A Finite-Element Computation For The Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank

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Proceedings of The Twelfth (2002) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
Kitakyushu, Japan, May 2631, 2002
Copyright 2002 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
ISBN 1-880653-58-3 (Set); ISSN 1098-6189 (Set)

A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank

J. W. Kim1, Y. S. Shin1 and K. J. Bai2
American Bureau of Shipping
16855 Northchase Dr., Houston, TX 77060, USA.

Seoul National University
San 56-1, Shinlim Dong, Kwanak Ku, Seoul 151-742, Korea

ABSTRACT emergence of spot market. The FPSO/FSRU and their

shuttle vessels also demand operations in partial loading
A numerical simulation in time domain is made to cases. The sloshing motion at low filling level is known
calculate the impact pressure due to sloshing motion in a to be quite different from that in the high filling level. At
membrane-type LNG tank. A new finite-element method the high filling level, standing waves are observed in the
based on stream-function theory is developed to resolve tank. When the filling level is lower than 20% of the tank
the impact pressure highly localized in space and time. length or width, progressive waves are observed near the
Emphasis is made to the impact pressure at the low resonant conditions. The new operational condition at
accompanied by the recent demand for the operation of partial filling made us to revisit a number of structural
LNG carrier in any filling level. Numerical results issues that has been raised by the new pattern of sloshing
show good correlation with the experimental results. The load. The first issue is the strength of the insulation
consequences of the large impact pressure observed at system to the impact load. The hydrodynamic impact
the low filling level are also discussed. occurs when there is a sudden change in the wetted area
due to the liquid motion in the tank. At the full-load
KEY WORDS: LNG Carrier; Partial filling; Sloshing; condition, the ceiling of the tank is the only location
Impact pressure; Finite-element method; Stream-function exposed the impact load. At the partial filling level, wide
theory. area on the tank wall is vulnerable to the impact load.
The knuckle points at the upper chamfer may suffer large
INTRODUCTION impact when the crest of standing wave at the tank wall
reaches them. The impact at the knuckle point is similar
LNG carriers have usually operated with their tank fully to the slamming impact on a wedge. The transverse and
loaded or with a minimum cargo during their ballast inner-skin bulkhead will also be exposed to impact from
return voyage. The typical filling level of LNG tank is the progressive waves that are breaking or reflected at the
greater than 95% tank height at the full-load condition tank walls. Since the insulation system at the lower part
and less than 5% at the ballast condition. After the of the tank is less strengthened than the upper part, more
accommodation of large chamfer at the top of the tank careful assessment for the impact load at the low filling
and reinforced insulation system at the upper part of the level is required. To make things worse, the progressive
tank has been made, the current design practice (hull wave at the low filling level develops hydraulic jump,
scantling and insulation system) has been regarded as which can be characterized as a surge motion over the
safe to the sloshing impact load at these restricted whole liquid depth with stiff wave front, and has larger
operational conditions (see, e.g., Tanaka et al., 1984). momentum and more coherent structure than the standing
Early design of LNG tanks with smaller chamfer and old waves at the high filling level.
insulation system reported a number of minor damages at
the insulation box and utility devices in the tank. The large impact load at the knuckle point and low filling
However, no damages have been reported since the level also raises the second issue - the scantling of the
increase of chamfer size and reinforcement of insulation bulkheads of the tank. Increasing the thickness and grade
system. of the plating and stiffner at the bulkheads may be
necessary to feel comfort from the large impact load at
Recently there has been growing demand for the the low filling. The third issue is the strengthening of the
operations in all-filling level conditions due to the pump tower in the LNG tank (Tanaka et al., 1984). Pump

A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank 43


tower is a jacket-type structure that supports discharge Mikelis (1984), Arai (1994), and Kim (2000). More
and loading pipes. The large surge motion of the liquid at thorough review on the recent theoretical and numerical
the low filling level will induce significant drag force work based on the finite-difference scheme can be found
concentrated at the lower part of the tower. Mild impact in Faltinsen & Rognebakke (2000) and Faltinsen &
due to the steep wave front is also anticipated. Timokha (2001). Another popular numerical method is
Reinforcement of the lower part and the mounting system finite-element method. To name a few, Nakayama and
may be necessary to take care of the sloshing load on the Washizu (1990), Okamoto (1990) and Wu et al. (1998)
lower part of the pump tower. For the assessment of the applied the finite-element method to sloshing problems.
all these structural issues, correct estimation of the
hydrodynamic pressure and the flow field is very The theoretical approach has not shown successful
important. estimation of the impact pressure at the low filling yet.
The earlier work of Verhagen, J.H.G, and van
Besides the hydrodynamic impact, sloshing in LNG tank Wijngaarden (1965), based on shallow-water wave
involves more complicated physical phenomena. To theory, provides a good estimation of the total sloshing
name a few, the effect of compressibility and phase force at the low filling level. The numerical methods
transition during the impact, air entrapment, cushioning based on the finite-difference method also have shown
effect due to corrugation, elastic effect of the tank wall, inaccuracies in the conservation of mass and numerical
etc. Also important is the dynamic response of the instability, which made the long-time simulation difficult
structure to the impact load. The dynamic response of the (Faltinsen & Timokha, 2001). Some numerical method
structural system is known to be sensitive to the ratio also could not capture the impact pressure at the low
between the duration of the impulse and the longest filling level because of their artificial numerical damping
natural period of the structure (Abramson et al., 1974). and/or compressibility. The numerical damping usually
makes the wave front smoother than the reality, which
Due to this complexity, analysis of the sloshing load results in the loss or weakening of the impact pressure.
relies on model tests. Experiment has usually been done The artificial compressibility also introduces numerical
with the rigid container filled with water, where the error in pressure and mass conservation when severe
physical phenomena listed above are ignored. To account impact occurs.
for the neglected phenomena, a simple calibration has
been done by comparing the measured peak pressure in In this study, we have developed a finite-element code,
the model test and the estimated collapse pressure from SLOFE, to analyze the sloshing pressure in two
the previous damage in the LNG carriers (Tanaka et al., dimensions. Emphasis is made on the correct simulation
1984). The calibrated pressure is much lower than the of the impact pressure at the lower filling level, where
pressure from similarity law based on the Froude and the large impact load due to the hydraulic jump has been
Euler scaling. However, the calibration should be done observed. The existing finite-difference codes based on
very carefully when one has to consider a new SOLA-SURF and SOLA-VOF scheme have not been so
operational condition. It is doubtful whether one can use successful in predicting this impact pressure at the lower
the same calibration factor that has been used at the high filling level. The new finite-element method presented
filling conditions for the sloshing pressure at the low here is based on variational principle in stream-function
filling level. The answer should be made after formulation. This method satisfies the continuity
investigating the difference between the impact pressure equation and the kinematic boundary conditions exactly.
at these different filling levels. Previous theoretical and As a result, the conservation of mass and mechanical
experimental study showed that the flow pattern at the energy is exactly satisfied before we introduce numerical
high filling level is that of the standing wave, which is damping to consider the viscous damping empirically.
quite different from the hydraulic jump at the low filling We also developed a unique scheme to obtain the
level case. It is important to find the difference in the impulsive part of the pressure separately without any
sloshing pressure pattern at these two different situations. numerical differentiation that can introduce numerical
error for short-duration impact pressure. As a result, we
Many theoretical and numerical methods have been could obtain accurate description of the impact pressure
proposed to analyze the flow and pressure pattern in in spatial and temporal space.
sloshing problem. Faltinsen (1978), Faltinsen &
Rognebakke (2000), Faltinsen et al (2000) and Faltinsen A couple of numerical technique is introduced to handle
& Timokha (2001) used the semi-analytic analysis based the presence of tank top and to allow the dry bottom at
on nonlinear modal analysis and perturbation method. the tank bottom when sloshing motion is severe. The
The finite-difference method has been one of the most kinematic condition on the tank top, which can be stated
popular numerical method for sloshing problem since the that the fluid particle cannot not move above the tank
development of SOLA, VOF and SURF schemes (see top, is replaced by a dynamic condition by introducing
Chan and Street, 1970 and Hirt et al, 1975). Recent penalty pressure to suppress the fluid particle from
practical application of these scheme can be found in moving above the top. The penalty pressure is also

44 A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank


exerted when the thickness of the liquid layer is smaller Then the governing equation in the fluid domain is given
than a threshold thickness to prevent the numerical by
scheme from being unstable due to the dry bottom or the
zero thickness of the liquid layer. 2 = 2 in D . (2)

To validate the present numerical scheme, the model test On the tank wall, SW, no mass flux is allowed
performed by Abramson et al. (1974) is simulated. The
impact pressure at the knuckle points at the upper and
= 0 on SW (3)
lower chamfer agreed well with the model test. The
spatial and temporal pattern of the impact pressure at the
four different filling levels is compared. To measure the On the free surface, SF, the evolution of two canonical
effective area of the sloshing pressure, we introduced the variables (Miles, 1977), the free surface (x, t ) and the
idea of panel pressure. It has been found that the impact free-surface potential (x, t ) , is governed by
pressure at the low filling level has more effective area
than the one at the high filling level. The consequence of

this difference in the high- and low filling level is also = on S F (4)
discussed. t x

)( )
+ 2x 2x + 2 x x x
( 2
t 2 1 + x
2 pf
y xx+gx+ Ax = on S F .
x 2

(t) where (x, t ) (x, , t ) . Here p f (x, t ) is the forcing

o pressure on the free surface, which will be specified later,
g = (g sin , g cos ) and A = R&r& , where the trans-
formation matrix R is defined by
cos sin
R = .
sin cos
The boundary condition for on the free surface is
Fig. 1 Coordinate system given by

We consider the irrotational motion of an

imcompressible fluid in a tank with a given motion. The = + x on S F , (6)
n x x
inertial fixed coordinate system is denoted by OXY. A
moving coordinate system oxy is also introduced, where
the origin o denotes the center of rotation. If we define which gives the relation between the canonical variable
the displacement vector Oo as r(t) and the angle between and the stream function together with the
OX and ox as (t), the fluid motion observed in the tank- governing equation given in Eq. (2).
fixed coordinate system is a rotational motion with the
uniform vorticity of 2, where = & (t ) is the angular Once the velocity field is obtained, the pressure in the
velocity of the tank. Since the fluid is incompressible and fluid domain can be obtained by solving a Laplace
the rigid-body rotation is also volume-conserving, the equation for the impulsive pressure p i (x, y, t ) . The
velocity field in the moving coordinate system can be pressure is decomposed into regular pressure and
given by a stream function, i.e., impulsive pressure as

2 1 2
u= , v= (1) p(x, y, t ) pi (x, y, t ) g x + A x x x +
y x 2 2


A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank 45


Then the impulsive pressure p i (x, y, t ) is governed by coefficients and will also be determined empirically.

On the tank bottom, we prevent the numerical instability

2 p i = 0 in D (8)
due to dry bottom by introducing a constraint force to
maintain the thickness of the fluid on the bottom at the
As the boundary condition for the impulsive pressure, a
minimal value, , for numerical stability.
Neumann-type condition is imposed on the tank wall and
a Dirichlet-type condition is imposed on the free surface:

( *
bottom +
pf =

, ) < bottom *
pi & n ( y, x ) on S
= W (9) 0, > tbottom *

2 1 2
Here bottom * = h + and will be determined
p i (x, y, t ) = p f + g x + A x x x + on S F
2 2 empirically.

The governing equations for the impact pressure, Eqs. Variational Formulation
(7)~(10), can easily be derived by integrating the Euler
equations of the liquid. The initial/boundary value problem given in the previous
section can be equivalently formulated as a variational
MODELING OF TANK TOP AND BOTTOM problem to make the following functional stationary.
We assumed that the tank surface is rigid. When the
surface elevation is high enough, it can hit the tank top

L = +
+ 4 + 2 r dxdy
t x 2
but it cannot go over the tank top. The constraint on the
tank top can be given as the following inequality: (
g + Ay 2 )
Ax x + x +
2 x
top (11)
The above kinematic condition is not a convenient form
for numerical modeling. Instead, we introduce an Here, Ax and Ay denote the x and y component of the tank
equivalent dynamic condition. When the free surface hit acceleration A. The variational formulation given here
the ceiling, an impact pressure is exerted on the fluid can be obtained from the on given in Kim et al. (2001),
surface. This pressure can be interpreted as the constraint by generalizing the formulation to the rotational
force to satisfy the inequality (11). As a result, we can coordinate system.
satisfy the inequality by introducing a additional pressure
(or Lagrange multiplier) on the free surface. This Finite-Element Discretization
approach, however, also introduces numerical difficulty
with additional unknowns. One of the practical ways to The stream function (x, y, t ) is interpolated by a
enforce this kind of constraint in structural analysis is the bilinear finite-element interpolation function. The surface
use of contact spring, which is a stiff spring only elevation (x, t ) and the velocity potential (x, t ) are
triggered on when the free surface is close to the tank
interpolated by linear interpolation functions:
wall. The rigid ceiling is replaced by a spring-damper
system, with sufficiently high stiffness to allow Ne
deformation within an admissible range. We also
introduce damping to suppress the short numerical waves
( x, y , t ) = (t )N (x, y )
i =1
i i (15)
due to the high stiffness of the ceiling. Then the
additional penalty pressure is given by Nx
(x, t ) = i (t )M i (x ) (16)

( *
top +
pf =
, > top *
i =1

0, < top * Nx
(x, t ) = i (t )M i (x ) (17)
i =1

Here top * = top and is a small number which will

where Nx and Ny are number of nodes in x and y
be determined empirically. The spring and damping directions, respectively, and Ne = NxNy is the total

46 A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank


number of nodes. Substituting the Eqs. (15)~(17) into Eq. Table 1 Input parameters for sloshing simulations for
(14), and taking variations with respect to the variables various filling levels
i (t ), i (t ) and i (t ) , we can obtain ordinary differential
equations for i (t ), i (t ) and algebraic equation for Case A Case B Case C Case D
i (t ) . The Runge-Kutta 4th order method is used to
d/b 0.12 0.20 0.40 0.71
integrate the ordinary differential equations. The details
of the procedure are quite similar to the one given in Kim d/h 0.16 0.27 0.54 0.96
& Bai (2000).
A/b 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
/ g 82 82 82 82
A two-dimensional prismatic tank that has been used by
Abramson et al. (1974) for their model test is used for the
numerical simulation. The sketch of the geometry is / gh 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1
given in Fig. 2. The dimensions of the tank are given by
b = 1.38m, h = 1.02m, hu = 0.295m, hl = 0.14m / gb2 3.14 x 10-4 3.14 x 10-4 3.14 x 10-4 2.00 x 10-5
and u = b = 135o.
/h 2.35 x 10-4 2.35 x 10-4 2.35 x 10-4 2.35 x 10-4

/h 2.5 x 10-3 2.5 x 10-3 2.5 x 10-3 2.5 x 10-3

bf Nx x Ny 100 x 10 100 x 10 100 x 20 200 x 20
P2 u
h t g / h .003 .003 .003 .003
b d

hl b Fig. 3 shows the comparison of the impact pressure with
model test results for Case A. Abramson et al. (1974)
Fig. 2 Definition sketch of a two-dimensional LNG tank reported that the peak values of the impact pressure are
random. The experimental values in Fig. 3 are the 10%
exceedance limit of the peak values they provided.
The tank is excited by a regular harmonic sway motion:
However, the calculated pressure shows periodic pattern
after a few transient periods, as can be seen in Fig. 4.
r (t ) = A sin ,0 , This is presumably due to the three-dimensional effect in
T the experiment. The impact pressure at the knuckle point
in intermediate filling level (Case C) is given in Fig. 5.
where A is the sway amplitude and T is the period of the The maximum pressure in the SLOFE result occurred at
motion. slightly shorter excitation period than the model test. The
theoretical result of Faltinsen and Rognebakke (2000)
Numerical simulation has been performed for the four shows significantly lower values than the experiment and
filling levels given in Table 1. The sway amplitude is SLOFE result. Fig. 6 shows the time history of impact
given as 10% of the breadth of the tank, which pressure when T = 1.6 sec. In general, the present
corresponds to a realistic extreme sway motion of a ship numerical scheme predicts the magnitude of the impact
(Abramson et al., 1974). The other input parameters used pressure quite well.
in the numerical simulation are also given in Table 1.
The parameters , and are determined by calibrating
the impact pressure from the model tests.

A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank 47


2.5 P/gb SLOFE 6 P/gb SLOFE

Model Test Cases Faltinsen and Rognebakke
Fresh Water (2000)
2 63% Glycerol/Water 5 Model Test Cases
85% Glycerol/Water Fresh Water
Reginol Oil 63% Glycerol/Water
4 85% Glycerol/Water
Reginol Oil
0 0
1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
T (sec) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
T (sec)
Fig. 3 The maximum value of impact pressure at P1. Fig. 5 The maximum value of impact pressure at P2.
d/b = 0.12, A/b = 0.1. The model test results d/b = 0.40, A/b = 0.1. The model test results
are taken from Abramson et al. (1974) are taken from Abramson et al. (1974)
3 5




0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 4 Time history of impact pressure at P1. t/T
d/b = 0.12, A/b = 0.1, T = 1.85 sec. Fig. 6 Time history of impact pressure at P2.
d/b = 0.12, A/b = 0.1, T = 1.6 sec.

In Fig. 7 through 10, the snapshots of the sloshing

motion, including the sloshing wave and pressure
distribution in the tank and tank walls, are shown for
each cases simulated. At the low filling level (Case A
and B), we can observe hydraulic jump that runs up to
the upper chamfer. Large impact pressure occurs when
the wave front of the hydraulic jump hits and runs up the
tank wall. A sharp peak of the pressure is formed due to
the large acceleration of the liquid run up at the wall.
This is similar to the peak pressure due to jet spray
observed in the slamming of a wedge. At the
intermediate filling level (Case C in Fig. 9), the free
surface shape looks similar to the hydraulic jump at the
low filling level with milder wave front. No impact
pressure has been observed at the bulkhead. Impact
occurred when the liquid hit the upper chamfer. At the
high filling level, Case D in Fig. 10, impact occurs near
the upper corner of the tank. The peak of the impact
pressure is more localized than the low filling cases.

Fig. 7 Pressure distribution in the fluid domain and on the tank

walls for Case A. Pmax denotes the maximum value of p/gb on
the tank wall.

48 A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank


Fig. 8 Pressure distribution in the fluid domain and on the tank Fig.10 Pressure distribution in the fluid domain and on the tank
walls for Case B. Pmax denotes the maximum value of p/gb on walls for Case D. Pmax denotes the maximum value of p/gb on
the tank wall. the tank wall

The influence of the impact load to the structural system

depends on both the spatial and temporal pattern of the
load. Evenly distributed load has more influence than the
concentrated load if they have the same amplitude. The
ratio between the duration of the impact load and the
natural frequency of the structure determines the
dynamic behavior of the structural response (Abramson
et al, 1974). To quantify the spatial effectiveness of the
impact load, we introduced panel pressure.

We subdivide the tank surface by a number of panels as

shown in Fig. 11. The spacing of the panels is determined
from the typical spacing of stringers or girders. Two
quantities are defined at each panel. The maximum panel
pressure is defined as the maximum value of the impact
pressure on a panel at a moment. The average panel
pressure is defined as the instantaneous average impact
pressure, which is more meaningful value for the input to
the structural analysis since the scantling of bulkhead
plating and stiffner is usually made with the uniformly
distributed load over the panel.

Fig. 9 Pressure distribution in the fluid domain and on the tank We compare two pressures to show the spatial
walls for Case C. Pmax denotes the maximum value of p/gb on distribution of the impact load. Fig. 12 shows the time
the tank wall history of the maximum and average panel pressure at
the four different filling level. As we expected, the ratio

A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank 49


of the average panel pressure to the maximum panel 8

Max. panel pressure
pressure at the low filling level is greater than the ratio at Avg. panel pressure

the high filling level. The ratio is higher than 0.5 for Case 6
B, where the impact pressure on the bulkhead is most

significant. At high filling level, Case D, the ratio is 4
about 0.2. This is because the peak of the impact load is
highly localized at this filling level as can be seen in Fig.
10. This clearly shows that the impact pressure at the low
filling level has wider effective area than the one at the
high filling level. 0

0 2 4 6 8 10
As mentioned in the introduction, the calibration of the t/T
pressure from the model test or simulation has been made (a) Case A, T = 1.85 sec
based on collapse pressure of the insulation box at the
high filling level. The collapse of the insulation box 8 Max. panel pressure
Avg. panel pressure
should depend on the total load on a finite area of
insulation system. The calibration factor at the high 6
filling level may not be valid for the low filling level case

where the impact load has wider effective area as shown 4
in the present numerical simulation. In addition, the angle
between the wave front of and the tank wall was usually
greater than 15 degree at the low filling level (see Fig. 7
and 8). This indicates that the air entrapment is less likely
to happen at the low filling level, which may provide
another reason for the calibration factor to be different 0 2 4 6 8 10
from the one at high filling level.
(b) Case B, T = 1.6 sec

Max. panel pressure
Avg. panel pressure


0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 11 Panels to evaluate panel pressure
(c) Case C, T = 1.6 sec

Max. panel pressure
Avg. panel pressure


0 2 4 6 8 10
(d) Case D, T = 0.87 sec

Fig.12 Time history of the maximum and average panel


50 A Finite-Element Computation for the Sloshing Motion in LNG Tank


CONCLUSIONS Faltinsen, O.M., Rognebakke, O.F., Lukovsky, I.A.,

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