Cable Pulling
Cable Pulling
Cable Pulling
Yes No Yes No
Signature : Date :
7. Approvals
The completed Work Method Statement must be submitted at least seven full working days prior to the
commencement of activities.
Where the Work Method Statement indicates the use of Hazardous Substances, a Material Hazard Data
Sheet must be attached.
After the Area Owners approval the Work Method Statement shall be forwarded to EHS department for
The approved Work Method Statement must be attached to the permit(s) to work and all persons involved
in the job instructed in its requirements.
Probability Low x1 Medium x 2 High x3
Significant Risk = High Risk (6-9) or Medium Risk (3-4) in terms of probability and severity
Tolerable Risk = Risk reduced to an acceptable level = Low Risk (1-2)
Residual Risk = Risk remaining after implementing recommended control actions (usually very minor).
8. Safety Analysis
Identified Hazard(s) Persons Exposed To Precautions and Plan of actions To Be Taken Severity x Probability =
Individual Activities To Associated With Activity Hazard To Remove / Control Hazards Risk
Complete Work. List In
Sequence of Activity Residual Risk
(Use Risk Estimator
1.PREPARATION. Slips, trips and fall at the Maintain housekeeping around in the working
same level. Emal / SNC rep., Engr., area. 1x2=2
Supv. Elec,helpers.
Incorrect position
2. UNLOADING / SET UP OF or not level of cable jack Workers must be skilled and trained for the
CABLE DRUM FOR causing trip over and Elec. & help. proper positioning of cable jack. 1x 3 = 3
PULLING ( using boom injury to workers or
truck ). property damage. Close supervision
Workers may slip, trip & Maintain housekeeping around the area.
fall at same ground or Elec. & help. 3x1=3
from height. Walkway and gangway to be kept free of
Slip / Trip / Fall - same Engr., Supv, Elec., & Maintain good housekeeping around the
5. TESTING level helpers area.
All temporary cable should be properly
File: Revision: 0(26-May-2011) Page 7 of
This sheet must be properly completed detailing all of the steps required to complete the job along with the sequence of events and each of the hazards
arising. Failure to properly complete the form will result in non-approval.
(Additional sheets to be used as required)
Product Name
Duration of Exposure
Frequency of Exposure
Controls to be implemented
This sheet must be properly completed detailing all the necessary information. Failure to properly complete the form will result in non-approval.