Part 1
Part 1
Part 1
Operation management
2nd year (second semester)
Chapter: 1 part: 1
Chapter 1: Operations and Productivity
1. Marketing, which generates the demand, or at least takes the order for a
product or service (nothing happens until there is a sale).
The Supply Chain
A global network of organizations and activities that supply a firm with
goods and services
Members of the supply chain collaborate to achieve high levels of customer
satisfaction, efficiency and competitive advantage.
2. We want (and need) to know how goods and services are produced
What Operations Managers Do?
All good managers perform the basic functions of the management
process. The management process consists of planning, organizing,
staffing, leading, and controlling.
Cost reduction
Inventory reduction
Productivity improvement
Fourth: Productivity Measurements
The use of just one resource input to measure productivity, is known as single-factor productivity.
Broader view of productivity is multifactor productivity, which includes all inputs (e.g., capital,
labor, material, energy). Multifactor productivity is also known as total factor productivity.
Collins Title Insurance Ltd. wants to evaluate its labor and multifactor productivity with a new
computerized title-search system. The company has a staff of four, each working 8 hours per day
(for a payroll cost of $640/day) and overhead expenses of $400 per day. Collins processes and
closes on 8 titles each day. The new computerized title-search system will allow the processing of
14 titles per day. Although the staff, their work hours, and pay are the same, the overhead expenses
are now $800 per day.
Labor productivity has increased from .25 to .4375. The change is (.4375 - .25) /.25 = 0.75, or a
75% increase in labor productivity. Multifactor productivity has increased from .0077 to .0097.
This change is (.0097 - .0077) /.0077 = 0.26, or a 26% increase in multifactor productivity.
Both the labor (single-factor) and multifactor productivity measures show an increase in
productivity. However, the multifactor measure provides a better picture of the increase because it
includes all the costs connected with the increase in output.
If the overhead goes to $960 (rather than $800), what is the multifactor productivity? [Answer:
Example 2
At Modern Lumber, Inc., Art Binley, president and producer of apple crates sold to growers, has
been able, with his current equipment, to produce 240 crates per 100 logs. He currently purchases
100 logs per day, and each log requires 3 labor-hours to process. He believes that he can hire a
professional buyer who can buy a better-quality log at the same cost. If this is the case, he can
increase his production to 260 crates per 100 logs. His labor-hours will increase by 8 hours per
day. What will be the impact on productivity (measured in crates per labor-hour) if the buyer is
Example 3
Productivity Variables
Productivity variables: The three factors critical to productivity improvement
labor, capital, and the art and science of management.
Knowledge societies: A society in which much of the labor force has migrated from manual work to work based on