Marking Criteria For The Dissertation PG

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Marking Criteria for the Dissertation - Postgraduate

The following criteria are applied to postgraduate dissertations. Please note that the criteria are slightly different
to the general marking criteria for written assignments, to take into account the research design and creativity of
the dissertation project. Dissertations can follow varied formats so please check with your supervisor or module
leader if you are unsure about how the assessment criteria relate to your project.

To achieve a particular grade, a piece of work does not have to achieve all criteria (i.e. markers will assess your
work as a whole and use their academic judgement to weigh the criteria and arrive at a final mark).

Knowledge & understanding Research design and structure

Depth of knowledge and Ability to formulate and explain

understanding of relevant relevant research topic and/or
concepts, issues and evidence, questions
including cutting-edge research Use of appropriate theory, approach
and scholarship and/or methods
Accuracy and precision of Coherent research design and
interpretation structure
Breadth and/or depth of reading Critical awareness of contribution
and research as relevant to the and limitations of the research
assessment task within larger field of study

Intellectual skills Presentation & referencing

Ability to critically analyse and Ability to express ideas clearly and
evaluate ideas, issues and fluently and to use appropriate style,
evidence vocabulary, and visual illustrations
Ability to develop argument where relevant
Ability to apply knowledge and Appropriate use of academic formats
techniques of research and/or and conventions, including
advanced scholarship which are referencing
relevant to the assessment task
Ability to develop independent
ideas and insights Please
refer to the
next page for expectations and guidelines related to each grade.
Knowledge & understanding Research design and structure
80100 Outstanding knowledge and understanding of Outstanding formulation of research topic and/or
relevant content. Accurate and precise questions. Creative and coherent research design which
High interpretation. Evidence of outstanding breadth is well supported by theory and follows an appropriate
Distinc and/or depth of reading and research, and structure. Demonstrates a sophisticated level of critical
tion demonstrates full mastery of specialist and cutting- awareness and ability to reflect on research limitations.
edge content.
70-79 Excellent knowledge and understanding of Excellent formulation of research topic and/or
relevant content. Accurate and precise questions. Coherent research design which is well
Distinc interpretation. Evidence of substantial breadth supported by theory and follows an appropriate
tion and/or depth of reading and research as relevant to structure. Demonstrates a high level of critical
the assessment. awareness and ability to reflect on research limitations.
60-69 Good / very good knowledge and understanding Good / very good formulation of research topic and/or
of relevant content. Accurate and precise questions. Coherent research design which is supported
High interpretation. Evidence of good breadth and/or by some relevant theory and follows an appropriate
Pass depth of reading and research as relevant to the structure. Demonstrates a level of critical awareness
assessment. and ability to reflect on research limitations.
5059 Fairly good knowledge and understanding of Fairly good formulation of research topic and/or
relevant content, although there may be a lack of questions. Research design is mostly coherent but
Pass precision and accuracy in interpretation. Evidence some inconsistencies in the structure. There are
of fairly good breadth and/or depth of reading and connections to theory or literature but not always
research as relevant to the assessment. relevant or correct. Demonstrates a limited level of
critical awareness.
4049 Unsatisfactory knowledge and understanding of Unsatisfactory research design. No evidence of a
relevant content. Some accurate interpretation, but serious attempt with regard to the design or structure of
Fail includes significant errors and/or irrelevant content. the research project. There may be no clear research
Limited evidence of relevant and appropriate question or objectives and major inconsistencies in the
reading. method or approach chosen, or its application.
0-39 Poor knowledge and understanding of relevant Poor research design. Lacks any evidence of a serious
content. Characterized by major misinterpretation, attempt with regard to the design or structure of the
Low inaccuracy, omissions and/or irrelevant material. research project. No clear research question or
fail Lacks evidence of relevant and appropriate objectives and major inconsistencies or deficiencies in
reading. the method or approach chosen, or its application.

Intellectual skills Presentation & referencing

80100 Outstanding intellectual skills. Sophisticated Outstanding presentation. Exceptionally well written
critical analysis/ evaluation. Outstanding argument work that is clear, and fluent at all times. Demonstrates
High and use of theoretical and empirical material. an excellent command of appropriate academic formats
Distinc Demonstrates full intellectual independence and and conventions.
tion contributes to broader academic debates.
70-79 Excellent intellectual skills. Thorough and incisive Excellent presentation. Very well written work that is
critical analysis and evaluation. Excellent argument clear and fluent. Demonstrates an excellent command of
Distinc and integration of relevant theoretical and empirical appropriate academic formats and conventions.
tion material. Demonstrates full intellectual
60-69 Good / very good intellectual skills. Good critical Good / very good presentation. Well written work that
analysis and evaluation. Effective and well- is generally clear with few errors. Demonstrates a good
High sustained argument, which is relevant to the command of appropriate academic formats and
Pass assessment. Demonstrates intellectual conventions.
5059 Fairly good intellectual skills. Some relevant Fairly good presentation. Adequate written expression,
critical analysis, evaluation and argument, but does although there are weaknesses. Demonstrates a fairly
Pass not always pursue ideas clearly or develop a good command of appropriate academic formats and
sustained argument. Demonstrates a degree of conventions.
intellectual independence.
4049 Unsatisfactory intellectual skills. Demonstrates Unsatisfactory presentation. Intelligibly written work,
limited critical analysis and evaluation and tends to although there are some major weaknesses and the
Fail rely on description. Lacks a clear argument or the writing is sometimes unclear. Limited command of
argument is weak and only partly relevant. Work appropriate academic formats and conventions.
lacks evidence of intellectual independence.
0-39 Poor intellectual skills. Lacks any critical analysis, Poor presentation. Written expression is unclear and
evaluation or argument that is relevant to the very poor, with major weaknesses and/or substantial
Low assessment or it is extremely weak. Work lacks problems and errors in use of academic formats and
fail any evidence of intellectual independence. conventions.

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