Azucena GeneralPrinciples

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The document discusses the general principles and concepts of labor law and standards, including definitions of key terms and the history of labor laws in the Philippines.

Labor law has two main parts - labor standards and labor relations. Labor standards prescribe employment terms like wages and benefits, while labor relations covers issues like collective bargaining.

The document discusses six types of labor laws - protective, welfare, diplomatic, administrative, labor relations, and labor standards laws.

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Asiong Salonga
General Principles and Concepts right to self-organization, collective 6. Labor standards legislations Those
A Introduction bargaining and negotiation process. passed prescribing minimum
requirements relating to wages, hours
Meaning of Labor Meaning of social legislation of work, cost of living allowances, and
other monetary and welfare benefits
In its limited concept, the labor refers to Social legislation is a law governing including occupational, safety and
physical or mental exertion necessary to employer-employee relationship while the health standards2
produce goods. In its broader concept, it may latter is not at work due to hazards beyond
include the labor force who are employed or his control arising from employment which Labor law and social legislation
those who are able and willing to work but immobilize him from working. distinguished
temporarily or involuntary unemployed.
It is designed to uplift and protect the welfare Labor law Social legislation
Manpower is defined in the Code is within of the worker and his family, on account of the More direct in its Governs the effects of
the context of labor, that is, the portion of the effects of employment such as diseases, application as it employment such as
nations population which has actual or injuries, disabilities or death. affects directly actual compensation for
potential capability to contribute to the employment such as injuries and death
production of goods and services. R.A. 7641 is a social legislation1 wages
Designed to meet the Involves long-range
Meaning of labor law Taxonomy of labor laws daily needs of a benefits
Labor law includes all the rules of law 1. Protective legislations designed to Covers employment Covers employment
governing the conditions under which persons protect the weaker party in an or profit or gain gain or non-profit
may work under the control of others called employment contract such as laws
Affects the work of the Affects the life of
employers. protecting women against
employee employee
discrimination or child-labor.
Benefits are paid by Benefits are paid by
These laws are designed to look more 2. Welfare or social legislations intended
the workers employer the government
on the immediate results of employer- to remove or reduce the insecurity of
employee relationship the workers such as laws on social
administering the
security, employees compensation or
program such as the
Labor law it is a body of rules and principles laws that provide benefits to a worker
which governs the relation between labor and while he is not at work because of
management in the collective, as distinguished the hazards of employment.
from the principles determining the rights and 3. Diplomatic legislations designed to
settle labor disputes through peaceful Narrow in scope Broader in scope
liabilities consequent to the individual
relationship of employer and employees. modes such as laws providing for
conciliation, mediation, grievance Capsule history of Philippine labor and
2 parts of labor law machinery or voluntary arbitration. social legislation
4. Administrative legislations laws
1. Labor standards prescribe the creating labor bodies and agencies for 1. Spanish regime labor laws and
terms and conditions of employment as administrative purposes such as DOLE, social legislations are found in:
affecting wages or monetary benefits, POEA, NLRC or TESDA. a. Old Civil Code (Art. 1583
hours of work, cost of living 5. Labor relations legislations passed 1587) regulating the relations
allowances, and occupational health, concerning employee organization, between master and domestic
safety and welfare of the workers. concerted activities, or collective servant
2. Labor relations is used to denote all bargaining or negotiation activities. It b. Code of Commerce (Art. 283 -
matters arising out of employer- includes unfair labor practices 302) regulated the relations
employee relationship involving the committed by the employer or the between employer and
concerted action on the part of the union. employee
workers which is usually related with 2. American regime
1 2
Oro Enterprise v. NLRC Maternity Childrens Hospital v. Sec. of Labor
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a.Chinese Registry Act same time against the arbitrary and
b.Employers Liability Act abusive practices of management. Legal bases of labor and social legislation
c.Act. No. 2549 of 1916
d.Women and Child Labor law of Purpose of labor legislations 1. Police power
1932 2. Social Justice Clause
e. Workmens Compensation Act The state, in the exercise of its police 3. Protection to Labor Clause
f. Anti-Slavery Law power should enact wholesome and 4. Doctrine of Incorporation Clause
g. Acts on Payment of Wages reasonable laws to preclude a feeling of 5. Social Service Clause
h. Private Employment Agency discontent which may lead to violent 6. Full Employment Clause
Law and bloody upheavals among workers 7. Freedom from Poverty Clause
3. Manuel Quezon 1935 who constitute the bulk of the 8. Freedom of Association Clause
a. CA 103 Creating the Court of population of the state3 9. Due Process and Equal Protection
Industrial relations Labor legislation is intended to protect Clause
b. CA 444 - Eight Hour Labor law the worker from the mighty and to
c. CA 104 Industrial Safety Law correct the injustices that are inherent A. Police Power
d. CA 213 Union Registration Act in employer-employee relationship.
e. CA 647 granting maternity It provides the set of restrictions upon
leave to women in service the worker in his relationship with the Meaning of police power
4. Philippine Republic employer and vice-versa in order to
a. RA 602 Minimum Wage Law maintain industrial peace and Police power is based on two Latin Maxims:
b. RA 1052 as amended by RA harmony; thereby promoting industrial 1. Salus populi est suprema lex the
1787 Termination Pay Law democracy. welfare of the people is the supreme
c. RA 946 Blue Sunday Law law
It promotes the welfare of the people
d. RA 875 Industrial Peace Act 2. Sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas
salus populi est suprema lex.
e. RA 1167 Peaceful Picketing so use your own as not to injure
Law anothers property
Sources of labor laws
f. RA 3600 Anti-Scab Law
Extents and limits of police power
Primary sources
These were bolstered by the following welfare
legislations: Police power includes everything essential
1. Constitution
to the public safety, health, morals, to justify
2. Legislations passed by Congress
a. RA 1161 Social Security Law the destruction or abatement by summary
3. Decisions of the SC
b. RA 1169 as amended Agricultural proceedings of whatever may be regarded as a
4. IRR of the DOLE
Tenacy Law public nuisance4
5. Decision of quasi-judicial bodies such
c. RA 3844 Agricultural Land Reform
as the NLRC
Code Conditions to justify the police power 5
6. ILO conventions
5. Martial Law 1. The interest of the public generally, as
Auxiliary sources
a. P.D. 2 Declaration of the distinguished from those of a particular
Philippines as a land reform class, require such interference
1. Opinions of the Secretaries of Labour,
area 2. Means are reasonably necessary for
Employment and Justice
b. P.D. 27 Emancipation Decree the accomplishment of the purpose
2. Reports, debates, hearings made and
and not widely oppressive upon
conducted by Congress
Labor Code of the Philippines individuals.
3. Labor law reviews
4. Labor law and social legislation
Signed by the President on May 1, 1974 textbooks
Social justification of class legislation
Took effect on November 1, 1974 5. Opinions of legal luminaries
It will serve as the bible of the 6. Foreign laws and decisions.
workingmen and their shield at the Bavier v. Connoly
3 5
Abalos v. POEA U.S.v. Gomez Jesus
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The principle of equality cannot mean an individual under the so-called dictatorship of It is never justified to prefer the poor
that all person must under all the proletariat because they are poor, or to reject the
circumstances be treated alike, but it rich simply because they are rich, for
can only mean that equal conditions Socialism is an economic ideology which justice must always be served, for poor
must receive equal treatment. advocates substantial ownership of the means and rich alike, according to the
Legislative discrimination is therefore of production and distribution of the State mandate of the law14
allowed and in many cases has been
sanctioned provided there is a Nature of the principle of social justice Compassion and mercy subordinate to
reasonable basis for classification. justice for all
It asserts that the well-being and
Right to Property not a limitation to the economic security of all the people is Before there can be an occasion for
exercise the end and justice the means compassion, sympathy and mercy,
Social justice is not necessary for the there must be justice for all. Otherwise,
In conflict between property right and well-being and economic security of employees will be encouraged to steal
human rights, the primacy of the latter the higher income groups, because and misappropriate in the expectation
over the former is recognized although though their own efforts, they can that eventually, in the name of social
the Bill of Rights protects both rights6 stand even without governmental help9 justice and compassion, they will not
The object of the social justice clause is be penalized but instead financially
Expanding scope of police power the common man; his social and rewarded15
economic uplift is its concern. Justicia nemini neganda est justice is
The development of civilization, the Social justice and full protection to to be denied to none
rapidly increasing population, the labor guaranteed by the fundamental The Employees Compensation Law (PD
growth of public opinion, with a desire charter is not some romantic notion, 626) operates on the principle of social
on the part of the masses and of the high in rhetoric but low in substance 10 justice, but sympathy to the workers
government to look after and care for Social justice should be a living reality should be placed in a sensible
the interests of the individuals of the and not a mere high level abstraction equilibrium with the stability of the ECC
State, have brought within the police in the fundamental law11 trust fund.
power of the State many questions for
regulation which formerly were not Social justice tramples not the right of Social justice and regulation of property
considered7 others; Invoking social justice with clean
hands To achieve social justice, regulation of
B. Social Justice clause wealth and diffusion of wealth are
Charity and social justice cannot be constitutionally decreed.
Art. 2, Sec. 10. The State shall promote social properly resorted to trample upon the
justice in all phases of national development rights of others nor to shield Social justice and the State as parens
wrongdoings or illegal acts prejudicial patriae
Social justice8 to the rights of property owners who,
under the Constitution are also entitled Parens patriae
Social justice, neither communism nor to protection12 The state may bring suit to protect the
socialism Those who invoke social justice may do property rights of the people, enforce
only if their hands are clean and their charities of a public nature, defend the
Communism is an ideology characterized motives blameless13 interests of helpless infants and
economically by the States total ownership of lunatics, or provide for the confinement
all the means of production and distribution, of minors in reformatories where they
and politically by a rigid dictatorial control of 9 may receive training and education16
Samanillo v. Cruz, C.A.
Marcopper Mining Corp. v. NLRC
6 11 14
Marsh v. Alabama Magnolia Corp. v. NLRC Gelos v. CA
7 12 15
People v. Pomar PNCCv. NLRC SMC v. NLRC
8 13 16
Calalang v. Williams Gustilo v. Wyeth Phils. Inc. Govt of the P.I. v. Monte Piedad
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Asiong Salonga
estoppel or laches would be Significance of full employment
Concept of laissez faire not fully unavailing19
embraced; Welfare state concept adopted 1. It ushers economic gain
Capital and labor are indispensable 2. It promotes social and economic
Laissez faire is an economic theory based on partners security
non-governmental interference in business or 3. It promotes human dignity
economic affairs When the conflicting interests of labor 4. It is an antidote against revolutionary
and capital are weighed on the scales ideologies
The Constitution recognizes the of social justice, the heavier influence 5. It regulates employers discriminatory
significant role of the private or of the latter must be counterbalanced practices
business sector; however, it has not by the sympathy and compassion the
embraced fully the concept of laissez law must accord the underprivileged Constitutional rights of workers
faire or, otherwise, relied on pure worker.20
market forces to govern the economy17 Employers who are more in an 1. Right to self-organization
What the Constitution adopted, in lieu advantageous position than their
of laissez faire theory, is the welfare employees should be more The right to form associations or
state concept which is manifested in its compassionate to their workers need societies for purposes not contrary to
provisions such as the principle of for without them, business would cease law shall not be abridged.
social justice and the protection to to operate21 PD 823 encourages unionism and free
labor clause18 collective bargaining within the
Meaning of full employment framework of arbitration, voluntary or
C. Protection to labor clause mandatory.
Frictional employment unemployment due
Art. XIII, Sec. 3. to workers having the wrong skills or being 2. Right to collective bargaining
found in wrong places to get the necessary
All doubts in the implementation and jobs, full employment still exists. Employees are enabled to obtain a
interpretation of labor laws must be relative equality of bargaining power
resolved in favor of labor. Full employment is also consistent with with the employer, for it compels him
a situation where people who have the to deal with them as a group rather
Right to labor, a property right skills refuse to work because they have than as isolated individuals.
more than enough to sustain The objective and normal end-result of
A man who has been employed to themselves. collective bargaining is the formation of
undertake certain labor and has put Full employment those who want a contract, known as Collective
into it his time and effort is entitled to to work at the prevailing rates of pay Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
be protected. The right of a person to are able to find work without undue
his labor is deemed to be property difficulty 3. Right to security of tenure
within the mantle of constitutional It covers a situation under which there
protection. are more job openings than there are The employer shall terminate the
Waivers of rights and labor contravene job applicants services of an employee for just causes
public policy and are null and void. Unemployment is involuntary as provided in the Labor Code or when
It has been held that the acceptance idleness on the part of an employee authorized by existing law.
by the claimant of separation pay and who is able and willing to work but Tenure may mean permanent or
his signing a renunciation of any other could hardly find one. regular status granted a worker usually
claim against the company does not after a probationary or trial period.
preclude his filing charge for unfair 19
Security of tenure is the right of the
labor practice; the employers claim of Phil. Movie Pictures Workers Association v. worker to be secure or to continue in
Premiere Productions, Inc.
20 employment until the same is
Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. POEA
17 terminated by authorized or just cause
Employers Confederation of the Phils. v. NWPC 21
Dela Concepcion v. Mindanao Portland Cement
18 provided by law.
Alalayan v. NPC Corp.
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Not confined to termination, and may compel the employer to accede to The Philippines adopts the generally
also include unwarranted and certain demands of the employees accepted principles of international law
unconsented demotion or transfer. The right to strike must be in as part of the law of the land
accordance with law. The Philippines, a signatory member of
4. Right to just and humane condition the United Nations and a party to the
of work 8. Right to a living wage Convention on the Privileges and of the
Specialized Agencies of the UN,
This right includes: Q: Is minimum wage a living wage? adheres to the doctrine of immunity
granted to the UN and its specialized
Right to regular working hours A: Not necessarily. The purpose of minimum agencies23
Right to regular working days wage is to set a barrier below which wages
Right to overtime work may not fall. Limitations on the enactment of labor
Right to weekly rest periods legislation
Living wage is not a mere subsistence
Right to additional compensation on
wage but one sufficient to enable the 1. Observance of non-impairment of
scheduled rest day/special holiday
worker to live in reasonable comfort; a contracts
Right to compensation for holiday work
wage that can provide him and his
Right to hospitalization; family a decent standard of living. There is an impairment when the law
deprives a party to the contract of the
5. Right to collective negotiations 9. Right to participate in policy and benefits provided therein or changes
decision-making processes the terms of the contract by imposing
Collective negotiations unionism in new conditions, or dispensing with such
the government or public sector principle of shared responsibility, conditions.
co-determination, co-sharing or the XPN: subject to the police power of the
Q: May government employees collectively doctrine of participatory democracy in state
bargain? labor relations Art. 1700. Besides, labor contracts,
Enshrined in RA 6715 being impressed with common
A: Yes, it is a right enshrined in the
constitution. The SC held that the company should interests, are subject to special laws on
allow the union to participate in the labor unions, collective bargaining
amendment of the companys Code of agreements, strikes, lockouts, etc.
However, the constitutional record show that
employees in the government sector cannot Discipline for its provisions have
repercussions on the employees right 2. Observance of non-delegation of
collectively bargain on terms and conditions of
to security of tenure22 legislative power
employment simply because the same are
fixed by law and determined by civil service
law, rules and regulations. 10. Right to just share in the fruits of The power conferred upon Congress to
production make laws cannot be delegated by that
6. Right to peaceful concerted department to any other body or
activities The State shall regulate the relations authority. Where the sovereign power
between workers and employers, of the state has located the authority,
recognizing the right to labor to its just there it must remain and by that
Boycott, pickets and strikes provided
share in the fruits of production is not constitutional authority alone must the
that it be conducted in a peaceful
self-executory. law be made until the Constitution
itself is changed.
7. Right to strike The rule is based on the ethical
D. Doctrine of Incorporation principle that delegated power
constitutes not only a right but also a
Strike is defined as any temporary
duty to be performed by the delegate
stoppage of work by the concerted
action of employees as a result of any
industrial or labor dispute designed to 22
PAL, Inc. v. NLRC 23
Lasco v. NLRC
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Asiong Salonga
through the instrumentality of his own Equal protection means that no Art. II, Sec. 9 The State is mandated to free
judgment, acting immediately upon the person of class of persons shall be the people from poverty through policies that
matter of legislation and not another. 24 denied the same protection of the law provide adequate social service, promote
A law empowering a certain body or which is enjoyed by other classes of employment, a rising standard of living, and an
agency to decide a controversy based persons under like circumstances, in improved quality of life for all.
on justice and equity and on the merits their lives, in their liberty, and in their
of the case is a sufficient standard to pursuit of happiness. Poverty generally means a low status
guide such body in the determination GR: Classification violates the very Freedom of poverty can be attained
of such controversy25 essence of the principle only upon full satisfaction of the basic
Example: Art. 236(g). Empowers the o XPN: If the classification is not necessities of life brought about by full
Sec. of Labor and Employment to capricious or arbitrary but employment, a rising standard of living
assume jurisdiction over labor disputes natural and reasonable, then and an improved quality of life for all.
causing or likely to cause strikes or the guaranty is not violated
lockouts adversely affecting the Test of reasonableness: Standard and cost of living, distinguished
national interest and thereafter to o It must rest on substantial and
decide or certify the same to the NLRC. real distinctions Standard of living Cost of living
Not unconstitutional26 o It must be germane to the Defined as a social Defined as a social
purpose of law and economic and economic concept
3. Observance of the constitutional o It must apply to all members of concept which which deals with how
provision against involuntary deals with what much facilities that
the same class
servitude facilities are an employee could
A law which suspends court actions for
ejectment for leases covered by such needed by an cost in order to
no involuntary servitude in any form employee maintain his standard
law does not violate the equal
shall exist except as a punishment for a necessary to assure of living worthy of
protection clause. It is a police power
crime whereof the party shall have himself and his human dignity
legislation intended to remedy the
been duly convicted. family a life worthy
situation of the lessee28
Purpose: to abolish slavery of of human dignity
whatever name, form, and all its Constitutional and Statutory Basis
badges; to render impossible any state Plane of living the level upon which
of bondage; to make labor free by Promotion of the common good an employee actually lives. It
prohibiting control by which the represents his actual expenditures and
personal services of one man is in order to build a just and humane his actual consumption of goods and
disposed of or coerced for anothers services.
society and establish a Government
benefit which is the essence of
that shall embody our ideals and
involuntary servitude27 Escalator clause in the CBA
aspirations, promote the common
XPN: In the exercise of the police good
regulation of the state, citizens may be Escalator clauses - wage rates under
required to help in the repair of public Protective service clause periodically usually with specific rises in the
highways. consumer price index or cost-of-living index,
Art. II, Sec. 5. The enjoyment by the people but prohibit a decrease to reflect a drop in the
4. Observance of equal protection of of the blessings of democracy can be attained cost of living
the law through the maintenance of peace and order,
the protection of life, liberty and property, and Purpose: To adjust the monetary features of
promotion of the general welfare. the contract to meet inflationary situation
which is robbing the employees of the gains
24 Freedom from poverty they have previously made of any of the fruits
U.S. v. Barrias
25 of their increasing productivity.
Antamok Gold Fields v. CIR
Telephone Workers Union v. The Hon. Minister Promotion of human dignity
27 28
Bailey v. Alabama Gutierrez v. Cantada
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Asiong Salonga
Freedom of initiative and self-reliance Aliens cannot invoke denial of equal
Art. II, Sec. 11. The State values the dignity protection against the prohibition that
of every human person and guarantees full Art. XII, Sec. 2. The promotion of social they cannot exercise the right of
respect for human rights. justice shall include the commitment to create suffrage, engage in business reserved
In a democracy, the preservation and economic opportunities based on freedom of for Filipinos, and hold public office.
enhancement of the dignity and worth initiative and self-reliance Equal protection is designed to
of the human personality is the central Right to due process safeguard against acts of the State and
core as well as the cardinal article of not against the conduct of private
faith of our civilization 29 No person shall be deprived of life, individuals or persons; it does not add
Constitutional provisions protecting liberty, or property without due process anything to the right which a citizen
labor are in line with the predominant of law, nor shall any person be denied has against another under the
thinking all over the world the equal protection of the laws Constitution. The right of equal
safeguarding human dignity30 Due process of law is synonymous with protection is a restraint on all three
The view that the pay or compensation law of the land grand departments of government and
of the worker for his toil should be the o A law which hears before it on the subordinate instrumentalities
topmost priority in the scale of values, condemns and subdivisions thereof34
which view is anchored on the worth o Which proceeds upon inquiry, Art. 245, as amended by EO 111.
and dignity of the human person, is and Employees of government
reiterated.31 o Renders judgment only after corporations established under the
trial Corporation Code shall have the right
Principle of distributive justice Audie alteram partem no man should to organize and to bargain collectively
be condemned unheard with their respective employers. All
Art. XII, Sec. 6. The use of property bears a It is incumbent upon the employer to other employees in the civil service
social function, and all economic agents shall conduct a formal investigation and shall have the right to form
contribute to the common good. Individuals inform him of the specific charges associations for purposes not contrary
and private groups, including corporations, against him. The employer must be to law.
cooperatives, and similar collective reminded that, under our system of
organizations, shall have the right to own, government, even the most hardened Q: Do rights to organize and negotiate in
establish, and operate economic enterprises, criminals are given their day in court. the government sector include the right
subject to the duty of the State to promote The twin requirement of notice and to strike?
distributive justice and to intervene when the hearing constitutes essential elements
common good so demands. of due process which cannot be A: No. The government as an employer
dispensed without running afoul of the assumes that since it represents the sovereign
To effect the above provisions: Art XIII, due process requirement of the power, it must reserve the right to determine
Sec. 1. The Congress shall give highest priority Constitution.32 the terms and conditions of employment under
to the enactment of measures that protect and which its employees work.
enhance the right of all the people to human Right to equal protection of the law
dignity, reduce social, economic, and political A strike of govt employees which
inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by results from dissatisfaction over
See Observance of the equal
equitably diffusing wealth and political power wages, hours of work and other
protection of the law
for the common good. working conditions becomes, un the
The equal protection clause extends
light of the principle of State
To this end, the State shall regulate the only to civil rights. It does not extend
sovereignty, an insurrection against
acquisition, ownership, use, and disposition of to rights which are political or which
public authority
property and its increments. arises from the form of government
and its mode of administration33
Government employees and employees in the
private sector, distinguished
PBM Employees Organization v. PBM Co., Inc.
30 32
Central Textile Mills, Inc. v. NLRC Century Textile Mills, Inc., et. al. v. NLRC, et. al.
31 33 34
DBP v. NLRC Ex Parte Virginia People v. Vera
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Asiong Salonga
Government Employees in the Right against involuntary servitude 3. Peonage is service of the peon to
employees private sector another on account of an enforced
The government is Private enterprise is Art. III, Sec. 18. No involuntary servitude in indebtedness, usually arising from
established to created for profit or any form shall exist except as a punishment for advances made by an employer in the
promote the gain a crime whereof the party shall have been duly form of food, clothing, housing or
common good convicted. transportation
Terms and Employment in the 4. Padrone system Is one where the
conditions in govt private sector is Art. 272. The RPC penalizes anyone workers are employed through their
employment are governed by labor who shall purchase, kidnap, or detain a leader known as the padroni who
fixed by law and laws and the collective human being for the purpose of advances transportation charges and
governed by civil bargaining enslaving him supplies food and clothing for them. In
service law Art. 273. It also penalizes any person return for these services, the worker
Public funds are Funds are contributed who, under the pretext of reimbursing agrees to serve any employer with
appropriated by private individuals himself a debt incurred by an whom the padroni had contracted to
pursuant to law or institutions ascendant, guardian or person sell a workers labor38
enacted by entrusted with the custody of a minor,
Congress shall against the latters will, retain Right against imprisonment for debt
The doctrine of Private entity does not him in his service.
Art. III, Sec. 20. No person shall be
State sovereignty possess sovereign will
XPN: imprisoned for debt or non-payment of a poll
which underlies the
existence of all
governments based 1. When involuntary servitude is imposed
on salus populi est as a punishment for a crime whereof Conversion of the monetary indemnity
suprema lex the party shall have been duly imposed as part of criminal liability into
convicted; subsidiary imprisonment does not
2. When the citizens are required to violate the prohibition of imprisonment
It is noteworthy that the right to form
render personal military or civil service; foe debt, obligation to indemnity being
and join associations and unions is not
3. It does not apply to an ordinary case of ex-contractu not ex-delicto.
absolute or unlimited. Thus, if a person
restraint of personal liberty, such as
accepts employment that falls under
the obligation of the child to his Capital-labor relations impressed with
the civil service law and his employer
parents public interest
performs governmental function, he
4. In the exercise of the police regulation
may resort to and exercise the right to
of the state or citizen, citizens may be Art. 1700 to 1712 of the Civil Code
strike because that is prohibited by
required to help for the repair of public Labor contracts are not merely
highways and streets36 contracts because they are impressed
5. It does not apply to exceptional with public interest
Right to free access to the courts
service, such as military or naval
enlistment37 Principle of non-oppression
Art. III, Sec. 11. Free access to the courts and
quasi-judicial bodies and adequate legal
Forms of involuntary servitude Art. 1702. Neither capital nor labor
assistance shall not be denied to any person by
reason of poverty. shall act oppressively against the
1. Servitude denotes a condition of other, or impair the interest or
voluntary or compulsory subjection of a convenience of the public.
Without this provision, a person is still
person to a master The law, in protecting the rights of the
entitled to free access to courts by 2. Slavery or bondage is the entire labourer, authorizes neither oppression
reason of the due process and equal subjection of one to another nor self-destruction of the employer39
protection clause of the Constitution35

36 38
Henley v. State Rubi v. Provincial Board of Mindoro
35 37 39
Barbier v. Connolly Robertson v. Baldwin Colgate-Palmolive Philippines, Inc. v. Ople
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Asiong Salonga
The employer may be liable for
damages if, in terminating the Art. 1708. the laborers wages shall not be
employment, it also committed an anti- subject to execution or attachment, except for
social and oppressive abuse of its right debts incurred for food, shelter, clothing and
to investigate and dismiss its employee medical attendance.
in violation of Art. 1701 of the Civil
Code which prohibits oppression by XPN: debts incurred for food, shelter, clothing
either capital or labor against the and medical attendance
As a measure of self-protection against It is settled that earned salaries of
acts inimical to its interest, a company government employees still in the
has the right to dismiss its erring hands of public officers cannot be
employees. The law does not impose garnished until they are paid to the
unjust situations on either labor or employees for to do otherwise would
management41 violate the rule on non-suability of the
To require a company to continue being State44
generous when it is no longer in a Salaries of employees in the private
position to do so would certainly be sector can be subject to garnishment
unduly oppressive, unfair and most or attachment45
Employer cannot retain laborers tool
Principle of liberal construction in favour
of labor Art. 1709. the employer shall neither seize
nor retain any tool or other articles belonging
Art. 1702. in case of doubt, all labor to the labourer.
legislations and all labor contracts shall
be construed in favour of the safety Dismissal of an employee must be
and decent living for the labourer done without abuse of discretion. The
Applies only when there is doubt right of an employer to freely select or
Verba legis non est recedendum from discharge his employees is regulated
the words of the statute there can be by the State, because the preservation
no departure of the lives of the citizens is a basic
While the Constitution is committed to duty of the State, more vital than the
the policy of social justice and the preservation of corporate profit46
protection of the working class, it LIFO rule last in, first out. In
should not be supposed that every absence of LIFO, the method shall yield
labor dispute will be automatically to the sound discretion of the
decided in favour of labor. management47
Management also has its own rights
which are entitled to respect and
enforcement in the interest of simple
fair play43

Labor wages not subject to execution

40 44
Hilario v. NLRC Dir. of Commerce and Industry v. Concepcion
41 45
Mercury Drug Corp. v. NLRC Gaa v. CA
42 46
North Davao Mining Corp. v. NLRC Esmalin v. NLRC
43 47
Mercury Drug Corp. v. NLRC Maya Farms Employees Org. v. NLRC

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