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Department of Education

Schools Division of Calapan City
Masipit, Calapan City

Detailed Lesson Plan for Final Demonstration Teaching

Date: February 13, 2017 Time: 7:30 - 8:30

Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Section: GAD

Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and device in the text.
Code: EN2Lit - IIe - 27

At the end of this lesson the students are expected to:

1. Identify the figures of speech and literary devices in text
2. Understand how these figures and device enhances the larger meaning of the text


A. Topic: Figures of Speech/Literary Techniques or Devices
B. Reference: Curriculum Guide in the 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the
C. Materials: Teacher - made visuals (powerpoint presentation and reading materials)
E. Subject Integration: English
F. Value Integration: Participation and cooperation
G. Strategy: Guided Discovery Aproach


Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer and Greetings
Everybody stands and let us pray. Our father in heaven...
Somebody please lead the prayer. Amen.

Good morning Class! Good morning Ma'am!

b. Attendance Classroom Management

Please arrange your chairs and be (The class monitress will announce the
seated properly. Monitress, please number of attendees and absentees in the
report the class attendance now. class)

c. Review
Last meeting we watched the movie
entitled ________? The title pf the movie we watched is Hacker.

And you were also taskes to compose We analyzed the movie through the language
an analysis about the moviedepicting used, the social environment and culture
or highlighting _________? reflected in the film.
Department of Education
Schools Division of Calapan City
Masipit, Calapan City

Very good! I am expecting to see

those things in your analysis.
Therefore, are you ready now with Yes Ma'am!
our new topic?

B. Learning Activity
1. Motivation
Let's have an activity!
May I have two volunteers? A boy and (The students will volunteer)
a girl.

Alright, as you can see, I have here a

script. What you are going to do is
deliver the script in front of the class Yea Maam! (The volunteers will answer)
with the proper emotions. Are you
getting my point?

Boy: Hi _____. Can you go with me
on a date?
Girl: Why should I go with you?
Boy: Because I'm dying to go out with
you. You're the girl of my dream.
When you walk down the street, my
heart skips a bit. I'll catch the moon
and the stars to prove my love for you!
Girl: And how can I be sure that your
words are true?
Boy: My heart doesn't knows lies.
God knows that my love for you is
Girl: But, why me?
Boy: No one compares to you because
you're the only girl in my world. I'll
do everything to get into your heart.
So please, let me love you now and
Girl: My heart cannot resist with your
love that as sweet as honey from the
comb. Come, and take my heart! I'm
yours from today until tomorrow ends!

Very good! Thank you to the

volunteers. Let's give them five claps! (The students will clap)

Class, what did you notice with the

Department of Education
Schools Division of Calapan City
Masipit, Calapan City

"The lines used figurative language."

Nice! That's right! The lines are
composed of figurative languages!

2. Presentation
Our topic today is very much related
with the activity that we did. We made
mention that lines have figurative
languages, that is because today we
will be discussing the figures of
speech and other literary devices in

3. Review
Let us now recall the different figures
of speech and their definitions in a
form of a game called When the
music stops
This is the mechanics:
I have here a round crumpled papers,
inside each crumpled paper is a
question regarding with figures of
speech. You will pass the crumpled
papers while the music is playing,
when the music stops, the one who is Yes Maam!
holding the crumpled papers will get
one and he/she will answer the
Did you understand?

(The teacher will facilitate the review)

Im pretty sure that we can now go

along with our lesson this morning.
But before we truly proceed to our Objectives:
discussion this morning, lets have our At the end of this lesson the students are
learning objectives. expected to:
(The teacher will post the learning 1. Identify the figures of speech and literary
objectives.) devices in text
Everybody please read. 2. Understand how these figures and device
enhances the larger meaning of the text
Department of Education
Schools Division of Calapan City
Masipit, Calapan City

I hope that at the end of our session

this morning those objectives will be

4. Discussion
I will divide the class into five groups,
under each chair, there is a piece of
paper with a figure. It will determine (The students will get the papers under their
your group. Your classmates who got chairs and will find their group mates.)
the same figures as yours are your
group mates.

Now that you are with your respective

group, listen to my instructions.
Each group will receive a copy of our
text, Love Story by Taylor Swift.
Each group will be given question to
answer, the text will be your basis for
responding in the questions.
So I sneak, We were, theyre tryin to tell,
Group 1 My faith in you was fading, Mary me are the
What are the example of alliteration in examples of alliteration in the song Love
the text? Justify your answer. Story because the initial consonant sounds
of the word is repeated in the word/s near

Group 2 Youll be the prince and Ill be the princess

Give an example of metaphors in the (The guy is compared to a prince and the girl
text. Support your answer. (Taylor) to a princess.)
I was Scarlet Letter (The girl is indirectly
compared to a scarlet letter)
You were Romeo and my daddy said,
stay away from Juliet, (The lovers in the
song is assimilated with the worlds most
celebrated star-crossed lovers, Romeo and

Group 3 But you were everything to me/ I was

Find the word or phrase in the text that begging you please dont go (This means
can be consider as hyperbole. Provide that the guy is the world for girl)
supporting details. Cause we're dead if they knew...
(This is an exaggerated harsh reality of the
consequence if the lovers will go against the
Department of Education
Schools Division of Calapan City
Masipit, Calapan City

When someone of a balcony in summer air

Group 4 they think of happiness, peace and love.
What do the following images Lights, party, ball gowns emphasize how
suggest? marvelous the ball is and helps the reader to
imagine that they are in a big party or ball.
Balcony in summer air
I was crying on staircase suggests the
feelings of loneliness.
Lights, party, ball gowns
Scarlet Letter symbolizes women convicted
adultery, Juliet has gone against her Dads
Crying on the staircase
will when she sneaks out the garden to see
I was scarlet letter
The tone of lines 1-32 is hopeful, Romeo
and Juliet are determined to be together and
there is no doubt in their minds that their
love for each other would ever fade.
Line 33 I got tired of waiting, wondering if
you were ever coming around. My faith in
Group 5 you was fading. is doubtful, this shows the
What is the tone in lines 1-32, 33, and downfall of Romeo and Juliet.
41? Line 41 is complete happiness because the
lovers are going to get married.

In addition, the experience of the

lovers is compared to one of (The volunteers will put colors to the
Shakespeare's masterpiece "Romeo flowers)
and Juliet". They were deterred from
seeing each other by their parents.
Like Romeo and Juliet in
Shakespeare's play the lovers in the
song are willing to die in order to be

5. Application The flower now is more beautiful than a

Class, as you can see I have here a flower without color.
picture of a flower that has no color. The flower symbolizes the text and the
Who wants to put colors to this colors symbolize the figures of speech and
flower? I need volunteers. literary devices.
Yes ___________?
How about you _____________?
Have a try________________.
Okay, ____________ come here in
Department of Education
Schools Division of Calapan City
Masipit, Calapan City

Very Nice! Youre all great artist!

Now what did you notice? What is the After discussing the figures of speech and
difference of a flower that has no color literary techniques in the text
and the flower that is full of colors? I learned
Yes _______? I believe....
Now I can
Correct! So what do you think its

Very good! Figures of speech add

colors to the text, they gave colors to
the text. Text became more beautiful
and lively with figures of speech.
Did you get my point?

6. Generalization
Another volunteer to complete the
statement below.
After discussing the figures of speech
and literary techniques in the text
I learned
I believe
Now I can

Very well said!

Directions: Identify the figures of speech used in the following sentences.
1. Without the slightest tinge of gold, the city shivered in cold.

2. And half-submerged tomato-cans

Shine scaly, as leviathans

3. The camel is the ship of the desert.

4. Death lays its icy hands on Kings.

5. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale.

6. Variety is the spice of life.

7. But the prisoner would not answer, he only lay with wide, dark, bright, eyes, like a
bound animal.
Department of Education
Schools Division of Calapan City
Masipit, Calapan City

8. The earth laughs beneath my heavy feet

At the blasphemy in my old jangly walk

9. I Had So Much Homework Last Night That I Need To Pick Up Trucks To carry all my
books home!
10. Pitching pennies with the Pittsburg Pirates in a pitter-patter of rain outside the Pitti


Create a literary piece using literary devices and figures of speech.



Prepared by:

May Aizelle M. Bantulo

Student Teacher

Checked by:

Marissa E. Ladioray

Evaluated by:

Crisencia M. Matira
MT II/ SHS Coordinator


Carlos V. Ledesma
Principal II

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