ELE / MAT Lesson Plan Template

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ELE / MAT Lesson Plan Template

Name Meghan Joyce Date: 11/4/16 Time Frame: 45 minutes

Content Area: ELA Central Focus Comprehension

Lesson Overview

Common Core (or other appropriate) State Standard(s)

Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence
when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

RL.4.1. Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences
from the text.
W.4.9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.


Students need to learn this because it allows them to make textual connections and inferences that can be applied to their daily
lives. They will gain a better understanding of reading material be able to personally relate the plot.


Students will be able to support inferences with key details and examples from the text.

Summative Assessment of Lesson Objective(s) Evaluation Criteria

Close reading reflection worksheet Rubric

Academic Language: Vocabulary Academic Language: Function

Infer, close reading, textual evidence, reflect Analyze

Instructional Materials/Technology

Fever of 1793 text, close reading worksheet, passage from chapter handout

Planned Supports: Accommodations/ Modifications

Students who need extra support will be read the chapter in a small group away from classroom distractions with a teaching
assistant. Then, I will help those students with their close reading responses while the rest of the class is writing independently.

Lesson Procedures (Including Formative Assessments)


I will start by reviewing important plot points from previous chapters. I will ask students to summarize key events that they
have already read before reading the chapter.

Instructional Procedures
-Read chapter 11 out loud to students, stop along the way to ask comprehension questions. Ex. Why do you think the farmer
kicked Mattie and Grandfather out of the wagon? Why wont the guards let anyone with a fever into Pembroke?
- Pass out copies of pages 82 and 83 and ask students to closely read the passage on their own.
- Discuss the close reading question and have students underline important information regarding the question from the

ELE / MAT Lesson Plan Template

- Have students volunteer their initial thoughts about the question to give students who may not know what to write some
different perspectives.
- Give students 15 minutes to write their responses. Encourage them to defend their opinions with evidence from the text.


After everyone has finished, come together and have students share what they wrote. Start discussions based on individual
responses. Relate the topic to their lives by asking what they would do if their family member was sick and they werent
allowed in Naperville where it was safe. Then, collect each students response.


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