CHM 2045L Syllabus Spring 2017 1

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The key takeaways are that this is an introductory chemistry laboratory course where students will work on projects applying chemistry methods to address practical questions and develop skills.

The purpose of the laboratory course is for students to gain experience practicing chemistry as scientists do and enhance their mastery of chemistry concepts through hands-on activities.

The learning goals of the chemistry laboratory are to enhance subject matter mastery, develop scientific reasoning, understand the nature of empirical work, develop practical skills, cultivate interest in science, and develop teamwork abilities.

CHM 2045L General Chemistry I Laboratory

Spring 2017 Syllabus

Instructional team contact information-this is a multi-section coordinated course
Lab Section and Meeting Time: __________________________________________
Your Lab TA name and contact information (will be shared during the first day of classes)
For routine communication please contact your section TA directly
Laboratory Course Coordinator: Dr. Jhon Figueroa
Office Hours: MW: 2-3 p.m. Bioscience Building-BSF 318 or by appointment.

Course description
This course is an introduction to the science of Chemistry from the point of view of practicing chemists! Based on the
premise that science should be taught as it is practiced the lab will be a place where you, along with your group members,
will have an opportunity to get familiar and confident with chemistry methods by applying them to address practical
You will work on several projects throughout the semester in which you will plan, experiment and evaluate your own
chemical procedures and results. Each of these projects revolves around main concepts, techniques, and activities relevant
to chemistry in many areas of human activities1, such as: product quality control, prediction of chemical and physical
behavior of substances, among others.
1 US National Research Council (NRC) Report, Beyond the Molecular Frontier, 2003.

You will engage in activities in and out of the laboratory that aim to help you meet the learning goals of the chemistry
Enhancing mastery of subject matter; developing scientific reasoning; understanding the complexity and ambiguity
of empirical work; developing practical skills; understanding the nature of science; cultivating interest in science and
interest in learning science; and developing teamwork abilities.
2 US National Research Council (NRC) Report, Americas Lab Report.

Make sure you read the documents IN YOUR LAB MANUAL or IN CANVAS for detailed descriptions of the lab activities
and course objectives for the chemistry laboratory. These documents are created to help you succeed in this class; so take
advantage of them!

Materials and supplies

1. Laboratory Manual: This contains all the experiment guidelines and other important information regarding the labs.
The lab manual is available at the USF Bookstore only.
2. Laboratory Notebook: This is for you to take notes in the lab and it must have duplicate sheets. You may purchase this
lab notebook from the USF Bookstore or from any other vendor.
3. Safety chemical-splash goggles are required. If you do not have splash-proof goggles, you will be asked to leave the lab.
4. Lab Attire: Lab coats are required for this course and you need to get a basic protection lab coat with tight fitted wrists in
order to continue with the course. See picture below for a sample of goggles and lab coat.

5. Recommended materials: laptop and calculator. When possible bring a laptop to class. Many times you will be asked to
look for information online and the more resources your group has the easier it will be to get the work done.

Safety Rules
The departmental safety rules, explained during the first meeting, must be followed when working in the laboratory. You
will not be allowed to work in the laboratory if you violate any of the safety rules. The lab coat must be worn all the time
while you are in the lab regardless of the activity you are performing, including during peer review, oral or poster
presentations. Please read the safety guidelines in your lab manual regarding proper attire and behavior in the laboratory.

1. A copy of the Laboratory Safety Rules document is provided in the lab manual. You will be required to read and sign
this document (Student Laboratory Agreement) and submit it to your TA no later than the second class meeting!
2. Students must watch a safety video online and take a mandatory safety quiz during the second day of classes. All students
must score minimum 8/10 in the safety quiz in order to move on with any experiment.
3. After each lab session, students should place their lab coat in a plastic bag to minimize chemical exposure and avoid
contamination of other persons or objects outside the lab. Lab coats should not be worn outside the laboratory.
4. Any laboratory accidents or near misses must be reported immediately to your TA. Other safety-related concerns can
be addressed to your TA or to the USF Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) Office at:

CHM 2045L is scheduled for a 2-hour and 50-minute period once a week. Students may attend laboratory only in the section
for which they are registered. In case of an absence, please notify your lab TA ASAP and provide proper written
documentation (hard copy) no later than the following lab meeting in order to justify the absence. A single absence due to
legally documented illness, death in the immediate family, call to active military duty, court-imposed legal obligations (e.g.,
jury duty and subpoenas), special requirements of other courses and university sponsored events (e.g., performances,
games/meets, judging trips, field trips), and severe weather condition will be excused. Family and employment
schedules, transportation issues, oversleeping, athletic training/practice schedules of students do not comprise a
valid excuse and count as an unexcused absence. All USF students can visit the on campus student health services and
obtain a doctors note in case of illness.

Due to the nature of the course, any additional excused absence due to the reasons above will be addressed on individual
basis by the TA or Lab Coordinator to determine the possibility of a makeup lab. More than two excused absences will
significantly impact the lab performance and the student will be required to contact the Lab Coordinator directly to consult
about incomplete grades (see policy below), medical withdrawal, or attendance accommodations for students with disabilities
or student athletes.

Unexcused absences due to tardiness, failure to adhere to safety rules, leaving the lab earlier without your TAs approval, or
to reasons not outlined above will be determined as follows:

-First unexcused absence will result in a 10% reduction for the projects overall grade.
-Second unexcused absence will result in a 25% reduction for the projects overall grade.
-Third unexcused absence will result in a 50% reduction for the projects overall grade.
-More than three unexcused absences will result in a failing grade regardless of the reason.

In any case, it is the students responsibility to catch up with any missed work and submit other assignments on time. Missing
a presentation day will represent in a zero score for that activity.

Tardiness: Students are expected to be on time and ready to work when the laboratory begins. Your instructor will take
attendance as soon as your class period starts. Moreover, it is necessary for students to be present and participate in class
work in the entirety of the class duration. Any students arriving more than five minutes late will receive a 3-pt deduction
from the safety compliance points. Students arriving fifteen minutes late will be counted absent (unexcused absence) and
will be turned away from the lab.

Detailed description of student activities and evaluation

Project preparation and pre-lab planning

Pre-lab planning: Student groups are provided with a summary of each project either in your laboratory manual or
through pdf and media files on Canvas. Using the guiding questions given for each project as your guide, the lab
tool box on Canvas, and your textbook and other sources you consider useful you must prepare a detailed

research plan prior to working in each upcoming session. These guiding questions are essential to your
planning and preparation for each lab. Make sure your plan includes safety precautions and important
details of the techniques. A pre-lab plan must be prepared individually and turned in at the beginning of
the lab period (submit a carbon copy). Then, during the planning time (usually 35-45 min at the end of
each lab period) your group will go over the individual plans and elaborate a single plan (one per group)
to be submitted and graded by the TA. All group members will receive the same score. If you do not
submit your individual pre-lab plan at the beginning of the class you will receive a 50% reduction from
the pre-lab points earned by the group. Group collaboration prior and during class will be essential. Note that
project preparation work will precede all laboratory sessions and time will be allocated to allow more group planning
at the latest part of the lab session and prior to leaving the lab in anticipation of the next session (see detailed
Laboratory Schedule last pages). Students must stay in the lab and work as a group to utilize this class time. Leaving
the lab earlier without TAs approval will automatically count as an unexcused absence regardless of the time spent
in the lab that day. Note that even though this is an outcome of much group effort students will receive an individual
evaluation from their instructor per project.

Online pre-lab quiz: Each project will have an online quiz assignment available through Canvas (see detailed
Laboratory Schedule for due dates).

In class
Experimental work: The majority of your time in the lab will be spent engaged in hands-on experimental work.
During this time, you will carry out your plans to meet the objectives of the specific projects.

Laboratory notebook: Proper notebook keeping, detailed record of amounts used, pre and post lab planning,
observations, data tables and processing, useful group discussion points, must be recorded in your laboratory
notebook. Your Instructor will provide guidance in good notebook practices and carbon copies of all work will be
collected at the end of each lab session.

Student Performance Evaluation: At the end of each project, you will assess the performance and contributions of
each member of your group. They will do likewise for you. These evaluations will only be shared between you and
your instructor and will be evaluated by your instructor after completion.

Lab Reports
You will be instructed by your TA about specific guidelines, expectations and guidance to good writing and
presenting practices in the sciences. Even though collaborative group work and data sharing is strongly encouraged
and is essential in each lab activity, each student must produce their own initial and final report for which they will
be graded individually. The only lab report sections allowed to be shared among the group members are the results
and methodologies. All reports must be typed and are due as indicated in the schedule below. Specific details and
resources may be provided to all students via Canvas to support learning how to write effective reports.

Initial Report: You will have the opportunity to obtain feedback on your initial lab report by two or more of your
peers outside your group selected by the instructor in a blind peer review process. Peer reviewing may occur during
class and/or online through a peer review system. Submission of initial (draft) lab reports will be done through the
My Reviewers website. Details about the peer review process, including grade distribution (15 pts) will be shared
in class or through Canvas.

Final Report: You will be required to submit an electronic copy of your final lab reports to Canvas (via Turnitin)
and to My Reviewers in order to receive full credit. If you miss to submit the final report to one of these online
sites your lab report will be graded on a partial point basis (35 max. out of 50 pts). Lab reports must be submitted
before class starts on the due date (see Schedule for deadlines).

Oral Presentations and Posters

These presentations will be completed per group; however, each student will receive individual evaluation by the
instructor and peers. Presentation resources may be shared through Canvas to aid all students in preparing to present
their work.

Late submission for any assignment will not be allowed!

Student Evaluation
Important notes: to earn full number of points per project outlined below each student must come prepared every week in
accordance to the project handout and actively participate in all weekly prelab planning, data collection and post planning as well as remain for the
entirety of the lab. Oral and poster presentations and report grades will reflect weekly total individual effort and it is determined
by your TA who will evaluate your weekly pre-laboratory preparation, effort and participation in class and your final report
or oral presentation for all weeks allocated per project. It is a holistic grade.

If you have any discrepancies about any of your grades you have five (5) business days to request your TA a grade revision
from the day the grades are posted to Canvas. After that period, the grade will stand as posted on the Canvas

Project grading outline

Introductory Project 1
Project 2 Project 3
Lab Techniques Inorganic
Quality Control Food Dye Analysis
Safety Quiz 10 - - -
Pre-Lab Quiz 3x10=30 10 10 10
Notebook 3x5=15 10 10 10
Student Performance Evaluation 10 10 10 10
Lab Safety Compliance 5 5 5 5
Initial Lab Report Peer Review - 15 15 -
Final Lab Report - 50 50 -
Poster Preparation/Oral Presentation 30 (oral) - - 20/30=50 (poster)
Oral or Poster Presentation Peer Review - - - 15
Total Points 100 100 100 100
Percentage to final grade 25% 25% 25% 25%

The overall course percentage and final letter grade will be determined by the total points earned per student divided by
the total points possible as follows:

A+ 96 C+ 75
A 92 C 68
A- 90 C- 65
B+ 87 D+ 60
B 83 D 58
B- 80 D- 55
F 54

Grades will be posted in Canvas for students after the completion of all parts of each project.

USF Policies and Course Guidelines:

Incompletes: The grade of I will be given only under exceptional circumstances, such as an extended illness, which
MUST be certified by a practicing physician. To receive an incomplete, the student must have a passing grade on all
completed work up to that point and only if the student is missing a small part of the course. Thus, students who are
projected to fail the course cannot receive an incomplete and are advised to drop the course before the appropriate deadline
to receive a W. To remove an incomplete grade from the student's records, all requirements must be completed within one
academic semester; otherwise the I will automatically be replaced with an IF. Be advised that an incomplete contract
MUST be discussed with the laboratory coordinator (Dr. Anderson) prior to obtaining an incomplete grade otherwise the
student will receive an F regardless of the circumstances.

S/U policy: No S or U grades will be given for this course.

Academic Dishonesty: will be dealt with as described in the student handbook. A description of the University grading
policies and academic policies can be found in the following link:
(pages 47-77).
Religious Observances: Any student who anticipates the necessity of being absent from lab due to the observation of a
major religious observance must provide notice of the date(s) to the teaching assistant, in writing, at least three (3) weeks in
advance. Please read the USF policy regarding the religious observations that are honored

Disabilities: Any student with a disability is encouraged to meet with the lab instructor privately as soon as reasonably
possible. Accommodations are active from the date of request forward so it is to a students advantage to make requests
early in the semester. Each student must bring a current Memorandum of Accommodations from the Office of Students
with Disabilities Services (SDS), which is prerequisite for receiving accommodations. All course documents would be
available in alternate format if requested in the students Memorandum of Accommodations. Course Coordinator will
consult with SDS as needed regarding attendance accommodations or any other specific accommodations

Diversity: The University of South Florida considers the diversity of its students, faculty, and staff to be a strength and
critical to its educational mission. USF expects every member of the university community to contribute to an inclusive and
respectful culture for all in its classrooms, work environments, and at campus events. Dimensions of diversity can include
sex, race, age, national origin, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, intellectual and physical ability, sexual orientation,
income, faith and non-faith perspectives, socio-economic class, political ideology, education, primary language, family status,
military experience, cognitive style, and communication style. The individual intersection of these experiences and
characteristics must be valued in our community. Our goal is to help you be successful in a classroom where everyone feels
safe and welcome.

Disclosures: USF has a commitment to the safety and well-being of our students. Please be aware that instructors must
report incidents of sexual harassment and gender-based crimes including sexual assault, stalking, and domestic/relationship
violence that come to their attention. We are required to report such incidents in order for the Office of Student Rights and
Responsibilities or the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity to investigate the incident or situation as a
possible violation of the USF Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Harassment Policy, and provide assistance to the student making
the disclosure. If you disclose in class or to the Teaching Assistant or Coordinator personally, we must report the disclosure
and will assist you in accessing available resources.

The Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention, the Counseling Center and Student Health Services are
confidential resources where you can talk about such situations and receive assistance without the incident being reported.

University-wide Emergency Procedures: In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary for USF to suspend normal
operations. During this time, USF may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include but are not
limited to Canvas, Skype, and email messaging and/or an alternate schedule. It is the responsibility of each student to
monitor the Canvas site for each of their classes for course-specific communication, as well as check the main USF, College,
and Department websites, emails, and messages for important general information.

Hurricane season is here. Please click on the following link for more details:

Laboratory Schedule: A detailed laboratory schedule is shown below. Please pay close attention to the corresponding day
according to your class time and to the assignments due in and out of class.

Important Note: Any change to the schedule or course policy will be announced in class or through Canvas. The Lab
Coordinator reserves the right to adjust any of the policies as necessary to address extreme circumstances for individual

Laboratory Schedule Spring 2017-Monday Labs
Project Assignment Due by the beginning of
Date In-Class
Name class
Check-In, Group Activity, Safety Rules,
evacuation drill Watch safety video in class and take the safety
Jan 9th
Team Planning: Lab Technique 1 Introduction quiz
to Glassware and Measurement
Jan 16th MLK Jr. Holiday
No Labs on Monday ONLY!
Lab technique 1: Introduction to Glassware and -Online pre-lab quiz Lab Technique 1
First Day Jan 23rd Measurement -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Mini-Project 2
and Team Planning Lab Technique 2 *Answer post-lab questions in class
Intro Lab Lab technique 2: Spectrophotometer Use in -Online pre-lab quiz Lab Technique 2
Techniques Jan 30th Serial and Parallel Dilutions -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Mini-Project 3
Team Planning Lab Technique 3 *Answer post-lab questions in class
Lab technique 3: Acid and Base Titration
-Online pre-lab quiz Lab Technique 3
Feb 6th Team Planning Oral Presentation of Lab
*Answer post-lab questions in class

Oral Presentation of Lab techniques

Feb 13th -Submit pre-lab plan for Project 1 Week 1
Team Planning Project 1: Week 1
-Online pre-lab quiz Project 1
-Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 1
Wet-chemistry Project 1: Week 1
Feb 20th Week 2
Team Planning Project 1: Week 2
-Submit student performance evaluation form for
Lab techniques (one for all three techniques)
Project 1 Wet-chemistry Week 2 for Project 1
Inorganic salts Feb 27th
Team Planning Initial Lab Report for Project 1
present in
water samples -Submit initial lab report online to My Reviewers
-Submit student performance evaluation form for
Peer Review of Initial Lab Report for Project 1
Mar 6th Project 1
Team Planning Project 2: Week 1
-Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 2
Week 1

Mar 13-18th Spring Break, no labs!

-Online pre-lab quiz Project 2
Project 2 -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 2
Mar 20th Wet-chemistry Project 2: Week 1
Quality control, Week 2
Team Planning Project 2: Week 2
analysis of -Submit final report for Project 1 online (via
everyday Turnitin in Canvas and My Reviewers)
products Wet-chemistry Project 2: Week 2 -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Week 1 Project
Mar 27th
Team Planning Project 3: Week 1 3
*Plan initial lab report for Project 2 at home
- Online pre-lab quiz Project 3
-Submit initial lab report for Project 2 online to My
Wet-chemistry Project 3: Week 1 Reviewers and do peer review at home
Apr 3rd
Team Planning Project 3: Week 2 -Submit student performance evaluation form for
Project 3 Project 2
Food dyes -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 3
analysis in Week 2
commercial Wet-chemistry Project 3: Week 2 -Submit final report for Project 2 online (via
products Apr 10th
Team Planning Poster Sections for Project 3 Turnitin in Canvas and My Reviewers)
-Submit student performance evaluation form for
April 17th Poster Presentation for Project 3
Project 3
USF designated Reading Days: April 27th and 28th
Last Day of classes: April 26nd *Any changes to the schedule will be announced in class or through Canvas.

Laboratory Schedule Spring 2017-Tuesday to Friday Labs

Project Assignment Due by the beginning of

Date In-Class
Name class
Check-In, Group Activity, Safety Rules - Watch safety video in class and take the safety
Jan 10th Team Planning Mini-Project 1: Introduction quiz
to Glassware and Measurement
In-class Safety Quiz
-Online pre-lab quiz Mini-Project 1
Jan 17th Mini-Project 1: Introduction to Glassware and
-Submit individual pre-lab plan for Mini-Project 2
*Answer post-lab questions in class
First Day Team Planning Mini-Project 2
and Mini-Project 2: Spectrophotometer Use in -Online pre-lab quiz Mini-Project 2
Intro Lab Jan 24th Serial and Parallel Dilutions -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Mini-Project 3
Techniques Team Planning Mini-Project 3 *Answer post-lab questions in class
Mini-Project 3: Acid and Base Titration
-Online pre-lab quiz Mini-Project 3
Jan 31st Team Planning Oral Presentation of Mini-
*Answer post-lab questions in class

Oral Presentation of Mini-projects

Feb 7th -Submit pre-lab plan for Project 1 Week 1
Team Planning Project 1: Week 1
-Online pre-lab quiz Project 1
-Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 1 Week
Wet-chemistry Project 1: Week 1
Feb 14th 2
Team Planning Project 1: Week 2
-Submit student performance evaluation form for
Project 1 Mini-Projects (one for all three Mini-Projects)
Inorganic salts Wet-chemistry Project 1: Week 2
present in water Feb 21st Team Planning Initial Lab Report for Project
samples 1
-Submit initial lab report online to My Reviewers
Peer Review of Initial Lab Report for Project -Submit student performance evaluation form for
Feb 28th 1 Project 1
Team Planning Project 2: Week 1 -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 2 Week
-Online pre-lab quiz Project 2
-Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 2 Week
Wet-chemistry Project 2: Week 1
Mar 7th 2
Team Planning Project 2: Week 2
Project 2 -Submit final report for Project 1 online (via
Quality control, Turnitin in Canvas and My Reviewers)
analysis of
Mar 13-18th Spring Break, no labs!
products Wet-chemistry Project 2: Week 2
Mar 21st -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 3 Week 1
Team Planning Project 3: Week 1
*Plan initial lab report for Project 2 at home
- Online pre-lab quiz Project 3
-Submit initial lab report for Project 2 online to My
Reviewers and do peer review at home
Mar 28th Wet-chemistry Project 3: Week 1
-Submit student performance evaluation form for
Project 3 Team Planning Project 3: Week 2
Project 2
Food dyes -Submit individual pre-lab plan for Project 3 Week
analysis in 2
products Apr 4th Wet-chemistry Project 3: Week 2 -Submit final report for Project 2 online (via
Team Planning Poster Sections for Project 3 Turnitin in Canvas and My Reviewers)
-Submit student performance evaluation form for
Apr 11th Poster Presentation for Project 3
Project 3
USF designated Reading Days: April 27th and 28th
Last Day of classes: April 26th

*Any changes to the schedule will be announced in class or through Canvas.

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