Leaching Worked Problems
Leaching Worked Problems
Leaching Worked Problems
1. Oil is to be extracted from halibut liver in a counter current extraction battery. The
entrainment of solution by the granulated liver mass was found to be as detailed
Kg solution retained / 0.035 0.042 0.05 0.058 0.068 0.081 0.099 0.12
kg of exhausted liver
Kg of oil/ kg of 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.68
In the extraction battery change is to be 100 kgs based on completely exhausted
liver. The unextracted liver contains 0.043 kg of oil/kg of exhausted material. 95%
recovery is desired. The final extract is to contain 0.65 kg oil/kg of extract. The
ether used as solvent is free from oil. How many kgs of ether is needed per kg of
liver. How many extractors are needed?
Basis: 100 kgs of exhausted liver
(i.e.) B = 100 kgs
C (oil) = 100 0.043 = 4.3 kg
F =A+ C
A = 0 (solvent is not present)
B 100
NF = 23.26
A C 4.3
C 4.3
yF = 1.0
A C 0 4.3
Feed point F is given by (NF, yF) = (23.26, 1.0)
The final extract contains 0.65 kg of oil/kg of extract
R1 is given by (N1, x1) = (0, 0.65)
RNp+1 is given by (NNp+1, xNp+1) = (0, 0)
95% recovery of oil is to be recovered.
5% oil leaves with the liver.
(i.e.) oil leaving is 4.3 0.05 = 0.215 kg
yNp = A 0.215
ENp is given by (NNp, yNp)
B 100
A C A 0.215
B C 100
Slope of operating line, :
A C A C 0.215
yNp = 0.055 =
A + C = 3.92
A = 3.92 C = 3.92 0.215 = 3.705 kg
(i.e.) Amount o solvent in liver = 3.705 kg
Quantity of ether used
Extract s to contain 0.65 kg oil / kg extract
(i.e.) Extract contain 0.35 kg ether / kg extract
R1 0.65
But C, oil in extract = total oil fed oil in exhausted liver
= 4.3 0.215 = 4.085 kg
R1 0.65 A 4.085
A = 2.2 kg
Total ether used = Amount in extract + Amount in exhausted liver
= 2.2 + 3.705 = 5.905 kgs.
2. 10 tonnes / hour of day sea shore sand containing 1% by weight of salt is to be
washed with 10 tonnes / hour of fresh water running counter current to the sand
through two classifiers in series. Assume perfect mixing of sand and water occurs
in each classifier and that the sand discharged from each classifier contain one
part of water for every two parts of sand by weight. If the washed sand is dried in
kiln, what % of salt will it retain? What wash rate is required in a single classifier
in order to wash the sand equally wall.
Let x be the fraction of salt be in the underflow discharge fro stage 1
A = 4.95
A = 4.95 B = 9.9
B = 9.9 tons C = (1 x) 0.1 A=0
C = x 0.1 B = 9.9 tons
N+1 C = 0.1 tons
0.75 0.1
10 T/hr
1 x
x = 0.249
A = 4.95 A = ----
B = 9.9 tons B = 0.9 tons
C = 0.0249 C = 0.1
Single stage
Single stage
A = ----
B = ----
C = 0.0751
x1 in overflow (same as underflow) = 0.5 10 2
A 0.0751
A = 14.93 (amount of water with extract)
Amount of water with sand = 4.95
Total feed water = water in extract + water in sand
= 14.93 + 4.95 = 19.88
3. 100 tonnes of underflow feed containing 20 tons of solute. 2 tons of H 2O, 78 tons
of inerts are to be leached with water to give an overflow of concentration 15%
solute. 95% recovery is desired. The underflow from each stage carries 0.5 kg of
solution / kg of inert. Estimate the number of stages needed.
A + C = (78) (0.5) = 39
B = 78
A + C = 39 A=2
B = 78 B = 78
C = 20(1 0.95) =1.0 N1 1 C = 20
A = 38 x1 = 0.15
yb = 0 ya =?
C = 20 1 = 19
A + C = m A + C = 126.67
Fig. 11.20 Example 3
C 1
yb* 0.0256
A C 39
x1 (Desired outlet concentration of overflow) = 0.15
C 19
(i.e.) 0.15
AC A 19
A + C = 126.67 tons
Let us make a mass balance around stage 1,
Entering liquid = Leaving liquid
22 + m = 126.67 + 39
m = 143.67 tons
Similarly making a solute balance we get,
20 + 143.67 ya =19 + 39 0.15
ya = 0.034
Solving by McCabes method
yb = 0; yb* = 0.0256; ya = 0.034; ya* = 0.15 (the leaving streams are in
yb yb*
ya ya* 0.6562
N1 1.165
yb ya 0.563
l og
N = 2.165.
Bakers method:
R n 1 1 S1
R 1 Sn 1
S1 = 39 0.15 = 5.85; Sn+1=1.0
solution / solute or solvent in overflow 143.7
R = solution / solute or solvent in underflow = 3.685
3.685 n 1 1 5.85
; n + 1 = 2.159 stages
2.685 1
4. A plant produces 100 Tonnes/day of TiO2 pigment which must be 99.9% pure
when dried. The pigment is produces by precipitation and the material as prepared
is contaminated with 1 ton of salt solution containing 0.55 ton of salt / ton of
pigment. The material is washed counter currently with water in a number of
thickeners arranged in series. How many thickeners will be required if water is
added at the rate of 200 tons / day and the solid discharged from each thickener
removed 0.5 ton of solvent / ton of pigment. What will be the number of
thickeners if the amount of solution removed in association with pigment varies in
the following way with the concentration of the solution in the thickeners.
x 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
N 3.333 3.125 2.94 2.78 2.63 2.5
A = 150 0.5 = 50 A = 50
B = 100 B = 100
C = 0 K S1 =
N +1 1
A = 200
Fig. 11.21 Example 4
Concentrated wash liquor is fed with the feed top concentrator = 1
A + C = 100; A = 45; B = 100
C = 0.55 100 = 55
NF 1.0
yF 0.55
C = 55 0.1 = 54.9
A = 200 + 45 50 = 195
C 54.9
y 0.22
A C 249.9
x1 = 0.22 =
R n 1 1 S1
R 1 Sn 1
R 4
S1 = 14.1
Sn+1 = 0.1
4 n 1 1 14.1
4 1 0.1
n + 1 = 4.36
ii) Feed point F, (NF, yF) = (1, 0.55)
Leached solids leaving, ENP (NNP, yNP) = (?, ?)
Solvent entering, RNP +1 (NP +1, xNP +1) = (0, 0)
Solution leaving, R1 (N1, x1) = (0,?)
F.y F RNP 1 xNP 1 (100)(0.55) 0
y 0.1833
F RNP 1 100 200
B 100
N 0.333
A C 300
Join F and RNP + 1. Locate m ( N, y)
By stage wise construction, the stages are estimated to be: 4
5. By extraction with kerosene two tonnes of waxed paper per day is to be dewaxed
in a continuous counter current extraction system. The waxed paper contains 25%
paraffin wax by weight and 75% paper pulp. The pulp which retains the
unextracted wax must not contain over 0.2 kg of wax/ 100 kg of wax free pulp.
The kerosene used for extraction contains 0.05 kg of wax/100 kg wax free
kerosene experiments show that pulp retains 2 kg of kerosene per kg of wax free
pulp. The extract from battery contains 5 kg of wax/ 100 kg of wax free kerosene.
How many stages are needed?
Basis: 100 kgs of wax and kerosene free pulp
Wax in the pulp = 100 33.33 kgs
Wax in the solvent =0.0005 kg of wax/ kg of kerosene
Lets be the weight of solvent used.
Total wax entering =wax from pulp + wax from kerosene = 33.33 + 0.0005 s
Wax in the exiting pulp = 100 0.002 = 0.2 kg
Wax in the solution leaving
[Solvent entering solvent carried away in leaving pulp] [Weight ration of wax to
solvent in leaving solution]
= [s (2) (100)] [0.05] = (0.05s 10) kg
Total wax output = (0.05s 10) + (0.2) = (0.05s 9.8)
Wax input = wax output
(i.e.) 33.33 + 0.0005s = 0.05s 9.8
s = 871.3 kgs.
Kerosene in the exhausted pulp = 2 100 = 200
Kerosene in the extract (overflow) solution = 871.3 200 = 671.3 kgs
(i.e.) wax in the extract (overflow) solution = 671.3 33.565 kgs
Concentration in underflow in II unit = Concentration in overflow from I stage
Wax in underflow leaving I solution = Weight of kerosene in underflow wax
= (200) = 10 kgs
The wax in the overflow from II cell to I cell by wax balance
[Wax in underflow leaving I + wax in overflow solution leaving I wax in pulp
entering I]
10 + 33.565 33.33 = 10.235 kg
Concentration of this solution is 0.0117
xa = ya* = 0.05 and ya = 0.0117
xb = yb* = 0.001 yb = 0.0005
0.0005 0.001
0.0117 0.05 1.88423
N1= = 2.94
0.0005 0.0117 0.641
0.001 0.05
6. A five stage counter current extraction battery is to be used to extract the sludge
from the reaction
Na2CO3 + CaO + H2O CaCO3 + 2NaOH
The CaCO3 leaving each carries with it 1.5 times its weight the solution, in flowing
from one unit to other. It is desired to recover 98% of NaOH. The products from the
reaction enter the first unit with no excess reactant but with 6.5 kgs of water/kg 0f
i) How much waste water must be used for 1 kg of CaCO3?
ii) What is the concentration of leaving solution assuming CaCO3 is insoluble?
iii) Using the same quantity of waste water, how many units must be employed to
recover 99.5% NaOH.
(N1, x1) RNP+1 (NNP+1, xNP+1)
Fig. 11.22 Example 6
100 kg CaCO3 formed
B (Inert) : 100 kg
A (Solvent) : 650 kg
C (Solute) : 80 kg (From stoichiometry)
B 100
NF = 0.137
A C 650 80
C 80
yF 0.1096
A C 730
F (0.137, 0.1096)
NNP 0.667
Recovery of NaOH is 987 = 78.4 kgs
NaOH in leaving stream = 1.6 kgs
B 100
ENP 150
NNP 0.667
yNP = 0.0107
Point ENP is (NNP, yNP) = (0.667, 0.0107)
Assume x1 and hence locate R1. (0, x1) locate ENP (0.667, 0.0107), F (0.137,
0.1096) and RNP +1 (0, 0)
Join ENP, RNP + 1 and F, R1 and produce them to cut at R.
By stepwise construction check whether both 5 stages and ENP (assumed) match.
If not, make a fresh assumption of x1 and proceed till the stages and x1 match.
By trial and error x1 = 0.1
Total amount of waste water
i) Water in sludge (A + C) = Weight of solution in sludge weight of solute
= 150 1.6 = 148.4 kg
ii) Weight of water in overflow
C 78.4
Concentration in overflow = x1 = 0.1
Weight of solution A + C = 784 kg
Weight of solvent (A) = 784 78.4 = 705. 6 kg
Total weight of water added = 148.4 + 705.6 650 = 204 kgs
Concentration of leaving solution from each stage:
x1 = 0.1; x2 = 0.068; x3 = 0.044; x4 = 0.026; x5 = 0.0107
c) For 99.5% recovery:
Concentration of NaOH leaving = 0.995 80 = 0.14.
(NF, yF) F(0.137, 0.1096)
R1(N1, x1) R1(0, 0.1)
ENP 150
yNP 2.667 10 3 0.002667
ENP(0.667, 2.667 10 3 )
RNP 1(0, 0)
Fig. 11.23. Example 6
In the previous problem worked out, it is found that the sludge retains the solution
varying with the concentration as follows:
NaOH 0 5 10 15 20
Kg of solution 1 1.5 1.75 2.2 2.7 3.6
Kg of CaCO3 N
3. Seeds containing 20% by weight oil is extracted counter currently with oil free
hexane as a solvent. Calculate the number of theoretical stages required is 90% of
the oil is recovered in extract with 40% oil by weight and the amount of liquid
(solvent + oil) in the underflow from each stage is 0.60 kg per kg of insoluble
Use triangular coordinates or rectangular coordinates.
4. In a lime soda process a slurry containing 10 kg water, 1 kg sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) and 1 kg calcium carbonate particles. The slurry is washed counter
currently with water in four stages. The solid discharged from each stage contains
3 kg water per kg calcium carbonate. Calculate the amount of wash water needed
when the discharged calcium carbonate after drying contains a maximum of 0.01
kg sodium hydroxide per kg calcium carbonate.