BMCB5103 Consumer Behaviour
BMCB5103 Consumer Behaviour
BMCB5103 Consumer Behaviour
11 Teaching-learning and
Teaching-learning : Blended mode of learning- self managed learning + face-to-
assessment strategy
face tutorial+ online learning
Assessment strategy : Formative and summative assessment involved
12 Synopsis This course introduces you to the nature of consumer behaviour. It begins with
an overview of consumer behaviour, consumer-marketer relationships,
marketing ethics and policies as well as consumer behaviour as a discipline.
The course then goes on to describe ways in which consumers get information
on products and services, process this information and build consumption
behaviour. Next, we will cover the decision-making process of a consumer and
the types and stages of buying decisions of individual and group consumers.
Finally, we will discuss the external factors that influence consumer behaviour
and marketers actions that capitalise on these factors.
13 Mode of Delivery Lecture, Tutorial, Workshop, Seminar etc
16 Mapping of Course to
Programme Learning Course Programme Learning Outcomes
Outcomes Learning PLO1 PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLO5 PLO6
Blackwell, R. D., Miniard, P. W., & Engel, J. F. (2005).
Consumer behavior (10th ed.). Cincinnati, OH: South-
Western College.