Saep 308
Saep 308
Saep 308
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2
3 Applicable Documents................................... 2
4 Definitions and Abbreviations........................ 4
5 Responsibilities.............................................. 5
6 Instructions.................................................... 7
1 Scope
Direct all conflicts or requests to deviate from this procedure to the Manager, Inspection
3 Applicable Documents
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
4.2 Abbreviations
GI General Instruction
ID Inspection Department
IEU Inspection Engineering Unit of the Inspection Department
NDT Nondestructive Testing
OID Operations Inspection Division
PIU Plant or Pipelines Inspection Unit
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
5 Responsibilities
5.1.1 IEU shall be responsible for coordinating the plant inspection unit
assessments. This coordination includes:
5.1.2 IEU shall be responsible for determining the number of team members,
their discipline and their minimum qualification requirements per 6.3.2
of this SAEP.
5.1.3 IEU shall be responsible for providing the assessment package including
the previous assessment report to the appointed leader and team
members. At least two weeks prior to the start of the assessment, the
leader should brief the team members on all aspects of the assessment
(i.e., schedule, report format, transportation and lodging plans, special
access requirements, etc.).
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
5.2.1 The PIU supervisor shall be the leader's primary contact for scheduling
interviews with personnel in the unit.
5.2.2 Upon receiving a request from the assessment team leader, the PIU
supervisor shall provide information related to his unit by completing
survey data forms that will be provided as a part of the request. The PIU
will be allotted 6 weeks to collect and forward the appropriate
information to the assessment team leader.
5.2.3 The PIU will provide access to the assessment team to inspect its
facilities, interview its employees and assess its documents as requested
by the assessment team leader.
5.2.4 PIU supervisor shall explain paragraph 5.2.7 to the Unit personnel and
ensure their compliance.
5.2.5 The PIU shall provide logistical support to the assessment team as
required, such as office space, access to photocopier, and security
5.2.7 The PIU supervisor shall schedule and conduct the annual unit self-
assessment and inform ID of the schedule per section 6.2 of this SAEP.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
6 Instructions
6.1.1 To verify that Saudi Aramco standards and procedures are being
properly implemented along with the applicable industry standards.
6.2.1 Each autonomous plant inspection unit within the Company will be
scheduled for an assessment by the Inspection Department on a
frequency not to exceed five years. However, all inspection units are
required to conduct an interim internal self-assessment annually to assess
their strengths and weaknesses in all inspection programs listed in
Attachment A. The Inspection Engineering Unit of the Inspection
Department shall be informed of the internal assessments schedule and
scope by end of December every year for possible participation. The
performance of the inspection unit will be evaluated based on the results
from the internal self-assessment and unit performance as indicated by
the performance index designed for this purpose per 00-SAIP-71. If,
based on the performance, an assessment is judged by the Inspection
Department as needed before the normal five year schedule, the
Inspection Department will inform the Proponent of a partial or complete
6.2.2 To ensure that the maximum assessment frequency is not exceeded for
any inspection unit, OID shall prepare a long range (5 year) assessment
schedule that shall be updated annually to coincide with preparation of
the Inspection Department's Operating Plan. The schedule will be posted
on the ID website.
6.2.3 During the fourth quarter of each year, OID will contact all inspection
units that are due for an assessment the next year and establish tentative
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
6.3.1 Approximately ten weeks prior to the assessment the leader will visit the
PIU to explain the objective of the assessment to the PIU Personnel as
mentioned under During this meeting, the PIU supervisor will
be requested to provide information about his unit by completing unit
survey data forms in electronic format within 6 weeks. This form can be
accessed from the ID website. This information will be utilized when
making assignments and planning the assessment activities. Within two
days of receiving the unit data, the data shall be posted on the shared
folder and all Team members are informed about it and requested to
review and analyze the data to plan their part of the assessment activities
The Team Leader will provide for familiarizing Non-IEU Team members
with assessment process and basic auditing skills as replacement for
training/certifcation requirements.
6.3.3 The Team members from other departments should be determined and
requested at the time of planning the reviews for the upcoming year.
6.3.4 Assessment assignments will be made based on each team members' area
of expertise. Assignments will be made for evaluating each of the
following inspection functions and programs against the associated
procedures and applicable standards listed in Attachment A.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
6.4.2 To begin the field assessment, the assessment team will have a kick-off
meeting with the PIU personnel. The PIU should prepare a presentation
that gives an idea about the facility size, process, manpower, areas of
concerns for the team to focus. The leader shall introduce the team
members and clearly state the objective of the assessment to the PIU
personnel. The schedule and plans will also be discussed with the PIU
supervisor who will coordinate the work of his personnel to make them
available for interviews.
6.4.3 The PIU shall arrange for a walkthrough of the facility or part of it, as
agreed with the leader prior to the assessment, to verify compliance with
the standards and procedures and to verify the effectiveness of the PIU
inspection programs.
Commentary Note:
6.4.4 Team members shall conduct interviews, inspect testing and measuring
equipment, facilities, reference materials and programs in accordance
with their specific assignments. They shall be guided in the assessment
by the prepared interview questions and references in 6.3.4 but will not
be limited to them if additional investigation is deemed necessary for a
thorough evaluation. They shall document their findings in the format
shown in Attachment B.
6.4.5 At the end of the field assessment, the team shall brief the PIU
supervisor on the major observations before presenting them to the
proponent management and issuance of the final report.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
6.5.1 Immediately after completing the field assessment but no more than two
days after the field assessment, team member shall enter his
observations, impact, category of the recommendation and the
recommendation in the shared folder. All reports shall be written
following prepared template which will include; Observation Recommendation
6.5.2 All team member reports shall be prepared within 2 days following the
field assessment. These reports shall be given to the team leader who
will prepare the preliminary report within 4 working days of receipt of
the team member reports. This will be used to prepare the presentation
for the PIU management.
6.5.3 The final report will be presented and issued, within 10 working days
after completion of the field assessment.
6.6.1 Upon receipt of the report, the PIU supervisor shall develop corrective
action to close each recommendation with an estimated to complete
(ETC) dates for all recommendations. This corrective action shall be
agreed by the assessor to facilitate closure of the recommendation. This
agreed corrective action for each recommendation shall be submitted to
IEU within a month from submittal of the final report.
6.6.2 The PIU shall track the implementation of all recommendations. When
the pending recommendations are not completed on the estimated date,
IEU will issue a letter of non-conformance or an electronic notification
per 00-SAIP-79 to the PIU Superintendent or General Supervisor. The
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
2) The new ETC after the first and second revision shall not exceed a period
of six months from the original ETC.
6.6.3 If the PIU disagrees with or is unable to comply with a major or potential
major recommendation as defined in Attachment II , a clarification letter
shall be obtained from the PIU department's manager at the time of the
corrective action submittal mentioned under paragraph 6.6.1. This letter
should state the justification for non-compliance. A copy of this letter
shall be forwarded to the Manager, Inspection Department. If this letter
is not accepted by ID, PIU shall obtain an admin area head clarification
6.6.4 The PIU shall submit implementation status reports, at three months
intervals, for all major or potential major recommendations identified in
the final report, to the Manager, Inspection Department. These reports
shall be continued until all recommendations are implemented or
otherwise resolved.
6.6.5 When the status reports are not received by the Manager, Inspection
Department at the above stated intervals, IEU will issue a letter of non-
conformance. The non-conformance letters will be issued progressively
to higher level of management starting with the superintendent or general
supervisor at one month intervals until the status reports are issued or
recommendations resolved.
Commentary Note:
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
6.6.6 IEU will maintain a summary of the unit's implementation progress from
the quarterly reports submitted by each unit. Progress on implementation
will be factored in the periodic unit's Plant Inspection Index (PII).
Revision Summary
31 May, 2004 Major revision.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
(Date )
Revised ETC
Report Recommendation Corrective Action to be taken (To be
(see 6.6.2 of SAEP Status
Item # (SAEP 308 6.4.4 & 6.5.1) (See 6.6.1 of SAEP-308 for details) completed first
In Progress
Date: …../…../
In Progress
Date: …../…../
In Progress
Date: …../…../
In Progress
Date: …../…../
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
Immediate Recommendations: Any observations deemed too critical to wait until the
issuance of the final report. These items are communicated to plant Inspection Unit Supervisor
and copied to his management by individual memos so that they can be implemented without
delay. This memo will also be attached to the final report. This includes:
• Imminent safety risk
Major Recommendations: Any recommendation that falls under any of these categories or
combination of them:
• Violations to Corporate standards or procedures (Overdue equipment without Deviation
request, RV not included in the tracking system, improper installation of PZV or
associated isolation valves…etc.)
• Failure of an inspection program (e.g., unavailability of manpower to make program
• Deficiencies making the inspection program ineffective (e.g., inadequately trained
• Production loss (> $100M).
• Major safety risk, e.g., fire, explosions, or personal injuries. (as per RBI guidelines
API RP 580)
• Loss of assets (>$100M).
• Increased equipment life cycle cost (>$100M).
• Increased operating costs as a result of fuel/feedstock interruption, catalyst damage,
maintenance rework, etc. (> 100M/yr)
Potential Major Recommendations: Any recommendation that are considered to have a long
term effect on plant integrity that, if left unattended, could possibly become a major impact
item with respect to reliability and safety.
Good Practice Recommendations: Any recommendation that falls under any of these
categories or combination of them:
• Observations and recommendations that include the areas of Best Practices, Plant
Equipment Optimization and Cost Effectiveness. These items are considered to have
long range impact on integrity however they have a more heavy effect on economical
plant operations, efficiency and best use of resources.
• Observations and Recommendations that are judged by the assessor as a practice that
will increase the effectiveness of the PIU or the integrity of the equipment and is being
followed by good performance units.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
Attachment E – Flowchart
ID Website
Due date
for Annual Revise Schedule &
PII Results
Self-Assessment submit to OID/IEU Supt
(PII Team)
( PIU Supervisor) (OID/IEU Supervisor &
NO PIU Supervisor)
Advise everyone Of
Livelink Location with
Update per 00-SAIP-79 2 YES Documentation?
END (OID/IEU Assessment
(OID/EIU Supervisor) Team Leader)
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
OID/IEU Orientation meeting between OID/ Update Livelink Folder with Pre-Assessment
IEU Assessment Team Leader & his team 9 Data at least 8-weeks prior to actual start
weeks prior to actual start date date
(OID/IEU Assessment Team Leader (PIU Supervisor)
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Department SAEP-308
Issue Date: 31 May, 2004
Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2009 Plant Inspection Unit Assessments
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