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The key takeaways are that this document provides qualification criteria for service providers for the deployment of Saudi Aramco’s Corrosion Management Program (CMP) for existing facilities. It addresses the selection process and performance review of CMP service providers.

The purpose of this document is to provide qualification criteria for service providers for the deployment of Saudi Aramco’s Corrosion Management Program (CMP) for existing facilities. It also addresses the selection process and performance review of CMP service providers.

The qualification criteria for CMP service providers include having the required expertise, resources and management system to complete the scope of work. Service providers must also meet the minimum technical and safety requirements as well as Saudi Aramco's standards and procedures.

Best Practice

SABP-A-053 23 August 2015

Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities
Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope........................................................................... 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations............................................... 2
3 References................................................................... 2
4 Definitions..................................................................... 2
5 Qualification Criteria for CMP Service Providers.......... 3
6 CMP Service Provider Selection.................................. 4
7 Service Provider Performance Review......................... 4
8 Approved List of Service Providers.............................. 5

Appendix I - CMP Scope of Work for Service Providers..... 6

Appendix II - Minimum Qualifications of Key Personnel..... 9

Previous Issue: New Next Planned Update: TBD

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Primary contact: Khamis, Jamal Najam (khamisjn) on +966-13-8809532
Mutahhar, Faisal Mousa (mutahhfm) on +966-13-8809619

CopyrightSaudi Aramco 2015. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

1 Scope

This Best Practice provides qualification criteria for service providers for the
deployment of Saudi Aramcos Corrosion Management Program (CMP) for existing
facilities. Deployment of CMP shall follow the requirements laid out in Saudi Aramco
Engineering Procedure Corrosion Management Program Deployment for Existing
Facilities SAEP-43 and the Corrosion Management Program Manual SABP-A-033.
This document also addresses the selection process and performance review of CMP
service providers.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflicts between this Best Practice and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Standard
Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing
by the company or buyer representative through the Manager, Consulting Services
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

3 References

The following is a summary of the Saudi Aramco documents relevant to this best

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-43 Corrosion Management Program Deployment for
Existing Facilities
SAEP-1135 On-Stream Inspection Administration

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard

SAES-L-133 Corrosion Protection Requirements for Pipelines,
Piping and Process Equipment

Saudi Aramco Best Practice

SABP-A-033 Corrosion Management Program (CMP) Manual

4 Definitions

Approval: Written authorization by the Manager, Consulting Services Department,

Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

Acceptable Service Provider: A service provider where approval is not required when

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

placing a purchase order for his service. After the order has been placed, the supplier of
this product must ensure that he complies with all aspects of the purchasing contract
(e.g., must meet Saudi Aramco requirements).

Corrosion Management Program (CMP): Corporate Program developed by CSD

aimed at proactively reducing corrosion failures and improving plant availability and
integrity without compromise to safety and the environment. Key elements of CMP
include risk assessment, corrosion loop development, plant integrity windows, CMP
Key Performance Indicators, CMP dashboard, technology deployment or development,
corrosion talent development and the plant-specific corrosion control document.

License Agreement: A contract between a supplier and an owner of rights to an

equipment design, allowing a supplier to either (1) assemble the equipment using all the
pieces provided by the design owner or (2) assemble the equipment using a combination
of pieces provided by the design owner and pieces manufactured by the licensee to the
design owner's detailed drawings/specifications. The contract between the licensor and
licensee would (1) require the licensee to follow the licensor manufacturing procedures
and be routinely audited by the licensor for compliance and (2) require the equipment to
be marketed and labeled using the licensor's brand name.

Service Provider: The person/company, etc., who is responsible to provide the

services to Saudi Aramco.

5 Qualification Criteria for CMP Service Providers

CMP service provider qualification process is based on three criteria and a scoring
system, as follows:
a) Technical Proposal

This has been addressed by evaluating the clarity and quality of the technical
proposal submitted by the service provider and gauging his level of understanding
of the CMP deployment requirements.
b) Technical Qualification

This has been addressed by evaluating the technical capabilities of the service
provider and his past experience in carrying out services similar to CMP.
This takes into account the availability of the required engineering specialties, an
assessment of any submitted resumes of key personnel and a review of any past
experience and clients list.
c) Deployment Plan

This has been addressed by evaluating the service provider deployment strategy
including the mobilization of personnel, availability of all required resources

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

locally and the potential need to subcontract any part of the service to a third party.

Each of the above criteria is evaluated using a questionnaire and scored according
to the system displayed in Table 1. A score of 70 (out of 100) is set as the basis for

Table 1 - Evaluation Criteria Scoring System

Max Score
# Criteria
1 Proposal clarity, quality and level of understanding of requirements 30

2 Availability and quality of required specialties (including quality of CVs) 40

3 Relevance of past experience 20

4 Availability of resources locally 10

Total Score 100

6 CMP Service Provider Selection

A facility requiring CMP deployment shall acquire bids from the list of approved
service providers from Section 8. These bids shall be sent to CSD/AR&IMD/CMG for
a technical evaluation. This evaluation entails a review of the technical proposal and
the resumes of the staff/engineers deployed by the service provider. The facility shall
then consider commercial bids from the technically-approved service providers
proposed by CSD/AR&IMD/CMG.

7 Service Provider Performance Review

The performance of the service provider shall be evaluated at the end of each
deployment by the proponent organization and CMG per the scoring criteria is given in
Table 2. The purpose of this evaluation is to ensure continuous improvement of CMP.

Table 2 - Service Provider Performance Scoring Criteria

Max Score
# Criteria
1 Corrosion Control Document (CCD) quality and compliance to SAEP-43 50
2 Deployment according to agreed plan (time and scope) 30

3 Proponent facility satisfaction with the CCD and the deployment process 20

Total Score 100

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

8 Approved List of Service Providers

8.1 Refer to the following link to obtain the current approved list of service
providers for CMP studies.

Commentary Note:

Procuring a CMP study from a non-approved service provider shall be at the

discretion the Manager of Consulting Services Department, Dhahran.
Requests for approval of an alternate service provider shall be supported by
documentation identifying how the alternate service provider would better-serve
Saudi Aramco over the already-approved service providers.

8.2 Maintenance of the list of approved CMP service providers is under the
responsibility of CSD/AR&IMD/CMG.

8.3 A CMP service provider must maintain an acceptable level of quality of service
to remain in the approved list. A score of 80 (out of 100) in the criteria outlined
in Table 2 is set as the basis for remaining in the approved list.

Revision Summary
23 August 2015 New Saudi Aramco Best Practice.

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

Appendix I - CMP Scope of Work for Service Providers

The responsibilities of the service provider shall include, but not limited to the following
scope of work:

1. Perform work process gap analysis:

This activity shall compare the corrosion management work processes existing at the
facility with those described in related Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure for CMP
deployment and the CMP Manual. The service provider shall facilitate and lead a
workshop involving all the participants to discuss all Operate & Maintain work
processes and document gaps that may exist at the facility. The deliverable from this
activity shall list all gaps identified and an action plan to address these gaps. These gaps
may consist of corrosion or inspection/monitoring procedural rectifications, reporting
mechanisms, availability of tools and technologies, performance measurement/tracking
and human resource development.

2. Conduct an inspection/corrosion historical review and identify major corrosion


This activity shall include, but not limited to, the review of plant information, focusing
on major or chronic corrosion challenges, inspection/repair/replacement failure history,
incident investigations, process upsets, process variables and operational practices.
In addition, it shall include a plant assessment, focusing on major corrosion challenges,
locations exhibiting corrosion Classes 0 and 1 (SAEP-1135), chronic fouling areas and
equipment or piping nearing their end of life. A list of plant information as documented
in the CMP Manual shall be used as a checklist for this review. The deliverable from
this task shall include appropriate recommendations addressing proactively all
corrosion, materials degradation and fouling issues encountered in this exercise.

3. Develop corrosion loops:

The service provider shall facilitate and lead an interactive workshop to involve the
proponents process, operation, corrosion and inspection engineers. The workshop shall
(i) review process, operating / design / start-up / shutdown / upset conditions,
contaminants, (ii) identify the materials of construction, (iii) identify active and
potential damage mechanisms, (iv) identify existing corrosion barriers and their
performance / effectiveness and (v) develop corrosion loops. The main deliverable
from this workshop shall include, (i) process description of the loop, (ii) materials of
construction, (iii) the damage mechanisms identified and the process/material
parameters driving these mechanisms, (iv) the existing corrosion barriers in place and
their performance, i.e., justification or supporting statements for the presence of these

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

4. Customize the damage mechanism narratives:

The service provider shall customize the Saudi Aramco generic damage mechanism
narratives to the specific conditions of the plant for each active or potential damage
mechanism. The narrative shall consist of the damage description, the affected
materials, the control methodology, the inspection or monitoring techniques, frequency
and KPIs.

5. Perform corrosion risk assessment:

The service provider shall perform a corrosion risk assessment using the results of a
quantitative Risk Based Inspection (RBI) study undertaken previously by the service
provider himself or others. The objective of this assessment is to gain an understanding
of the risk levels resulting from the RBI study and contrast these with the major
corrosion challenges identified in Task 2 above.

6. Develop Plant Integrity Windows (PIWs):

The service provider shall develop the PIWs focusing on mechanical and chemical
variables affecting corrosion/material degradation, e.g., metal temperature, velocity,
differential pressure, pH, contaminant or corrodent concentration (chlorides, H2S, CO2,
caustic, oxygen, ammonium chloride, ammonium bisulfide, ammonium chloride,
hydrogen partial pressure, etc.). Each PIW shall have a tag, lower and upper limits,
frequency of measurement and urgency, the consequences of deviation, the possible
root causes of the deviation and the actions required to remedy the deviation and restore

7. Develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

The service provider shall develop leading and lagging KPIs relevant to the corrosion
performance of the plant; these measures shall be both proactive and reactive, focusing
on internal, financial and result KPIs.

8. Develop CMP Dashboard:

The service provider shall develop the CMP Dashboards for the following levels of
Vice President Dashboard (Highest Level)
Manager Dashboard (High Level)
Superintendent Dashboard (Medium Level)
Supervisor and Engineer Dashboard (Detailed Level)

The CMP Dashboard is a visual display of the KPIs and PIWs showing targets,
compliance, impact of deviations and actions to rectify these deviations and restore

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

integrity. This dashboard is intended for the future development as a live/online IT

solution for compliance tracking and remediation of deviations.

9. Identify corrosion management recommendations, solutions, and technologies:

The service provider shall derive appropriate corrosion management strategies to

supplement the existing practices in the plant. The service provider shall also identify
any new or existing technologies that will make an impact on the proactive corrosion
management process at the facility. These should include, but not limited to, corrosion
monitoring, corrosion protection (organic coating, strip lining, weld overlay, thermal
spray coating, and cathodic protection), corrosion prediction (software), life assessment,
material selection, statistical analysis, etc.

10. Deliver a preliminary closure presentation to plant management:

The service provider shall conclude the CMP deployment activities at proponent site
with a closure technical presentation highlighting to plant management the preliminary
findings and solutions. It shall include, but not limited to, the following key points:
CMP methodology
Work Process gap analysis findings
Major historical corrosion challenges
Key corrosion threats, identified via the corrosion loop workshop
Risk assessment findings
Preliminary PIWs and KPIs
Corrosion management strategies & technologies
Path forward (remaining activities/assessments, action plan to replicate CMP on
other units at facility (including plant prioritization criteria).

11. Develop Corrosion Control Document (CCD):

The service provider shall develop a unit-specific CCD and submit it for plant
proponent and central engineering reviews. The CCD shall include an executive
summary, the comprehensive assessment findings of all the above scope of work,
conclusions and recommendations. Upon receipt of the review comments on the draft
CCD, a final CCD shall be developed and submitted to proponent as the main CMP

12. Deliver final closure presentation to plant management

The service provider shall deliver a final closure presentation to plant management
summarizing the contents of the corrosion control document with emphasis on major
corrosion challenges, proactive corrosion control measures, required tools and
technologies and talent development requirements.

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

Appendix II - Minimum Qualifications of Key Personnel

The following are the minimum qualifications of the service provider CMP team:
1. CMP Team Leader:
Bachelor of Science or Engineering degree (or higher) in Corrosion, Materials,
Metallurgical, Mechanical or Chemical Engineering from an accredited university.
15 years of experience in an asset integrity discipline such as corrosion engineering
or corrosion management, risk-based inspection, fitness for service, materials
selection, failure analysis, etc. in oil and gas industry.
Chartered Engineer or equivalent preferred
NACE certification or equivalent preferred
API certification preferred
Shall be responsible for the overall CMP deployment coordination, execution and
service provider single point of contact; responsible for the facilitation of required
workshops and contracted deliverables.
2. Materials & Corrosion Specialist (may fulfill the role of CMP Team Leader):
Bachelor of Science or Engineering degree (or higher) in Corrosion, Materials,
Metallurgical, Mechanical or Chemical Engineering from an accredited university.
15 years of experience in an asset integrity discipline such as corrosion engineering
or corrosion management, risk-based inspection, fitness for service, materials
selection, failure analysis, etc. in oil and gas industry.
NACE Certified Corrosion Specialist, Senior Corrosion Technologist or equivalent.
API 571 certification is an advantage.
Shall be responsible for addressing all corrosion issues; works with all other
engineers on materials / corrosion / welding / coating / chemical & water treatment /
cathodic protection / inspection / operations issues, development of corrosion loops,
undertaking of plant assessment and development of recommendations, PIWs, KPIs
and dashboard, customization of damage mechanism narratives and development of
3. Chemical & Water Treatment Specialist (if required*):
Bachelor of Science or Engineering degree (or higher) in Chemistry, Corrosion or
Chemical Engineering from an accredited university.

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Document Responsibility: Corrosion Control Standards Committee SABP-A-053
Issue Date: 23 August 2015 Qualification of Service Providers for Corrosion
Next Planned Update: TBD Management Program (CMP) Deployment for Existing Facilities

15 years of experience related to chemical and water treatment in process industry;

with at least 10 years in oil and gas industry.
NACE Certified Chemical Treatment Specialist.
Shall be responsible for addressing all chemical cleaning and water treatment issues;
works closely with proponent representatives on corrosion / chemical & water
treatment / inspection / maintenance / operations issues.
4. Coatings Specialist (if required*):
Bachelor of Science or Engineering degree (or higher) in Materials, Corrosion,
Metallurgical or Mechanical Engineering from an accredited university.
15 years of experience in the evaluation, inspection and qualification of new and
existing protective coating system; with a minimum of 10 years in upstream,
downstream or offshore facilities of the oil and gas industry.
NACE Certified Coating Inspector - Level 3 or Protective Coating Specialist.
Shall be responsible for addressing all coating issues; works closely with proponents
representatives on corrosion / chemical treatment / inspection / maintenance /
operations issues.
5. Cathodic Protection Specialist (if required*):
Bachelor of Science or Engineering degree (or higher) in Electrical, Materials,
Corrosion, Metallurgical or Mechanical Engineering from an accredited university.
15 years of experience in the design, evaluation, inspection and qualification of new
and existing cathodic protection system; with a minimum of 10 years in onshore or
offshore facilities of the oil and gas industry.
NACE Certified Cathodic Protection Specialist.
Shall be responsible for addressing all cathodic protection issues; works closely
with proponent representatives on corrosion / inspection / maintenance / operations
Note: The requirements of the specialties denoted by (*) is dependent on the type of the
facility under CMP deployment, plant proponent request or central engineering request.
The service provider shall verify in advance with the plant proponent and central
engineering the need for these specialties prior to submitting his proposal.

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