Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual
Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual
Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual
Planning Delivery
Agency Audit
Planning and Risk Execution
and Reporting
(Quality Control System)
Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual
Overview of IRRBAM
3A. Execution
3A.1 Design Audit Tests
3A.2 Execute Audit Tests
3A.3 Evaluate Audit Results
3A.4 Communicate Audit Results
3A-S1 Execution Financial & Compliance
3A-S2 Execution Performance
3A-S3 Sample Test of Control Working Paper
The services provided by the Commission on Audit, as a Constitutional Body and as the
countrys Supreme Audit Institution are critical to meet the uttermost expectation of the
public. The evolution of audit approaches, revision and emergence of old and new laws,
rules and regulations necessitates a more integrated and holistic approach in the conduct
of COAs audit services.
With this regard, the Philippine Government entered into a contractual agreement with the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) for a grant (IDF
Grant TF092158) to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the COA in its audit of
government revenues and expenditures through the development and adoption of a
results-based integrated audit methodology that will focus on the outputs and outcomes of
public expenditures, using a risk-based approach.
As early as 2003, COA has already introduced the risk-based approach in the conduct of
its audit services. Various risk-based manuals have been developed such as the
Government-wide and Sectoral Performance Audit (GWSPA) Manual, Risk-based Audit
Approach (RBAA) Manual and the Risk-based Financial Audit Manual (RBFAM). A
significant addition in this manual is the inclusion of the Organizational Performance
Indicators Framework of the Department of Budget and Management to support the
Governments Public Finance Management (PFM) reform agenda. This will be introduced
in this manual to complement the results-based evaluation of the projected and actual
outputs and outcomes of programs, activities and projects of government agencies that
will focus on the role of public audit in promoting increased accountability and
transparency to improve capacity in the overall governance framework of the Philippines.
This Integrated Results and Risk-based Audit Manual aims to integrate the different COA
audit services such as: Financial and Compliance Audit; Agency-based Performance
Audit; Government-wide and Sectoral Performance Audit; and Fraud Audit into a common
audit approach. The IRRBA approach will provide for a consistent set of processes that
will guide the COA auditors in performing COAs audit services. The silo approach in the
conduct of the audit will be addressed by introducing linkages of each type of audit and its
results for a more effective service delivery.
Government auditing plays a vital role in the public sector governance through its
oversight, insight and foresight responsibilities. Government auditors help the government
achieve accountability and integrity, improve operations, and instill confidence among
citizens and stakeholders.
This manual will discuss the COAs fulfillment of its role in the countrys public governance
through the delivery of the following audit services:
Comprehensive Audit
- Financial and Compliance
- Agency-based Performance Audit
Government-wide and Sectoral Performance Audit (GWSPA)
Fraud Audit
The Commission has long been implementing risk-based audit in the conduct of its audit
services. However, to meet the evolving developments in the public governances
expenditure management, the COA shall incorporate the results-based approach in its
The Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF) is one of the two reform
components of the Public Expenditure Management (PEM) being implemented by the
government. The reform is being headed by the Department of Budget and Management
(DBM) in coordination with other oversight agencies such as the COA and the National
Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).
OPIF is an expenditure management approach that links public resources towards results
and accounts for performance. This approach guides agencies to focus their efforts and
public resources on core functions and on delivering high impact activities at reasonable
costs and qualities.
The role of the COA comes in to assess the agencys performance through indicators that
are initially set to account for accomplishments based on pre-determined targets and
The diagram below shows how COAs audit services are linked to different audit services,
as well as to the countrys Public Expenditure Management reform, the OPIF.
Linkage with other government agencies
Agency-based Value For Money Audit
Economy Efficiency Effectiveness
The diagram depicts the different audit services provided by the Commission:
Comprehensive Audit
Financial Audit This type of audit seeks to determine the accuracy of the data
contained in the financial statements and reports of the agency including the
reliable recording and reporting of historical financial information.
Compliance Audit Compliance audit seeks to ensure that public funds are
obtained and used in accordance with law and propriety, as well as to determine
whether the accountable agency has properly discharged its responsibilities in a
legal and ethical manner.
This type of audit deals with determining the economy, efficiency and effectiveness
of publicly funded projects, activities and programs among different agencies.
The diagram shows the focus of the different audit services provided by the COA by
differentiating the elements of an agencys process. Each element (resource, input,
process, output, outcome and impact) is interrelated and plays a significant role in an
agency and the government as a whole.
Although not mentioned in the diagram, auditors shall be aware of any possible fraud
indications which may arise during the course of the audits conducted. Fraud audit shall
always be embedded in the delivery of the COAs audit services.
The starting point in the performance audit planning process is selecting the right scope
for audit from the multitude of government activities. This is a multifaceted and demanding
exercise that requires good knowledge of the government agencys business or sector of
action and how it contributes to governments strategic ends. It is, however, one of the
most essential steps in the process. If the breadth and depth of audit fail to address the
governments major final outputs and outcomes, all the audit effort that follows will have
little chance of generating better managed government programs, better state
accountability to the public and an ethical and effective public service.
The Organizational Performance Indicator Framework, or OPIF, sets out a structure that
provides an important compass in deciding the content and substance of performance
audit. As its name suggests, OPIF is a systematic approach to planning that seeks to
align the tasks government agencies are funded to do (i.e., the goods and/or services they
provide to external consumers or end-users) with the desired outcomes, objectives or
goals that the government hopes to achieve or influence in critical societal areas such as
health, education, economic well-being, law and order, and environmental sustainability.
The audit planning process involves several layers of activity that interrelate with OPIF in
a complex manner before an audit begins. These include the recognition of external
trends and strategic risks facing government instrumentalities; the defining of output or
product lines, functional areas and sectors to be reviewed over time; and the choice of
agency programs or activities to be examined. Typically, these are driven by the relevance
of performance audit to the government agencys mandate, the major risks associated
with the agencys mission, and auditability (or inability to carry out the audit, as in the case
of societal outcomes where suitable criteria are not available to assess performance).
Risk-based audit planning is emphasized at the outset because of the crucial role it plays
in ascertaining how well a government agency is responding to key challenges,
opportunities and critical success factors that shape the accomplishment of government
objectives and the discharge of stewardship responsibilities for public resources and
In the past, many audits were driven by control and process concerns rather than added-
value considerations in assessing public sector performance. However, the current trend
is toward a more outcome-based audit. The need of government to achieve more concrete
results in societal goals such as poverty reduction, full employment and education for all is
shifting the emphasis of public sector audit, in recent years, to pay more attention on
results. Regardless of whether the scope of the audit is a program, an operation, a system
or a control, a focus on results is being maintained, if somewhat unsystematically. The
relationship of the agencys agenda to the desired ends is increasingly becoming
indispensable to the auditors learning curve.
Performance auditing by nature is not a regular audit with by the book opinions. The
auditor might not have to confront a traditional, rule-bound situation. Performance audit is
wide-ranging, operating from a quite different knowledge base to that of traditional
auditing. This type of audit looks at the outputs or outcomes first and avoids conducting an
initial scrutiny of the details of the methods or processes. Of course this presumes that
indicators are on hand to gauge the quality, quantity and cost of the outputs. If the auditor
finds the result to be all right, serious flaws in the design or implementation of the activity
or process are discounted, making the entire audit procedure more cost-effective. It is
only when the result is substandard that controls are examined to pinpoint what is
troubling the system.
The greater challenge for performance audit occurs when it has to delve into policy
questions. Auditors must understand policies amenable to audit effectively, and results-
oriented auditing inevitably brings performance auditing closer to policy matters. They
must have the expertise to check (1) whether agency practices comply with policy
expectations (for example, extent of compliance with enacted policy on service
standards); (2) the sufficiency of the agencys cost-benefit analysis on which a policy or
program is based; (3) opportunities to fill policy gaps (for example, the need for a
government-wide policy on emergency preparedness); and (4) the need to update or
improve existing policy (for example, the need for a new directive for national security). A
caveat is that it is generally accepted that performance audit should confine itself to
examining policy and program implementation and not to throwing the development of
policy into doubt (although auditors may evaluate the clarity of the grounds for setting the
objectives). Note too that the risks of mandate concerns proportionately get bigger as
policies get broader. It is easy enough for auditors to deal with departmental
administrative policies (such as service delivery procedures), but the stakes grow to be
larger when auditors tackle program policy goals (such as fisheries conservation policy,
healthcare policy) as well as national policy goals (such as reducing poverty).
OPIF provides a good platform for auditors not to second-guess the strategic intentions of
government, when government selects a certain policy direction. Departments and
agencies are now required to define results commitments in their corporate plans and to
report goals and actual performance annually. These provide excellent points of reference
for results-oriented auditing. The Department of Budget and Management, the
implementor of OPIF, acts as the agent for government in negotiating performance
contracts with the departments and agencies, to assist them in linking the goods and
services that they deliverthe major final outputs (MFOs)to the results they have
committed to (organizational outcomes, sectoral and societal goals).
Indeed, the key features of OPIF embody a clear crossover between a results-oriented
performance framework and a results-based audit perspective. These include: (1) a shift
of emphasis in department/agency accountability towards outputs and results (outcomes)
measured against performance indicators; (2) clarification of expected performance and
accountability of departments/agencies through these results; (3) focus on the delivery of
outputs relevant to the results/outcomes specified in agency mandates; (4) establishment
of an integrated performance management system in which performance targets zero in
on the efficiency of departments/agencies in delivering their MFOs; and (5) reporting to
the public and to Congress in clear terms the outcomes achieved.
Both OPIF and performance audit deal mainly with questions such as: What has been the
upshot of the agencys performance, and have the requirements or the objectives been
fulfilled? In this approach, the inquiry centers on performance (concerning economy,
efficiency, and effectiveness) and relates observations to the given norms (goals,
objectives, regulations and so on). To be sure, there is a striking parallel between what
they strive for, as indicated in the following table:
Economy - minimizing the cost of Fiscal discipline - living within the means
resources used for an activity, having (resources) available to the Government
regard to appropriate quality
At the very basic level, performance auditing has been mainly concerned with different
aspects of the economy or the efficiency of operations of agencies. Auditors try to answer
the question Are things being done in the right way?, that is, whether policy decisions
are being carried out properly. This question often partakes of a normative outlook, i.e.,
the auditor wants to know whether government officials have observed the rules or the
Audits of economy may provide answers to questions such as: Do the means chosen or
the equipment obtainedthe inputsrepresent the most economical use of public funds,
consistent with the quality needs of the program? Have the human, financial or material
resources been used cost-effectively? Are the management activities performed in
accordance with sound administrative principles, contract requirements, acceptable
standards, and good management policies? In short, has the agency kept the costs low?
Audits of efficiency answer the question whether agency resources have been put to
optimal or suitable use or whether identical results in terms of quality and turn-around time
could have been achieved with fewer resources. Auditors examine productivity, unit cost,
or indicators such as utilization rates, backlogs and service wait times. In short, has the
agency made the most of available resources?
The scope for analysis becomes considerably wider when a second-order question
whether the right things are being doneis asked. This line of inquiry refers to
effectiveness or impact on societywhether the adopted policies have been suitably put
into service or whether ample means have been utilized to achieve the predetermined
aims. There are two parts to the issue of effectiveness: if the policy objectives have been
achieved, and if the impacts observed are really the upshot of the policy rather than other
circumstances. It is here where a chosen measure to achieve a certain objective runs the
risk of being contested. Effectiveness audits are also on the lookout for unintended
consequences or spillover effects (such as environmental degradation resulting from
economic policy). The figure below indicates how audit perspectives enter into an
effectiveness model.
Finally, both performance audit and OPIF allow for scrutiny and planning across
government departments, which should be the case since public sector activities and
projects often cross agency lines. Inquiring on the activity or project as a whole is in
general more useful than dwelling on a slice of action carried out by a specific agency.
The types of performance audits are (1) agency or program audits, which provide a
substantive review of the whole or part of the operations of a department or agency; (2)
government-wide audits, which focus on cross-sectional issues or functional areas, such
as procurement, in a number of departments; and sectoral audits, which focus on program
areas delivered by a number of agencies, for example, disaster mitigation operations. In a
similar vein, OPIF is carried out singularly in specific agencies, or jointly across sectors
(e.g., education, health, agriculture, science and technology).
Each audit should be based on a thorough understanding of the audited agency, and the
environment in which it operates, as it relates to the audit assignment. Performance audit
begins by having a good grasp of department/agency objectives, expected results and
stewardship responsibilities. The audit team then identifies the major threats and
opportunities that may affect the agency or entities within a functional area. Prior to
starting field work, a process of setting priorities, developing strategic and long-range
plans, submitting audit proposals, rationalizing resources and assessing anticipated audit
worth should take place. Regardless of the size and nature of the subject, it is important
for the audit team to understand the big picture. Generating audit conclusions or
reporting failings without this overall familiarity may result in sterile audit work or
ambiguous and confusing findings. A first round knowledge of the agency forms a
reasonable basis for believing that the audit can be completed in accordance with the
performance audit policies.
operations in substantial ways. These forces affect not just the agency, but also the public
and its resources. Some examples are (1) economic trends that include recession,
inflation, unemployment, and unfair trade practices; (2) political and regulatory factors that
involve world trade agreements, government subsidy programs, and political instability; (3)
demographic patterns that dictate the characteristics of the work force and the demand
preferences of the public (e.g., aging population affect demand for healthcare); (4)
technological advances that lead to dramatic changes in the way things are done, such as
computerization and the internet; (5) social/cultural changes that affect the way people
live, work and behave (e.g., more women in the workplace, concerns about drug abuse);
and (6) ecological concerns about acid rain, global warming, recycling and waste
management that can lead to substantial changes in the way agencies operate.
The audit team should have up-to-date knowledge of significant legislative authorities;
organizational arrangements; the bureaucratic environment in which the entity operates;
key personnel; spending levels and revenues; the entitys clients; major operations,
including in the field; the accountability arrangements; the major control systems; major
risks facing the entity; and prior deficiencies/known weaknesses.
How are the OPIF elements incorporated in understanding the agency? First, it is
necessary to check whether the OPIF logical framework will match up with an agency
program structureotherwise known as a program accountability model.
It is easy to see from the above figure that the OPIF framework elements have
corresponding components in the program accountability model. A comparison of the
building blocks of the two models, shown in the in the table below, illustrates how well-
matched they are. Auditors will not have to search far and wide to understand the
workings of an OPIF-based agency.
Societal goal describes the intended Impacts, or effects refer to all the
desirable impacts of the consequences of the program, whether
department/agencys goods and services intended or unintended
on the country, the environment or the
economy. As end-points to be aimed for,
they represent the high-level vision the
Government has for the country.
Major final outputs the products (goods Outputs refer to the products or
and services) the department/agency services produced or delivered by the
delivers to external clients. program
In performance audit, the audit team checks if there is a logical link between the activities
undertaken, the output and the program objectives and other effects. They also ascertain
whether the agency is clear on what the expected outputs are (the MFOs in OPIF terms)
and whether performance indicators are available for guiding the audit.
Similarly, within OPIF, the building blocks are viewed in a sequence or chain, leading from
activities and processes to long-term goals such as poverty reduction. Each result in the
chain is a link and is joined to other results in the chain by causality. The chain starts
with projects, activities and programs (PAPs), and moves through MFOs to outcomes and
finally to higher-level goals at the sectoral and societal levels. The Medium-Term
Philippine Development Plan defines the societal goals and sectoral goals, providing an
overarching structure for OPIF logframe. The diagram below shows the linkage between
these different levels. The key level for OPIF is the MFO level. MFOs are tangible and can
be more easily quantified as compared to outcomes and goals. Each of the other levels
can be defined in relation to MFOs: activities are how MFOs are produced; outcomes
and higher-level goals are the reason or why MFOs are produced; and for the MFOs
themselves, there is a need to know what is produced and for whom. Measuring the
marginal contribution that an MFO makes toward improving a societal welfare (reduced
poverty incidence and improved quality of life) is a critical element of strategic budgeting
and the development of the MTPDP.
The OPIF logframe of the Department of Agrarian Reform (shown on next page), is an
example of a well-formulated results-based framework.
The OPIF process can assist performance audit through the following:
1. Review of the department/agency mandates and functions and articulation of the
organizational outcomes or results of the department/agency.
2. Identifying the links between the department/agencys organizational outcomes
and the higher government objectives (sectoral and societal goals) enunciated in
the MTPDP, government priorities, sectoral policies and so on.
3. Documenting the MFOs and organizational outcomes in a framework that shows
the linkages between resource inputs, the programs, activities and projects that the
department/agency implements to produce its MFOs, and the organizational
outcomes for which it is mandated.
4. Identification of performance indicators (PIs) with performance measures (targets)
for each MFO. These PIs are the major means by which the department/agency
can track progress and will be held accountable to the government as a whole, the
Congress, the general public and other stakeholders. There are four classes of
Quantity indicates the volume of service (output) delivered during a given
period of time
Quality indicates how well the service (output) is delivered
Timeliness indicates the rate at which service (output) is delivered
Cost indicates the amount of input used to produce the service (output).
The following chart would be of immense help to auditors in pinpointing the agencys
extent of control and accountability over each activity/output level.
Under the OPIF process, each agency constructs a corporate plan that details out the
operating environment, business conditions and planned process improvements for
delivering MFOs and sub-outputs.
Since the MFOs are the lynchpin of the OPIF framework, it is essential to say a few more
words about them, in a way that would make clear their critical importance to
understanding the audited agency.
MFOs can be defined relative to the outcomes that they contribute to the client or
community group that they serve and the business lines or functional business unit of the
department/agency. To derive the MFOs, the department/agency should ask: What
outputs are we providing to external clients to achieve our mandate (organizational
outcomes)? MFOs may reflect delivery of saleable products, provision of policy advice or
other advisory services, regulatory services, case management services, and government
provision of services not readily available in the market place. It may include goods and
services delivered through outsourcing. Each MFO should reflect a core output,
deliverable or business line of the department/agency and will typically comprise a
grouping of PAPs undertaken with a common outcome in mind. This grouping of PAPs
should also help the department/agency to assess whether it is providing the right
services (or mix of services) to achieve the organizational outcomes. It is intended that, in
due course, the department/agency budgets will be appropriated at MFO level.
Following are examples of MFOs:
1. DOF - Fiscal policies (domestic and international), plans and programs; cash and
debt management services; Anti-corruption in public finance management, anti-
smuggling and tax evasion activities and exercise of regulatory power; policies,
plans and programs for domestic financial and capital market development;
policies, plans and programs for public sector debt management as well as risk
management; policies, plans and programs for the government corporate sector as
well as other government assets; policy oversight on LGUs financial operations;
administration of Locally-Sourced and ODA Funds for LGUs.
2. DOH Health, nutrition and population policy and program development; capability
building services for LGUs and other stakeholders; leveraging services for priority
health programs; regulatory services for health products, devices, equipment and
facilities; tertiary and other specialized health care.
3. DOT - Tourism promotional services; tourism development planning services;
standards for tourism facilities and services; development, restoration and
maintenance services, regulatory services.
The background knowledge that the auditors accumulate provides the basis for describing
the agency that is the subject of audit, enabling them to make initial scoping decisions and
defining lines of inquiry, such as those shown in the following figure. This knowledge
includes an understanding of the character of the government agency being audited (role
and function, activities and processes in general, development trends), legislation and
general programs and performance goals, organizational structure and accountability
relationships, internal and external environment and the stakeholders, external constraints
affecting program delivery, and management processes and resources.
An audit team with considerable experience in auditing the department or agency may
have cumulative knowledge to satisfy these requirements without engaging in a formal
overview stage. An in-depth perspective is required where a government-wide or sectoral
audit is being carried out. In some cases, a survey may be conducted to come up with a
broad-based appraisal of the operations subject to audit, without carrying out detailed
verification. The auditors gather information in order to fine-tune initial decisions about
scope, cost, timing and skills, and to propose audit objectives, areas for in-depth review,
criteria, and examination approach. In finalizing these decisions, the audit team designs
an audit to reduce the risk of making erroneous observations, faulty conclusion and
inappropriate recommendations in the report to correspond with the level of assurance
provided by the audit work. All things considered, the purpose of the scoping exercise is to
allow the concentration of audit resources and effort on the areas that can have a
significant impact on the performance and results of the subject being audited.
Unrelenting attention by the auditor is needed to identify and focus the audit on the critical
In using OPIF, the auditors must be aware of its limitations: First, it is a work in progress.
In view of the innovative nature of the OPIF system, which requires shifts in
practices/procedures, knowledge/capacity and value-orientation of the implementers,
changes in the current system cannot be done overnight. Second, implementation is done
through learning by doing. While the literature is replete with the available methodology
and tools for a performance and results-oriented system, capacity building can only be
made more effective if the agency staff go through the actual process of implementing the
system and learning from the lessons of experience. Third, the OPIF system is
homegrown and indigenized. Technical assistance from various sources, have been
provided to the government based on the experiences of countries that have adopted
OPIF in their respective planning and budgeting processes. This technical assistance
provided very valuable inputs in bringing OPIF to its status today. However, the technical
inputs have to be adjusted to suit the domestic institutional conditions.
An important device used in all phases of the planning process is risk assessment. Risk is
defined as the probability that an event or action may harmfully affect the organization,
such as exposure to financial failure, loss of reputation, or inability to deliver the program
with economy, efficiency, cost-effectiveness or take into account the environmental
implications. Risk estimation requires the auditor to ask the following type of questions:
What can go wrong? What is the probability of it going wrong? What are the
consequences? Can the risk be minimized or controlled?
Can OPIF provide guidance and tools to assist auditors to identify and assess
environmental issues and risks in their performance audit work? OPIF can point to the
inherent risks in dealing with organizational outputs beyond the control of the agency (the
susceptibility of the subject matter by its nature to significant error where there are no
related controls). But an agency which is careless in applying OPIF to its operations may
itself induce failure risk. The fact that OPIF is to be carried out through learning by doing
raises significant risks in terms of timing and adequacy of results. Likewise, risk can attend
the consequences of the publics perception of fairness and equitable treatment of citizens
as agencies carry out MFOs. Changes in mandate occasioned by the introduction of new
MFOs may increase the level of exposure to uncertainties. There is also the matter of
process riskOPIF requires a sometimes painful alignment with operation strategies and
alternative delivery approaches. On the other hand, a circumspectly crafted
department/agency OPIF may prevent failure risk by avoiding redundant activities, non-
essential undertakings, uncoordinated policy/program implementation, poor sector
management, superfluous committees, and the politicization of the bureaucracy.
OPIF should, where the opportunity arises, add value in a variety of ways, including:
Helping auditors to respond effectively to changes in the way public services are
organized and delivered, including, identifying opportunities for worthwhile
Providing new insights into the way an audited body manages its resources,
delivers its programs, achieves its objectives and develops business opportunities,
including how cost-effective improvements might be identified and achieved;
Helping generate the audit framework, by providing a convenient way to ascertain
the audit scope;
Keeping audit costs in balance with the significance of the issues being examined;
Taking account of the management circumstances and operational environment as
well as the governance milieu;
Sustaining an iterative planning process to maintain a focus on matters of
significance and interest to decision-makers and Congress;
Helping auditors to recognize institutional risks and to respond to them effectively;
Contributing to new accounting systems by making clear what the auditors
requirements are; and
Benchmarking and developing yardsticks, collating and distilling information, for
example, on good practice from across ranges of public sector agencies.
Planning Delivery
Agency Audit
Planning and Risk Execution
and Reporting
(Quality Control System)
This phase covers the first integration point wherein all COA audit services namely:
Financial and Compliance Audit, Agency-based Performance Audit, Government-wide and
Sectoral Performance Audit and Fraud Audit, will meet through a common strategic
planning and risk identification process. The succeeding topics will describe the strategic
planning and risk identification processes and outputs of COA in relation to the conduct of
its audit services. However, for purposes of illustration and functional relation, some items
on COAs Annual Strategic Planning process will be referred. Nevertheless, the steps
provided in this manual will not supersede the processes defined in the Operations
Manual of the Planning, Financial and Management Office (PFMO).
Risk is defined as the threat that an event, action or inaction will adversely
affect the agencys ability to successfully achieve its mandate and objectives
and execute its strategies.
The Government is always faced with internal and external factors that may
influence and make it uncertain whether and when it will achieve its objectives
stated in the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) and State of
the Nation Address (SONA) among others.
The Commission on Audit (COA) as the countrys Supreme Audit Institution shall
independently identify the risks that the Government as a whole may face in
achieving its objectives. This is to determine the focus areas which need to be
prioritized given the limited resources. The results will also be an input in the
determination of the appropriate audit strategies needed to be applied by COA for
the allocation of resources appropriate for the audit services such as the people,
skills, competence, processes and procedures.
The objectives of this activity are: to obtain high-level inputs from COA directors
assigned in the audit of agencies representing the three audit sectors, regions and
auditors performing Government-wide and Sectoral Performance Audit (GWSPA)
and Fraud Audit; to have a common language of risk; and to have a unified thrust
in government auditing.
o Regional Offices
o Special Audits Office (SAO)
o Information Technology Office (ITO)
o Technical Services Office (TSO)
o Fraud and Investigation Office (FAIO)
The GRM, populated with a list of government risks, is the foundation for
conducting Government Risk Identification. It shall be developed to facilitate the
identification of risks faced by the government as a whole.
Operation risk risks that operations are inefficient and ineffective in executing
the governments operating model, satisfying the public, and achieving the
governments quality, cost and time performance objectives. This arises when
operation processes:
o Are not clearly defined
o Are poorly aligned with agencys strategies, goals and objectives
o Are not performed effectively and efficiently in satisfying the public
o Expose significant financial, physical and intellectual resources to
unacceptable losses, risk taking, misappropriation or misuse
Financial risk risk that cash flows and financial risks are not managed cost-
effectively to: (a) maximize cash availability; (b) reduce uncertainty of currency,
interest rate, and other financial risks; or (c) move cash funds quickly and
without loss of value to wherever they are needed most. It also includes risks
that government agencies face when misleading financial information becomes
the basis for decision making by the governing management.
The GRM shall be used as one of the inputs in identifying government risks.
Form 01-01 Government Risk Model (GRM) documents all the identified
government risks and its corresponding definition.
The fundamental principle of a risk-based audit is to identify risks and focus the
audit on those areas which may have a significant effect on the achievement of the
governments objectives.
Understanding the objectives of the government is the first step in this process.
After the objectives have been substantiated, risks that may hinder the
achievement of the set objectives shall be identified.
In identifying government risks, the COA should identify sources of risks, areas of
impacts, events, causes and potential consequences. This is to generate a list of
risks based on those events that might create, enhance, prevent, degrade,
accelerate or delay the achievement of objectives.
Risk analysis involves considering the causes and sources of risk, their positive
and negative consequences, and the likelihood that those consequences can
occur. Factors that affect consequences and likelihood should be identified. Risk is
analyzed by determining consequences and their likelihood, and other attributes of
the risk. An event can have multiple consequences and can affect multiple
Risks are evaluated and prioritized based on the outcomes of risk analysis.
Department of Public
COA Fraud and Works and Highways
Knowledge and prior audit reports
Direction/ geographic
SSAP risks
Metropolitan Waterworks
and Sewerage System
SONA, Media
MTPDP and releases and City Government of Navotas
MTPIP reporting
Hunger mitigation
GRM sector risks Health sector
development project
In this activity, the participants may identify potential GWSPAs. SAO shall also
recommend government programs and activities to be subjected to GWSPA.
Potential GWSPAs shall be analyzed and evaluated.
After the risks have been identified for a particular government objective, the COA
shall now locate these risks with the concerned agencies and the related
processes, programs, activities or projects.
Government processes/
Key Government Risks Government Agency
Intellectual property
Link key government risks to
Department of
Liability Public Works and
Contract Procurement
Anticorruption Department of
Legal and
For key government risks that resulted directly to the identification of fraud audits
and GWSPAs (as risk response or planned action), FAIO and SAO shall perform
the audits following the guidelines set forth in their respective manuals (Fraud
Audit Manual and GWSPA Manual).
The results of this activity shall be documented in Form 01-02 Government Risk
Identification Template (GRIT).
The COA shall ensure that the results of the government risk identification will be
presented to and approved by the Assistant Commissioners and Commission
Proper, and distributed to concerned sectors/offices who participated in this
The report on the results of GRI contains/documents the GRIT and the minutes of
the GRI activity.
The results of this activity shall be cascaded down to the concerned sectors,
clusters, audit groups through the COA Strategic Planning process. The results
will also be an input to the Agency Audit Planning and Risk Assessment Phase
(refer to phase 2 of the manual).
This section covers the COA Strategic Planning conducted annually. The elements
and processes described here are captured from the PFMO manual to show the
linkage of Strategic Planning of the COA as an agency to the IRRBAs Strategic
Planning and Risk Identification of the COA as an auditor. The IRRBA Manual
does not supersede any activity presented in the PFMO Operations Manual.
The following are some of the Strategic Planning models used by other
organizations. There is however no perfect strategic planning model for a specific
Supreme Audit Institution. It is still the managements responsibility to select and
ensure a model that is tailor-fitted to the needs and culture of the COA.
Goal-based/Issue-based Planning
The processes are almost the same with the Basic Strategic Planning model
except that the organization conducts an assessment of its Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT).
Scenario Planning
This model, as the title implies, relates factors which might influence the
organization such as: new standards; laws, rules and regulations; economic
downturns; and natural disasters. Each possible change in circumstance or
scenarios will be provided with strategies.
Alignment Planning
The alignment model ensures strong alignment among the organizations
mission and resources to effectively deliver the services. This model focuses on
the adjustments to be made to fine-tune the strategies needed to align with the
organizations mission, programs, resources and needed support.
Self-Organizing/Traditional Planning
These are often liner in nature, e.g. general-to-specific, cause-and-effect.
Typically, the organization starts the planning process with the SWOT Analysis,
then prioritizing issues which will be provided with specific strategies.
Seeking consultation and interaction among the participants during the planning
process is significant. Concurrence shall be obtained not just on the outcomes of
development but also on the strategies and tradeoffs needed in establishing the
level of the COA audit services to be provided.
Ideally, the strategic planning process should be conducted at least once a year in
order to be ready for the coming year. This includes identification of the
organizational goals to be achieved at least over the coming fiscal year, resources
needed to achieve those goals, and funding needed to obtain the resources.
The diagram below shows the linkage of the COAs Annual Strategic Planning
Process with the Strategic Planning and Risk Identification phase of the IRRBA
The results of the COAs Annual Strategic Planning process specific to the conduct
of the audit services will be an input in the Phase 2 of the IRRBA methodology
Agency Audit Planning and Risk Assessment.
Diagram 1.5 Linkage of COAs Annual Strategic Planning process with IRR
Policy/Standard Description
ISSAI 100 Basis principles in Government Auditing
ISSAI 200 General standards in government auditing and
standards with ethical significance
Part of the Strategic Planning and Risk Identification process of the Integrated Results and Risk-
based Audit (IRRBA) is the identification of government risks. This activity will be conducted
annually, supervised by the Assistant Commissioners and attended by directors from the
following sectors/offices:
National Government Sector (NGS)
Corporate Government Sector (CGS)
Local Government Sector (LGS)
Regional Offices
Fraud and Investigation office (FAIO)
Special Audits Office (SAO)
Information Technology Office (ITO)
Technical Services Office (TSO)
The Government Risk Model is introduced to guide the participants in the identification of
government risks. The Government Risk Model is a comprehensive list of risks that a
government may encounter which could threaten the achievement of its mandate and
This model shall be regularly reviewed, updated and customized to consider changes in the
public sector environment, as well as to consider the impact of new standards, laws, rules and
*The COA shall identify the process champion in this activity, which will ensure the maintenance and updating of this
Risk Listing
- The Risk Listing is a table of government risks divided into the following risk categories:
a. Strategic
b. Operations
c. Compliance
d. Financial
The table lists down all potential risks that the government may face. Therefore, there are
risks that may be identified as a risk of the government in the current audit period that was
not identified in the preceding audit period. In either case, the risk listing shall be
maintained regardless of the existence of the risk at the time of the identification. Likewise,
the list shall be regularly updated to include emerging risks that may affect the
achievement of the governments mandate and objectives.
Risk Definition
- Customize/create the definition of the risks based on the nature of the risk.
a. Risk Title The label for the risks identified shall be properly chosen to reflect the nature
of the risk even by just looking at the risk title.
b. Risk Description - The risk description shall be clear on the cause and effect of the risk
once it materializes. The risk definition shall be generic in nature and shall avoid including
process-level effects to not limit/restrict the risk descriptions.
NOTE: The items in the succeeding pages are just samples to illustrate the tool. It does not represent any factual
data nor any result of prior audit projects.
Prepared by : Date :
Reviewed by : Date :
Approved by : Date :
Risk Definition
Physical assets
Failure to provide physical protection and stewardship over real estate
Real estate
designed to optimize longevity and utilization.
Failure to provide physical protection and stewardship over long-lived
Property, plant and facilities assets (such as buildings, furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment and
other assets) designed to optimize longevity and utilization.
Failure to provide physical protection and stewardship over inventories
Inventory designed to optimize utilization while minimizing obsolescence,
contamination, etc.
Failure to align process objectives and performance measures with the
Function mandate of the agency, its objectives and strategies may result in
conflicting, uncoordinated activities throughout the agency.
Failure of Board of Directors to discharge their obligations and duties
Board performance/Agency
owed to the agency and its stakeholders in good faith; and to possess
management committee
adequate knowledge to interpret and act on the information provided.
Senior management fails to establish an environment that encourages
integrity, ethical values, and competence of the agency's people through
Tone at the top
management's philosophy and operating style, assignment of authority
and responsibility, and the organization and development of its people.
Ineffective lines of authority may cause senior management, division
Authority/limit heads or employees to do things they should not do or fail to do things
they should.
Failure to establish and maintain an internal control environment which
Control environment
aligns with stakeholder and regulatory expectations.
The mismanagement of "socially responsible" activities (e.g., conducting
social responsibility training for management of manufacturers,
undertaking environmental programs, participating in community
Corporate social responsibility
initiatives) resulting in an unfavorable agency perception with
stakeholders, customers, suppliers, agency partners, employees and the
regulatory community.
Damage to the Agencys reputation exposes it to loss of customer/
public trust, profits and the ability to grow.
Code of conduct
The absence of formal standards of employee behavior that are
Ethics intended to direct and influence the way agency operation is conducted,
above and beyond the letter of the law.
Potential unethical acts committed by agency employees or other
stakeholders may negatively impact the agency's reputation.
Fraudulent activities perpetrated by employees, suppliers, agents, or
third-party administrators against the agency for personal gain (e.g.,
Employee/Third Party Fraud
misappropriation of physical, financial or information assets) expose the
agency to financial loss.
Unfavorable price paid per unit of funds borrowed or the rate of return
Interest rate received on invested assets, or interest rate fluctuations beyond
projected range.
Unfavorable fluctuations in the currency of another market that is
Foreign currency
needed to carry out international transactions.
Unfavorable fluctuations in the price of raw materials or other
Commodity commodities used in product development/service delivery that are not
anticipated and managed.
Financial market risk can vary depending on the particular segment of
Financial instrument the market to which the holder of a financial instrument is exposed, or
the way in which the exposure is structured.
Liquidity and credit
The Government Risk Identification Template (GRIT) is used to document the significant
government risks identified for a particular audit period, as well as the basis of selecting
those particular risks, and the agencies and programs or activities affected. By having all of
this information in one sheet, it facilitates ease of summary and discussion with the
participants during the identification of significant government risks as well as increased
efficiency and effectiveness in tracing the effects of those risks.
This template if carefully and exhaustively accomplished will facilitate a unified thrust for the
COA in conducting government auditing.
The GRIT once accomplished shall be cascaded to all audit clusters and concerned offices
through the COAs Annual Strategic Planning for inclusion in the Agency Audit Planning and
Risk Assessment.
Accomplishing this tool is critical to document the high-level inputs from COA directors
assigned in the audit of agencies representing the three audit sector, regions, and auditors
performing Government-wide and Sectoral Performance Audit (GWSPA) and Fraud Audit.
Government Objective
- Identify the objectives of the government as identified in the State of the Nation
Address (SONA), Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP), Medium-
Term Public Investment Program (MTPIP) and so on.
- Participants may use the Government Risk Model to identify the key government risks
(risk category, risk title and risk definition)
Basis of Selection
- Indicate the basis or reason why the risk was considered as significant.
Government Risk Model
Sector risks
Media releases and media reports
Fraud and geographic risks
Government-wide and sectoral programs and activities
Knowledge of the auditors
Name of Agency
- Indicate the agencies affected by the risks identified. Auditors may also refer to other
outputs of government instrumentalities (e.g., Updated Strategy Planning Matrices for
the MTPDP of NEDA).
Key Risk 2
Key Risk 3
Key Risk 4
Key Risk 5
Key Risk 6
Key Risk 7
Key Risk 8
Key Risk 10
Key Risk 11
Key Risk 12
Planning Delivery
Agency Audit
Planning and Risk Execution
and Reporting
(Quality Control System)
The scope of state audit under our Constitution and the implementing laws and
regulations include financial, compliance and performance audits. These three main
classifications of state audit, when conducted together, are known as comprehensive
audit. Comprehensive audit starts with planning the engagement at the agency level.
Activity 2, Agency Audit Planning and Risk Assessment, is designed to promote the
consistent implementation of the IRRBA methodology and standard documentation in
comprehensive auditing. Activity 2 employs a disciplined, team-based approach to audit
planning, emphasizing the early development of risk assessments and the audit strategy.
Agency Audit Planning and Risk Assessment occur early in the audit cycle to provide time
to appropriately plan and customize the audit strategy, thereby allowing COA auditors to
effectively execute the audit and at the same time, perform other duties and
responsibilities. This activity is ideally done in the first 3 months of the audit cycle.
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Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 2 Agency Audit Planning and Risk Assessment
The Agency Audit Workstep contains a phase by phase detail of the IRRBAM
showing the estimated time to complete each phase and the audit team member
assigned to complete each activity. This should be accomplished by the ATL and
approved by the SA. A copy should be submitted to the CD.
The audit team should prepare the Audit Worksteps for each agency being audited
showing the estimated time to be incurred for the current year audit. For regional
auditors assigned to a regional office or branch of a National or Corporate agency,
they shall prepare the worksteps that will be done by only by regional auditors.
Form 02-01 Agency Audit Workstep Template
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The knowledge we gain about the agencys operations provides the basis for
making more comprehensive risk evaluations. That is, by gaining an understanding
of the agencys principal risks and their relationship to the inherent and control risk
components of audit risk, we can:
Develop more effective and efficient audit strategies.
Increase the value we deliver by providing timely communications on internal
control observations and emerging issues of importance to the agency.
Better manage COAs risk by using the more comprehensive view of the
agencys risks in making engagement decisions.
Accordingly, the audit team should have an understanding of each of the following
and their interrelationships:
Relevant industry, regulatory, and other external factors including the applicable
financial reporting framework
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Key performance indicators also refer to the targeted Major Final Outputs
(MFO) as stated in the agencys Organizational Performance Indicator
Framework (OPIF).
We share with management our understanding of the agency and its environment
to confirm our understanding of the agency, to determine managements
awareness of the effects of the agencys environment on the operations and to
understand managements attitude and strategies towards managing its risks.
Audit Techniques
A wide variety of procedures and techniques are used to gather the necessary
information for understanding the agency. These may include:
Review of information
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Our analytical procedures assist us in identifying risk factors that may require
added attention in the audit.
We document our understanding of the Agency using the Form 02-02
Understanding the Agency template.
At this stage, auditors may identify Key Fraud Risks (KFR). KFRs identified during
this phase of the IRRBAM shall be evaluated and assessed through the Fraud
Brainstorming and Fraud Risk Assessment. Auditors shall use the methodology in
Fraud Audit Manual in assessing and evaluation KFRs identified in IRRBAM to
come up with proactive and detective testing.
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The ARM will be the guide of the auditors in identifying agency risks. The ARM
should be updated annually to consider changes in the agency environment and
new policies, laws, rules and regulations. The agency auditors shall provide input
on the additions or modifications that needs to be reflected in the ARM after
conducting the Understanding the Agency process.
Operation risk risks that operations are inefficient and ineffective in executing
the agencys operating model, satisfying the public, and achieving the agencys
quality, cost and time performance objectives. This arises when operation
o Are not clearly defined
o Are poorly aligned with agencys strategies, goals and objectives
o Are not performed effectively and efficiently in satisfying public
o Expose significant financial, physical and intellectual resources to
unacceptable losses, risk taking, misappropriation or misuse
Financial risk risk that cash flows and financial risks are not managed cost-
effectively to (a) maximize cash availability; (b) reduce uncertainty of currency,
interest rate, and other financial risks; or (c) move cash funds quickly and
without loss of value to wherever they are needed most. It also includes risks
that government agencies face when misleading financial information becomes
the basis for decision making by the governing management.
The ARM is somewhat similar with the GRM except that the risks in former are
Agency-specific while the latter relates to the risk of the government as a whole.
ARM shall be customized per Agency by obtaining information from the UTA
template and through inputs from head office and regional auditors.
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Based on the data gathered from the UTA and the results from the GRIT, the audit
team shall identify Agency Risks.
Different modes may be used in identifying agency risks. It could be in the form of
a workshop, survey, questionnaire or interview. In any case, it shall be ensured
that the essence of identifying agency risks is followed.
The participants are to identify the following and document in the Agency Risk
Identification (AgRI) Matrix:
Identified Agency Risks
Basis of Selection
Risk Rating (Impact, Likelihood and Overall Rating)
Risk Location
Initial Audit Response
We document our identification and assessment of Agency Risks using Form 02-
05 Agency Risk Identification Matrix.
After all the risks of an agency have been identified, the agency auditors shall
prioritize those risks which are significant based on the risk rating provided.
The risks identified as significant will be the audit teams focus for their audit. The
identified significant agency processes affected by the significant agency risks will
be the focus of our Understanding the Process in the succeeding activities.
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may not exist or be available in documentary form. This may be even more
apparent in less complex agencies when communication between agency
management and other personnel may be informal. In other instances, we may be
able to corroborate agency managements statements by inspecting documents
and reports (e.g., quarterly reports, interim financial statements and minutes of
Internal Control
Agency management is responsible for the design, implementation and
maintenance of effective internal control to address identified agency risks that
threaten the achievement of the agencys objectives. These objectives relate to
the reliability of the agencys financial reporting, the effectiveness and efficiency of
its operations and its compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The way in which internal control is designed, implemented and maintained will
vary with an agencys size and complexity. Internal control, no matter how
effective, can provide an agency with only reasonable assurance about achieving
the agencys financial reporting and operational objectives. The likelihood of their
achievement is affected by the inherent limitations of internal control. These
inherent limitations include the realities that human judgment in decision-making
can be faulty and that breakdowns in internal control can occur because of human
Internal control may be divided into five interrelated components. Although this
does not necessarily reflect how an agency considers and implements internal
control, these components provide a useful framework for us to consider the
agencys internal control and to assess the effect on our audit strategy. The five
components of internal control are:
Control environment
Risk assessment
Information and communication
Control activities
We document our understanding of agency-level controls using Form 02-03
Agency-Level Controls Checklist.
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Significant processes where significant agency risks reside that were identified in
the AgRI Matrix are the subject of our Understanding the Process.
Process risks refer to points where risks of material misstatement or risks to the
Agency PAPs objectives, due to error or fraud, can occur in the significant
process. We do not attempt to identify all process risks, but focus on those
process risks that could have a material effect on objectives of the process or
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We determine the impact of the process risk by identifying the affected accounts,
including assertions, and its impact on the attainment of the objectives of an
agencys PAPs.
Further, we also evaluate whether the design of the existing controls identified is
adequate to address the identified process risks. Any identified process risk with
no controls in place or with inadequate controls should be communicated to
management to provide them time to address and resolve the control deficiency.
Our documentation of process flow may be in narrative format or in graphical form
through the use of process mapping flowcharts. Our documentation of our
Understanding the Process is determined by the size and complexity of the
processes subject for review. The process mapping flowchart including the
identification of process risks, controls and impact are documented using Form 02-
06 Process-Risk-Control (PRC) Matrix.
The information we have obtained in our UTA, ALC and PRC will be our basis in
evaluating and quantifying risks in our audit. The resulting assessments will
provide us our basis for prioritization in our audit.
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In conducting Financial and Compliance Audit Risk Assessment, we assess risk for
each relevant assertion for each significant account.
Aside from account balance as of cutoff date, we should also consider the
movement in the accounts in determining whether the account is material or
We consider the information we gathered in our UTA, ALC and PRC and use
our professional judgment in making our inherent risk assessment for each
relevant assertion.
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Factors that may affect our inherent risk assessment are as follows:
Susceptibility to material misstatement
Size and composition
Variations from expected amounts
Effects of external factors
Competence and experience of agency personnel
Degree of subjectivity
Completion of unusual/complex transactions at or near period-end
Transactions not subjected to routine processing
Definition: Control risk: The risk that a misstatement that could occur in
an assertion about a class of transactions, account balance or
disclosure and that could be material, either individually or when
aggregated with other misstatements, will not be prevented, or detected
and corrected, in a timely manner by the agencys internal control.
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The table below shows how we combine our assessments on inherent and
control risks into one CRA for financial and compliance risk assessment:
Low High
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The following chart summarizes the risk conclusion and effect on our audit
We use high precision analytical procedures for OMAs. This procedure should
not be redundant with the Analytic Review procedures done in the
Understanding the Agency Template.
2.6.2. Performance
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Quantitative Factor
Selection of agencys programs/ projects for performance audit is based on an
assessment of the total value of government assets, annual expenditure and/or
annual revenue of the audit area. The more funds used for a program/project, the
higher is its priority for selection as an audit project.
Qualitative Factors
The stage of the agencys program development should also be kept in mind
when assessing management performance. For example, in the development
stage it will be particularly important for the agencys management to set
measurable operation objectives that clearly identify how the program will
contribute to the organizations objectives. During program implementation, it
will be important to see whether appropriate performance measures are
maintained and analyzed to assess performance, and whether there is a clear
identification of roles and responsibilities for each level of program. If the
program has been in place for some time, it will be important to assess whether
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b. Significance
The significance of an audit project should have bearing on the magnitude of its
organizational impacts. It will depend on whether the activity is comparatively
minor or whether shortcomings in the area concerned could flow on to other
activities within the agency.
c. Visibility
This factor is similar in significance but is more concerned with the external
impact of the program. It is related to the social, economic and environmental
aspects of the program/project and the importance of its operations to the
government and the public. In considering this factor some weight would be
attached to the impact of an error, weakness, or irregularity on public
accountability. It would also have regard to the degree of interest by the
legislature and public in the outcome of the audit. Projects that have been
identified with the audit thrust by the Commission would generally warrant a
high rank in terms of visibility.
The materiality, risk, significance and visibility of a project will also influence the
ranking for coverage. If a program has ranked highly on all or most of these
elements it would be expected that the coverage cycle would be at fairly
frequent intervals.
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The factors that we have described above are the basis for a systematic
approach to assisting the auditor in applying judgment in selecting PAPs for
performance audit. Using these factors when supported by valid information
and data will help auditors in allocating scarce resources for the audit of
We document our audit risk assessments using the Form 02-07 Audit Risk
Assessment and Planning Tool.
Our audit scope defines the boundaries and limitations of our audit. We document
our audit scope based on the results of our risk assessment.
In determining the timing of our audit tests (tests of controls and details), we shall
consider COA auditors other responsibilities such as, but not limited to:
Cash examinations to accountable officers
Request for relief of accountabilities
Issuance of disallowances
Pre-audit activities
We are not expected to have the expertise of a person qualified to engage in the
practice of another profession or occupation (e.g., an actuary, engineer, fraud
investigator). When such expertise is required in order to obtain sufficient
appropriate audit evidence, we consider whether to use the work of an appropriate
expert. We may use the work of an expert to:
Value complex financial instruments, land and buildings, plant and machinery,
jewelry, works of art, antiques, intangible assets, assets acquired and liabilities
assumed in business combinations and assets that may have been impaired
Understand the technical aspects of the agencys operations
Calculate the liabilities associated with insurance contracts or employee benefit
Value environmental liabilities and site clean-up costs
Analyze complex or unusual tax compliance issues
Measure work completed and to be completed on contracts in progress
Interpret technical requirements, statutes, regulations or agreements (e.g., the
significance of contracts or other legal documents or legal title to property)
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We document details of our work plan (i.e., scope, audit strategy, timing) as part of
the Audit Risk Assessment and Planning Tool.
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Policy/Standard Description
ISSAI 1230 Audit Documentation
ISSAI 1265 Communicating Deficiencies in Internal Control to
Those Charged with Governance and Management
ISSAI 1300 Financial audit guideline Planning an audit of
financial statements
ISSAI 1315 Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material
Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and
ISSAI 1320 Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit
ISSAI 1330 The Auditors Responses to Assessed Risks
ISSAI 1520 Analytical Procedures
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Form 02-01: Agency Audit Workstep
Auditee __________________________________________________
This template enables us to document our understanding of the agency and its environment and
assist in identifying risks of material misstatement. We document the identified inherent and/or
significant risks in this template.
The Understanding the Agency (UTA) can be used in conjunction with our meeting(s) with the
agency during the planning of the engagement. When we complete the UTA, we:
Consider the use of available industry or sector knowledge
Customize the UTA to each engagement
For future engagements, we base our understanding of the agency and its environment on prior
period knowledge. We update our understanding by focusing on the significant changes in the
agency and its environment in the current period and reflect those changes within the UTA
brought forward from the prior period.
Agency Profile
A. Mandate State the relevant law, rule or regulation mandating the purpose of the
establishment of the agency.
B. Operations Provide a brief description of the agencys operations and critical agency
C. Structure - Describe the Agencys organizational structure and its relation to other key
government agencies. (Attach the Agencys organizational structure, as necessary)
D. Objectives and Strategies State the objectives and strategies of the Agency. Evaluate
if these objectives and strategies are aligned with the mandate of the Agency.
E. Key Stakeholders List stakeholders, or unified stakeholder groups, whose expectations
or actions (or inactions) can significantly influence management or affect the agency
objectives and strategies (and/or the ability of the agency to meet its objectives and
F. Key Environmental Factors Briefly describe the environment of the agency and how
the operations of the Agency are affected/influenced by environmental factors.
Examples of environment to be reviewed are:
Political Environment
Social Environment
Legal and Regulatory Environment
Technological Environment
Key Performance Indicators - The key results identified and monitored by management,
generally few in number, that must be achieved to conclude that a strategy has been
implemented successfully. Key performance indicators also refer to the targeted Major
Final Outputs (MFO) as agreed in their Organizational Performance Indicator Framework
Accounting Policy Provide brief description of key accounting policies applied, including
financial reporting standards or changes in the agencys accounting policies and reasons
for such changes. We evaluate whether the agencys accounting policies are appropriate
and consistent with the applicable financial reporting framework.
Previous Audit Findings Include significant audit findings from previous audits that may still
exist in the agency.
Recent Developments/ News Include any pertinent news or publication about the agency and
indicate the possible impact or risk that may arise on the Agency.
A. Financial
Financial Statement Account indicate the financial statement accounts of the
Current Year indicate the current account balance of the financial statement
Prior Year indicate the previous years balance of the financial statement account
Variance (Amount) the amount of difference between the current year and previous
year balance
Last updated : March 2011 2|Pa ge
Version : 02-02/2011/v1
Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 2 Agency Audit Planning and Risk Assessment
Form 02-02: Understanding the Agency Template
Variance (%) the percentage increase or decrease from previous years balance
(Formula is Amount of Variance/Prior Year balance)
Remarks indicate the reason for the significant increase or decrease in the account
B. Performance
Performance indicators indicate the performance indicator applicable to the
Agency. Examples of performance indicators are Asset Turnover, Inventory
Turnover, Return on Asset and Return on Equity. Should the Agency have an OPIF
structure, we should consider the Major Final Outputs as part of the performance
Actual refers to the actual achievement of the Agency on its performance indicator
Budget/Target pertains to the planned or targeted performance expected from the
Variance (Amount) the amount of difference between the actual and
budgeted/targeted amounts.
Variance (%) the percentage increase or decrease from the budgeted/targeted
amount (Formula is Amount of Variance/Budgeted or Targeted amount)
Remarks Indicate the reason for any significant increase or decrease from the
budgeted or targeted amount.
PAPs Review This is a review of each PAP of the agency by understanding the details and
overview of the PAP including its objectives. An analytic review on the performance of the
PAP is also included to determine specific areas in the PAP that require audit focus.
UTA Summary
A. UTA Reference States the part/component of the UTA where the information was
taken from.
B. Identified Agency Risk Indicates the agency risks (risk title and risk statement)
identified while understanding the agency. Audit teams may also use the Agency Risk
Model as a reference in plotting the agency risks identified at this point.
C. Impact on the Agency States the impact of risk to the agency if it materializes based
on your initial understanding.
A. Mandate
B. Operations
C. Structure
Objectives Strategies
E. Key Stakeholders
Political Environment
Social Environment
Technological Environment
Analytical procedures performed may include both financial and non-financial information Our analytical procedures performed provide a basis for
designing and implementing audit procedures that respond to the assessed risks of material misstatement. However, overall analytical procedures
may use data aggregated at a high level and therefore the results only provide an initial indication about whether a risk of material misstatement
a. Financial
Financial Statement Accounts Current Year Prior Year Remarks
Amount %
b. Performance
Performance Indicators Actual Budget/ Target Remarks
Amount %
a. Program/Project Details
Program/ Project:
Total Budget:
Project Overview:
b. Performance Indicators
Performance Variance
Actual Budget/Target Remarks
Indicators Amount %
The Agency Risk Model is a tool to guide the audit team of a particular agency in the
identification of agency risks. The Agency Risk Model is a comprehensive list of risks that an
agency may encounter which could threaten the achievement of its mandate and objectives.
This model shall be regularly reviewed, updated and customized to consider changes in the
public sector environment as well as to consider the impact of new standards, laws, rules and
Risk Listing
- The Risk Listing is a table of agency risks divided into the following risk categories:
a. Strategic
b. Operations
c. Compliance
d. Financial
The table lists down all potential risks that the agency may face. Therefore, there are risks
that may be identified as a risk of the agency in the current audit period that was not
identified in the preceding audit period. In either case, the risk listing shall be maintained
regardless of the existence of the risk at the time of the identification. Likewise, the list
shall be regularly updated to include emerging risks that may affect the achievement of
the agencys mandate and objectives.
Risk Definition
- Customize/create the definition of the risks based on the nature of the risk.
a. Risk Title The label for the risks identified shall be properly chosen to reflect the nature
of the risk even by just looking at the risk title.
b. Risk Description - The risk description shall be clear as to cause and effect of the risk
once it materializes. The risk definition shall be generic in nature and shall avoid including
process-level effects that limits/restricts the risk descriptions.
NOTE: The items in the succeeding pages are just samples to illustrate the tool. It does not represent any factual
data nor any result of prior audit projects.
Prepared by : Date :
Reviewed by : Date :
Approved by : Date :
Risk Definition
Organizational The overall structure of the agency instrumentalities does not support the
structure achievement of strategic objectives in an efficient manner.
This risk refers to the inability to discover, evaluate and select among
S2 Strategic planning alternatives to provide direction and allocate resources for effective
execution to achieve the strategic objectives of the agency
This risk refers to the misalignment of operating plans and execution to
S3 Operational planning
strategic planning. Lack of information needed to make the right decisions.
This risk refers to the inability to effectively budget for new and existing
initiatives that support the overall strategic goals and objectives for growth,
expansion, acquisition for public welfare.
S4 Budgeting
It also refers to the inability to effectively budget for programs and projects
that would meet the agencys Medium Term Philippine Development Plan
This risk refers to the inability to forecast financial information to enable the
S5 Forecasting
allocation of resources to new and existing initiatives
Unavailability and inappropriateness of resource allocation process
S6 Resource allocation
prohibits the agencys ability to provide value for public.
Insufficient access to fund threatens the agencys capacity to grow, execute
S7 Capital/fund availability
its strategies and achieve its objectives.
The agency has an obsolete operation model and doesnt recognize it
and/or lacks the information needed to make an up-to-date assessment of
S8 Operational model
its current model and build a compelling operational case form modifying
that model on timely basis.
Lack of relevant and reliable information that enables agency management
to effectively prioritize its services or balance its operations in a strategic
S9 Operational portfolio
context may preclude a diversified agency from maximizing its overall
Outsourcing activities to third parties may result in the third parties not
S10 Outsourcing acting within the intended limits of their authority or not performing in a
manner consistent with the agencys strategies and objectives.
Major initiatives
This risk refers to the failure to establish a vision and direction for major
initiatives, including services, products and programs that will drive future
S11 Vision and direction
growth. It also refers to the failure to establish project acceptance criteria
and adequately measure against the criteria.
Planning and This risk refers to the failure to plan and execute major initiatives due in a
execution coordinated manner.
This risk refers to the failure to identify appropriate metrics and assess
Measurement and
S13 performance, quality and adherence to the standards as set forth by the
Technology This risk refers to the failure of a major technology implementation to meet
implementation the strategic objectives of the organization.
Failure to evaluate project proposals may result in problems when the
S15 Project evaluation
project has been approved.
The people within the agency are unable to implement process and service
S16 Change readiness improvements quickly enough to keep pace with changes in the public
Failure to foresee changes in the environment and establish initiatives to
Climate change and
S17 keep pace with biological changes may result in stop operations and
sustainability initiatives
Environment Dynamics
Economic changes, such as lower economic growth, reduce tax revenue
S18 Economic changes and opportunities to provide a wide range of services or limit the availability
or quality of existing services.
Movements in prices, rates, indices and the like threaten the value of the
S19 Financial market
agencys financial assets.
Adverse political actions in a country in which the agency has invested
significantly, is dependent on a significant volume of operation or has
S20 Sovereign/political
entered into a significant agreement with a counterparty subject to the laws
of that country threaten the agencys resources and future cash flows.
The agency may not be aware of changing pervasive public needs and
S21 Customer/public wants
wants, e.g. increased demand for faster turnaround on services.
The agency is not leveraging advancements in technology in its operations
Technological to achieve or sustain advantage or is exposed to the actions of other
innovation agencys or substitutes that do not leverage technology or to attain superior
quality, cost and/or time performance in their services processes.
Failure to monitor the external environment or formulation of unrealistic or
S23 Environment scan erroneous assumptions about environment risks may cause the agency to
retain operation strategies long after they have become obsolete.
Agency This risk refers to the changes in opportunities and threats, and other
environment/Industry conditions affecting the agencys environment.
Over commitment of resources and expected future cash flows threatens
S25 Sensitivity the agencys capacity to withstand changes in environment (e.g., interest
rates, public demand, changes in regulations) forces.
Market Dynamics
This risk refers to factors relating to macroeconomic conditions that affect
S26 the ability to maintain or increase revenue and profitability in a specific
agency environment.
This risk refers to the failure to anticipate and respond to changes in overall
S27 Lifestyle trends
trends related to lifestyle demands of consumers.
This risk refers to the exposure to social and political factors within a market
S28 Sociopolitical environment that affect the ability to market, sell and service products and
This risk refers to the dramatic changes in current technologies that may
S29 Technology changes impact the market viability or demand of current products and services
offered by the agency.
This risk refers to the failure to create and implement an effective
succession plan for senior executive and other key positions and
O12 Succession planning employees throughout the organization. It also refers to failure to align
succession planning with strategic planning and leadership development
Processes for capturing and institutionalizing learning across the agency
are either non-existent or ineffective, resulting in slow response time, high
O13 Knowledge capital
costs, repeated mistakes, slow development, constraints on growth and
unmotivated employees.
This risk refers to the failure to provide a total compensation package (base
Compensation and salary, annual/long-term incentive, benefits/perquisites) that are market
benefits competitive, aligned to agency and compensation strategies and retain and
motivate employees to achieve desired results.
Unrealistic, misunderstood, subjective or non-actionable performance
Performance measures may cause senior management, division heads and employees
Incentives to act in a manner inconsistent with the agencys objectives, strategies, and
ethical standards, and with prudent agency practice.
Failure to provide a safe working environment for its workers exposes the
O16 Health and safety agency to compensation liabilities, loss of operational reputation and other
Information and technology
Failure of Information systems to adequately protect the critical data and
O17 Security/access infrastructure from theft, corruption, unauthorized usage, viruses, or
This risk refers to the inability to recover from, and continue uninterrupted
O18 Availability/continuity operations in the event of extraordinary events, systems and
implementation failures.
This risk refers to information systems that do not provide reliable
O19 Integrity information when it is needed or perform so slowly that operations are not
The computer and telecommunications systems with supporting software do
not capture, retain and transfer data in a secure and reliable environment
O20 Infrastructure
and do not meet the expected requirements of the agency at a reasonable
This risk refers to the threat to disrupt operation and ability of the agency to
sustain operations, provide essential services or recover operating costs or
O21 Natural events
accomplish planned target due to natural events (e.g., fire, earthquake,
This risk refers to the threat to disrupt operation and ability of the agency to
Terror and malicious
O22 sustain operations, provide essential services or recover operating costs or
accomplish planned target due to terrorist activities or other malicious acts.
Physical assets
This risk refers to the failure to provide physical protection and stewardship
O23 Real estate
over real estate designed to optimize longevity and utilization.
This risk refers to the failure to provide physical protection and stewardship
Property, plant and
O24 over long-lived assets (such as buildings, furniture, fixtures, machinery,
equipment and other assets) designed to optimize longevity and utilization.
This risk refers to the failure to provide physical protection and stewardship
O25 Inventory over inventories designed to optimize utilization while minimizing
obsolescence, contamination and so on.
Failure to align process objectives and performance measures with the
C1 Function mandate of the agency, its objectives and strategies may result in
conflicting, uncoordinated activities throughout the agency.
Board This risk refers to the failure of the Board of Directors to discharge their
performance/Agency obligations and duties owed to the agency and its stakeholders in good faith
management and to possess adequate knowledge to interpret and act on the information
committee provided.
Senior management fails to establish an environment that encourages
integrity, ethical values, and competence of the agency's people through
C3 Tone at the top
management's philosophy and operating style, assignment of authority and
responsibility, and the organization and development of its people.
Ineffective lines of authority may cause senior management, division heads
C4 Authority/limit or employees to do things they should not do or fail to do things they
This risk refers to the failure to establish and maintain an internal control
C5 Control environment
environment which aligns with stakeholder and regulatory expectations.
This risk refers to the mismanagement of "socially responsible" activities
(e.g., conducting social responsibility training for management of
Corporate social manufacturers, undertaking environmental programs, participating in
responsibility community initiatives) resulting in an unfavorable agency perception with
stakeholders, customers, suppliers, agency partners, employees and the
regulatory community.
Damage to the Agencys reputation exposes it to loss of customer/public
C7 Reputation
trust, profits and the ability to grow.
Code of conduct
This risk refers to the absence of formal standards of employee behavior
C8 Ethics that are intended to direct and influence the way agency operation is
conducted, above and beyond the letter of the law.
Potential unethical acts committed by agency employees or other
C9 Fraud
stakeholders may negatively impact the agency's reputation.
This risk refers to the fraudulent activities perpetrated by employees,
Employee/Third Party suppliers, agents, or third-party administrators against the agency for
Fraud personal gain (e.g., misappropriation of physical, financial or information
assets) expose the agency to financial loss.
Illegal acts committed by senior management, division heads or employees
C11 Illegal Acts expose the agency to fines, sanctions, and loss of public trust, profits and
reputation and the like.
Management Fraud (e.g., intentional misstatement of financial statements
C12 Management Fraud
or critical reports) may adversely affect stakeholders decisions.
Unauthorized use of the agencys physical, financial or information assets
C13 Unauthorized Use by employees or others exposes the agency to unnecessary waste of
resources and financial loss.
This risk refers to entering into contracts that are unfavorable to the agency
C14 Contract and the failure to comply with and monitor contract terms to protect the
agency from financial losses.
This risk refers to a responsibility, duty or obligation that may result in lawful
C15 Liability consideration to provide satisfaction, compensation or other form of
This risk refers to the failure to create, capture, enhance, leverage and
C16 Intellectual property protect the collective knowledge, expertise and ideas of agency employees
valued as non-physical assets.
This risk refers to the failure to create an agency environment which is
C17 Anticorruption
opposed to corruption, and instill agency practices that prevent corruption.
Changing laws threaten the agencys capacity to consummate important
C18 Legal transactions, enforce contractual agreements or implement specific
strategies and activities.
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
C19 Trade non-compliance with agency and international regulatory requirements for
trade practices, e.g., anti-dumping and trade policy.
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
C20 Customs non-compliance with agency and international regulatory requirements for
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
C21 Procurement
non-compliance with the agency procurement reform act.
This risk refers to the failure to implement infrastructure projects due to
Road-right of way
C22 RROW problems and risks posed by non-compliance with Comprehensive
(RROW) acquisition
and Continuing Urban development and Housing Program (RA 7279)
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
non-compliance with agency and International regulatory requirements for
C23 Labor
Labor rules and regulations, including taxes, wages, anti-discrimination,
Family and Medical Leave, workplace violence and so on.
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
C24 Securities non-compliance with agency and International Securities regulatory
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
C25 Environment non-compliance with agency and International Environmental regulations,
e.g., noncompliance with ISO 4001 standards.
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
Data protection and
C26 non-compliance with privacy rules and regulations standards resulting in
improper disclosure of confidential customer information.
This risk refers to the exposure to geo-political, regulatory and fraud risks
C27 International
via international business dealings.
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
C28 Product/service quality non-compliance with agency and International regulatory requirements for
product/service quality and safety.
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
C29 Health and safety non-compliance with agency and International rules and regulations for
health and safety.
This risk refers to the failure to identify and prevent legal risks posed by
Competitive non-compliance with agency and international rules and regulations for
practice/antitrust competitive practices/anti-trade. Lack of awareness of statutory and
regulatory application of export and customs policies and requirements.
This risk refers to the unfavorable price paid per unit of funds borrowed or
F1 Interest rate the rate of return received on invested assets, or interest rate fluctuations
beyond projected range.
This risk refers to the unfavorable fluctuations in the currency of another
F2 Foreign currency
market that is needed to carry out international transactions.
This risk refers to the unfavorable fluctuations in the price of raw materials
F3 Commodity or other commodities used in product development/service delivery that are
not anticipated and managed.
Financial market risk can vary depending on the particular segment of the
F4 Financial instrument market to which the holder of a financial instrument is exposed, or the way
in which the exposure is structured.
Liquidity and credit
This risk refers to the failure to efficiently and effectively administer and
F5 Cash management
manage cash flows to maintain adequate liquidity to meet obligations.
This risk refers to the the use of funds in a manner that leads to the loss of
F6 Opportunity cost economic value, including time value losses, transaction costs and other
causes of loss of value.
This risk refers to the failure to meet the requirements of a portfolio of
capital investments and obligations based on specified commitments or in
accordance with terms of an agreement (i.e., retirement and capital
F7 Funding accounts).
the expense of not meeting public expectation, quality and efficiency
This risk refers to the significant or material weaknesses resulting from
F12 Internal control inadequate financial internal controls impacting management's assessment
and reporting under country regulations.
This risk refers to the lack of relevant and/or reliable information supporting
F13 Investment evaluation investment decisions and linking the financial risks accepted to the capital
at risk, may result in poor short- or long-term investments.
This risk refers to the failure to properly evaluate and execute tax planning
Tax strategy and
F14 strategies. It also refers to the misalignment of tax objectives and strategies
with overall agency objectives, strategies and initiatives.
Capital structure
This risk refers to the potential over-reliance on borrowing from creditors to
provide adequate working capital for agency objectives and/or to cover
F15 Debt
current operating obligations resulting in an unfavorable debt to equity
This risk refers to the inability to offer marketable securities appropriately
F16 Equity
priced for the enterprise's value.
This risk refers to the inability to identify, establish and maintain the optimal
F17 Pension funds
structure for pension funds.
The Agency Risk Identification (AgRI) Matrix is used to document the agency risks identified
for a particular audit period. As a tool that will facilitate the risk assessment process, this
document shall be used by audit teams when assessing the impact and likelihood,
identifying the locations affected and determining the initial audit response.
Accomplishing this tool is critical to for the audit team to have a common risk language when
understanding the risk profile of the agency being audited.
c. Risk Rating
Impact Assess the impact of the agency risk as to high, moderate and low
including the justification for the assessment
Likelihood Assess the likelihood of the risk as to high, moderate and low
including the justification for the assessment.
time period. In most instances, the time period is set at one year. It can
be adjusted to be aligned with the agencys operating cycle.
d. Risk Location
Justification: Justification:
Justification: Justification:
After understanding the agency objectives and risks, auditors shall identify the top-level controls
that the agency has established. Auditors shall obtain an understanding of agency-level controls
to plan their audit and determine the most appropriate audit strategy.
The Agency-level Controls Checklist contains a set of questions for each internal control
component: The questions provided herein will guide auditors in obtaining an initial
understanding of the agency-level controls set by the agency management. However, auditors
shall consider that documenting and evaluating agency-level controls does not by itself provide
a complete perspective of internal controls of an agency. It is an important starting point
because the assessment of agency-level controls particularly when weaknesses are identified
can have a significant effect on the overall assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls
and procedures.
The internal control concepts of the National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS)
and the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) are incorporated in this
Internal Control Component Probing questions are initially provided for the following internal
control component:
- Control Environment
- Risk Assessment
- Information and communication
- Monitoring
- Control Activities
Auditors are not only limited to the probing questions provided in this questionnaire.
Additional questions may be developed by the team, if deemed necessary.
Yes / No / Not applicable Answer each probing question with the appropriate response as a
result of the auditors validation of each internal control component.
Remarks Provide any remark or comment that the auditor may have during on the related
probing question as a result of its validation. Examples of remarks may include identification
of areas needed to be focused for the audit engagement or possible fraud indicators.
Initial Assessment Make an initial assessment as to the design and operating effectiveness of
each sub-component of the agencys internal control using the probing questions supplied.
Indicate the reasons for giving such an assessment in the reason column.
The operating effectiveness of some components of the agencys internal control is hard to
determine. In this case, audit teams shall document the reasons why and focus its
assessment on the design of the internal control. Auditor shall use their professional
judgment during this assessment.
Observations Document the observations obtained during the understanding of the agency
level controls. Observations may include deficiencies noted on the design of agency-level
controls or red flags that we may note on the process that may indicate source of fraud
risks. Incidentally, audit teams may need to issue an Audit Observation Memorandum
(AOM) to call the attention of the agency for the observations noted.
Recommendations - Provide a recommendation (if applicable) for each key observation noted.
AOM Reference Indicate the AOM reference number for those observations issued with an
Audit Observation Memorandum.
Agency: Prepared:
Audit Period: Date
C.1. The agency is able to prepare accurate and
timely financial reports, including interim
C.20. Lines of authority and responsibility (including
lines of reporting) within the company are
clearly defined and communicated.
Control Activities
E.1. Are accounting and closing practices followed
consistently at interim dates (e.g., quarterly,
monthly) throughout the year?
Functional capabilities of programs (e.g.,
execute, update, modify parameters, read
Process Risks Identify the risks/what could go wrongs in the process through a risk
statement. Process-level risk is any event or circumstance that could affect the
achievement of the process objectives.
Impact: Accounts Affected (including assertions) Identify the extent to which the risk
if realized would impact the agencys financial statement accounts. This is
critical for planning the financial audit aspect.
Impact: Risk to PAPs Identify the impact of process-level risks to the achievement
of the objectives of the agencys PAPs. Examples are damage to assets,
reputation impacts and ability to achieve key objectives.
Existing Controls Indicate the controls identified during the process understanding.
The controls that should be documented are those that are being carried out at
the time of the audit. Controls that have been presented in operations manual
or procedures shall be validated through walkthrough procedures.
Reason if inadequate Provide reason or the observation noted if the control design
assessment is inadequate
c. Summary
AOM Ref. No. Indicate the AOM reference number for those observations issued
with an Audit Observation Memorandum.
Accounts Affected Control Design
Process Risks Existing Controls Reason if inadequate
(including Risk to PAPs Assessment
In order to develop an audit strategy that is responsive to the agencys risks we make an
audit risk assessment for relevant assertions of significant material accounts and the
Agencys PAPs.
The Audit Risk Assessment and Planning Tool will facilitate our documentation of our audit
risk assessment for financial, compliance and performance audits. In addition, it also
documents our audit strategy, scope and estimated timing which will guide the development
of our audit test procedures.
Inherent Risk Assess the inherent risk of the financial statement account and
assertion. Our assessment of inherent risk may be higher or lower. Factors
that may affect our inherent risk assessment are as follows:
Include in the justification the reason why we intend to rely or not rely on the
Low High
Control Assessment
Audit Strategy Indicate whether our main strategy would be testing the controls
or substantive tests. Test of controls will be the audit strategy for accounts
assessed as Minimal or Low (we are intending to rely on the controls),
whereas, substantive procedures will be the audit strategy for accounts
assessed as Moderate or High.
Timing Indicate the estimated date when the audit test procedures for the
financial statement account will commence.
Person Days Indicate the amount of time or duration for the completion of the
audit test procedures.
B. Performance
Column Headings (Selection Factors) Assign risk weights for each selection
factor. Risk weights are expressed as percentages and when summed up,
should equal to 100%. The assignment of risk weights is based on the
auditors judgment. To minimize bias/subjectivity, the assignment of risk
weights should be discussed among the audit team members and should be
Example 1: If the auditors would like to give equal risk weights on selection
factors and lesser weight on visibility, auditability and previous audit
Selection Factors
Risk to Good
Materiality Impact Visibility Significance Auditability Audit
(20%) (20%) (10%) (20%) (5%) Coverage
Example 2: If the auditors would like to focus more on the budget allocated
for the PAPs:
Selection Factors
Risk to Good
Materiality Impact Visibility Significance Auditability Audit
(50%) (10%) (10%) (10%) (5%) Coverage
Example 3: If the auditors would like to focus more only on the Budget
allocation, Significance of the PAPs on the Agencys Mandate:
Selection Factors
Materiality Significance
(50%) (50%)
Note that the auditors may remove selection factors that they wish not to
consider in their evaluation of the agencys PAPs. Larger risk weights may
be allocated to those selection factors that the auditors wish to focus more.
Selection Factors For each PAP, assign points for each selection factors. The
points to be given for each selection factor should not exceed the risk weight
assigned on the column heading of that selection factor. See illustration
Selection Factors
Risk to Previous
PAPs Total
Materiality Impact Visibility Significance Good Auditability Audit
(20%) (20%) (10%) (20%) Management (5%) Coverage
(20%) (5%)
Program A 20 15 8 20 10 5 5
Program B 18 15 5 15 15 5 5
Note that the maximum amount of points to be given for each selection factor
is the risk weight assigned in the column heading. Assignment of points is
based on auditors judgment. To minimize bias/subjectivity, the assignment
of risk weights should be discussed among the audit team members and
should be reviewed by the Supervising Auditor/ Director.
Total Sum up all the points given in the selection factors for the particular PAP.
Basis for Assessment Indicate the auditors remarks/bases why such points
were given for each particular PAP.
Significant PAPs List down the PAPs to be subjected for performance audit
for the audit period.
Audit Focus Area Identify the specific areas of the PAPs to be focused for the
performance audit (e.g., procurement, delivery of services, efficiency of
Timing Indicate the estimated date when the performance audit will
Person Days Indicate the amount of time or duration for the completion of the
performance audit.
- This part identifies professionals with specialized skills needed for the audit and
defines their scope of work and timing.
Office Identify the office of the Specialized Skills Needed (e.g., TSO for
Engineers, ITO for IT Auditors).
Timing Indicate the estimated date when the conduct of audit procedures will
Person Days Indicate the amount of time or duration for the completion of the
audit procedures.
Other Material Accounts List down the account titles of Other Material Accounts
Timing Indicate the estimated date when the conduct of High-level precision
analytics would commence.
Person Days Indicate the amount of time or duration for the completion of the
analytic procedures.
Person/s Responsible Indicate the audit staff who will perform the procedures for
Other Material Accounts.
In order to develop an audit strategy that is responsive to an agencys risk of material misstatement, we make a risk assessment for financial and compliance, performance
For financial and compliance, we make our risk assessment by assessing the inherent risk, preliminary control risk and combining both assessments to arrive at an overall
risk assessment for each relevant assertion for each significant account.
Existence/ Occurence Low Low-Rely on Controls Minimal TOC Click here to enter
a date.
Completeness High High-Not Rely on Controls Low Substantive
Accuracy Moderate
Justification: Justification:
Rights and Obligations High
Existence/ Occurence Low Low-Rely on Controls Minimal TOC Click here to enter
a date.
Completeness High High-Not Rely on Controls Low Substantive
Accuracy Moderate
Justification: Justification:
Rights and Obligations High
6|P a ge
Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 2 Agency Audit Planning and Risk Assessment
Form 02-07: Audit Risk Assessment and Planning Tool
B. Performance
7|P a ge
Phase 2 Agency Audit Planning and Risk Assessment
Form 02-07: Audit Risk Assessment and Planning Tool
Significant PAPs Audit Focus Area Audit Aspect Timing Person Days
Timing: __________________.
Person Days: _______ .
Person/s Responsible: ____ .
8|P a ge
Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 3A Execution
Planning Delivery
Agency Audit
Planning and Risk Execution
and Reporting
(Quality Control System)
The Execution activity covers our procedures in designing and executing our audit
tests, evaluation of results and communicating the same to the agency management.
Our audit tests should be designed to obtain audit evidence regarding the
completeness, accuracy, validity of data, and reasonableness of the estimates and
other information. They should also be designed to identify errors, non-compliance,
inefficiency, ineffectiveness that could be indicative of weaknesses in the agencys
Audit results are communicated to the agency management in a timely manner for
them to take necessary action to prevent its recurrence.
3A-S1 Execution Financial & Compliance
3A-S2 Execution Performance
3A-S3 Sample Test of Control Working Paper
3A-S4 Sample Substantive Test Audit Program
We design our audit tests through the preparation of the Audit Test Summary
(Form 03-01) that lists our audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit
evidence. This enables us to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base our
Our audit procedures should be designed in accordance with the nature, extent
and timing of audit approach identified in our Audit Assessment and Planning
The table below describes the nature of audit procedures we may use to obtain
audit evidence in executing audit tests, together with examples on how to apply
such procedures:
Procedures Application
Inquiry Seeking information from knowledgeable persons, both
financial and non-financial, throughout the agency or outside
the agency. Inquiries can be either written or oral.
Procedures Application
reliability, depending on their nature and source and, in the
case of internal records and documents, on the effectiveness of
the controls over their production.
We execute audit tests throughout the audit period in accordance with the
nature, extent and timing of the audit procedures as designed in the previous
The quality of audit evidence is affected by the relevance and reliability of the
information upon which it is based. Relevance deals with the logical connection
with, or bearing upon, the purpose of the audit procedure or the assertion being
Accounting Estimates
a. Alternative Procedures
We apply our alternative procedures to each item that make up the entire
balance that we have not received confirmations for.
We conclude on the results of our audit procedures and assess whether we have
obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence for each significant account,
disclosure and assertion.
For significant findings and issues, our conclusions include a summary of the
procedures performed, the results of our procedures, including significant
professional judgments and consultations made, and any misstatements
Agency Management does not like surprises, and they are generally more willing
to correct identified audit findings when they are notified early. Early notification
gives the agency time to investigate the cause of the misstatement, evaluate it
and perform additional work, if necessary, to quantify it.
We discuss each audit finding with the appropriate level of agency management
to confirm that our understanding of the nature and cause of the audit finding is
factually correct. We also discuss what actions the agency can take to prevent
an errors recurrence.
The appropriate level of agency management is the one that has responsibility
and authority to evaluate the audit finding and take the necessary action to
prevent its recurrence. Generally, this depends on the agencys organization
structure and the nature and significance of the audit finding.
If the agency disagrees that there is an audit finding, or disputes the amount
involved, we ask the agency to support its position by providing additional audit
evidence. We exercise professional skepticism when auditing the additional
evidence to verify whether it supports the agencys position.
Last updated : March 2011 6|Page
Version : 03-00/2011/v1
Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 3A Execution
If, in our opinion, the evidence provided by the agency does not support the
agencys position, we determine the effect on our audit opinion, which may
include consulting with the Supervising Auditor or Cluster Director.
Note that AOM/NS/ND/NCs can be issued at any point in or stage of the audit
Policy/Standard Description
ISSAI 1230 Audit Documentation
ISSAI 1505
External Confirmations
ISSAI 1520
Analytical Procedures
Audit Observation
3.4 Communicate
Notice of Suspension
Audit Results
Notice of Disallowance
Notice of Charge
This supplement provides additional considerations in the design of audit tests our Financial
and Compliance Audit. We use this supplement in conjunction with the Design Audit Tests
sub-activity in Execution.
If a process risk is addressed by more than one control, we are not required
to select and test every control.
We also consider selecting controls tested by internal audit and others that
we are able to rely on, as this may be an effective and efficient approach to
obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the operating effectiveness
of those controls.
We identify and document controls that are relevant to the audit when we
understand the processes. However, to avoid selecting inappropriate
controls to test, we confirm that the controls selected to test are relevant to
the audit, considering the following:
The nature of the control. The control appropriately addresses the risk
scenario(s) for the relevant assertion(s) to prevent or detect and correct
The relevance and reliability of evidence we expect to be available to
support the operating effectiveness of the control.
The objectivity and competency of the person performing the control.
The control is applied to a complete and reliable set of data.
Subsequent Audits
In subsequent years, we use our understanding of the operating effectiveness of
controls tested in prior periods to determine whether to select the same controls
to test, considering:
Changes that have occurred in significant processes since the prior period
that may affect the relevance of the controls to respond to existing or
additional risk scenarios identified. We determine the effects of these
changes over the controls that we plan to rely on and evaluate if the controls
are still effective to address the process risks for the relevant assertions.
Rollforward Considerations
When we design interim procedures, we also design rollforward procedures
to obtain sufficient audit evidence that provides a reasonable basis for
extending our audit conclusions at the date of our interim procedures to the
year end.
Rollforward period
Minimal Low Moderate High
Less than 1 month Update lead schedule and Update lead schedule and Update lead schedule and Update lead schedule and
extend substantive extend substantive extend substantive extend substantive
analytical procedures to analytical procedures to analytical procedures to analytical procedures to
the balance sheet date. the balance sheet date. the balance sheet date. the balance sheet date.
Design additional
procedures during the
rollforward period to
address higher inherent
Refer to the attached Diagram for the Execution of Tests of Controls and Substantive
Risk Assessment
Conclude on operating
This supplement provides additional considerations in the design of audit tests for
Performance Audit.
The audit objectives should articulate what the audit is to accomplish. This
means phrasing the objectives to identify the audit subject and the performance
aspect to be included. Because it is rare for one to audit all aspects of value for
money, it is important to know, in planning what aspect or aspects are going to
be included. This is critical in establishing the audit boundaries or scope, criteria
and approach.
General Criteria
General Criteria are broad statements of acceptable and reasonable
performance. They are often derived from common sense or general rationality.
For example, the procedures in an organization may be too cumbersome to be
effective. Even a general review of its procedures may suggest potential areas
for simplification. Thus the auditors would need to acquaint themselves with
generally accepted management practices of different areas. These practices
can be adopted as general audit criteria for an audit assignment.
Specific Criteria
Specific criteria are more closely related to the agencys legislation, objectives,
programs, controls and systems. Specific criteria are mostly derived from the
objectives laid down for a particular project or program and their related
standards and practices. For example, a malaria eradication of disease over
certain period or a mass literacy program may have laid down a target literacy
ratio over the plan period. These program objectives can be adopted as specific
criteria for the project or program.
Auditors face difficulties in this area as well. In most cases, the objectives are
not given in a specific quantified form, which is always a challenge to the
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Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 3A Execution
Specific criteria are closely related to the particular operations in specific areas.
Auditors need to know the details of those operations. For example, when
auditing an energy project, the specific audit criteria could include standards for
such activities as fuel inputs for electricity generation, range of cost per unit for
power generation, close-down time for routine maintenance of the power house,
ratio of average maintenance cost of total capital cost of the plant and expected
output of energy. Until auditors familiarize themselves with the operations, they
cannot establish a reasonable specific audit criterion. In highly specialized or
technical areas auditors may require the assistance of technical experts. In fact,
one of the auditing standards prescribes that the auditors should collectively
possess the qualification and competence to audit an organization or a project.
For technical projects, this competence can be achieved through a team of
auditors that consists of professional auditors and technical experts.
In order to avoid always creating audit criteria from the basic principles for each
audit, auditors should investigate existing sources of criteria. Audit criteria can
be derived from a number of sources. However, the judgment of the auditor
plays an important role in identifying relevant and reliable sources. The following
can often be used as sources of criteria:
Auditors should seek guidance from all such sources and then formulate realistic
audit criteria. While doing so, they must appreciate the local conditions. For
example, it would be unfair to apply quality of drinking water standards issued by
the World Health Organization in a developing country where simple availability
of potable water is a problem. When adopting generally accepted management
practices of developed countries, suitable adjustments should be made in
consultation with experienced people.
Audit programs are guidelines for actions during the execution phase of the
audit. Audit programs set out the detailed audit procedures for cost effective
collection of evidence.
Performance Audit Work Programs will need to be customized for each audit.
Furthermore, factors to be considered when developing the programs include:
Size Audit programs generally increase in size and complexity (more
detailed procedures, questionnaires and checklists) with increases in the
size of the audit;
Geographic dispersion The dispersion and location of sites to be visited
will affect the audit program. Detailed procedures may be required to
ensure consistency when different personnel are carrying out the same
audit at different locations;
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Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 3A Execution
NOTE: The items in this document are just samples to illustrate the template. It does not represent any factual data nor any
result of prior audit projects.
Process Risk Controls Control Testing Procedure
Agency: Prepared:
Audit Reviewed:
Significant Cash
The Audit Test Summary is used to document our approach in executing financial and
compliance audit tests for each significant account. We also document the results of our audit
tests performed and conclusions reached based on such results.
Significant Account Indicate the account title of the significant account. Significant accounts
are taken from the significant accounts identified in Part A of the Audit Assessment and
Planning Memorandum.
Audit Risk Assessment Check the audit risk assessment based on Part A of Audit
Assessment and Planning Memorandum. The Risk Assessment will determine our audit
strategy in the execution phase.
Note: TOC is performed only for accounts assessed as Minimal or Low (wherein we rated
control risk as Low we are intending to rely on controls). If our audit risk assessment is either
Moderate or High, we will only accomplish Part II of this template.
Process Indicate the process/es where TOC for the significant account will be done
Person/s Assigned Indicate the person/s who will execute the TOC for the significant
Due Date Indicate the estimated date when the TOC is expected to be completed.
TOC Working Paper Reference Indicate the working paper reference where the execution of
the TOC is documented.
Conclusion Indicate our conclusion statement on the operating effectiveness of the controls
Final Assessment of Control Risk Based on the results of the TOC conducted, make a final
assessment of Control Risk:
Low Controls are operating effectively
High Controls are not operating effectively
In case our final control risk assessment is High, we need to reassess the overall audit risk,
reassessed audit risk will fall as Moderate or High depending on the inherent risk
assessment, as illustrated in the diagram below:
Inherent Risk Assessment
Low High
Control Risk Assessment
Extent of Testing Check the appropriate box for the extent of testing (i.e., Extensive for
Moderate or High; Less Extensive for Minimal or Low)
ST Work Program Reference Indicate the working paper reference where the execution of
the ST is documented.
Conclusion Indicate our conclusion statement whether the account is fairly presented in the
Agencys financial statements (considering unbooked adjusting journal entries, if any).
Process: _______________________
Controls to be Tested:
Findings Recommendation AOM Ref.
Planning Delivery
Agency Audit
Planning and Risk Execution
and Reporting
(Quality Control System)
Delivery phase is divided into two parts: (1) Execution and (2) Conclusion and Reporting.
Conclusion and Reporting is the last step of the audit wherein the results of the audits
conducted are communicated to the agency and oversight bodies. This section provides
guidelines in preparing audit conclusions and audit reports.
In this section, other types of audits [e.g., Fraud Audit and Government-wide and Sectoral
Performance Audit (GWSPA)] conducted are considered in the preparation of reports on
financial, compliance, and performance audits.
This part covers: summarizing audit results; preparing audit report; performing final overall
audit review; wrapping-up and archiving the engagement; and following-up agency action
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Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 3B Conclusion and Reporting
Results of Fraud audit and GWSPA conducted by other audit teams are also
considered in this section.
After the audit exit conference with the agency, the auditor shall prepare the audit
summary and conclusion. It is documented in the Summary of Audit Results and
Recommendations (SARR) containing the following:
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D. Conclusion The overall conclusion of the audit, after considering the effects
of identified misstatements, other findings, issues, and observations.
Form 03B-01: SARR. This template provides the audit team with a summary of the
audit results and conclusion, and a description of the important matters and
significant findings and issues arising during the execution of the audit.
The findings, observations, and issues that may have significant impact on the
financial statements shall be considered before finalizing the conclusion of the
audit. This shall be documented in SARR and disclosed as Other Matters of the
Audit Certificate in the AAR.
Minutes of discussions with the counterpart audit team [e.g., Fraud Audit and
Investigation Office (FAIO) and/or Special Audits Office (SAO)] shall form part of
the working papers.
Forensic/Fraud Audit
It is the responsibility of FAIO to initiate, monitor, assess performance, and
continuously improve the conduct of fraud audits. Also, it is their responsibility to
prepare fraud audit reports.
The guidelines in the performance and reporting of fraud audit conducted by FAIO
are documented in the Fraud Audit Manual.
SAO conducts the GWSPA. SAO, when necessary, coordinates with the audit
sectors for more concerted efforts in the conduct of performance audits in the
agencies implementing government programs and/or projects.
The guidelines in the performance and reporting of GWSPA are documented in the
GWSPA Manual.
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Integrated Results and Risk-Based Audit Manual Phase 3B Conclusion and Reporting
At the end of the audit, a written auditors report to the agency, containing opinion
on the agencys financial statements, is prepared.
As the audit progresses, the status of the significant and relevant observations
communicated may change and new significant and relevant observations may
arise as audit procedures are performed and facts and circumstance change.
Updated or additional communications to management and those charged with
governance of new information are provided on a timely basis.
Performance Audit
Performance audit may take more than a year and the report may not be released
at the same time as financial and compliance audits. However, the concerned
auditor shall mention in his AAR the fact that a performance audit has been
undertaken during the year and include in the AAR the gist of significant findings,
observations and recommendations of the audit under the Observations and
Recommendations section.
Fraud Audit
Fraud audit conducted by the Audit sectors shall be mentioned in the AAR. The
summary of the results or the status of the audit, if the audit is still ongoing, and its
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The guidelines in the performance and reporting of fraud audit conducted by the
Audit sectors are documented in the Fraud Audit Manual
a) Annual Audit Report (AAR) for the year-end financial audit of agencies with
complete books of accounts and listed in the General Appropriations Act and;
b) Management Letter (ML) for the year-end financial audit of the regional offices
and operating units with and without complete books of accounts. The ML
shall also be issued at the conclusion of an interim audit, if warranted.
Executive Summary
The Executive Summary presents in brief the contents of the AAR. It includes the
financial highlights of the agency, a statement on the scope of audit and the
auditors opinion on the financial statements and the synopsis of the significant
observations, recommendations and the implementation of prior years
Audit Certificate
The Audit Certificate contains the overall conclusion of the auditor on the financial
statements. Its basic elements are:
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Financial Statements
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The audited financial statements shall be attached to the audit certificate in the
Specific Guidelines
COA Memorandum No. 2010-015 provides permanent and uniform guidelines in
the preparation and submission of the audit reports for CY 2009 and onwards for
National Government Sector (NGS) and Local Government Sector (LGS), as
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1. The Regional Directors (RDs) shall ensure that: (a) all the elements of an audit
observation are present to facilitate consolidation and prevent guesswork on the
part of the consolidator; (b) the status of implementation of prior years
recommendations is updated and validated; and (c) the financial statements and
the notes submitted for regional consolidation are in order;
3. The RDs shall state categorically in the transmittal of the audit report to the CDs
whether a particular account/specific sub-account covered by the latters audit
guide was audited or not, with or without significant findings;
4. The RDs shall ensure the timely submission of the transmitted MLs to the CDs;
5. The SAs and ATLs in the central and regional offices, respectively, may
communicate directly with each other on matters pertaining to consolidation of
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For Corporate Government Sector, COA Memorandum No. 2010-020 states that
pending approval of the guidelines on the preparation, consolidation, and
transmittal of AARs and Annual Operations Audit Reports for the audit sectors, the
signing and transmittal of the AARs, Consolidated AARs, and MLs for CY 2009
shall be in conformity with that of the NGS, pursuant to COA Memorandum No.
2010-015 dated May 18, 2010.
Depending on the circumstances of each audit, the Auditor shall express any of the
following opinions on the financial statements:
1) Unqualified Opinion
2) Qualified Opinion
3) Adverse Opinion
4) Disclaimer / Denial of Opinion
2) Qualified Opinion
A qualified opinion is rendered when the auditor has objection to certain
matters which are material in relation to the financial statements being
reported on, but not sufficiently material to warrant an adverse or denial of
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3) Adverse Opinion
An adverse opinion is rendered when the effect of certain matters, to which the
auditor does not concur, is highly material to make the financial statements
misleading. In this type of opinion, the auditor uses the phrase do not present
4) Disclaimer/Denial of Opinion
The auditor disclaims/denies an opinion when an audit scope limitation or a
pervasive probability of a material loss has a highly material effect on the
financial statements. Under these circumstances, the auditor states that he is
unable to express, and he does not express, an opinion on the financial
The issuance of split or piecemeal opinion has long been discontinued and is
no longer acceptable for purposes of COA audit reports.
Effect on the
Type of Audit Opinion Conditions Statements
1. Unqualified
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Effect on the
Type of Audit Opinion Conditions Statements
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For samples of the different audit opinion, please refer to Philippine Audit
Standard 2009 edition.
Pursuant to COA Memorandum No. 2009-028 the CD supervises the audit groups
under the cluster in the conduct of audits and the preparation of audit reports
considering the audit thrusts and significant findings, in coordination with the
Regional Directors (RD) for issues affecting regional and/or field office. The
Supervising Auditors (SA), prior to the issuance of audit reports shall conduct a
review on the outputs prepared by the Audit Team Leaders (ATL).
The overall review and approval of the audit engagement will be documented in
Form 3B-02: Quality Inspection Tool (QIT).
The QIT, at a minimum, confirms the opinions of the audit teams involved in the
engagement including other related offices (e.g., FAIO, SAO) that:
The audit team members with supervisory responsibilities have fulfilled their
The review of the audit work for the engagement has been completed in
accordance with COA policies for reviews as well as with other relevant
auditing standards.
The planned audit work has been completed and that important matters and
significant accounting and auditing issues have been addressed.
Sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained to support the audit
The auditors report is appropriate
The audit work has been performed in accordance with the IRRBAM, COA
policies and standards, as well as other professional standards, laws, rules
and regulations
The appropriate members of the audit team shall sign and date the QIT at the
conclusion of the audit.
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After the reports have been prepared and reviewed by the appropriate officers, the
reports will be issued to the appropriate report recipients.
Pursuant to COA Memorandum No. 2009-028, the SAs shall sign the audit reports
prepared by the ATLs, while the CDs transmit said reports to the agency.
The AAR shall be submitted to the COA Chairman on or before the last working
day of February every year. The COA Chairman shall transmit the AAR to the
following heads of oversight bodies:
o President
o Vice- President
o President of the Senate
o Chairman- Senate Finance Committee
o Speaker of the House of Representatives
o Chairman-Appropriations Committee, and the
o Secretary of the Budget and Management
The final report shall be transmitted to the Head of the Agency for National
Government Agencies, to the Chief Executive Officer for Local Government Units,
or to the Board of Directors for Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations
under signature of the COA Chairman or his duly authorized representative. As
may be found necessary, other government officials, such as the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, the Senate President, and the President of the Republic
of the Philippines, shall also be furnished copies thereof.
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issuing the AAR. The Agency Action Plan should be returned by the agency within
30 working days from receipt of the AAR.
Working papers document the procedures performed and the evidence obtained
and evaluated to support a conclusion rendered by the auditors. As required by the
professional standards, audit documentation shall be sufficient for an experienced
auditor with no previous association with the audit to be able to understand the
nature, timing and extent, and results of procedures performed, evidence obtained
and conclusions reached.
Auditors shall use professional judgment in determining the nature and extent of
the audit documentation. However, it shall be ensured that it is consistent with
COA policies, professional standards and other legal and regulatory requirements.
At the completion of the audit, the Audit Team Leader is responsible for authorizing
the final archive process for determining that workpapers are archived in
accordance with COA policies, professional standards, and legal and regulatory
Auditors shall retain records which are relevant to the audit that:
Are created, sent or received in connection with the audit
Contain conclusions, opinion, analyses or financial data related to the audit
The following items are examples of those documents that are not necessarily
retained as they do not support the conclusions reached in the audit:
Superseded drafts of memoranda, financial statements or regulatory filings
Notes on superseded drafts of memoranda, financial statements of
regulatory filings that reflect incomplete or preliminary thinking
Previous copies of workpapers that have been corrected for typographical
errors or errors due to training of new employees
Duplicates of documents
Superseded agency-prepared schedules and analyses
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In any case, auditors shall use their professional judgment in determining which
documents shall form part of the teams working papers/documentation.
The audit team is responsible for adopting appropriate procedures for maintaining
the confidentiality and safe custody of the workpapers to comply with the COAs
and professional standards archiving requirements.
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1987 Philippine Constitution). This full completion of this mandate can only be
satisfied once agencies have implemented or acted on the recommendations
made by the auditors through action plans.
Benefits of Monitoring
Assures the auditor that the benefit of audit work is realized
Validates that the recommendations as implemented are truly advantageous to
the auditee.
Assists the auditor in re-evaluating his analytical techniques and evidence that
aid in the formulation of the recommendation.
This activity will be conducted all throughout the year for the audit projects handled
by the following Sectors/Offices:
Audit Sectors:
- National Government Sector (NGS)
- Corporate Government Sector (CGS)
- Local Government Sector (LGS)
Regional Offices
Special Offices:
- Fraud and Investigation Office (FAIO)
- Special Audit Office (SAO)
- Technical Services Office (TSO)
Monitor Progress
Part of the auditors role is to determine that the audited agencies take corrective
actions (as documented in the Form 04-04: Agency Action Plan) on the
recommendations provided, as a result of the audit observations, in a timely
The auditor shall accomplish the Form 04-05 Action Plan Monitoring Tool to
monitor the status of the agencys action plan.
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The risk assessment done in the second phase, Agency Audit Planning and Risk
Assessment plays an important role in the follow-up procedures to be performed.
Normally, follow-up procedures are based on the impact of the risk. Follow-up
activities may be broken down into three areas:
- Casual
This is the most basic form of follow-up and may be satisfied by review of the
process owners/clients procedures or an informal telephone conversation.
Memo correspondence may also be used. This is usually applicable to the
less critical findings.
- Limited
Limited follow-up typically involves more process owner/client interaction.
This may include actually verifying procedures or transactions and in most
cases, is not accomplished through memos or telephone conversations with
the process owner/client.
- Detailed
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Policy/Standard Description
ISSAI 400 Reporting standards in government auditing
ISSAI 1220 Quality Control for Audits of Historical Financial
ISSAI 1230 Audit Documentation
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COA Resolution No. 2008-012 2008 COA organization restructuring
COA Memorandum No. 2009-028 Implementing guidelines on audit operations under the
2008 COA organizational restructuring
COA Memorandum No. 2010-015 Uniform guidelines for the signing and transmittal of
the Annual Audit Reports (AARs), Consolidated
Annual Audit Reports (CAARs), and Management
Letters (MLs) of the National Government Sector and
Local Government Sector, for CY 2009 and onwards.
COA Memorandum No. 2010-020 Signing and transmittal of the Annual Audit Reports
(AARs), Consolidated Annual Audit Reports (CAARs),
and Management Letters (MLs) of the Corporate
Government Sector for 2009
3B.3 Perform Overall Perform overall review and Form 03B-02 Quality
Audit Review Inspection Tool
Transmittal Letter
Form 03B-03: Agency
Issue Report Action Plan
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Form 03B-01: Summary of Audit Results and Recommendations
This form is used to summarize and evaluate the results of comprehensive audit and other
types of audits conducted. It has three parts as follows:
Part I - Introduction
Part II - Summary of Audit Results and Recommendations
Part III - Evaluation Factors
After the exit conference with the agency, the audit team shall accumulate the
findings/observations and recommendations, as documented in Audit Observation
Memorandum (AOM), together with management comments using the Summary of Audit
Results and Recommendations provided in Part II of this Form.
The completed template should be initialed by the ATL and SA, and approved by the CD prior to
audit report sign-off. This completed template altogether with other relevant documentation
should be filed in the working papers.
The audit team should perform the following steps in relation to audit findings and observations
and their disposition:
Please refer to Phase 3 - Delivery: Conclusion and Reporting of the IRRBAM for further details.
D. Conclusion
In our opinion:
Yes No
2. The proposed entries, whether or not recorded, are not the result
of a significant weakness in internal control over financial reporting.
3. The proposed entries, whether or not recorded, are not indications
of possible fraud or illegal acts.
4. For any No responses above, indicate the steps taken or to be
Opinion modified
Audit scopes reassessed
Others: _____________________________________
A. Materiality Factors
The following factors may be relevant to the evaluation of the materiality of passed entries,
recognizing that some may be more important than others.
1. Quantitative factors:
a. Earnings/Surplus
b. Other financial statement captions
c. Segment information
2. Meeting earnings/budget goals
3. Compliance with contracts and regulations
4. Impact on other periods
5. Trends
6. Possible undetected errors
7. Certainty of amount
8. Interpretations of ISSAI
9. Establishing accounting precedent
10. Large offsetting items
11. Nonrecurring items
12. Carryovers from prior periods
o Maximum-risk assignments,
o Agencies with weakening financial condition,
o Agencies that may soon have new management (within a year or shortly
o Management that need to significantly improve their accounting and control
o Potentially sensitive areas, such as revenue recognition
Even when misstatements are not material, we need to consider whether their root
causes are due to inadequacies in internal control, particularly when the errors are
more widespread or significantly larger than anticipated. We may need to expand our
audit testing to compensate for an unexpected control weakness. We also may need to
communicate the weakness to senior agency management and the Oversight Body if it
is deemed to be a "reportable condition.
Proposed entries may be indications of fraud or illegal acts (possibly the "tip of the
iceberg"). Examples are:
o A significant increase over the prior year in the number or size of proposed
o "Last minute" entries that significantly increase earnings.
o Misstatements that appear to have been made with the intent of achieving targeted
earnings or similar goals.
o Unsupported or unauthorized transactions, balances and reconciling items.
o Entries apparently made to conceal illegal acts.
The Quality Inspection Tool will guide the audit team in performing overall review and
approval of the audit engagement prior to the release of the audit report.
This part consists of the activities/processes as reflected in the IRRBA Manual. As part of
the quality assurance, audit teams shall ensure conformance to the prescribed
methodology in the conduct of their audits.
IRRBA Activities
- Identify the IRRBA Activities as prescribed in the methodology.
Performed by
- Staff member who completed the procedure/activity shall indicate his/her initials to
confirm his/her performance.
Reviewed by
- Reviewer shall append his/her initials as a proof of the evaluation.
Performed by
- Staff who completed the procedure/activity shall indicate his/her initials to confirm
his/her performance.
Reviewed by
- Reviewer shall append his/her initials as a proof of the evaluation.
Prepared by : Date :
Reviewed by : Date :
Approved by : Date :
Agency: _____________________________________________________
Period: _____________________________________________________
2.6.2 Performance
3. Execution
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
1. Terms of Audit Engagements
2. Independence
4. Consultation
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
Perform procedures to help identify instances of
noncompliance with those laws and regulations
where noncompliance should be considered when
preparing financial statements, specifically:
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
evaluate the possible effect on the financial
statements and appropriate documentation ,
evaluation and notification of management and
others has been performed.
7. Related parties
Inquired of:
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
accounted for.
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
g. Expected modifications to the audit report
h. Internal control issues
i. Issues with respect to agencys integrity and or
fraud within the agency
Performed Reviewed
General Audit Procedures WP Ref.
by by
matters in a way, which is appropriate depending
on the nature and significance o f the matter as
well as on the size and legal structure of the
agency being audited.
I have reviewed this Quality Inspection Tool and the results of the procedures for
this engagement and am satisfied that all applicable general audit procedures
have been completed, the conclusions are reasonable and consistent with
professional standards, and the AAR properly reflect the issues addressed.
Agency management has the responsibility to act upon the audit observation and
recommendation provided by COA during the conduct of audit. To facilitate the process, the
COA shall provide a mechanism to enforce compliance of the activity. Hence, the Agency Action
Plan document is provided and included as part of the IRRBAM.
The Agency Action Plan is a tool for the agency to signify its action plans on the observations
and recommendations provided by the auditors. This document will serve as the basis for
auditors when monitoring agency action plans.
Agency management shall submit their action plans within 30 days from the date of receipt of
the report.
A significant part of this tool is the space provided for the sign-off of agency officer. Concurrence
of the agency, as evidenced by their sign-off, supports the fact that the agency accepts
responsibility as to the ownership of the action plans provided as well as its implementation.
- The reference will serve as a guide for auditors to trace the audit observations and
recommendations indicated in the prior years working papers or reports.
- The audit observations and the corresponding recommendations of prior years audit
shall be reflected by the auditors on this column to guide the auditors and agencies
monitoring process.
Action Plan/Remarks - Action plan is the response of the audited agency on the
recommendations provided by the auditors during the course of the audit. This
column shall be filled-out by the agency, detailing the appropriate resolution on the
audit observation identified by the auditors.
In any case, auditors shall challenge the appropriateness of the agencies action
plans with the audit observations noted. Any comments that the auditors may have
on the Agency Action Plans shall be communicated and resolved with the
appropriate authorities.
Target Implementation Date - The action plan provided by an agency shall be time-
bound. This holds true exceptionally for major audit observations that require
immediate action.
Sector: __________________________________
Agency Audited: __________________________
Audit Period: ________________
AAR date: ___________________
Agency sign-off:
_______________________________________ _________________
Agency Officer Date
As discussed in the IRRBA Manual, the existence of the monitoring process for the prior
years recommendations serves as an additional control for the audited agencies to be
motivated in acting upon the recommendations provided by the auditors. Likewise,
monitoring serves as a feedback mechanism for auditors to determine the value that the
agencies obtain from the findings and suggestions that they provide.
The Action Plan Monitoring tool serves as a guide for the auditors and agencies in
conducting a structured monitoring process of prior years recommendations on the audit
observations noted.
Take note that the Agency Action Plan element will be provided by the audited agency.
The following elements are to be lifted from the Agency Action Plan provided by the agency
The columns provided under the COA Monitoring portion are developed to guide the auditors
during the conduct of their monitoring procedures. These elements are essential since this is
the focus of the monitoring function of the auditors.
Date of follow-up
Implementation Status
- This column shall be answered by the auditor during the execution of the monitoring
The following are the selections for the status of the implementation of agency
action plans:
Full Action plans as provided by the agency management in the Agency
Action Plan document have been fully implemented in all scope mentioned.
Partial Action plans as provided by the agency management in the Agency
Action Plan document have been partially implemented in some areas.
Ongoing Implementation of the action plans provided the agency
management in the Agency Action Plan is still ongoing.
Non-implementation Agency management did not implement the action
plans provided in the Agency Action Plan within the target completion period.
This is the area where auditors should carefully take a look. Auditors shall
examine and assess the reasons for non-implementation of previously stated
action plans.
- Auditors shall uncover the reasons for the delay or non-implementation of action
plans. If the circumstances permit, auditors shall inquire several agency personnel or
officer on the causes of the delay or non-implementation.
Comments/Action Taken
- This column is for the auditors comments or actions to be taken as a result of the
monitoring procedures conducted. The remarks that will be provided on this column
can also be a basis for the next years audit project.
Audit Period :
AAR Date :
Planning Delivery
Agency Audit
Planning and Risk Execution
and Reporting
(Quality Control System)
The Monitoring phase of the IRRBA approach is a roadmap for the COA to maintain the
delivery of quality audit service to the Public. The Commission shall establish a quality
control system that will promote an internal culture recognizing that quality is essential in
performing all of its audit work.
The COA shall ensure that appropriate quality control policies and procedures are in place
(e.g., engagement quality control reviews) in respect of each major product of the type of
engagement such as Comprehensive Audit (Financial, Compliance and Agency-based
Performance Audits) Government-wide and Sectoral Performance Audit and Fraud Audit.
Each audit team is responsible to implement the quality control procedures that are
applicable to their audit engagement.
The following are the elements of a Quality Control System as taken from ISSAI 40
- Quality Control for Supreme Audit Institutions:
contracted to conduct work for the SAI, complies with the relevant ethical
requirements (e.g., integrity, independence, objectivity and impartiality,
professional secrecy and competence).
An SAI should establish policies and procedures designed to provide the SAI
with reasonable assurance that it will only undertake audit tasks and other work
where the SAI:
(a) Is competent to perform the audit task or other work and has the
capabilities, including time and resources, to do so;
(c) Has considered the integrity of the organization being audited and has
considered how to treat the risk to quality which arises.
The policies and procedures should reflect the range of work carried out by
each SAI. SAIs broadly carry out work in three categories:
- Tasks that are required of them by their mandate and statute and which
they have no option but to carry out;
- Tasks that are required by their mandate, but where they have discretion as
to the timing, scope or nature of each task.
d. Human resources
(a) Perform its tasks in accordance with relevant standards and applicable and
legal and regulatory requirements; and
(b) Enable the SAI to issue reports that are appropriate in the circumstances.
e. Engagement performance
b) Supervision responsibilities;
c) Review responsibilities.
f. Monitoring
(c) Require that those performing the review have not taken part in the task or
any quality control review of the task.
COA management shall ensure that the quality control procedures are being
followed by the auditors not only for compliance but as an embedded process in
ensuring delivery of quality audit services.
Quality risk
The COA shall ensure that the Quality Control System addresses the risks to the
quality of its auditing and other work. The risks to quality will be dependent on the
mandate and functions of the COA and the conditions and environment under
which it operates.
- Securing the quality of the ongoing work; the ongoing work should be subject
to continual review. This review is essential to maintain the quality of audit work
and to promote learning and feedback.
- Securing the quality of the finalized audit; all completed tasks should be
reviewed prior to signing any reports.
The COA shall establish a Quality Assurance Review Program that is flexible to the
needs and mandate of the auditors. The results of the program should be reported
to COA management at least annually.
The following are some of the activities which may be undertaken by the COA in
performing its Quality Assurance Review Program:
- Independent academic review
- Stakeholder surveys
- Peer review
- Follow-up reviews of recommendations
- Citizen review
- Feedback from audited organizations.
Policy/Standard Description
ISSAI 40 Quality Control for Supreme Audit Institutions
ISSAI 1000 General Introduction to the INTOSAI Financial Audit
ISSAI 1220 Financial Audit Guideline Quality Control for an
Audit of Financial Statements
Appendix 4 to ISSAI 3000 Communication and Quality Assurance
ISSAI 3100 Performance Audit Guidelines: Key Principles
ISSAI 4100 Compliance Audit Guidelines for Audits Performed
Separately from the Audit if Financial Statements
ISSAI 4200 Compliance Audit Guidelines Related to Audit of
Financial Statements