Functional Health Patterns
Functional Health Patterns
Functional Health Patterns
2 Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern:
Patient eats 3 times a day. He likes eating vegetables and
fishes. His favorite fruit is banana, hence his love for sweets.
They got their source of water through a nearby well. He doesnt
feel any difficulty in swallowing. There were instances that he
felt pain on his teeth because when he was given his medications
he would chew it vigorously, resulting in the damage of his set
of teeth.
A Examination
Has no change in colour before and during hospitalization as
stated by the S.O . Visible bony prominence, skin is dry. Oral
mucous membrane is moist and pinkish in colour with no
3 Elimination Pattern:
4 Activity-Exercise Pattern:
6 Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern:
7 Self-Perception Pattern:
8 Roles-Relationships Pattern:
9 Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern:
11 Values-Beliefs Pattern: