3d Holographic Projection Technology
3d Holographic Projection Technology
3d Holographic Projection Technology
plate. The superposition of these two The laser provides a highly coherent
beams produces an interference pattern (in source of light. The beam of light hits the
the form of dark and bright fringes) and beam splitter, which is a semi-reflecting
this pattern is recorded on the plate that splits the beam into two: an
photographic plate. The photographic plate object beam and a reference beamfrom
with recorded interference pattern is called various points of the object. Thus, even if
hologram. Photographic plate is also hologram is broken into parts, each part is
known as Gabor zone plate in honour of capable of reconstructing the whole object
Denis Gabor who developed the
phenomenon of holography. Each and
every part of the hologram receives light The object beam is widened by a beam
Seminar 2013 3D Holographic Projection spreader (expanding lens) and the light is
Technology reflected off the object and is projected
onto the photographic plate.
HOLOGRAMS: The reference beam is also widened by a
beam spreader and the light reflects off a
REFLECTION HOLOGRAMS mirror and shines on the photographic
Transmission holograms (i) Reflection
holograms form images by reflecting a The reference and object beams meet at
beam of light off the surface of the the photographic plate and create the
hologram. This type of hologram produces interference pattern that records the
very high quality images but is very amplitude and phase of the resultant wave.
expensive to create. (ii) Transmission (b) Reconstructing Reflection Holograms
holograms form images by transmitting a
beam of light through the hologram. This A reconstruction beam of light is used to
type of hologram is more commonly seen reconstruct the object wave front. The
since they can be inexpensively mass- reconstruction beam is positioned at the
produced. Embossed holograms, such as same angle as the illuminating beam that
those found on credit cards, are was used during the recording phase
transmission holograms with a mirrored
As with reflection holograms, a laser is A second beam forms the primary (virtual)
used to provide a highly coherent source of image (first order) that is diffracted at the
light. A beam splitter and beam spreaders same angle as the incoming object beam
are also used in the recording of that was used during recording.
transmission holograms.
A third beam forms the secondary (real)
After the object beam passes through the image (first order).
beam spreader, the light is reflected off a
mirror and onto the object. The object Figure 5: Image reconstruction
beam is then reflected onto the As we can see in the diagram, the beams
photographic plate. that form the images are diffracted at the
The reference beam is also reflected off a same angle,
mirror and shines on the photographic , from the undiffracted beam. Between the
plate. image beams, the angle is twice as large, o
The incoming object and reference beams If we look at the hologram at the same
create a resultant wave. The amplitude and angle as the primary image beam (also
phase of the resultant wave is recorded same angle as recording object beam), we
onto the photographic plate as an will see a virtual image of the object
interference pattern located behind the hologram.
images that float deep inside and project far away in New York while performing in
several feet in front of a display screen. several cities around the world. Today,
Dimensional Studios, a leader in 3D visual three dimensional television and cinemas
display solutions has recently introduced are becoming common, and there is more
its to come. 3D movies in home theatres
require chunky glasses which may be
unparalleled digital signage in the UK. uncomfortable for some people to wear.
This worlds innovative technology can Also experts found that viewing 3D
enable television over a long period can cause
observers to see 3D holographic-like headache and eye strain due to new
images that float deep inside and project sensory experience
several feet in front of an LCD or plasma
display screen. Its aim is for advertising
agencies and consumer products who wish
to catch a huge impact from this new break
through media.
Holography being in its infant stage has Holography may still be in its infant stage,
not being widely used in education. but its potentials applications are aspiring.
However, application of holography in Holographic Technology and Spectral
education is not new. Although, the Imagining has endless applications, as far
distance of transition was minimal, long as the human mind can imagine.
distance projection is possible since the Holography being the closest display
images are transmitted over the internet. technology to our real environment may
Holography differs from video just be the right substitute when reality
conferencing because the teacher appears fails. With holography, educational
to be in the classroom. While in video institutions may become a global village
conferencing users can easily notice a sooner that people thought, where
screen and a camera. information and expertise are within reach.
Knowledge sharing and mobility will only
Holography in Entertainment Industry cost a second and learning will become
more captivating and interactive. First,
When one thinks about holography in the there is an urgent need to address the
entertainment industry, the movies Star infrastructural deficiencies limiting the
Trek and Star Wars come into mind. In application of holography in education.
these movies, people relate with holograms More interestingly, the display medium of
as they would relate with real human. holography is very important. A 360
Although, what people see in these movies viewing angle is especially what is needed
are not real holograms, they depict what a to maximize the use of holography in
real hologram looks like and future education. Being able to display a 3D
capabilities of holography. In the musical hologram in free air is also vital, because
industry, holography is being used for interacting with holograms in a covered
concerts. In this case, the musicians can be display may be cumbersome. In order not