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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of Ilocos Sur


TOPIC: Common Types of Figures of Speech
SCHEDULE: 8:30-9:30, Thursday 1st of December

At the end of this lesson, learners are expected to:
a. identify the common types of figures of speech in a poem,
b. find the importance of figures of speech in writing and,
c. use the different types of figures of speech to compose a poem.


Topic Common Types of Figures of Speech
Materials chalk, board, picture, Powerpoint presentation
References English 7 Learner’s material p. 188, Integrated English for Effective
Communication Philippines Literature 7 p. 107-127 and



Good morning, dear Grade 7! Good morning, ma’am!

How’s your holiday I hope you

spend your day wisely.

For your attendance, Ms. Brielle

kindly please check if there are
students who are absent today. Yes, ma’am, I will check the attendance.

Today is a great day because we

will be learning the best
ingredients in language that is
very useful in creating literary
pieces like poems, songs, or short

But before that let us recall what

we learn during our last meeting.
What is the title of the poem that The title of the poem that we had
we have scrutinized? examined ma’am is entitled “Gifts for the
And we also learned some
vocabulary words, right? So, what Yes ma’am,
is the meaning of the word
Very good! How about menials? Ma’am dispose of means to get rid.
Ma’am menials mean work not requiring
How about the word silt? many skills.
Ma’am silt means particles of soil floating
Indeed! Embed that in your mind in the rivers.
because in the future you will
encounter these words.

Before we finally proceed again to
our discussion let us first have a

Are you familiar with the game 4

pics one word? Yes ma’am, we are familiar with the
game 4 pics one word we have is that
This one is similar to that game app in our mobile phones.
but this time it’s going to be 2 pics
and one 1 phrase.

(The teacher will show the

pictures) (The students figure out the following

Ma’am this one ma’am is piece of cake.

Brilliant! How about the next


Ma’am that means to break a leg.

Ma’am that would be butterflies in my
Let’s proceed to the last picture.
Guess it.

Definitely! Class these are

examples of figures of speech. I
bet you’re familiar with them,
Yes, ma’am, we tackle some examples of
figures of speech ma’am when we
learned about figurative language.
Now let’s see what figures of
speech they belong to.

Do you have any idea about

figures of speech?

Good, you have a bright mind.

Ma’am, says here that simile is a figure
of speech in which a comparison is made
Common Types of Figures of
between unlike objects using words like
and as.
The first type of figure of speech is

Kindly read the definition of

Yes ma’am.
Simile, Rica Mae.

Thank you, Rica Mae, therefore

Simile is a figure of speech that
shows a direct comparison using
words like and as.
Take note of the word like and as.
Ma’am the lines that show simile in the
As an example, let us take a look
poems are line number 2, 3, 4, 8, and
at the following lines from the
poem “First a Poem Must be
Kindly identify the lines that show
simile in the poem.

First, a poem must be magical,

Then musical as a seagull.
It must be brightness moving
And hold secret a bird’s flowering.
It must be slender as a bell,
And it must hold fire as well.
It must have the wisdom of bows
And it must kneel like a rose.
It must be able to hear
The luminance of dove and deer.
It must be able to hide
What it seeks, like a bride.
And overall, I would like to hover
God, smiling from the poem’s Ma’am metaphor is a figure of speech
cover. that shows a comparison of two
unrelated objects without the use of as
Exactly! These lines have the word or like.
as and like so automatically that
would be a simile.

Next, we’ll go to Metaphor.

Kindly read Carl.

Thank you, Carl. That means that

if a simile uses the word as and
like in comparing metaphor does

Let’s take a look at the following

examples. Nestor kindly read.

1. The recent typhoon was a

monster. (Typhoon was compared
to a monster because of its Ma’am an example of metaphor also is
destruction) “She has a heart of stone”.
2. She is a walking dictionary.
(She is compared to a dictionary
because she is intelligent every
time someone asks her about the
meaning of a word, she knows it.)

Can you give me also another

example Grade 7? Yes, Manuel!
Very Good! Because she is
compared to a stone without Ma’am personification is a figure of
using the word as and like speech giving human attributes to an
moreover if we say she has a heart inanimate object.
of stone that means she is a
person who doesn’t have
sympathy towards other people.

For the third type, we have

personification. Read the
definition Maridel.

Thank you! Maridel.

If we say human attributes that

means a characteristic feature or
quality of a person example
someone might be labeled as
beautiful charming funny and the

Example: The cake is calling my


The cake is not actually calling my

name but it attracted me to eat
the cake because it looks
delicious. An example of personification that I
know ma’am is “The tree invited us to
Here’s another example. play”.
The star winked at me.
The star doesn’t wink at us Ma’am invited would be the human
because it was just twinkling attribute.

Can you give another example of

personification Jarel?
Ma’am, says here that it is a figure of
Brilliant! Then what is the human speech that is more exaggerated and
attribute in the sentence of Jarel? overstated.


Moving on to the fourth figure of

speech, which is hyperbole. Now
read the definition Rosella.

Yes, hyperbole uses exaggerated Ma’am the second example is “I will die if
or what we call OA, unbelievable she asked me to dance”.
and it is not to be taken seriously.

Example: Yes ma’am.

1. Her smile is one kilometer wide.

This one is an example of

hyperbole because if you saw your
crush walking along the pathway,
you will definitely smile but not as Yes ma’am.
wide as one kilometer, right?

For the second example please None ma’am.

read Alvin.

So that’s it if we think in reality Ma’am an example of hyperbole is “She

that would never happen right? had cried a river when they broke up
with her sweetheart.”
Do you have any questions about

Lea Rose, can you give me some

examples of hyperbole?

Thank you for the wonderful idea

no one can cry as much as a river.Ma’am irony is a figure of speech in
which there is a contradiction of
The last but not the least common expectation between what is said and
type of figure of speech, we have what is meant.

Can you please read the definition

of Irony? Raymond. Ma’am, it says here “A carpenter does
not have his own house.”

True! In short, Irony is different

from what is truly meant, irony to
show sarcasm.
Here is the example please read
For example, ma’am “The police station
Exactly class, because it shows an gets robbed.”
ironic situation. It contradicts the
expectation of one’s job. It is Ma’am, it’s because the police officer’s
sarcastic. job is to catch the robber man but how
come that the police station gets robbed?
For the second example please
read, Choona. Ma’am a marriage counselor files for
Why do you think that this one is
an example of Irony? Josh.

That’s right.
Who wants to give an example of Ma’am the example given was ironic
Irony yes Zerile you are raising because we all know that the job of a
your hand. marriage counselor is to fix the problems
of a married couple but then, he filed for
Thank you so why can we say that divorce. That is an ironic situation.
the example of Zerile is Irony?
Ma’am oxymoron is a figure of speech in
which contradictory terms appear in

Now lets us proceed to the last

common type of figure of speech
which is the Oxymoron. What do
we mean if we say Oxymoron
please read the definition,
Ma’am the example is “My brother’s
Thank you. For example, we have cooking is amazingly awful.”
here loud silence, painfully
beautiful, perfectly imperfect, and
living dead.

We have here an example in a

sentence. Kindly read Desiree.

In this example class, the two

contradicting words are amazing
and awful. The two words
contradict each other. It’s amazing
and at the same time awful. We
cannot exactly really understand
what was the exact idea in the
sentence because there is a Ma’am his girlfriend is pretty ugly.
contradiction between the use of

Another example is Grade 7. Does Ma’am pretty and ugly are words that
anyone, want to give an example contradict each other.
of an oxymoron?

What words contradict each


Wow, almost all of you know

about oxymorons. Let us all
remember; an oxymoron
contradicts the word itself.

Truly. We are done with the

Common types of figures of
Yes, ma’am we fully understand it.

Any questions grade 7? Regarding Simile
our topic did you understand it? Metaphor
Is it clear? Personification
Okay, that’s great. So, what are Hyperbole
the common types of figures of Irony
Speech that we tackle? Oxymoron

Simile and metaphors are used Ma’am, we use hyperbole when we want
when you want to compare. to exaggerate something.

While Irony and Oxymoron are

used when you want to contrast. Ma’am, we use personification when we
want to inanimate objects who don’t
How about hyperbole when do we have life to human attributes.
use hyperbole Grade 7?

How about personification?
Create your own composition of poem. Make sure to apply the common types of
figures of speech that you have learned in making your output creatively.
Rubrics in writing a poem
Excellent Average Poor
Cohesiveness (5 points)
The poem goes The poem The poem does
perfectly somewhat goes not go together.
together. There is together but The poem’s lines
unity between needs more and stanzas sway
lines and stanzas, cohesiveness. The from the topic.
which connect poem’s lines and
with the topic. stanzas
sometimes sway
from the topic.
Use of poetic The poem uses 3 The poem uses 1 The poem uses no
elements or more poetic or 2 poetic poetic elements.
elements to elements but they
enhance the poem sometimes
and the reader’s distract the
emotions. readers.
Rhythm The poem uses The poem The poem does
rhythm sometimes uses not have any
throughout, rhythm but may noticeable
which benefits waver in a way rhythm.
the poetic tone. that distracts the
reader and
negatively affects
the toe.
Creativity The poem uses 3 The poem uses 1 The poem does
or more figures of or 2 figures of not use figures of
speech to speech to speech.
describe describe the
situations objects situation, objects,
and people. and people.

Analyze the lines of the following songs and identify the figures of speech and their
type. In a one-half sheet of paper.
1. “I only want to die alive
Never by the hands of a broken heart
I don’t wanna hear you lie tonight
Now that I’ve become who I really am”
(Break Free by Ariana Grande)
2. “I’d catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I’d jump in front of a train for ya
You know I’d do anything for ya”
3. “Your love is like the sun
Lights up my whole world
I feel the warmth inside”
(Your love by Juris)
4. “And the rain falls, angry on the tin roof
We lie awake, in my bed.”
(I’ll be by Edwin McClain)
5. “Cause baby you’re a firework
Come on show ’em what you’re worth
Make ‘em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky
(Fireworks by Katy Perry)
6. “I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I will love you
For a thousand years
I love you for a thousand years”
(A thousand Years by Christina Perri)

Prepared by: Vanessa R. Abad
BSE English
Checked by: Junelyn T. Bitongan
Critic Teacher

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