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Optical Sensors With Special Properties2

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Sensors Optoelectronic

for Special Applications Sensors Contents

Along with the tradi-

tional optoelectronic
sensors, an increasing-
ly large range of spe-
cialized sensors has
arisen which was
designed for special

2.2.2 Fiber optic base units

BOS 74K, BOS 15K,
BOS 20K with teach-in
2.2.7 Fiber optics
2.2.8 Selection guide
fiber optics
2.2.10 Diffuse
plastic fiber optics
2.2.12 Thru-beam
plastic fiber optics
2.2.13 Thru-beam
plastic fiber optics
2.2.14 Glass fiber optics
for housing size M18,
2.2.18 BOD 26K
Laser distance sensor
2.2.21 BKT contrast sensor
with teach-in
2.2.23 BLT luminescence

sensor with teach-in
BFS 28K color sensor
BGL 21 slot sensors
for label detection
BGL slot sensors 2.3
page 2.3.2 ...

Connectors ...
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Optoelectronic BOD 26K
Sensors Laser Distance Sensor

The Balluff distance Features Applications

sensor BOD 26K not only
detects the presence of Non-contact Dimension checking
objects, but also indicates and non-interfering (length, width, height)
their precise position. The High accuracy Flexible positioning
distance of the target object (in the m range) Contour sensing
from the optical surface Needle sharp light spot Level detection
corresponds to the voltage Optimum light spot size Control tasks (grinding
(0 to 10 V) on the sensor Distance measurement machines)
output. of virtually any object Tool condition checking
Detects rapid processes on machine tools
The BOD (Balluff optical Compact size Surface checking
distance sensor) is actually Laser protection class II Object detection
a diffuse sensor which (no special safety
employs triangulation (like measures required)
the sensors with background Connector and cable
suppression). This means versions
the object color has virtually
no effect on the distance

The use of brilliant red laser

light makes object
positioning and the detection
of very small objects easier.

Balluff distance sensors are

designed for industrial use:
rugged, reliable and easy to
work with. Their use requires
no special knowledge or
training. They are the ideal
partner in sophisticated

45 mm

85 mm

Optoelectronic BOD 26K
Laser Analog Sensor Sensors Laser Distance Sensor
Series BOD 26K BOD 26K
Working range 45...85 mm 45...85 mm
Analog output 0...10 V 0...10 V


270 rotatable

Ordering code BOD 26K-LA01-S 4-C BOD 26K-LA02-S 4-C BOD 26K-LA01-C-06 BOD 26K-LA02-C-06

Supply voltage UB 18...28 V DC 18...28 V DC

Rated isolation voltage Ui 250 V AC 250 V AC

Rated operational current le 3 mA 3 mA
No-load supply current I0 max. 35 mA 35 mA
Protected against polarity reversal yes yes
Short circuit protected yes yes

On/off delay 1 ms 1 ms
Frequency of operating cycles f 400 Hz 40 Hz 400 Hz 40 Hz

Output function
Permissible ambient light
0...10 V
5000 lux
0...10 V
5000 lux
Status/contamination indication LED green/red LED green/red 2.3
Ambient temperature range Ta 0...+45 C 0...+45 C
Degree of protection per IEC 60529 IP 67 IP 67
Insulation class [ [ page 2.3.2 ...

Laser protection class II II

Housing material ABS impact resistant ABS impact resistant
Material of sensing face PMMA PMMA
Connection connector 6 m cable, PVC
No. of wires conductor cross section 4 0.25 mm
Recommended connector only with BKS-S 19-14-PU-05
Weight 40 g 600 g (with 6 m cable)
Emitter type laser light red 670 nm laser light red 670 nm
Light spot diameter 0.9 mm at sn = 65 mm 0.9 mm at sn = 65 mm

Gray value shift (90 %/18 %) 3% 3%

Linerarity 1% 1%
Resolution 80 m 20 m 80 m 20 m
Temperature drift 18 m/C 18 m/C

Diffuse values referenced to Kodak gray card with 90 % reflection.

For wiring diagrams, characteristics and accessories see page 2.2.20. 6

Connectors ...
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Connector orientation

Laser safety regulation (see page 2.0.18)

The emitter corresponds to laser safety

class II per DIN EN 60825-1/94. Therefore, The device must be mounted so that
no additional safety measures are required. the laser warning label is easily visible.

Optoelectronic BOD 26K
Sensors Laser Distance Sensor

Analog output

working distance
output voltage

working distance

Wiring diagrams

Recommended accessories
please order separately

Mounting Bracket Connector

BOS 26-HW-1 BKS-S 19-14-PU-05

Optoelectronic Contrast Sensor
Contrast Sensor Sensors with Teach-in

The microprocessor control- It is also possible to enable Features Applications

led contrast sensor BKT a turn-off delay or to disable
represents another addition the buttons. Complete microprocessor Recognizing colored
to the Balluff line of intelligent control of the setup markings on packaging
opto sensors. The internal microprocessor process material
monitors and synchronizes Automatic selection of red Synchronizing cutting or
In this device the micro- the emitter, receiver and or green emitter light separating processes
processor takes over the output circuits, for optimum Automatic setting of light- Checking adhesive, ink
entire setup process. The switching frequency, on/dark-on function and paint
user need only press two repeatability and insensitivity Switching threshold Checking art work
keys to setup the sensor for to intereference and ambient automatically determined orientation (IC's)
the mark and the back- light. Remote key functions Contrast-based object
ground. The data are stored, The sensor output is and 4 storable programs detection
so that recalibration is only selectable between NPN and (cable version)
required if the marking/ PNP. In both cases, the Time delay and key lock
background ratio changes. output is protected against selectable
The LED's indicate which over-voltage and short PNP/NPN selectable
calibration step you are in. circuit. All models have an M12 connector or cable
During the setup phase, the analog output whose signal fitting rotatable by 90
data record for the working is proportional to the light Metal housing, IP 67
mode, consisting of emitter intensity reflected from the rating, with moveable lens
color, light-on/dark-on target. (straight and 90 optics)
selection, and switching A stable metal housing gives
threshhold, is automatically the sensor an IP 67 rating.
created. Remote control of The sensor lens can be
the key functions and remote placed in two positions, for
selection of 4 previously setting the exit surface
stored contrast ratios is straight or rotated 90 from
available in the cable version the sensor axis. For even
depending on lead selection. greater installation flexibility,
the connector or cable fitting
can be rotated in three 90
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Connectors ...
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Optoelectronic Contrast Sensor
Sensors with Teach-in
Series BKT
Contrast sensor working distance 9 mm
working distance 18 mm
with optional lens

beam exit
position configurable

3 positions

PNP/NPN o /p vertical spot BKT M-15-U-S 4 BKT M-11-U-03
PNP/NPN o /p horizontal spot BKT M-15L-U-S 4 BKT M-11L-U-03

Supply voltage UB 10...30 V DC

Voltage drop Ud at le 1.5 V
Rated isolation voltage Ui 75 V DC
Rated operational current le 200 mA
No-load supply current I0 max. 80 mA
Protected against polarity reversal yes
Short circuit protected yes
Permissible capacitance 1 F
On/off delay 50 s
Frequency of operating cycles f 10 kHz
Utilization category DC 13
Output PNP/NPN selectable
Output function op / selectable
Permissible ambient light 3000 lux artificial light/10000 lux sunlight
Sensitivity/range adjustment teach-in
Output function indicator LED red
Status indicator/error indicator LED green
Ambient temperature range Ta 15...+55 C
Degree of protection per IEC 60529 IP 67

Housing material GD-Zn

Material of sensing face glass
Connection connector 3 m cable, PVC
No. of wires conductor cross section 6 0.34 mm2 with shield
Recommended connector BKS-B19-3/BKS-B20-3
Weight 500 g 600 g (with 3 m cable)
Emitter type red/green visible 635 nm/565 nm
Spot size 1.5 5 (2 7 with 18 mm lens)
Analog output 0...5 V DC (2.5 V DC with Kodak gray card 90 % reflection)
op/ = Light-on/dark-on

Connector orientation Sensitivity curve Recommended accessories

please order separately
lens 9 mm

Wiring diagrams
relative sensitivity (%)


analog Lens Connector

working distance (mm) BKT M-PK-1 BKS-B 19-3/BKS-B 20-3

Optoelectronic Luminescence Sensor
Luminescence Sensor Sensors with Teach-in

Optical sensors usually Luminescence sensor BLT Features Applications

detect the target or the are especially designed for
desired target features this purpose. The Balluff UV source: Logistics
themselves. When this isn't luminescence sensor (BLT) is LED, 100000 hour life (marking, selecting)
possible, markings are equipped with a modern UV Sensing distance Assembly (guiding,
applied to the object and source (a UV-LED), so that 9...18 mm (15...30 mm monitoring, sorting)
these are detected by the no external UV lamp is with optional lens) Packaging machines (to
sensor. But what do you do required. Signal processing Push-button setting monitor cutting, folding)
when you can't apply visible is microprocessor-controlled Automatic setting Ceramics
markings to the object? using teach-in. By pressing of light-on/dark-on (e. g., parts positioning)
Very simple: apply invisible a button the BLT learns the Time delay setting Wood industry (e. g.,
markings! difference between the PNP or NPN selectable controlling the glue bead)
fluorescent marking and the Analog output Pharmaceuticals
How does that work? background. If the difference 0...7 V DC standard (control tasks in the
You use so-called fluores- is too slight and not reliably Configurable M12 manufacturing process)
cent materials (contained in detectable, a flashing LED connector (3 positions) Textiles
special chalks, inks, paints, indicates this condition. The Button disable (e. g., cut guiding)
etc.), which are only visible sensing distance is typically Metal housing Foods industry
in ultraviolet (UV) light. The 9 to 18 mm. Use of an IP 67
fluorescent materials change additional lens (BKT M-PK-1)
the invisible UV light (short- increases this distance to
wavelength, here 380 nm) 15...30 mm.
into visible light (between
blue 450 nm and dark red Configuring two internal
780 nm). This effect is called DIP switches allows you to
photo-synthesis. The visible set a turn-off delay of 20 ms
light can then be detected as or disable the buttons.
usual by the receiver portion The PNP/NPN output is also
of the sensor. selectable. An analog signal
proportional to the light
reflected by the marking
rounds out the functionality
of the BLT.
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Connectors ...
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Optoelectronic Luminescence Sensor
Sensors with Teach-in
Series BLT
Luminescence sensor working distance 9...18 mm
working distance 15...30 mm
with optional lens

beam exit window

3 positions

PNP/NPN o /p BLT M-15-U-S 4

Supply voltage UB 10...30 V DC

Voltage drop Ud at le 1.5 V
Rated isolation voltage Ui 75 V DC
Rated operational current le 200 mA
No-load supply current I0 max. 80 mA
Protected against polarity reversal yes
Short circuit protected yes
Permissible capacitance 1 F
On/off delay 250 s
Frequency of operating cycles f 2 kHz
Utilization category DC 13
Output PNP/NPN selectable
Output function op/ selectable
Permissible ambient light 3000 lux artificial light/10000 lux sunlight
Sensitivity/range adjustment teach-in
Output function indicator LED red
Status indicator/error indicator LED green
Ambient temperature range Ta 15...55 C
Degree of protection per IEC 60529 IP 67

Housing material GD-Zn

Material of sensing face glass
Connection connector

Recommended connector BKS-B 19-3/BKS-B 20-3

Weight 500 g
Emitter type UV-LED (380 nm), life expectancy 100000 hrs.
Spot size 5 ( 7 with 18 mm lens)
Analog output 0...7 V DC
op/ = Light-on/dark-on

Connector orientation
Recommended accessories
please order separately

Wiring diagrams Sensitivity curve

without lens
with lens
relative sensitivity


Lens Connector
working distance (mm) BKT M-PK-1 BKS-B 19-3/BKS-B 20-3
Optoelectronic BFS 28K
Color Sensor Sensors Color Sensor

All colors are made up of The BFS 28K is a base unit Features Applications
various combinations of the for plastic fiber optic cables.
primary colors red, blue and When using the Microcontroller built-in Selecting materials based
green. Likewise, every color BFO D22-XA-AF... it works Compact color sensing on the color of the part
can be broken down into its as a color sensing system. system Selecting by color
primary colors (such as a The BFS 28K is designed 3 emitter LED's Paint finish verification
prism does). Normally the for reliable and versatile Teach-in
object whose color you wish sensing of objects, surfaces, Connector or cable
to determine needs to be markings or other references version
illuminated with white light. based on their color. Selectable for color or
The reflected light is picked The BFS 28K operates on color range
up by three different the diffuse sensing principle.
receivers (red, blue, green) It emits red, green and
and then processed. Another blue light and receives their
alternative is to illuminate the reflected components.
object with the three It can detect a particular
complementary colors and color or a color range,
process the reflected light depending on how it is set
with a single receiver. up.
This is the principle which With its built-in micro-
the BFS 28K employs. processor the BFS 28K is
easy to calibrate with the
push of a button.
The display LED's guide you
systematically and reliably
through the setup process.
The BFS 28K is available
with integrated cable or a
connector. The cable version
provides for remote setup
over a control line.
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Connectors ...
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Optoelectronic BFS 28K
Sensors Color Sensor
Series BFS 28K BFS 28K
Working distance 5...8 mm 5...8 mm

green green
red red
blue blue
recei. recei.

PNP o BFS 28K-PS-F01-S 75 BFS 28K-PS-F01-02

Supply voltage UB 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC

Rated isolation voltage Ui 75 V DC 75 V DC

Rated operational current le 100 mA 100 mA
No-load supply current I0 max. 35 mA 35 mA
Protected against polarity reversal yes yes
Short circuit protected yes yes

On/off delay 900 s 900 s

Frequency of operating cycles f 550 Hz 550 Hz
Utilization category DC 13 DC 13
Output PNP PNP
Output function o o
Sensitivity/range adjustment teach-in teach-in
Output function indicator LED yellow LED yellow

Ambient temperature range Ta 0...+60 C 0...+60 C

Degree of protection per IEC 60529 IP 65 IP 65

Housing material PC PC

Connection connector 2 m cable, PVC

No. of wires conductor cross section 6 0.32 mm
Recommended connector BKS-B 74/BKS-B 75
Weight 50 g 100 g (with 2 m cable)
Time function 40 ms turn-off delay option 40 ms turn-off delay option
op/ = Light-on/dark-on

Diffuse values referenced to Kodak gray card with 90 % reflection. Wiring diagrams

Connector orientation

Plastic fiber optic BFO D22-XA-AF-EAK-35-01 Recommended accessories

Supplied, but may also be ordered separately. please order separately

BKS-B 74/BKS-B 75

Slot Sensors Optoelectronic BGL 21
for Label Detection Sensors Slot Sensor

The BGL 21 slot sensor is An setup aid is printed on Features Applications

an optoelectronic sensor in the upper and lower side of
which the setup procedure the sensor housing for Fast, fully automatic setup Recognizing colored
and function monitoring indicating the position in Control pad consisting markings on transparent
are handled by a micro- which the object must be of just one button and two substrate material
processor. These data are located. LED's Label detection
stored in an EEPROM, so The internal microprocessor A microprocessor controls Guide control on tracks
that reprogramming is only controls all settings for all sensor functions Tape break control
required for new conditions. achieving optimum switching Very short response time Thread tear/slack
The autoset button is on the frequency, repeatability and high repeatability monitoring
upper side of the sensor, and insensitivity to optical High resistance to optical Hole checking in thin
next to the function displays: interference and stray light. interference and ambient materials (< 2 mm)
a yellow LED for displaying The BGL 21-AH has a red light
the output status, and a and green emitter diode, NPN/PNP output on
two-color LED (red/green) designed for recognizing separate pins with
for displaying function or an colored markings. Selection overload and short circuit
error condition. of the most effective emitter protection
light for the application is M8 connector block
automatic during the setup rotatable by 90
procedure. The BGL 21 Metal housing, IP 65
features a solid metal rating
housing with polycarbonate
keypad and glass lenses.
The enclosure rating is
IP 65. The block with the
mounting holes and the M8
connector can be rotated
by 90 for solving virtually
any installation problem.

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Connectors ...
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BGL 21
Optoelectronic Slot Sensor
Sensors with Teach-in
Series BGL
Slot sensor slot spacing 2 mm


Supply voltage UB 10...30 V DC

Voltage drop Ud at le 1.2 V
Rated isolation voltage Ui 75 V DC
Rated operational current le 100 mA
No-load supply current I0 max. 55 mA
Protected against polarity reversal yes
Short circuit protected yes
Permissible capacitance 1 F
On/off delay 50 s
Frequency of operating cycles f 10 kHz
Utilization category DC 13
Output PNP/NPN on separate pins
Output function op / selectable
Permissible ambient light 3000 lux artificial light/10000 lux sunlight
Sensitivity/range adjustment teach-in
Output function indicator LED yellow
Status indicator/error indicator LED red/green
Ambient temperature range Ta 0...55 C
Degree of protection per IEC 60529 IP 65

Housing material Al anodized

Material of sensing face glass
Connection connector

Recommended connector BKS-B 74/BKS-B 75

Weight 100 g
Emitter type red/green visible 635 nm/565 nm
Min. object width 1 mm
/ = Light-on/dark-on

Connector orientation Wiring diagram

Recommended accessories
please order separately

BKS-B 74/BKS-B 75

Optoelectronic BGL
Slot Sensors Sensors Slot Sensors

Thru-beam sensors are Features Applications

unsurpassed in their
accuracy, ability to discrim- Integrated signal Parts sensing on conveyor
inate small parts and fine processing rails and conveying belts
detail, as well as their Easy handling and setup Label discrimination with
operating reliability. The only Only one cable transparent substrates
disadvantages are in connection required Parts dimension verification
installation and setup. The Rugged metal housing Parts counting
goal of eliminating these Active surface made of in assembly lines
objections has led to the glass Tool break monitoring
concept of the slot sensor. High switching frequency Position verification
Slot sensors allow very Adjustable sensitivity Feed verification on
precise thru-beam config- High resolution automatic assembly
urations to be integrated into N.O./N.C. selectable equipment
very small housings con- 360 deg. LED indicator Checking for complete
taining both the emitter and Red emitter light count (e. g. connector
receiver. pins)
Level monitoring in tanks
The advantages compared Handling and assembly
with a fiber optic cable technology
approach are not only price
related, but also in their
ease of handling, setup and
operating reliability. The
rugged metal housing en-
sures that production is not
interrupted by undesired
mechanical misalignment.

A full range of slot sensors

with a variety of slot
separations and dimensions
ensures that virtually any
sensing task can be handled
while still using standard 2.3
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Connectors ...
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Optoelectronic BGL
Sensors Slot Sensors
Slot sensor slot spacing 5 mm 10 mm 20 mm

10 mm deep 10 mm deep 10 mm deep

PNP o/p BGL 5A-001-S 49 BGL 10A-001-S 49 BGL 20A-001-S 49

Supply voltage UB 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC

Voltage drop Ud at le <3V <3V <3V
Rated isolation voltage Ui 75 V DC 75 V DC 75 V DC
Rated operational current le 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA
No-load supply current I0 max. 35 mA 35 mA 35 mA
Protected against polarity reversal yes yes yes
Short circuit protected yes yes yes
Permissible capacitance 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F
On/off delay 0.2 ms 0.2 ms 0.33 ms
Frequency of operating cycles f 3000 Hz 3000 Hz 1500 Hz
Utilization category DC 13 DC 13 DC 13
Output PNP* PNP* PNP*
Output function op/ selectable op/ selectable op/ selectable
Permissible ambient light 10 kLux 10 kLux 10 kLux
Sensitivity/range adjustment potentiometer 0...270 potentiometer 0...270 potentiometer 0...270
Function indicator (receiver sees light) LED red LED red LED red

Ambient temperature range Ta 10...60 C 10...60 C 10...60 C

Degree of protection per IEC 60529 IP 65 IP 65 IP 65

Housing material Al anodized Al anodized Al anodized

Material of sensing face glass glass glass
Connection connector connector connector

Recommended connector BKS-B 48/BKS-B 49 BKS-B 48/BKS-B 49 BKS-B 48/BKS-B 49

Weight 20 g 23 g 28 g
Emitter type red 640 nm red 640 nm red 640 nm
Switching hysteresis 0.1 mm 0.1 mm 0.1 mm
Resolution 0.3 mm 0.3 mm 0.3 mm
Repeatability 0.02 mm 0.02 mm 0.02 mm
/ = Light-on/dark-on

*NPN version on request.

Connector orientation

Wiring diagram

Optoelectronic BGL
Slot Sensors Sensors Slot Sensors
30 mm 50 mm 80 mm 120 mm

10 mm deep 10 mm deep 10 mm deep 10 mm deep

BGL 30A-001-S 49 BGL 50A-001-S 49 BGL 80A-001-S 49 BGL 120A-001-S 49

10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC 10...30 V DC

<3V <3V <3V <3V
75 V DC 75 V DC 75 V DC 75 V DC
200 mA 200 mA 200 mA 200 mA
35 mA 35 mA 35 mA 35 mA
yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes
0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F 0.2 F
0.33 ms 0.33 ms 0.33 ms 0.33 ms
1500 Hz 1500 Hz 1500 Hz 1500 Hz
DC 13 DC 13 DC 13 DC 13

/ selectable
10 kLux
/ selectable
5 kLux
/ selectable
5 kLux
/ selectable
5 kLux
potentiometer 0...270
LED red
potentiometer 0...270
LED red
potentiometer 0...270
LED red
potentiometer 0...270
LED red 2.3
10...60 C 10...60 C 10...60 C 10...60 C page 2.3.2 ...
IP 65 IP 65 IP 65 IP 65

Al anodized Al anodized Al anodized Al anodized

glass glass glass glass
connector connector connector connector

BKS-B 48/BKS-B 49 BKS-B 48/BKS-B 49 BKS-B 48/BKS-B 49 BKS-B 48/BKS-B 49

36 g 58 g 76 g 116 g
red 640 nm red 640 nm red 640 nm red 640 nm
0.1 mm 0.15 mm 0.2 mm 0.2 mm
0.3 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.8 mm
0.02 mm 0.04 mm 0.06 mm 0.08 mm

please order separately 6
Connectors ...
Connector page 6.2 ...
BKS-B 48/BKS-B 49

Balluff Optimized for
Sensors every Automation Task


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