Moness in MEN

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You are on page 1of 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2017 M.E.N.


David Lafferty at the An aerial view of Moness
famous Queens View, much
loved by Queen Victoria

Moness resort in Aberfeldy

The main hall hosts the

hotel style rooms

Autumn is the season

for a Scottish adventure The lounges in the luxury
cottages have fantastic views

F you have a sense of adventure,
retain a sunny outlook on life  avid Laffertytakes a trip north, beyond the cities of Glasgow
D own version of the mannequin
whatever the weather gods
throw at you and your idea of and Edinburgh, to the magnificent heart of glorious Scotland After youve recovered from an
evening or two of excess then theres
heaven is glorious, mountainous plenty to explore in the area
terrain then the Scottish Highlands beasties take solace in the fact that landscape as an inspiration for her facilities on-site with an impressive surrounding Moness.
need to be at the top of your bucket they have the hillsides to tales. pool to seek sanctuary in should the Pitlochry, a famous old Victorian
list. themselves. Aberfeldy, despite being home to outside world get a little blustery. town, is just a pleasant 20-minute
Weve travelled to the far north of Scotland is a sparsely populated a mere 1,900 people, has a number Its perfectly suited to families and drive away. There are plenty of
the British Isles on countless country once you head north of the of accommodation options but the couples alike with the various quaint shops, a famous dam to view
occasions over the years, major cities of Glasgow and best in my view is the renowned accommodation options suiting all and even its own brewery to
clambering up mountains, trekking Edinburgh. Picking a base for your four-star Moness Resort. tastes and budgets. explore. If youre keen on a dram its
across great expanses of wilderness, trip can be difficult but one of the Its situated on the outskirts of We opted for one of the on-site also home to the Blair Athol
enjoying fine food washed down best locations is smack bang in the Aberfeldy but within a gentle cottages and for us it was the right distillery and also the smallest
with the finest spirit known to centre of Scotland, a small market 10-minute stroll to the town centre. choice. There were two bedrooms whisky maker in Scotland, the
mankind so its no wonder we keep town called Aberfeldy. Moness lies on a huge old estate on the ground floor with the open fascinating Edradour. Both places
coming back for more. Located in the heart of Perthside, with the impressive manor house at plan lounge-cum-kitchen and do tours.
Each season has its own Aberfeldy is famous for its whisky of its heart complete with turrets and dining area situated on the first floor If you want to strike out into the
character. Winters can be brutal yet the same name, distilled using the luxuriously appointed rooms allowing for fine lofty views direct hills from Aberfeldy then lowland
beautiful, spring can be glorious or water of the Pitilie Burn which is affording fine views of the from the sofa. walkers and Munro baggers alike
gloomy, summer can be spectacular reputed to have been a source of surrounding countryside. They are perfectly equipped for will be in their elements. There are a
but autumn,in my opinion, is the gold in years gone by. Adding to the There are also a host of modern self-catering but we were on host of Munros (Scottish mountains
best time to visit this remarkable mystique is the fact that Harry cottages in the grounds should you holiday, so it was off to the fine at least 3000ft high) within an easy
land. Potter author JK Rowling has also want a little more privacy and its dining restaurant. drive including the challenging Ben
Autumns when the terrifying made the area her home since 2001. also one of the finest wedding Moness is fast gaining a good Lawers ridge.
midges and the equally fearsome Its said she has penned a number venues in the Highlands. reputation for its food and great And for those feeling less
coachloads of tourists have all but of her novels using the harsh There are excellent leisure service and we werent energetic Queen Victorias favourite
disappeared and the ancient disappointed. Local produce spot, handily called Queens View, is
communities return to their slow need to know abounds and we were spolit for not far away. Essentially, the worlds
pace of life, affording a more choice on both occasions we dined. your osyter in Aberfeldy, just
enjoyable and relaxing stay. Moness Resort and Country for one bedroom cottage for two If you wish to explore further remember to reward yourself with a
Yes the weather can be a little Club, Aberfeldy, Perthshire nights. afield then Aberfeldy has a number drop or two of local dram each
damp, but crisp, clear days can also PH15 2DY of traditional pubs and a new bar evening while you plan the
be the norm and if wildlife is your To book email info@moness. which has opened in an old following days adventure - its the
thing then this can be the best time Rates from 59.85 for hotel com, telephone 01887 822108 or gentlemans outfitters. Bag a law round these parts - or so Im
to seek it out, as the various room per night and from 83.20 see window seat and you can try your told.

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