall not be eligible for
nomination as party-list representative under his new party or organization.
Vacancy. In case of vacancy in the seats reserved for party- listrepresentatives, the vacancy shall be
automatically filled by the next representative from the list of nominees in the order submitted to the
Comelec by the same party, organization or coalition, who shall serve for the unexpired term. If the
list is exhausted, the party, organization or coalition concerned shall submit additional nominees.
Term of office: rights. Party-list representatives shall be elected for a term of three (3) years, and shall
be entitled to the same salaries and emoluments as regular members of the House of Representatives
1. Salaries
The salaries of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives shall be determined by law.
While it is Congress, through a salary law, that determines the salary to be received by its members,
the Constitution mandates that no increase in said compensation shall take effect until after the
expiration of the full term of all the members of the two houses approving such increase.
Illustration: If a salary law is passed in 1983 increasing the salary of members of Congress, the same
law can only take effect for the term that begins at noon of 30 June 1992; but if a salary is passed in
1988 decreasing the salary of members of Congress, the law can take effect right away, since the
Constitution prohibits only the increase. If another salary law is passed in 1993 to increase the salary,
the same can take effect not in the term beginning at noon of 30 June 1995; the top twelve senators
elected on the 2nd Monday of May, 1992 would still be holding office then. It can only take effect in
1998. Effectively, therefore, such law can take effect only after the expiration of the longest term of a
Senator, which is six years, even if the term of the Representative who voted for the law is only 3
This is reinforced by Art. 145, Revised Penal Code, which provides: “The penalty of prision mayor
shall be imposed upon any person who shall use force, intimidation, threats or fraud to prevent any
member of the National Assembly from attending the meetings of the Assembly or of any of its
committees or subcommittees or divisions thereof, from expressing his opinions or casting his vote;
and the penalty of prision correccional shall be imposed upon any public officer or employee who
shall, while the Assembly is in regular or special session, arrest or search any member thereof, except
in case such member has committed a crime punishable under this Code by a penalty higher than
prision mayor. ”.
In People v. Jalosjos, G.R. No. 132875, February 3, 2000, the Supreme Court denied the
motion of Congressman Jalosjos that he be allowed to fully discharged the duties of a
Congressman, including attendance at legislative sessions and committee hearings despite
his having been convicted by the trial court of a non-bailable offense. The denial was
premised on the following: [i] membership in Congress does not exempt an accused from
statutes and rules which apply to validly incarcerated persons; [ii] one rationale behind
confinement, whether pending appeal or after final conviction, is public self-defense, i.e., it
is the injury to the public, not the injury to the complainant, which state action in criminal
law seeks to redress; [iii] it would amount to the creation of a privileged class, without
justification in reason, if notwithstanding their liability for a criminal offense, they would be
considered immune from arrest during their attendance in Congress and in going to and
returning from the same; and [iv] accused-appellant is provided with an office at the House
of Representatives with a full complement of staff, as well as an office at the Administration
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Building, New Bilibid Prison, where he attends to his constituents; he has, therefore, been
discharging his mandate as member of the House of Representatives, and being a detainee,
he should not even be allowed by the prison authorities to perform these acts.
A similar ruling was made in Trillanes IV v. Judge Pimentel, G.R. No. 179817, June 27,
2008. In this case, petitioner Antonio Trillanes sought from the Makati RTC leave to attend
Senate sessions and to convene his staff, resource persons and guests and to attend to his
official functions as Senator. He anchored his motion on his right to be presumed innocent,
and claims that the Jalosjos ruling should not be applied to him, because he is a mere
detention prisoner and is not charged with a crime involving moral turpitude. The Makati
RTC denied the motion. Elevating the matter, the Supreme Court denied Trillanes’ petition
on the ground that Sec. 13, Art. Ill of the Constitution, explicitly provides that crimes
punishable by reclusion perpetua are nonbailable. The Court further said that the
presumption of innocence does not necessarily carry with it the full enjoyment of civil and
political rights.
This privilege protects the member concerned from any libel suit that may be filed against him for a
speech made "in" the halls of Congress or in any of its committees. Speech is not confined to
traditional speech but even to the casting of votes, the making of reports, a debate or discussion, even
communicative actions, and any other form of expression.
The speech, however, must be made "in" Congress in the discharge of legislative duty. Note that the
member of Congress may be held to account for such speech or debate by the House to which he
The provision protects the Member of Congress only from being held liable outside of Congress ("in
any other place"); it does not protect him from liability "inside" Congress, i.e., from possible
disciplinary measures that his peers may impose upon him. For as mentioned above, his speech may
constitute disorderly behavior as in Osmena v Pendatun (109 Phil 863), and this may be penalized
with censure, suspension for 60 days, or expulsion, the latter two upon concurrence of 2/3 of the
It is important to note that this privilege is not absolute. The rule provides that the legislator may not
be questioned "in any other place," which means that he may be called to account for his remarks by
his own colleagues in Congress itself, and when warranted, punished for disorderly behavior.
1. Incompatible office
An incompatible office is a post which a member cannot accept unless he waives or forfeits his seat in
Congress. A sensu contrario, if he waives or forfeits his seat, he may accept the other post, since the
incompatibility arises only because of his simultaneous membership in both.
Forfeiture of the seat in Congress shall be automatic upon the member’s assumption of such other
office deemed incompatible with his seat in Congress. See Adaza v. Pacana, 135 SCRA 431.
However, no forfeiture shall take place if the member of Congress holds the other government office
in an ex officio capacity, e.g., membership in the Board of Regents of the University of the Philippines
of the Chairman, Committee on Education, in the Senate.
2. Forbidden office
A forbidden office is one to which a member cannot be appointed even if he is willing to give up his
seat in Congress. The effect of his resignation from the Congress is the loss of his seat therein but his
disqualification for the forbidden office nevertheless remains. The prohibition lies in the "fiduciary"
nature of the relationship involved
The ban against appointment to the office created or the emoluments thereof increased shall, however,
last only for the duration of the term for which the member of Congress was elected.
Such a member cannot resign in anticipation of the passage of the law creating such office or
increasing its emolument as a way of circumventing the prohibition. However, the prohibition is not
forever (as in the Jones Law); it is for the term for which he was elected.
3. Other inhibitions
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a. Personally appearing as counsel before any court of justice, the Electoral Tribunal,
quasi-judicial bodies, and other administrative bodies
What the Constitution prohibits in the case of members of Congress who are also members
of the bar is their personal appearance before any of these bodies. This is not a prohibition
against, the practice of law in any court. Thus, a member may still sign and file his
pleadings, give legal advice, continue as partner, and have a partner or associate appear for
him in court.
b. Being interested financially in any (a) contract with, or (b) franchise or special
privilege granted by, the Government, its subdivision, agency or instrumentality, a
government owned or controlled corporation, or its subsidiary. The prohibition is for
the duration of his term of office.
c. Intervening in any matter before any office of the government for his pecuniary
d. Intervening in any matter where he may be called upon to act on account of his office
It may be noted that the last 3 prohibitions are themselves punishable acts under the Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act.
Duty to Disclose
Upon assumption of office, must make a full disclosure of financial and business interests. Shall notify
House concerned of a potential conflict of interest that may arise from the filing of a proposed
legislation of which they are authors [Sec. 12, Art. VI],
In general, a public officer or employee shall, upon assuming office and as often thereafter as may be,
required by law, submit a declaration under oath of his assets, liabilities and net worth. But in the case
of members of Congress and other high government officials (as enumerated), the disclosure must be
made public (Art. XI, Sec. 17). Furthermore, all members of Congress shall, upon assumption of
office make a full disclosure of their financial and business interests (Art. VI, Sec. 12).
Commission on Audit, which shall publish annually an itemized list of amounts paid to and expenses
incurred for each Member (Art. VI, Sec. 20.) The purpose of public disclosure of a member's financial
status and official expenses is to make him visible to the rest, and thus give him a deterrent from
committing graft and corruption. The public has a right to know how much it is spending for its
The law governing this financial disclosure by public officers and employees is RA 3019, otherwise
known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. Every public officer shall submit to (a) the Office
of the Department Head, or (b) the Office of the President in case of a head of department or chief of
an independent office, the following:
1. A true, detailed, and sworn statement of assets and liability;
2. A statement of the amounts and sources of his income;
3. The amount of personal and family expenses, and
4. The amount of income taxes paid the previous year, on the following occasions:
(a) within 30 years after assuming office
(b) on or before April 15 after the close of the calendar
year, and
(c) upon the expiration of their term of office, or upon
resignation or separation from office.
When a member of Congress authors a proposed legislation, he must notify the House concerned of any
"potential conflict of interest" that may arise from his filing of such bill (Art. VI, Sec. 12.). Furthermore, the
records and books of accounts of the Congress shall be preserved and be open to the public in accordance with
law, and such books shall be audited by the
First order of business - election by each house of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House, and such other officers that the rules of each house may provide.
A majority vote of all the respective members is required to elect these two officers.
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Upon the election of the President and the Speaker, the Constitution deems the Houses "organized."
(VI, 19)
Each House shall choose such other officers as it may deem necessary.
The quorum required to conduct business is a majority (1/2 + 1) of all the members. But to pass a law,
only the votes of the majority of those present in the session, there being a quorum, are required. This
is known as the "shifting majority".
To illustrate: 13 members of the Senate are sufficient to constitute a quorum. If only 13 members are
present, a vote by 7 in favor of a bill is sufficient to pass it. But as the number of those present
increases, the number of votes needed to pass a bill would correspondingly increase, i.e., shift.
When a quorum cannot be had, a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and compel the
attendance of the absent (recalcitrant) members by the means of arrest or such other measures and
penalties as the House may provide in its rules.
“Majority” refers to the number of members within the “jurisdiction” of the Congress (those it can
order arrested for the purpose of questioning). In this case, one Senator was out of the Philippines
which is not within the “jurisdiction” of the Senate, so that the working majority was 23 Senators.
There is a difference between a majority of "all members of the House" and a majority of "the House",
the latter requiring less number than the first. Therefore, an absolute majority (12) of all members of
the Senate less one (23) constitutes constitutional majority of the Senate for the purpose of the
quorum. [Avelino v. Cuenco (1949)]
Rules of proceedings
Each House or its committees may determine the rules of its proceedings. These rules include the
procedure to be followed in "inquiries in aid of legislation." The House may set aside the rules it
adopted as it sees fit, because these rules are only of a temporary nature
Discipline of members
Each house may punish it members for "disorderly behavior." What constitutes "disorderly behavior"
is solely within the discretion of the house concerned.
House may punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of 2/3 of all its
members, suspend (for not more than sixty days) or expel a member. See Osmena v. Pendatun, 109
Phil 863, where the Supreme Court said that the determination of the acts which constitute disorderly
behavior is within the full discretionary authority of the House concerned, and the Court will not
review such determination, the same being a political question.
The penalty may consist of (i) censure; or upon a 2/3 vote of all the members of the house, (ii)
suspension, not exceeding 60 days, or (iii) expulsion. Others are: (iv) deletion of unparliamentary
remarks from the record, (v) imprisonment and (vi) fine
The suspension contemplated in the Constitution is different from the suspension prescribed in the
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act [RA 3019]. The latter is not a penalty but a preliminary
preventive measure and is not imposed upon the petitioner for misbehavior as a member of Congress
[Paredes v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 118364, August 10, 1995]. The Supreme Court clarified this
ruling in Miriam Defensor-Santiago v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 128055, April 18, 2001, saying that
Sec. 13, RA 3019 (where it appears to be a ministerial duty of the court to issue the order of
suspension upon a determination of the validity of the criminal information filed before it) does not
state that the public officer should be suspended only in the office where he is alleged to have
committed the acts charged. Furthermore, the order of suspension provided in RA 3019 is distinct
from the power of Congress to discipline its own ranks. Neither does the order of suspension encroach
upon the power of Congress.
The doctrine of separation of powers, by itself, is not deemed to have effectively excluded the
members of Congress from RA 3019 or its sanctions
A majority of each House, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may compel the
attendance of absent Members in such manner and under such penalties as such House may determine.
See Avelino v. Cuenco, 83 Phil 17, which is authority for the principle that the basis in determining the
existence of a quorum in the Senate shall be the total number of Senators who are in the country and
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within the coercive jurisdiction of the Senate. In its Resolution on the Motion for Reconsideration in
Arroyo v. De Venecia, G.R. No. 127255, June 26, 1998, the Supreme Court declared that the question
of quorum cannot be raised repeatedly, especially when a quorum is obviously present, for the purpose
of delaying the business of the House.
Records and books of accounts
Preserved and open to the public in accordance with law; books shall be audited by COA which shall
publish annually an itemized list of amounts paid to and expenses incurred for each member
The journal is only a resume of minutes of what transpired during a legislative session. In addition,
the journal contains the summary of the proceedings.
The record is the word-for-word transcript of the proceedings taken during the session. The
Constitution is silent as to what the record must contain.
However, in Art. XI, Sec. 3(3), the Constitution speaks of the vote of each member of the House
either affirming a favorable or overriding its contrary resolution of the impeachment complaint to be
Electoral Tribunals
Composition: Three Supreme Court justices designated by the Chief Justice, and six members of the
house concerned chosen on the basis of proportional representation from the political parties
registered under the party- list system represented therein. The Senior Justice shall be its Chairman.
The HRET was created as a non-partisan court. It must be independent of Congress and devoid of
partisan influence and consideration. “Disloyalty to the party” and “breach of party discipline” are not
valid grounds for the expulsion of a member. HRET members enjoy security of tenure; their
membership may not be terminated except for a just cause such as the expiration of congressional
term, death, resignation from the political party, formal affiliation with another political party, or
removal for other valid causes [Bondoc v. Pineda, 201 SCRA 792]. See also Tanada v. Cuenco, 100
Phil 1101
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On the disqualification of the senator-members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, because an election
contest is filed against them, see Abbas v. Senate Electoral Tribunal, 166 SCRA 651, where the
Supreme Court held that it cannot order the disqualification of the Senators-members of the Electoral
Tribunal simply because they were themselves respondents in the electoral protest, considering the
specific mandate of the Constitution and inasmuch as all the elected Senators were actually named as
In Pimentel v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No. 141489, November 29, 2002, the
Supreme Court said that even assuming that party-list representatives comprise a sufficient number
and have agreed to designate common nominees to the HRET and Commission on Appointments,
their primary recourse clearly rests with the House of Representatives and not with the Court. Only if
the House fails to comply with the directive of the Constitution on proportional representation of
political parties in the HRET and Commissiion on Appointments can the party-list representatives
seek recourse from this Court through judicial review. Under the doctrine of primary administrative
jurisdiction, prior recourse to the House is necessary before the petitioners may bring the case to
Power. The Electoral Tribunals of the Houses of Congress shall be the sole judge of all contests
relating to the election, returns and qualifications of their respective members. a) In Sampayan v.
Daza, 213 SCRA 807, involving a petition filed directly with the Supreme Court to disqualify
Congressman Raul Daza for being allegedly a green card holder and a permanent resident of the
United States, the Court held that it is without jurisdiction, as it is the HRET which is the sole judge of
all contests relating to election, returns and qualifications of its members. Furthermore, the case is
moot and academic, because Daza’s term of office as member of Congress expired on June 30, 1992.
The proper remedy should have been a petition filed with the Commission on Elections to cancel
Daza’s certificate of candidacy, or a quo warranto case filed with the HRET within ten days from
Daza’s proclamation.
But the HRET may assume jurisdiction only after the winning candidate (who is a party to the election
controversy) shall have been duly proclaimed, has taken his oath of office and has assumed the
functions of the office, because it is only then that he is said to be a member of the House [Aquino v.
Comelec, 248 SCRA 400]. Thus, in Vinzons-Chato v. Comelec, G.R. No. 172131, April 2, 2007 the
Court said that once a winning candidate has been proclaimed, taken his oath, and assumed officed as
a Member of the House of Representatives, the Comelec’s jurisdiction over the election contest
relating to his election, returns and qualifications ends, and the HRET's own jurisdicition begins. See
also Guerrero v. Comelec, G.R. No. 137004, July 20, 2000. b) The Electoral Tribunal is independent
of the Houses of Congress
[Angara v. Electoral Commission, 63 Phil 139; Morrero v. Bocar, 66 Phil 429], and its decisions may
be reviewed by the Supreme Court only upon showing of grave abuse of discretion in a petition for
certiorari filed under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court [Pena v. House of Representatives Electoral
Tribunal G R No 123037, March 21, 1997].
a) Regular Session
The Congress shall convene once every year on the fourth Monday of July for its regular session,
unless a different date is fixed by law, and shall continue to be in session for such number of days as it
may determine, until thirty days before the opening of its next regular session, exclusive of Saturdays,
Sundays and legal holidays. Xxx
"[P]lace" as here used refers not to the building but to the political unit where the two Houses may be
b) Special Session
o To revoke or extend the Presidential Proclamation of Martial Law or suspension of the writ
of habeas corpus (Art. VII, Sec. 18). Congress, if not in session, shall, within 24 hours
following such proclamation or suspension, convene, without need of a call.
In the last three cases, Congress convenes without need of a call. These are exceptions to the
general rule in the 1st case that when Congress is not in session, it can only meet in special
session call by the President.
c) Joint Session
When both houses meet jointly, they generally vote separately. The reason is obvious:there
are only 24 senators, while there are 250 representatives. It would be bad policy to give one
vote to a Senator, who was elected "at large", and the same weight of vote to a
representative, who is either elected only by one legislative district or a party-list.
Voting separately:
o Choosing the President [Sec. 4, Art. VII].
o Determine President’s disability [Sec. 11, Art. VII].
o Confirming nomination of the Vice President [Sec. 9, Art. VII].
o Declaring the existence of a state of war [Sec. 23, Art. VI],
o Proposing constitutional amendments [Sec. 1, Art. XVII],
Voting jointly: To revoke or extend proclamation suspending the privilege of the writ
of habeas corpus or placing the Philippines under martial law [Sec. 18, Art. VII].
Commission on Appointments
Composition: The Senate President, as ex officio Chairman, 12 Senatorsand 12 Members of the House
of Representatives, elected by each House on the basis of proportional representation from the
political parties registered under the party-list system represented therein. The Chairman shall not vote
except in case of a tie. See Daza v. Singzon, 180 SCRA 496; Coseteng v. Mitra, 187 SCRA 377;
Cunanan v. Tan, 5 SCRA 1.
In Guingona v. Gonzales, 214 SCRA 789, the Supreme Court heldthat a political party must have at
least two elected senators for every seat in the Commission on Appointments. Thus, where there are
two or more political parties represented in the Senate, a political party/coalition with a single senator
in the Senate cannot constitutionally claim a seat in the Commission on Appointments. It is not
mandatory to elect 12 Senators to the Commission; what the Constitution requires is that there must be
at least a majority of the entire membership.
Powers. The Commission shall act on all appointments submitted to it within 30 session days of
Congress from their submission. The Commission shall rule by a majority vote of its members. The
Commission shall meet only while Congress is in session, at the call of its Chairman or a majority of
all its members. See Sarmiento v. Mison, 156 SCRA 549; Deles v. Committee on Constitutional
Commissions, Commission on Appointments, 177 SCRA 259; Bautista v. Salonga, 172 SCRA 169.
The Commission shall confirm or approve nominations made by the President of certain public
officers named by the Constitution or by law:
heads of the executive departments
ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls
officers of the Armed Forces from the rank of colonel or naval captain
other officers whose appointments are vested in him in this Constitution
o Chairman and members of 3 Constitutional Commissions
o regular members of the Judicial and Bar Council
o members of the Regional Consultative council
The Commission on Appointments is independent of the two Houses of Congress; its employees are
not, technically, employees of Congress. It has the power to promulgate its own rules of proceedings.
But see: Pacete v. Secretary, Commission on Appointments, 40 SCRA 58.
The Commission on Appointments shall meet to discharge its powers and functions only while the
Congress is in session. The meeting may be called by (a) the Chairman, or (b) a majority of all its
The Chairman of the Commission does not vote, except to break a tie. The Commission shall act on
all appointments submitted to it within 30 session days of the Congress from their submission. The
Commission rules by a majority vote of all its members.
Regular appointment
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Regular appointment takes place when the President appoints an officer whose appoinment requires
confirmation by the Commission, while Congress is in session. The officer so appointed cannot
assume office at once. The President must first nominate him to the Commission. Then, the
Commission shall act on all appointments submitted to it within 30 session days of the Congress from
their submission (VI, 18). Failure to act within the period is tantamount to disapproval of the
nomination, since the Constitution requires positive action by the Commission (VV). If the Congress
or the Commission itself adjourns without taking any action on the nomination, again it is deemed
disapproved (or bypassed). If the Commission approves the nomination, the Office of the President
makes an "issuance of commission." Only then can the appointee assume office.
Recess appointment
On the other hand, recess appointment takes when Congress is not in session. (This is also known as
ad-interim appointment, but the latter term is equivocal because it can be used in 2 senses: (i)
midnight appointment, which happens when the President makes an appointment before his term
expires, whether or not this is confirmed by the Commission on Appointments, and (ii) recess
appointment, which happens when the President makes appointment while Congress is in recess,
whether or not his term is about to expire.) Unlike regular appointment, the ad-interim appointment
made by the President is complete in itself, and thus effective at once, even without confirmation. But
this appointment has only temporary effect. When Congress convenes, the Commission would have to
act on the ad interim appointment by confirming it (in which case the appointment becomes
permanent) or disapproving it by means of a positive failure to act on the appointment (in which case
the appointment is immediately terminated). According to the Constitution, the President shall have
the power to make appointment during the recess of the Congress, whether voluntary or compulsory,
but such appointments shall be effective only until disapproval by the Commission on Appointments
(which can only be done when Congress is in session (Art. VI, Sec. 19) or until the next adjournment
of the Congress (if the Commission fails to act earlier). (Art. VII, Sec. 16, par. 2).
Express: (ia1) Bill of rights [Art. Ill]; (ia2) On appropriations[Secs. 25 and 29 (1) & (2),
Art. VI]; (ia3) On taxation [Secs. 28 and 29 (3), Art. VI; Sec. 4 (3), Art. XIV]; (ia4) On
constitutional appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court [Sec.30, Art. VI]; (ia5) No law
granting a title of royalty or nobility shall be passed [Sec. 31, Art. VI]
Implied: (ib1) Non-delegation of powers; and (ib2) Prohibition against the passage of
irrepealable laws.
Only one subject, to be expressed in the title thereof [Sec. 26, Art. VI]. See Tio v. Videogram
Regulatory Commission, 151 SCRA 208; Philconsa v. Gimenez, 15 SCRA 479; Lidasan v.
Comelec, 21 SCRA 496. In Chiongbian v. Orbos, supra., it was held that the title is not
required to be an index of the contents of the bill. It is sufficient compliance if the title
expresses the general subject, and all the provisions of the statute are germane to that
subject. In Mariano v. Comelec, supra., it was declared that the creation of an additional
legislative district need not be expressly stated in the title of the bill. In Tatad v. Secretary of
Energy, supra., it was held that a law having a single, general subject indicated in its title
may contain any number of provisions, no matter how adverse they may be, so long as they
are not inconsistent with or foreign to the general subject. In Lacson v. Executive Secretary,
G.R. No. 128096, January 20, 1999, R.A. 8249 which “defines” the jurisdiction of the
Sandiganbayan but allegedly “expands” said jurisdiction, does not violate the one-title-one-
subject requirement. The expansion in the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, if it can be
considered as such, does not have to be expressly stated in the title of the law because such
is the necessary consequence of the amendments. The requirement that every bill must have
one subject expressed in the title is satisfied if the title is comprehensive enough, as in this
case, to include subjects related to the general purpose which the statute seeks to achieve. In
Farinas v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 147387, December 10, 2003, the Supreme Court
said that Sec. 14 of R.A. 9006, which repealed Sec. 67, but left intact Sec. 68, of the
Omnibus Election Code, is not a rider, because a rider is a provision not germane to the
subject matter of the bill, and the title and objectives of R.A. 9006 are comprehensive
enough to include the repeal of Sec. 67 of the Omnibus Election Code. It need not be
expressed in the title, because the title is not required to be a complete index of its contents.
o Three readings on separate davs: printed copies of bill in its final form distributed
to Members three days before its passage, except when the President certifies to
its immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or emergency; upon last
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reading, no amendment allowed, and vote thereon taken immediately and yeas and
nays entered in the Journal [Sec. 26, Art. VI]. In Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance,
supra., it was held that the presidential certification dispensed with the
requirement not only of printing but also that of reading the bill on separate days.
The “unless” clause must be read in relation to the “except” clause, because the
two are really coordinate clauses of the same sentence. To construe the “except”
clause as simply dispensing with the second requirement in the “unless” clause
would not only violate the rules of grammar, it would also negate the very premise
of the “except” clause, i.e., the necessity of securing the immediate enactment of a
bill which is certified in order to meet a public calamity or emergency. This
interpretation is also supported by the weight of legislative practice
Legislative Process.
Requirements as to bills:
o Only one subject to be expressed in the title thereof.
o Appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of
local application, and private bills shall originate exclusively in the House of
Representatives [Sec. 24, Art. VI]. In Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, supra., it was held
that RA 7716 (Expanded VAT Law) did not violate this provision. It is important to
emphasize that it is not the law, but the bill, which is required to originate exclusively in the
House of Representatives, because the bill may undergo such extensive changes in the
Senate that the result may be a rewriting of the whole. As a result of the Senate action, a
distinct bill may be produced. To insist that a revenue statute, not just the bill, must be
substantially the same as the House bill would be to deny the Senate’s power not only “to
concur with amendments” but also to “propose amendments”. It would violate the
coequality of legislative power of the Senate. The Constitution does not prohibit the filing
irr the Senate of a substitute bill in anticipation of its receipt of the bill from the House, so
long as action by the Senate as a body is withheld pending receipt of the House bill. This
was reiterated in the Supreme Court Resolution on the Motion for Reconsideration, October
30, 1995. In Alvarez v. Guingona, 252 SCRA 695, R.A. 7720, converting the Municipality of
Santiago, Isabela, into an independent, component city, was declared valid, even if it was
Senate Bill No. 1243 which was passed by the Senate, because H.B. 8817 was filed in the
House of Representatives first. Furthermore, H.B. 8817 was already approved on third
reading and duly transmitted to the Senate when the Senate Committee on Local
Government conducted its public hearing on S.B. 1243. The filing of a substitute bill in the
Senate in anticipation of its receipt of the bill from the House does not contravene the
constitutional requirement that a bill of local application should originate in the House of
Representatives as long as the Senate does not act thereupon until it receives the House bill.
Procedure: “No bill passed by either House shall become a law unless it has passed three readings on
separate days, and printed copies thereof in its final form have been distributed to its Members three
days before its passage, except when the President certifies to the necessity of its immediate enactment
to meet a public calamity or emergency” [Sec 26 (2) Art. VI]. ’
o In Arroyo, et a!., v. De Venecia, et at., G.R. No. 127255, August 14, 1997, the Supreme
Court noted that the challenge to the validity of the enactment of R.A. 8240 (amending
certain provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code by imposing so-called “sin taxes”)
was premised on alleged violations of internal rules of procedure of the House of
Representatives rather than of constitutional requirements. Decided cases, both here and
abroad, in varying forms of expression, all deny to the courts the power to inquire into
allegations that, in enacting a law, a House of Congress failed to comply with its own rules,
in the absence of showing that there was a violation of constitutional requirements or the
rights of private individuals. In its Resolution on the Motion for Reconsideration in the same
case [June 26, 1998], the Supreme Court ruled that it is well settled that a legislative act will
not be declared invalid for non-compliance with the internal rules of the House. In Osmena
v. Pendatun, supra., it was held that rules adopted by deliberative bodies are subject to
revocation, modification or waiver at the pleasure of the body adopting them. Furthermore,
parliamentary rules are merely procedural, and with their observance courts have no
concern. They may be waived or disregarded by the legislative body.
o In Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, supra., the Supreme Court declared that the
Presidential certification dispensed with the requirement not only of printing and
distribution but also that of reading the bill on separate days.
o It is within the power of the Bicameral Conference Committee to include in its report an
entirely new provision that is not found either in the House bill or in the Senate bill. And if
the Committee can propose an amendment consisting of one or two provisions, there is no
reason why it cannot propose several provisions, collectively considered as “an amendment
in the nature of a substitute”, so long as the amendment is germane to the subject of the bills
before the Committee [Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, supra.]. In the Resolution on the
Motion for Reconsideration, October 30, 1995, the Court adverted to its opinion in
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Philippine Judges Association v. Prado, 227 SCRA 703, that the jurisdiction of the
Conference Committee is not limited to resolving differences between the Senate and the
House versions of the bill. It may propose an entirely new provision.
Approval of bills.
The bill becomes a law in any of the following cases:
When the President approves the same and signs it.
When Congress overrides the Presidential veto. If the President disapproves the bill, he shall return the
same, with his objections thereto contained in his Veto Message, to the House of origin [which shall
enter the objections at large in its Journal]. The Veto is overridden upon a vote of two-thirds of all
members of the House of origin and the other House. [Yeas and nays entered in the Journal of each
o No pocket veto.
o Partial veto. As a rule, a partial veto is invalid. It is allowed only for particular items in an
appropriation, revenue or tariff bill [Sec. 27 (2), Art. VI]. See Bolinao Electronics
Corporation v. Valencia, 11 SCRA 486. See also Gonzales v. Macaraig, 191 SCRA 452, on
“item veto”. In Bengzon v. Drilon, 208 SCRA 133, the Supreme Court declared as
unconstitutional the veto made by President Aquino of appropriations intended for the
adjustment of pensions of retired justices [pursuant to A.M. 91-8-225-CA] under R.A. 910,
as amended by R.A. 1797, as this is not an item veto. The President cannot veto part of an
item in an appropriation bill while approving the remaining portion of the item.
Furthermore, the President cannot set aside a judgment of the Supreme Court; neither can
the veto power be exercised as a means of repealing R.A. 1797. The veto also impairs the
fiscal autonomy of the Judiciary, and deprives retired justices of the right to a pension
vested under R.A. 1797.
o Legislative veto. A congressional veto is a means whereby the legislature can block or
modify administrative action taken under a statute. It is a form of legislative control in the
implementation of particular executive action. The form may either be negative, i.e.,
subjecting the executive action to disapproval by Congress, or affirmative, i.e., requiring
approval of the executive action by Congress. A congressional veto is subject to serious
questions involving the principle of separation of powers. In Philippine Constitution
Association v. Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506, on the issue of whether Special Provision No. 2 on
the “Use of Funds” in the appropriation for the modernization of the AFP, General
Appropriations Act of 1994, which requires prior approval of Congress for the release of the
corresponding modernization funds, is unconstitutional, the Supreme Court did not resolve
the issue of legislative veto, but instead, ruled that any provision blocking an administrative
action in implementing a law or requiring legislative approval for executive acts
When the President fails to act upon the bill for thirty riaY«; from receipt thereof, the bill shall
become a law as if he had signed it [Sec. 27(1), Art. VI]. ’
Effectivity of laws [Art. 2, Civil Code]. See Tanada v. Tuvera, supra., and Executive Order No. 200, June
Need for appropriation. [Sec. 29 (1), Art. VI: “No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance
of an appropriation made by law.”] In Comelec v. Judge Quijano-Padilla and Photokina Marketing, G.R. No.
151992, September 18, 2002, the Supreme Court said that the existence of appropriations and the availability of
funds are indispensable requisites to, or conditions sine qua non for, the execution of government contracts. The
import of the constitutional requirement for an appropriation is to require the various agencies to limit their
expenditure within the appropriations made by law for each fiscal year. In this case, since the bid of Phokokina
(P6.588B) was way beyond the amount appropriated by law (P1B) or funds certified to tbe available (P1.2B),
there is no way the Comelec should enter into the contract. The Bids and Awards Committee of the Comelec
should have rejected the bid of Photokina for being excessive.
Appropriation law, defined. A statute the primary and specific purpose of which is to authorize the release of
public funds from the Treasury.
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General appropriation law: passed annually, intended to provide for the financial operations of the
entire government during one fiscal period. must be incorporated in a separate and substantive bill.
Thus, since Special Provision No. 2 is an “inappropriate” provision, the President properly vetoed the
Procedure for approving appropriations for Congress shallstnctly follow the procedure for approving
appropriations for other departments and agencies. This is intended to prevent sub rosa appropriation by
On the constitutionality of a Special Provision in the 1994 GAA which allows a member of Congress to realign
his allocation for operation expenses to any other expense category, the Supreme Court, in Philippine
Constitution Association v. Enriquez, supra., said that the members of Congress only determine the necessity of
the realignment of savings in the allotments for their operational expenses, because they are in the best position
to do so, being knowledgeable of the savings available in some items of the operational expenses, and which
items need augmentation However it is the Senate President or the Speaker of the House of Representatives,’ as
the case may be, who shall approve the realignment. Hence, the special provision adverted to is not
ln the same case, the Supreme Court upheld the Presidential veto of a provision (in the appropriation for the
AFP Pension and Gratuity Fund, 1994 GAA) which authorized the Chief of Staff to use savings to augment the
pension fund, on the ground that under Sec. 25 (5), Art VI such right must and can be exercised only by the
President of the Philippines
Prohibition against appropriations for sectarian benefit [Sec 29(2), Art. VI: No public money or property
shall be appropriated, applied paid, or employed, directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support of any
sect, church, denomination, sectarian institution, or system of religion or of any priest, preacher, minister, or
other religious teacher, or dignitary, as such except when such priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary is
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assigned to the armed forces, or to any penal institution, or government orphanaqe or leprosarium”]. See
Aglipay v. Ruiz, 64 SCRA 201; Garces v Estenzo 104 SCRA 510. In Manosca v. Court of Appeals, supra., the
expropriation of the birthplace of Felix Manalo, founder of Iglesia ni Cristo, was deemed not violative of the
provision. The Supreme Court said that the attempt to give some religious perspective to the case deserves little
consideration, for what should be significant is the principal objective of, not the casual consequences that might
follow from, the exercise of the power. The practical reality that greater benefit may be derived by members of
the Iglesia ni Cristo than by most others could well be true, but such peculiar advantage still remains to be
merely incidental and secondary in nature.
Automatic reappropriation [Sec. 25 (7), Art. VI: “If, by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress shall have failed
to pass the general appropriations bill for the ensuing fiscal year, the general appropriations law for the
preceding fiscal year shall be deemed re-enacted and shall remain in force and effect until the general
appropriations bill is passed by the Congress’]..
Impoundment. The refusal by the President for whatever reason to spend funds made available by Congress. It is
the failure to spend or obligate budget authority of any type [Philconsa v. Enriquez, supra.]. This power of the
President is derived from Sec. 38 of the Administrative Code of 1987 on suspension.
Appropriation reserves. Sec. 37 of the Administrative Code authorizes the Budget Secretary to establish
reserves against appropriations to provide for contingencies and emergencies which may arise during the year.
This is merely expenditure deferral, not suspension, since the agencies concerned can still draw on the reserves
if the fiscal outlook improves.
3. Power of Taxation.
Uniformity in taxation means that persons or things belonging to the same class shall be taxed at the same rate.
It is distinguished from equality in taxation in that the latter requires the tax imposed to be determined on the
basis of the value of the property. The present Consti. Adds that the rule of taxation shall also be equitable, w/c
means that the tax burden must be imposed according to the taxpayer's capacity to pay.
Rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable. Congress shall evolve a progressive system of
Charitable institutions, etc., and all lands, building and improvements actually, directly and
exclusively used for religious, charitable or educational purposes shall be exempt from taxation [Sec.
28(3), Art. VI]. See Lladoc v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 14 SCRA 292; Province of Abra v.
Hernando, 107 SCRA 104.
All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit educational institutions used actually, directly and
exclusively for educational purposes
4. Power of Legislative Investigation [Sec. 21, Art. VI: The Senate or the House of Representatives or
any of its respective committees may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with its duly
published rules of procedure. The rights of persons appearing in or affected by such inquiries shall be
respected”]. .
Sec. 4 (b) of Executive Order No. 1, issued by President Aquino on February 28, 1986, which
provides that “no member or staff of the Commission (PCGG) shall be required to testify or produce
evidence in any judicial, legislative or administrative proceedings concerning matters within its
official cognizance” is repugnant to Sec. 21, Art. VII, of the Constitution, and is deemed repealed.
The power of Congress to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation encompasses everything that concerns
the administration of existing laws, as well as proposed or possibly needed statutes. It even extends to
government agencies created by Congress and officers whose positions are within the power of
Congress to regulate or abolish. Certainly, a mere provision of law cannot pose a limitation to the
broad power of Congress in the absence of any constitutional basis. Furthermore, Sec. 4 (b) of E.O.
No. 1, being in the nature of an immunity, is inconsistent with Art. XI, Sec. 1, of the Constitution
which states that “public office is a public trust”, as it goes against the grain of public accountability
and places PCGG members and staff beyond the reach of the courts, Congress and other
administrative bodies [Miguel v. Gordon, G.R. No. 174340, October 17, 2006].
o In aid of legislation.
In Bengzon v. Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, 203 SCRA 767, the inquiry was held not to be in aid of
legislation. The Supreme Court declared that the speech of Senator Enrile contained no suggestion of
contemplated legislation; he merely called upon the Senate to look into possible violation of Sec. 5,
RA 3019. There appears to be no intended legislation involved. Further, the issue to be investigated is
one over which jurisdiction has been acquired by the Sandiganbayan; the issue had thus been
preempted by that Court. To allow the Committee to investigate would only pose the shall be exempt
from taxes and duties [Sec. 4(3), Art. XIV]. See Abra Valley College v. Aquino, 162 SCRA 106.
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Law granting tax exemption shall be passed only with the concurrence of the majority of all the
members of Congress [Sec. 29(4), Art. VI].
Neither does the inquiry violate the petitioners’ right against self-incrimination, because the officers of
Standard Chartered Bank are not being indicted as accused in a criminal proceeding; they are merely
summoned as resource persons, or as witnesses. Likewise, they will not be possibility of conflicting
judgments, but if the Committee’s judgment is reached before the Sandiganbayan’s, the possibility
that its influence may be made to bear on the ultimate judgment of the Sandiganbayan cannot be
discounted. The SBRC’s probe and inquiry into the same justiciable controversy would be an
encroachment into the exclusive domain of judicial jurisdiction that had much earlier set in.
However, the mere filing of a criminal or an administrative complaint before a court or a quasi-
judicial body should not automatically bar the conduct of legislative inquiry, otherwise, it would be
extremely easy to subvert any intended inquiry by Congress through the convenient ploy of instituting
a criminal or an administrative complaint. Surely, the exercise of sovereign legislative authority, of
which the power of legislative inquiry is an essential component, cannot be made subordinate to a
criminal or an administrative investigation [Standard Chartered Bank v. Senate Committee on Banks,
G.R. No. 167173, December 27, 2007].
Question hour. The heads of departments may upon their own initiative, with the consent of the
President, or upon the request of either House, as the rules of each House shall provide, appear before
and be heard by such House on any matter pertaining to their departments. Written questions shall be
submitted to the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives at least three
days before their scheduled appearance. Interpellations shall not be limited to written questions, but
may cover matters related thereto. When the security of the State or the public interest so requires, the
appearance shall be conducted in executive session. [Sec. 22, Art. VI],
A distinction has to be made between the power to conduct inquiries in aid of legislation, the aim of
which is to elicit information that may be used for legislation, and the power to conduct a question
hour, the objective of which is to obtain information in pursuit of Congress’ oversight function
[Senate v. Ermita, supra.]. . i)
When Congress merely seeks to be informed on how department heads are implementing the statutes
which it has issued, its right to such information is not as imperative as that of the President to whom,
as Chief Executive, the deparment heads must give a report of their performance as a matter of duty.
In such instances, Art. VI, Sec. 22, in keeping with the doctrine of separation of powers, states that
Congress may only request the appearance of department heads, who may appear with subjected to
any penalty by reason of their testimony [Standard Chartered Bank v. Senate Committee on Banks,
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5. Power to punish contempt. Punishment of contumacious witness may include imprisonment, for the
duration of the session. The Senate, being a continuing body, may order imprisonment for an
indefinite period, but principles of due process and equal protection will have to be considered. See
Arnault v. Nazareno, 87 Phil 29; Arnault v. Balagtas, 97 Phil 358.
In Miguel v. Gordon, supra., the Supreme Court underscored the indispensability and usefulness of
the power of contempt in a legislative inquiry. Sec. 21, Art. VI, grants the power of inquiry not only to
the Senate and the House of Representatives, but also to their respective committees. Clearly, there is
a direct conferral of the power to the committees. A reasonable conclusion is that the conferral of the
legislative power of inquiry upon any committee of Congress must carry with it all powers necessary
and proper for its effective discharge.
In the exercise of this power, Congress may validly delegate the initial determination of the
authenticity and due execution of the certificates of canvass to a Joint Congressional Committee,
composed of members of the House of Representatives and of the Senate. The creation of the Joint
Committee does not constitute grave abuse and cannot be said to have deprived petitioner and the
other members of Congress of their congressional prerogatives, because under the very Rules under
attack, the decisions and final report of the said Committee shall be subject to the approval of the joint
session of Congress, the two Houses voting separately [Ruy Elias Lopez v. Senate of the Philippines,
G.R. No. 163556, June 8, 2004],
Even after Congress has adjourned its regular session, it may continue to perform this constitutional
duty of canvassing the presidential and vice-presidential election results without need of any call for a
special session by the President. The joint public session of both Houses of Congress convened by
express directive of Sec. 4, Article VII of the Constitution to canvass the votes for and to proclaim the
newly-elected President and Vice President has not, and cannot, adjourn sine die until it has
accomplished its constitutionally mandated tasks. For only when a board of canvassers
However, when the inquiry in which Congress requires their appearance is “in aid of legislation”
under Sec. 21, the appearance is mandatory. When Congress exercises its power of inquiry, the only
way for department heads to exempt themselves therefrom is by a valid claim of executive privilege.
They are not exempt by the mere fact that they are department heads. Only one executive official may
be exempted from this power — the President — on whom executive power is vested, hence, beyond
the reach of Congress except through the power of impeachment.
Thus, the requirement for Cabinet Members to secure Presidential consent under Sec. 1 of E.O. 464,
which is limited only to appearances in the question hour, is valid on its face. It cannot, however, be
applied to appearances of deparment heads in inquiries in aid of legislation. Congress is not bound in
such instances to respect the refusal of the department head to appear in such inquiry, unless a valid
claim of privilege is subsequently made either by the President herself or by the Executive Secretary,
acting for the President. [Senate v. Ermita, supra.]
6. War powers. By a vote of 2/3 of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting separately, declare the
existence of a state of war [Sec. 23(1), Art. VI]..
7. Power to act as Board of Canvassers in election of President [Sec. 4, Art. VII]. has completed its
functions is it rendered functus officio [Pimentel v. Joint Committee of Congress, G.R. No. 163783,
June 22, 2004],
8. Power to call a special election for President and Vice President [Sec. 10, Art. VII].
9. Power to judge President’s physical fitness to discharge the functions of the Presidency [Sec. 11,
Art. VII],
10. Power to revoke or extend suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or declaration of
martial law [Sec. 18, Art. VII].
11. Power to concur in Presidential amnesties. Concurrence of majority of all the members of
Congress [Sec. 19, Art. VII],
12. Power to concur in treaties or international agreements. Concurrence of at least 2/3 of all the
members of the Senate [Sec. 21, Art. VII]. See Commissioner of Customs v. Eastern Sea Trading, 3
SCR A 351.
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Nominations made by the President under Sec. 16, Art. VII, confirmed by Commission on
16. Power to propose amendments to the Constitution [Secs. 1 and 2, Art XVII].
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o This case was prompted by the enactment of Batas Pambansa Blg. 885, An Act Creating a New
Province in the Island of Negros to be known as the Province of Negros del Norte, effective Dec. 3,
1985. (Cities of Silay, Cadiz and San Carlos and the municipalities of Calatrava, Taboso, Escalante,
Sagay, Manapla, Victorias, E.R. Magalona, and Salvador Benedicto. Pursuant to and in
implementation of this law, the COMELEC scheduled a plebiscite for January 3, 1986. Petitioners
opposed, filing a case for Prohibition and contending that the B.P. 885 is unconstitutional and not in
complete accord with the Local Government Code because: (1) The voters of the parent province of
Negros Occidental, other than those living within the territory of the new province of Negros del
Norte, were not included in the plebiscite and (2) The area which would comprise the new provinc
of Negros del Norte would only be about 2,856.56 sq. km., which is lesser than the minimum area
prescribed by the governing statute
o Under Article XI, Sec. 3 of the Consititution, which states that "Sec. 3. No province, city,
municipality or barrio may be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially
altered except in accordance with the criteria established in the Local Government Code, and
subject to the approval by a majority of the votes in a plebiscite in the unit or units affected." In
interpreting the above provision, the Supreme Court held that whenever a province is created,
divided or merged and there is substantial alteration of the boundaries, "the approval of a majority
of votes in the plebiscite in the unit or units affected" must first be obtained. The creation of the
proposed new province of Negros del Norte will necessarily result in the division and alteration of
the existing boundaries of Negros Occidental.
explicitly ruled in Ang Bagong Bayani-OFW Labor Party v. Commission on Elections, “the
enumeration of marginalized and under-represented sectors is not exclusive”. The crucial element is
not whether a sector is specifically enumerated, but whether a particular organization complies with
the requirements of the Constitution and RA 7941. Our Constitution provides in Article III, Section
5 that “[n]o law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof.” At bottom, what our non-establishment clause calls for is “government neutrality
in religious matters.” Clearly, “governmental reliance on religious justification is inconsistent with
this policy of neutrality.” We thus find that it was grave violation of the non-establishment clause
for the COMELEC to utilize the Bible and the Koran to justify the exclusion of Ang Ladlad. Be it
noted that government action must have a secular purpose.
court still stand a chance to make it to the 2013 party-list race as the high court ordered the poll
body to determine “whether petitioners are qualified to register under the party-list system and to
participate in the 13 May 2013 party-list elections” under the new parameters set forth in the
Decision. The rest, meaning, the 13 other petitions, were remanded to the poll body merely for
purposes of determining whether they may be granted accreditation under the new parameters but
may not participate in the May 2013 elections.
o New parameters set forth in the Decision on who may participate in the May 2013 party-list
race and subsequent party-list elections. The Decision identified three groups that may
participate in the party-list system: (1) national parties or organizations, (2) regional parties or
organizations, and (3) sectoral parties or organizations. On the part of national parties or
organizations and regional parties or organizations which intend to participate in the party-list race,
the new guidelines state that these parties “do not need to organize along sectoral lines and do not
need to represent any ‘marginalized or underrepresented sector.'” As for political parties, they may
participate in the party-list race by registering under the party-list system and no longer field
congressional candidates. These parties, if they field congressional candidates, however, are not
barred from participating in the party-list elections; what they need to do is register their sectoral
wing or party under the party-list system. This sectoral wing shall be considered an “independent
sectoral party” linked to a political party through a coalition.
o The high court held that purely sectoral parties or organizations may either represent “marginalized
and underrepresented” constituencies or those “lacking well-defined political constituencies.” The
high court went on to enumerate “marginalized and underrepresented” sectors, as follows: labor,
peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, handicapped, veterans, and
overseas workers. The sectors that lack “well-defined political constituencies” include
professionals, the elderly, women, and the youth.
number out of a total or aggregate, it simply “means the number greater than half or more than half
of any total.” The plain and unambiguous words of the subject constitutional clause simply mean
that the Senate President must obtain the votes of more than one half of all the senators. Not by any
construal does it thereby delineate who comprise the “majority,” much less the “minority,” in the
said body. And there is no showing that the framers of our Constitution had in mind other than the
usual meanings of these terms.
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o Casco Chemical Co., which is engaged in the manufacture of synthetic resin glues used in bonding
lumber and veneer by plywood and hardwood producers, bought foreign exchange for the
importation of urea and formaldehyde which are the main raw materials in the production of the
said glues. They paid P33,765.42 in November and December 1949 and P6345.72 in May 1960.
Prior thereto, the petitioner sought the refund of the first and second sum relying upon Resolution
No. 1529 of the Monetary Board of said bank, dated November 3, 1959, declaring that the separate
importation of urea and formaldehyde is exempt from said fee. The Auditor of the Bank, Pedro
Gimenez, refused to pass in audit and approve the said refund on the ground that the exemption
granted by the board in not in accord with the provision of section 2 of RA 2609.
o Urea and formaldehyde are not exempt by law from the payment of the margin fee. Urea
formaldehyde is clearly a finished product which is distinct from urea and formaldehyde. The
petitioner’s contends that the bill approved in Congress contained the conjunction “and” between
the terms “urea” and “formaldehyde” separately as essential elements in the manufacture of “urea
formaldehyde” and not the latter. But this is not reflective of the view of the Senate and the intent of
the House of Representatives in passing the bill. If there has been any mistake in the printing of the
bill before it was passed the only remedy is by amendment or curative legislation, not by judicial
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o To allow petitioner a retirement gratuity computed on the basis of P32,000.00 per annum would be
a subtle way of increasing his compensation during his term of office and of achieving indirectly
what he could not obtain directly. Ligot’s claim cannot be sustained as far as he and other members
of Congress similarly situated whose term of office ended on December 30, 1969 are concerned for
the simple reason that a retirement gratuity or benefit is a form of compensation within the purview
of the Constitutional provision limiting their compensation and “other emoluments” to their salary
as provided by law. To grant retirement gratuity to members of Congress whose terms expired on
December 30, 1969 computed on the basis of an increased salary of P32,000.00 per annum (which
they were prohibited by the Constitution from receiving during their term of office) would be to pay
them prohibited emoluments which in effect increase the salary beyond that which they were
permitted by the Constitution to receive during their incumbency. As stressed by the Auditor-
General in his decision in the similar case of petitioner’s colleague, ex-Congressman Singson,
“(S)uch a scheme would contravene the Constitution for it would lead to the same prohibited result
by enabling administrative authorities to do indirectly what cannot be done directly.”
Codilla’s name remained in the list of candidates and was voted for. In fact, he garnered the highest
number of votes. However, his proclamation as winner was suspended by order of the Comelec.
After hearing of his disqualification case, he was found guilty and ordered disqualified. Codilla’s
votes being considered stray, Locsin was thus proclaimed as the duly elected Representative and
subsequently took her oath of office. Codilla then filed a timely Motion for Reconsideration with
the Comelec and also sought the annulment of Locsin’s proclamation.
o If the validity of the proclamation is the core issue of the disqualification case, the proclamation of
the candidate cannot divest Comelec en banc of its jurisdiction to review its validity. Ministerial
duty of the House to administer oath of office to the winning candidate. In Puzon vs. Cua, even the
HRET ruled that the “doctrinal ruling that once a proclamation has been made and a candidate-elect
has assumed office, it is this Tribunal that has jurisdiction over an election contest involving
members of the House of Representatives, could not have been immediately applicable due to the
issue regarding the validity of the very COMELEC pronouncements themselves.” This is because
the HRET has no jurisdiction to review resolutions or decisions of the COMELEC, whether issued
by a division or en banc.
retain or deduct appropriations for whatever reason. Impoundment is actually prohibited by the
GAA unless there will be an unmanageable national government budget deficit (which did not
happen). Nevertheless, there’s no impoundment in the case at bar because what’s involved in the
DAP was the transfer of funds. he transfers made through the DAP were unconstitutional. It is true
that the President (and even the heads of the other branches of the government) are allowed by the
Constitution to make realignment of funds, however, such transfer or realignment should only be
made “within their respective offices”. Thus, no cross-border transfers/augmentations may be
allowed. But under the DAP, this was violated because funds appropriated by the GAA for the
Executive were being transferred to the Legislative and other non-Executive agencies. Further,
transfers “within their respective offices” also contemplate realignment of funds to an existing
project in the GAA. Under the DAP, even though some projects were within the Executive, these
projects are non-existent insofar as the GAA is concerned because no funds were appropriated to
them in the GAA. Although some of these projects may be legitimate, they are still non-existent
under the GAA because they were not provided for by the GAA. As such, transfer to such projects
is unconstitutional and is without legal basis. These DAP transfers are not “savings” contrary to
what was being declared by the Executive. Under the definition of “savings” in the GAA, savings
only occur, among other instances, when there is an excess in the funding of a certain project once
it is completed, finally discontinued, or finally abandoned. The GAA does not refer to “savings” as
funds withdrawn from a slow moving project. Thus, since the statutory definition of savings was
not complied with under the DAP, there is no basis at all for the transfers. Further, savings should
only be declared at the end of the fiscal year. But under the DAP, funds are already being
withdrawn from certain projects in the middle of the year and then being declared as “savings” by
the Executive particularly by the DBM. Unprogrammed funds from the GAA cannot be used as
money source for the DAP because under the law, such funds may only be used if there is a
certification from the National Treasurer to the effect that the revenue collections have exceeded the
revenue targets. In this case, no such certification was secured before unprogrammed funds were
used. The Doctrine of Operative Fact, which recognizes the legal effects of an act prior to it being
declared as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, is applicable. The DAP has definitely helped
stimulate the economy. It has funded numerous projects. If the Executive is ordered to reverse all
actions under the DAP, then it may cause more harm than good. The DAP effects can no longer be
undone. The beneficiaries of the DAP cannot be asked to return what they received especially so
that they relied on the validity of the DAP. However, the Doctrine of Operative Fact may not be
applicable to the authors, implementers, and proponents of the DAP if it is so found in the
appropriate tribunals (civil, criminal, or administrative) that they have not acted in good faith.
therefore abandon its ruling in Philconsa. The Court also points out that respondents have failed to
substantiate their position that the identification authority of legislators is only of recommendatory
import. The 2013 PDAF Article violates the principle of non-delegability since legislators are
effectively allowed to individually exercise the power of appropriation, which, as settled
in Philconsa, is lodged in Congress. The power to appropriate must be exercised only through
legislation, pursuant to Section 29(1), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which states: “No money
shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law.” The power
of appropriation, as held by the Court in Bengzon v. Secretary of Justice and Insular Auditor,
involves (a) setting apart by law a certain sum from the public revenue for (b) a specified
purpose. Under the 2013 PDAF Article, individual legislators are given a personal lump-sum
fund from which they are able to dictate (a) how much from such fund would go to (b) a specific
project or beneficiary that they themselves also determine. Since these two acts comprise the
exercise of the power of appropriation as described in Bengzon, and given that the 2013 PDAF
Article authorizes individual legislators to perform the same, undoubtedly, said legislators
have been conferred the power to legislate which the Constitution does not, however, allow.
egarding the Malampaya Fund: The phrase “and for such other purposes as may be hereafter
directed by the President” under Section 8 of PD 910 constitutes an undue delegation of legislative
power insofar as it does not lay down a sufficient standard to adequately determine the limits
of the President’s authority with respect to the purpose for which the Malampaya Funds may
be used. As it reads, the said phrase gives the President wide latitude to use the Malampaya Funds
for any other purpose he may direct and, in effect, allows him to unilaterally appropriate public
funds beyond the purview of the law. That the subject phrase may be confined only to “energy
resource development and exploitation programs and projects of the government” under the
principle of ejusdem generis, meaning that the general word or phrase is to be construed to include
– or be restricted to – things akin to, resembling, or of the same kind or class as those specifically
mentioned, is belied by three (3) reasons: first, the phrase “energy resource development and
exploitation programs and projects of the government” states a singular and general class and
hence, cannot be treated as a statutory reference of specific things from which the general phrase
“for such other purposes” may be limited; second, the said phrase also exhausts the class it
represents, namely energy development programs of the government; and, third, the Executive
department has used the Malampaya Funds for non-energy related purposes under the
subject phrase, thereby contradicting respondents’ own position that it is limited only to “energy
resource development and exploitation programs and projects of the government.”
Agustin. Fabian tried to terminate their relationship, but Agustin refused and resisted her attempts
to do so to the extent of employing acts of harassment, intimidation and threats. She eventually filed
an administrative case against Agustin which eventually led an appeal to the Ombudsman but the
Ombudsman, Aniano Desierto, inhibited himself. But the case was later referred to the deputy
Ombudsman, Jesus Guerrero. Fabian elevated the case to the SC, arguing that Section 27 of
Republic Act No. 6770 (Ombudsman Act of 1989) that all administrative disciplinary cases, orders,
directives or decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman may be appealed to the Supreme Court by
filing a petition for certiorari within ten (10) days from receipt of the written notice of the order,
directive or decision or denial of the motion for reconsideration in accordance with Rule 45 of the
Rules of Court.
o Section 27 of Republic Act No. 6770 cannot validly authorize an appeal to this Court from
decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman in administrative disciplinary cases. It consequently
violates the proscription in Section 30, Article VI of the Constitution against a law which increases
the Appellate jurisdiction of this Court. No countervailing argument has been cogently presented to
justify such disregard of the constitutional prohibition which, as correctly explained in First
Leparto Ceramics, Inc. vs. The Court of Appeals, et al. was intended to give this Court a measure of
control over cases placed under its appellate Jurisdiction. Otherwise, the indiscriminate enactment
of legislation enlarging its appellate jurisdiction would unnecessarily burden the Court.
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o The Lung Center of the Philippines is a charitable institution. To determine whether an enterprise is
a charitable institution or not, the elements which should be considered include the statute creating
the enterprise, its corporate purposes, its constitution and by-laws, the methods of administration,
the nature of the actual work performed, that character of the services rendered, the indefiniteness
of the beneficiaries and the use and occupation of the properties. However, under the Constitution,
in order to be entitled to exemption from real property tax, there must be clear and unequivocal
proof that (1) it is a charitable institution and (2)its real properties are ACTUALLY, DIRECTLY
and EXCLUSIVELY used for charitable purposes. While portions of the hospital are used for
treatment of patients and the dispensation of medical services to them, whether paying or non-
paying, other portions thereof are being leased to private individuals and enterprises. Exclusive is
defined as possessed and enjoyed to the exclusion of others, debarred from participation or
enjoyment. If real property is used for one or more commercial purposes, it is not exclusively used
for the exempted purposes but is subject to taxation.
legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting conditions which the
legislation is intended to affect or change; and when it does not possess the required information,
recourse must be had on others who possess it. This power is broad enough to cover officials of the
executive branch. The operation of the government is a proper subject for investigation, as held in
Arnault case. Although the inquiry is in aid of legislation, there are still recognized exemptions to
the power of inquiry, which fall under the rubric of ‘executive privilege’. It is defined by Schwartz
as “the power of the government to withhold information from the public, the courts and the
Congress.” (e.g. state secret privilege, informer’s privilege, generic privilege). Executive privilege,
whether asserted against Congress, the courts, or the public, is recognized only in relation to certain
types of information of a sensitive character. While executive privilege is a constitutional concept, a
claim thereof may be valid or not depending on the ground invoked to justify it and the context in
which it is made. Noticeably absent is any recognition that executive officials are exempt from the
duty to disclose information by the mere fact of being executive officials. Indeed, the extraordinary
character of the exemptions indicates that the presumption inclines heavily against executive
secrecy and in favor of disclosure.
o A distinction was made between inquiries in aid of legislation and the question hour. While
attendance was meant to be discretionary in the question hour, it was compulsory in inquiries in aid
of legislation. These are two distinct functions of the legislature. Sec. 21 and 22 while closely
related does not pertain to the same power of the Congress. One specifically relates to the power to
conduct inquiries in aid of legislation with the aim of eliciting information that may be used in
legislation while the other pertains to the power to conduct a question hour, the objective of which
is to obtain information in pursuit of Congress’ oversight function. Hence, the oversight function of
Congress may only be facilitated by compulsory process only to the extent that it is performed in
pursuit of legislation. When Congress exercises its power of inquiry, the only way for the
department heads to exempt themselves therefrom is by a valid claim of privilege, and not by the
mere fact that they are department heads. Only one executive official may be exempted from this
power – the president on whom the executive power is vested, hence beyond the reach of the
Congress except by the power of impeachment. Members of SC are likewise exempt from this
power of inquiry. This is on the basis of separation of powers and fiscal autonomy, as well as the
constitutional independence of the judiciary.
Sandiganbayan pursuant to RA 1379. Before the case was set for pre-trial, a General Agreement
and the Supplemental Agreement dated December 28, 1993 were executed by the Marcos children
and then PCGG Chairman Magtanggol Gunigundo for a global settlement of the assets of the
Marcos family
o RA 1379 raises the prima facie presumption that a property is unlawfully acquired, hence subject to
forfeiture, if its amount or value is manifestly disproportionate to the official salary and other lawful
income of the public officer who owns it. The following facts must be established in order that
forfeiture or seizure of the Swiss deposits may be effected: (1) ownership by the public officer of
money or property acquired during his incumbency, whether it be in his name or otherwise, and
(2) the extent to which the amount of that money or property exceeds, i. e., is grossly
disproportionate to, the legitimate income of the public officer. (3) that the said amount is
manifestly out of proportion to his salary as such public officer or employee and to his other lawful
income and the income from legitimately acquired property.
o The Swiss deposits which were transferred to and are now deposited in escrow at the Philippine
National Bank in the estimated aggregate amount of US$658,175,373.60 as of January 31, 2002,
plus interest, are hereby forfeited in favor of petitioner Republic of the Philippines
Legal distinction between EDSA People Power I EDSA People Power II:
exercise of people power of freedom of speech
exercise of the people power of and freedom of assemblyto petition the
revolution which overthrew the whole government for redress of grievances which
government. only affected the office of the President.
extra constitutional and the legitimacy of the intra constitutional and the resignation of the
new government that resulted from it cannot be sitting President that it caused and the
the subject of judicial review succession of the Vice President as President are
subject to judicial review.
presented a political question; involves legal questions.
The cases at bar pose legal and not political questions. The principal issues for resolution require the proper
interpretation of certain provisions in the 1987 Constitution: Sec 1 of Art II, and Sec 8 of Art VII, and the
allocation of governmental powers under Sec 11 of Art VII. The issues likewise call for a ruling on the scope of
presidential immunity from suit. They also involve the correct calibration of the right of petitioner against
prejudicial publicity.
o Elements of valid resignation: (a)an intent to resign and (b) acts of relinquishment. Both were present when President
Estrada left the Palace. Totality of prior contemporaneous posterior facts and circumstantial evidence— bearing
material relevant issues—President Estrada is deemed to have resigned— constructive resignation.
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Class of: Atty. Roberto Rafael Pulido
Registered voter
The six-year term of the incumbent President and Vice President elected in the February 7, 1986 election
is, for purposes of synchronization of elections, extended to noon of June 30, 1992 [Sec. 5, Art. XVIII],
See Osmena v. Comelec, 199 SCRA 750.
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conducting an official canvass of the votes cast for the President and Vice-President, the
Comelec is, with more reason, prohibited from making an “unofficial” canvass of said votes
[Brillantes v. Comelec, G.R. No. 163193, June 15, 2004].
Oath of Office
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and conscientiously fulfill my duties as
President (or Vice-President or Acting President) of the Philippines, preserve and defend its
Constitution, execute its laws, do justice to every man, and consecrate to myself to the service
of the Nation. So help me God." (In case of affirmation, last sentence will be omitted.)
1. Official residence.
2. Salary. Determined by law; shall not be decreased during tenure. No increase shall take effect
until after the expiration of the term of the incumbent during which such increase was
3. Immunity from suit. In Soliven v. Makasiar, 167 SCRA 393, it was held that while the
President is immune from suit, she may not be prevented from instituting suit. See also In Re:
Bermudez, 145 SCRA 160. In Forbes v. Chuoco Tiaco, 16 Phil 534, the Supreme Court said
that the President is immune from civil liability. After his tenure, the Chief Executive cannot
invoke immunity from suit for civil damages arising out of acts done by him while he was
President which were not performed in the exercise of official duties [Estrada v. Desierto,
G.R. Nos. 146710-15, March 02, 2001].
Executive Privilege.
It has been defined as “the right of the President and high-level executive branch officials to
withhold information from Congress, the courts, and ultimately, the public”. Thus, presidential
conversations, correspondences, or discussions during closed-door Cabinet meetings, like the
internal deliberations of the Supreme Court and other collegiate courts, or executive sessions
of either House of Congress, are recognized as confidential. This kind of information cannot
be pried open by a co-equal branch of government [Senate v. Ermita, G.R. No. 169777, April
20, 2006], The claim of executive privilege is highly recognized in cases where the subject of
the inquiry relates to a power textually committed by the Constitution to the President, such as
in the area of military and foreign relations. Under our Constitution, the President is the
repository of the commander-in-chief, appointing, pardoning and diplomatic powers.
Consistent with the doctrine of separation of powers, the information relating to these powers
may enjoy greater confidentiality than others [Neri v. Senate Committees, G.R. No. 180843,
March 25, 2008],
However, the privilege being, by definition, an exemption from the obligation to disclose
information (in this case to Congress), the necessity for withholding the information must be of
such a high degree as the public interest in enforcing that obligation in a particular case. In
light of this highly exceptional nature of the privilege, the Court finds it essential to limit to the
President (and to the Executive Secretary, by order of the President) the power to invoke the
privilege [Senate v. Ermita, supra.].
In Neri, a majority of the members of the Supreme Court upheld the refusal of the petitioner to
answer the three questions asked during the Senate inquiry because the information sought by
the three questions are properly covered by the presidential communications privilege, and
executive privilege w,as validly claimed by the President, through the Executive Secretary.
First, the communications relate to a “quintessential and non-delegable power” (the power to
enter into an executive agreement with other countries) of the President; second, the
communications were received by a close advisor of the President, Secretary Neri being a
member of the Cabinet and by virtue of the “proximity test”, he is covered by executive
privilege; and third, there was no adequate showing by the respondents of the compelling need
for the information as to justify the limitation of the privilege, nor was there a showing of the
unavailability of the information elsewhere by an appropriate investigating authority.
Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, shall not hold any other office or employment
The President
o The President can assume a Cabinet post, (because the departments are mere
extensions of his personality, according to the Doctrine of Qualified Political
Agency, so no objection can be validly raised based on Art. VII, Sec. 13.).
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In Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, 194 SCRA 317, the Supreme Court declared as
unconstitutional Executive Order No. 284 which allowed Cabinet members to hold two other
offices in government, in direct contravention of Sec. 13, Art. VII. The prohibition on the
President and his official family is all-embracing and covers both public and private office
employment, not being qualified by the phrase “in the Government” x x x This is proof of the
intent of the Constitution to treat them as a class by itself and to impose upon said class stricter
This prohibition must not, however, be construed as applying to posts occupied by the
Executive officials without additional compensation in an ex-officio capacity, as provided by
law and as required by the primary functions of the said officials’ office. The reason is that
these posts do not comprise “any other office” within the contemplation of the constitutional
prohibition, but properly an imposition of additional duties and functions on said officials. To
illustrate, the Secretary of Transportation and Communications is the ex-officio Chairman of
the Board of the Philippine Ports Authority and the Light Rail Transit Authority. The ex-officio
position being actually and in legal contemplation part of the principal office, it follows that
the official concerned has no right to receive additional compensation for his services in said
The reason is that these services are already paid for and covered by the compensation attached
to the principal office [National Amnesty Commission v. CO A, G.R. No. 156982, September 8,
Rules on Succession
1. Vacancy at the beginning of the term.
Death or permanent disability of the President-elect: Vice President-elect shall
become President.
President-elect fails to qualify: Vice President-elect shall act as President until the
President-elect'shall have qualified.
President shall not have been chosen: Vice President-elect shall act as President until
a President shall have been chosen and qualified.
No President and Vice President chosen nor shall have qualified, or both shall have
died or become permanently disabled: The President of the Senate or, in case of his
inability, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall act as President until a
President or a Vice President shall have been chosen and qualified. In the event of
inability of the officials mentioned, Congress shall, by law, provide for the manner
in which one who is to act as President shall be selected until a President or a Vice
President shall have qualified.
Temporary Disability.
1. When President transmits to the Senate President and the Speaker of the
House his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and
duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to
the contrary: such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice
President as Acting President.
2. When a majority of all the Members of the Cabinet transmit to the Senate
President and the Speaker their written declaration that the President is
unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President
shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting
President, x x x Thereafter, when the President transmits to the Senate
President and Speaker his written declaration that no inability exists, he
shall reassume the powers and duties of his office. Meanwhile, should a
majority of the Members of the Cabinet transmit within 5 days to the
Senate President and Speaker their written declaration that the President is
unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, Congress shall
decide the issue. For this purpose, Congress shall convene, if not in
session, within 48 hours. And if, within 10 days from receipt of the last
written declaration or, if not in session, within 12 days after it is required
to assemble, Congress determines by a 2/3 vote of both Houses, voting
separately, that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties
of his office, the Vice President shall act as President; otherwise, the
President shall continue exercising the powers and duties of his office.
3. Constitutional duty of Congress in case of vacancy in the offices of President and Vice
President: At 10 o’clock in the morning of the 3rd day after the vacancy occurs, Congress shall
convene without need of a call, and within 7 days enact a law calling for a special election to
elect a President and a Vice President to be held not earlier than 45 nor later than 60 days from
the time of such call. The bill shall be deemed certified and shall become law upon its approval
on third reading by Congress, x x x The convening of Congress cannot be suspended nor the
special election postponed, x x x No special election shall be called if the vacancy occurs
within 18 months before the date of the next presidential election.
2002, the Supreme Court said that as the administrative head of the government, the
President is vested with the power to execute, administer and carry out laws into
practical operation. Executive power, then, is the power of carrying out the laws into
practical operation and enforcing their due observance
In Villena v. Secretary of the Interior, 67 Phil 451, and in Planas v. Gil, 67 Phil 62,
the Supreme Court declared that the President of the Philippines is the Executive of
the Government of the Philippines and no other, and that all executive authority is
thus vested in him. [This is in keeping with the rule announced in Myers v. United
States, 272 U.S. 52, that the specific grant of executive powers is not inclusive but is
merely a limitation upon the general grant of executive power.] However, in Lacson
v. Roque, 92 Phil 456, and in Mondano v. Silvosa, 97 Phil 143, the Supreme Court
opted for a stricter interpretation of executive power, e.g., the President’s power of
general supervision over local governments could be exercised by him only as may
be provided by law. See Marcos v. Manglapus, 177 SCRA 668, on certain “residual
powers” of the President of the Philippines.
It is not for the President to determine the validity of a law since this is a question
addressed to the judiciary. Thus, until and unless a law is declared unconstitutional,
the President has a duty to execute it regardless of his doubts on its validity. A
contrary opinion would allow him to negate the will of the legislature and to
encroach upon the prerogatives of the Judiciary.
Appointments, classified.
Permanent or temporary. Permanent appointments are those extended to persons
possessing the qualifications and the requisite eligibility and are thus protected by
the constitutional guarantee of security of tenure. Temporary appointments are given
to persons without such eligibility, revocable at will and without the necessity of just
cause or a valid investigation; made on the understanding that the appointing power
has not yet decided on a permanent appointee and that the temporary appointee may
be replaced at any time a permanent choice is made.
In Binamira v. Garrucho, 188 SCRA 154, it was held that where a person
is merely designated and not appointed, the implication is that he shall
hold the office only in a temporary capacity and may be replaced at will by
the appointing authority. In this sense, a designation is considered only an
acting or temporary appointment which does not confer security of tenure
on the person named.
In Soriano v. Lista, G.R. No. 153881, March 24, 2003, the Supreme Court said that
because the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is no longer part of the Philippine Navy
or the Armed Forces of the Philippines, but is now under the Department of
Transporation and Communications (DOTC), a civilian agency, the promotion and
appointment of respondent officers of the PCG will not require confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments. Obviously, the clause “officers of the armed forces
from the rank of colonel or naval captain” refers to military officers alone.
The second sentence of Sec. 16, VII, states that he shall also appoint [a] All other officers of
the Government whose appointments are not otherwise provided by law; and [b] Those whom
he may be authorized by law to appoint.
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In Mary Concepcion Bautista v. Salonga, 172 SCRA 16, the Supreme Court held that
the appointment of the Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights is not
otherwise provided for in the Constitution or in the law. Thus, there is no necessity
for such appointment to be passed upon by the Commission on Appointments. In
Calderon v. Carale, 208 SCRA 254, Article 215 of the Labor Code, as amended by
R.A. 6715, insofar as it requires confirmation by the Commission on Appointments
of the appointment of the NLRC Chairman and commissioners, is unconstitutional,
because it violates Sec. 16,Art. VII. Infact, inManalov. Sistoza, G.R. No.
107369,August 11,1999, the Supreme Court said that Congress cannot, by law,
require the confirmation of appointments of government officials other than those
enumerated in the first sentence of Sec. 16, Art. VII.
In Tarrosa v. Singson, supra., the Court denied the petition for prohibition filed by
the petitioner as a “taxpayer” questioning the appointment of Gabriel Singson as
Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas for not having been confirmed by the
Commission on Appointments as provided in RA 7653, calling attention to its ruling
in Calderon v. Carale. The petition was dismissed, however, primarily on the ground
that it was in the nature of a quo warranto proceeding, which can be commenced
only by the Solicitor General or by “a person claiming to be entitled to a public
office or position unlawfully held or exercised by another”.
In Rufino v. Endriga, G.R. No. 113956, July 21, 2006, the Supreme Court declared
that a statute cannot circumvent the constitutional provisions on the power of
appointment by filling vacancies in a public office through election by the co-
workers in that office. This manner of filling vacancies in public office has no
constitutional basis. Thus, because the challenged section of the law is
unconstitutional, it is the President who shall appoint the trustees, by virtue of Sec.
16, Art. VII of the Constitution which provides that the President has the power to
appoint officers whose appointments are not otherwise provided by law.
In Lacson v. Romero, 84 Phil 740,, the Supreme Court declared that an appointment is deemed
complete only upon its acceptance. Pending such acceptance, which is optional to the
appointee, the appointment may still be validly withdrawn. Appointment to a public office
cannot be forced upon any citizen except for purposes of defense of the State under Sec. 4, Art.
II, as an exception to the rule against involuntary servitude.
In Pimentel v. Ermita, G.R. No. 164978, October 13, 2005, several Senators, including
members of the Commission on Appointments, questioned the constitutionality of the
appointments issued by the President to respondents as Acting Secretaries of their respective
departments, and to prohibit them from performing the duties of Department Secretaries. In
denying the petition, the Supreme Court said that the essence of an appointment in an acting
capacity is its temporary nature. In case of a vacancy in an office occupied by an alter ego of
the President, such as the office of Department Secretary, the President must necessarily
appoint the alter ego of her choice as Acting Secretary before the permanent appointee of her
choice could assume office. Congress, through a law, cannot impose on the President the
obligation to appoint automatically the undersecretary as her temporary alter ego. An alter ego,
whether temporary or permanent, holds a position of great trust and confidence. Acting
appointments are a way of temporarily filling important offices but, if abused, they can also be
a way of circumventing the need for confirmation by the Commission on Appointments.
However, we find no abuse in the present case. The absence of abuse is readily apparent from
President Arroyo’s issuance of ad interim appointments to respondents immediately upon the
recess of Congress, way before the lapse of one year.
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[Note: The presidential power of appointment may also be limited by Congress through its power to
prescribe qualifications for public office; and the judiciary may annul an appointment made by the
President if the appointee is not qualified or has not been validly confirmed.]
3. The Power of Removal. As a general rule, the power of removal may be implied from the
power of appointment. However, the President cannot remove officials appointed by him
where the Constitution prescribes certain methods for separation of such officers from public
service, e.g., Chairmen and Commissioners of Constitutional Commissions who can be
removed only by impeachment, or judges who are subject to the disciplinary authority of the
Supreme Court. In the cases where the power of removal is lodged in the Presfdent, the same
may be exercised only for cause as may be provided by law, and in accordance with the
prescribed administrative procedure.
Members of the career service of the Civil Service who are appointed by the
President may be directly disciplined by him [Villaluz v. Zaldivar, 15 SCRA
710], provided that the same is for cause and in accordance with the procedure
prescribed by law.
Members of the Cabinet and such officers whose continuity in office depends
upon the pleasure of the President may be replaced at any time, but legally
speaking, their separation is effected not by removal but by expiration of their
term. See Alajar v. Alba, 100 Phil 683; Aparri v. Court of Appeals, 127 SCRA
The President has the authority to carry out a reorganization of the Department of
Health under the Constitution and statutes. This authority is an adjunct of his power
of control under Art. VII, Sections 1 and 17, of the Constitution. While the power to
abolish an office is generally lodged in the legislature, the authority of the President
to reorganize the executive branch, which may incidentally include such abolition, is
permissible under present laws [Malaria Employees and Workers Association of the
Philippines (MEWAP) v. Romulo, G.R. No. 160093, July 31, 2007].
The President’s power to reorganize the executive branch is also an exercise of his
residual powers under Section 20, Title I, Book II, Executive Order No. 292
(Administrative Code of the Philippines), which grants the President broad
organization powers to implement reorganization measures. Further, Presidential
Decree No. 1772, which amended P.D. 1416, grants the President the continuing
authority to reorganize the national government which includes the power to group,
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Be that as it may, the President must exercise good faith incarrying out the
reorganization of any branch or agency of the executive department if it is for the
purpose of economy or to make bureaucracy more efficient. R.A, 6656 enumerates
the circumstances which may be considered as evidence of bad faith in the removal
of civil service employees as a result of reorganization: (a) where there is a
significant increase in the number of positions in the new staffing pattern of the
department or agency concerned; (b) where an office is abolished and another
performing substantially the same functions is created; (c) where incumbents are
replaced by those less qualified in terms of status of appointment, performance and
merit; (d) where there is a classification of offices in the department or agency
concerned and the reclassified offices perform substantially the same functions as the
original offices; and (e) where the removal violates the order of separation [MEWAP
v. Romulo, supra.].
The alter ego principle. Also known as the “doctrine of qualified political agency”.
Under this doctrine which recognizes the establishment of a single executive, all executives
and administrative organizations are adjuncts officers perform their duties, and if the latter fail
or neglect to fulfill them, then the former may take such action or steps as prescribed by law to
make them perform these duties. of the Executive Department, the heads of the various
executive departments are assistants and agents of the Chief Executive, and except in cases
where the Chief Executive is required by the Constitution or law to act in person or the
exigencies of the situation demand that he act personally, the multifarious executive and
administrative functions of the Chief Executive are performed by and through the executive
departments, and the acts of the Secretaries of such departments performed and promulgated in
the regular course of business are, unless disapproved or reprobated by the Chief Executive
presumptively the acts of the Chief Executive [DENR v. DENR Region XII Employees. G.R.
No. 149724, August 19, 2003].
The President may exercise powers conferred by law upon Cabinet members or other
subordinate executive officers [City of lligan v. Director of Lands, 158 SCRA 158; Araneta v.
Gatmaitan, 101 Phil 328], Even where the law provides that the decision of the Director of
Lands on questions of fact shall be conclusive when affirmed by the Secretary of Agriculture
and Natural Resources, the same may, on appeal to the President, be reviewed and reversed by
the Executive Secretary [Lacson-Magallanes v. Pano, 21 SCRA 895]. Thus, in Gascon v.
Arroyo, 178 SCRA 582, it was held that the Executive Secretary had the authority to enter into
the “Agreement to Arbitrate” with ABS-CBN, since he was acting on behalf of the President
who had the power to negotiate such agreement.
Applying this doctrine, the power of the President to reorganize the National Government may
validly be delegated to his Cabinet Members exercising control over a particular executive
department. Accordingly, in this case, the DENR Secretary can validly reorganize the DENR
by ordering the transfer of the DENR XII Regional Offices from Cotabato City to Koronadal,
South Cotabato. The exercise of this authority by the DENR Secretary, as an alter ego of the
President, is presumed to be the act of the President because the latter had not expressly
repudiated the same [DENR v. DENR Region XII Employees, supra.].
But even if he is an alter-ego of the President, the DECS Secretary cannot invoke the
President’s immunity from suit in a case filed against him, inasmuch as the questioned acts are
not those of the President [Gloria v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 119903, August 15, 2000].
Appeal to the President from decisions of subordinate executive officers, including Cabinet
members, completes exhaustion of administrative remedies [Tan v. Director of Forestry, 125
SCRA 302], except in the instances when the doctrine of qualified political agency applies, in
which case the decision of the Cabinet Secretary carries the presumptive approval of the
President, and there is no need to appeal the decision to the President in order to complete
exhaustion of administrative remedies [Kilusang Bayan, etc., v. Dominguez, 205 SCRA 92],
But the power of control may be exercised by the President only over the acts, not over the
actor [Angangco v. Castillo, 9 SCRA 619].
The Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) is under the control of the Office of the
President. All projects undertaken by SBMA involving P2- million or above require the
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approval of the President of the Philippines under LOI 620 [Hutchinson Ports Phils, Ltd. V.
SBMA, G.R. No. 131367, August 31, 2000] .
5. The President exercises only the power of general supervision over local governments
[Sec. 4, Art. X], i)
On the President’s power of general supervision, however, the President can only interfere in
the affairs and activities of a local government unit if he or she finds that the latter had acted
contrary to law. The President or any of his alter egos, cannot interfere in local affairs as long
as the concerned local government unit acts within the parameters of the law and the
Constitution. Any directive, therefore, by the President or any of his alter egos seeking to alter
the wisdom of a law-conforming judgment on local affairs of a local government unit is a
patent nullity, because it violates the principle of local autonomy, as well as the doctrine of
separation of powers of the executive and the legislative departments in governing municipal
corporations [Judge Dadole v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 125350. December 3, 2002].
Sec. 187, R.A. 7160, which authorizes the Secretary of Justice to review the constitutionality
or legality of a tax ordinance — and, if warranted, to revoke it on either or both grounds — is
valid, and does not confer the power of control over local government units in the Secretary of
Justice, as even if the latter can set aside a tax ordinance, he cannot substitute his own
judgment for that of the local government unit [Drilon v. Lim, 235 SCRA 135],
In Pimentel v. Aguirre, G.R. No. 132988, July 19, 2000, the Supreme Court held that Sec. 4,
Administrative Order No. 327, which withholds 5% of the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA)
of local government units, is unconstitutional, because the President’s power over local
governments is only one of general supervision, and not one of control. A basic feature of local
fiscal autonomy is the automatic release of LGU shares in the national internal revenue. This is
mandated by no less than the Constitution.
As Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines, the President has the
following powers:
He may call out such armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence,
invasion or rebellion.
He may suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, or
He may proclaim martial law over the entire Philippines or any part thereof.
on conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline. Gudani and Balutan
filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition, asking that the order of PGMA
preventing petitioners from testifying be declared unconstitutional, the charges for
violation of the
To call out (such) armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion or
Under the calling-out power, the President may summon the armed forces to aid her
in suppressing lawless violence, invasion or rebellion; this involves ordinary police
action. But every act that goes beyond the President’s calling-out power is
considered illegal or ultra vires. For this
Articles of War be quashed, and the respondents be permanently enjoined from proceeding
against the petitioners. The Supreme Court dismissed the petition.
The ability of the President to require a military official to secure prior consent
before appearing in Congress pertains to a wholly different and independent specie
of presidential authority — the Commander-in-Chief powers of the President. By
tradition and jurisprudence, these commander- in-chief powers are not encumbered
by the same degree of restriction as that which may attach to executive privilege or
executive control.
The vitality, of the tenet that the President is the commander-in-chief of the AFP is
most crucial to the democratic way of life, to civil supremacy over the military, and
to the general stability of our representative system of government. The Court quoted
Kapunan v. De Villa: “The Court is of the view that such is justified by the
requirements of military discipline. It cannot be gainsaid that certain liberties of
persons in the military service, including the freedom of speech, may be
circumscribed by rules of military discipline. Thus, to a certain degree, individual
rights may be curtailed, because the effectiveness of the military in fulfilling its
duties under the law depends to a large extent on the maintenance of discipline
within its ranks. Hence, lawful orders must be followed without question and rules
must be faithfully complied with, irrespective of a soldier’s personal view on the
Reason, a President must be careful in the exercise of her powers. She cannot invoke
a greater power when she wishes to act under a lesser power.
In Guanzort v. de Villa, 181 SCRA 623, the Supreme Court recognized, as part of the military
powers of the President, the conduct of “saturation drives” or “areal target zoning” by
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
In Integrated Bar of the Philippines v. Zamora, G.R. No. 141284, August 15, 2000, the
Supreme Court said that when the President calls out the armed forces to suppress lawless
violence, rebellion or invasion, he necessarily exercises a discretionary power solely vested in
his wisdom. The Court cannot overrule the President’s discretion or substitute its own. The
only criterion is that “whenever it becomes necessary”, the President may call out the armed
forces. In the exercise of the power, on-the-spot decisions may be necessary in emergency
situations to avert great loss of human lives and mass destruction of property. Indeed, the
decision to call out the armed forces must be done swiftly and decisively if it were to have any
effect at all.
In Lacson v. Perez, G.R. No. 147780. May 10, 2001, the Supreme Court said that the President
has discretionary authority to declare a “state of rebellion”. The Court may only look into the
sufficiency of the factual basis for the exercise of the power.
In Sanlakas v. Reyes, supra., it was held that the President’s authority to declare a “state of
rebellion” springs in the main from her powers as chief executive and, at the same time, draws
strength from her Commander-in-Chief powers. However, a mere declaration of a state of
rebellion cannot diminish or violate constitutionally protected rights. There is also no basis for
the apprehensions that, because of the declaration, military and police authorities may resort to
warrantless arrests. As held in Lacson v. Perez, supra., the authorities may only resort to
warrantless arrests of persons suspected of rebellion as provided under Sec. 5, Rule 113 of the
Rules of Court. Be that as it may, the Court said that, in calling out the armed forces, a
declaration of a state of rebellion is an “utter superfluity”. At most, it only gives notice to the
nation that such a state exists and that the armed forces may be called to prevent or suppress it.
“The Court finds that such a declaration is devoid of any legal significance. For all legal
intents, the declaration is deemed not written.”
It is pertinent to state that there is a distinction between the President’s authority to
declare a state of rebellion (in Sanlakas) and the authority to proclaim a state of
national emergency. While the authority to declare a state of rebellion emanates from
her powers as Chief Executive (the statutory authority being Sec. 4, Chapter 2, Book
II, Administrative Code of 1997), and the declaration was deemed harmless and
without legal significance, in declaring a state of national emergency in PP1017,
President Arroyo did not only rely on Sec. 18, Art. VII of the Constitution, but also
on Sec. 17, Art. XII of the Constitution, calling for the exercise of awesome powers
which cannot be deemed as harmless or without legal significance [David v.
Macapagal-Arroyo, supra.].
The power to organize courts martial for the discipline of themembers of the armed forces,
create military commissions for the punishment of war criminals. See Ruffy v. Chief of Staff,
75 Phil 875; Kuroda v. Jalandoni 42 0.G.4282.
But see Olaguer v. Military Commission No. 34, 150 SCRA 144, where it was held
that military tribunals cannot try civilians when civil courts are open and
functioning. In Quilona v. General Court Martial, 206 SCRA 821, the Supreme
Court held that pursuant to R.A. 6975, members of the Philippine National Police are
not within the jurisdiction of a military court.
This is made clear in Navales v. General Abaya, G.R. No. 162318. October 25, 2004,
where the Supreme Court said that in enacting R.A. 7055, the lawmakers merely
intended to return to the civilian courts jurisdiction over those offenses that have
been traditionally within their jurisdiction, but did not divest the military courts
jurisdiction over cases mandated by the Articles of War. Thus, the RTC cannot
divest the General Court Martial of jurisdiction over those charged with violations of
Art. 63 (Disrespect Toward the President, etc.), 64 (Disrespect Toward Superior
Officer), 67 (Mutiny or Sedition). 96 (Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a
Gentleman) and 97 (General Articles) of the Articles of War, as these are
specifically included as “service-connected offenses or crimes” under Sec. 1, R.A.
The Supreme Court may review, in an appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen, the sufficiency of the
factual basis of the proclamation of martial law or the suspension of the privilege of the writ or the
extension thereof, and must promulgate its decision thereon within thirty days from its filing [Sec. 18,
Art. VII]. See Lartsang v. Garcia, 42 SCRA 448.
In Gudani v. Senga, supra., on the issue of whether the court martial could still assume
jurisdiction over General Gudani who had been compulsorily retired from the service, the
Court quoted from Abadilla v. Ramos, where it was held that an officer whose name was
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dropped from the roll of officers cannot be considered to be outside the jurisdiction of military
authorities when military justice proceedings were initiated against him before the termination
of his service. Once jurisdiction has been acquired over the officer, it continues until his case is
The "privilege of the writ" is that portion of the writ requiring the detaining officer to show
cause why he should not be tested. Note that it is the privilege that is suspended, not the writ
There must be an invasion or rebellion, and
The public safety requires the suspension.
The suspension of the privilege of the writ does not impair the right to bail [Sec. 13, Art. III].
The suspension applies only to persons judicially charged for rebellion or offenses inherent in
or directly connected with invasion. During the suspension of the privilege of the writ, any
person thus arrested or detained shall be judicially charged within three days, otherwise he
shall be released.
Duration: Not to exceed sixty days, following which it shall belifted, unless extended by
Martial Law.
“A state of martial law does not suspend the operation ofthe Constitution, nor supplant the
functioning of the civil courts or legislative assemblies, nor authorize the conferment of jurisdiction
on military courts and agencies over civilians where civil courts are able to function, nor
automatically suspend the privilege of the writ” [Sec. 18, Art. VII]. The constitutional limitations
for the suspension of the privilege of the writ are likewise imposed on the proclamation of martial
b. Emergency Powers
This grant of emergency power to the President is different from the Commander-in-
Chief clause. When the President acts under the Commander-in-Chief clause, he acts
under a constitutional grant of military power, which may include the law-making power.
But when the President acts under the emergency power, he acts under a Congressional
delegation of law-making Power
The scope of the grant is such "powers necessary and proper to carry out a declared
national policy." Under the 1935 Constitution, this was construed the power to issue rules
and regulations to carry out the declared policy. The 1987 Constitution, it is submitted,
does not change the scope. "Power necessary and proper" should mean legislative power,
because Congress is only allowed to delegate legislative power, being its only inherent
power. Its other powers are only granted to it by the Constitution, and so it cannot
delegate what has only been delegated to it.
This power is (1) for a limited period, and (2) subject to such restrictions as Congress may
provide. The power ceases (a) upon being withdrawn by resolution of the Congress, or, if
Congress fails to adopt such resolution, (b) upon the next (voluntary) adjournment of
Congress. For the fact that Congress is able to meet in session uninterruptedly and
adjourn of its own will proves that the emergency no longer exists is to justify the
This rule or the termination of the grant of emergency powers is based on decided cases,
which in turn became Art. VII, Sec. 15 of the 1973 Constitution.
7. The Pardoning Power [Sec. 19, Art. VII: “Except in cases of impeachment,or as otherwise
provided in the Constitution, the President may grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons,
and remit fines and forfeitures, after conviction by final judgment. He shall also have the
power to grant amnesty with the concurrence of a majority of all the members of the
i)Pardon. An act of grace which exempts the individual on whom itis bestowed from
the punishment that the law inflicts for the crime he has committed.
ii)Commutation. Reduction or mitigation of the penalty.
iii)Reprieve. Postponement of a sentence or stay of execution.
iv)Parole. Release from imprisonment, but without full restoration ofliberty, as parolee is still
in the custody of the law although not in confinement.
v)Amnesty. Act of grace, concurred in by the legislature, usuallyextended to groups of persons
who committed political offenses, which puts into oblivion the offense itself.
Limitations on exercise:
i) Cannot be granted in cases of impeachment [Sec. 19, Art. VII].
ii) Cannot be granted in cases of violation of election laws without the favorable
recommendation of the Commission on Elections [Sec. 5, Art. IX-C].
iii) Can be granted only after conviction by final judgment. In People v. Salle, 250 SCRA 581,
reiterated in People v. Bacang, 260 SCRA 44, the Court declared that the 1987 Constitution
prohibits the grant of pardon, whether full or conditional, to an accused during the pendency of
his appeal from the judgment of conviction by the trial court. Any application for a pardon
should not be acted upon, or the process toward its grant should not begin, unless the appeal is
withdrawn. The ruling in Monsanto v. Factoran, 170 SCRA 190, which was laid down under
the 1973 Constitution, is now changed by virtue of the explicit requirement under the 1987
Constitution. In People v. Catido, G.R. No. 116512, March 7, 1997, it was held that while the
pardon was void for having been extended during the pendency of the appeal, or before
conviction by final judgment, and therefore a violation of Sec. 19, Art. VII, the grant of
amnesty, applied for by the accused-appellants under Proclamation No. 347, was valid.
iv) Cannot be granted in cases of legislative contempt (as it would violate separation of
powers), or civil contempt (as the State is without interest in the same) ,
v) Cannot absolve the convict of civil liability. See People v. Nacional, G.R. No. 11294,
September 7, 1995, where the Court said that the grant of conditional pardon and the
subsequent dismissal of the appeal did not relieve the accused of civil liability.
vi) Cannot restore public offices forfeited [Monsanto v. Factoran, supra.]. But see Sabello v.
DECS, 180 SCRA 623, where a pardoned elementary school principal, on considerations of
justice and equity, was deemed eligible for reinstatement to the same position of principal and
not to the lower position of classroom teacher. On executive clemency re: administrative
decisions, see Garcia v. Chairman, Commission on Audit, 226 SCRA 356.
Pardon Classified.
i) Plenary or partial.
ii) Absolute or conditional.
On conditional pardon, see Torres v. Gonzales, 152 SCRA 273. The rule is reiterated
in In Re: Petition for Habeas Corpus of Wilfredo S. Sumulong, supra., that a
conditional pardon is in the nature of a contract between the Chief Executive and the
convicted criminal; by the pardonee’s consent to the terms stipulated in the contract,
the pardonee has placed himself under the supervision of the Chief Executive or his
delegate who is duty bound to see to it that the pardonee complies with the
conditions of the pardon. Sec. 64 (i), Revised Administrative Code, authorizes the
President to order the arrest and re-incarceration of such person who, in his
judgment, shall fail to comply with the conditions of the pardon. And the exercise of
this Presidential judgment is beyond judicial scrutiny.
In People v. Patriarca, G,R. No. 135457, September 29, 2000, it was held that the person
released under an amnesty proclamation stands before the law precisely as though he had
committed no offense. Par. 3, Art. 89, Revised Penal Code, provides that criminal liability is
totally extinguished by amnesty; the penalty and all its effects are thus extinguished.
In Vera v. People of the Philippines, 7 SCRA 152, it was held that to avail of the benefits of an
amnesty proclamation, one must admit his guilt of the offense covered by the proclamation.
In both cases, there must be a final judgment of conviction, and the convict must be exempted
from service of sentence. But pardon is granted by the Chief Executive for any crime, while
probation is granted by the court after investigation by a probation officer only for cases where
the penalty imposed does not exceed 6 years and 1 day (prision mayor), where the crime is not
against the security of the State, where there was no previous conviction for an offense
punished by arresto mayor, and where there was no previous availment of probation.
offense with which the convict is charged that the person released stands preciselyas though he
had committed no offense. (Barrioquinto v Fernandez, infra.)
Pardon is a private act of the President w/c must be pleaded and proved by the person bec. the
courts do not take judicial notice of it; amnesty is a public act of w/c the courts take judicial
notice. (Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 1991 ed.)
Pardon does not require the concurrence of the Congress; amnesty requires such concurrence.
Does Congress have to be consulted by the President when he contracts or guarantees foreign
loans that increase the foreign debt of the country?
The affirmative view cites Art. VI, Sec. 24 which holds that all bills authorizing increase of the
public debt must originate exclusively from the House of Representatives, although the Senate
may propose or concur with amendments.
The negative, and stronger view, is that the President does not need prior approval by Congress
because the Constitution places the power to check the President's power on the Monetary
Board and not on Congress. Congress may, of course, provide guidelines for contracting or
guaranteeing foreign loans, and have these rules enforced through the Monetary Board. But
that Congress has prior approval is a totally different issue. At any rate, the present power,
which was first introduced in the 1973 Constitution, was based on RA 4860 or the Foreign
Loan Act. What used to be a statutory grant of power is now a constitutional grant which
Congress cannot take away, but only regulate
But see Bayan v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 138570, October 10, 2000, where the
Supreme Court said that the Philippine government had complied with the
Constitution in that the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) was concurred in by the
Philippine Senate, thus complying with Sec.-21, Art. VII. The Republic of the
Philippines cannot require the United States to submit the agreement to the US
Senate for concurrence, for that would be giving a strict construction to the phrase,
“recognized as a treaty”. Moreover, it is inconsequential whether the US treats the
VFA as merely an executive agreement because, under international law, an
executive agreement is just as binding as a treaty.
The budget is the plan indicating the (a) expenditures of the government, (b) sources
of financing, and (c) receipts from revenue-raising measures. This budget is the
upper limit of the appropriations bill to be passed by Congress. Through the budget,
therefore, the President reveals the priorities of the government.
However, on October 15, 1997. NAC resident auditor Elaila disallowed on audit the payment
of honoraria to these representatives for a period of December 12, 1994 to June 27, 1997, pursuant
to COA Memorandum No. 97-038 which tasked the COA “to immediately cause disallowance of
any payment of any form of additional compensation or remuneration to cabinet secretaries xxx or
their representatives, in violation of the rule on multiple positions xxx (emphasis supplied)” and this
was upheld by NGAO in September 1, 1998. Meanwhile, on April 28, 1999, the NAC passed AO
no. 2 and was approved by President Estrada allowing ex officiomembers to designate their
representatives who shall be entitled to per diems, allowances and other benefits as may be
authorized by law. Petitioner invoked Administrative Order No. 2 in assailing before the COA the
rulings of the resident auditor and the NGAO disallowing payment of honoraria to the ex
officio members’ representatives, to no avail.
o COA Memorandum No. 97-038 is merely an internal and interpretative regulation or letter of
instruction which does not need publication to be effective and valid. It is not an implementing rule
or regulation of a statute but a directive issued by the COA to its auditors to enforce the self-
executing prohibition imposed by the Constitution of multiple offices and receiving double
compensation of public officials.
bureaus and other offices under their respective jurisdictions in the executive department. The
constitutional vesture of this power in the President is self-executing and does not require statutory
implementation, nor may its exercise be limited, much less withdrawn, by the legislature.
Theoretically, the President has full control of all the members of his Cabinet and may appoint them
as he sees fit or shuffle them at pleasure, subject only to confirmation by the Commission on
Appointments, and replace them in his discretion. Once in place, they are at all times under the
disposition of the President as their immediate superior. “Without minimizing the importance of the
heads of the various departments, their personality is in reality but the projection of that of the
President. Hence, their acts, performed and promulgated in the regular course of business are,
unless disapproved or reprobated by the Chief Executive, presumptively the acts of the Chief
Executive.” (Villena v. Secretary of the Interior). In the case at bar, there is no question that when
he directed the respondent to reinstate the petitioners, Sec. Ordonez was acting in the regular
discharge of his functions as an alter ego of the President. His acts should therefore have been
respected by the respondent Director of the NBI, which is in the Department of Justice under the
direct control of its Secretary. As a subordinate in this department, the respondent was (and is)
bound to obey the Secretary’s directives, which are presumptively the acts of the President of the
o Section 1 of the AO does not violate local fiscal autonomy. Local fiscal autonomy does not rule out
any manner of national government intervention by way of supervision, in order to ensure that local
programs, fiscal and otherwise, are consistent with national goals. AO 372 is merely directory and
has been issued by the President consistent with his powers of supervision over local
governments. A directory order cannot be characterized as an exercise of the power of control. The
AO is intended only to advise all government agencies and instrumentalities to undertake cost-
reduction measures that will help maintain economic stability in the country. It does not contain
any sanction in case of noncompliance. The Local Government Code also allows the President to
interfere in local fiscal matters, provided that certain requisites are met: (1) an unmanaged public
sector deficit of the national government; (2) consultations with the presiding officers of the Senate
and the House of Representatives and the presidents of the various local leagues; (3) the
corresponding recommendation of the secretaries of the Department of Finance, Interior and Local
Government, and Budget and Management; and (4) any adjustment in the allotment shall in no case
be less than 30% of the collection of national internal revenue taxes of the third fiscal year
preceding the current one. Section 4 of AO 372 cannot be upheld. A basic feature of local fiscal
autonomy is the automatic release of the shares of LGUs in the national internal revenue. This is
mandated by the Constitution and the Local Government Code. Section 4 which orders the
withholding of 10% of the LGU’s IRA clearly contravenes the Constitution and the law.
not legislate when it exercises its power to give or withhold consent to presidential
appointments. The essence of an appointment in an acting capacity is its temporary nature. It is a
stop-gap measure intended to fill an office for a limited time until the appointment of a permanent
occupant to the office. In case of vacancy in an office occupied by an alter ego ofthe President, such
as the office of a department secretary, the President must necessarily appoint an alter ego of her
choice as acting secretary before the permanent appointee of her choice could assume
office. Congress, through a law, cannot impose on the President the obligation to appoint
automatically the undersecretary as her temporary alter ego. An alter ego, whether temporary or
permanent, holds a position of great trust and confidence. Congress, in the guise of
prescribing qualifications to an office, cannot impose on the President who her alter ego should
be. The office of a department secretary may become vacant whileCongress is in session. Since a
department secretary is the alter ego of the President, the acting appointee to the office must
necessarily have the President’s confidence. Thus, by the very nature of the office of a department
secretary, the President must appoint in an acting capacity a person of her choice even
whileCongress is in session. That person may or may not be the permanent appointee, but practical
reasons may make it expedient that the acting appointee will also be the permanent appointee.
o Ad-interim appointments must be distinguished from appointments in an acting capacity. Both of
them are effective upon acceptance. But ad-interim appointments are extended only during a recess
ofCongress, whereas acting appointments may be extended any time there is a vacancy. Moreover
ad-interim appointments are submitted to the Commission on Appointments for confirmation or
rejection; acting appointments are not submitted to the Commission on Appointments. Acting
appointments are a way of temporarily filling important offices but, if abused, they can also be a
way of circumventing the need for confirmation by the Commission on Appointments.
the public, and more often than not, flying to the agreed place of execution to sign the documents.
This sort of constitutional interpretation would negate the very existence of cabinet positions and
the respective expertise which the holders thereof are accorded and would unduly hamper the
President’s effectivity in running the government. The act of the respondents are not
o Exception
There are certain acts which, by their very nature, cannot be validated by subsequent approval or
ratification by the President. There are certain constitutional powers and prerogatives of the Chief
Executive of the Nation which must be exercised by him in person and no amount of approval or
ratification will validate the exercise of any of those powers by any other person. Such, for instance,
in his power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus and proclaim martial law and the exercise by him
of the benign prerogative of pardon (mercy). There are certain presidential powers which arise out
of exceptional circumstances, and if exercised, would involve the suspension of fundamental
freedoms, or at least call for the supersedence of executive prerogatives over those exercised by co-
equal branches of government. The declaration of martial law, the suspension of the writ of habeas
corpus, and the exercise of the pardoning power notwithstanding the judicial determination of guilt
of the accused, all fall within this special class that demands the exclusive exercise by the President
of the constitutionally vested power. The list is by no means exclusive, but there must be a showing
that the executive power in question is of similar gravitas and exceptional import.
o There is nothing to show that the reassignment of respondent is temporary. The evidence or
intention to reassign respondent had no definite period. It is violative of his security of tenure.
o Qualifications
5. The Supreme Court has administrative supervision over all inferior courts and personnel.
6. The Supreme Court has the exclusive power to discipline judges/ justices of inferior courts.
7. The members of the Judiciary have security of tenure.
8. The members of the Judiciary may not be designated to any agency performing quasi-judicial
or administrative functions.
9. Salaries of judges may not be reduced; the Judiciary enjoys fiscal autonomy.
10. The Supreme Court, alone, may initiate and promulgate the Rules of Court.
11. The Supreme Court, alone, may order temporary detail of judges.
12. The Supreme Court can appoint all officials and employees of the Judiciary
Mode of Sitting
It may sit en banc, or in its discretion, in divisions of 3, 5 or 7 members (or 5, 3 or 2
divisions). [Art. VIII, Sec. 4(1)] When the SC sits in divisions, it does not violate the
concept of a "one Supreme Court" because, according the United States v Limsiongco, 41
Phil 94 (1920), the divisions of the SC do not diminish its authority, because although it
sits in divisions, it remains and co-functions as one body. This "one Supreme Court"
doctrine is strengthened by the provision that "when the required number (in a division) is
not obtained, the case shall be decided en banc: provided, that no doctrine or principle of
law laid down by the court in a decision rendered en banc or in division may be modified
or reversed except by the court sitting en banc. [Art. VIII, Sec. 4(3)]
See SC Resolution dated February 14, 2012, “In Re: Production of Court Records and
Documents and the Attendance of Court officials and employees as witnesses under the
subpoenas of February 10, 2012 and the various letters for the Impeachment Prosecution Panel
dated January 19 and 25, 2012.”
Background: The Senate Impeachment Court (during the Impeachment Trial of Chief Justice
Corona), issued a supoena ad testificandum et duces tecum for certain documents relating to
the FASAP cases, the League of Cities cases, and Gutierrez v. House Committee on Justice, as
well as the attendance of certain court officials. The Supreme Court refused, invoking judicial
Judicial Privilege
A form of deliberative process privilege; Court records which are pre-decisional and
deliberative in nature are thus protected and cannot be the subject of a subpoena A
document is predecisional if it precedes, in temporal sequence, the decision to which
it relates.
Summary of Rules
The following are privileged documents or communications, and are not subject to disclosure:
1. Court actions such as the result of the raffle of cases and the actions taken by the Court on
each case included in the agenda of the Court’s session on acts done material to pending cases,
except where a party litigant requests information on the result of the raffle of the case,
pursuant to Rule 7, Section 3 of the Internal Rules of the Supreme Court (IRSC);
2. Court deliberations or the deliberations of the Members in court sessions on cases and matters
pending before the Court;
3. Court records which are “pre-decisional” and “deliberative” in nature, in particular, documents
and other communications which are part of or related to the deliberative process, i.e., notes,
drafts, research papers, internal discussions, internal memoranda, records of internal
deliberations, and similar papers.
Additional Rules:
1. Confidential Information secured by justices, judges, court officials and employees in the
course of their official functions, mentioned in (2) and (3) above, are privileged even after
their term of office.
2. Records of cases that are still pending for decision are privileged materials that cannot be
disclosed, except only for pleadings, orders and resolutions that have been made available by
the court to the general public.
3. The principle of comity or inter-departmental courtesy demands that the highest officials of
each department be exempt from the compulsory processes of the other departments.
4. These privileges belong to the Supreme Court as an institution, not to any justice or judge in
his or her individual capacity. Since the Court is higher than the individual justices or judges,
no sitting or retired justice or judge, not even the Chief Justice, may claim exception without
the consent of the Court.
Note that this power does not include the power of the Supreme Court to review
decisions of administrative bodies, but is limited to “final judgments and orders of
lower courts” [Ruffy v. Chief of Staff,
Only in cases where the penalty actually imposed is death must the trial court
forward the records of the case to the Supreme Court for automatic review of the
conviction [People v. Redulosa, 255 SCRA 279]. Where the penalty imposed is
merely reclusion perpetua, the accused should appeal the decision of conviction,
otherwise, the judgment of conviction will become final and executory [Garcia v.
People, G.R. No. 106531, November' 18, 1999].
Sec. 30, Art. VI, provides that no law shall be passed increasingthe appellate
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court without its concurrence. Thus, in Fabian v.
Desierto, G.R. No. 129742, September 16, 1998, Sec. 27, R.A. 6770, which provides
that orders, directives and decisions of the Ombudsman in administrative cases are
appealable to the Supreme Court through Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, was
declared unconstitutional, because it expands the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction
without its advice and concurrence. See also Namuhe v. Ombudsman, G.R. No.
124965, October 29, 1998, and Tirol v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 135913, November
4, 1999; Villavert v. Desierto, G.R. No. 133715, February 13, 2000.
In Republic v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 135789, January 31,2002, it was held that
the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court over decisions and final orders of the
Sandiganbayan is limited to questions of law. A question of law exists when the
doubt or controversy concerns the correct application of law or jurisprudence to a
certain set of facts; or when the issue does not call for an examination of the
probative value of the evidence presented, the truth or falsehood of facts being
Temporary assignment of judges of lower courts to other stations aspublic interest may
require; but the assignment shall not exceed six months without the consent of the judge
Order change of venue or place of trial, to avoid miscarriage of justice. See People v.
Gutierrez, 39 SCRA 173. e)Rule Making Power: Promulgate rules concerning the protection
and enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading, practice and procedure in all courts, the
admission to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, and legal assistance to the
which is authority for the principle that trial by assessors is a substantive right and may not be repealed
by the Supreme Court. Likewise, in First Lepanto Ceramics v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 110571, 1994,
it was held that Supreme Court Circular No. 1-91, which orders that appeals from decisions of
administrative bodies shall now be filed with the Court of Appeals, did not repeal E.O. 226, and did not
diminish, increase or modify the substantive right to appeal. It merely transferred the venue of appeals
from decisions of said agencies to the Court of Appeals, and provided a different period (15 days from
notice), both of which are merely procedural in character.
In Re: Request for Creation of a Special Division, A.M. No. 02-1- 09-SC, January
21, 2002, it was held that it is within the competence of the Supreme Court, in the
exercise of its power to promulgate rules governing the enforcement and protection
of constitutional rights and rules governing pleading, practice and procedure in all
courts, to create a Special Division in the Sandiganbayan which will hear and decide
the plunder case against former President Joseph Estrada.
The writ of amparo. The nature and time-tested role of amparohas shown that it is an effective and
inexpensive instrument for the protection of constitutional rights [Azcuna, The Writ of Amparo: A
Remedy to Enforce Fundamental Rights, 37 Ateneo L.J. 15 (1993)]. Amparo, literally “to protect”,
originated in Mexico and spread throughout the Western Hemisphere where it gradually evolved into
various forms, depending on the particular needs of each country.
By Resolution in A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC, the Supreme Court promulgated the Rule on the Writ
of Amparo, and it took effect on October 24, 2007. Section 1 thereof provides: “The petition
for a writ of amparo is a remedy available to any person whose right to life, liberty and
security is violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public
official or employee, or of a private individual or entity ”
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An extraordinary feature is Section 14 of the Rule which allows the grant by the court of
interim reliefs, which may either be a temporary protection order, inspection order,
production order or a witness protection order.
No writ of amparo may be issued unless there is a clear allegation of the supposed factual and
legal basis of the right sought to be protected. Petitioners right to their dwelling, assuming they
still have any despite the final and executory judgment adverse to them, does not constitute
right to life, liberty and security. There is, therefore, no legal basis for the issuance of the writ
of amparo [Canlas v. Napico Homeowners Association, G.R. No. 182795, June 5, 2008].
The writ of amparo shall not issue when applied for as a substitute for the appeal or certiorari
process, or when it will inordinately interfere with these processes [Tapuz v. Del Rosario, G.R.
No. 182484, January 17, 2008].
The writ of habeas data. The writ of habeas data is anindependent remedy to protect the right to privacy,
especially the right to informational privacy. The essence of the constitutional right to informational
privacy goes to the very heart of a person’s individuality, an exclusive and personal sphere upon which
the State has no right to intrude without any legitimate public concern. The basic attribute of an effective
rightto informational privacy is the right of the individual to control the flow of information concerning
or describing them public responsibilities [In Re Atty. Marcial Edillon, A.C. No. 1928, August 3, 1978],
The Ombudsman may not initiate or investigate a criminal or administrative complaint before his office
against a judge; he must first indorse the case to the Supreme Court for appropriate action [Fuentes v.
Office of the Ombudsman-Mindanao, G.R. No. 124295, October 23, 2001]. In the absence of any
administrative action taken against the RTC Judge by the Supreme Court with regard to the former’s
certificate of service, the investigation conducted by the Ombudsman encroaches into the Supreme
Court’s power of administrative supervision over all courts and its personnel, in violation of the doctrine
of separation of powers [Maceda v. Vasquez, 221 SCRA 469; Dolalas v. Office of the Ombudsman, 265
SCRA 819].
Administrative proceedings before the Supreme Court are confidential in nature in order to protect the
respondent therein who may turn out to be innocent of the charges; it can take years to build a reputation
By Resolution in A.M. No. 08-1-16-SC, the Supreme Court promulgated the Rule on the Writ of Habeas
Data, effective February 2, 2008. Section 1 thereof provides: “The writ of habeas data is a remedy
available to any person whose right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or threatened with
violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or
entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data or information regarding the person,
family, honor and correspondence of the aggrieved party. ”
Congress cannot amend the Rules of Court. In Echegaray v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. 132601,
January 19, 1999, the Supreme Court declared: “But most importantly, the 1987 Constitution took away
the power of Congress to repeal, alter or supplement rules concerning pleading, practice and procedure.
In fine, the power to promulgate rules of pleading, practice and procedure is no longer shared by this
Court with Congress, more so with the Executive.”
vii) Rules of procedure of special courts and quasi-judicial bodies shall remain effective unless
disapproved by the Supreme Court [Sec. 5 (5), Art. VIII]..
Power of Appointment: The Supreme Court appoints all officials and employees of the
Judiciary in accordance with the Civil Service Law [Sec. 5 (6), Art. VIII].
But this requirement does not apply to administrative cases[Prudential Bank v. Castro, 158
SCRA 646],
When the votes are equally divided and the majority vote is not obtained, then
pursuant to Sec. 7, Rule 56 of the Rules of Civil Procedure, the petition shall be
dismissed [Cruz v. Secretary, DENR, G.R. No. 135385, December 6, 2000],
The decision shall state clearly and distinctly the facts and the law onwhich it is
But this requirement does not apply to a minute resolutiondismissing a petition for
habeas corpus, certiorari and mandamus, provided a legal basis is given therein
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[Mendoza v. CFI, 66 SCRA 96; Borromeo v. Court of Appeals, 186 SCRA 1].
Neither will it apply to administrative cases [Prudential Bank v. Castro, supra.].
Annual Report
Supreme Court to submit, within 30 days from theopening of each regular session of Congress,
to the President and to Congress an annual report on the operations and activities of the
Judiciary [Sec. 16, Art. VIII].
reference to be allowed, it must provide for direct access to the facts and the law being
adopted, which must be contained in a statement attached to the said decision. In other words,
the memorandum decision should actually embody the findings of facts and conclusions of law
of the lower court in an annex attached to and made an indispensable part of the decision
[Solid Homes v. Laserna, G.R. No. 166051, April 8, 2008].
A decision need not be a complete recital of the evidence presented. So long as the factual and
legal basis are clearly and distinctly set forth supporting the conclusions drawn therefrom, the
decision arrived at is valid. However, it is imperative that the decision not simply be limited to
the dispositive portion but must state the nature of the case, summarize the facts with reference
to the record, and contain a statement of applicable laws and jurisprudence and the tribunal’s
statement and conclusions on the case. Thus, in Dizon v. Judge Lopez, AM. No. RTJ-96-1338,
September 5, 1997, the decision, which consisted only of the dispositive portion (denominated
a sin perjuicio judgment) was held invalid.
In People v. Baring, G.R. No. 137933, January 28, 2002, the Supreme Court said that the trial
court’s decision may cast doubt on the guilt of the accused, not by the lack of direct evidence
against the accused but by the trial court’s failure to fully explain the correlation of the facts,
the weight or admissibility of the evidence, the assessments made from the evidence, and the
conclusion drawn therefrom, after applying the pertinent law as basis of the decision.
Likewise, in De Vera v. Judge Dames, A.M. RTJ-99-1455, July 13, 1999, because the
respondent judge had precipitately concluded that the letter was defamatory without
sufficiently explaining why, he was deemed to have violated Sec. 14, Art. VIII, and although
there was no clear proof of malice, corrupt motives or improper consideration, the Judge must
still be sanctioned.
No petition for review or motion for reconsideration shall be refused due course or denied without
stating the legal basis therefor.
In Fr. Martinez v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 123547, May 21, 2001, the Court of Appeals
denied the petitioner’s motion for reconsideration in this wise: “Evidently, the motion poses
nothing new. The points and arguments raised by the movants have been considered and
passed upon in the decision sought to be reconsidered. Thus, we find no reason to disturb the
same.” The Supreme Court held that there was adequate compliance with the constitutional
In Prudential Bank v. Castro, supra., the Supreme Court ruled that “lack of merit” is sufficient
declaration of the legal basis for denial of petition for review or motion for reconsideration. In
Komatsu Industries v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 127682, April 24, 1998, it was held that
when the Court, after deliberating on a petition and any subsequent pleadings, manifestations,
comments or motions, decides to deny due course to a petition, and states — in a minute
resolution — that the questions raised are factual or no reversible error in the respondent
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court’s decision is shown or some other legal basis stated in the resolution, there is sufficient
compliance with the constitutional requirement. This is reiterated in Tichangco v. Enriquez,
G.R. No. 150629 June 30, 2004.
Tenure of Judges/Justices
In Re: First Indorsement from Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez, A.M. No. 88-4-5433, April 15, 1988,
the Supreme Court said that the Special Prosecutor (Tanodbayan) is without authority to
conduct an investigation on charges against a member of the Supreme Court with the end in
view of filing a criminal information against him with the Sandiganbayan. This is so, because
if convicted in the criminal case, the Justice would be removed, and such removal would
violate his security of tenure.
A certification to be signed by the Chief Justice or Presiding Justice shall be issued stating the
reason for delay
P35,100. Petitioner alleged that (1) his participation was limited to signing of the RIV and the check
as a matter of routine; (2) that the RIV did not involve the determination of the price of the supplies
and equipment; (3) that the signing of the check was authority vested in him as the DECS Regional
Director; and (4) that the presumption of regularity in the performance of public functions by public
officers should apply in his favor.
o From the pleadings, it is clear that the questions raised by the petitioner are questions of fact rather
than of law. What petitioner wants to happen is for the Supreme Court to review the evidence and
determine whether in fact he acted in good faith and that no conspiracy existed among the accused.
The rulings in Arias and Magasuci are inapplicable to petitioner because the petitioners in the said
cases were indicted and submitted themselves to trial before the Sandiganbayan, which convicted
them for the offense charged. In Arias, the Court set aside the judgment against the petitioner
becasue there was no evidence that the Government suffered undue injury. And in Magsuci, the
reversal by the Court of the judgment of conviction was based on a finding that Magsuci acted in
good faith and that there has been no intimation at all that he had foreknowledge of any irregularity
committed by either or both Engr. Enriquez and Acia. In both Arias and Magsuci, there was paucity
of evidence on conspiracy, while in this case, there is only the claim of peitioner that he acted in
good faith and that there was no conspiracy. The Ombudsman believes otherwise and the Court
does not ordinarily interfere with the discretion of the said Office.
admissions of both appellant and appellee; (g) when the findings of the Court of Appeals are
contrary to those of the trial court; (h) when the findings of fact are conclusions without citation of
specific evidence on which they are based; (I) when the facts set forth in the petition as well as in
the petitioner's main and reply briefs are not disputed by the respondents; (j) when the finding of
fact of the Court of Appeals is premised on the supposed absence of evidence but is contradicted by
the evidence on record; and (k) when the Court of Appeals manifestly overlooked certain relevant
facts not disputed by the parties and which, if properly considered, would justify a different
conclusion. In this case, the Court of Appeals based its ruling that private respondents Veneracion
are the owners of the disputed lot on their reliance on private respondent Godofredo De la Paz's
assurance that he would take care of the matter concerning petitioner's occupancy of the disputed lot
as constituting good faith. This case, however, involves double sale and, on this matter, Art. 1544 of
the Civil Code provides that where immovable property is the subject of a double sale, ownership
shall be transferred (1) to the person acquiring it who in good faith first recorded it to the Registry
of Property; (2) in default thereof, to the person who in good faith was first in possession; and (3) in
default thereof, to the person who presents the oldest title. The requirement of the law, where title to
the property is recorded in the Register of Deeds, is two-fold: acquisition in good faith and
recording in good faith. To be entitled to priority, the second purchaser must not only prove prior
recording of his title but that he acted in good faith, i.e., without knowledge or notice of a prior sale
to another. The presence of good faith should be ascertained from the circumstances surrounding
the purchase of the land.
o this Court has ruled that, in appealed cases, the failure to pay the appellate docket fee does not
automatically result in the dismissal of the appeal, the dismissal being discretionary on the part of
the appellate court. hus, private respondents Veneracions' failure to pay the appellate docket fee is
not fatal to their appeal.
judiciary. It is the termination of their incumbency that for petitioners justify a suit of this
character, it being alleged that thereby the security of tenure provision of the Constitution has been
ignored and disregarded.
o What is involved in this case is not the removal or separation of the judges and justices from their
services. What is important is the validity of the abolition of their offices. Well-settled is the rule
that the abolition of an office does not amount to an illegal removal of its incumbent is the principle
that, in order to be valid, the abolition must be made in good faith. Removal is to be distinguished
from termination by virtue of valid abolition of the office. There can be no tenure to a non-existent
office. After the abolition, there is in law no occupant. In case of removal, there is an office with an
occupant who would thereby lose his position. It is in that sense that from the standpoint of strict
law, the question of any impairment of security of tenure does not arise.
General Provisions.
1. The independent constitutional commissions are the Civil ServiceCommission, the
Commission on Elections and the Commission on Audit [Sec. 1, Art. IX-A].
2. Safeguards insuring the independence of the Commissions:
They are constitutionally created; may not be abolished by statute.
Each is expressly described as “independent”
Each is conferred certain powers and functions which cannot be reduced by statute.
The Chairmen and members cannot be removed except by impeachment.
The Chairmen and members are given a fairly long term of office of seven years.
The Chairmen and members may not be reappointed or appointed in an acting capacity
In Brillantes v. Yorac, 192 SCRA 358, it was held that thedesignation of Commissioner
Yorac as Acting Chairman of the Commission on Elections was a violation of this
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Compiled by: Rolirey H. Flores
Class of: Atty. Roberto Rafael Pulido
In Gaminde v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 140335. December 13,2000, it was held that in
orderto preserve the periodic succession mandated by the Constitution, the rotational plan
requires two conditions: [i] The terms of the first commissioners should start on a common
date; and fii] Any vacancy due to death, resignation or disability before the expiration of the
term should be filled only for the unexpired balance of the term.
1. Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of all its membersany case or matter brought
before it within sixty days from the date of its submission for decision or resolution. [Sec. 7,
Art. IX-A],
a. The provision of the Constitution is clear that what is required isthe majority vote of
all the members, not only of those who participated in the deliberations and voted
thereon in order that a valid decision may be made by the Constitutional
Commissions. Under rules of statutory construction, it is to be assumed that the
words in which the constitutional provisions are couched express the objective
sought to be attained [Estrella v. Comelec, G.R. No. 160465, May 27, 2004], This
ruling abandons the doctrine laid down in Cua v. Comelec, 156 SCRA 582.
b. In Dumayas v. Comelec, G.R. No. 141952-53, April 20, 2001,because two
Commissioners who had participated in the deliberations had retired prior to the
promulgation of the decision, the Supreme Court said that the votes of the said
Commissioners should merely be considered withdrawn, as if they had not signed
the resolution at all, and only the votes of the remaining Commissioners considered
for the purpose of deciding the controversy. Unless the withdrawal of the votes
would materially affect the result insofar as votes for or against a party is concerned,
there is no reason to declare the decision a nullity. In this case, with the withdrawal
of the votes of Commissioners Gorospe and Guiani, the remaining votes among the
four incumbent commissioners, still constituting a quorum at the time of the
promulgation of the resolution, would still be 3 to 1 (and thus, be a vote of the
majority) in favor of the respondent.
2. As to the need to expedite resolution of cases and the 60-dayperiod for decision, in Alvarez v.
Comelec, G.R. No. 142527, March 1, 2001, the Supreme Court said that the Comelec has
numerous cases before it where attention to minutiae is critical. Considering the Commission’s
manpower and logistical limitations, it is sensible to treat the procedural requirements on
deadlines realistically. Overly strict adherence to deadlines might induce the Commission to
resolve election contests hurriedly by reason of lack of material time. This is not what the
framers had intended.
3. Any decision, order or ruling of each Commission may be brought to theSupreme Court on
certiorari by the aggrieved party within 30 days from receipt of a copy thereof.
a. In Aratuc v. Comelec, 88 SCRA 251, the Supreme Court held thatwhen it reviews a
decision of the Comelec, the Court exercises extraordinary jurisdiction; thus, the
proceeding is limited to issues involving grave abuse of discretion resulting in lack
or excess of jurisdiction, and does not ordinarily empower the Court to review the
factual findings of the Commission. In Loong v. Comelec, G.R. No. 133676, April
14, 1999, the Court reiterated that certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court is
the appropriate remedy to invalidate disputed Comelec resolutions, i.e., final orders,
rulings and decisions of the Comelec rendered in the exercise of its adjudicatory or
quasi-judicial powers.
b. In Reyes v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 125129, March 29, 1999,the Court said
that under Rule 64, Sec. 2, 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, judgments or final orders
of the Commission on Audit may be brought by an aggrieved party to the Supreme
Court on certiorari under Rule 65. Even before the effectivity of the 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure, the mode of elevating cases decided by the Commission on Audit to
the Supreme Court was only by petition for certiorari under Rule 65, as provided by
the Constitution. The judgments and final orders of COA are not reviewable by
ordinary writ of error or appeal by certiorari to the Supreme Court. Only when the
COA acts without or in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, may this Court entertain a petition for
certiorari under Rule 65.
c. In the case of decisions of the Civil Service Commission, however,Supreme Court
Revised Circular 1-91, as amended by Revised Administrative Circular 1 -95, which
took effect on June 1,1995, provides that final resolutions of the Civil Service
Commission shall be appealable by certiorari to the Court of Appeals within fifteen
days from receipt of a copy thereof. From the decision of the Court of Appeals, the
party adversely affected thereby shall file a petition for review on certiorari under
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
d. Thus, in Mahinayv. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 152457, April 30, 2008, the Supreme
Court held that the proper mode of appeal from the decision of the Civil Service
Commission is a petition for review under Rule 43 filed with the Court of Appeals.
e. In Abella, Jr. v. Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 152574, November 17, 2004,
because the petitioner imputed to the Court of Appeals “grave abuse of discretion”
for ruling that he had no legal standing to contest the disapproval of his appointment,
the Supreme Court said that “grave abuse of discretion is a ground for a petition for
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court”. Nonetheless, the Supreme Court
resolved to give due course to the petition and to treat it appropriately as a petition
for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. The grounds alleged
shall be deemed “reversible errors", not “grave abuse of discretion”.
Enforcement of Decision.
In Vital-Gozon v. Court of Appeals, 212 SCRA 235, it was held that final decisions of the Civil
Service Commission are enforceable by a writ of execution that the Civil Service Commission
may itself issue.
Commission, to which she was appointed on June 11, 1993, expired on February 02, 1999, as set
forth in her appointment paper. he case is a special civil action of certiorari seeking to annul and set
aside two decisions of the Commission on Audit ruling that petitioners term of office as
Commissioner, Civil Service Commission, to which she was appointed on June 11, 1993, expired
on February 02, 1999, as set forth in her appointment paper. However, on February 24, 1998,
petitioner sought clarification from the Office of the President as to the expiry date of her term of
office. In reply to her request, the Chief Presidential Legal Counsel, in a letter dated April 07,
1998[2] opined that petitioners term of office would expire on February 02, 2000, not on February
02, 1999. Relying on said advisory opinion, petitioner remained in office after February 02,
1999. On February 04, 1999, Chairman Corazon Alma G. de Leon, wrote the Commission on Audit
requesting opinion on whether or not Commissioner Thelma P. Gaminde and her co-terminous staff
may be paid their salaries notwithstanding the expiration of their appointments on February 02,
o The term of office of the Chairman and members of the Civil Service Commission is prescribed in
the 1987 Constitution, as follows: Section 1 (2). The Chairman and the Commissioners shall be
appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of
seven years without reappointment. Of those first appointed, the Chairman shall hold office for
seven years, a Commissioner for five years, and another Commissioner for three years, without
reappointment.Appointment to any vacancy shall be only for the unexpired term of the
predecessor. In no case shall any Member be appointed or designated in a temporary or acting
capacity. In Republic vs. Imperial,[11] we said that the operation of the rotational plan requires two
conditions, both indispensable to its workability: (1) that the terms of the first three (3)
Commissioners should start on a common date, and, (2) that any vacancy due to death, resignation
or disability before the expiration of the term should only be filled only for the unexpired balance of
the term.Consequently, the terms of the first Chairmen and Commissioners of the Constitutional
Commissions under the 1987 Constitution must start on a common date, irrespective of the
variations in the dates of appointments and qualifications of the appointees, in order that the
expiration of the first terms of seven, five and three years should lead to the regular recurrence of
the two-year interval between the expiration of the terms. Applying the foregoing conditions to the
case at bar, we rule that the appropriate starting point of the terms of office of the first appointees to
the Constitutional Commissions under the 1987 Constitution must be on February 02, 1987, the
date of the adoption of the 1987 Constitution. In case of a belated appointment or qualification, the
interval between the start of the term and the actual qualification of the appointee must be counted
against the latter. Clearly, the transitory provisions mean that the incumbent members of the
Constitutional Commissions shall continue in office for one year after the ratification of this
Constitution under their existing appointments at the discretion of the appointing power, who may
cut short their tenure by: (1) their removal from office for cause; (2) their becoming incapacitated to
discharge the duties of their office, or (3) their appointment to a new term thereunder, all of which
events may occur before the end of the one year period after the effectivity of the Constitution.
which, although labeled "cash payment schedule," actually goes beyond mere scheduling of releases
and effects a withholding and reduction of the approved appropriations, as it did in the present case
against petitioner Civil Service Commission.
A Chairman and two Commissioners, who shall be natural-born citizens of the Philippines and, at the time of
their appointment, at least 35 years of age, with proven capacity for public administration, and must not have
been candidates for any elective position in the election immediately preceding their appointment. They shall
be appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of seven [7]
years without reappointment. In no case shall any member be appointed or designated in a temporary or
acting capacity. See Brillantes v. Yorac, supra..
Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR), but without prejudice to the filing of
administrative charges against him if warranted
o On the strength of this statutory declaration, petitioner PAGCOR terminated the services of
respondent Salas for lack of confidence after it supposedly found that the latter was engaged in
proxy betting. In upholding the dismissal of respondent Salas, the CSC ruled that he is considered a
confidential employee by operation of law, hence there is no act of dismissal to speak of but a mere
expiration of a confidential employee's term of office, such that a complaint for illegal dismissal
will not prosper in this case for lack of legal basis. Prior to the passage of the aforestated Civil
Service Act of 1959, there were two recognized instances when a position may be considered
primarily confidential: Firstly, when the President, upon recommendation of the Commissioner of
Civil Service, has declared the position to be primarily confidential; and, secondly in the absence of
such declaration, when by the nature of the functions of the office there exists "close intimacy"
between the appointee and appointing power which insures freedom of intercourse without
embarrassment or freedom from misgivings of betrayals of personal trust or confidential matters of
state. Hence the dictum that, at least since the enactment of the Civil Service Act of 1959, it is the
nature of the position which finally determines whether a position is primarily confidential, policy-
determining or highly technical.
without which the faith of the people in the judiciary so indispensable in an orderly society cannot
be preserved (Candia v. Tagabucba, AM No. 528, MJ, 12 September 1977, 79 SCRA 51). There is
no place in the judiciary for those who cannot meet the exacting standards of judicial conduct and
integrity (Felix Barja v. Judge Bonifacio B. Bercacio, AM No. 561-MJ, 29 December 1976, 74
SCRA 355). In fact, moral integrity is more than a virtue; it is a necessity in the Judiciary (Dy
Teban Hardware and Auto Supply Co. vs. Tapucar, AM No. 1720, 31 January 1981, 102 SCRA
generally unhampered by judicial intervention. 9 Within the parameters of this principle, the right to
select and appoint employees is the prerogative of the employer which may be exercised without
being held liable therefor provided that the exercise thereof is in good faith for the advancement of
the employer's interest and not for the purpose of defeating or circumventing the rights of the
employees under special laws or under valid agreements and provided further that such prerogatives
are not exercised in a malicious, harsh, oppressive, vindictive or wanton manner, or out of malice or
spite. There is no question that the Central Bank of the Philippines is vested with the power of
appointment under Section 14 of Republic Act No. 265, as amended, otherwise known as the
Central Bank Act. Under the Civil Service Act of 1959, 11 the Commissioner of Civil Service has
the final authority on appointments. 12 But the situation has changed under the new law, Presidential
Decree No. 807, 13 otherwise known as the Civil Service Decree, wherein the Commission is not
authorized to curtail the discretion of the appointing official on the nature or kind of appointment to
be extended. 14 The authority of the Commission is limited to approving or reviewing the
appointment in the light of the requirements of the law governing the Civil Service.
A Chairman and six [6] Commissioners who shall be natural born Filipino citizens, at least 35 years of age,
holders of a college degree, and have not been candidates in the immediately preceding election. Majority,
including the Chairman, must be members of the Philippine Bar who have been engaged in the practice of law
for at least ten (10) years. [Sec. 1, Art. IX-C]. They shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the
Commission on Appointments for a term of seven [7] years without reappointment. No member shall be
appointed or designated in a temporary or acting capacity. See Brillantes v. Yorac, supra..
pertaining to or affecting the proceedings of the board of canvassers which may be raised by, any
candidate or by any registered political party or coalition of political parties before the board or
directly with the Commission, or any matter raised under Sections 233, 234, 235 and 236 in relation
to the preparation, transmission, receipt, custody and appreciation of election returns. [24] The
COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction over all pre-proclamation controversies.[25] As an exception,
however, to the general rule, Section 15 of Republic Act (RA) 7166 [26]. prohibits candidates in the
presidential, vice-presidential, senatorial and congressional elections from filing pre-proclamation
cases. The law, nonetheless, provides an exception to the exception. The second sentence of
Section 15 allows the filing of petitions for correction of manifest errors in the certificate of
canvass or election returns even in elections for president, vice- president and members of the
House of Representatives for the simple reason that the correction of manifest error will not
prolong the process of canvassing nor delay the proclamation of the winner in the election. This rule
is consistent with and complements the authority of the COMELEC under the Constitution to,
"enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of an, election, plebiscite,
initiative, referendum and recall"[29] and its power to "decide, except those involving the right to
vote, all questions affecting elections."
o COMELEC was not merely performing an administrative function. The administrative powers of
the COMELEC include the power to determine the number and location of polling places, appoint
election officials and inspectors, conduct registration of voters, deputize law enforcement agencies
and government instrumentalities to ensure free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections,
register political parties, organizations or coalitions, accredit citizens' arms of the Commission,
prosecute election offenses, and recommend to the President the removal of or imposition of any
other disciplinary action upon any officer or employee it has deputized for violation or disregard of
its directive, order or decision. In addition, the Commission also has direct control and supervision
over all personnel involved in the conduct of election. However , the resolution of the adverse
claims of private respondent and petitioner as regards the existence of a manifest error in the
questioned certificate of canvass requires the COMELEC to act as an arbiter. It behooves the
Commission to hear both parties to determine the veracity of their allegations and to decide
whether the alleged error is a manifest error. Hence, the resolution of this issue calls for the
exercise by the COMELEC of its quasi- judicial power. It has been said that where a power rests
in judgment or discretion, so that it is of judicial nature or character, but does not involve the
exercise of functions of a judge, or is conferred upon an officer other than a judicial officer, it is
deemed quasi-judicial.[41] The COMELEC therefore, acting as quasi-judicial tribunal, cannot ignore
the requirements of procedural due process in resolving the petitions filed by private respondent
merely an independent administrative body (The Nacionalista Party v. Vera, 85 Phil., 126), may
however exercise quasi-judicial functions in so far as controversies that by express provision of the
law come under its jurisdiction. As to what questions may come within this category, neither the
Constitution nor the Revised Election Code specifies. The former merely provides that it shall come
under its jurisdiction, saving those involving the right to vote, all administrative questions affecting
elections, including the determination of the number and location of polling places, and the
appointment of election inspectors and other election officials, while the latter is silent as to what
questions may be brought before it for determination. But it is clear that, to come under its
jurisdiction, the questions should be controversial in nature and must refer to the enforcement and
administration of all laws relative to the conduct of elections.
o The requisitioning and preparation of the necessary ballot boxes to be used in the elections is an
imperative ministerial duty of the Commission on Elections performed in its administrative capacity
in relation to the conduct of election ordained by our Constitution. In proceeding on this matter, it
only dicharges a ministerial duty; it does not exercise any judicial functions. Such being the case, it
can not exercise the power to punish for contempt as postulated in the law, for such power is
inherently Judicial in nature.
o "The power to punish for contempt is inherent in all courts; its existence is essential to the
preservation of order in judicial proceedings, and to the enforcement of judgments, orders and
mandates of Courts, and, consequently, in the administration of justice" (Slade Perkins v. Director
of Prisons, 58 Phil., 271; U. S. v. Loo Koe, 36 Phil., 867; In re Sotto 46 Off. Gaz., 2570; In re
Kelly, 35 Phil, 944). The exercise of this power has always been regarded as a necessary incident
and attribute of courts (Slade Perkins v. Director of Prisons, Ibid.) Its exercise by administrative
bodies has been invariably limited to making effective the power to elicit testimony (People v.
Swena, 296 p. 271), and the exercise of that power by an administrative body in furtherance of its
administrative function has been held invalid (Langenberg v. Decker, 31 N. E. 190; In re Sims, 37
Phil., 135; Roberts v. Hacney, 58 S.W. 180).
H. The COA
A Chairman and two Commissioners, who shall be natural born Filipino citizens, at least 35 years of age,
CPAs with not less than 10 years of auditing experience or members of the Philippine Bar with at least 10
years practice of law, and must not have been candidates in the election immediately preceding the
appointment. At no time shall all members belong to the same profession [Sec. 1(1), Art. IX-D]. They shall be
appointed by the President with the consent of the Commission on Appointments for a term of seven years
without reappointment [Sec. 1(2), Art. IX-D].
o In the case of Bustamante vs. Commission on Audit, 216 SCRA 134, decided by this Court
on November 27, 1992, COA also disallowed the claim for transportation allowance of the legal
counsel of National Power Corporation because he was already issued a government
vehicle. Involving the circular aforementioned and almost the same facts as in this case, it was
therein held that COA Circular No. 75-6 is categorical in prohibiting the use of government
vehicles by officials receiving transportation allowance and in stressing that the use of government
motor vehicle and claim for transportation allowance are mutually exclusive and incompatible
o The issue need no longer be belabored for no less than this Court ruled in the aforesaid case that a
government official, to whom a motor vehicle has been assigned, cannot, at the same time, claim
transportation allowance. (Underscoring supplied)
I. Sandiganbayan
PD 1606
WHEREAS, the new Constitution declares that a public office is a public trust and ordains that
public officers and employees shall serve with the highest degree of responsibility, integrity, loyalty
and efficiency and shall remain at all times accountable to the people; WHEREAS, to attain the
highest norms of official conduct required of public officers and employees, Section 5, Article XIII
of the New Constitution provides for the creation of a special court to be known as Sandiganbayan;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the
powers in me vested by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree as follows:
The jurisdiction herein conferred shall be original and exclusive if the offense charged is
punishable by a penalty higher than prision correccional, or its equivalent, except as herein
provided; in other offenses, it shall be concurrent with the regular courts.
petitioners had a right to consider the complaint against them as closed. Indeed, every litigation
must come to an end; otherwise, it would become even more intolerable than the wrong and
injustice it is designed to correct. The finding of probable cause against petitioners in proceedings
which they had neither knowledge of nor participation in violated their right to procedural due
process. At the very least, they should have been notified that the complaint against them has not
yet been finally disposed of; or that the fight was not yet over, so to speak. They should have been
apprised of their possible implication in the criminal case to enable them to meet any new
accusations against them head-on, and to prepare for their defense.
clear that the framers of our Constitution intended to create a stronger and more effective
Ombudsman, independent and beyond the reach of political influences and vested with powers that
are not merely persuasive in character. The Constitutional Commission left to Congress to empower
the Ombudsman with prosecutorial functions which it did when RA 6770 was enacted.
investigation on complaints of such nature against them. This absurd situation the law could never
have intended, considering that the Office of the Tanodbayan was purposely created to "give effect
to the constitutional right of the people to petition the government for redress of grievances and to
promote higher standards of integrity and efficiency in the government service." The informations
in question have complied with the substantial and formal requirements of the law. They carry the
certification of the investigating prosecutor as to the existence of a prima facie case. They also bear
the approval of the Chief Special Prosecutor, as required by Section 11 of
PD 1606. As petitioner is charged with violations of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act,
which are within the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan as defined under Section 4 of P.D. 1606, the
said court validly acquired jurisdiction over the informations in question.
L. National Commissions
care and accuracy; to find out by careful inquisition; examination; the taking of evidence; a legal
inquiry;" "to inquire; to make an investigation," "investigation" being in turn describe as "(a)n
administrative function, the exercise of which ordinarily does not require a hearing. 2 Am J2d Adm
L Sec. 257; . . . an inquiry, judicial or otherwise, for the discovery and collection of facts
concerning a certain matter or matters." "Adjudicate," commonly or popularly understood, means to
adjudge, arbitrate, judge, decide, determine, resolve, rule on, settle. The dictionary defines the term
as "to settle finally (the rights and duties of the parties to a court case) on the merits of issues raised:
. . . to pass judgment on: settle judicially: . . . act as judge." And "adjudge" means "to decide or rule
upon as a judge or with judicial or quasi-judicial powers: . . . to award or grant judicially in a case
of controversy . . . ." In the legal sense, "adjudicate" means: "To settle in the exercise of judicial
authority. To determine finally. Synonymous with adjudge in its strictest sense;" and "adjudge"
means: "To pass on judicially, to decide, settle or decree, or to sentence or condemn. . . . Implies a
judicial determination of a fact, and the entry of a judgment."
o Hence it is that the Commission on Human Rights, having merely the power "to investigate,"
cannot and should not "try and resolve on the merits" (adjudicate) the matters involved in Striking
Teachers HRC Case No. 90-775, as it has announced it means to do; and it cannot do so even if
there be a claim that in the administrative disciplinary proceedings against the teachers in question,
initiated and conducted by the DECS, their human rights, or civil or political rights had been
transgressed. More particularly, the Commission has no power to "resolve on the merits" the
question of (a) whether or not the mass concerted actions engaged in by the teachers constitute and
are prohibited or otherwise restricted by law; (b) whether or not the act of carrying on and taking
part in those actions, and the failure of the teachers to discontinue those actions, and return to their
classes despite the order to this effect by the Secretary of Education, constitute infractions of
relevant rules and regulations warranting administrative disciplinary sanctions, or are justified by
the grievances complained of by them; and (c) what where the particular acts done by each
individual teacher and what sanctions, if any, may properly be imposed for said acts or omissions.
under no circumstance can be attributed to him. However, before Canonizado can re-assume his
post as Commissioner, he should first resign as Inspector General of the IAS-PNP.
o An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights, imposes no duties, and affords no
protection.[28] Therefore, the unavoidable consequence of the Courts declaration that section 8 of
RA 8551 violates the fundamental law is that all acts done pursuant to such provision shall be null
and void, including the removal of petitioners and Adiong from their positions in the NAPOLCOM
and the appointment of new commissioners in their stead. When a regular government employee is
illegally dismissed, his position does not become vacant and the new appointment made in order to
replace him is null and void ab initio.[29] Rudimentary is the precept that there can be no valid
appointment to a non-vacant position.[30] Accordingly, Adiongs appointment on 11 March 1998 for
a term of two years, pursuant to section 8 of RA 8551, is null and void. However, he should now be
permitted to enjoy the remainder of his term under RA 6975. Therefore, based on our foregoing
disquisition, there should no longer be any doubt as to the proper execution of our 25 January 2000
decision all the Commissioners appointed under RA 8551 should be removed from office, in order
to give way to the reinstatement of petitioners and respondent Adiong.