Balfour Beatty Hse
Balfour Beatty Hse
Balfour Beatty Hse
"Zero Harm is our vision for safety. We are committed to practices that
result in no accidents or injuries."
Zero Harm is our commitment to eliminating any injuries or deaths as a result of our activities.
That means no serious or disabling injuries, no long-term harm to health, and aiming for an
Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) of zero.
Here's how we are achieving Zero Harm:
Eliminating fatal risks
We identify fatal risks and establish Zero Harm design, management and behavioural
protocols to eliminate them.
Eliminating hazards
We identify and plan out potential hazards in all activities we undertake.
Maintaining Zero Harm day to day
We manage, monitor, review, audit and provide assurance systems geared towards Zero
Keeping the public safe from harm
We manage and maintain Zero Harm levels of separation, security, monitoring and
stewardship to safeguard members of the public from exposure to hazards.
Keeping all our people healthy
We conduct health checks and health risk assessments for our employees to ensure that
working in our business doesn't cause harm to anyone's health.
Working with our customers and supply chain
We enlist the support and co-operation of customers to achieve Zero Harm, as well as
insisting that our supply chain engage in Zero Harm practices.
Making safety personal
All our businesses and the people within them understand that safety isn't something that
is provided for them - it's a personal responsibility. On site and off, safety comes from all of
us. None of us will ever walk past something unsafe.
Balfour Beatty Construction Services UK, referred to as the Company throughout this document, operates
around the principles of four Golden Rules. These rules underpin all that we do as we strive to create a
business that will deliver Zero Harm:
Description of Revision Date
Minor amendments Front page updated with Quality and Sustainability. Internal
2.1 Balfour Beatty removed from footer. URL for external facing supply chain access 21 Jan 2014
to Plant Standards incorporated.
Minor amendment. Versioning error corrected between front page and footer
2.2 10 Feb 2014
information. No change in content.
2.4 Web link to supply chain documents in Section 3.5 corrected 25 Feb 2014
Description of Revision Date
Section 7.2 updated to include all workers rather than just Safety Critical
Workers. Section 13.5 updated to include evidence of appropriate health
surveillance programme as acceptable demonstration of health information
5.2 management. Removal of reference to CBH from Section 26. Mobile Vehicles, Plant 17 Mar 2016
and Equipment. Link to Supply Chain documentation updated. Section 10 Risk
Management fully updated in line with the revised Company Risk Management
Full updates to sections 50: Waste and Materials, 51: Dust and Emissions, 52: Water,
54: Ecology and Archaeology, 55: Timber Procurement. New sections added 53:
Energy and Carbon, 58: Supply Chain Development, 59: Payment, 60: Supplier
6.0 23 May 2016
Diversity, 61: Developing Talent, 62: Labour Standards, 63: Modern Slavery, 64:
Community Engagement, 65: Ethical Sourcing, 66: Material Specific Requirements,
67: Red List, 68: Grey List.
1. DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................................8
2. PURPOSE .........................................................................................................................................8
3. APPLICATION ...................................................................................................................................8
22. DEMOLITION.................................................................................................................................. 22
30. NOISE.............................................................................................................................................27
57. SUSTAINABILITY............................................................................................................................. 44
1.1. The Company, for the purposes of this document, is the Contractor referred to within the
Subcontract, Consultancy Agreement or Design Agreement.
1.2. The Subcontractor, for the purposes of this document, is the Subcontractor, Consultant or
Designer referred to within the Subcontract, Consultancy Agreement or Design Agreement.
2.1. The Company is committed to delivering high standards of Health, Safety and Environment to its
customers and on all of its projects and recognises the contribution of its subcontractors in
supporting and delivering this objective. This document is designed to promote a positive and
responsible attitude towards HSE issues. It is not intended to be exhaustive, but must be
considered the minimum standard acceptable to the Company on projects, or areas under its
control. The Company HSE policies are included in appendices and form part of these conditions.
2.2. Subcontractors must bring the content of this document and Policies to the attention of all
personnel employed or under their control on Company projects and ensure they are actively
complied with.
3.1. The use of the Subcontractors Health, Safety, Environmental, Quality and Sustainability
Conditions is mandatory on all Company projects and must be complied with by all
Subcontractors who undertake work on behalf of the Company. Failure to do so may result in the
termination of the subcontract.
3.2. The contents of this document are in line with statutory duties. Where the Company have
imposed conditions which may appear more stringent than those implied by statute, these
conditions take precedent. This document must therefore be recognised as a condition of
3.3. The Subcontractor must comply with the Companys best practice mission, safety stand downs,
initiatives and procedures. This is inclusive of the Zero Harm Initiative. In this respect, the
Subcontractor is deemed to have made due allowance for all relevant time, cost and resources to
achieve compliance.
3.4. The Subcontractor will comply with all Company Policies as detailed within the
3.5. The Subcontract will comply with the Companys Plant and Equipment Specification Sheets (Plant
Standards), which are available to download at:
4.2. The Subcontractors Health, Safety, Environmental, Quality and Sustainability Conditions cannot
alter the Subcontractors statutory obligations. However it should be noted that it is a condition
of contract that those statutory obligations are fulfilled.
4.3. All statutory registers, notices and certificates applicable to the subcontractors site activity must
be maintained and be readily available for inspection by the Company.
5.1. On contract award, and prior to commencing on site, the Subcontractor will attend a start up
meeting where health, safety and environmental arrangements will be confirmed, in detail (note:
competence, duties and responsibilities must be defined and resolved preaward).
6.2. SSSTS is the minimum accepted qualification for a working supervisor/ganger/charge-hand who
is responsible for ensuring the safe system of work is maintained following commencement of
the works. This is a mandatory requirement for our supply chain.
6.3. The Subcontractor must identify within their work package full details of the names, number,
competencies and typical experience levels of all designers, supervisors and managers.
6.4. The subcontractors intended management structure will be included within the subcontract
6.5. Details are required of certification and training achievement to recognised standards with
particular reference to the ability to demonstrate competence to manage HSE issues within the
scope of the package.
6.6. Where a subcontractor is awarded a substantial or critical package it may be that for the sake of
effective HSE management they will become responsible for the co-ordination of supervision and
work within a portion of the project or required to co-ordinate a specific aspect of HSE on behalf
of the project during their works.
6.7. Where required to do so this will be identified to the subcontractor during the tender process
and staff of appropriate competence must be provided to discharge these responsibilities.
All subcontractors will receive details of project specific risks and other relevant
health and safety information in the form of a Project Management Plan (PMP)
within their subcontract order.
Health and safety will be discussed as the first item at ALL operational meetings.
Supervisors and managers from the Company and Subcontractors assisted by their
respective safety advisor will conduct HSE inspections, briefings, awareness sessions
and weekly tool box talks.
Everyone will receive a Daily Activity Briefing at the start of their shift.
Everyone will receive a task specific briefing on the planned safe system of work.
Health, safety and environmental concerns may also be raised anonymously using
the Observation Cards.
Advise your Supervisor/ Manager prior to starting work if you have any health issues
(mind and body) which mean you are unfit to work.
All workers must produce evidence of fitness for work prior to starting work.
Only start work once you have been briefed and fully understand the task, associated
risks, controls and rules.
Take care of yourself and others at all times, positively intervening when something
is not safe or correct.
Ensure that work stops and your Supervisor/Manager is informed when there are
changes to the planned safe system of work, or if you are concerned that the
activities are unsafe.
7.3. Subcontractors should make any provision necessary to ensure non-English speaking employees
can understand all information necessary to carry out their duties in a safe manner. Each non
English speaking gang must be supervised by a bi-lingual supervisor (bi-lingual in English and the
appropriate foreign language) who will be responsible for instructing them in the safe systems of
8.2. Subcontractor management are also expected to attend HSE planning and coordination
meetings and events.
9.2. The Subcontractors safety adviser is required to thoroughly inspect their works (fortnightly,
dependant on risk) and leave a detailed report with the Project Lead identifying any areas of
concern and recommendations for remedial action. In addition, the safety adviser will carry out
any briefings or toolbox talks that are necessary and this must be noted in his report.
9.3. The Subcontractors management is responsible for immediately implementing the safety
advisers recommendations and formally confirming satisfactory close out to the Project Lead in
10.2. The minimum competency for those producing, reviewing and authorising risk assessments,
Work Package Plans (Method Statements) and Task Briefing Sheets is:
Site Manager Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) or IOSH Managing Safety qualification,
Supervisor / Manager CSCS card
10.3. The minimum competency for the Subcontractors person on site who is responsible for ensuring
the safe system of work is fully implemented and briefed to the workforce is:
Site Manager Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) or IOSH Managing Safety qualification,
Supervisor or Manager CSCS card
10.4. The minimum competency for cascading the content of the Task Briefing Sheet and for
maintaining the safe system of work is:
Site Supervisor Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS)
Supervisor CSCS Card
10.5. Risk management techniques must be applied in accordance with the hierarchy of controls
10.6. All activities must be subject to a formal, documented, project specific risk assessment to
determine the appropriate Health, Safety and Environmental controls for any operation.
10.7. The risk assessment must address hazards to anyone who may be affected by the operation in
addition to those who are engaged in the operation.
10.8. The Subcontractors Work Package Plan (Method Statement) must provide a sufficiently detailed
and task / environment specific sequence of work including logistics, movement of plant,
management of deliveries and distribution/removal of materials to demonstrate that the work
has been adequately planned.
10.9. The Subcontractors Work Package Plan (Method Statement) must contain details of supervision
to be provided and those who are appointed into specific health and safety roles.
10.10. Where applicable, the Work Package Plan (Method Statement) must include a scale drawing or
sketch showing the extent of the work space, the location of delivery lorry / plant and vehicle
access points and suitably sized holding areas. Physical space for plant and vehicle operations
and interfaces must be considered for every specific location and required operations at that
10.11. Work Package Plans (Method Statements) and risk assessments must be produced by the
subcontractor and submitted to the Project Lead for approval 2 weeks prior to the
commencement of programmed works, or sooner dependant up the Client Requirements and/or
agreed approval process.
10.12. Risk assessments and Work Package Plans (Method Statements) must be continuously reviewed
and updated as circumstances change and operatives re-briefed on any changes.
10.13. All subcontract Supervisors must be fully briefed and be issued with a copy of their SSoW
including Work Package Plan and Task Briefing documentation by their employer for works for
which they are responsible for supervising. They must also be briefed and issued with other
associated documentation (such as the PVPMP, Lift Plan, Permits etc.) by the Company.
10.14. Subcontractor Work Package Plans (Method Statements) and associated Risk Assessments must
be reviewed at an interval not exceeding 3 months, or when circumstances change, whichever is
10.15. All operatives must receive a Task Briefing from their supervisor at intervals not exceeding 2
weeks (or less should circumstance change) which will advise them of:-
The control measures they must adopt to ensure the task is conducted in safety.
Details of the supervisor for the works and any nominated duty holders (e.g.
Responsible Person for breaking ground, Confined Space Top Man).
10.16. Workforce briefings must contain only the information pertinent to the individuals carrying out
the task. The Workforce briefing must comprehensively cover all relevant hazards and significant
residual risks and must be in a format which is easily explained to the operatives through a series
of task briefings. Workforce briefings must not contain any information that is not in the Work
Package Plan (Method Statement).
10.17. A record of such briefings uniquely referenced to each Work Package Plan (Method Statement)
must be maintained by the subcontractor and made available to the Company on request.
10.18. Subcontractors must appoint a responsible person to identify all hazardous substances, which
they are likely to import onto site, or are liable to produce/create on site. COSHH assessments
must be carried out for all of these substances and a copy of these assessments given to the
Project Lead.
11.1. Where a package includes for the provision of a 2nd tier subcontractor, or the subcontractor
wishes to sub-let part of his work, written agreement prior to any contract award must be
obtained from the Company.
11.2. The 2nd tier subcontractor must be assessed to ensure they are competent and have adequate
resources to complete the work. The assessment of any 2nd tier subcontractor used for sub-let
work must be at least to the standard of the Company HSE assessment. A copy of this assessment
should be forwarded to the Company within an agreed time period for review and approval.
11.3. The Subcontractor is required to include, and will be deemed to have included, copies of the
Companys Subcontractors Health, Safety, Environmental, Quality and Sustainability Conditions
in any subcontract that they may award and to make compliance with this document a condition
of any such subcontract. Evidence of such should be provided to the Company when requested
or as required by the Subcontract.
12.2. Where incidents are reportable under RIDDOR a copy of the statutory report must be provided
to the Project Lead / Facility Manager.
12.3. The Subcontractor must provide copies of their internal incident investigation report to the
Project Lead / Facility Manager within a reasonable timescale and co-operate fully in any
investigation conducted by the Company. The Company requires initial investigation details for
all accidents within 24 hours.
13.2. Subcontractors shall identify workers performing tasks that require exposure monitoring and
health surveillance and ensure that it is provided meeting at least the minimum legal
13.3. Subcontractors shall ensure that their employees are fit for work.
13.4. Subcontractor employees shall advise the Project Lead of any issues related to their fitness that
might impact on their ability to perform their work activities.
13.5. All subcontractors must ensure that the relevant management health information and associated
documentation is available to the Company upon request (i.e Fitness for Task Certificate,
evidence of appropriate health surveillance programme).
14.2. No alcohol or drugs may used, possessed or supplied on any site (including offices and welfare
facilities) and personnel must never be unfit to work through alcohol or drug use. This will be
made clear at site induction briefings.
14.3. Anyone suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be removed from the
workplace and the subcontractor must ensure that the individual(s) remains on site available for
testing. Failure to remain on site for testing will invoke immediate disciplinary procedures.
14.4. Where a project is covered by the Transport and Works Act the Subcontractor must make
themselves familiar with their statutory duties and they should be aware that specific
organisations such as Network Rail have a mandatory policy of screening for alcohol and drugs
through routine and random testing.
14.5. When requiring any medication the subcontractors employee must find out if there may be a
side effect likely to impair their work performance and safety from the drug or any medication
concerned whether prescribed or available without prescription and advise the Project Lead.
15.2. We will always look to system and root cause failures in all incidents but where a breach is wilful
it will be dealt with appropriately.
15.3. All Subcontractors need to be aware that following a breach of an HSE rule or standard they may
be subject to disciplinary action which may include being excluded from site.
15.4. Disciplinary action will not be taken as immediate reaction to an incident but will follow a
thorough investigation. Whilst the investigation is completed however an individual may be
suspended from work.
16.2. These arrangements will be briefed during induction and will be displayed on site.
Subcontractors must ensure that everyone under their control is informed of the emergency
procedures applicable to the site or facility.
16.3. Subcontractors must produce their own emergency contingency arrangements, approved by the
Project Lead, for their specific operation or activities, e.g. use of MEWPs, confined spaces, etc.
17.3. Lone working is positively discouraged, however, should there be a necessity for lone working
strict operational control procedures must be implemented in line with our procedures which
encompasses training.
17.4. All weekend or night time working must be agreed by prior arrangement with the Company
Project Lead. Specific written work schedules must be in place and named competent
supervisors for both the Company and the Subcontractor to be in attendance at all times.
Fire Safety Coordinator must have successfully completed a Fire Co-ordinator training course.
Fire Warden(s) must have successfully completed a Fire Marshal training course and be
adequately trained in fire safety (including fire extinguisher training) and have sufficient status
and authority for the effective execution of their duties and responsibilities
Hot Works Responsible Person holds a CSCS card commensurate with the role, Gas Safety (if
applicable) and fire extinguisher training, and has previous hot works experience.
Hand bells and klaxons are prohibited for use as fire alarms.
Jubilee clips are prohibited for connecting flexible gas supply hoses.
Storage of gas and flammable liquids inside, under and on buildings is prohibited.
The use of compressed gas welding equipment without flash back arrestors is
18.1. In addition to complying with the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations, it is also a
requirement that Subcontractors comply with The Joint Code of Practice titled Fire Prevention
on Construction Sites.
18.2. The Company applies and enforces the Code of Practice therefore Subcontractors must make
suitable provision within their tender. It should be noted that there is a requirement that all
flexible temporary protective coverings used on internal finished surfaces or fittings must
conform to the Loss Prevention Standard LPS 1207 and LPS 1215 (this being a fire protection
18.3. Dependent upon the size and complexity of the project, the site specific fire prevention
arrangements may be compiled in a Fire Safety Plan and co-ordinated by a Fire Safety Co-
ordinator who will advise the Subcontractor accordingly.
18.4. On contracts where there is a fire risk from the works activity a Hot Work Permit regime will be
First Aider must possess a valid First Aid at Work certificate (3 days).
Appointed Person must possess a valid Emergency First Aid for Appointed Persons
certificate (0.5 days).
19.1. First aid facilities will be provided under the control of a First Aider or appointed person at every
site. Subcontractors will be expected to provide a number of first aiders appropriate to their
manpower and nature of the project to support the common arrangements whose name and
location should be prominently displayed on the site notice board.
19.2. This and the common arrangements will be confirmed to Subcontractors by completion of the
Subcontractors Quality, Safety and Environmental Summary prior to finalising the subcontract.
Appointed Person competent and holds a valid CPCS Appointed Persons qualification except for
Lorry Loaders where an ALLMI Appointed Person card is acceptable.
Crane Supervisor competent and holds a valid CPCS Crane/Lifting Supervisor qualification except
for Lorry Loaders where an ALLMI Crane Supervisor card is acceptable.
Slinger / Signaller competent and holds a valid CPCS Slinger/Signaller qualification except for
Lorry Loaders where an ALLMI Slinger/Signaller card is acceptable.
Crane Co-coordinator Holds a valid CPCS Crane Supervisor qualification with previous
experience of the role in similar circumstances.
Crane Operator competent and holds a valid CPCS (RTITB for overhead travelling cranes in
factories and Depots) qualification for type of equipment except for Lorry Loaders where an
ALLMI card is acceptable
Overhead Crane Operator competent and holds a valid RTITB qualification for type of
Excavator Operators competent and holds a valid CPCS card for the category of excavator they
are operating. This card must include CPCS lifting operations training (A58C/A59C or A10/12).
From 2008 for 360 excavators and from 2010 for 180 excavators lifting was included in the CPCS
syllabus. Operators holding cards that pre-date this will require supplementary CPCS training.
They must also be trained in the use of any lifting accessories, be familiar with the use of the
equipment, Rated Capacity Indicator and Lifting Duty Charts.
Piling Rig Operators competent and holds a valid CPCS card for the category of rig they are
Telehandler Operator competent and hold a valid CPCS card for the category of telehandler they
are operating. Standard CPCS telehandler training does not include rotating telehandler
equipment or operating with suspended loads.
Fork Truck Operator competent and hold a valid CPCS card for the category of fork truck they are
operating. RTITB cards are acceptable only in factory operations.
Hoist Operator over 18 and has undertaken training by the hoist supplier and holds a valid CPCS
A20 Category card.
Static Lifting Equipment Operator Holds familiarisation training for the static lifting equipment
20.1. For Basic Lifts only an individual can undertake more than one of the duties above where they
have the required competency.
The use of all types of forks fitted to or suspended from 360 excavators and the
backhoe of a 180 excavator is prohibited.
The use of excavators, telehandlers and lift trucks for lifting personnel is prohibited.
The use of Gin Wheels not fitted with an automatic brake is prohibited.
The slinger/signaller is prohibited from acting as the crane operator, except in the
case of lorry loader lifting.
20.2. The subcontractor must consult with the Company Project Lead before commencing lifting
operations on site.
20.3. A competent CPCS Lifting Operations Appointed Person must be nominated to plan lifting
operations on site. This person will be provided by the Subcontractor, unless otherwise agreed.
Documented evidence of competence will be required. A Lift Plan must be provided for appraisal
for each lift. The Crane Supervisor must brief those involved on the contents of the Lift Plan.
20.4. Key personnel must be appointed for lifting duties i.e. Lift Supervisor, crane operator and slinger
/signaller. These persons must be trained and competent to carry out their duties and must be in
possession of a CPCS accredited competence record card. Where a red (Trainee) CPCS card is
presented the holder must also provide evidence that they are working towards the achievement
of a blue (Competent Operator) CPCS card.
20.5. Physical Plant Exclusion zones must be established around operational mobile plant and vehicles.
This must have some form of physical barrier in place. Actual zones will be dependent on the
plant/vehicle and any physical restrictions such as the proximity of fixed or temporary structures.
The details of the zones must be identified in the Work Package Plan (Method Statement) or
other briefing document as appropriate and all of the work teams been briefed on the use of
exclusion zones and the safe system of work required for entry.
20.6. For exceptional tasks mitigated through robust safe systems of work, that require workers to
enter zones, for example, kerb laying, disconnecting attachments, slinging loads, off loading
materials from fork lift trucks or lorry beds, a safe system of work must be in place. The safe
system must be site specific and activities must be conducted with clear communication
between the plant operator or vehicle driver and workers performing the task.
20.7. Lifting Accessories must have a unique colour coded identification or comply with the Company
20.8. Assessment of ground bearing capacity and outrigger pad/haul road and pavements/piling mat
design must be carried out by a competent person. The Temporary Works Coordinator, in
consultation with the Appointed Person, is responsible for ensuring that there is an engineering
assessment of the ground bearing capacity and a design of the outrigger pads/haul roads and
pavements/piling mats. The pressures imposed on the ground should be calculated or obtained
from the crane manufacturer. This should take account of all routes that may traversed.
20.9. The Company requires completion of a Lifting Appliance Checklist prior to any lifting appliance
commencing work. This will require all statutory certificates and registers for the lifting
equipment and lifting accessories to be readily available for inspection. A 4 yearly test/overload
test is required for all Lorry Loaders.
20.10. Where 4 yearly overload testing is not carried out, the crane owner must be able to demonstrate
that there is a Defined Written Scope for the thorough examination of the crane. There must
be a Declaration of Compliance from the independent company carrying out the thorough
examinations. (Note: this does not apply to lorry loaders which still require the 4 yearly static
overload testing).
20.11. Independent inspection organisation used for the periodic thorough examinations must be
accredited by UKAS and be members of The Safety Assessment Federation (SAFed). Individual
engineer surveyors must be independent of those carrying out regular maintenance of the
over 60 annually.
20.13. External crane suppliers must organise the medicals for crane drivers they employ.
20.14. Where the crane or part of the load being lifted can enter prohibited space, such as over a public
highway or adjacent to overhead lines, the crane must be fitted with zone limiting devices. The
limiting devices must limit both slewing and derricking as required.
20.15. Loads suspended from telehandlers must only permitted if designed and included in the
manufacturers operating instructions and whilst using proprietary attachments designed for the
machine for this purpose.
20.16. Truck mounted forklifts and other small forklifts used by delivery companies must not be used on
construction sites. Deliveries must be restricted to a suitable hard standing segregated
21.1. When planning a lifting operation the subcontractor must consider whether an excavator is the
most appropriate machine for the task. The Company Plant standards for excavating equipment
must be complied with.
21.2. Rated Capacity Indicators (RCI) must not be relied upon for establishing the weight of the load.
The RCI must be calibrated at least annually.
21.3. A Lift Plan must be in place for all excavator lifting operations.
21.4. In order to prevent undue lateral twisting to shackles, the master link must be able to hang freely
and an in-line swivel shackle must be used.
21.5. When lifting with excavators the bucket must be removed, ensure the shackle attached to the
lifting point is free hanging, and place a swivel shackle between the load and the lifting point.
21.6. Where a quick hitch is permanently mounted on an excavator then the thorough examination for
the excavator must also cover the quick hitch. If the quick hitch is moved from one machine to
another it is classed as an accessory and should be thoroughly examined every 6 months.
22.1. Demolition requires detailed planning and co-ordination of site activities throughout the whole
process. The work may involve controlled collapse, mechanical or manual demolition techniques
in any location from a Greenfield site to a City Centre, therefore pre-planning and
implementation of control measures are required through a systematic and structured approach.
A safe system of work must be developed in line with the Code of Practice for Demolition BS
22.2. Demolition Contractors must be a current member of the National Federation of Demolition
Contractors (NFDC). Evidence of membership, competency and adequacy of resources must be
provided to the Company prior to placing an order.
22.3. A full time demolition supervisor must be employed and based on the project by the demolition
contractor to oversee and manage all demolition activities on site. The minimum competency
level is (CCDO) Gold Card Demolition Supervisor.
22.4. Competent demolition operatives and plant operatives are persons holding the appropriate
cards i.e. Certificate of Competence of Demolition Operatives (CCDO) for demolition operatives
and CPCS Blue Competence Card Demolition Plant for operatives (Category D90). A copy of
each demolition operatives competency card should be retained in the safety file records on
22.5. A demolition plan must be presented to and approved by Project Lead prior to works
commencing on site. (This may include the customer/customers representative, Principal
Designer and the HSE).
23.1. On projects where the presence of asbestos is known, the Company will advise Subcontract
management. Specialist Contractors, who are approved and licensed by the Health and Safety
Executive for the type of work to be undertaken, will carry out the works. The Company HS&E
Function must be involved to ensure that a sufficient assessment is carried out and all necessary
notifications are made and controls established prior to work commencing.
23.2. On project where the presence of asbestos has not been confirmed, but where the nature of the
work could give rise to uncharted asbestos finds (i.e. refurbishment work or excavating on brown
field sites), a protocol must be established in conjunction with the Companys management, to
advise all personnel of the possibility of encountering uncharted asbestos and the immediate
action to be taken. This will include stopping work, advising management, sealing and
identifying the area and arranging for samples to be taken for analysis.
23.3. Asbestos must not be removed from site without prior agreement of the Companys site
management. Asbestos waste must be treated as Hazardous/Special Waste and disposed by of a
registered carrier in the manner agreed with the Enforcing Authority (EA/SEPA) to a specified
licensed tip.
Jubilee clips are prohibited for connecting flexible gas supply hoses.
Storage of gas and flammable liquids inside, under and on buildings is prohibited.
The use of compressed gas welding equipment without flash back arrestors is
24.1. Any Subcontractor bringing LPG, HFL and compressed gas onto site must adhere to the following:
Oxygen cylinders must not be stored alongside flammable gasses and HFLs.
Cylinders must be fitted with the correct regulator, hoses, crimped connections and,
where used with burning/welding gear, gauges and flashback arrestors.
24.2. The use of tar boilers must be agreed with the Project Lead. A specific risk assessment must
consider location, operation, supervision and emergency procedures. Tar boilers authorised for
use must have temperature gauges, thermal cut off mechanisms and must not be left
unattended whilst lit.
24.3. The use of compressed gasses for testing must comply with the Mechanical Safe Systems of
Work procedure.
Medium Risk Confined Space Entry Team Holds an accredited City and Guilds
National Occupational Standard 6150-02/52 Confined Space qualification
Low Risk Confined Space Entry Team Holds an accredited City and Guilds National
Occupational Standard 6150-01/51 Confined Space qualification
The use of licenced articulated tippers is prohibited without the express approval of
a Company Director.
All terrain vehicles (ATVs) e.g. quad bikes are prohibited, without the express
approval of a Company Director.
The carrying of spare buckets suspended from the teeth of an attached bucket is
Plant, Vehicle and Pedestrian Coordinator (PVPC) Must have sufficient knowledge and
experience to identify and manage the risks associated with effective plant/people interface.
They must hold, as a minimum, the CITB Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) and
have a level of seniority which allows them to carry out their role without compromise.
Plant and Vehicle Marshals (PVM) All Plant and Vehicle Marshals must be trained to an
appropriate level on a recognised course (Pre and Post exam questionnaires, minimum 4 hours
duration) and the training must be repeated at intervals of no more than three years. PVMs must
be over the age of 18, have demonstrated a strong mature personality and be physically fit. They
must be subject to a fitness for task health assessment.
Nominate a Plant, Vehicle and Pedestrian Coordinator with the responsibility for the
planning and coordination of mobile plant.
Plan traffic movement to segregate vehicles and pedestrians and eliminate the need
to reverse.
Provide the correct items of plant taking full account of the work activity and site
conditions. All plant brought onto site must be of good mechanical condition and be
properly maintained in addition to complying with our current Plant Standard.
Nominate a Plant and Vehicle Marshall with the responsibility for the marshalling
their vehicles and plant including deliveries.
26.2. Where available, Plant and Equipment Specification Sheets must be complied with when
selecting and using plant and equipment.
27.1. Large stationary items of plant such as hoists, batching plants, crushers, etc., are not permitted
on to site without the approval of the Project Lead. The Subcontractor must receive approval on
the selection, siting, erection, operating procedures, inspection schedules, maintenance
procedures and ultimate dismantling of the plant.
27.2. Where available, Plant and Equipment Specification Sheets must be complied with when
selecting and using static plant.
28.1. Tools and equipment must be inspected before each use and receive formal planned
maintenance in line with the manufacturers instructions. Records must be made available upon
28.2. Knives - All utility knives must either have captured or automatically retractable blades or, where
only fixed blade knives are the only practical alternative, they must not have a pointed end and
must be holstered when not in use.
Any persons engaged in a health surveillance programme and diagnosed with HAVS
symptoms in severity stages (late 2V/3V/4V and/or late 2SN/3SN) or who suffer from
Raynauds disease/Raynauds phenomenon of non-occupational origin using the Stockholm
Workshop scales are prohibited from using vibrating tools/equipment.
29.1. Any employee (direct, subcontract or agency) exposed to hand-arm vibration must be engaged in
a health surveillance programme.
29.2. Where an assessment of exposure from vibrating tools demonstrates the works will be below 75
points (using the HSE Calculator) the works must be reviewed every eight weeks, minimum, or
more regularly where a change in work practices or tool selection may impact on potential
vibration exposures. Where a reassessment of the risk identifies exposures higher than 75 points
an auditable, accurate and tamper proof HAV management system solution must be put in place.
29.3. Where the Assessment of Exposure from Vibrating Tools form demonstrates the works will be
above 75 points an auditable, accurate and tamper proof HAV management system solution
must be deployed to record and control exposure.
30.1. Subcontractors must, wherever possible, provide silenced plant/equipment and enforce the use
of covers, baffles and noise suppressants on Company projects.
30.2. Subcontractors must discuss with the Project Lead the location and use of noisy equipment such
that precautions can be taken to protect people not directly engaged in the activity. Additionally,
where appropriate, create hearing protection zones.
32.1. All edges and openings at excavations, slabs, floors, decking, etc., must, at all times, be
effectively protected to prevent persons or materials falling through. Edge protection must
conform to EN13374 and be approved by the Project Lead. All openings must be clearly marked.
32.2. Dependent upon the contents of their work package, subcontractors may be required to take
control of areas or elements of the works, where such areas include openings etc. They must
establish, control, implement and monitor effective measures to ensure that the requirements
above are maintained at all times.
34.2. The arrangements for minimising and controlling risks throughout the temporary works life-cycle
are set out in the BB temporary works procedures. The project lead is responsible for ensuring
that a BB Temporary Works Coordinator (BB TWC) is appointed. The BB TWC is responsible for
ensuring that all design and construction work is carried out in accordance with the agreed TW
procedures. All suppliers (designers, sub-contractors, third parties etc) are bound by and must
work in accordance with the BB TW procedures.
(Similar arrangements will need to be followed on all joint venture projects through the joint
venture procedures and the JV TWC).
all Temporary Works, are identified and classed, together with their associated delivery
dates, designers and checking organisations.
all Temporary Works are designed and checked by competent people. Demonstration of
their competence to discharge their professional responsibilities will be required.
all construction materials , components and the physical construction of the Temporary
Works are inspected and approved to ensure their compliance with the design. This will
be done through the Temporary Works Supervisor (where appointed). All approvals will
be undertaken by the Temporary Works Co-ordinator.
all changes are referred to and approved by both the Temporary Works Designer and the
Checking Engineer.
risk assessments are undertaken for the Temporary Works life-cycle; their design,
construction , use , modification, maintenance and subsequent removal.
the systems and procedures are effectively and correctly being implemented through
defined audits and reviews with improvements undertaken where identified.
34.4. We expect the Subcontractor to co-operate with the above and to provide all necessary
documentation to allow this process to be completed in a timely and efficient manner.
35.1. Scaffolding requirements now form part of Work at Height Section 45 below.
Radios other than as part of the site communication system are prohibited.
Radiant space heaters are prohibited unless with the consent of Project Lead.
Multiway plug and socket adapters are prohibited unless with the consent of Project
3KW heaters used in conjunction with a 13-amp plug and socket fixed heaters must
be wired directly into the wall socket are prohibited.
Portable and hand held tools for use with voltages above 110v are prohibited unless
no alternative equipment is available, and providing the equipment is centre tapped
to earth, armoured cabled and additional RCDs fitted.
240V chargers for cordless power tools are only permitted following approval by
Project Lead and only then in agreed designated locations.
36.1. Project Lead must be consulted on Subcontractor electrical requirements. Subcontractors must
ensure that all temporary electrical systems (Site establishment and on site 110v power systems)
are installed and commissioned by competent persons and that certificates are produced on
commissioning and thereafter every three months following inspection of site electrics.
36.2. All portable electric tools must be inspected prior to each use and be Portable Appliance tested
every three months. Suitable records must be maintained and made available when requested.
36.3. All office portable electrical appliances must be inspected at 12 monthly intervals.
36.4. All generators must be suitably earthed with the following exceptions:
For small scale work of a duration less than one day, portable generators with
outputs up to 10kVA need not be earthed, provided that they are only used with
Class II (double insulated, or all insulated) tools and equipment.
Small, single phase generators used for 110v supplies (ratings up to 5kVA) need not
be earthed if all of the equipment used is double insulated, or it supplies only one
item of earthed equipment and the equipment is bonded with the frame of the
37.1. It is mandatory for everyone engaged on our projects to be in possession of a recognised skills
card e.g. CSCS, CPCS scheme commensurate with their job role. Anyone wishing to undertake
work on our Project will be required to provide original evidence of their recognised skills prior to
admittance to the project.
37.2. The Company will from time to time host training sessions on site. Subcontract employees must
attend these training sessions if requested to do so. Time costs associated with this type of
training will be borne by each subcontractor.
37.3. Subcontract personnel must have received appropriate recognised training and certification and
be sufficiently experienced to discharge their responsibilities.
38.1. Where there is a requirement for persons to work unaccompanied then an appropriate safe
system of work should be developed and approved Project Lead.
38.2. A means of communication (telephone or radio) must be provided and a system established
whereby the unaccompanied worker reports at regular defined times.
Excavation Team
Those tasked with excavating around underground utilities must be competent, adequately
trained and briefed for the task being undertaken and must hold the relevant qualifications
detailed in the table overleaf, appropriate to the type of work being undertaken.
39.1. Before breaking ground Subcontractors must consult the project Utility Co-ordinator to
determine the presence and system of work relating to underground services such as electricity,
telecommunication, gas, water, etc. and request a Permit to Break Ground.
39.2. The work must be carried out and supervised only by competent persons who have been
appropriately trained in the dangers and controls applicable to underground services and the
operation of service location equipment. Records must be maintained on site for inspection.
39.3. Survey equipment must be Radio Detection RD8000 with TX3 transmitter and re-scanning
avoidance detection must be CAT3+ with generator as a minimum.
39.4. Tracer tape will be installed at the correct depth above utilities and a survey conducted to verify
its integrity.
39.5. All trial hole works and works within exclusion zones must be undertaken using non contact
methods unless a written concession to use conventional excavation methods is obtained from
the Project Lead. Conventional excavation must use electrically insulated tools.
39.6. The higher risk the utility presents, the wider the exclusion zone should be, minimum exclusion =
1.0 m where the environment does not allow the minimum exclusion zone (ie city centres)
then a detailed highly supervised system of work is required, which is approved by Senior
Operational Management).
39.7. Safe systems of work for excavations must include excavation support, designed by temporary
works where applicable, edge protection details and access/egress arrangements.
All accommodation must have suitable lighting, heating, and high and low level
ventilation and fire precautions.
Messrooms must have adequate seating and tables to accommodate all persons for
whom the facility is provided and there must be a means of heating food and boiling
Drying rooms must be a separate room from the mess facility and they must be
provided with adequate heating and a means of hanging clothes and lockers for
safeguarding personal belongings.
Toilets (WC and urinals) must be provided, as most suitable and sufficient washing
facilities, including hot and cold water, soap and towels in sufficient number and
capacity to allow all operatives to avail themselves of the facilities prior to taking
meals and breaks. Separate facilities must be provided for female staff.
42.1. Subcontractors must keep their work area free from the risk of slips, trips and falls at all times
and remove all waste to a designated area.
43.2. The subcontractor will ensure that they conform to the project specific requirements regarding
maintaining the integrity of the site boundary.
43.3. Where any proprietary barriers are provided by the subcontractor, they will be erected in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions or subjected to temporary works design.
44.2. Chain saws are not permitted onto site without the permission of the Company Project Lead.
They will only be permitted when their use is essential and not as a convenience tool to cut light
or medium timbers. Subcontract management must only authorise competent trained persons to
use chain saws and they must ensure that all necessary safe system of work and protective
clothing is provided and worn.
44.3. Where possible the use of engineering control measures for airborne dust should be employed.
The first line of defence should not be PPE; it should be the provision of, where appropriate, dust
collection bags and extraction at source.
The use of following items are prohibited on all Company properties and projects for work at
Driving MEWPs from outside the platform without a prior task specific risk
assessment and where not allowed through the manufacturers instructions is
45.1. A risk assessment and a work package plan (method statement), task briefing sheet produced for
all work at height specifying the type of access and workplace provided to prevent persons and
materials falling. The work package plan (method statement) must be submitted to and
approved by the Company. Those engaged in the operation must receive a task briefing in the
contents of the risk assessment and work package plan (method statement). Records of such
briefings must be maintained by the subcontractor on site.
45.2. The working procedure adopted to undertake the works must take into account emergency
procedures to be implemented in the event of a fall. Personnel must demonstrate competence in
such matters.
45.3. Before allowing any power operated mobile work platform to operate Management/ supervision
should complete the Company checklist available from the Project Lead. Subcontractors must
ensure that all statutory inspections are carried out and a planned maintenance programme is
applied. Regardless of the type of access or work platforms provided, it must be erected,
operated and maintained by persons who are competent and formally trained and certificated.
Due consideration must be given to the emergency recovery of persons from such work
45.4. From 01st October 2015 all booms & scissor lifts (MEWP category 1a, 3a & 3b) must have
shrouded protection to the platform controls designed in such a way as to guard against
sustained involuntary operation of the MEWP.
45.5. From 01st October 2015 all boom type MEWPs (MEWP category 3B) must be fitted with a CE
marked SECONDARY GUARDING device to minimise the risks associated with entrapment of
those in the platform. These systems may be electronic such as SkySiren or SiOPS pressure
sensitive systems or mechanical such as Sanctuary.
45.6. Anyone using a MEWP must wear an appropriately attached safety harness complete with
restraining lanyard. The only exceptions to this implicit requirement are where it can be
demonstrated, through appropriate Risk Assessment that either anyone using a scissor lift type
platform is not overreaching or where the MEWP is working adjacent to open water and there is
a risk of drowning (life jackets must be worn).
45.7. All working at height equipment must display a valid inspection tag (scafftag or similar).
45.8. Suitable protection measures must be put in place (e.g. Tool tethering, fans, exclusion zones etc)
where there is a significant risk of tools or materials being dropped from above head height onto
people below.
45.9. A rescue plan and sufficient competent personnel to effect a rescue in reasonable time must be
in place at all times when such platforms are in use.
45.10. Safety Nets and Soft Landing Apparatus must be used in conjunction with fall prevention
measures. These measures must be considered through a robust risk assessment. Personal
protection such as harnesses and lanyards must only be used where collective protective
measures are not suitable. In certain circumstances the use of a combination of both collective
and personal protective systems may need to be considered.
45.11. A safety exclusion zone must be set up below netting erection works. All net clips must be
securely fixed to the net to prevent accidental release during installation or dismantling.
45.12. All safety netting must be overlaid with an appropriate fine-mesh debris netting. Consideration
must be given to the type of materials likely to fall, eg fixings or tools, when choosing the overlay
debris netting. Debris falling into the net must only be retrieved by a FASET trained operative.
45.13. Scaffolding contractors must be a member of NASC. High standards of management and
supervision are required on all scaffolding works and the subcontractor must provide within the
package an overall manager who has been specifically instructed and holds demonstrable
competence to ensure these standards are implemented and maintained. Erection drawings
should be on site and in the possession of the erection Supervisor prior to commencing the work
and must be available at the time of handover and when any inspections are undertaken.
45.14. Unless a scaffold is a basic configuration described in recognised guidance e.g. NASC Technical
Guidance TG20 for tube and fitting scaffolds or manufacturers guidance for system scaffolds, the
scaffold should be designed by calculation by a competent person, to ensure it will have
adequate strength and stability. All scaffolding should be erected, dismantled and altered in
accordance with either NASC guidance document SG4 for tube and fitting scaffolds or the
manufacturers erection guidance for system scaffolds. All scaffold design details will be
provided to the Company. Any person who erects or dismantles a scaffold must be trained and
currently certificated to the Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS).
45.15. Before allowing any mobile scaffolding tower to be used, Subcontractors must ensure that it is
suitable for its intended purpose including advance guard rail systems, that the erection
instructions are on site, and that the operatives erecting, dismantling and altering the scaffold
are competent and have received formal training (PASMA) and be able to demonstrate this on
request. Toe boards and double guardrails will always be in use, irrespective of platform height.
Scaffold must be close boarded to prevent people, material or tools falling, and must be kept
clear at all times to allow free access of 600mm. No gaps in platform greater than 25mm.
Scaffold towers which are identified as incomplete or unsafe must be rectified or otherwise
45.16. Erecting, altering or dismantling scaffolds must be carried out in compliance with the National
Access & Scaffolding Confederation Guidance Note `The Use of Fall Arrest Equipment Whilst
Erecting, Altering or Dismantling Scaffolding. This lays down the criteria for the
erection/dismantling sequence and the compulsory use of fall restraint/arrest equipment. The
Beta Guard or similar advanced guardrail type system, designed to provide collective
protection must be used with all scaffolds.
45.17. Tube and fitting scaffold standards must not be hemped above waist height. System scaffold
hemps must be as small as practicable (dependent upon the systems smallest unit) but must not
be more than 4m (i.e. the largest available unit).
45.18. A person who has passed a CISRS Basic Scaffold, two-day Inspection Course is deemed
competent to inspect basic scaffold structures (as defined by TG20) and simple designed scaffold
only. All other scaffold structures must be inspected by one of the following:
45.19. Persons who are required to carry out inspections of System Scaffolds must, in addition to the
above, attend a product training course for the specific system and hold certification for that
scaffolding system.
45.20. The Scaftag system operates on all projects and must be fitted to all scaffolds and mobile
towers. These must be completed by authorised competent persons.
47.2. Subcontractors are required to identify significant environmental aspects and impacts in their
risk assessments and document control measures in their work package.
48.2. All plant must be shut down/switched off when not in immediate use.
48.3. Where possible equipment/plant should be located away from site boundaries so it is less likely
to cause a nuisance to third parties.
48.4. Subcontractors working outside usual site hours must liaise with the Project Lead regarding
environmental controls for plant and equipment operations.
49.2. Subcontractors must identify any activity which has the potential to pollute and they must
implement procedures to eliminate or minimise the risk.
49.3. Emergency response training must be provided to all plant and refuelling operatives, as a
50.2. Subcontractors must comply with the site waste segregation strategy, including the avoidance of
cross-contamination of segregated (non-mixed) skips.
50.3. Where subcontractors make their own arrangements for waste storage and disposal they must
provide records of all transfers from the project and provide regular reports on the type and
quantity of waste reused, recycled, otherwise recovered, or disposed of to landfill.
50.4. Subcontractors will be expected to demonstrate a duty of care for all waste transfers.
50.5. Where the subcontractor is storing, processing or using waste on a project, a permit, license or
exemption may be required from the Environmental Regulator. All conditions within the permit,
license or exemption must be adhered to.
50.6. Sub-Contractors should design, specify and procure materials, products and services with the
greatest circular-economy benefits and take all reasonable steps to minimise waste, reduce
packaging and give preference to materials and products with the greatest re-used or recycled
content and provide documented evidence to Balfour Beatty.
50.7. Where possible sub contractors should employ closed loop waste systems which utilise the waste
product from one process or product in another product or process. This can be part of the same
construction project or can be through collaboration with other projects / organisations which
use the waste as their raw material.
50.8. The use of packaging should be minimised and where appropriate made from materials that can
be reused, recycled, or recovered wherever feasible including the use of take back and collection
services for their materials and associated packaging for subsequent reuse, recycling or recovery.
50.9. Supplier and subcontractors shall make available all relevant information associated with
primary, secondary and tertiary packaging in accordance with the Packaging Waste Regulations.
Suppliers will be required to take back any packaging deemed excess or non-compliant at their
own expense.
50.10. Suppliers of recycled aggregate must be in full compliance of the duty of care requirements of
the Waste Management Regulations or the WRAP Quality Protocol. Delivery documentation shall
state that the product was produced under a quality protocol.
50.11. Demolition and Deconstruction subcontractors should consider maximising the recovery of
materials and resources; minimising demolition arisings through recycling and identifying reuse
opportunities; the production/supply of construction materials from recovered demolition
arisings; design modification to limit amount of demolition (such as faade retention and other
existing structure reuse); and input into new design proposals to assist future demolition.
51.2. Water or other means of suppression must be used to prevent dust generation.
51.3. Wagons must be sheeted when they are delivering or carrying dusty materials off-site or within
51.4. Non Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) for use on Balfour Beatty sites must have been purchased
after 2010 and / or have a net power between 37kw and 560kw. NRMM used on sites must meet
EU Directive 97/68/EC standard for Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM)
emissions. NRMM covers a large variety of engine installations in machines used for purposes
other than for passenger or goods transport such as excavators, bulldozers, front loaders, back
51.5. NRMM Exemptions (Reviewed Annually). The model is exempt from the emission controls and
can be used if:
A model of the required equipment type is not available with an engine that meets
the requirement and there is no other similar compliant equipment type or model
that could be used to perform the same task.
A model of the required equipment type is available with an engine that meets the
requirements but it can be demonstrated that this is not available in the UK supply
chain in sufficient quantity for the task; and there is no other similar compliant
equipment type or model that could be used to perform the same task.
It can be demonstrated that the equipment is used for a period of no greater than 30
days. Please note: this is a one off 30 day period for each site. Once the 30 day
period has been used it does not restart by taking the equipment off site and then
bringing it back.
In addition, retrofitting to mitigate for both PM10 and NOx must be robustly
considered (or if it is not possible to retrofit for both pollutants, just for PM10)
before an exemption will be granted. Robust consideration can be demonstrated
through the provision of a quote or similar evidence. An exemption without some
form of retrofit will only be granted in special circumstances.
52.1. Subcontractors must not discharge or abstract water without permission. This includes
discharging over land.
52.3. Subcontractors must take all reasonable steps to minimise water usage including:
52.4. Suppliers of cement, bricks, concrete blocks, steel, rebar, cabling, glass, plaster, timber, PVC,
asphalt and aggregates must quantify and provide details of embodied water (cradle to gate) to
project teams.
enabling energy efficiency in use i.e. providing instructions for more energy efficient
use ;
53.2. Suppliers of cement, bricks, concrete blocks, steel, rebar, cabling, glass, plaster, timber, PVC,
asphalt and aggregates must quantify the embodied carbon (cradle to gate) of the materials and
provide details to project teams.
53.3. Suppliers of Fleet, Plant and Equipment must provide details of fuel and energy use to Balfour
53.4. We expect suppliers to evidence and validate any claims and on request suppliers will also be
required to provide us with all relevant documents relating to the embodied carbon of the
products and services provided, either in the form of an LCA, Environmental Product Declaration
(EPD) or carbon analysis and provide any relevant data so we can assess the impact of the
product or service. This will be determined in relation to the scale of the carbon impact of the
product or service. We would also expect to be kept updated on any carbon savings or losses
associated with any changes in the manufacturing process.
54.2. Subcontractors must stop work and report any unexpected wildlife or archaeology.
54.3. Subcontractors are expected to follow the advice of the archaeology or ecology specialists.
55.2. The Company will only accept procurement and use of timber and timber products from
independently verified, legal and sustainable sources, such as those certified under the Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC), Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) or
that th forest of origin is licensed by the EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade
(FLEGT) scheme.
55.3. In addition a copy of your relevant current Chain of Custody (COC) certificate number relating to
the material supplied must be provided on your delivery documentation and subsequent invoice
to satisfy Balfour Beatty Group policies and applicable projects Ecohomes / BREEAM audits and
55.4. For reused or reclaimed timber brought to site but not specifically purchased, a statement or
other guarantee that the timber is reused or reclaimed should be provided on delivery.
55.5. All treated timber supplied must have a certificate of treatment supplied and issued to the site at
the time of delivery.
55.6. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in the delivery being rejected or returned
(at your companies expense), as non- compliant.
55.7. All timber packaging supplied from outside the UK from other EU countries or Switzerland must
be bark-free or kiln-dried and marked KD to meet the EU Protected Zone requirements set out
in the EU Plant Health Directive, or must be ISPM15 compliant. All wood packaging from Portugal
must either be ISPM15 compliant or otherwise marked to show that it was manufactured in
another EU member state. Wood packaging from outside the EU or Switzerland must be ISPM15
56.2. The subcontractor shall identify their representative(s) responsible and accountable for all
Quality related activities. The representative(s) must be demonstrably competent in the activities
that they are being asked to manage.
56.3. Subcontractors are to provide Quality Plans, Programmes, Inspection & Test Plans (ITPs) and any
associated quality records as identified in the Tender and the subcontractor pre-award meeting.
56.4. Subcontractors shall provide ITPs for their contract works, or come under the relevant Company
ITP, as agreed at their Pre-commencement Meeting.
What is to be inspected/tested
Who is to be involved
Storage, packaging, protection and preservation requirements (at all stages of the ITP)
Any acceptance criteria that uses statistical techniques e.g. CUSUM in concrete
56.6. Subcontractors may be issued with the Company ITP template to enable them to prepare this
documentation, in accordance with Company requirements, where their own template is
56.7. ITPs produced by subcontractors, either using their own template or the Company template,
shall be checked and verified as acceptable by an appropriate member of the Company Project
Management Team prior to any subcontracted works commencing, with a signature on the front
sheet to evidence approval.
56.8. The Subcontractor shall strive for delivering an inspection and test process that supports a Right
First Time delivery and reduces or eliminates defects and re-work. Additionally the
Subcontractor shall support any Quality related cultural and or technical initiatives and events
established by the Project or the Company. This will include Take PRIDE (Personal
Responsibility In Delivering Excellence).
56.9. The Subcontractor will build on the Balfour Beatty four Quality Commitments through tool box
talks and on site leadership actions. The four commitments are aimed at all who work on the
Project. They are: -
56.10. The Subcontractor shall ensure any non-conforming product, process or service are immediately
notified to The Company. Additionally where a non-conformance or delay is raised or realised
that adversely affects our customers interests, the Subcontractor is expected to conduct a root-
cause analysis investigation on the reasons for the delivery of a poor quality product, process of
service and confirm corrective and preventive actions.
56.11. The Subcontractor shall undertake the works in accordance with this document, the agreed
inspection and test regimes and any other Quality related items as defined within the Pre-start
Subcontractors meeting.
56.12. The Subcontractor shall drive for continuous improvement as well as the on-going review and
proposing of innovation and best practice. Where required the Subcontractor shall support
Collaborative Planning and Lean Visual Management activities related to the works.
56.13. The Subcontractor shall ensure all records are completed as required by their contract and the
agreed ITPs. The final ITP record package shall be checked and verified as acceptable by an
appropriate member of the Company Project Management Team prior to final acceptance of the
Subcontracted works.
56.14. Failure to comply with an agreed Quality or ITP process may result in reduced or delayed
subcontractor payments.
56.15. Completed Records shall be retained by the Subcontractor in accordance with the contractual
requirements to verify compliance with the Contract and any formal agreements with The
57.1. Subcontractors must work in accordance with the Balfour Beatty project specific sustainability
action plan.
57.2. Subcontractors must provide specific sustainability data in the format and frequency identified
during the subcontractor pre-award meeting.
58.2. Sub-contractors are expected to have a sustainability champion and be able demonstrate how
they are changing behaviours of their employees to improve sustainability outcomes.
58.3. Subcontractors are expected to improve the sustainability knowledge amongst their teams and
we encourage them to become active members of the Supply Chain Sustainability School and
work towards bronze, silver and gold level accreditation as a demonstration of competence.
58.4. Sub-contractors are expected to identify opportunities to improve sustainability outcomes and
share with Balfour Beatty to improve the way we deliver our projects and achieve the goals of
our UK Sustainable Procurement Policy Statement.
59.1. Subcontractors must pay their suppliers on time and in accordance with the contract conditions.
We have demonstrated our commitment to payment on time by signing up to the Prompt
Payment Code and will publish our performance. We expect our suppliers and subcontractors to
commit to the principles of this code as a minimum and would encourage them to publish their
60.2. Subcontractors who are not classified as Small or Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are required
to provide details to Balfour Beatty of attributable spend with SMEs.
60.3. Subcontractors must openly advertise any remaining supply chain opportunities (i.e. where no
contractual arrangements have been agreed by the date of the main contract award).
60.4. All Suppliers and sub-contractors shall at all times have in place, and keep updated, an
appropriate Diversity & Inclusion Policy which reflects and compliments the relevant statutory
provisions relating to diversity and equality Law in relation to race, sex, gender reassignment,
age, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy, maternity or otherwise and which
includes details of their approach to monitoring, recruitment, bullying and harassment and
61.2. Sub contractors are encouraged to sign up to the 5% Club as a demonstration of commitment to
work toward having a minimum 5% of our UK workforce enrolled on formalised apprentice,
sponsored student and/or graduate development schemes within five years.
Comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations and codes from time to time in
force including but not limited to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, United Nations Global
Compact and the International Labour Organization, International Labour Standards;
Afford their employees the freedom to choose to work for them. Employees should be
free to leave the supplier after reasonable notice is served. Suppliers and Sub-
contractors should not use forced, bonded or non-voluntary prison labour;
Impose working hours on their staff which are compliant with national laws or industry
63.2. Suppliers and subcontractors are required to notify Balfour Beatty as soon as it becomes aware
of any instance of Modern Slavery or Labour Exploitation taking place in its supply chains or in
any part of its business.
Maintain a complete set of records to trace the supply chain of all Goods and
Services provided to Balfour Beatty.
64.2. Subcontractors must discuss with the Project Lead the location and use of noisy equipment such
that precautions can be taken to protect local communities and people not directly engaged in
the activity.
65.2. Code of Conduct - Suppliers and subcontractors shall ensure that all factories and premises used
in the manufacture and supply of products and services are compliant or can demonstrate they
are working towards meeting our Balfour Beatty Code of Conduct.
65.3. Bribery & Corruption - Procure materials, products and services only from suppliers
demonstrating and implementing zero tolerance to bribery and corruption, regardless of country
of operation and avoid sourcing from Oppressive Regimes;
65.4. Sustainable Development - Evaluate and address together the economic, social and
environmental sustainability challenges and impacts of sourcing labour, materials, products and
65.5. Social Value - Consider the economic, social and environmental value that is provided and agree
a plan to deliver and report on this over the course of the sub-contract;
65.6. Data & Digital - Provide specifications that include social and environmental requirements in
addition to technical characteristics and economic indicators, such that these will form part of a
digital footprint of goods/services, suited to supporting BIM and collaborative working;
65.7. Traceability & Transparency; - Demonstrate a traceable and transparent supply chain for labour,
materials, products and services;
65.8. Health, Safety and Wellbeing - Benefit the health, safety and wellbeing of all stakeholders
including the natural environment;
65.10. Commodity Materials - Source commodity materials (such as aggregates, bricks, timber and
steel) from the country of operation and/or project/site location, unless there is an
environmental, social and economic argument to do otherwise; reduce materials miles where
possible, or at least show this issue has been given due consideration;
65.11. Complex/Manufactured Products - Optimise social, environmental and economic impacts and
opportunities of complex/manufactured products over their entire lifecycle;
65.12. Certification & Accreditation - Specify and procure using credible and recognised responsible
sourcing and certification schemes, where available;
65.13. Openness & Communication - Foster and communicate a business culture of openness,
collaboration and accountability in order to achieve and demonstrate the principles of ethical
66.2. Failure to seek approval may result in the material or product being removed, disposed of and
replaced, with the full cost borne by the supplier. Retrospective approval will only be
considered in exceptional circumstances.
66.3. Suppliers of Steel Products or Components. All steel for publicly funded projects must confirm
its purchase point and report in accordance with the Public Contracting Regulations to meet the
requirements of the Most Economically Advantageous Tender requirements noted
66.5. The supply of loose cut and bent bar must be fully traceable, contain 98% Recycled Content, be
CARES & ECO Approved to BS 8666 and is to be obtained from firm(s) holding valid certificates of
66.6. Any manufacture of pre-assembled MAG welded fabrications must use reinforcement bar in a
specified size range to the relevant requirements of BS7123 and CARES Quality and Operations
Assessment schedules 6 and 10 using tack welds and semi-structural joints produced under
factory conditions.
66.7. All deliveries are to pre-slung and accessible from ground level with full certified lifting
equipment. Flat woven webbing slings provided must be to current BS EN 1492-1:2000 standard
and have CE Marking and Certification. This must be provided with each delivery or upon request
as required by site.
66.8. Suppliers of Dimensional Stone. Responsible sourcing of natural stone / primary aggregate
products must be evidenced through compliance with a recognised responsible sourcing scheme
(e.g BES6001), certified by a third party. We expect suppliers to be active members in either the
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI Stone Group), TFT Responsible Stone Program, or the United
Nations Global Compact and be members of the Stone Federation GB.
66.9. Products supplied should therefore be able to show a clear chain of custody from source to point
of use. EU sourced stone will have the appropriate CE Marking and Certification provided with
each delivery.
66.10. All commercially exploited (UK) primary aggregate shall include the current HMRC aggregate levy
charged at the appropriate rate where applicable.
66.11. Suppliers of Recycled Aggregates. Suppliers of recycled aggregate must be in full compliance of
the duty of care requirements of the Waste Management Regulations or the WRAP Quality
Protocol. Delivery documentation shall state that the product was produced under a quality
protocol. The Key requirements of the Quality Protocol are that aggregates must be produced
under a factory production control system (quality management system) for them to be
considered as non waste products. Quality System in Place, Test Results not just recent, should
include back log over past year and demonstration of frequency; Quality Plan in place.
iii. Quality controls for inspection and testing and dealing with non conforming products
iv. Good practice for transporting storing and handling recycled aggregates.
Producer must be able to provide a copy of their Factory Production Control Manual.
This applies to imported recycled aggregates and aggregates produced on site
The material produced must conform to one of the standards listed A formal inspection
and testing plan should be defined with sampling, test methods and testing frequencies
Sites receiving recycled materials must ensure delivery documentation includes a clear
product description and specification and a statement that the material has been
produced in compliance with the Quality Protocol (the statement of compliance with the
Quality Protocol can be included on invoices or on an initial quote)
66.14. Suppliers of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Products (Paints, Sealants, Adhesives, etc)
In the case of unhealthy materials, as far as is reasonably practicable, the supplier shall substitute
the material for a healthier alternative.
Give preference to products / materials where treatment applications are applied off site.
Material/Product Limits of VOC, Formaldehyde and other Emissions
Form release agents 350g/l VOC content OR water based
Gloss paint for external or high <50% VOC content OR Accredited under the Finnish
wear use M1 label
Heavy metals and brominated fire retardants Suppliers and subcontractors shall, as far as is
reasonably practicable, minimise the concentrations of heavy metals and brominated fire
retardants in products and packaging being supplied.
The level of certain heavy metals and brominated fire retardants in electrical and electronic
equipment is controlled by the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006 (as amended).
The level of certain heavy metals in packaging is controlled by the Packaging (Essential
Requirements) Regulations 2003 (as amended).
The total content of the heavy metals Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium Lead and Mercury in
packaging or in any packaging components must not exceed 100ppm:
Suppliers and subcontractors shall keep details on the substances and materials associated with
products and services supplied.
Sub contractors must source products and materials responsibly, taking into account
environmental and social impacts and where applicable ensure they are compliant with
recognised and credible standards for ethical sourcing i.e. BES6001or as otherwise defined by
Balfour Beatty (More information can be found in our Material Selection Strategy)
Subcontractors should avoid supplying or using materials with a high environmental, social,
health or reputational risk, or those that are likely to be limited due to forthcoming legislative
Where possible sub contractors and suppliers should provide declarations on the embodied
impacts of their products, by reference to bespoke Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) or
documents such as the BRE Green Guide to Specification or other credible Life Cycle Analysis
based tool
68.2. Non-FSC or PEFC Timber - The requirement is to Procure 100% of timber products including
packaging from recognised responsible sources preferably FSC or PEFC in line with our procedure
for Responsible Timber Procurement
68.3. Cement and Virgin Aggregates - The requirement is to maximise the use of cement replacement
products in concrete mixes and to maximise the use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA).
68.4. Scarce Minerals - The requirement is to substitute the use of scarce minerals wherever possible
otherwise apply the principles of the waste hierarchy to ensure use is reduced or minerals are
reused or recycled.
68.5. Hazardous Chemicals - The requirement is to eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals covered
by the Stockholm and OSPAR Conventions, whilst ensuring management in line with the
European Chemicals Regulations. The following have been identified as being harmful to living
creatures and where possible alternatives shall be sought.
Bisphenol A (BPA) Endrin
Cadmium Heptachlor
Chlorinated polyethylene Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)
Chlorosulfonated polyethlene (CSPE) Mirex
Chlorobenzene Polychlorinated biphenyls
Chloroprene (neoprene) Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins
Chromium VI Polychlorinated dibenzofurans
Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) ToxaphenePolyvinyl Chloride (PVC) - The
Halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) requirement is to eliminate the use of PVC
Lead (added) in permanent applications, and minimise
Mercury its use in temporary applications.
Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) Permanent works include: flooring, cabling,
Polyvinylidene Chloride (PVDC) trunking, ducting, skirting, roofing (incl.
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs ) preparatory systems), rainwater and
Aldrin drainage products, pipework, cladding,
Chlordane windows, wall covering, signage, baggage
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane systems and display stands
Tier 1:
Everyone will be consulted on health, safety and
environmental issues at induction.
Employee Safety Representatives will be appointed, and
consulted with. This appointment will be published locally.
Management will arrange regular HSE communication and
consultation sessions.
Health, Safety and the Environment will be discussed as the
first item at all operational meetings.
Tier 2:
Regular HSE Committee Meetings will be held with
Employee Safety Representatives, the minutes of which will
be displayed on notice boards.
Employee Safety Representatives will be encouraged to
discuss HSE issues with the workforce.
Supervisors will conduct regular health, safety and
environmental toolbox talks.
Tier 3:
Everyone will receive a Daily Activity Briefing at the start
of their shift.
Everyone will receive a task specific briefing on the
planned safe system of work.
We have an open door policy and everyone is encouraged to discuss in confidence any health,
safety and environmental concerns with the management team.
Health, safety and environmental concerns may also be raised anonymously using Observation
Everyone is also able to discuss health, safety and environmental concerns using the confidential
telephone number 0207 963 2020 or by emailing .
Reference Material
Subcontractors Health, Safety, Environmental,
Quality and Sustainability Conditions
Construction Services UK
The wearing of rigger boots is prohibited
The wearing of shorts, skirts or cut offs is prohibited
The following minimum standards of PPE must be provided and worn at all times:
Appropriate coloured Safety helmet with, where applicable through risk assessment, suitable
chin strap;
High visibility jacket or vest Class 2 (or Class 3 when required by a project specific risk
assessment) in yellow unless noted otherwise below.
Safety footwear (incorporating toe and mid-sole protection and provides support to the ankle);
Gloves (specific to the work activities);
Light eye protection incorporating prescription lenses where necessary;
Site personnel must keep their torsos covered at all times. Arms must also be covered when required by
risk assessment.
High visibility trousers must be worn when identified as a control measure following a project specific risk
Works on Public Highways:
The following minimum standards of PPE must be provided and worn at all times:
Appropriate coloured Safety helmet with, where applicable through risk assessment, suitable
chin strap
High visibility jacket or vest (Class 3);
High visibility trousers;
Safety footwear (incorporating toe and mid-sole protection and providing support to the ankle);
Gloves (specific to the work activities);
Light eye protection incorporating prescription lenses where necessary;
Slinger / Signaller:
In addition to compliance with the General requirements above the following minimum standards of PPE
must be worn at all times when undertaking this role:
Orange Safety helmet with, where applicable through risk assessment, suitable chin strap;
Orange High visibility jacket or vest (Class 3) labelled Slinger Signaller
Orange High visibility trousers.
Orange High visibility Gloves
Plant And Vehicle Marshal
In addition to compliance with the General requirements above the following minimum standards of PPE
must be worn at all times when undertaking this role:
Red Safety helmet with, where applicable through risk assessment, suitable chin strap;
Orange High visibility jacket or vest (Class 3) labelled Vehicle Marshal
Orange High visibility trousers.
Orange High visibility Gloves
Locating Utilities and Working in Exclusion Zones around Utilities
In addition to compliance with General requirements above, the following PPE is mandatory:
One piece full cover flame retardant coverall, of a new generation Protex fabric e.g. Protal,
including protection to arms, legs and hands.
All high visibility clothing plus any clothing designed to protect personnel against the elements
must also be flame retardant.
Flame retardant gloves
Any other member of the team that could be inspecting or supervising the work area must also
wear flame retardant clothing and gloves.
Personal Protective Equipment Standard
Working Over Or Adjacent To Water
All personnel working over, or near to water, and at risk of falling in must, as a minimum, wear a retro
reflective life jacket designed to keep the wearer afloat in the water face up. The following standards of
life jackets must be worn at all times:
Life jacket - BS EN ISO 12402-2, 12402-3, 12402-4 (designed to support an unconscious person in
the water and turn them face upwards, either by built-in buoyancy, or by automatic inflation); or
Life jacket - BS EN ISO 12402-5 (designed to support a conscious person in the water and should
only be used by those who are competent swimmers and who are near to the bank or shore, or
who have help and a means of rescue close at hand).
Other items of Personal Protective Equipment that may be required following a task specific risk/COSHH
assessment are:
The minimum standard disposable filtering face piece for particulates is FFP3 unless identified by a risk
assessment of the need for a higher standard.
When using authorised walking routes on or near the lineside, personnel must wear a minimum of high
visibility upper body clothing with reflective tape to comply with Railway Group Standard GO/RT 3279
and BS EN 471 Class 1.
Anywhere else on or near the lineside, personnel must wear a minimum of:
Safety helmet that complies with BS EN 397 and which is fitted with a chinstrap where there is a
risk of the helmet falling off. Safety helmets worn on or near the line side to be white in colour,
except under the following circumstances where the individuals safety helmet shall be blue in
- Individual is issued a Track Visitors Permit (TVP)
- Individual is in receipt of a Personal Track Safety (PTS) card with a green square
symbol on it; or
- The provision of NR/PRC/MTC/SE0089 Individual is included on the
Infrastructure Maintenance New Starters Mentoring (Passport) Scheme.
The name or logo of an individuals Sentinel Sponsor (or other name or logo agreed with Network
Rail) may be marked upon a safety helmet. Such markings shall not exceed 10% of the safety
helmets visible surface area.
Safety footwear that complies with BS EN ISO 20345 and which has a covered protective toecap,
mid sole protection and provides support to the ankle.
High visibility orange body clothing with reflective tape to comply with Railway Group Standard
GO/RT 3279 and BS EN 471 Class 2. The outer layer of the upper body high visibility clothing
must be clearly marked on the back with the individuals Sentinel sponsors logo or other logo
agreed with Network Rail. (Full length waistcoats, long sleeved jackets, or similar garments that
comply with the standard are suitable, but mini vests are not. Sentinel sponsors should supply
the garment marked with their logo and the only other logos that may be agreed at the discretion
of the Network Rail Project Manager are those which denote a particular project and contract.
This type of logo should be printed directly onto the background material between the vertical
retro reflective bands on the rear of the garment). The use of high visibility trousers or over
trousers which comply with GO/RT 3279 and BS EN 471 Class 1 is also mandatory.
Reference Material
Subcontractors Health, Safety, Environmental,
Quality and Sustainability Conditions
Construction Services UK
Have all risks in relation to the work package been identified along with suitable
control measures?
Are details and signature of the assessor included on the Risk Assessment?
Have health and safety roles and responsibilities of Supervisors been detailed in
WPP (Subcontractors) or as specified in PMP (Direct)
Are the personnel required to complete the activities clearly identified, including
Has the number and competence of operatives and supervisors been identified
and adequate for intended works including PVMs, Slinger/Signallers etc
Is the type of equipment to be used identified, including any specific
Are the materials and tools to be used identified in sufficient detail (e.g logistics,
deliveries, movement on site)?
Have any risks associated with falling tools or materials been identified and
adequate control measures detailed?
Is the standard of PPE to be worn identified, including any non mandatory PPE?
Have the requirements for any permits been identified, and details of how these
will be controlled and provided?
Are the specific Installation Inspection Check Lists and Test Certificates to be
completed for the work package identified?
Are there specific arrangements for the movement of personnel around site and
have the on-site controls been taken into consideration?
Are the details in line with the Project PVPMP/Traffic Management Plan and has
consideration been given to movement around the site?
Has loading / unloading been considered (if applicable)?
Have the site location and layouts specific to the work at each location been
identified, including details of sufficient space for plant & vehicle
operations/interfaces, relevant lay down areas, storage areas and safe places?
Are appropriate protection and isolation measures detailed (if applicable) e.g.
fencing, and the responsibility for implementing and maintaining these
Have clear communication routes been identified and are contact details
available for all relevant parties?
Have all foreseeable emergencies been identified and are appropriate
arrangements detailed, (e.g. working at height, fire, environmental, release of
gas, etc) including escape, evacuation and muster arrangements?
Have interfaces with the public and other workers been considered?
Is there detail on how, when and who will brief operatives prior to setting them
to work complete with a method of acknowledging understanding?
Has consideration been given to the correct level of detail to be included in such
briefings so that information is clear and concise for operatives to understand?
Have associated Work Instructions or any additional information included been
reviewed for suitability as part of the work package (if applicable)?
Project Manager SMSTS* Puts people to work and/or who BB Employee / working on
supervises a safe system of work on behalf of BB
a Balfour Beatty project
Works Manager SMSTS* Puts people to work and/or who BB Employee / working on
supervises a safe system of work on behalf of BB
a Balfour Beatty project
Foreman / Supervisor SMSTS* Puts people to work and/or who Supply Chain role for large
(Non working supervises a safe system of work on works; but can be BB
supervisors) a Balfour Beatty project employee
Ganger / Chargehand SSSTS Ensures the safe system of work is Supply Chain (2man+) must
(Working supervisors) maintained following provide a supervisor for their
commencement of the works works
General Operative / CSCS Ensures the safe system of work is All operatives must be
Tradesman maintained following supervised. If Supply Chain
commencement of the works then Supply Chain or BB SSSTS
Supervisor required
SMSTS*= For supply chain only we will accept a NEBOSH National Certificate in Construction Health and