Codeigniter Vs Laravel Framework
Codeigniter Vs Laravel Framework
Codeigniter Vs Laravel Framework
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is well known scripting language often associated with web
development even though it has other areas of usages. According to PHP is the most
common used scripting languages on the Internet with 82% coverage. Many frameworks based on
PHP popped up during the last decade. Frameworks like CodeIgniter, Symfony, Phalcon and Laravel
are widely used and according to they are four of the most promising frameworks in
2014. The first thing to recognize when visiting the webpages of these frameworks is the promises,
which the people behind the development of the frameworks promises.
When visiting Laravels website the first thing we saw are slogans like beautiful code,
rapidity and speed. Phalcons Team claims that their framework is the fastest. Symfonys website
title says High performance PHP framework for web development. CodeIgniters team states that
their framework is powerful with a very small print.
A developer aiming to develop a project where PHP is required as the development language
and high performance is one of the highly prioritized requirements in the requirements specification,
how would the decisions be made on whether choosing the plain PHP stack or a PHP framework in
the development? In the case of using the framework, which one of these above mentioned would be
suitable bearing in mind the performance requirements? To answer these questions this study has
been conducted in which two functionally equivalent blogging web applications have been
developed and subjected to an experiment in which the performance of each of the mentioned
frameworks is measured and evaluated. The first web application will be developed in plain PHP.
The other one will be developed in the PHP framework CodeIgniter. After implementing the
applications, performance metrics are measured on all these versions of the web application. These
measurements will consist of (i) Execution time of CRUD-functionality (ii) Memory usage for each
of them. The results from the experiments are analyzed and interpreted in order to become the basis
of the decisions and conclusions of this study.
The literature research included more or less different types of strings like web development
evaluation and web development performance. In the findings there were 30 papers and of those 6
were relevant because the others were written about the evaluation in general, not about performance
in web development. The search for data was about performance evaluation and the selection of
literature research in this field was not plentiful but easy to find. The important is a good way on how
they did the research to find out the information in the data, and this was often found in the abstract
but sometimes in the background. There were often over 300 results in the search, but only up to 1-3
relevant pages in each string, and the same papers were often found in many of the strings.
In 2001, Samisa Abeysingha, described the focus is mainly on how the MVC and framework
techniques make a difference in the web development. This book has MVC as a big part of PHP
development and is about what it does for web development. The book helps the developers in
learning the MVC structure more easily.
In 2001, Peter Sevcik and John Bartlett described Understanding Web Performance.
They described present how performance can be used and its importance in the web business. It also
brings up how performance can be tested and what can impact the tests. This paper gives the
developers how cost and time can be managed in the development of a web application.
In 2003, Lance Titchkosky et. al., published the paper named A Performance Comparison
of Dynamic Web Technologies, in which there is a description of the different impacts on
performance, comparative analysis of different performance types and how they can be done.
In 2006 Martin Bean wrote the book Laravel Essentials where we get the basic idea of the
laravel framework. He also gave us an idea about the essential commands needed to develop a
laravel web application.
In 2008 Arda Kilicdagi describes in the book Laravel Design Pattens and Best practices
how the MVC concedpt is used in Laravel
In 2014 Taylor Otwell, the creator of laravel framework wrote Laravel Starter where he
provides the basic ideas and helps to the beginners how to get started with the laravel framework.
In 2012, Nguyen Minh Thanh wrote about Adopting Web Framework in Web
Application Development, where he had discussed about the advantages of web frameworks in web
application development.
In 2015, David Daz Clavijo wrote about practical comparison of Agile Web
Frameworks, in which he compared among the codeigniter, cakephp and laravel framework. He
also made a review about the different web applications developed by using this framework. There it
also explained which framework should be chosen by a developer for a efficient website
In 2016, Dr. Saikia and Das wrote Comparison of Procedural PHP with Codeigniter
Framework in which they have compared the procedural php with codeigniter framework by
developing a blog web application.
In this study an experiment is conducted in which five functionally equivalent web applications
representing a simple blog are developed. The first web application is developed using plain PHP
and the second one is developed using CODEIGNITER framework and last one is developed using
Laravel framework
In the experiments, execution time and the consumed memory usage when executing the
CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE (CRUD) implementation in each web application of the
experiment will be measured. The memory usage and the execution time is measured in plain php by
using the built in functions in php scripts. The codeigniter framework also has the built in functions
for memory usage and execution time measurement and also codes are available for the laravel
framework to measure the memory usage and execution time for the four functions.
How does memory usage and execution time differs for a simple blog web application developed in
plain php and the one developed with codeigniter framework.
The two web applications developed will be tested in terms of their execution time and memory
usage. The two measurements have been done on the basis of CRUD i.e. create, read, update, delete.
These are the basic function of any web application.
Create action- The measurement starts in the create-blog-entry view when the user has pressed the
create-blog-entry button after the form has been filled in. Once done, the newly created blog entry is
presented in view-blog-entry view and the measurement is stopped.
View action- The measurement starts when the link responsible to show the blog entry is clicked and
ends when the controller views the blog entry. This happens in the index page where only one blog
entry is created. Once the view is rendered, the measurement is stopped.
Update action- The measurement starts when the updating input data is posted from the update-blog-
entry view using a submission button. The measurement ends when the updated blog entry is shown
in a view-blog-entry view.
Delete action- The measurement starts when the delete button in a view-blog-entry view is pressed
and ends after the index page has been rendered completely with the information confirming that the
deletion was successful.
The results from the conducted experiments are presented and analyzed. The presentation is outlined
in a tabular form in which the horizontal columns represent the tested actions Create, Read, Update
and Delete. For each tabular form there is a corresponding visual presentation in a form of a graph.
Execution time experiment result- The results show that codeigniter has more execution time during
the create and update action but it takes less time during view and delete action. Although plain php
is only fast by a few milliseconds which will be almost ignored by the user. But we can see that
LARAVEL performs well and has less execution time for all the four actions. The results of the ten
inputs as a mean for the four actions are presented below:
Memory Usage Experiment Result- The results of memory usage experiment is such that codeigniter
uses a fixed memory for all the four actions of create, read, update and delete, but the memory used
by plain php blog varies everytime for all the actions but laravel uses more memory in all the four
functions. The values have been plotted in the tabular form. The tabular form is also represented in
visual form as a graph.
Fig 5. Memory Usage LARAVEL
experiment Representation Graph
(1) How does execution time and memory usage differ for a simple blog web application written in
plain PHP and the Codeigniter framework?
(2) What will be more reliable for the development of web applications?
It would initially be stated that the following text would be considered as an answer for both research
questions. The reason for that is that the questions are conditional, where the second research
question (RQ2) is depended on the outcome of the first research question (RQ1). So therefore, the
result analysis for the plain PHP and Codeigniter shows that the differences between them are
relatively small to plain PHPs advantage. The plain PHP is only a dozens milliseconds faster and
consumes a few bytes less memory than Codeigniter but if we see the LARAVEL version we can see
that laravel takes minimum time than both codeigniter and procedural php.If the plain PHP
application was large, it would mean that the plain PHP would not have been performing better than
the Codeigniter and codeigniter also will not be able to perform as efficiently as LARAVEL because
as the application will get bigger LARAVEL performance will be getting better as a result
LARAVEL execution time measurement is better than both.In the case of memory usage laravel
takes much larger time than both procedural php and codeigniter but as the application gets bigger it
would be easy to effort memory but execution time should be of much importance. That is because
the growth of the stack trace in the plain PHP application would have caused a higher execution time
and memory consumption. Plain PHP is mostly suited for smaller projects even if there are no
obvious reasons to not use Codeigniter or laravel, but Codeigniter and laravel would be the preferred
choice when developing larger projects.
[1] Samisa Abeysingha , Php Team Development, packt publishing, October 2001
[2] Peter Sevcik and John Bartlett, Understanding Web Performance, Business Communications Review,October
[3] Martin Artlitt, A performance Comparison of Dynamic Web Technologies, ACM sigmetrics,December 2003
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[10] The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, IEEE Std 1003.1. clock - report CPU time used
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[11] PHP Documentation. PHPs memory_get_usage function. [Online; accessed 19-Mars-2015] Available:
[12] Xdebug documentation. Xdebugs stack trace feature [Online; accessed 19-Mars-2015]. Available:
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International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Issue 2, volume 6,
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