Empd I Scrim
Empd I Scrim
Empd I Scrim
Fall 2011
1. Basics
a. WHAT are the Procedures for Enforcing Anti-discrimination Law?
i. Title VII enforcement procedures are found in 706, 42 U.S.C. 2000e-5.
1. A charge of employment discrimination must be filed with the EEOC within 180
or 300 days from the date of the unlawful employment practice. Under the Fair Pay
Act, the EEOC filing period is 180 days in states without a local fair employment
practices agency, and 300 days in states with a local fair employment practices
agency. The plaintiff must also file with the relevant state agency before filing with
the EEOC. Additionally, the state agency must be accorded 60 days to act before
the EEOC can commence its processes.
2. 706(b) requires:
a. Date
b. Place
c. Circumstances of alleged unlawful practice
d. Must be under oath for Title VII and ADA charges.
ii. The unlawful employment practice occurs when the discrete act occurs, when the
discriminatory decision is made; not when it became effective (Discrete Act Rule).
iii. Standard: when a reasonable person could be expected to be aware of facts giving rise to
knowledge of the decision or act. This does not mean knowledge that the act itself was
discriminatory; just that the act/decision occurred.
1. Factors to be considered in determining when the unlawful practice occurred
a. Finality of decision
b. Unequivocal nature of decision
c. Complainant receives notice of final decision
2. The Paycheck Rule was established by the Fair Pay Act is an exception to the
Discrete Act Rule and provides that: a plaintiff who suffered discrimination in
compensation can file a timely charge within 180/300 days of receiving a paycheck
that is lower than it would have been absent the discrimination. In other words, a
new clock begins to run from the date of receipt of every discriminatory paycheck.
Compensation decisions, with present consequences on pay are actionableno
matter how far in the past the discrete compensation decision is made.
iv. Hostile Work Environment Claims also contain an exception to Discrete Act Rule
1. A hostile work environment claim can be timely charged within 180/300 days of
any act that contributes to the same contaminated environment.
a. At least 1 incident harassment must have occurred within 300 days of the
date the charge is filed.
2. Hostile work environment claims involve discriminatory actions that are
continuing in nature.
3. Charging party may file charge with EEOC where she lives, where she works,
where alleged discrimination occurred.
4. Timeliness requirements can waived or subject to equitable tolling.
b. Facially discriminatory practices can be challenged at any time.
c. Typical Scenario
i. To file a lawsuit quickly under Title VII or ADA . . . Plaintiff must file suit within 180
days of filing charge with EEOC, but must request and receive a right-to-sue letter from
ii. To file lawsuit quickly under ADEA . . . plaintiff can file suit 60 days after filing charge
with EEOC and can file without a right-to-sue letter from EEOC.
b. Remedies for Discrimination
i. 706(g)(1) of Title VII and 107 of the ADA provide for: injunction, affirmative action as
appropriate, reinstatement or hiring of employees, with our without back pay, or any other
equitable relief as the court deems appropriate.
ii. 626(b) of the ADEA provides that: a court may grant legal or equitable relief as may be
appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, including without limitation
judgments compelling employment, reinstatement, promotion, or enforcing the liability for
amounts deemed to be unpaid wages.
iii. Back Pay should only be denied in special circumstances.
a. Front Pay: compensation for successful employment discrimination plaintiff for losses during
period starting with judgment and ends when plaintiff is reinstated or in lieu of reinstatement.
i. Reinstatement is preferred but front pay is substitute when reinstatement is not feasible.
b. Compensatory Damages
i. Standard: amount cannot be grossly excessive.
ii. Proof of intent to discriminate entitles plaintiff to compensatory damages
iii. Compensatory damages are calculated per person and the limits above combine
compensatory and punitive damages only.
iv. Damages do not include back pay, front pay, benefits, interest, etc.
v. Types of harm for which compensatory damages are a remedy include:
1. Harm to reputation
2. Loss consortium
3. Inability to care for oneself or family
4. Loss of home
5. Bankruptcy
vi. Almost anything that is not within the back pay award.
c. Punitive Damages (Title VII and ADA)
i. Damages do not include back pay, front pay, benefits, interest, etc.
ii. Punitive damages cannot be grossly excessive.
iii. Punitive damages are only available in disparate treatment cases.
d. Attorneys Fees
i. A court may award attorneys fees to the prevailing party under Title VII or the ADA.
pp 88-144
1. Basics
a. WHAT is Disparate Treatment?
i. These claims are by far the most common in employment disc cases
ii. Looking for a facially discriminatory claim here
iii. It is the intentional denial of an opportunity or benefit of employment because of a
characteristic protected by EEO laws.
b. **HOW do you succeed in a disparate treatment case?
i. You must FIRST prove INTENT to discriminate.
1. You can prove discriminatory intent with direct evidence or circumstantial
evidence or both.
a. Direct employer revealing discrimination (uncommon); more direct evidence
can be more persuasive
i. E.g. racist statements, discriminatory hiring policy, etc.
2. Circumstantial (or indirect/inferential) much more common
a. E.g. timing, comparative evidence, remarks similar to
racist/sexist comments in various contexts, statistical
evidence, etc.
ii. When making a claim for employment discrimination based on disparate treatment, you
are always looking for differential treatment; meaning, other employees were treated
differently than plaintiff(s).
iii. ***Note that Ps can meet the burden in these cases head on by showing
either that discrimination based on protected class was the determining
factor in adverse action this can be done using direct or circumstantial
1. cts in recent years have used the Price Waterhouse mixed
motive/motivating factor framework for direct evidence cases!!
2. or they can use the McD-Doug framework outlined below
c. WHAT are the ELEMENTS to an individual disparate treatment claim? (3)
i. Employer intended to discriminate;
ii. Employer took action that had adverse effect on individuals employment; and
iii. Employers action was linked to its intent to discriminate.
d. WHAT is the Standard for proving discriminatory intent?
i. Plaintiff must show that her protected trait.
1. Played a role in the employers decision; and
2. Had a determinative influence on the outcome
ii. NOTE: This standard applies in Title VII, ADEA, and ADA cases.
e. WHAT does the STATUTE say?
i. Statutory Text disparate treatment claims based on 703(a)(1)
1. Employer Practices: It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer
to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to
discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms,
conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individuals race, color,
religion, sex, or national origin
2. Cases
a. Seminal Case: McDonnel Douglas (1973, p. 93). Method of proving disparate treatment.
i. This case was a failure to hire case, that outlined the elements of prima facie case to
prove disparate treatment. McDonnell-Douglas 3-step burden-shifting framework
[NOTE: applies to applicants and current employees, i.e. discharge] mostly indirect
evidence cases. Pretext/Single Motive.
ii. Steps:
1. Plaintiffs prima facie case, which creates a presumption of discrimination
a. Must show that she is a member of the protected class;
b. Applied for and was at least minimally qualified for a position employer
was seeking to fill;
c. Despite her qualifications, an adverse action (a materially adverse action
that alters the terms, conditions, or privileges of employment) was taken
against plaintiff in the form of rejecting her; and
d. After her rejection, the position remained unfilled and employer continued
to seek applications from others with plaintiffs qualifications. (It is
typically easy for plaintiffs to establish a prima facie case as courts
generally will not allow defendants to short circuit McD analysis by
challenging plaintiffs qualifications).
(Be sure to modify elements of prima facie case to fit the factual situation presented).
2. Then the burden shift to the D-employer to articulate some legitimate
nondiscriminatory reason for the employees rejection
a. This can be done with basically any reason so long as it doesnt violate Title
VII, but the defendant must have evidence supporting the reason).
b. Not a burden of proof here, just has to produce a legitimate reason
i. Leg nondisc reason just means a legal reason based on admissible
c. If D fails this burden of production, P wins, but D usually easily rebuts
3. Burden shifts back to P to show that Ds stated reason for rejection was in fact
a. Burden of proof (production and persuasion) remains with the plaintiff to
show that that the employers stated non-discriminatory reason is pretext for
intentional discrimination.
4. Standard: Can a reasonable jury infer discrimination from the evidence of the
prima facie case plus the proof of pretext?
5. Examples of ways to prove pretext include:
a. Reason(s) has no basis in fact
b. Reason(s) did not actually motivate defendant
c. Reason(s) were insufficient for action taken
d. Inconsistent reasons
e. Changing reasons
f. Discriminatory comments
g. Unequal treatment between similarly situated individuals (comparitor
h. Evidence of stereotyping
b. Burdine. (1981, p. 104). Method of proving disparate treatment continued.
i. Rule: The plaintiff has the burden of establishing a prima facie case of discrimination, and if the
defendant can articulate a legitimate nondiscriminatory reason for the conduct then the burden falls back to the
plaintiff to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the reasons put forth by the defendant were just a
pretext for discrimination.
ii. Analysis: There was confusion in lower courts about 2nd stage of McD-Doug framework some cts had
held that D need to prove legitimate nondisc reason by a preponderance of the evidence
1. Sup Ct clarifies that its only a burden of production and that P will have ample opportunity to attack the
reason in the 3rd stage of the analysis (this will make D give a good reason)
2. Defendant does not have to show that reasons are true. Just have to put forward reasons that are
legitimate or non-discriminatory. Just has to raise a genuine issue of fact. Defendant will almost always offer a
legitimate, non-discriminatory reason; and they will almost always get to the pretextual, where the burden is
shifted back.
III: Mixed Motive and the Civil Rights Act of 1991
1. Basics
a. Mixed Motive
i. A mixed motive case is one in which the employer relies on both legitimate,
nondiscriminatory reason and an unlawful, discriminatory reason at the moment it makes
an adverse employment decision, and both the legitimate and illegitimate reasons are
motivating factors in the adverse employment decision.
ii. Statutory text mixed motive claims based on 703(m):
1. Impermissible consideration of race, color, religion, sex or national origin in
employment practices Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, an
unlawful employment practice is established when the complaining party
demonstrates that race, color, religion, sex, or national origin was a motivating
factor for any employment practice, even though other factors also motivated
the practice.
2. Plus see also 706(g) limits the relief available to a P from a 703(m) claim IF D
proves by POE that they would have made the same decision anyways no
damages or admission/reinstatement/hiring/promotion
a. P can still get declaratory relief, injunctions, attorneys fees
i. No Comp/Pun damages though
b. Ds aff defense must prove that this truly was the reason
3. Both of these are congressional reactions to the Price Waterhouse decision
CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1991: PURPOSE: Pg. 37 of Supplement Congress meant to codify business
necessity and job related enunciated by the USSC in Griggs and the other USSC decisions prior to Wards
Cove Act geared to overturn Wards Cove
It laid out the Burden of Proof in Disparate Impact Cases (p15-16 of supplement) section (k)(1)
(A)(i) and (ii). It says you can show disparate impact in one of two ways (either one):
o by plaintiff showing an employment practice causes a disparate impact, and ER fails to
demonstrate that the challenged practice is job related for the position in question and
consistent with business necessity
Pg. 11 of Stat. Supplement demonstrates means meets the burdens of
production and persuasion.
o OR if the complaining party makes the demonstration of an alternative employment
practice and the respondent ER refuses to adopt it
We know this was a reaction to Wards Cove to overturn it (specifically with regard to the burdens)
and to reaffirm Griggs
**But note that in general, most cts look at disparate impact as the 3-part burden shifting framework, even though
there are 2 alternative ways Ps can prove disparate impact
- Start with language of the Statute
- Then cite to the relevant case (these two are consistent, but Courts are used
to seeing them framed this way)
o For AGE cases cite to Criswell and use that Framework used more
for AGE discrimination cases (note defendant won in Criswell)
o For SEX cases Johnsons Controls is the framework thats used for SEX
discrimination (note Plaintiffs won in JC)
2. Cases
a. Griggs v. Duke Power (1971, p. 217). 3-part analytical framework for disparate impact.
a. Most important case since Brown v. Board
b. Facts: Prior to Civil Rights Act, the D here had a segregated workforce (which was all right before the
Civil Rights Act) they had white jobs and non-white jobs. The D ER had a high school requirement for
employment prior to the Civil Rights Act. When the Civil Rights Act, the D implemented a standardized test
precluded blacks from moving into certain jobs.
c. Held: Ct holds that the test must in some way relate to the job looked at EEOC
guidelines on 703(h) also
d. Factual outcome of Griggs: This case notes that Ps do not have to show any
discriminatory motive or discriminatory intent to prove ED.
e. The Cts definition of disparate impact: If you have a neutral practice that excludes a
protected group at a disproportionate rate and is not job related (not justified by business
necessity), then this is functionally equivalent to discrimination that is prohibited by Title
f. Reasoning.
i. The ct looked at the policy/practical implications if you decide this case against P, then all Ds would
use such tests to screen to make a bar for minorities
1. plus its hard to prove inten
ii. Past intentional discrimination creates embedded discrimination (The ER may
be trying to get a benefit from past discriminatory educational system for the
outcome that it wants on the standardized tests i.e. blacks performing poorly)
iii. The fact that the practice had a discriminatory effect is discriminatory!
b. Watson v. Forth Worth Bank & Trust. (1988, p. 239). Use of Subjective Criteria.
a. Facts: Subjective judgment of supervisors was used for promotions and they kept promoting whites over
similarly situated blacks for teller positions
b. Held. Unanimous SC holds that disp impact analysis applies to subjective criteria
c. Reasoning.
i. SC realized that employers would just add in some subjective elements to such
processes to make it all subjective and thereby discriminate
ii. If an employers undisciplined system of subjective decision-making has precisely
the same effects as a system pervaded by impermissible intentional disc, then it is
illegal (i.e. if it adversely affects)
1. Basics
a. Color/Race
i. Statutory Text Norton started with some other key provisions here
1. 42 U.S.C. 1981 Equal rights under the law
a. basically, everyone shall have the same right to make and enforce
contracts as is enjoyed by white citizens
b. so this protects all races including whites
c. legislative purpose to protect individuals of every race and color
d. floor statements showed that it would protect whites as well as blacks
2. Note that Title VII includes color under its protected classes see 703(a)(1),
but it has special exceptions for Indian Tribes
a. 701(b) The term employer does not include an Indian Tribe
b. 703(i) Businesses or enterprises extending preferential treatment to
Indians Nothing shall apply to any business or enterprise on or near an
Indian reservation publicly announced under which a preferential
treatment is given to any individual because he is an Indian living on or near
a reservation.
b. The meaning of race and color
i. Race (See St. Francis College v. Al-Khazraji)
c. Color is different than race different complexions (some say that antidiscrimination statutes
should not be based on race, but rather color colorism is a big problem)
i. Basic Idea looking at situations where light-skinned people are hired over darker-
skinned ones
1. INTERSECTIONALITY THEORY posits that individuals have multiple identities
that are not addressed by legal doctrines based solely on a single identity or status
a. i.e. where 2 or more theories intersect; race+, or sex+, etc.
i. higher standard placed on one group sort of = black women
b. Some commentators criticize cts for forcing black women to choose
between bringing suit under race or gender, but not both
d. Discrimination on the basis of race or color has been universally held to include discrimination on
the race of one's spouse
i. Instances of discrimination where a person is discriminated against b/c of their spouses
skin color
ii. An argument for this can be made based on the text because of language covers
employers that punish interracial relationships
2. Cases
a. St. Francis College v. Al-Khazraji. 1981 case, looking at meaning of race here
i. Facts: denied a job because he was from Iraq, though a US citizen, D argues its not race
disc b/c he is white
ii. SC says that Congress intended to protect from disc identifiable classes of persons
who are subjected to intentional disc solely b/c of their ancestry or ethnic
1. what matters is what they were thinking back then in the 19th C. because it didnt
matter what modern scientific theory thinks of race look at what text meant in
a. i.e. people today would consider fair-skinned as white
b. i.e. when analyzing the text, must look to intent back then
iii. RULE: 1981, at a minimum, reaches disc against an individual b/c he or she is
genetically part of an ethnically and physiognomically distinctive subgrouping of
homo sapiens
1. So what is race disc under 1981? statutory interpretation
a. National origin claim would have been easier
b. Ps prefer 1981 claims over Title VII b/c no cap on damages, longer statute
of limitations; a lot of suits have both claims
(RACE) Statutory vs. Constitutional Issues with Disparate Impact
1. Basics
a. Based on the 14th amendment equal protection clause (5th amend for feds)
b. This is the context affirmative action is usually discussed meat of most aff action litigation
i. We only looked at it as applied in Title VII above
c. Constitutional limits on a governmental employer have to comply with both Title VII and the
Constitution/Equal Protection Clause as a threshold matter
i. Private employers only worry about Title VII
2. Cases
a. Washington v. Davis (1967, p. 293)
i. Background: After Griggs, it was clear that disc impact claim could be brought under Title
VII, but Ps here framed it as a constitutional issue and wanted the ct to get to the
constitutional issues
ii. Facts: 2 P black police officers brought suit against a test, blacks were passing at lower
rates than whites, Ps bring disp impact claim under EP clause in Constitution argued
that test doesnt measure ability accurately?
iii. Issue. So does Constitution prohibit disp impact employment?
iv. Held. 1. SC says NO Constitution only prohibits intentional discrimination
a. i.e. EP is about invidious discrimination
b. EP is about EP of the law, not results
c. So only intentional actions can be brought under Const
2. Ct relies on precedent and analogous situations
a. Also looks to totality of circumstances, i.e. policy
3. Ct is very concerned about opposite holding in other contexts it would unravel a
lot of statutes
v. Remember EP clause is narrower in that it applies to govt, but its BROADER in that
applies in all CONTEXTS to govt (not just employment)
1. Basics
**Gender Stereotyping is actionable under Title VII. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins
**Same-sex sexual harassment is actionable under Title VII. Oncale.
Pregnant Woman at the Wine Bar E.g. the person who works there has to drink a lot of
wine and talk to people. You have a woman working there who is pregnant (and wants to
keep doing it) and the owner says they dont want her to work there anymore can they fire
her and justify it on BFOQ grounds?
- No
o B/c shes still able to perform the duties of the job she can still drink wine and
talk to people so if you look at it from that perspective the ER cant mount the
o Customer Preference is strongest argument, but it loses because Courts say its
not a reason for the BFOQ unless it goes to the essence of the business, and the
essence of the business is not promoting safe alcohol intake (the essence of the
business is serving and drinking wine) argument is that its going to effect our
customer base because of customer preference (but Southwest airline case told
us the customer preference wont win)
E.g. #2 What is the customers dont just prefer, but they REFUSE to drink from her
because shes pregnant?
- These look like the Foreign Cultural cases
- There are some cases where courts will deal with it as refusal to deal and allow BFOQ for
2. Cases
a. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services (1998, p. 348). Same-Sex Harassment.
i. Issue. Whether there is an actionable sexual harassment claim when the harasser and the
harassed employee are of the same sex?
iii. Held. Same-sex harassment can be actionable under Title VII, it did not hold that same-sex
harassment b/c of sexual orientation is actionable under Title VII (Rene).
iv. Rule: Sexual harassment must occur b/c of SEX not sexual orientation
ii. 3 way split in lower circuits
1. 5th said it never was disc
2. another circuit said it was disc when harassee was gay/lesbian
3. another circuit said it was disc when it was severe or pervasive regardless of
sexual orientation of the victim
iii. Scalias unanimous majority opinion takes route #3
1. first, looked at text because of sex in the terms, conditions of employment is
broad, covers men as well as women
a. can cover same-sex under certain circumstances
2. precedent also shows that whites can discriminate against other whites, and males
discriminate against other males
3. no congressional intent on this
iv. Ds argue that this will result in a general civility code in the American workplace
1. but Scalia says that other forms of discrimination being prohibited has not resulted
in this
a. there is a limiting factor it must be severe or pervasive
b. Its still on the P to always prove, with whatever evidentiary route, that the
conduct at issue was not merely tinged with offensive sexual connotations,
but actually constituted discrimination because of sex.
2. Title VII is not a general civility code
3. Objective severity of harassment must be judged from a reasonable person in the
Ps show UNDER ALL THE CIRCUMSTANCES Social Context and common
sense matters!!
a. e.g. coach smacking a player in the butt is not the same as a boss slapping a
secretary in the butt
v. Scalia lists non-exclusive list of situations of same-sex harassment that are actionable
1. Harasser motivated by sexual desire
2. D motivated by general hostility to presence of men in workplace
3. D treats men differently than women
b. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins. (1969, p. 342). Sex Stereotyping. Certain types of sex
stereotyping are found to be discrimination based on sex.
i. This began in the
ii. Facts: Ann Hopkins worked for PW; partners said that she needed to be more feminine;
said that she should go to charm school and dress and act more femininely.
iii. Issue: SC needed to decide if this was discrimination based on sex
iv. Held: This was a form of sex discrimination. Why?
1. Based on unequal treatment, partners are saying that she cannot be a masculine
2. This is based on outmoded stereotypes based on sex: This is a but for argument
b/c but for Hopkins sex, she could have progressed.
3. Differential Burden: PW is requiring Hopkins to be a certain type of woman a
feminine woman to have this job and you also have to be a good worker
a. Whereas men only have to be good workers
b. Note that there is a disjunction between being a feminine woman and a
good worker. There is a difference b/t being a feminine woman and a good
worker (If you are requiring both a good worker and a feminine woman,
there is a disjunction)
4. Per Price Waterhouse, if you insist on women being a certain way in terms of
gender stereotypes, this is discrimination based on sex
v. Here, Hopkins ends up losing. The Ct says this is discrimination based on sex but there
was a legitimate and nondiscriminatory reason for firing her in that she was mean to the
staff, even though some of the men promoted were also mean to the staff (but they were
mean to the staff in a different way
c. Jespersen v. Harrahs Operating Co. (2006, p. 387). Sex-Based Dress, Grooming and
Appearance Requirements. pp.385-405
i. Facts: P was a female bartender who didnt follow new makeup policy and was
terminated, D basically had different requirements for men/women. P said that she would
be less effective in dealing with customers in the bar if she did wear make-up, but we never
get to the arguments to the ER response b/c the Ct determines that this was not sex
discrimination b/c requirements for men were just as burdensome as for women.
ii. Reasoning.
1. Ct does not buy sex stereotyping
2. Ct also says that there is no unequal treatment here
3. Ct does not want to apply sex stereotyping cases to grooming
c. The Ct tried to avoid the sex stereotyping issue b/c this would be moving
from sex as biological differences to gender as a social construct
iii. Note that if there is a different grooming policy for men and women on its face, this policy
would already be stereotyping based on sex
iv. Inherent in the ERs policy is the fact that men and women are different and occupy
different gender roles
v. If ER says that this is an equal burden and the ct buys that this is not discrimination, then
the Ct is saying that men and women are different in terms of their gender roles and what
we expect from them in society
vi. The 9th circuit panel said that they agreed with PWC that if a grooming policy stereotypes
one sex over the other, it should be struck down, but a policy that requires women to
wear blush, makeup, lipstick as was the case here is not stereotyping against women so
no discrimination
vii. Majority uses the unequal burdens test
1. RULE: employer can adopt different appearance standards for each sex, but those
standards may not impose a greater burden on one sex than the other
d. If there is a stricter requirement on one sex, then there is a Title VII claim
i. i.e. if sex-specific test is more burdensome on one than the other
ii. ct says you need to show that it costs more for women than men
here and ct holds that the burdens here are no more than what is put
on the men under the policies
iii. OR ct says you can show a time burden, and P didnt
2. Majority distinguishes Price Waterhouse not about grooming and
appearance standards
viii. Dissent says there is an unequal burden more stringent on women judge compares the
standards and stated simply that men dont have to do anything about makeup and women
3. Also, she felt degraded
4. Points to costs and time burdens here
5. Relies on the SCs Price Waterhouse decision same situation
6. He also mentions the gender stereotyping type of claim that the Rene decision
d. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co v. EEOC. (2006, p. 387). Pregnancy
Discrimination Act.
i. Facts: This case comes about after Congress decided to overrule the Gilbert decision, and
say that Title VII prohibits sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy. Here, employer
amended its plan after this decision, but the plan still provided less favorable pregnancy
benefits to the spouses of male employees- does this violate Title VII?
ii. Held: Court finds that this plan violates Title VII & the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. The
EEOC issues interpretive guidelines which stated that IF an employer decides to provide
coverage for dependents, then it must equally cover the medical expenses of spouses of
male employees. The court finds the plan unlawful because it affords less protection to
married male employees than to married female employees, and so it is discrimination
because of sex.
iii. Rules to Take from Newport News:
1. PDA & Dependents: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act does also require that
spouses of male employees be given equal coverage for pregnancy-related
expenses, IF the company provided benefits to dependents.
e. Troupe v. May Dept Stores. (1994, p. 412). Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
i. To get over the hurdle of summary judgment, all that is required is evidence from which a
rational trier of fact could reasonably infer that the defendant had fired the plaintiff because
the latter was a member of a protected class, in this case the class of pregnant women
ii. Held: plaintiff made no effort to show that I all the pertinent facts were as they are except
for the fact of her pregnancy, she would not have been fired.
iii. Reasoning
1. The PDA requires the employer to ignore an employees pregnancy but not her
absence from work, unless the employer overlooks the comparable absences of
nonpregnant workers.
2. If an employee who (like Troupe) does not have an employment contract cannot
work b/c of illness, nothing in Title VII requires the employer to keep the employee
on payroll.
3. Employers can treat pregnant women as badly as they treat similarly
affected but nonpregnant employees.
f. Erickson v. Bartell Drug Co. (2001, p. 423). Related Medical Conditions under PDA.
i. Facts: An employer has chosen to offer an employment benefit which excludes from its
scope of coverage services which are available only to women.
ii. Held: the exclusion of women-only benefits from a generally comprehensive prescription
plan is sex discrimination under Title VII.
1. Title VII does not require employers to offer any particular type or category of
benefit. However, when an employer decides to offer a prescription plan covering
everything except a few specifically excluded drugs and devices, it has a legal
obligation to make sure that the resulting plan does not discriminate based on sex-
based characteristics and that it provides equally comprehensive coverage for both
iii. Reasoning:
1. Pursuant to Gilbert and Newport News and Johnson Controls, Title VII requires
employers to recognize the differences between the sexes and provide equally
comprehensive coverage, even it that means providing additional benefits to cover
women-only expenses.
2. Under PDA, discrimination because of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical
conditions is a form of prohibited sec discrimination.
3. Business decision to control costs. The cost savings D realizes by excluding
prescription contraceptives from its healthcare plans are being directly borne by
only one sex in violation of Title VII.
4. Intent of Congress in enacting the PDA, even if not the exact language uuused in
the amendment, shows that mere facial parity of coverage does not excuse or justify
an exclusion which carves out benefits that are uniquely designed for women.
5. The special and increased healthcare needs associated with a womans unique sex-
based characteristics must be met to the same extend, and on the same terms, as
other healthcare needs.
1. Basics
a. What is prohibited under the ADA?
i. On pg. 70 of the Statute Book An ER may not discriminate against a qualified
individual with a disability.
1. How does ADA define discriminate? Discrimination includes:
a. disparate treatment,
b. disparate impact ((b)(7) of statute on pg. 71 talks about disparate impact),
c. (b)(5) it is also discrimination if an ER fails to make a reasonable
accommodation unless the ER can show that the accommodation
creates an undue hardship on the operation of the ERs business.
b. WHAT STATUTE is disability discrimination available under? What does it provide?
i. Title I is the ADAs employment chapter. It provides that:
1. No covered entity shall discriminate against a qualified individual with a disability
because of the disability of such individual in regard to job application procedures,
the hiring, advancement, or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job
training and other terms, conditions and privileges of employment.
c. WHO is protected under the ADA?
i. Only a qualified individual with a disability is protected under ADA.
ii. 42 U.S.C. 1211(8) defines a qualified individual with a disability as: an individual with a
disability who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential
functions of the employment position.
1. For the purposes of this title, consideration shall be given to the employers
judgment as to what functions of a job are essential, and if an employer has
prepared a written description before advertising or interviewing applicants for the
job, this description shall be considered evidence of the essential functions of the
a. Evidence that would demonstrate that a particular job function is essential
i. Job description
ii. Actual performance
iii. Expert testimony about profession
iv. Employers judgment
d. WHAT is the DEFINITION of disability?
i. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities;
ii. A record of such an impairment; or
iii. Being regarded as having such impairment.
1. ADA coverage does not depend on establishing an actual, present disability.
Rather, an individual with a record of a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits a major life activity is within the definition of disability.
2. Even if a person does not currently have such an impairment or was previously
misclassified as having such an impairment, he is within the definition if he has a
record of such an impairment.
iv. An individual can also establish a disability by showing that an employer regarded
individual as having a disability.
1. ADA regulations define regarded as having such an impairment to mean:
a. Has a physical or mental impairment that does not substantially limit major
life activities but is treated by a covered entity as constituting such
b. Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life
activities only as a result of the attitudes of others toward such impairment;
c. Has none of the impairments [discussed above] but is treated by a covered
entity as having a substantially limiting impairment.
e. WHICH disabilities will always be disabilities?
1. Autism, cancer, diabetes, and epilepsy will always be deemed disabilities.
2. Moreover, episodic impairments or those in remission are disabilities if they would
substantially limit a major life activity when active.
f. WHAT is the 3-Step process for determining coverage under definition of disability?
1. Is the illness, injury, or disease a physical or mental impairment?
2. What is the major life activity affected?
3. Does the impairment substantially limit the major life activity?
g. WHAT is the Definition of physical or mental impairment?
1. Physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement or anatomical loss
affecting one of the bodys systems; mental or psychological disorder.
h. WHAT constitutes a major life activity?
1. Activity that is of central importance to daily life.
2. Major life activities are not limited to public or economic activities.
3. ADAAA includes a non-comprehensive list of major life activities
a. Seeing
b. Hearing
c. Sleeping
d. Eating
e. Working
f. Operation of a major bodily function
i. WHAT Factors are considered in determining whether impairment substantially limits major life
1. The nature and severity of the impairment;
2. The duration or expected duration of the impairment; and
3. The permanent or long-term impact, or the expected permanent or long-term impact
of or resulting from the impairment. Note, substantially limiting impairment can
be short-term
4. The difficulties associated with the impairment need not be insurmountable for the
impairment to substantially limit a major life activity.
a. If an impairment substantially limits a major life activity, plaintiff need not
also demonstrate that the impairment substantially limits plaintiffs ability
to perform activities of central importance to daily life.
5. Whether a plaintiff is substantially limited is determined without regard to
ameliorative effects of mitigating measures.
j. WHEN is plaintiff regarded as having such an impairment under the definition of a disability?
i. Plaintiff is subject to an action prohibited by the ADAAA
ii. Because of the plaintiffs actual or perceived impairment
iii. Whether or not the impairment limits or is perceived to limit a major life activity
1. This definition does not apply to transitory (less than or equal to 6 months) or
minor impairments
iv. Plaintiff does not need to establish that major life activity was substantially limited.
v. NOTE: an employer has no obligation or duty to provide a reasonable accommodation to
an individual regarded as having such an impairment.
k. WHAT is the ADA Prima Facie Case of Disparate Treatment
i. Plaintiff must show that she is disabled
ii. Plaintiff must show she is a qualified individual with disability
1. Here plaintiff needs to identify the essential functions of the job and bear the
burden of proving (proof and persuasion) that she could perform essential functions
of job with a reasonable accommodation.
iii. Plaintiff suffered an adverse action
1. Discrimination under ADA is more than adverse action. The failure to reasonably
accommodate is also discrimination under ADA.
iv. Plaintiff was treated less favorably than similarly situated, non-disabled individuals.
l. HOW do you define Reasonable Accommodation?
i. Section 102(b)(5) of the ADA defines discrimination to include:
1. Not making reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental
limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant
or employee, unless such covered entity can demonstrate that the accommodation
would impose an undue hardship on the operation of the business of such covered
entity; or
2. Denying employment opportunities to a job applicant or employee who is an
otherwise qualified individual with a disability, if such denial is based on the need
of such covered entity to make reasonable accommodation to the physical or mental
impairments of the employee or applicant.
ii. To be qualified for a reasonable accommodation under the ADA, the disabled person must
first be deemed able to perform the jobs essential functions with or without reasonable
m. WHAT is the STANDARD for reasonable accommodation?
i. The duty of reasonable accommodations is satisfied when the employer does what is
necessary to enable the disabled worker to work in reasonable comfort.
1. In defending the reasonableness of a requested accommodation, plaintiff must:
a. Show that requested accommodation is efficacious,
b. Show that requested accommodation fits or is tailored to the individuals
c. Show that requested disability is cost effective (proportional to benefit of
the accommodation).
ii. If a disabled individual can perform essential functions with reasonable accommodation,
the employer has a duty to provide those accommodations.
iii. If the disabled individual requires accommodations that are not reasonable or that impose
an undue hardship, disparate treatment on the basis of disability is permitted and
accommodating the disability is not required.
iv. Reasonable accommodation goes beyond providing accommodations required to perform
essential job functions.
1. Employers also have a duty to provide accommodations that permit disabled
individuals to enjoy equal access to the benefits and privileges of employment.
n. WHAT is the Prima Facie Case of Failure to Accommodate
i. Plaintiff is disabled under ADA
ii. Plaintiff is qualified individual with a disability under the ADA
iii. Employer failed to provide a reasonable accommodation.
o. WHAT are Defenses to Prima Facie Case of Failure to accommodate
i. Burden of production to demonstrate that requested accommodation was not reasonable
ii. Burden of proof to show that requested accommodation would impose an undue hardship
on the operation of the business.
p. Define Undue Hardship
i. Standard: A failure to accommodate can be defended on the ground that the necessary or
proposed accommodation would pose an undue hardship on the operation of the
employers business.
ii. Under the ADA, an undue hardship is: an accommodation requiring significant
difficulty or expense, which must be determined by considering all the relevant
factors, including the size and financial resources of the covered entity.
iii. The relevant factors that must be considered are:
1. Nature and cost of the accommodation needed;
2. Overall financial resources of the facility or facilities involved in the provision of
the reasonable accommodation; the number of persons employed at such facility;
the effect on expenses and resources, or the impact otherwise of such
accommodation upon the operation of the facility;
3. The overall financial resources of the covered entity; the overall size of the business
of a covered entity with respect to the number of its employees; the number, type,
and location of its facilities; and
4. The type of operation or operations of the covered entity, including the
composition, structure, and functions of the workforce of such entity; the
geographic separateness, administrative, or fiscal relationship of the facility or
facilities in question to the covered entity.
iv. Employers are not required to show that they would be driven to the brink of insolvency to
establish an undue hardship.
v. Mathematical precision and complex economic formulae are not required. Rather, a
common-sense balancing of the costs and benefits in light of the factors listed in the
regulations is all that is expected.
vi. Burden of proof (production and persuasion) rests with employer to demonstrate an
undue burden.
vii. Reasonable accommodation is a generalized inquiry, while undue hardship
determination focuses on the particular employer.
q. Discriminatory Qualification Standards
i. The term disqualification standards may include a requirement that an individual shall
not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals in the workplace.
1. Definition of direct threat: a significant risk to the health or safety of others that
cannot be eliminated by a reasonable accommodation
2. The EEOC requires that the direct threat determination be based on a reasonable
medical judgment that considers such factors as the duration of the risk, the nature
and severity of the potential harm, the likelihood of the potential harm, and the
imminence of the potential harm.
ii. In sum, qualification standards that are either facially discriminatory or that have a
disparate impact on disabled individuals can violate the ADA, but all discriminatory
qualification standards are subject to the same defensesthey may be defended on the
basis that they are job related and consistent with business necessity, permitted or required
by another federal statute or regulation, or necessary to prevent a direct threat to health and
2. Cases
a. **Raytheon v. Hernandez. (2003, p. 808). Disparate Treatment.
i. Facts: EE worked for Hughes Missile systems for a long time in 1991 he tested positive
to a cocaine drug test and was forced to resign. In 1994 he reapplies. On the application
he said hes a former employee. The company policy is not to rehire anyone who was
terminated for workplace misconduct, so he doesnt get his job back.
1. He alleges he is being rejected because of his drug use because hes either a
recovered drug addict or because he has a record of drug abuse.
2. See p75 for how the ADA deals with drug use ER is free to terminate
someone who is using drugs; but it also recognizes that being an alcoholic or a
drug addict can qualify as a disability. (protected if you can show youre
3. He brings a disparate treatment claim - (court uses the same prima facie steps):
ii. McDonnell Douglas steps:
1. Step One - Qualified individual with a disability
a. Question: how can you say youre qualified when you left under bad
circumstances and the company policy is that they wont rehire those
terminated for bad reasons? p726 first full paragraph and fn4 court says
there are issues re whether or not he would be qualified, but since its a
motion for summary judgment we read it in the light most favorable to the
plaintiff and let him pass on this
i. Note from facts in this case, it doesnt appear there was dispute
that he had a disability. Its up to the defendant to challenge it.
There is a difference between someone whos used drugs v. an
addict with a disability. But it would only come up if the defendant
challenged it.
ii. Note that this subsumes step 2 of the Ps prima facie case
iii. Qualified element comes up more often under the ERs defense
1. Applied for position
2. Was denied
3. Position remained open or went to someone without the
2. Step Two ERs response
a. Defendant then articulates a legitimate nondiscrimination reason they
carry the burden of production, not the burden of proof
b. Defendant says the reason was the workplace policy that says if youre fired
for misconduct you wont be rehired, and here the EE had been fired for
misconduct this is a neutral employment practice
c. The 9th Circuit held that this policy can never suffice when the EE was
fired for drug use because it has the disparate impact on the protected class
therefore, it cannot be a legitimate nondiscriminatory reason They said
even though there is a neutral policy that says they dont hire people who
are terminated for misconduct, this policy has the effect of discriminating
d. BUT The Supreme Court says thats incorrect disparate treatment
is about intent (and that the 9th circuit conflated the disparate impact
case w/disparate treatment case) you must go on to the traditional
third step the only question left for the court is whether or not the
legitimate nondiscriminatory reason was a pretext. They REMAND it
e. On remand, would you find that the ER had a legitimate nondiscriminatory
reason? YES.
3. Step Three (pretext?) didnt get that far in this case, but it would on remand
how would it play out?
a. Defendant would probably win
b. Defendant could cite to Furnco which gives deference to the employer re
setting his own policies
c. What would plaintiffs best argument be that it is pretext? Look for facts
such as: evidence that says they really did refuse to rehire him because of
his past drug problems ex. evidence that its nonuniform application of
the policy (look for statistics that they rehired other people who were
terminated for misconduct when the misconduct wasnt about drugs that
would show that the policy was really aimed at keeping drug users out); ex.
someone who said I remember him, he tested positive for drugs and we
dont want him back; ex. letter in his application from someone saying he
was an addict but is better now (to prove they knew about it).
d. If theres enough evidence, it goes to the jury and the jury gets to decide.
a. On Exam: use Price Waterhouse for gender and sexual harassment cases for sexuality! (but
also highlight the analytical tensions: state that sexual orientation is not a protected category)