Curriculum Change B2
Curriculum Change B2
Curriculum Change B2
1. 1. 1
2. 2. The phenomenon of curriculumChange Presented to Prof Dr, Muhammad Asif Malik
Presented by Anila Yasmin Nadia Rafiq M.Naeem Ashraf
3. 3. Concept of change Change is a constant law of nature. It always bringsimprovement. It
always occurs Continuously.Technological advancement and explosion ofknowledge is the
basic reason of varying style ofchange. Change is an ongoing, almost unconsciousprocess
that involves reworking familiar elementsinto new relationship
4. 4. Using Change Concepts forImprovement While all changes do not lead to improvement,
allimprovement requires change. The ability todevelop, test, and implement changes is
essentialfor any individual, group, or organization thatwants to continuously improve. There
are many kinds of changes that will lead toimprovement, but these specific changes
aredeveloped from a limited number of changeconcepts.
5. 5. Forces driving change community technology political economy credibility: people want
more and more frompublic education complexity: competing demands of governmentsand
interest groups
6. 6. Features of change its a PROCESS not an EVENT: it requires - time- energy-
resources it is achieved incrementally and entailsdevelopment in feelings and skills in
usingnew programs. it should lead to improvement
7. 7. Features of change To work, it must be supported by individuals first. ( institutions cannot
change until the individualswithin them support the innovations) It is a learning process in
8. 8. What are your drivers for curriculumchange? National imposition Local need Staff
dissatisfaction Parental Demands Student demands are all students achieving
/participating Standards can they be maintained in view of thechallenges of new courses?
Leadership - meaningful change and curriculumevolution
9. 9. Whats a curriculum for? A school curriculum is intended to provide childrenand young
people with the knowledge and skillsrequired to lead successful lives. Today, there is
growing concern that the taughtcurriculum needs to be reconsidered and redesigned. What
is a curriculum for at this time? It comprises achallenging selection of subjects that help
childrenand young people understand the world. It highlightsskills necessary for learning
throughout life, as wellas for work, and for ones personal development andwell-being.
10. 10. Whats a curriculum for? But a curriculum is also political. Decisions aboutwhats in
and whats out change from time to timedepending on political needs and aspirations.
11. 11. Curriculum Change: Process of Curriculum change may be assistedby permissiveness
and Support in aaccordance of with a helpful improvement inCurriculum. Changing
Curriculum Changesindividuals. At the time of Curriculum Change it mustbe necessary in
Consideration that Resourcesof implementation of Curriculum are availableor not.
12. 12. Curriculum development and change Successful curriculum development requiresbetter
use of change knowledge failureis often a result of neglecting it.Policymakers, education
leaders and teachersneed to know more about the drivers ofsuccessful curriculum change in
schools.Therefore, learning about educationalchange and its key features should
becomeintegral elements of any serious curriculumreform process.
13. 13. Curriculum development and change Reconceptualizing curriculum. Many
curriculumreforms are based on how the curriculum hastraditionally been organized. As a
consequence,many curricula have become overloaded,confusing and inappropriate for
teachers andstudents. Therefore, curriculum orientation shouldshift from a curriculum as
product model to acurriculum as process model. This would alsotransform the role of the
curriculum from apurely technical document into a morecomprehensive idea that also serves
as guidelinefor school improvement.
14. 14. Curriculum development and changeChanging the way teachers teach and studentslearn
requires specific approaches. Inservicetraining of teachers is not enough. Ifcurriculum
reform aims at changing the waysstudents learn and teachers teach, moresophisticated
implementation strategies arerequired. Therefore, helping teachers to createprofessional
learning communities and schoolsto learn from each other are recommendedapproaches.
15. 15. Types of curriculum change 1. Empirical-rational: Stress is laid on the need forchange
and the competence to implement. Thesechanges do not occur at school level as they are
notcapable of bringing such change. 2. Normative-re-educative strategies: It is based onthe
rationality and intelligence of humans. This kind ofchange can occur by approaching humans
convincingthem that there is a need to change their values,attitudes, understanding and
skills. 3. Power strategies: Changes should meet theexpectations of the superiors who are
in a higherpower. Such coerce strategies are used often inschools.
16. 16. According to John Mcneil the differenttypes of changes are: 1. Substitution: In this type
of change oneelement is substituted by the other, i.e. onecourse paper/one unit is replaced
with another.Mostly, this kind of change is easily implemented. 2. Alternation: If some
material, content, itemor procedure is introduced into the existingmaterial and is adopted, it is
consideredalteration. 3. Perturbation: Some changes when introduceddisturb the
programme for sometime and thenlater on they get adjusted or adopted into theprogramme
17. 17. 4. Restructuring: These changes lead tomodification of the system itself. For
instance,team teaching, project method or competency-based teaching and evaluation. This
change is likerestructuring. 5. Value-oriented change: This change basicallybrings a shift
from ones philosophy or basicideology towards a particular auricularprescription or
orientation. Most of them whoresist should adjust with the changes and acceptthe same. The
teachers who cannot adjust theirvalues to such changes may not be retained forlong.
18. 18. Need of curriculum change People improve with greatest enthusiasm when theydetect
the desire of the stimulator of improvement toimprove himself The direction of improvement
should be determinedcooperatively. Peoples goals differ; however, if theyare to work together
effectively, they must determinecooperatively the direction their efforts are to take. The
direction of improvement should be determinedcooperatively. Peoples goals differ; however, if
theyare to work together effectively, they must determinecooperatively the direction their
efforts are to take.
19. 19. People improve through experiencing. The kindof teacher one is may be determined
largely bythe kinds of experiences he or she has had.School systems should seek to provide
theirteachers with the best of in-service education. Stimulators of improvement should divide
theirtime between contacts with individuals andcontacts with groups. Research and
practiceshow that both individual conferences andgroup work are effective in helping
teachersimprove the quality of their work
20. 20. Whenever possible, improvement should beinduced in situations that involve problem
solving.People improve most when a stimulator ofimprovement helps them solve their
ownproblems Stimulators of improvement should help keepchannels of communi-cation
open. Psychologicalstatic easily gets between the sender and thereceiver of a message
Stimulators of improvement should use theirpower and influence with great care.Educational
leaders have largesse to distribute inthe form of position, salary, approval,
knowledge,prestige, disciplinary control/ and even affection.
21. 21. Stimulators of improvement should operateon a limited number of fronts at a given
time.Curriculum workers are learning thatsweeping, comprehensive improvementsrarely take
22. 22. FACTORS AFFECTING CURRICULUM CHANGE 1. Does the school have a well-
definedphilosophy? Is it accepted by the teachers? Whatcontradictions are there between
philosophy andpractice? 2. When was the school last evaluated by anoutside group? Were
there any keyrecommen-dations that were not acted upon? 3. Has the school participated in
educationalinnovations or experiments? 4. Does the school staff participates inprofessional
23. 23. 5. What provision is made for suitableequipment, facilities and instructional aids? 6.
What evidence is there of poorarticulation? 7. To what extent are administrative
andsupervisory practices democratic in nature?
24. 24. Developing a Program for CurriculumChange Develop a faculty consensus as to what
levelof involvement your program or school shouldand can play in curriculum If the decision
is made to proceed withnecessary curriculum change, undertake aprocess to develop and
implement this change
25. 25. Developing a Program for CurriculumChange Consider various funding possibilities.
Take into account changes in the regulatoryenvironment in your and neighboring states.
Consider all your constituencies that areaffected by the change process. External
organizations can influence thecurriculum innovation process.
26. 26. Developing a Program for CurriculumChange Institution missions, goals, and policies
have apervasive influence on the policies andprocedures in your program The way you
organize and run the departmentor school can have an important effect on theinnovation
27. 27. Explosion of Knowledge(as a factor of change) Humanitys stored of knowledge has
shown anadditive increase in the past, but in recentyears the growth in knowledge has beer-
exponential. Not only has knowledgeaccumulated, but also there have been newways of
orga-nizing it and looking at it.
28. 28. The Community(as a factor of change) There are certain key questions that should
beasked about school-community relationships inseeking evidence of the need for
programmemodifications. 1. How does the community feel about theschool? What is being
done to improve school-community relations? 2. Has the population of the
communitychanged? If so, in what ways?
29. 29. 3. Does the school have an active parent-teacher association or similar organization?
4. What economic changes have taken placein the community? 5. For how much time and
to whom is theschool building open? How is it used? 6. What studies do teachers make of
theirstudents environmental backgrounds? 7. What community resources are available?
30. 30. The Society(as a factor of change)1. People conceive of the need2. People will draw
up plans to deal with thesituation.3. People will carry out these plans.
31. 31. Curriculum improvement Changing people. Making decisions. Co-operative action on
abroad base. Developing a functional educationalphilosophy. Studying pupils and their
environment. Keeping up to date with knowledge. Studying ways to improve instruction.
Carrying on evaluation.
32. 32. Other Factors Affecting CurriculumChange 1. Socio-political factors As the states
policies change, they have aninfluence on the educa-tional policies andschemes that they
undertake It also takes into consideration the socialneeds and demands and changing
trends inthe society with respect to various other issuesand contemporary developments
33. 33. Economic Factors Economic status of the people and the stateplay a role in the
curriculum change. Theaspirations of people, their demands andexpectations from particular
courses orcurricular inclusion at various stages ofeducation, all depend on he economic
34. 34. Stages of curriculum change The first Stagefirst stage is that of initiation, in which ideas
forchange are launched and decisions are maderegarding the nature, direction and extent
ofchange.The second stage is said to be one oflegitimating, in which the sentiment on
behalfof change is being communicated.
35. 35. Stages of curriculum change The third stage in-volves congruence of theseparate
systems of values held by the personor persons seeking to create change and bythe person
or persons who are the targets orhuman subjects of the proposed change
36. 36. Thank youGod bless you
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Resource Teacher:
Your Goal
At the end of this activity, you will be able to appraise the display boards as
learning resources according to its effectiveness in conveying
Your Tasks
Bulletin boards are the most common and readily available learning resource
in any school. In this activity, you are going to observe and describe the
bulletin board display of the school you visited.
Learning resources and bulletin boards of Camaman-an elementary school
A bulletin board is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to
advertise items wanted, announce and events, or provide information. In Camaman-an
Elementary School they have lots of bulletin board to post lots of information just like
schedules and their activities in a year.
Mostly, the bulletins are made of cork. Bulletins at the classroom are colorful and
pleasing to the eye since the students are elementary.
.Arrangement of information/images:
The bulletin at the principal's office is very arranged from pictures to the informations.
Also, at the classrooms are arranged but the information are quite lacking.
4.Materials use in the display: plywood, cork board, paper and printed materials
5.Errors notice,if any : There are grammatical errors and some words can't be read easily
because it's so small.
7.Clarity of messages: The messages and information could be understood especially the
elementary pupils.
Description of the bulletin board: Each bulletin board has specific information according to their
objectives and title.
Educational Content It enables the pupils to Some information are
(messages) analyze the information and be irrelevant and not that so
informed of the current news important. I observed that
and events of their school. some of their bulletins are
not updated.
colorful, pleasing to the eyes Though it's colorful, some text
especially to the students. are just too colored that it
can't be read by the readers.
Arrangement of Information
Well arranged, the information Some information are
are sorted according to its irrelevant and not that so
category important
Material Used
Affordable and simple, can be It will be weak if they used
used for a long period of time materials that can be easily
Your Analysis
Describe the board display design in terms of raising the target audience's interests.
Somehow, their bulletin boards provides important information and what it makes to be effective is
that it catch the attentions of the readers most importantly the students.
The language which is mostly used is ENGLISH but there are also information that is vernacular. This is
because some parents could not understand well in deep English words and this a good idea. It enables
parents interact with the school's activity. Notice that, when there is a meeting in school, student's
were given weavers which is written in vernacular.
The intention of the board display is to inform the students in their daily activities and for the teachers to know their daily
Your suggestion
The information that is not relevant for the present should be keep so that the content of the bulletin board become orderly
Based on your suggestions,purpose a bulletin board display by using the form below
1. Cork board
2. cartolina
3. push pins
4. pictures
5. cutting materials
6. coloring materials
7. decorative papers
* includes a scoring plan which specifies attributes for a quality answer and
indicates value associated with each of the attributes
*can utilized computer and optical scanning to save time and effort with item
development, item storage and retrieval, test printing and optical scan scoring.
The Performance-based Strategy
- is an assessment which requires students to demonstrate a skill or proficiency by
asking them to create.
* can be diagnostic, formative or summative assessment
Effective schools establish transparent and rigorous systems of accountability by which school and
student performance can be evaluated.
Effective schools are focused primarily on teaching and learning and use student learning data to inform
planning and instruction. This focus guides the construction of rigorous and relevant learning for every
Effective schools expect every student to learninstruction is adapted to the individual needs of students,
including high potential and underperforming students.
Learning Communities
Learning communities include students, their families, all staff and interested members of the wider
community. They share common visions, values and objectives and they work collaboratively to enhance
the teaching and learning of every student.
Professional Leadership
Professional leadership includes identifying a clear sense of purpose for the school and developing
professional learning priorities that reflect the schools purpose. This provides a window into the learning
and growth of each learner and a platform from which to plan.
Purposeful Teaching
Purposeful teaching builds on students knowledge and matches the learning needs and styles of each
student. Teachers have a strong grasp of the content, skills and pedagogy of their discipline. It is at the
core of improving student learning outcomes.
Effective schools demonstrate a clear and shared understanding of their goals, which are focused on
student learning, sustained improvement and problem-solving. Sharing the vision and goals captures and
communicates the schools core purpose and beliefs.
Resources, including learning spaces, technologies and staffing, are allocated to develop and maintain
classrooms that are conducive to high-quality literacy and numeracy learning and teaching. This space
provides students and staff with a secure environment to learn with others.