Handbook Insulation
Handbook Insulation
Handbook Insulation
wise a blowing machine can be rented at a minimal Vermiculite - R-2.4 per inch
expense. Be sure to use all safety procedures in operating Vermiculite is made by expanding mica under high
a blowing machine and always wear protective clothing, temperature and pressure. Because it can withstand
goggles, and the appropriate type of dust mask. Pouring wetting better than any other loose-fill, it is commonly used
insulation by hand is not recommended. to fill the cores of blocks in foundations. It is not com-
monly used in attics, partly because of its heaviness and
Cellulose fiber - R-3.7 per inch partly because it is not as widely available as other materi-
Loose-fill cellulose fiber insulation is made from als.
recycled paper products, such as newspapers and tele- According to the U.S. Environmental Protection
phone books, which are pulverized into a fibrous material Agency (EPA), all vermiculite is likely to contain small
and then chemically treated for fire and pest resistance. It trace amounts of asbestos. A number of manufacturers
is suitable for both attics and exterior walls and for both produced insulation from vermiculite, but one mine in the
new construction and retrofit work, although it is particu- United States produced over 70% of the world's vermicu-
larly effective for retrofit. lite before the mine was closed in 1990. Vermiculite
When tightly packed into walls, cellulose fiber not products generated from this mine were likely to have
only adds R-value, but drastically reduces air leakage as been contaminated with asbestos. If you suspect that you
well. Research has shown that densely packed cellulose may have vermiculite in your attic, do not disturb it in any
insulation in the walls can reduce a house's overall air manner. Seek professional guidance and have the product
leakage rate by as much as 50%! Cellulose is best installed tested for asbestos and then follow professional proce-
with a blowing machine. Installing cellulose without a dures if it must be removed or disturbed in any way.
machine gives uneven coverage and is not recommended.
Some loose-fill cellulose is intended for damp applica-
Batts and blankets cathedral ceilings, and basement ceilings. One advantage
of batts and blankets is their ease of installation in open
The difference between batts and blankets is simply
packaging. Batts are precut to roughly 4-foot or 8-foot
lengths so that they will fit into a standard-height wall.
Blankets are long rolls of material that are cut to
length on site, usually to be used in attic floors.
Fiberglass batts are available in the following thick-
ness and R-values:
Thickness R-value
3-1/2" R-11
3-1/2" R-13
3-1/2" R-15
6-1/4" R-19
5-1/2" R-21
8-1/2" R-30
12" R-38
As a result, they have only 1/20 the deleterious effect on tages in its air sealing properties and strength. When
the ozone layer that CFCs have. sprayed into a wall or attic, it forms an extremely effective
Because HCFCs still do some damage to the ozone air seal and adds rigidity to the structure.
layer, they are gradually being phased out of production One very effective use of urethane as a retrofit
and will be fully replaced by other blowing agents by 2030. material is to spray a skim coat onto the attic floor,
No foams now on the market (unless they've been in followed by loose-fill fiberglass or cellulose. The urethane
a warehouse for years) contain CFCs. Many contain will automatically seal air leakage sites and attic bypasses.
HCFCs, while many others use neither CFCs nor HCFCs.
Insulation labels are not required to disclose the blowing Wet-spray cellulose
agent used in foams. Many manufacturers advertise that Cellulose insulation can be applied wet using special
their foams are "CFC-free", but this is in fact a legal equipment that mixes water into the insulation as it is
requirement for all foams. A few manufacturers advertise blown out of a hose. Sometimes a small amount of
that their foams contain neither CFCs nor HCFCs, and adhesive is added. When installed in wall cavities, the wet
these materials are the best for the environment. Insulat- cellulose sticks and forms a monolithic "batt". The same
ing with an HCFC-containing foam, however, is much technique is sometimes used in attics to reduce dust during
better for the environment than not insulating at all. installation.
Except for attic application, wet cellulose would not
Spray-applied insulation be useful for retrofit situations unless the home is being
rehabilitated and the interior has been gutted so the
existing wall cavities are exposed.
Air molecules
Rafter stopped by
Insulation gypsum board
retarder is any material that is impermeable to water See Chapter 2 for how to seal attic bypasses and
vapor. Suitable vapor retarder materials include polyethyl- other air leakage pathways into the attic.
ene film, kraft or foil-faced batts, and oil-based paint.
It is usually difficult to install a polyethylene vapor Check for wiring hazards
retarder during retrofit work. In attics, it involves remov-
Look for worn or frayed wiring that should be
ing all existing insulation to get the vapor retarder against
replaced before insulating. If you have knob and tube
the attic floor. It is not possible to install polyethylene in
wiring, it must be replaced before insulating since it has
closed-in walls without removing all dry wall or plaster.
exposed copper conductors.
Experience has shown that installing insulation
without a vapor retarder does not usually cause problems.
Check for recessed light fixtures
Proper air leakage control should prevent moisture prob-
lems in your new insulation. Nonetheless, it is probably Unless they are specifically rated for insulation
good insurance to add a vapor retarder whenever possible, contact (IC rated), you should not install insulation on top
especially when insulating rooms with high indoor humidity. of recessed light fixtures. Non-IC-rated fixtures must be
The most practical vapor retarder for walls is one coat of protected from contact with the insulation by a barrier on
oil-based paint or special "vapor retarder" paints which are all sides and must not be covered.
3" clearance around recessed
available at most paint stores. light fixture
feet of attic floor area. (Net free vent area refers to the If your attic has soffit vents, or if you install soffit
actual area of open holes in a manufactured vent. It is vents, you should make sure not to cover the vents with
usually about one-half the total vent hole area.) insulation. If you are using loose-fill, install a baffle at the
edge of the floor joists (Figure 3-11a). With batts, keep
Repair any roof leaks them back far enough to allow at least a two-inch airspace
between the batt surface and the underside of the roof
Look for signs of roof leaks and repair them before
sheathing (Figure 3-11b).
installing any new insulation. Make sure you don't block
off soffit vents with insulation
24" 24"
23" 23"
3 Attic Insulation Batts meet Kraft paper
floor joist over joist on bottom
of batt
Figure 3-12 - Measure the spacing between your attic
floor joists. It should be either 15" or 23". When
purchasing the batts, be sure to get the proper width,
made for attic application, not for walls. The proper
width batts should come together above the attic floor
joists. If you are installing the batts over existing
Different types of ventilation: 1) soffit vents; 2) gable insulation, buy unfaced batts. If there is no insulation
end vent; 3) ridge vent; 4) roof vent. in your attic, get kraft-faced batts and install them with
the kraft paper facing down.
Figure 3-10 - Attic ventilators
Loose-fill Withdrawn
Air insulation Air batt
flow dam flow
Soffit Soffit
vent vent
3-11a 3-11b
Figure 3-11 - Soffit vents must be protected against blockage by attic insulation.
R value Minimum Maximum Exposed
Bags per Minimum
@ 75 mean inch Sw. Ft. Framing
1000 Sq. Ft. Wt./Sq. Ft.
temperatures Thickness Per Bag 16 in. O.C.
Figure 3-13 - Batts won't work well unless properly 13 3.6 50 40.97 18% .72
34.72 none
installed. It is very important that the batts are
26.33 18%
carefully fitted, as shown, to completely fill joist 21 5.6 50
22.32 none
Installing batts in attics Figure 3-14 - Typical cellulose bag coverage chart.
Avoid gaps and voids
If using batts, rather than blankets, butt the ends thickness, make sure to use the "installed thickness" listed
together. If you are installing two layers, run the top layer in the coverage chart, not "settled thickness." Cellulose
perpendicular to the bottom layer. Wherever there are insulation always settles about 20% after it is installed.
obstructions such as cross bracing or plumbing stacks, cut When installing the cellulose, begin at the eaves and
the batts to fit around the obstructions. work your way back toward the center, making sure that
the insulation completely fills all cavities. As you work
back, spread the insulation evenly using a rake or other
Installing loose-fill cellulose in attics
suitable tool.
Loose fill cellulose is installed by using an insulation It might take a little practice, but check your cover-
blowing machine. Do-it-yourself machines are usually age as you go to make sure you are installing the proper
available from tool rental agencies or your insulation number of bags for the area you are insulating. To obtain
retailer. Installing loose fill cellulose by hand is not recom- the desired R-value, you must install the proper thickness
mended. Using the "coverage chart" on the insulation bag, and the specified number of bags of insulation.
determine the thickness and number of bags required to Make sure that you avoid gaps and voids due to
obtain the desired R-value. For determining the required
uneven or incomplete coverage of the attic area. that there will be no air leakage up into the ceiling cavity.
A good time to do this job is when re-roofing. The
Installing loose-fill fiberglass in attics insulation can then be pumped in from the top, avoiding the
mess indoors.
Loose-fill fiberglass should be installed by a profes-
sional with an insulation blowing machine. As with
cellulose, it is necessary to install both the required number Insulating knee walls on 1-1/2 story houses
of bags, as indicated on the coverage chart, and the Use faced batts to create a vapor retarder and install
indicated thickness to get the desired R-value. the batts with the kraft facing inward, toward the living
space. Ideally, you should also install insulation in the floor
Insulating cathedral ceilings under the unheated space, but this is a tricky job. It is very
important to air seal the area where the floor of the heated
The only practical way to insulate cathedral ceilings
space interconnects with the opening to the un-heated attic
is to blow in cellulose or fiberglass. This is a professional
space. This open area represents a very significant
thermal bypass.
The insulation is installed by drilling holes, usually
from the inside, and pumping the insulation into the rafter
cavities. The job should not be done unless you are sure Installing basement insulation
If your basement is to be used as conditioned space,
you should insulate the walls. For the Virginia climate,
heated basements should have roughly R-10 to R-12
basement insulation. Before installing any type of base-
Install batts ment insulation, be sure to seal any air leakage sites in the
with kraft wall such as cracks or gaps around pipe penetrations. See
facer toward
the living Chapter 2.
Insulate on the outside or inside?
Your first decision is whether to insulate the walls on
the inside or the outside.
Unless the inside wall surface is already finished or
otherwise difficult to insulate, you are better off insulating
the inside because exterior insulation requires excavation
and is usually more expensive.
Furring strips
(or 2 x 4's)
Gypsum board or
Air and 3/8" plywood
Figure 3-17 - Rigid foam interior insulation
New frame
floors) by making the floors above the basement warmer. If you insulate the walls, use one of the techniques
If you choose to insulate an unconditioned basement, shown for conditioned basement spaces.
you can either insulate the basement walls (to reduce heat
transfer between the basement and the outdoors) or Crawl space insulation
insulate the basement ceiling (to reduce heat transfer Crawl space insulation can be installed either on the
between the basement and the upstairs). Each approach exterior walls or in the floor above. If your crawl space is
has advantages and disadvantages, as shown in Table 3-1 not vented and appears dry, the best alternative is to
on page 42. insulate the walls, especially if there are ducts or other
If you insulate the ceiling, use unfaced batts rated at mechanical equipment located in the space. If the crawl
R-10 or R-12. Push them up snugly between the joists, space is vented, then the only alternative is to insulate the
against the basement ceiling, and secure them in place crawl space ceiling.
with wire stays. Before installing insulation, seal all air In either case, if there is obvious visible wetness in
leakage points in the basement ceiling (see Chapter 2). the space (e.g. wet ground or wet joists), you must cure
the moisture problem before installing insulation. Install a
thick (6 mil) polyethylene moisture barrier on the ground if
Insulation there is not one there already. Lap the seams 12 to 18
inches, but dont bother to seal them. If this doesnt
wall Facing with
25 flame spread
Joist or less
taped or stapled
with 6" End wall
Insulation must
cover 3' of the
adjacent earth, on Black 6 mil
top of ground cover. polyethylene
ground cover
Figure 3-21 - The simplest way to insulate the inside surface of a crawl space is to staple faced batts to the rim
joist and run the batts down the wall. Before installing the insulation, attach a polyethylene sheet over the wall
and down onto the floor to protect the insulation from outdoor moisture.