Internet/Web Design Syllabus Star Valley High School

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Star Valley High School

Instructor Brandy Taylor Address

Phone (307) 885-7847 Planning Gold Two

Number Ext. 7217 Time

Teacher Web Site:

Course Description
This course introduces the fundamentals of the Internet and Web Page Design
to students. Students will first learn the history and development of the
Internet along with proper procedures for research. Students will then learn
the basics of designing a web page using Macromedia Dreamweaver software
which is part of the Studio MX package.

College Credit
This course is available for two college credits for juniors/seniors with a
cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better through Western Wyoming Community
College. If you are taking this course for college credit, be sure to keep
this syllabus for transfer credit, proof of material covered, etc.

Your grade will be based on the following:
 Daily Work/Assignments = 60%
 Common Assessments (4 Major Exams) = 30%
 Semester Final (Comprehensive) = 10%
The final grade will be determined on the following scale:
100 – 95% = A 76 – 73% = C
94 – 90% = A- 72 – 70% = C-
89 – 87% = B+ 69 – 67% = D+
86 – 83% = B 66 – 63% = D
82 – 80% = B- 62 – 60% = D-
79 – 77% = C+ less than 60% = F
Make Up Work
If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to find out what
work has been missed. You have (1) one week to make up missing
assignments and tests, and you may utilize extra lab hours to make up this
work. Assignments and tests not made up within the specified one-week
period will be accepted for half credit.

Course Materials and Resources

-Materials Needed: Pen/Pencil every day!
*Each student will have a folder in the classroom to keep these materials
and other paperwork in throughout the semester.

-Printer paper and textbooks/handouts will be supplied.

*Students will be responsible for their assigned textbook.

-Textbooks: Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Comprehensive Concepts &

The Internet, 7th Edition, Schneider & Evans
Units of Study
Unit Assessments

The Internet & the

Unit Quiz

Unit Quiz
Browser Basics
E-mail Basics Common Assessment

Searching the Web Unit Quiz

Common Assessment
Information Resources
(Internet Final)
on the Web
Introduction to Web
Unit Quiz
Unit Quiz
Defining a Web Site
Developing a Web Page Unit Quiz
Common Assessment
Links and Navigation Unit Quiz
Unit Quiz
Tables & Layers
Present Student Web
Common Assessment

Participation Policy
Students should be in class every day. One of the most significant
factors affecting school success is regular attendance. Doing make-up work,
getting notes from a friend, or reading from a book can never compensate for
the class experience where the teacher explains the material and the class has
the opportunity for guided interaction with the concept being studied.
Class Participation Includes:
 Being to class on time.
 Daily attendance.
 Involvement in discussion and group work.
 Being on task with the assigned work and completing assignments on time.
 Listening.
 Exhibiting good class behaviors.
 Internet, e-mail, and games only when approved by your teacher.

Participation Point Guidelines:

Participation will be as follows:
 Students will be in class on time and follow the above seven items. If a
student is behaving inappropriately or is not on task, discipline measures
will be taken.
 School-excused absences: the student is responsible to get the assigned
work before they leave. The class work missed due to these absences will
have to be made up by the student within five days.
 Excused absences: the teacher will allow the student to make-up the work
missed within the five-day period.
 Unexcused absences: the student will not be allowed to make up the work
 A student is tardy if he/she is not in the room when the bell rings. The
student will automatically serve detention on the third tardy and every one
 Excessive tardiness or absenteeism will result in a referral to the
Classroom Rules
 No cell phones! Turn them off or don’t bring them at all. If it is heard
in class, I will take it and you can pick it up at the office at the end of the
day! See student handbook.

 Dress code will be enforced daily. You will be asked to change and
your parents will be contacted! Check your planner for the rules and
regulations on student dress.

 Lab hours are at 8:00 each morning, during homeroom and after school
on Mondays & Tuesdays or by special arrangement with me. My lab is
not available during lunch!

 Music/headphones will be allowed in class during individual work time.

They are not allowed during common assessment! If I can hear it, it is
too loud! It must be completely removed while I am talking. Failure to
comply will result in loss of privileges!

 No food or drink is allowed in the classroom. Detention will be

assigned if this becomes a habit or evidence is found at your station after

 Any equipment broken/damaged at your station within the classroom

will be the your responsibility to replace/pay for.

 If you are absent, check your folder the day you get back for a blue
“Absent Paper” which explains what you missed and need to make up.

 Hall Pass is the volleyball on the back shelf. You must take it with you
if I excuse you from class for something. You will not be allowed to
leave class every day or leave with your cell phone.

 Copying - Students will automatically receive a zero for the assignment

and parents will be notified along with detention assigned. A second
offense results in dismissal from the class.
Student and Parent Signature Sheet
I have read all of the above material and understand what is expected of me as
a student in this class.

I have read the syllabus and understand what is expected of me as a student in
this class.

Student Printed Name ________________________________

Student Signature ___________________________________

Station Number _________ Password _________________________

Student ID Number ____________________________

I have read the syllabus and understand what is expected of my child as a
student in this class.

Parent(s)/Guardian Printed Name(s) _______________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email _________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s) ________________________________

Notice of Nondiscrimination:

School district number Two agrees to ensure equitable access and equitable participation in all
District courses/classes. All district schools will effectively manage and creatively utilize resources
necessary to support student learning. The District’s Board of Trustees is committed to a policy of
nondiscrimination in relation to race, gender, age, national origin, color or disability in admission
to, or access to, or treatment in its educational programs or activities.

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