Mary Kaldor - in Defence of New Wars

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Kaldor, M 2013 In Defence of New Wars. Stability, 2(1): 4, pp.

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In Defence of New Wars

Mary Kaldor*

This article reviews the literature on new wars. It argues that new wars should be
understood not as an empirical category but rather as a way of elucidating the logic
of contemporary war that can offer both a research strategy and a guide to policy.
It addresses four components of the debate: whether new wars are new; whether
new wars are war or crime; whether the data supports the claims about new wars;
and whether new wars are post-Clausewitzean. It argues that the obsession with
the newness of wars misses the point about the logic of new wars; that there is
a blurring of war and crime but it is important to address the political elements
of new wars; that, although the data should be used with caution, it does seem to
offer support for some elements of the new war thesis; and that the argument is
indeed post-Clausewitzean because new wars are not contests of wills but more
similar to a mutual enterprise. It concludes that the debate has greatly enriched
the overall argument.

Introduction ture. Various terms have been used to con-

ceptualise contemporary conflict wars
Global systems of the 20th century were among the people, wars of the third kind,
designed to address inter-state tensions hybrid wars, privatized wars, post-modern
and civil wars. War between nation- wars as well as new wars (Duffield 2001;
states and civil war have a given logic Eppler 2002; Hables Gray 1997; Hoffman
21st century violence does not fit the 20th 2007; Holsti 1996; Kaldor 2012; Munkler
century mouldViolence and conflict 2005; Smith 2005; Snow 1996; Van Creveld
have not been banishedBut because of 1991). But it is the term new that seems
the success in reducing inter-state war, to have stuck and become the main butt of
the remaining forms of violence do not the critics.
fit neatly either into war or peace, or This article1 defends the concept of new
into political or criminal violence. wars. Engaging with and countering the
(World Bank 2011) various criticisms that have been brought
forward against the term new, it makes
The idea that twenty-first century organised the argument that the new in new wars
violence is different from the wars of the has to be understood as a research strategy
twentieth century has been widely debated and a guide for policy. Because the old is
in both the scholarly and the policy litera- enshrined in the concept of the new the
term enables us to grapple with the overall
* London School of Economics and Political
logic that is inherent in contemporary vio-
Science, United Kingdom lent conflicts and that makes them different in kind from old wars. It is a logic that goes
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beyond specific components of contempo- New wars have a logic that is different
rary conflicts identity politics or economic from the logic of what I call old wars the
predation, for example. Rather, it provides an idea of war that predominated in the nine-
integrative framework for analysis. teenth and twentieth centuries. In the origi-
This essay addresses four main thrusts nal version of the argument, I derived this
of criticism: whether new wars are new; logic from the differences between old and
whether new wars are war; whether exist- new wars in actors, goals, methods and forms
ing data confirms or negates the findings of finance. These are:
about the nature of new wars; and whether
new wars can be described as post-Clause- Actors: Old wars were fought by the
witzean. Before doing so, it is worth issu- regular armed forces of states. New wars
ing a note of caution. One of the problems are fought by varying combinations of
with many of the critics is that they lump networks of state and non-state actors
together the different versions of the argu- regular armed forces, private security
ment and treat criticism of one particular contractors, mercenaries, jihadists, war-
aspect contained in one particular version lords, paramilitaries, etc.
as a criticism of the whole argument. Such Goals: Old wars were fought for geo-
claims include the identification of new political interests or for ideology
wars with civil wars, the claim that they are (democracy or socialism). New wars are
only fought by non-state actors and only fought in the name of identity (ethnic,
motivated by economic gain, or that they religious or tribal). Identity politics has
are deadlier than earlier wars (Berdal 2003; a different logic from geo-politics or ide-
de Graaf 2003; Kalyvas 2001; Mellow 2010). ology. The aim is to gain access to the
In particular, many of the critics employ state for particular groups (that may be
reductionist arguments whereby new wars both local and transnational) rather than
are associated with a particular aspect of to carry out particular policies or pro-
contemporary wars, for example, crime or grammes in the broader public interest.
privatisation or brutality, and fail to take The rise of identity politics is associated
into account the overall conceptual frame- with new communications technolo-
work that relates actors, goals, methods and gies, with migration both from country
forms of finance. This essay will try to avoid to town and across the world, and the
this trap and focus on my own version of erosion of more inclusive (often state-
New Wars (Kaldor 1999). Before discussing based) political ideologies like socialism
the critiques, I will start with a summary of or post-colonial nationalism. Perhaps
this particular new wars argument. most importantly, identity politics is
constructed through war. Thus political
The logic of new wars mobilisation around identity is the aim
New Wars are the wars of the era of globalisa- of war rather than an instrument of war,
tion. Typically, they take place in areas where as was the case in old wars.
authoritarian states have been greatly weak- Methods: In old wars, battle was the
ened as a consequence of opening up to the decisive encounter. The method of wag-
rest of the world. In such contexts, the dis- ing war consisted of capturing territory
tinction between state and non-state, public through military means. In new wars,
and private, external and internal, economic battles are rare and territory is captured
and political, and even war and peace are through political means, through con-
breaking down. Moreover the break down of trol of the population. A typical tech-
these binary distinctions is both a cause and nique is population displacement the
a consequence of violence. forcible removal of those with a different
Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars Art.4, page3 of 16

identity or different opinions. Violence descriptions of war. The test of how well they
is largely directed against civilians as a fit empirical reality depends on whether they
way of controlling territory rather than provide a guide to useful policy. As I discuss
against enemy forces. in the following sections, it is this point that
Forms of Finance: Old wars were largely is most often missed by the critics of the new
financed by states (taxation or by out- wars thesis.2
side patrons). In weak states, tax revenue
is falling and new forms of predatory Are new wars New?
private finance include loot and pillage, The most common criticism of the new wars
taxation of humanitarian aid, Diaspora argument is that new wars are not new. It is
support, kidnapping, or smuggling in oil, argued that the Cold War clouded our ability
diamonds, drugs, people, etc. It is some- to analyse small wars or low-intensity wars,
times argued that new wars are moti- that many of the characteristics of new wars
vated by economic gain, but it is difficult associated with weak states can be found in
to distinguish between those who use the early modern period and that phenom-
the cover of political violence for eco- ena like banditry, mass rape, forced popula-
nomic reasons and those who engage in tion displacement, or atrocities against civil-
predatory economic activities to finance ians all have a long history.
their political cause. Whereas old war Of course this is true. Many of the features
economies were typically centralising, of new wars can be found in earlier wars.
autarchic and mobilised the population, Of course the dominance of the East-West
new wars are part of an open globalised conflict obscured other types of conflict.
decentralised economy in which partici- But there is an important reason, which is
pation is low and revenue depends on neglected by the preoccupation with empiri-
continued violence. cal claims, for insisting on the adjective new.
Critics of the new wars thesis often con-
The implication of these differences is that, cede that what is useful about the analysis
whereas old wars tended to extremes as of new wars is the policy implication of the
each side tried to win, new wars tend to argument. But this is precisely the point. The
spread and to persist or recur as each side term new is a way to exclude old assump-
gains in political or economic ways from tions about the nature of war and to provide
violence itself rather than winning (see the basis for a novel research methodology.
Keen 2012). Whereas old wars were associ- The aim of describing the conflicts of the
ated with state building, new wars are the 1990s as new is to change the way schol-
opposite; they tend to contribute to the dis- ars investigate these conflicts and thus to
mantling of the state. change the way policy-makers and policy-
It is this logic of persistence and spread shapers perceive these conflicts. Dominant
that I have come to understand as the key understandings of these conflicts that under-
difference with old wars something I pin policy are of two kinds. On the one hand,
elaborate in the last section, where I discuss there is a tendency to impose a stereotyped
whether new wars are post-Clausewitzean. version of war, drawn from the experience
Clausewitz was par excellence the theorist of the last two centuries in Europe, in which
of old wars for him, war was a contest of war consists of a conflict between two war-
wills. In my version of new wars, war is rather ring parties, generally states or proto-states
a violent enterprise framed in political terms. with legitimate interests, what I call Old
It is important to stress that both old and Wars. This term refers to a stylised form of
new wars, in my formulation, are ideal types. war rather than to all earlier wars. In such
They are ideas of war rather than empirical wars, the solution is either negotiation or
Art.4, page4 of 16 Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars

victory by one side and outside intervention like the First World War, that lasted for years
takes the form of either traditional peace- and killed millions of young men, for almost
keeping in which the peace-keepers are no political result. Hence, tactics in the new
supposed to guarantee a negotiated agree- wars necessarily have to deal with this reality.
ment and the ruling principles are consent, Secondly, new forms of communications
neutrality and impartiality or traditional (information technology, television and
war-fighting on one side or the other, as in radio, cheap air travel) have had a range of
Korea or the Gulf War. On the other hand, implications. Even though most contempo-
where policy-makers recognise the short- rary conflicts are very local, global connec-
comings of the stereotypical understanding, tions are much more extensive, including
there is a tendency to treat these wars as criminal networks, Diaspora links, as well
anarchy, barbarism, ancient rivalries, where as the presence of international agencies,
the best policy response is containment, NGOs, and journalists. The ability to mobilise
i.e. protecting the borders of the West from around both exclusivist causes and human
this malady. The use of the term new is a rights causes has been speeded up by new
way of demonstrating that neither of these communications. Communications are also
approaches are appropriate, that these are increasingly a tool of war, making it easier,
wars with their own logic but a logic that is for example, to spread fear and panic than
different from old wars and which therefore in earlier periods hence, spectacular acts
dictates a very different research strategy and of terrorism. This does not mean, as Berdal
a different policy response. In other words, (2011) suggests, that the argument implies
the new wars thesis is both about the chang- that all contemporary wars involve global
ing character of organised violence and connections or that those connections are
about developing a way of understanding, necessarily regressive. Rather, it is an ele-
interpreting and explaining the interrelated ment in theorising the logic of new wars.
characteristics of such violence. Thirdly, even though it may be the case
As Jacob Mundy (2011) puts it, in one of the that, as globalisation theorists argue, glo-
more thoughtful contributions to the debate: balisation has not led to the demise of the
Whether we choose to reject, embrace or state but rather its transformation, it is
reformulate concepts such as. new wars, important to delineate the different ways in
our justifications should not be based on which states are changing. Perhaps the most
claims of alleged coherence with particular important aspect of state transformation is
representations of history. Rather such con- the changing role of the state in relation to
cepts should be judged in terms of their abil- organised violence. On the one hand, the
ity to address the very phenomena they seek monopoly of violence is eroded from above,
to ameliorate. as some states are increasingly embedded in
Even so, it can be argued that there are a set of international rules and institutions.
some genuinely new elements of contem- On the other hand, the monopoly of violence
porary conflicts. Indeed, it would be odd if is eroded from below as other states become
there were not. The main new elements have weaker under the impact of globalisation.
to do with globalisation and technology. There is, it can be argued, a big difference
First of all, the increase in the destruc- between the sort of privatised wars that
tiveness and accuracy of all forms of mili- characterised the pre-modern period and
tary technology has made symmetrical war the new wars which come after the modern
war between similarly armed opponents period and are about disintegration.
increasingly destructive and therefore These new elements are not the reason for
difficult to win. The first Gulf war between the adjective new, however, even though
Iraq and Iran was perhaps the most recent they may help to explain the evolution of
example of symmetrical war a war, much new wars. The point of the adjective new
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does not have to do with any particular fea- a different set of political practices and a dif-
ture of contemporary conflicts nor how well ferent methodology of war.
it resembles our assumptions about reality, Some critics of the new wars argument
but rather it has to do with the model of war say the term is too fuzzy a hodgepodge,
and how the model I spell out is different say Henderson and Singer (2002). Indeed,
from the prevailing models that underpin similar terms like hybrid warfare, multi-
both policy and scholarship. It is a model variant warfare, or complex warfighting are
that entails a specific political, economic and explicitly about being a mixture. Thus, for
military logic. example, multi-variant warfare refers to a
Many of the critics miss the point about the spectrum of conflict marked by unrestrained
logic of new wars. For example, both Berdal Mad Max ways in which symmetric and
(2011) and Malesovic (2010) make the point asymmetric wars merge and in which Micro-
that identity politics are also about ideas soft coexists with machetes and stealth tech-
the idea of Greater Croatia, for example, says nology met by suicide bombers (Evans 2003;
Berdal. In a trivial sense, that is true just as Hoffman 2007). The problem with existing
ideological conflicts can also be reduced to categorisations of conflict, however, is that
identity a communist or a fascist identity they do not easily fit contemporary reality, a
as opposed to an ethnic or tribal identity, point that will be elaborated in the data sec-
for example. But the point of making this tion, and consequently the policy prescrip-
distinction is to illuminate different politi- tions that emerge out of them are confused
cal logics, the way in which identity politics and distorted. It is to be hoped that the cur-
is associated with different practices, differ- rent debate will further refine the concept
ent methods of warfare and different ways and lead to new categories that may displace
of relating to authority. Identity politics is the term new.
about the right to power in the name of a A typical example of this type of criticism
specific group; ideological politics is about is the article by Sven Chojnacki. Chojnacki
winning power in order to carry out a par- (2006) argues that the term new wars is
ticular ideological programme. Typically, in too vague and also methodologically prob-
new war contexts, for example, access to the lematic because the criteria for identifying
state is about access to resources rather than new wars are highly arbitrary, difficult
about changing state behaviour; in such situ- to reproduce inter-subjectively, and diffi-
ations, competition for power tends to be cult to reconcile with conflict theory (italics
based on identity rather than on program- added). Chojnacki then goes on to establish
matic debate, even if the latter is more of an his own categories based on actors inter-
ideal than a reality. This helps to explain mili- state, extra-state, intra-state, and sub-state
tary tactics population displacement as a which entirely misses the point of new
method of exerting political control or the wars, in which the actors are both state and
persistence of new wars, as fear is a neces- non-state, internal and external. It misses the
sary long-term ingredient of identity politics. point that the term new wars is a critique of
Berdal and Malesevic seem to be implying prevailing conflict theory.
that the term identity politics suggests that Some critics concede that something like
politics is a mask , which is instrumentalised new wars exists. But that does not mean that
for economic reasons; of course new wars old wars have gone away. Particularly after
are about politics that is why they are wars the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, some schol-
and of course identity is constructed, but ars and policy makers warn of assuming that
so are all other forms of ideology. The point future wars will look like Iraq and Afghani-
is that the distinction that I make between stan. It is to be hoped that future wars will
identity politics and ideology (democracy or not be like Iraq and Afghanistan because
socialism) and geo-political interest implies these wars have been exacerbated by outside
Art.4, page6 of 16 Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars

military interventions. But nor are future There is a lot of sense in this line of argu-
wars likely to look like the wars of the twen- ment. New wars can be described as mix-
tieth century. Of course, a return to old wars tures of war (organised violence for political
cannot be ruled out. It is possible to imag- ends), crime (organised violence for private
ine continued competitive arming by states, ends) and human rights violations (violence
growing interstate tensions, and a tendency against civilians). The advantage of not using
to forget the suffering of previous genera- the term war is that all forms of contempo-
tions. But failure to deal with the new wars rary violence can be regarded as wholly ille-
of the present might make that possibility gitimate, requiring a policing rather than a
more plausible. The reconstruction of mili- political/military response. Moreover, much
tarised states through external wars might contemporary violence like the drugs wars
come to be viewed as a way of re-establishing in Mexico or gang warfare in major cities
the monopoly of violence at national levels. appears to have a similar logic to new wars,
As John Keegan puts it: The great work of but has to be classified as criminal. The same
disarming tribes, sects, warlords and crimi- sort of argument has been used in relation
nals a principal achievement of monarchs to terrorism. There has been widespread
in the 17th century and empires in the 19th criticism of the term war on terror because
threatens to need doing all over again it implies a military response to terrorist vio-
(Quoted in Mueller 2004: 172). In the pre- lence when policing and intelligence meth-
sent economic crisis, where states are cutting ods, it is argued, would be more effective
defence budgets, there is a tendency to pro- (Howard 2002).
tect what is seen as the core defence task On the other hand, the political element
preparation for old war and to squeeze the does have to be taken seriously; it is part of
emerging capacity to contribute to global the solution. Articulating a cosmopolitan
peace enforcement efforts. politics as an alternative to exclusivist iden-
tity is the only way to establish legitimate
Are new wars War? institutions that can provide the kind of
Some writers argue that contemporary vio- effective governance and security that Muel-
lence is mainly privatised and/or criminal ler is proposing as a solution. War does imply
and cannot therefore be properly described organised violence in the service of political
as war. A good example of this kind of ends. This is the way it legitimises criminal
thinking is John Muellers interesting book activity. Suicide bombers in their farewell
The Remnants of War. He claims that war is videos describe themselves as soldiers not as
becoming obsolescent and what is left are murderers. Even if it is the case, and it often
thugs who are the residual combatants is, that those who frame the violence in eth-
(Mueller 2004). In other words, he defines nic, religious or ideological terms are purely
war as old war. A similar argument is made instrumental, these political narratives are
by Martin Shaw (2003), who talks about internalised through the process of engag-
degenerate wars. ing in or suffering from violence. Indeed, this
According to Mueller (2004: 115), most is the point of the violence; it is only possi-
of what passes for warfare to-day is cen- ble to win elections or to mobilise political
trally characterised by the opportunistic and support through the politics of fear. This is
improvisatory clash of thugs, not by the pro- a point made strongly by Kalyvas in his Logic
grammed and/or primordial clash of civilisa- of Violence in Civil Wars. He quotes Thucy-
tions although many of the perpetrators do dides on the violent fanaticism which came
cagily apply ethnic, national or ideological into play once the struggle had broken out
rhetoric to justify their activities because to .society had become divided into two ideo-
stress the thrill and profit of predation would logically hostile camps, and each side viewed
be politically incorrect. the other with suspicion (Kalyvas 2006: 78).
Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars Art.4, page7 of 16

Overcoming fear and hostility does not nec- sistence of contemporary conflicts as well as
essarily come about through compromise, the tendency to spread.
even if that is possible, because compromise In fact, the quantitative data, despite
can entrench exclusivist positions; rather it claims to the contrary, does seem to confirm
requires a different kind of politics, the con- the claims about the nature of new wars even
struction of a shared discourse that has to though this data has to be used cautiously
underpin any legal response. because it largely derives from old assump-
A related terminological issue concerns tions about conflict. The debate about data
the word conflict. There is a legal difference covers three broad areas: the numbers and
between war and armed conflict, which duration of wars; the numbers of casualties;
has to do with whether or not war has been and the levels of forced displacement.
formally declared. Most data sets assume a
threshold below which violence cannot be The numbers and duration of wars
counted as war say a thousand battle deaths There are three main sources for data on
per year, as in the Correlates of War database numbers of wars. These are:
(Correlates of War Project). Without wishing
to be overly semantic, the term conflict does -- The Uppsala Conflict Data Programme
seem to imply a contestation around a legiti- (UCDP), which is used by the Stock-
mate grievance that can be resolved either by holm International Peace Research Insti-
victory of one side or through compromise; tute (SIPRI) in its annual yearbook, the
the term used in the Uppsala University Con- Human Security Report project and the
flict Dataset is contested incompatibility World Bank (UCDP; SIPRI; Human Secu-
(UCDP 1988). Actually, conflict is endemic rity Report Project);
in all societies and necessary for change and -- The Correlates of War roject at the Uni-
adaptation. Democracy is a peaceful mecha- versity of Michigan (Correlates of War
nism for managing conflict. Violence, as project); and
Michel Wievorka (2009) contends, tends to -- The biennial Peace and Conflict Survey
be the opposite of conflict; it closes down produced by the Center for Develop-
debates and encourages ruptures. In new ment and Conflict Management at the
wars the sides need an incompatibility in University of Maryland (Peace and Con-
order to justify their existence. flict Survey).

The Debate about data All three data sets are based on old war
The new wars argument is largely based on assumptions. For violence to be counted as
qualitative rather than quantitative data. It a war, there has to be a state involved at least
came out of empirical studies of the wars in on one side and there have to be a certain
the former Yugoslavia and the South Cauca- number of battle deaths. Moreover, they all
sus as well as Sub Saharan Africa (Kaldor and distinguish between intra-state and inter-
Vashee 1997). This knowledge has since been state war, and some have added sub-state or
augmented by research on Iraq and Afghani- non-state categories. Yet central to the new
stan, but there were two quantitative claims wars argument is the difficulty of distin-
that I used to back up the arguments that guishing between what is state or non-state
battles are becoming rare and most violence and what is external or internal. So, none of
is directed against civilians. One concerned these numbers are really able to capture the
the dramatic increase in the ratio of civil- nature of new wars.
ian to military casualties and the other con- In particular, the emphasis on battle deaths
cerned the rise in the numbers of displaced has the counter-intuitive effect of leaving out
people per conflict. Other data that could be major episodes of violence. As Milton Leiten-
relevant relate to the recurrence and/or per- berg (2006) puts it: There were few bat-
Art.4, page8 of 16 Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars

tle deaths in Cambodia between 1975 and are not increasing. But new wars are not the
1978, comparatively few in Somalia in 1990 same as civil wars and no one has claimed
and 1991, or in Rwanda in 1994: but it would that new wars are increasing or decreasing;
simply be bizarre if two million dead in Cam- the argument was always about the changing
bodia, 350,000 in Somalia and 8000 or more character of war. Bizarrely, critics have also
in Rwanda were omitted from compilations. suggested that the decline of battle severity
Nevertheless, the findings from the three is a critique of new wars when on the con-
databases do have some relevance to the new trary it confirms the new wars argument
wars thesis. They all tend to concur in the fol- (Melunder, Oberg and Hall 2009)
lowing conclusions:
-- The virtual disappearance of wars The problem with calculations about the
between states; ratio of civilian to military casualties is three
-- The decline of all high intensity wars, fold. First, figures on civilian casualties are
involving more than a thousand battle notoriously inaccurate. There are a variety of
deaths; methods for calculating these numbers: reli-
-- The decline in the deadliness of war ance on media and other reports of individ-
measured in terms of battle deaths; ual deaths, epidemiological surveys, opinion
-- The increase in the duration and/or surveys and, where available, official death
recurrence of wars; and certificates. The results vary widely. Thus, cas-
-- The risk factor of proximity to other ualties in the Bosnia war vary from 260,000
wars. (the number given by the Bosnian Informa-
tion Ministry and widely used by interna-
In other words, there does seem to be a tional agencies at the time), of which 60,000
decline in old wars, which is largely what were military, to 40,000 in the World Disas-
this data measures. There is also a decline ters Report (Roberts 2010). Similarly, civilian
in the numbers killed in battles, which is casualties in the Iraq war have been the sub-
consistent with the argument about the ject of huge debate; the numbers vary widely,
decline of battle. And there does seem to be from around 100,000 civilian casualties from
evidence for the argument that new wars are violence (as of a 2011 estimate by Iraq Body
difficult to end and they tend to spread if we Count, which relies on media reports and
assume that the data does catch some new official documents) to over a million (based
war elements. on an opinion survey in 2007, which asked
The UCDP has made the most effort to Iraqis in all 18 governorates whether any
adjust to the new realities and has added member of their family had been killed)
data on episodes of one-sided violence and (ORB International).
on non-state violent conflicts. Both of these Secondly, it is very difficult to distinguish
numbers seem to be increasing and this combatants from civilians. The only figures
again is consistent with the argument that for which there are accurate statistics are
new wars could be treated as cases of mutual military casualties because these are for-
one-sided violence and that low-level, low mally recorded by their governments. Hence,
intensity persistent conflicts may be more we know that, as of September 2012, there
typical nowadays. were some 4804 military casualties in Iraq, of
Those who have criticised the new wars which 4486 were American, and some 3202
argument using this sort of data have tended military casualties in Afghanistan, of which
to set up straw men to attack. Thus it is some 2136 were American (Iraq Coalition
argued that new wars are civil wars and the Casualty Count). But, since many combatants
decline in civil wars suggests that new wars in new wars are police, militia, private con-
Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars Art.4, page9 of 16

tractors, mercenaries, para-militaries or crim- a small population and a high death toll and
inals of various kinds, the figures for other that the true figure is probably much lower.
military and civilian casualties are very diffi- So what can be said about the data on
cult to identify. A good example are the fig- casualties? First of all, the data suggests an
ures produced by the Sarajevo Research and overall decline in all war-related deaths. One
Documentation Centre. They collected death of the misapplied criticisms that have been
certificates for people killed in the 19925 made of the new wars thesis is that new wars
war and estimated that some 97,207 people scholars claim that atrocities in new wars are
were killed, of which 39,684 or 41% were worse than in previous wars. The only claim
civilian and 62,626 or 59% were soldiers. that the new wars thesis makes is most vio-
However, the number for soldiers included lence in new wars consists of violence against
all men of military age. Since we know that civilians rather than combat it would be
it was mainly men of military age that were mad to claim that violence against civilians
killed in ethnic cleansing operations and the is worse than the modernist state-based
majority of displaced people were women atrocities like the holocaust or the Soviet
and we also know that participation in the purges. Secondly, there has been a dramatic
violence was very low, about 6.5% of the decline in battle deaths. If we compare all
population it is simply not credible that all war-related deaths to battle deaths rather
those men were soldiers. It would presuppose than civilian to military casualties, then it is
that nearly all the 8000 men and boys killed possible to assert that the ratio has increased
in Srebrenica were soldiers, for example. on a scale commensurate with the new wars
Thirdly it is very difficult to distinguish original claim (Lacin and Gleditsch 2005).
whether civilians were killed as a side effect Thirdly, casualties among regular soldiers
of battle, as a result of deliberate violence are a very small proportion of total deaths in
(political or criminal), or as a result of the wars, both because there are fewer regular
indirect effects of war privation and dis- soldiers taking part in wars and because of
ease. The Human Security Report suggests the decline in battle.
that deaths as an indirect effect of war Finally, what is shocking about this whole
have declined in contemporary wars. This debate is the fact that we have good and accu-
is because wars are often highly localised rate statistics for the deaths of men in state-
and low-level and general improvements in based uniforms, but information about the
healthcare or in immunisation continue dur- vast majority of victims is totally inadequate.
ing the wars. The main method of calculating
these indirect effects is through calculating Forced displacement
the excess deaths that took place over and No one disputes that the overall total dis-
above what might have been expected from placed population has increased. Indeed
previous trends. The Human Security Report, according to UNHCR, the figures for forcibly
for example, criticises the IRC report on casu- displaced people in 2010 were at their high-
alties in the war in the Democratic Republic est in fifteen years at 43.7 million, includ-
of Congo, which estimates that 5.4 million ing 15.4 million refugees, some 27.5 million
people died during the war who would not internally displaced persons and 837,500
have died had there been no war; more than individuals whose asylum applications had
90% were estimated to have died from war- not been processed. But critics suggest that
exacerbated disease and malnutrition. The these numbers should be qualified in two
HSR argues that their estimate was based respects. First, data collection has greatly
on an estimated infant mortality rate prior improved, especially in relation to internally
to the conflict that was too low, that their displaced persons. In particular, the main
surveys were biased in favour of areas with source of IDP data is the Norwegian Refugee
Art.4, page10 of 16 Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars

Average # refugees
900000 per country
800000 experiencing
violence (5)
Average # of IDPs
600000 UNHCR per country
500000 experiencing
violence (6)
Average # of IDPs
300000 ICDM per country
200000 experiencing
violence (7)
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Figure 1: Rise in annual numbers of internally displaced persons in countries experiencing

armed conflict, substate conflict, and one-sided violence.

Councils Internal Displacement Monitor- UNHC and the IDMC, an upward trend in
ing Centre, which has only been collecting refugees and internally based persons can
data since 1998 (IDMC). Before that date, the be observed per conflict. Figure 1 is broader,
main source was UNHCRs estimates of those showing the rise in annual numbers of inter-
IDPs of concern to UNHCR, a much lower nally displaced persons in countries experi-
figure. Secondly, refugee and IDP data tends encing not only armed conflict, but what the
to be cumulative, since many people do not UCDP describe as substate conflict and one-
return to their homes. sided violence.3
Nevertheless, recent conflicts especially One conclusion from this discussion is the
in Iraq, Somalia and Pakistan do seem to need to refine the displacement data, which
confirm the contention that forcible dis- could well offer a better indicator of human
placement is a central methodology of insecurity than some of the other numbers
new wars. In Iraq, for example, some 4 mil- that are used.
lion people were displaced at the height of
the war in 20062008; roughly half were The Debate about Clausewitz
refugees and half were internally displaced. The final set of criticisms against the new
Indeed, it can be argued that one reason wars thesis has to do with the claim that
for lower levels of deaths in war is that it is new wars are post-Clausewitzean (Strachan
easier to spread fear and panic using new and Herberg-Rothe 2007; Schuurman 2010).
communications, so that more people leave The reasons that are normally put forward
their homes than formerly. At the same for claiming that new wars are post-Clause-
time, there does seem to be a trend towards witzean have to do with the Trinitarian con-
increasing displacement per conflict. Using ception of war, the primacy of politics and
the American Refugee Council data, Myron the role of reason. Both John Keegan (2004)
Weiner (1996) calculated that the number and Martin Van Creveld (1991) have sug-
of refugees and internally displaced persons gested that the Trinitarian concept of war,
per conflict increased from 327,000 per con- with its tripartite distinction of the state, the
flict in 1969 to 1,316,000 in 1992 (1992 was, army and the people, is no longer relevant.
of course, a peak year for conflict). Using the Other authors suggest that war is no longer
Uppsala Conflict Database and figures from an instrument of politics and, indeed, that
Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars Art.4, page11 of 16

the divorce of war from politics is charac- to distinguish between combatants and civil-
teristic of both pre-Clausewitzean and post- ians. So, if we think of the trinity in terms of
Clausewitzean wars (Snow quoted in Ang- the institutions of the state, the army and the
strom 2003: 8). Along with these arguments, people, then it cannot apply. But if we think
critics have also questioned the rationality of of the trinity as a concept for explaining how
war. Van Creveld, for example, argues that it disparate social and ethical tendencies are
is preposterousto think that just because united in war, then it is clearly very relevant.
some people wield power, they act like cal- A second issue is the primacy of politics.
culating machines that are unswayed by pas- Among translators of Clausewitz, there is a
sions. In fact, they are no more rational than debate about whether the German word poli-
the rest of us(1991: 10). tik should be translated as policy or politics.
These arguments are rather trivial and, It can be argued that it applies to both if we
depending on how Clausewitz is interpreted, roughly define policy as external, in terms
they can all be refuted. Huw Strachan (2007) of relations with other states, and politics as
points out that the trinity refers to tenden- the domestic process of mediating different
cies or motivations rather than empirical cat- interests and views.
egories. The point of the concept is to explain New Wars are also fought for political
how a complex social organisation, made up ends and, indeed, war itself can be viewed
of many different individuals with many dif- as a form of politics. The political narrative
ferent motivations, can become, in his words, of the warring parties is what holds together
the personalised state a side in or party to dispersed loose networks of paramilitary
war. War says Clausewitz, is, therefore, not groups, regular forces, criminals, mercenar-
only chameleon-like in character, because it ies and fanatics, representing a wide array of
changes colour in some degree in each par- tendencies economic and/or criminal self-
ticular case, but it is, also, as a whole, in rela- interest, love of adventure, personal or fam-
tion to the predominant tendencies which ily vendettas, or even just a fascination with
are in it, a wonderful trinity, composed of violence. It is what provides a license for
the original violence of its elements, hatred these varying tendencies. Moreover, these
and animosity, which may be looked upon political narratives are often constructed
as blind instinct; the play of probabilities through war. Just as Clausewitz described
and chance, which make it a free activity of how patriotism is kindled through war, so
the soul; and of the subordinate nature of a these identities are forged through fear and
political instrument, by which it belongs to hatred, through the polarisation of us and
pure reason (1968: 24). These different ten- them. In other words, war itself is a form
dencies reason, chance and emotion are of political mobilisation, a way of bringing
mainly associated with the state, the gener- together, of fusing the disparate elements
als and the people, respectively, but the word that are organised for war.
mainly or more suggests that they are not Understood in this way, war is an instru-
exclusively associated with these different ment of politics rather than policy. It is about
components or levels of warfare. domestic politics even if it is a politics that
Clausewitz argues that war is what unites crosses borders rather than the external pol-
the trinity. The trinity was wondrous because icy of states. If, for Clausewitz, the aim of war
it made possible the coming together of the is external policy and political mobilisation,
people and the modern state. Obviously, the this means, in new wars, it is the other way
distinction between the state, the military, round. Mobilisation around a political narra-
and the people is blurred in most new wars. tive is the aim of the war and external policy
New wars are fought by networks of state or policy vis--vis the proclaimed enemy is
and non-state actors and often it is difficult the justification.
Art.4, page12 of 16 Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars

So if new wars are an instrument of poli- war. They are rational in the sense of being
tics, what is the role of reason? New wars instrumental. But they are not reasonable.
are rational in the sense of instrumental Reason has something to do with universally
rationality. But is rationality the same as rea- accepted norms that underpin national and
son? The enlightenment version of reason international law.
was different from instrumental rationality. However there is another argument about
As used by Hegel, who was a contemporary why new wars are post-Clausewitzean. This
in Berlin of Clausewitz, it had something has to do with the fundamental tenets of
to do with the way the state was identi- Clausewitzean thought his notion of ideal
fied with universal values, the agency that war. This is derived from his definition of
was responsible for the public as opposed war. War he says is nothing but a duel on
to the private interest. The state brought an extended scale. If we would conceive as
together diverse groups and classes for the a unit the countless number of duels which
purpose of progress democracy and eco- make up a war, we shall do so best by sup-
nomic development. Clausewitz puts consid- posing to ourselves two wrestlers. Each
erable emphasis on the role of the cabinet strives by physical force to compel the other
in formulating policy and argues that the to submit to his will: each endeavours to
Commander-in-Chief should be a member throw his adversary, and thus render him
of the cabinet. The cabinet, which in Clause- incapable of further resistance. War therefore
witzs time was a group of ministers advis- is an act of violence intended to compel our
ing the monarch, was thought to play a role opponent to fulfil our will (Clausewitz 1968:
in bringing together different interests and 5; italics in the original). Violence, he says, is
motivations and providing unifying, publicly the means. The ultimate object is the com-
justifiable arguments for both war and the pulsory submission of the enemy to our will
conduct of war. Of course, members of the and, in order to achieve this, the enemy must
cabinet had their own private motivations, be disarmed.
as do generals (glory, enrichment, jealousy, He then goes on to explain why this must
etc), but it is incumbent on them to come lead to the extreme use of violence. Now
to some agreement, to provide the public philanthropists may easily imagine there is a
face of the war and to direct the war, and skilful method of disarming and overcoming
this has to be based on arguments that are an enemy without causing great bloodshed.
universally acceptable (universal, here, refer- However plausible this may appear, still it
ring to those who are citizens of the state). is an error, which must be extirpated; for
In his description of the evolution of warfare in such dangerous things as war, the errors
and the state, which echoes Hegels stadial which proceed from a spirit of benevolence
theory of history, he argues that only in the are the worst. As the use of physical power
modern period can the state be regarded as to the utmost extent by no means excludes
an intelligent being acting in accordance the co-operation of intelligence, it follows
with simple logical rules (Clausewitz 1968: that he who uses forces unsparingly, without
342) and that this is associated with the rise reference to the bloodshed involved, must
of cabinet government where the cabinet obtain a superiority if his adversary uses less
had become a complete unity, acting for the vigour in its application. The former then dic-
state in all its external relations (Clausewitz tates the law to the latter, and both proceed
1968: 344). to extremities to which the only limitations are
The political narratives of new wars are those imposed by the amount of counteracting
based on particularist interests; they are force on each side (Clausewitz 1968: 6; italics
exclusive rather than universalist. They added). In other words, the inner nature of
deliberately violate the rules and norms of war Absolute War follows logically from
Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars Art.4, page13 of 16

the definition as each side is pushed to make ing the premise of political mobilisation on
fresh efforts to defeat the other, a proposi- which such wars are based.
tion that Clausewitz elaborates in Chapter This redefinition of war constitutes a dif-
1, through what he calls the three recipro- ferent interpretation of war, a theory of war,
cal actions according to which violence is whose test is how well it offers a guide to
pushed to its utmost bounds (1968: 7). For practice. Since it is an ideal type, examples
Clausewitz, combat is the decisive moment can be used to support the theory, but it
of war. is, in principle, unprovable. The question
Real war may depart from ideal war for a is whether it is useful. Take the example
variety of reasons, but as long as war fits his of the War on Terror. Antonio Echevarria
definition, it contains the logic of extremes defines the War on Terror in classic Clause-
and, in Chapter 2 of my book, I describe witzean terms: Both antagonists seek the
how that logic applied to Old Wars. It political destruction of the other and, at
is this logic of extremes that I believe no this point, neither appears open to negoti-
longer applies in new wars. I have therefore ated settlement (2007: 211). Understood in
reformulated the definition of war. I have this way, each act of terrorism calls forth a
defined war as an act of violence involving military response, which, in turns, produces
two or more organised groups framed in a more extreme counterreaction. The prob-
political terms. According to the logic of lem is that there can be no decisive blow.
this definition, war could either be a contest The terrorists cannot be destroyed by mili-
of wills as is implied by Clausewitzs defi- tary means because they cannot be distin-
nition or it could be a mutual enterprise. guished from the population. Nor can the
A contest of wills implies that the enemy terrorists destroy the military forces of the
must be crushed and therefore war tends to United States. But if we understand the War
extremes. A mutual enterprise implies that on Terror as a mutual enterprise what-
both sides need the other in order to carry ever the individual antagonists believe in
on the enterprise of war and therefore war which the American Administration shores
tends to be long and inconclusive. up its image as the protector of the Ameri-
New wars tend to be mutual enterprises can people and the defender of democracy,
rather than a contest of wills. The warring those with a vested interest in a high military
parties are interested in the enterprise of budget are rewarded and extremist Islamists
war rather than winning or losing, for both are able to substantiate the idea of a Global
political and economic reasons. The inner Jihad and to mobilise young Muslims behind
tendency of such wars is not war without the cause, then action and counterreaction
limits, but war without end. Wars, defined merely contribute to long war, which bene-
in this way, create shared self-perpetuating fits both sides. Understood in Clausewitzean
interest in war to reproduce political identity terms, the proposed course of action is total
and to further economic interests. defeat of the terrorists by military means.
As in the Clausewitzean schema, real Understood in post-Clausewitzean terms, the
wars are likely to be different from the ideal proposed course of action is very different; it
description of war. The hostility that is kin- has to do with both with the application of
dled by war among the population may pro- law and the mobilisation of public opinion
voke disorganised violence or there may be not on one side or the other, but against the
real policy aims that can be achieved. There mutual enterprise.
may be outside intervention aimed at sup- The contrast between new and old wars,
pressing the mutual enterprise or the wars put forward here, is thus a contrast between
may produce unexpectedly an animosity to ideal types of war rather than a contrast
violence among the population, undermin- between actual historical experiences. Of
Art.4, page14 of 16 Kaldor: In Defence of New Wars

course, the wars of the twentieth century, debate has taken this further. It has con-
at least in Europe, were close to the old war tributed to the burgeoning field of conflict
ideal and the wars of the twenty first century studies. And it has had an influence on the
are closer to my depiction of new wars. Con- intensive policy debates that are taking place
temporary wars may not actually conform especially within the military, ministries of
to this description any more than earlier defence and international organisations
wars conformed to the old war description. the debates about counter-insurgency in
Perhaps another way to describe the dif- the Pentagon, for example, or about human
ference is between realist interpretations security in the European Union and indeed
of war as conflicts between groups, usually about non-traditional approaches to security
states, that act on behalf of the group as a in general.
whole and interpretations of war in which What is still lacking in the debate is
the behaviour of political leaders is viewed as the demand for a cosmopolitan political
the expression of a complex set of political response. In the end, policing, the rule of law,
and perhaps bureaucratic struggles pursuing justice mechanisms and institution-building
their particular interest or the interests of depend on the spread of norms at local,
their faction or factions, rather than those of national and global levels. And norms are
the whole. It can be argued that in the West- constructed both through scholarship and
phalian era of sovereign nation-states, a real- public debate. If we are to reconceptualise
ist interpretation had more relevance than it political violence as new war or crime and
does today. the use of force as cosmopolitan law enforce-
This conceptual distinction is not quite ment rather than war-fighting, then we have
the same as the way I originally described to be able to challenge the claims of those
new wars in terms of the involvement of who conceptualise political violence as old
non-state actors, the role of identity poli- war, and this can only be done through criti-
tics, the blurring of the distinction between cal publicly-engaged analysis.
war (political violence) and crime (violence
for private interests) as well as the fact that, Notes
in new wars, battles are rare and violence 1 I am grateful to Denisa Kostovicova and
is mainly directed against civilians (Kaldor Sabine Selchow for comments on an ear-
2007). But it is not inconsistent with that ear- lier draft and to Tom Kirk for help with
lier description; it merely involves a higher the literature search.
level of abstraction. 2 An exception is Ken Booths (2001)
thoughtful essay that accepts the point
Conclusion about the logic of new wars, but is criti-
The debate about new wars has helped to cal of what he sees as top-down, overly
refine and reformulate the argument. The militarised policy implications. I have not
debate about Clausewitz has facilitated addressed this argument in this essay, but
a more conceptual interpretation of new it is a concern in much of my work on hu-
wars, while the debate about data has led man security.
to the identification of new sources of evi- 3 I am grateful to Anouk Rigterink for as-
dence that have helped to substantiate the sistance with these numbers.
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2004; Henderson and Singer 2002). The ish National Defence College.
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How to cite this article: Kaldor, M 2013 In Defence of New Wars. Stability, 2(1):4, pp.1-16,

Published: 7 March 2013

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