Instructional Material
Instructional Material
Instructional Material
The roles that instructional materials can play in the instructional modes are:
Mass instruction
Individualized learning
Group learning
Delivery vehicles for instruction lessons or in a constructivists way as partners in
the learning
It helps the learner build more meaningful personal interpretations of life and
hi/her world.
Serves as a medium in representing what the learner knows and what she/ he is
Hygienic Requirements
Types of Instructional Materials
Janovsky, A. Instructional Materials: Definition, Examples & Evaluation. Retrieved from
Note :
S specific
M measureable
A attainable
R Realistic
T Time bound
Behavioral objectives that are useful in the classroom must meet certain
criteria. The four essential elements of a well-written behavioral objective are outlined
below. When writing a behavioral objective, evaluate it using these criteria.
Example :
The students will be able to:
1. Evaluate the progress of a community after several visits to
place after conducting interviews of different families.
2. Write evaluation report on the dialogue between the
management labor forces.
A. Perception- the ability to use the sensory cues to guide motor activity. This
ranges from sensory stimulation through cue selection to translation.
keywords: chooses. describes, detects, distinguishes, differentiates,
identifies, isolates, relates, selects
B. Set readiness to act. It includes mental, physical, and emotional set. These
three sets are disposition that predetermine a persons response to different
situation or mindsets.
C. Guided Response the early stage in learning a complex skill that includes
imitation and trial and error. Adequacy of performance is achieved by
Keywords: copies, traces, follows, resets, react, reproduce, respond