Electric Overhead Traveling Nav GNFC

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Mechanical Engineering; EOT CRANE


Cranes are industrial machines that are mainly used for materials movements in
construction sites, production halls, assembly lines, storage areas, power stations and similar
places. Their design features vary widely according to their major operational specifications such
as: type of motion of the crane structure, weight and type of the load, location of the crane,
geometric features, operating regimes and environmental conditions.


There are various types of overhead cranes with many being highly specialized, but the
great majority of installations fall into one of three categories:
a) Top running single girder bridge cranes,
b) Top running double girder bridge cranes and
c) Under-running single girder bridge cranes.

Single girder cranes

The crane consists of a single bridge girder supported on two end trucks. It has a trolley
hoist mechanism that runs on the bottom flange of the bridge girder.

Double Girder Bridge Cranes

The crane consists of two bridge girders supported on two end trucks. The trolley runs on
rails on the top of the bridge girders.

Gantry Cranes
These cranes are essentially the same as the regular overhead cranes except that the
bridge for carrying the trolley or trolleys is rigidly supported on two or more legs running on
fixed rails or other runway. These legs eliminate the supporting runway and column system
and connect to end trucks which run on a rail either embedded in, or laid on top of, the floor.

For some applications such as production assembly line or service line, only a trolley
hoist is required. The hoisting mechanism is similar to a single girder crane with a difference that
the crane doesnt have a movable bridge and the hoisting trolley runs on a fixed girder. Monorail
beams are usually I-beams (tapered beam flanges).

Which Crane should you choose Single Girder or Double Girder

A common misconception is that double girder cranes are more durable! Per the industry
standards (CMMA/DIN/FEM), both single and double girder cranes are equally rigid, strong and
durable. This is because single girder cranes use much stronger girders than double girder cranes.
The difference between single and double girder cranes is the effective lifting height. Generally,
double girder cranes provide better lifting height. Single girder cranes cost less in many ways,

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Mechanical Engineering; EOT CRANE

only one cross girder is required, trolley is simpler, installation is quicker and runway beams cost
less due to the lighter crane dead weight. The building costs are also lower.

However, not every crane can be a single girder crane. Generally, if the crane is more than
15 ton or the span is more than 30m, a double girder crane is a better solution.


(1) Single girder bridge cranes generally have a maximum span between 20 and 50 feet with
a maximum lift of 15-50 feet.
(2) They can handle 1-15 tonnes with bridge speeds approaching a maximum of 200 feet per
minute (fpm), trolley speeds of approximately 100 fpm, and hoist speeds ranging from
10-60 fpm.
(3) They are candidates for light to moderate service and are cost effective for use as a
standby (infrequently used) crane.
(4) Single girder cranes reduce the total crane cost on crane components, runway structure
and building.


(1) Double girder cranes are faster, with maximum bridge speeds, trolley speeds and hoist
speeds approaching 350 fpm, 150 fpm, and 60 fpm, respectively.
(2) They are useful cranes for a variety of usage levels ranging from infrequent, intermittent
use to continuous severe service. They can lift up to 100 tons.
(3) These can be utilized at any capacity where extremely high hook lift is required because
the hook can be pulled up between the girders.
(4) They are also highly suitable where the crane needs to be fitted with walkways, crane
lights, cabs, magnet cable reels or other special equipment.


1) Under Running (U/R)

2) Top Running (T/R)


Under Running or under slung cranes are distinguished by the fact that they are supported from
the roof structure and run on the bottom flange of runway girders. Under running cranes are
typically available in standard capacities up to 10 tons (special configurations up to 25 tons and
over 90 ft spans). Under hung cranes offer excellent side approaches, close headroom and can be
supported on runways hung from existing building members if adequate.

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Mechanical Engineering; EOT CRANE

The Under Running Crane offers the following advantages:

o Very small trolley approach dimensions meaning maximum utilization of the building's
width and height.
o The possibility of using the existing ceiling girder for securing the crane track.

Following are some limitations to Under Running Cranes

Hook Height - Due to Location of the runway beams, Hook Height is reduced
Roof Load - The load being applied to the roof is greater than that of a top running crane
Lower Flange Loading of runway beams require careful sizing otherwise, you can "peel"
the flanges off the beam



The crane bridge travels on top of rails mounted on a runway beam supported by either the
building columns or columns specifically engineered for the crane. Top Running Cranes are the most
common form of crane design where the crane loads are transmitted to the building columns or free
standing structure. These cranes have an advantage of minimum headroom / maximum height of lift.


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Mechanical Engineering; EOT CRANE


To help the reader better understand names and expressions used throughout this course,
find below is a diagram of basic crane components.


The main traveling structure of the crane which spans the width of the bay and travels in
a direction parallel to the runway. The bridge consists of two end trucks and one or two bridge
girders depending on the equipment type. The bridge also supports the trolley and hoisting
mechanism for up and down lifting of load.

Located on either side of the bridge, the end trucks house the wheels on which the
entire crane travels. It is an assembly consisting of structural members, wheels, bearings, axles,
etc., which supports the bridge girder(s) or the trolley cross member(s).

The principal horizontal beam of the crane bridge which supports the trolley and is
supported by the end trucks.

The rails, beams, brackets and framework on which the crane operates.

The rail supported by the runway beams on which the crane travels.

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Mechanical Engineering; EOT CRANE

The hoist mechanism is a unit consisting of a motor drive, coupling, brakes, gearing,
drum, ropes, and load block designed to raise, hold and lower the maximum rated load. Hoist
mechanism is mounted to the trolley.

The unit carrying the hoisting mechanism which travels on the bridge rails in a direction
at right angles to the crane runway. Trolley frame is the basic structure of the trolley on which
are mounted the hoisting and traversing mechanisms.

An energy absorbing device for reducing impact when a moving crane or trolley reaches
the end of its permitted travel, or when two moving cranes or trolleys come into contact. This
device may be attached to the bridge, trolley or runway stop.



1.Crane capacity (Tons) 5.Building Width, Clear Span (ft. & in.)
2.Required lifting height (in.) 6.Building Height (ft. & in.)
3.Runway height (in.) 7.Runway Size & Length (in. & ft)
4. Clearance required ( ft. & in. ) 8.Hook Approach & End Approach (ft. & in.)

Other Desired Information

Hoist Speed (ft per minute)
Bridge Travel Speed (ft per min)
Trolley Travel Speed (ft per min)
Electrical Requirements (Festoon or Conductor Bar)
Control Requirements.

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Mechanical Engineering; EOT CRANE


The rated load, the crane will be required to lift. Rated load shall mean the maximum
load for which a crane or individual hoist is designed and built by the manufacturer and shown
on the equipment identification plate.

The rated lift means the distance between the upper and lower elevations of travel of the
load block and arithmetically it is usually the distance between the beam and the floor, minus the
height of the hoist. This dimension is critical in most applications as it determines the height of
the runway from the floor and is dependent on the clear inside height of the building. Do not
forget to include any slings or below the hook devices that would influence this value.

The distance between the grade level and the top of the rail.

The vertical distance between the grade level and the bottom of the crane girder.

Distance between columns across the width of the building. Building width is defined as
the distance from outside of eave strut of one sidewall to outside of eave strut of the opposite
sidewall. Crane Span is the horizontal center distance between the rails of the runway on which
the crane is to travel. Typically distance is approximate to 500mm less than the width of the
building. How much span a crane requires depends on the crane coverage width dictated by the
application.(According to the span and the maximum load handling capacity, the crane steel
structure is selected to be either a single or double girder crane construction).

Building height is the eave height which usually is the distance from the bottom of the
main frame column base plate to the top outer point of the eave strut. Eave height is the distance
from the finished floor to the top outer point of the eave strut. There must be a safety distance
between the top edge of the crane runway rail and the first obstacle edge in the building (for
example roof beams, lights and pipes).

The longitudinal run of the runway rail parallel to the length of the building.

Maximum hook approach is the distance from the wall to the nearest possible position of
the hook. The smaller the distance is, the better can the floor area be utilized. Always check
which crane gives optimum hook approaches and when combined with the true lift of the hoist
you can utilize most of the available floor space. This is also termed as side hook approach.

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Mechanical Engineering; EOT CRANE

This term describes the minimum horizontal distance, parallel to the runway, between the
outermost extremities of the crane and the centerline of the hook.


The rate at which the bridge or trolley travels or at which the hoist lifts is usually
specified in feet per minute or FPM. The crane operating speeds are selected to allow safe
operation whilst using the pendant. Dual operating speeds, normally a fast and slow speed with
a ratio of 4:1 are commonly used but for optimum control a variable speed control system is
strongly recommended.

Specify the circuit voltage shall not exceed 600 volts for AC or DC current. Ideally 480
volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz for US requirements. The runway power is usually by conductor bar and
hoisting trolley by festoon cable.

The control circuit voltage at pendant pushbuttons shall not exceed 150 volts for AC and
300 volts for DC. Other control options including radio control, free-floating pendant (festooned)
or hoist-mounted pendant requirements must be stated.

Note that the rated capacity of crane is the live load that can be lifted by the crane system.
The rated load is defined as the maximum working load suspended under the load hook. Load
block and ropes are not included in the rated load.
The design load for the crane system is based on the rated capacity plus 15% for the
weight of the hoist and trolley (capacity x 1.15) and an additional 25% for impact (capacity x
1.25) for a total design capacity x 1.4. (Note 25% impact factor is good for hoists speeds up to 50
The capacity of crane is the maximum rated load (in tons) which a crane is designed to
carry. The net load includes the weight of possible load attachment. For example , a 1000 lb
crane allow you to pick up a 1000lb load, provided the hoist weighs 150lbs or less and the hoist
speed is less than 50 feet per minute. Under no conditions should the crane be loaded beyond its
rated capacity.

Note that the Crane test loads are typically specified at 125% of rated capacity by both OSHA
and ASME.

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