July 2010 PDF
July 2010 PDF
July 2010 PDF
The Chalice
Sunday service is at 10 a.m.
St. Francis Episcopal Church
at 616 Stockell Drive, Eureka MO
Eureka, MO. July 2010
Phone: 636-938-3733
The Rev. Sally S. Weaver The Pastor’s Corner
Phone No.s: Home 636-938
Followers of Jesus are people on a journey. The
Cell: 314-651-3836
Holy Spirit is constantly blowing and calling us to ac-
Bishop’s Committee: Bar- tion, nudging our complacency with a gentle breeze and
bara Sacco, Sr. Warden; buffeting our rootedness with a strong wind. Being
Suzanne Jones, Jr. Warden;
Cassie Eckhardt, Leroy
faithful followers of Christ means being a people on the
Young; Kathleen McDon- move.
ald; Lori Scissors; Bob Ho-
The people of St. Francis’ Church certainly know about moving. In
sutt; Steve Strathearn,
Clerk; the course of this mission’s 28-year history the space we’ve used for worship
has changed several times – from a hotel in Pacific, to a retreat center in
Nancy Bergman, Treasurer.
Wildwood, to a school and now a Masonic Lodge in Eureka.
Annual Meeting We are once again facing a move. This time we’re relocating the
An Annual Meeting is held
church office (―parish house‖), currently located at 126 S. Central Ave. We
each year at the end of Janu-
ary at which new Bishop’s are vacating that building because it has become unsafe to stay there. Black
Committee and Convention mold, which has been growing in the closet for several months, is now also on
Delegates are elected. the ceiling of the area near the kitchen. The mold, which is growing and
spreading quickly, poses a health risk to those of us working and meeting
St. Francis Episcopal
Church is a mission of the
Episcopal Diocese of Mis- Because of the health risks, the parish house will no longer be used
for any meetings. The Monday night Prayer Group and committee meet-
The Chalice is the newslet- ings will be held at 2575 Sunrise Dr. in Eureka (Sally and Tony’s house),
ter of St. Francis’ Episcopal until we have a new parish house location.
Church, Eureka, and is pub-
lished at least 10 times per
I have heard great stories about the renovation of the 126 S. Central
year. property in 2006. I know that many parishioners devoted countless hours of
Submissions for The Chal- hard work to turn the building into an inviting space. The plumbing and elec-
ice are due on the 20th of trical were overhauled. Counter tops and bookcases were constructed and in-
each month and may be sent stalled. Doors were hung. The entire place was painted and new flooring
or e-mailed to the Office.
laid. Window treatments were designed and put up and chairs were reuphol-
stered. Furniture was assembled and computers were hooked up. People
gave up what precious little free time they had, willingly donating it to the
Pastor’s Corner Continued on Page 11
Page 2
Recurring Activities
In this issue
Adult Forum Calendar, p 3;
Upcoming Events
Float trip – Saturday, August 7 by sharing with those who have so little. We
The date for our float trip next serve at Trinity on August 29.
is Saturday, August 7. We have
reservations to float the Mera- July 11 – Vedanta Society for Adult Fo-
mec River using Old Cove Ca- rum
noe Rental, which is only a 20- Swami Nispapanada from the Vedanta
minute drive away. More in- Society of St. Louis will address our Adult Fo-
formation – when we’re gathering, the cost, etc. rum on July 11 following the worship service.
– will follow. Bring your family and friends and Ernie Benecke has arranged for the Swami to
float the day away. visit us and discuss Hinduism. You won’t want
to miss this final session in our series of inter-
Trinity Lunch faith offerings.
On May 30 St. Francis’ served hot dogs,
cole slaw, and potato salad to the hungry at Trin- Summer Events for Youth
ity Episcopal Church in the Central West End. Camp Phoenix, the Diocesan camp for 8-
We served over 70 people in less than an hour’s to 15-year-olds, begins July 25 and runs through
time. July 31. The registration deadline is July 1. For
St. Francis’ feeds the hungry through more information and to register go to
Trinity’s hot lunch program on every 5th Sunday www.camp-phoenix.org.
of the month. We arrive at around 1 p.m.; the Eureka United Methodist Church’s Vaca-
doors open at tion Bible School runs August 1-5. The program
1:30 p.m. for the is from 6 to 8:30 p.m. each day.
people to be
served and we’re
Student Preachers
back home in
Students in the preaching class of the
Eureka by 3:30
Episcopal School for Ministry will be preaching
at St. Francis’ this summer. Kathleen Dimmich
Please consider participating in this im-
will preach on July 18. Our own Michael
portant feeding ministry. We who have full pan-
Booker will preach on August 1 and August 29.
tries and well-stocked kitchens are humbled and
We’re lucky to have them exploring God’s Word
made more grateful for what God has given us
with us.
Page 5
Recent Happenings
Temporary Tattoos at the ―Concerts on eating, several of us went swimming in the lake,
Central‖ or rather, we stood around in a circle with the
After our successful launch in May, the cool water up to our necks, chatting.
Communications and Marketing Committee again Thank you to all the many people who
offered free temporary tattoos during the ―Concert worked to make this such an enjoyable day.
on Central‖ on June 18. Check out the photos on our Facebook page and
As we put out our wares at 6:30 p.m., two Website.
girls were waiting for us, eager to be the first to se-
lect their tattoos. Within two hours we had tattooed Organ Played on June 6
over 100 young people’s arms and ankles. (We fur- At our Sunday worship
nished an alcohol swab to everyone, by the way, service on June 6, Ella Heigham
which is the way the tattoos are removed). Some played the Baldwin organ that
adults also got themselves tattooed. Donations was recently donated to St. Fran-
more than covered the cost of the inexpensive cis’ Church. Ella played the or-
―body art.‖ gan before and after the worship ser-
vice, during the offertory, and while commun-
Please come join the fun when we do this
ion was being distributed. We’re grateful to
again on July 16 and August 20 from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
Ella for this inaugural performance of the organ
in our worship space.
Mass in the Grass
On Sunday, June 13 we worshipped at the Visit to Imam Hasic on June 20
pavilion in the Lakewood Hills Subdivision. Six members of St. Francis’ visited the
Islamic Center following our worship service on
Paddy Wrob and George Vits arranged for
June 20. Imam Hasic, that Bosnian congrega-
the site and put out helpful signs to guide us in find-
tion’s spiritual leader, talked to us about Sunni
ing our way there. Alex Branchfield and Robbie
Islam. Imam Hasic explained the 5 pillars and
Lawson accompanied us on guitars as we sang.
other tenets of Muslims’ faith. This was the
Thanks to Nick Sacco, who brought box fans and
first in our series of interfaith dialogues. On
an extension cord, we were comfortable on that hot
June 27, we will visit the United Hebrew Con-
day. Rich Mayfield cooked burgers and hot dogs
gregation and learn about Reform Judaism from
for us. Everyone supplied side dishes and desserts,
Rabbi Kaplansky.
so we ate in typical grand St. Francis’ style. After
Page 6
Prayer List
Staff Vacations
Maxine’s Our parish administrator, Maxine Heller, is on vacation
through July 10 and again from July 15 to July 26. Please be patient with Pas-
tor Sally as she tries to cope with being in the office without Maxine’s incredi-
bly efficient and expert help. The highway warning sign will apply: ―Expect
sally’s Pastor Sally will be out of town over the 4th of July weekend from Friday
evening, July 2, returning Monday evening, July 5. Please call Fr. Jon Hall on his cell
phone at 314-630-1473 for pastoral emergencies.
Page 8
United Thank Offering – The schedule for the remainder of the year and
into 2011 is as follows;
July 11 In-gathering
August 29, 210
During worship on Sunday, July 11
we’ll gather in all the United Thank Offering October 31, 2010
(UTO) blue boxes. January 30, 2011
Since 1889 UTO has been a program of
The Episcopal Church, administered by women Happenings in Our Community
of the church, ever since, promoting and receiv- Around Eureka
ing thank offerings and distributing grants.
July 11, 6-8 p.m. Eureka United Methodist
UTO’s vision is ―to significantly impact
Church. ―Denial 3 Ministries,‖ a Christian il-
the lives of women and children because of lusionist ministry uses this art to proclaim the
Christ’s love.‖ UTO grants particularly focus Gofpwl. Open to all, tickets at the door —$5.
on projects that alleviate human suffering.
September 10-11: Eureka Days (Not too early
UTO’s mission is ―to expand the circle of
to plan to be there!).
thankful people.‖
In 2009 Episcopal City Mission of the Around The Diocese
Diocese of Missouri received a UTO grant of July 25-31: Camp Phoenix
$6,500 In 2009 Episcopal City Mission of the
Diocese of Missouri received a UTO grant of
$6,500 for interactive chapel services to en- ALERT — Highway Shut down!!!
hance the worship services for the children of
MoDot will be working on replacing the
the St. Louis City and County juvenile detention
bridge on Highway 109 at Woods
Road, near the entrance to Rock-
Please pick up a UTO box in the lobby wood Reservation in July. High-
on Sunday. Drop your loose change in it; give way 109 at that location will be
thanks for all that you have been given by God. closed beginning July 6 for six (6)
On Sunday, July 11 we’ll gather in all the blue weeks.
UTO boxes as St. Francis’ United Thank Offer- Those traveling south
ing. from the Manchester or Highway 100 area might
want to consider using Old State Road or Allen-
Trinity food Ministry Schedule July ton Road.
2010—February 2011 If you feel you will have a problem get-
St. Francis’ participates in the food min- ting to church on Sundays during this 6-week shut
istry at Trinity Episcopal Church in the Central down, you might want to check MapQuest on the
West End by serving food to the neighbors of internet or perhaps talk with Cassie Eckhardt who
Trinity on the fifth Sunday in a given month. may have other suggestions. Thanks to Cassie for
Page 9
Hospitality Notes virtue in the Bible, in both the Old and the
Sunday Hospitality New Testaments. Welcoming visitors is some-
thing we do well at St. Francis’, providing
Will you please sign up to provide good-
treats and inclusive conversation after worship
ies on a Sunday morning? There’s a sign-up cal-
on Sunday. Please consider participating in the
endar on the tables in the lower-level gathering
ministry of hospitality.
area of the Lodge. We don’t need a meal or a
grand spread -- a big box of cookies will do
Offering hospitality is a highly prized
1 2 3
Please call or e-mail the Parish Office
10 am Bible
(stfranch@sbcglobal.net) with items for the calendar
Study, Michelle’s
before the last week in each month to get on the follow-
ing month’s calendar. Shaded area indicates days
Maxine is in office, from 8 till noon, unless indicated Maxine Vacation
Sally Vacation
25 8:30 a Choir 26 27 28 29 30 31
5:30 p.m.— 1:30 p.m. Ser- Vicar’s Day off— 10 am Bible
10 a.m. Holy Prayer group, mon lectionary Office closed Study, Michelle’s
Eucharist-Lodge Parish House group 11:30 a.m. Rolla Café
lectionary group
11:30 am Adult
Forum Camp Phoenix
12:25 BC Meeting begins
Page 11
The renovation of 126 S. Central was indeed a labor of love. I am saddened that, because of leaks
and mold, the parish house is no longer habitable. I imagine that those who worked so long and hard feel
that they will be leaving behind pieces of themselves.
We are currently investigating other properties in downtown Eureka for lease. I am confident that
the Holy Spirit will lead us to the next place we’ll call our parish house. We will keep everyone informed.
If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to talk to me or a member of the Bishop’s Committee.
God is leading us. We are people on a journey.
Page 12
May 2010 Budgeted for May YTD 2010 2010 Budget
Total Income $ 8,187 $6 ,850 $39,026 $84,396