Gao Dissertation

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A Dissertation



Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of

Texas A&M University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


August 2007

Major Subject: Mechanical Engineering



A Dissertation



Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of

Texas A&M University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Approved by:

Chair of Committee, Je-Chin Han

Committee Members, N.K. Anand
Hamn-Ching Chen
Sai Lau
Head of Department, Dennis O’Neal

August 2007

Major Subject: Mechanical Engineering



Experimental Investigation of Film Cooling Effectiveness on Gas Turbine Blades.

(August 2007)

Zhihong Gao, B.E., Harbin Institute of Technology;

M.E., Harbin Institute of Technology;

M.S., National University of Singapore

Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Je-Chin Han

The hot gas temperature in gas turbine engines is far above the permissible metal

temperatures. Advanced cooling technologies must be applied to cool the blades, so they

can withstand the extreme conditions. Film cooling is widely used in modern high

temperature and high pressure blades as an active cooling scheme. In this study, the film

cooling effectiveness in different regions of gas turbine blades was investigated with

various film hole/slot configurations and mainstream flow conditions. The study

consisted of four parts: 1) effect of upstream wake on blade surface film cooling, 2)

effect of upstream vortex on platform purge flow cooling, 3) influence of hole shape and

angle on leading edge film cooling and 4) slot film cooling on trailing edge. Pressure

sensitive paint (PSP) technique was used to get the conduction-free film cooling

effectiveness distribution.

For the blade surface film cooling, the effectiveness from axial shaped holes and

compound angle shaped holes were examined. Results showed that the compound angle

shaped holes offer better film effectiveness than the axial shaped holes. The upstream

stationary wakes have detrimental effect on film effectiveness in certain wake rod phase


For platform purge flow cooling, the stator-rotor gap was simulated by a typical

labyrinth-like seal. Delta wings were used to generate vortex and modeled the passage

vortex generated by the upstream vanes. Results showed that the upstream vortex

reduces the film cooling effectiveness on the platform.

For the leading edge film cooling, two film cooling designs, each with four film

cooling hole configurations, were investigated. Results showed that the shaped holes

provide higher film cooling effectiveness than the cylindrical holes at higher average

blowing ratios. In the same range of average blowing ratio, the radial angle holes

produce better effectiveness than the compound angle holes. The seven-row design

results in much higher effectiveness than the three-row design.

For the trailing edge slot cooling, the effect of slot lip thickness on film

effectiveness under the two mainstream conditions was investigated. Results showed

thinner lips offer higher effectiveness. The film effectiveness on the slots reduces when

the incoming mainstream boundary layer thickness decreases.



To Lixian Chen, Chengming Gao, Guiqin Wang and Chengjie Gao.



I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Dr. Je-Chin Han for his

continuous technical and financial support during my Ph.D. program. I also would like

to thank Dr. N. K. Anand, Dr. H. C. Chen, and Dr. S. Lau for giving their precious time

on the advisory committee. Their advice and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Acknowledgments are also due to my colleagues from the Turbine Heat Transfer


Finally, I thank to my family for their support, understanding and patience.



CD Discharge coefficient

Co Oxygen concentration

Cx Axial chord length of the blade

d Diameter of film-cooling holes

D Diameter of leading edge model

I Pixel intensity for an image

M Average blowing ratio (=ρcVc /ρmVm)

LE Leading edge of the blade

p Spanwise distance between film cooling holes

P Local static pressure

Pt Total pressure at the cascade inlet

PO2 Partial pressure of oxygen

PS Blade pressure-side

s Streamwise distance from the stagnation line row or slot height

t Lip thickness

SS Blade suction-side

TE Trailing edge of the blade

Tu Turbulence intensity level at the cascade inlet

x Axial distance

y Spanwise distance

z Lateral distance

Vc Averaged velocity of coolant air from all film cooling holes


δ Boundary layer thickness

η Local film-cooling effectiveness

η Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness

θ Angle from the stagnation line along the surface

ρc Density of coolant air

ρm Density of mainstream air


air Mainstream air with air as coolant

c Coolant

m Mainstream

mix Mainstream air with nitrogen as coolant

ref Reference image with no mainstream and coolant flow

blk Image without illumination (black)








TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………….ix

LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………..xi

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………..xvi

1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………….1

1.1 Literature Review on Turbine Blade Surface Film Cooling…………………2

1.2 Literature Review on Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Film Cooling on
1.3 Literature Review on Turbine Blade Leading Edge Heat Transfer
and Film Cooling…………………………………………………………...14
1.4 Literature Review on Trailing Edge Slot Film Cooling……………………17
1.5 Objective of the Present Study……………………………………………..18


AND DATA ANALYSIS…………………………………………………………...22


BLADES WITH SHAPED HOLES………………………………………………...27

3.1 Experimental Facilities…..…………………………………………………27

3.2 Mach Number and Local Blowing Ratio Distribution on the
Blade Surface……………………………………………………………….36
3.3 Film-Cooling Effectiveness on the Blade Surface………………………….40
3.3.1 Effectiveness on Film Cooled Blade with Axial Shaped Holes….42
3.3.2 Effectiveness on Film Cooled Blade with Compound Angle
Shaped Holes……………………………………………………..54
3.4 Conclusions…………………………………………………………………62




4.1 Experimental Facilities……………………………………………………..64

4.2 Results and Discussion……………………………………………………..69
4.2.1 Film Cooling Effectiveness Distribution…………………………69
4.2.2 Laterally Averaged Film Cooling Effectiveness…………………80
4.3 Conclusions…………………………………………………...……………92


FILM COOLING…………………………………………………...……………….93

5.1 Experimental Facilities…………………………………………………......93

5.2 Results and Discussion………………………………………………........100
5.3 Conclusions………………………………………………..........................114


SLOT FILM COOLING……………………………………………….....................116

6.1 Experimental Setup………………………………………………..............116

6.2 Results and Discussions………………………………………...................122
6.3 Conclusions………………………………………......................................138

7. SUMMARY…………………………………………..…….....................................140


VITA …………………………………………..……...................................................151



Fig. 1.1 Film cooling hole configurations……………………………………......3

Fig. 1.2 Passage vortex in vane [24].……………………………………..............9

Fig. 1.3 Vortex created by delta wing [51] ……………………………………..13

Fig. 2.1 PSP setup for film cooling effectiveness measurement…...……………23

Fig. 2.2 (a) PSP calibration at single reference temperature

(b) PSP calibration at corresponding reference temperature…...………24

Fig. 3.1 Schematic of the cascade with film cooled blade………………………28

Fig. 3.2 Film cooled blade with axial shaped holes (Blade 1)
(a) film cooling holes and cavities
(b) film cooling hole configuration………………………………..……31

Fig. 3.3 Film cooled blade with compound angle

shaped holes (Blade 2)…………………………………….……………32

Fig. 3.4 Wake rod phase position and conceptual view of

wake effect on test blade……………………..…………………………35

Fig. 3.5 Mach number distributions without upstream wake……………………37

Fig. 3.6 Mach number distributions under the influence of

upstream wake rods…………………….………………………………38

Fig. 3.7 Optical setup for PSP film cooling measurement on blade surface….…41

Fig. 3.8 Film cooling effectiveness distribution for varying blowing

ratios without wake on Blade 1 (with axial shaped holes) ………….…43

Fig. 3.9 Spanwise averaged effectiveness for the case of no wake on

Blade 1 (with axial shaped holes) ……………………...………………46

Fig. 3.10 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on Blade 1 for M=0.9

at varying wake rod phases………………………………………..……48

Fig. 3.11 Effectiveness distribution Blade 1 at wake rod phase 0%…………...…49

Fig. 3.12 Effectiveness distribution on Blade1 at wake rod phase 25……………51



Fig. 3.13 Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness on Blade 1

(wake rod effect)……………………….……………………………….52

Fig. 3.14 Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness on Blade 1

(blowing ratio effect) …………………………………………………..53

Fig. 3.15 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on Blade 2

for varying blowing ratios without wake……………………………….56

Fig. 3.16 Comparison of spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness

for axial shaped holes (Blade 1) and compound angled
shaped holes (Blade 2)………………………………………………….57

Fig. 3.17 Spanwise averaged effectiveness for the case of no wake……………..59

Fig. 3.18 Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness on

Blade 2 (blowing ratio effect) ………………………………………….60

Fig. 3.19 Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness on

Blade 2 (wake Rod effects) …………………………………………….61

Fig. 4.1 (a) Schematic of cascade blade platform with upstream delta
wing and purge slot (b) Definition of platform coordinates……………65

Fig. 4.2 (a) Detail of a typical labyrinth-like stator rotor seal

(b) Detail view of the seal (c) Notations of the seal
(d) Two delta wing geometries………………………...……………….66

Fig. 4.3 Delta wing phase positions in reference of blade leading edge………...68

Fig. 4.4 Pressure and Mach number distribution without coolant injection…….70

Fig. 4.5 Film cooling effectiveness at various coolant injection

rates (baseline) (a) scale 0~1.0, (b) scale 0~0.7………………………...73

Fig. 4.6 Film cooling effectiveness at various phase location at

MFR=0.75% with delta wing h=0.2H………………………………….77

Fig. 4.7 Film cooling effectiveness at various phase location at

MFR=0.75% with delta wing h=0.1H………………………………….79

Fig. 4.8 Laterally averaged effectiveness for baseline case

(a) effectiveness vs x/Cx (b) effectiveness vs x’/Ms…………………...81


Fig. 4.9 Film cooling effectiveness at various delta wing phases

at MFR=0.25% (M=0.17) ………...……………………………………83

Fig. 4.10 Film cooling effectiveness at various delta wing phases

at MFR=0.50% (M=0.33) …………………...…………………………84

Fig. 4.11 Film cooling effectiveness at various delta wing

phases at MFR=0.75% (M=0.50) ……………………………...………85

Fig. 4.12 Film cooling effectiveness at various delta wing

phases at MFR=1.0% (M=0.67) …………………….…………………86

Fig. 4.13 Effect of delta wing configuration on film cooling

effectiveness at MFR=0.5% (M=0.33) …………………………...……88

Fig. 4.14 Effect of delta wing configuration on film cooling

effectiveness at MFR=1.0% (MFR=0.67) ……………………………..89

Fig. 4.15 Effect of coolant mass flow rate on film cooling effectiveness
for delta wing h=0.2H, θ=45°………………………………………......90

Fig. 4.16 Effect of coolant mass flow rate on film cooling effectiveness
for delta wing h=0.2H, θ=45°..................................................................91

Fig. 5.1 (a) Test facilities (b) test section………………………………………..94

Fig. 5.2 Seven-row film cooled leading edge models

(a) radial angle cylindrical holes
(b) compound angle cylindrical holes
(c) radial angle shaped holes (d) compound angle shaped holes……….96

Fig. 5.3 Three-row film cooled leading edge models

(a) radial angle cylindrical holes
(b) compound angle cylindrical holes
(c) radial angle shaped holes (d) compound angle shaped holes……….97

Fig. 5.4 Definition of hole shape and orientations

(a) cylindrical hole (b) shaped hole…………………………………….98

Fig. 5.5 Schematic of local coolant mass flow rate distribution……………….101

Fig. 5.6 Film cooling effectiveness distribution for seven-row design………...102



Fig. 5.7 Effect of blowing ratio on spanwise averaged film

effectiveness (seven-row design)
(a) radial angle cylindrical holes
(b) compound angle cylindrical holes
(c) radial angle shaped holes (d) compound angle shaped holes……...106

Fig. 5.8 Effect of hole configuration on spanwise averaged

film effectiveness (seven-row design)………………………………...108

Fig. 5.9 Film cooling effectiveness distribution for three-row design…………109

Fig.5.10 Effect of blowing ratio on spanwise averaged

film effectiveness (three-row design)
(a) radial angle cylindrical holes
(b) compound angle cylindrical holes
(c) radial angle shaped holes (d) compound angle shaped holes...……111

Fig. 5.11 Effect of hole configuration on spanwise averaged

film effectiveness (three-row design) ……...…………………………112

Fig. 5.12 Area averaged effectiveness…………………………………….…….113

Fig. 6.1 Test facilities and optical setup………………………………………..117

Fig. 6.2 (a) Schematic of test section (b) dimensions of test section…………..118

Fig. 6.3 Trailing edge models with geometrical parameters…………………...120

Fig. 6.4 Freestream flow conditions (a) no acceleration (b) with

acceleration (c) velocity profile inside boundary layer……………….121

Fig. 6.5 Conceptual view of mainstream and coolant jet interaction……..……124

Fig. 6.6 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on slots and

lands without mainstream acceleration (δ/s=2.1)……………………..126

Fig. 6.7 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on slot

sidewalls without mainstream acceleration (δ/s=2.1)…………………128

Fig. 6.8 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on slots and

lands with mainstream acceleration (δ/s=1.3)……………………...…130


Fig. 6.9 Spanwise averaged effectiveness for baseline

configuration (t/s=1.0) without mainstream acceleration (δ/s=2.1)…..132

Fig. 6.10 Spanwise averaged effectiveness without

mainstream acceleration (δ/s=2.1)…………………………………….133

Fig. 6.11 Spanwise averaged effectiveness with mainstream

acceleration (δ/s=1.3)………………………………………………….135

Fig. 6.12 Effect mainstream boundary layer thickness on

spanwise averaged effectiveness……………………………………...136

Fig. 6.13 Slot film cooling effectiveness and comparison with

correlation [83] for δ/s=2.1……………………………………………137



Table 3.1 Cascade and Blade Parameters…………………………………………29

Table 3.2 Mainstream Flow Conditions…………………………………………..29

Table 3.3 Film Cooling Hole Configurations……………………………………..33

Table 4.1 Test Cases………………………………………………………………72

Table 5.1 Film Cooling Hole Configurations……………………………………..99

Table 6.1 Test Cases for Trailing Edge Slot Film Cooling……………………...123


Gas turbines are widely used in aircraft propulsion and land-based power

generation or industrial applications. Thermal efficiency and power output of gas

turbine increase with increasing turbine rotor inlet temperatures. The operating

temperatures are far above the permissible metal temperatures. Advanced cooling

technologies must be applied to the airfoils, so they can withstand these extreme

conditions. Han et al. [1] describes many cooling techniques that are commonly used in

various combinations to increase the lifetime of the turbine blades. Impingement

cooling, rib turbulated cooling, and pin-fin cooling are typically used to remove heat

from the inner walls of the blades. In order to overcome the hazard from the severe

environment and prevent failure of turbine components, film cooling has been widely

accepted as an active cooling method. In a film cooled component, relatively cooler air

is penetrated through discrete holes or slots to provide a protective film between the hot

mainstream gas and the turbine component to maintain the surface at a lower

temperature thus protect the turbine component surface. However, excessive use of

coolant reduces the gain of the higher inlet temperature because the consumption of

compressed air and the mixing between the hot mainstream flow and coolant reduce the

thermal efficiency of entire system. Thus, much research has been conducted to

understand the physical phenomena regarding the film cooling process and to find better

configurations that can provide more protection with less coolant.

This dissertation follows the style of ASME Journal of Turbomachinery.


1.1 Literature Review on Turbine Blade Surface Film Cooling

Among the vast literatures related to the film cooling, majority of the recent

work focuses on comparative assessment of two or more film cooling hole

configurations. Among the variety of film cooling hole designs, four kinds of hole

geometries are generally considered: cylindrical holes, laterally-diffused (fanshape)

holes, forward-diffused (laidback) holes, and laterally- and forward-diffused (laidback

fanshape) holes. Figure 1.1 shows the four kinds of hole geometries with the cross

section view cutting along the hole centerline. Depending on the angle (β) of the

projected hole centerline on the surface with respect to the mainstream direction, a film

cooling hole can be identified as an axial hole (if β = 0°) or a compound angle hole ( if β

> 0°). Figure 1.1 also conceptually shows the film cooling effectiveness distribution

associated with the various hole configurations. In general, the compound angle hole

gives better effectiveness as the coolant is deflected by the mainstream and covers a

larger surface area. The shaped holes performs better than the cylindrical holes because

the expanded hole breakout area reduces the jet momentum and diminish the jet lift-off.

Film cooling on a flat plate is often chosen as a baseline study. Goldstein et al.

[2] showed the benefits of film-cooling with shaped holes. They compared film-cooling

effectiveness for straight round holes and axial shaped holes with lateral diffusion of

10°. The axis of both the hole geometries were inclined at 35° from the test surface.

They reported a significant increase in the film-cooling effectiveness immediately

downstream of the shaped holes as well as increased lateral coolant displacement. They

attributed this effect primarily to the reduced mean velocity of the coolant at the hole

exit causing the jet to stay closer to the surface. Thole et al. [3] carried out flow field

measurements using LDV at the exit of three different hole


Fig. 1.1 Film cooling hole configurations


geometries. The hole geometries included a round hole, a hole with a laterally

expanded exit, and a hole with a forward-laterally expanded exit. All holes were

oriented at an angle of at 30° from the surface. Their findings showed that both the

shaped holes had less shear mixing of the injection jet with the mainstream and greater

lateral spreading of the coolant compared to that of a round hole. Additionally, the

forward-laterally shaped hole had relatively lower film effectiveness than the laterally

expanded shaped hole due to excessive diffusion of the coolant and subsequent

mainstream interaction. Gritsch et al. [4] studied the same cooling hole configurations

and orientations as [3] with a density ratio of 1.85. Their film-cooling effectiveness

measurements were confined to x/D = 10 in order to focus in the nearfield of the cooling

hole. As compared to the cylindrical hole, both expanded holes showed significantly

improved thermal protection of the surface downstream of the ejection location,

particularly at high blowing ratios. Along similar lines, Yu et al. [5] studied film-

effectiveness and heat transfer distributions on a flat plate with straight circular hole,

10° forward diffusion shaped hole, and another type of hole with an additional 10°

lateral diffusion. In each case, the axis of the hole was oriented 30° relative to the

mainstream direction. The last mentioned hole provided the highest film cooling

performance as well as overall heat transfer reduction.

All of the above studies were performed on a flat plate with axially oriented

holes. Schmidt et al. [6] examined film-cooling performance of 60° compound angled

holes on a flat plate surface, with and without forward expanded shaped exit, and

compared that with cylindrical holes aligned with the mainstream. The round and

shaped exit holes with compound angle had significantly greater effectiveness at larger

momentum flux ratios. The compound angle holes with expanded exits had a much

improved lateral distribution of coolant near the hole for all momentum flux ratios.

Dittmar et al. [7], in a slight deviation, conducted measurements on a model of a suction

side of an actual turbine guide vane inside a wind tunnel. Four different cooling hole

configurations - a double row of cylindrical holes, a double row of discrete slots, a

single row of straight fan-shaped holes, and a single row of compound angle fan-shaped

holes, were chosen to study adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness and heat transfer

coefficient. Both the shaped holes featured expansion only in the lateral direction. The

streamwise injection angle was 45° for all cases with an additional lateral angle of 35°

from the mainstream direction for compound shaped holes. According to their study,

fan-shaped holes provided good effectiveness values at moderate and high blowing

ratios unlike the cylindrical holes which suffered from jet separation. In another study

involving pressure and suction side models inside a wind tunnel, Chen et al. [8]

investigated both axial and compound shaped holes with forward diffusion. The

compound angle in their study was 45°. On the concave surface, improvement in

laterally averaged effectiveness due to the addition of compound angle was found at

high blowing ratio of 2. On the convex surface, significant improvement in

effectiveness is seen at both low and high blowing ratios.

Hole shape study in linear cascades are fewer in comparison to those in flat plate

and model airfoils. Teng and Han [9] studied one row of film holes near the gill-hole

portion of the suction side. The hole geometries considered in their study were same as

those of [3] and [4] but with a slightly higher inclined angle of 45o. They reported that

spanwise-averaged film effectiveness of shaped holes could be about two times higher

than that of cylindrical holes. In addition, fan-shaped holes performed better than

laidback fan-shaped holes. More recently, Mhetras et al. [10] observed the excellent

coolant coverage offered by compound shaped holes near the tip region of the pressure

side. Their study showed that the shaped holes on the pressure side of the blade could be

utilized in cooling the cut-back region of the tip cavity floor.

Effect of a rotating, unsteady wake on film cooling effectiveness and coolant jet

temperature profiles on the suction side of a turbine blade were investigated by Teng et

al. [11] in a low speed cascade. A spoked-wheel mechanism was used to generate the

upstream wakes. They found that unsteady wake reduced the effectiveness magnitudes.

Local heat transfer immediately downstream of the holes was found to increase by as

much as 60% due to film injection. Ou et al. [12] simulated unsteady wake conditions

using the same mechanism as [11] over a linear turbine blade cascade with film cooling.

They tested no-wake case and wake Strouhal numbers of 0.1 and 0.3. Air and CO2 were

used to study effect of density ratio. It was found that increasing wake passing

frequency increases local Nusselt numbers for all blowing ratios, but this effect is

reduced at higher blowing ratios. It was concluded that the additional increases in

Nusselt numbers due to unsteady wake, blowing ratio, and density ratio were only

secondary when compared to the dramatic increases in Nusselt numbers only due to

film injection over the no film holes case. They concluded that heat transfer coefficients

increase and film cooling effectiveness values decreased with an increase in unsteady

wake strength. Further, Mehendale et al. [13], in the same test facility and for the same

experimental conditions, found that an increase in wake Strouhal number leaded to a

decrease in film effectiveness over most of the blade surface for both density ratio

injections and at all blowing ratios. Du et al. [14] performed a similar experiment with

the addition of trailing edge coolant ejection from the wake-producing bars. The

addition of wake coolant had a relatively small effect on downstream blade heat transfer

coefficient, but reduced leading edge film effectiveness below the wake case with no

coolant ejection. Detailed heat transfer measurements on transonic film-cooled blade

with and without NGV shock waves and wakes were made by Rigby et al. [15]. It was

found that there was a significant change of film-cooling behavior on the suction

surface when simulated NGV unsteady effects were introduced. Heidmann et al. [16]

studied the effect of wake passing on showerhead film cooling performance in an

annular cascade with an upstream rotating row of cylindrical rods. A high wake

Strouhal number was found to decrease effectiveness but it was also found to divert the

coolant towards the pressure side resulting in slightly better cooling on the pressure


Most of experimental study of the film cooling was focused on the mid-span

region only, the endwall effect was not captured. By using the Pressure Sensitive Paint

(PSP) techniques, Mhetras et al.[17] and Narzary et. al. [18] were able to obtain detailed

film cooling effectiveness distribution on a fully film cooled blade surface. Both tests

were done in the same cascade. The flow conditions, film cooling hole locations and

internal coolant supply cavities were similar for the two studies. Both test blades had

three showerhead rows of cylindrical holes with 30° angle in radial direction in the

leading region. However, the hole configurations on the blade surfaces were different.

They were compound angle cylindrical holes in Mhetras et al. study [17], while the

compound angle fan-shape laid-back holes in Narzary et. al. study[18]. During the film

cooling test, the holes on both the pressure side and suction side were all open as well as

the showerhead holes. They showed the coolant on the suction side was swept

substantially to the mid-span region because of the tip leakage vortices and endwall

vortices. It has been shown that the highest effectiveness was obtained at M=0.9 for

cylindrical holes, while shaped holes didn’t present the optimal blowing ratio from

M=0.3 to M=1.2. The effectiveness keeps increasing with increase of blowing in the

range of blowing ratio studied for the shaped holes. Comparison of the two film cooling

hole designs shows suction side gains higher effectiveness with the shaped holes. The

effectiveness on the pressure side was comparable for the two hole configurations. The

upstream wake effect was also simulated by the stationary rods periodically placed

upstream of the blade. Depending on the wake rods positions, the film cooling

effectiveness was degraded in different degree. In another paper by Mhetras and Han

[19], they studied the upstream film cooling accumulation effect on the downstream

film cooling using superposition method. Four rows and two rows of compound angle

cylindrical holes were arranged on the pressure surface and suction surface,

respectively. Results showed the film cooling effectiveness on the suction was much

higher than on the pressure side, although pressure side had more film cooling holes.

Superposition from individual film cooling holes showed good agreement with

experimental data.

1.2 Literature Review on Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Film Cooling on Platform

Several reviews have been published by Han et al. [1], Langston [20], Chyu

[21], Simon and Piggush [22], which give an overview of the flow near the endwall and

platform regions, as well as heat transfer and film cooling on these regions. The

secondary flows near the platform increase the heat transfer between the mainstream

gases and the uncooled platform. The secondary flows also make film cooling on the

platform more difficult. Studies by Langston et al. [23, 24] revealed some features of

these flows. When a boundary layer flow approaches a blade or vane, as shown in

Stream surface

Inlet boundary


Endwall Corner vortex


Fig. 1.2. Passage vortex in vane [24]


Fig. 1.2, vortex forms at the leading edge and continues along each side of the blade or

vane forming a horseshoe vortex. The pressure distribution in each passage causes the

suction side leg of the horseshoe vortex to follow the suction side of the blade near the

endwall. The pressure side leg of the horseshoe vortex is carried across the passage and

gains strength. This large vortex is often called the passage vortex and crosses the

passage to meet the suction side leg of the horseshoe vortex on the adjacent blade.

Goldstein and Spores [25] and Wang et al. [26] found several “corner” vortices that

formed near the intersection of the blade surface and the endwall.

Film cooling is commonly used to protect the platform. Coolant may enter

through discrete holes (similar to the midspan of the airfoil). Takeishi et al. [27] studied

film cooling through discrete holes in three locations on a vane endwall. They found

that the coolant was swept from the pressure side of the passage toward the suction side.

Also, the film cooling effectiveness near the leading edge of the blade was very low due

to the formation of the horseshoe vortex. Harasgama and Burton [28] placed film

cooling holes evenly along an iso-Mach line near the leading edge of a passage. The

pressure side of the passage received very little coolant. Similarly, Jabbari et al. [29]

found that coolant from discrete holes in the downstream half of the passage did not

produce uniform coverage, as the coolant moved away from the pressure side of the

passage. Studies by Friedrichs et al. [30, 31] also showed that evenly spaced rows of

coolant holes did not provide even coverage for the endwall. Using an ammonia and

diazo technique, they measured the amount of coolant coverage at every point on the

endwall. The horseshoe vortex prevented the coolant from covering the leading edge of

the blade, while the passage vortex lifted the coolant in its path off of the surface. The

coolant in the passage was swept from the pressure side toward the suction side by the

passage flow. Based on these results, Friedrichs et al. [32] repositioned the film cooling

holes to attempt to cover the entire endwall with the same amount of coolant. Coverage

in the majority of the passage was significantly improved, but the coverage near the

leading edge and close to the suction surface was still poor, due to the horseshoe vortex

and the suction side corner vortex. In a recent study, Barigozzi et al. [33] compared film

cooling designs with cylindrical holes or fanshaped holes. With increasing blowing

ratios, the passage vortex was weakened and cross flow in the passage was reduced.

Upstream of the inlet guide vane, a gap commonly exists between the

combustion chamber and the vane endwall. A similar gap exists between the vane

endwall and the rotor platform, ensuring the rotor can move freely. Coolant air is often

injected through these gaps, or slots, in order to prevent hot mainstream gases from

entering the engine cavity. This coolant air has a secondary effect of protecting the

platform region, and if this air is used effectively, the need for discrete hole film cooling

can be reduced. An early study by Blair [34] showed that the film cooling effectiveness

for upstream slot injection varied greatly through the passage due to the secondary

flows. Granser and Schulenberg [35] showed that coolant from an upstream slot could

reduce the secondary flows in the passage by increasing the momentum of the boundary

layer. Similarly, coolant slots used by Roy et al. [36] reduced the heat transfer near the

leading edge. Burd et al. [37] and Oke et al. [38, 39] also studied film cooling through

slots upstream of vanes. They found coolant from the slot could provide coverage for

most of the passage. In order to provide adequate coverage for the entire endwall or

platform, an upstream slot could be combined with discrete holes. Nicklas [40]

measured the heat transfer coefficients and film cooling effectiveness with an upstream

slot and three rows of discrete holes. Liu et al. [41] found that an increased blowing

ratio gave more uniform protection to the platform, for the densely spaced cooling holes

they used to simulate upstream slot cooling. Zhang and Jaiswal [42] and Zhang and

Moon [43] used pressure sensitive paint to measure the film cooling effectiveness for

two rows of discrete holes upstream of the passage or for a single slot. They confirmed

that effectiveness was significantly improved with increasing blowing ratio. Knost and

Thole [44] found that areas that are typically difficult to cool, including the area near the

leading edge, could be cooled effectively with upstream slot injection. Cardwell et al.

[45] showed that effectiveness was reduced significantly if two adjacent vanes were not

properly aligned. Wright et al. [46 – 48] considered a variety of stator-rotor seal

configurations, discrete film hole combinations, and flow parameters. They concluded

the film cooling effectiveness on the blade platform (within a linear cascade) was

significantly affected by the upstream seal configuration. In addition, it is possible to

minimize the purge flow, if the purge flow was thoughtfully combined with additional

discrete film cooling.

Most of the studies have been performed on linear cascades or turbine vanes;

few studies were done in rotating environment to examine the effect of upstream vane

on rotor platform cooling. Suryanarayanan et al. [49, 50] studied the film cooling

effectiveness by stator-rotor purge flow on the 1st stage rotor platform in a three-stage

turbine facility. They also studied the discrete hole film cooling on the downstream of

the platform and combined it with the stator-rotor purge flow cooling. They found that

the film cooling effectiveness increased with increasing of purge coolant rate. Increasing

the rotational speed, the film effectiveness from the stator-rotor purge flow also

increased. However, for the downstream discrete film cooling, the best film protection

on the rotor platform took place at reference speed of 2550 rpm. For all rotational

speed, local blowing ratio unity offered the best film coverage and effectiveness level.

Due to the inherent complexities in designing and instrumenting rotating

systems, it would be useful if some of the upstream vane effect can be modeled in a

cascade environment. Wright et al. [51] modeled the effect of the upstream passing vane

on rotor platform film cooling in a low speed wind tunnel. Stationary cylindrical rods

were used to simulate the upstream wake created by the trailing edge of the vanes. Delta

wings were used to simulate the passage vortex created by the upstream vane. Fig 1.3

schematically shows vortex is created when the freestream passes over a delta wing.

The platform was cooled by the purge flow from a simulated labyrinth-like seal. They

found that wake rod didn’t affect the platform film cooling effectiveness significantly,

while the vortex created by the delta wings had a profound impact on the film cooling



Secondary flow

Fig. 1.3 Vortex created by delta wing [51]


1.3 Literature Review on Turbine Blade Leading Edge Heat Transfer and Film


The leading edge of the turbine blades is subject to the greatest heat load due to

flow stagnation. Many researchers used cylinder or semicylinder to model the blade

leading edge. The leading edge film cooling was investigated under different freestream

conditions. Luckey et al. [52] simulated the airfoil leading edge using a cylinder with

several rows of film cooling holes. They correlated their result for the optimum blowing

ratio and injection angle. Karni and Goldstein [53] studied the effect of blowing ratio

and injection location on the mass transfer coefficient. Mick and Mayle [54] studied the

effect of coolant blowing ratio and film cooling hole location on the stagnation region.

Mehendale and Han [55, 56] investigated the effect of Reynolds number and turbulence

on heat transfer and film cooling effectiveness. Ou et al. [57] presented the effect of

film hole location and inclined film slots on the leading edge film cooling heat transfer.

Ekkad et al. [58] presented the effect of coolant density and free-stream turbulence.

Using the same test facility, Gao et al. [59] assessed pressure sensitive paint (PSP) and

transient infrared thermogrpahy technique. Funazaki et al. [60] studied the effect of

unsteady wake on the leading edge film cooling effectiveness. Ou and Rivir [61]

examined the effect of turbulence intensity, blowing ratio, and Reynolds number.

Some researches have been conducted in cascade environment. Nirmalan and

Hylton [62] studied the effects of various parameters on film cooling in a turbine vane

cascade under the conditions similar to the ranges of actual engines. Abuaf et al. [63]

presented heat transfer coefficients and film effectiveness for a film cooled vane. Cruse

et al. [64] studied the effect of leading-edge shapes. Ekkad et al. [65] studied the

combined effect of unsteady wake and free stream turbulence on the film cooling

effectiveness and the heat transfer coefficient with air and CO2 film injection. Cutbirth

and Bogard [66] studied the effects of coolant density ratio on film cooling effectiveness

on a simulated turbine vane. Mhetras et al. [67] studied the effect of upstream wake on

the leading edge film cooling effectiveness in a 5-blade linear cascade. Some

researchers studied leading edge film cooling under rotating environment. Dring et al.

[68] investigated film cooling performance in a low speed rotating facility. Takeishi et

al. [69] also reported the film cooling effectiveness distributions on a low speed stator-

rotor stage using a rotating rig with a one-stage turbine model. Abhari and Epstein [70]

investigated time-resolved measurements of heat transfer on a fully cooled transonic

turbine stage. Using a short-duration blowdown turbine test facility, they simulated full

engine parameters. Ahn et al. [71, 72] studied film cooling effectiveness on the leading

edge with two-row and three-row hole injection under rotating condition in a three-stage

turbine using PSP technique.

The film cooling holes in above studies were cylindrical holes and angle in the

radial direction; recently, the shaped holes come into consideration for the leading edge

film cooling. Mouzon et al. [73] compared the film performance between the laidback

holes and cylindrical holes on a three row leading edge model. The holes were located

at 0° and ±20°. They were inclined 45° to the surface and angle in radial (spanwise)

direction. They found that the laidback holes resulted in much higher net heat flux

reduction than the cylindrical holes. Falcoz et al [74] investigated cylindrical holes,

conical holes and laidback (forward diffused) holes on a leading model. Four rows of

film holes located at ±22.5° and ±7.5°. The holes were angle in the radial direction and

inclined 45° to the surface. The hole to hole spacing was p/d=4. Their results indicated

that the laidback holes showed a better lateral coverage. The best spanwise averaged

film cooling effectiveness was achieved by conical holes. Kim and Kim [75] studied

cylindrical holes and laidback holes and tear-drop shaped (both laterally and forward

expanded) holes. Three rows of radial angle hole were located at 0° and ±23° with a

hole to hole spacing of p/d=7.5. The holes were inclined 30° to the surface. They

showed that holes with a laidback type widened exits gave higher film cooling

effectiveness than tear-drop shaped holes. Both laidback holes and tear-drop shaped

holes were better than cylindrical holes. Reiss and Bölcs [76] studied effect of shaped

hole with compound angle orientation. They compared cylindrical holes, laidback

(forward diffused) holes and fanshaped (laterally diffused) holes. Five rows of leading

edge film holes were located at 0°, ±20° and ±40°. The stagnation holes were angle in

the radial direction while the rest holes were angle 60° to the mainstream direction. The

holes were inclined 45° to the surface. They found that laidback holes gave the best

overall film cooling performance. The fanshape holes performed better than cylindrical

holes, but not as well as laidback holes. Lu et al. [77] also studied the effect of hole

orientation and hole shape on leading edge film cooling. They examined compound

angle cylindrical holes and compound angle laidback fanshaped holes. Three rows of

film cooling holes were located at 0° and ±15° with a hole to hole spacing of p/d=4.

These holes were inclined 30° to the surface. The compound angle holes were angled at

30° or 45° with respect to the local mainstream direction. They found that the shaped

holes give much higher effectiveness than cylindrical holes. For the compound angle

holes, the effectiveness was improved at lower blowing ratios, but reduced at higher

blowing ratios due to jet liftoff.


1.4 Literature Review on Trailing Edge Slot Film Cooling

Trailing edge region is one of the regions on airfoils which are hard to cool

because trailing edge must be thin to reduce aerodynamic losses. It is of great challenge

to implement cooling design in a relatively small area of the airfoil. In addition to the

internal cooling enhancement techniques, such as pin fins or blockage inserts, one of the

cooling techniques frequently used by turbine blade designers is ejecting cooling air

through spanwise slots located on the airfoil pressure side near the trailing edge. Several

studies have been performed for aerodynamics and film cooling effectiveness by slot

injection on the trailing edge. Uzol et al. [78] studied discharge coefficients from a

cutback trailing edge with several cutback lengths, spanwise rib spacing, free stream

Reynolds number and chordwise rib length. Aerodynamic loss characteristics using PIV

flow measurement technique was studied by Uzol et al. [79] for different ejection rates

and cutback lengths. An experimental and numerical investigation for trailing edge slot

injection was performed by Holloway et al. [80, 81] under realistic engine flow

conditions. Periodic vortex shedding from the pressure side lip was found to cause a

relatively fast decay in film cooling effectiveness on the cutback portion of the trailing

edge for larger lip thicknesses.

A comprehensive survey of film cooling investigations prior to 1971 was done

by Goldstein [82] and included data for slots as well as discrete holes. Most of the slots

cooling studies presented in [82] were two dimensional. Taslim et al. [83] reported a

comprehensive parametric study of the effects of slot exit geometries on film cooling

effectiveness. They found that lip-to-slot height ratio has strong impact on film cooling

effectiveness. Martini et al. [84, 85] measured the film cooling effectiveness and heat

transfer on the trailing edge cutback of gas turbine airfoils with different internal

cooling structures using IR camera. They showed the strong impact of internal design

on the film cooling performance downstream of the ejection slot. They found fast decay

in film cooling effectiveness was attributed to vortex shedding from the pressure side

lip. Cunha et al. [86] studied the impact of trailing edge ejection on heat transfer using

a closed form, analytical solution for temperature profiles for four different

configurations. Impact of several geometrical design features on the trailing edge

design and durability were investigated. Chen et al. [87] measured heat transfer and

film cooling effectiveness on the slot floor with liquid crystal technique. They found the

heat transfer coefficient on the slots increased due to mixing from internal cooling,

however, the overall heat flux reduction was high with the slot cooling. Recently, Cakan

and Talim [88] measured the mass/heat transfer coefficients on the trailing edge slot

floor, slot sidewalls and lands using naphthalene sublimation method. They found that

averaged mass transfer on the land sidewalls are higher than that on the slot floor


1.5 Objective of the Present Study

As reviewed, the film cooling effectiveness is influenced by many factors, such

as the blowing ratio, density ratios, incoming freestream flow properties (upstream

wake, passage vortex, turbulence, etc), film hole or slot configurations (angle and

shapes), film cooled surface conditions (curvature, roughness), and so on. Depending on

the regions on the blade, these factors may not play an equally important role on local

film cooling effectiveness distribution. The purpose of this study is to investigate gas

turbine blade leading edge, trailing edge, and blade surface and platform regions film

cooling under the impact of some of above factors. Three temperatures (coolant

temperature, free stream temperature and adiabatic surface temperature) involves in film

cooling, so it is hard to get conduction-free effectiveness data in the conventional heat

transfer experiments. Particularly with heavily distributed film cooling holes, correction

of conduction is of great pain. In this study, pressure sensitive paint (PSP) is used to

measurement the film cooling effectiveness distribution. PSP technique is based on

heat/mass analogy. The conduction error associated with heat transfer experiment is


For film cooling on the blade pressure side and suction side, most of

experimental study of the film cooling was focused on the mid-span region only, the

endwall effect and tip leakage effect were not captured. The objective of this study is to

capture the film cooling effectiveness distribution on blade pressure side or suction side

of fully film cooled blades. The effects of film hole configuration and upstream wake on

the film cooling effectiveness are examined. Two kinds of hole configurations are

considered: axial fan shaped laidback hole and compound angle fan shaped laidback

holes. The upstream wake effect are simulated by periodically placed stationary metal

rods. Test is done in a five-blade cascade at a relatively high Mach number and high

pressure condition.

For the platform film cooling study, the objective is to examine the upstream

vane passage vortex effect on the downstream blade platform film-cooling

effectiveness. The coolant is purged through a new labyrinth-like slot, which is a typical

stator-rotor seal used in the gas turbine engines. The effect of the upstream vane passage

vortex is modeled by delta wings. Since the vane passage vortex varies depending on

the vane configurations, it is hard to know the exact size and strength of passage vortex

generated by upstream vanes. By varying the size of the delta wings and the flow attack

angles, a range of vortices’ size and strength are simulated. Two sets of delta wings are

selected in the test The delta wings are placed upstream of labyrinth-like seal at an

attack angle of 30° and 45°, respectively. Test is done in a in the same high flow as

blade surface film cooling study.

There is a lot of constraint for leading edge film cooling. The limited space,

small wall thickness and high curvature are the obstacles of leading edge film cooling

study. The research on shaped holes and varying hole angle is limited, especially for

heavily film cooled designs. It is a challenge to achieving accurate effectiveness data in

heat transfer experiment. In this study, by using Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP)

technique, accurate film cooling effectiveness are obtained for heavily film cooled

leading edge models. Two leading edge film cooling designs are investigated: a heavily

film cooled design with seven rows of film holes and moderately film cooled design

with three rows. Four different film hole configurations are applied to the two designs:

radial angle cylindrical holes, compound angle cylindrical holes, radial angle shaped

holes and compound angle shaped holes.

The slot film cooling on the trailing edge is a complicated three dimensional

problems. Effectiveness data were only available for the slot floor surface in the open

literature. The lands play an important role to maintain the blade structure. However,

similar to the squealer tip, the land is very narrow. Reliable adiabatic effectiveness data

for the land is hard to obtain with heat transfer measurement due to conduction. In this

study, Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) measurement technique is used to measure the film

cooling effectiveness on the slots, lands and slot sidewalls. In the past studies, the

trailing edge with pressure side cutback was simulated as an inclined plate. The

mainstream flow was basically two dimensional. In the current study, the test is done on

a modeled airfoil placed in the middle of wind tunnel. The mainstream flow is closer to

that in a cascade environment. The effect of slot lip thickness and incoming mainstream

boundary layer thickness on the slot film cooling is investigated. Tests are done with

several different blowing ratios.




Data for film cooling effectiveness were obtained using the Pressure Sensitive

Paint (PSP) technique. Figure 2.1 schematically shows the PSP setup for film cooling

effectiveness measurement. PSP is a photo-luminescent material that emits light when

excited, with the emitted light intensity inversely proportional to the partial pressure of

oxygen. This light intensity is recorded using a CCD camera. The image intensity

obtained from PSP by the camera during data acquisition is normalized with a reference

image intensity ( I ref ) taken under no-flow condition. Background noise in the optical

setup is removed by subtracting the image intensities with the image intensity obtained

under no-flow conditions and without light excitation ( I blk ). The resulting intensity

ratio can be converted to pressure ratio using a pre-determined calibration curve and can

be expressed as:

I ref − I blk ( )
⎛ PO ⎞
= f⎜ 2 air ⎟ = f (P )
I − I blk ( )
⎜ P
⎝ O2 ref



where I denotes the intensity obtained for each pixel and f(Pratio) is the relationship

between intensity ratio and pressure ratio obtained after calibration.

Calibration of PSP system was performed using a vacuum chamber at several

known pressures varying from 0 to 1.8atm. The same optical setup that was used during

experiments was chosen for calibration. The calibration curve is shown in Fig. 2.2. PSP

is also sensitive to temperature with higher temperatures resulting in lower light

emission. Hence, the paint was also calibrated at different temperatures. It was observed

that if the emitted light intensity at a certain temperature was normalized with the


Ex urce r

So Filte



Mainstream Air Luminescence


PSP coated surface

Test Plate

Coolant Air or N2

Fig. 2.1 PSP setup for film cooling effectiveness measurement


1.6 1.2
1.4 Temp = 22.2°C Temp = 22.2°C
Temp = 40.5°C Temp = 40.5°C

Iref, T=Temp /I
Temp = 60.8°C Temp = 60.8°C
Iref,T=22.2oC /I 1
0.8 0.6
0.6 0.4
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
P/Pref P/Pref

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.2 (a) PSP calibration at single reference temperature

(b) PSP calibration at corresponding reference temperature

reference image intensity taken at the same temperature, the temperature sensitivity can

be minimized as shown in Fig. 2.2(b). Hence, during experiments, the reference ( I ref )

and black ( I blk ) images were acquired immediately after stopping the mainstream flow

so that the test surface temperature does not change appreciably.

To obtain film cooling effectiveness, air and nitrogen were used alternately as

coolant. Nitrogen which has nearly the same molecular weight as that of air displaces

the oxygen molecules on the surface causing a change in the emitted light intensity from

PSP. By noting the difference in partial pressure between the air and nitrogen injection

cases, the film cooling effectiveness can be determined using the following equation.

C mix − C air C air − C mix ( ) ( )

PO2 air − PO2
η= = = mix

C N 2 − C air C air ( )PO2 air


where Cair, Cmix and CN2 are the oxygen concentrations of mainstream air, air/nitrogen

mixture and nitrogen on the test surface respectively. The definition of film

effectiveness in Eq. (2.2) based on mass transfer analogy assumes similar form as that

of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness given in Eq. (2.3).

Tmix − Tm
Tc − Tm

The accuracy of the PSP technique for measuring film-cooling effectiveness has

been compared by Wright et al [89] on a flat plate with compound angled film holes

using steady-state Infra-Red (IR) technique and steady-state Temperature Sensitive

Paint (TSP) technique. Results were obtained for a range of blowing ratios and showed

reasonable agreement with each other. All three measurement techniques agreed within

15% of each other. Larger uncertainties for heat transfer techniques such as IR and TSP

methods were due to lateral heat conduction in the flat plate as corrections for heat

conduction were not included in the presented results.

The film cooled platform was coated with PSP using an air brush. It was excited

by a strobe light fitted with a narrow band-pass interference filter (optical wavelength =

520nm). Upon excitation, the PSP coated surface emitted light with a wavelength

higher than 600nm. A 12-bit scientific grade CCD camera (Cooke Sensicam QE with

CCD temperature maintained at –15oC using 2-stage peltier cooler), fitted with a 35mm

lens and a 600nm long-pass filter, recorded images. The filter mounted on the camera

was chosen such that it did not allow any reflected light from the illumination source to

pass through. The camera and the strobe light were triggered simultaneously using a

TTL signal from a function generator. A total of 200 TIF images were captured and

ensemble-averaged to get the individual intensities. A computer program was used to

convert these pixel intensities into pressure using the calibration curve and then into

film cooling effectiveness.

Uncertainty calculations were performed based on a confidence level of 95%

and are based on the uncertainty analysis method of Coleman and Steele [90]. Lower

effectiveness magnitudes have higher uncertainties. For an effectiveness magnitude of

0.3, uncertainty was around ±1% while for effectiveness magnitude of 0.05, uncertainty

was as high as ±8%. This uncertainty is the result of uncertainties in calibration (4%),

image capture (1%), and blowing ratio (4%).




3.1 Experimental Facilities

The measurements were conducted in a 5-blade linear cascade facility as shown

in Fig. 3.1. Some of important dimensions of the cascade are listed in Table 3.1. The

inlet cross section of the test section was 19.6cm (width) x 12.7cm (height) while the

exit cross section was 12.9cm (width) x 12.7cm (height). The top plate which acted as

the shroud for the blades and the outer side walls of the test section were machined out

of 1.27cm thick acrylic sheets for optical access. The three middle blades in the cascade

had a span of 12.64cm and an axial chord length of 8.13cm. The tip gap clearance was

about 0.5% of the blade span. A honeycomb mesh, 7.62cm long with a cell size of

1.27cm, was put 1.78m upstream to the blade leading edge to obtain uniform velocity

distribution. Flow conditions in adjacent passages of the center blade were ensured to be

identical by adjusting the trailing edge tailboards for the cascade. The mainstream air

was supplied by a centrifugal compressor that could deliver a volume flow rate up to

6.2m3/s. The cascade inlet and exit velocities were set to be 96m/s and 156m/s

corresponding to inlet and exit Mach numbers of 0.27 and 0.44, respectively. The

Reynolds number based on the axial chord length and exit velocity was 750,000 and the

overall pressure ratio (Pt/P) was 1.14 (where Pt is inlet total pressure and P is exit static

pressure). Turbulence intensity and boundary layer thickness was recorded 6.3cm

upstream of the middle blade using. The boundary layer thickness was about 1.5cm.

Along the span, the turbulence intensity (Tu) varied from 6% at the centre to about 11%

close to the walls. The mainstream flow conditions are listed in Table 3.2.

Fig. 3.1 Schematic of the cascade with film cooled blade


Table 3.1 Cascade and Blade Parameters

Blade span (cm) 12.64 Inlet area (cm2) 249

Tip clearance (cm) 0.064 Exit area (cm ) 164
Axial chord length (cm) 8.13 Inlet angle (°) 50.5
Pitch (cm) 7.69 Exit angle (°) 66.4

Table 3.2 Mainstream Flow Conditions

Inlet Mach No. 0.27 Pressure ratio (Pt/P) 1.14

Exit Mach No. 0.44 Turbulence intensity 6%
Reynolds No. 750,000 Boundary layer thickness (cm) 1.5

As indicated in Fig. 1.1, four different discrete holes configuration are generally

used in blade film cooling. In this study, the blades were cooled with laidback fanshaped

holes. Two film cooling designs were presented and the effect of hole angle with respect

to mainstream direction was investigated in current study. The holes were oriented in

axial direction in one design (Blade 1); and angled 45° to the axial direction in the other

design (Blade 2). Two film cooled test blades were made using Stereolithography

(SLA). They had a squealer tip with a recess of 2.4% (2.84mm) of blade span while the

two adjacent blades had a flat tip. The tip gap clearance for the test blade and the two

adjacent guide blades was 1% of the blade span. The leading edge of the blade could be

approximated as an arc with a radius of 2.4mm. Figure 3.2 and Fig. 3.3 show the film

cooling hole configurations on the test blades with the internal coolant passage

geometry. Some of important parameters of the film cooling hole configurations are

listed in Table 3.3. The film cooling holes locations on the blade surface were the same

for the two blades. All these laidback fanshaped holes were inclined 45° to the blade

surface. The laidback fanshape holes were featured with a lateral diffusion angle ( γ ) of

10° from the hole centerline and a forward expansion angle ( δ ) of 10° to the blade

surface. Four rows of shaped holes were arranged on the pressure side at axial locations

of 1.24cm (PS1, 23 holesl), 3.62cm (PS2, 22 holes), 5.01cm (PS3, 23 holes) and 6.1cm

(PS4, 22 holes). Two rows were provided on the suction side at axial locations of

0.38cm (SS1, 23 holes) and 3.56cm (SS2, 22 holes). The rows of holes were staggered;

therefore, PS2, PS4 and SS2 had one hole less than PS1, PS3 and SS1. The spanwise

spacing was kept constant, i.e., s/d ratio was maintained at 8.2. All these holes had a

diameter 0.65mm of the metering part (before expansion). For the axial shaped holes

(Blade 1), the total length of the hole was 6.8 times of hole diameter of metering part.

Fig. 3.2 Film cooled blade with axial shaped holes (Blade 1)
(a) film cooling holes and cavities (b) film cooling hole configuration

Fig. 3.3 Film cooled blade with compound angle shaped holes (Blade 2)

Table 3.3 Film Cooling Hole Configurations

Axial shaped hole Compound angle shaped hole

(Blade 1) (blade 2)
Angle to blade surface (°) 45 45
Axial angle (°) 0 45
Radial angle (°) 90 45
No. of hole rows PS: 4; SS: 2 PS: 4; SS: 2
No. of holes in each row 22 or 23 22 or 23
Hole diameter (d, mm) 0.65 0.65
Lateral diffusion angle (°) 10 10
Forward diffusion angle(°) 10 10
Hole to hole spacing (s/d) 8.2 8.2
Hole length (L) 6.8d 9d
Hole Expansion length 2.9d 4.25d
Exit to inlet area ratio 3.7 4.5

The expansion starting at 3.9 times of hole diameter, resulted in a area ratio of 3.7

between exit cross section to inlet cross section. For the compound angle shaped holes

(Blade 2), the total length of the hole was 9 times of hole diameter of metering part. The

expansion started at 4.75 times of hole diameter, which resulted in a area ratio of 4.5

between exit cross section to the inlet cross section of a hole.

Coolant was supplied to the film holes via 4 cavities numbered from 1 to 4. The

cavity cross sections were modeled similar to the internal cooling passages in turbine

blades with coolant injection through the bottom of the blade. The coolant was heated to

same temperature as mainstream before fed into the coolant cavity. The coolant flow

rate in each cavity was monitored by a dedicated rotameter. The PS1 holes and SS1

holes shared the first cavity; likewise, the PS2 holes and SS2 holes shared the secondary

cavity. The remaining two cavities supplied coolant to the rows PS3 and PS4,

respectively. During the test, coolant was only allowed to eject to either pressure side or

suction side, so film cooling holes on the other side were sealed.

The effects of wake generated by upstream vane were simulated by stationary

rods. The rods were inserted periodically upstream of the cascade inlet to simulate

stationary upstream wakes. A rod diameter of 4.8mm was selected to simulate typical

airfoil trailing edge. They were placed upstream of the blades at a distance equal to 50%

of axial chord. The rods were placed at four equally spaced positions corresponding to

the blade pitch. The four positions divided the passage into quarters. The rod locations

are shown in Fig. 3.4. The rod directly upstream of the leading edge was indicated as the

0% phase location and was 6.3cm upstream of the leading edge in the flow direction.

Rod locations for 25%, 50% and 75% were progressively located along the blade pitch.

The periodically placed upstream rods may be thought as a progressing wake in a


rotating turbine. Four sets of experiments were conducted to cover all phase locations.

Two rods were placed with one in the pressure side passage of the test blade and the

other at the corresponding periodic location in the suction side passage for 25%, 50%

and 75% phase locations while a single rod was placed in front of the stagnation line of

the test blade for phase location 0%.

Fig. 3.4 Wake rod phase position and conceptual view of wake effect on test blade

3.2 Mach Number and Local Blowing Ratio Distribution on the Blade Surface

Figure 3.5 shows the Mach number distributions at three span locations - 50%,

75% and 94% without the presence of wake rods and film cooling holes. The Mach

numbers were calculated from the pressure ratio, which was obtained by normalizing

the blade inlet total pressure with the static pressure over the blade surface. The static

pressure at the respective locations was measured using pressure taps instrumented on a

separate blade without film cooling. The inlet total pressure was measured using a pitot

tube placed 6.3cm upstream of the center blade. The pressures were recorded with a 48-

channel Scanivalve System coupled with LabView software. LabView discarded all data

that fell outside the initial mean ±1.5 standard deviation. It then recorded the mean

value of the screened data. Every pressure measurement was repeated at least three

times to reduce data uncertainty and verify data repeatability. The pressure side Mach

number distributions for all three span locations are more or less similar. There is a

gradual decrease in Mach number till x/Cx ~ 0.6 after which there is a sharp rise. On the

suction side, the Mach number distribution shows a steady increase till x/Cx ~ 0.65,

beyond which it starts falling. The point of inflection on the suction side corresponds to

the throat region where the mainstream reaches its maximum velocity. The interaction

of the mainstream and tip leakage vortex can be clearly observed from this plot, with an

appreciable reduction of Mach number for the 94% span case in the first half of the

blade axial chord.

Figure 3.6 shows the Mach number distribution under the influence of stationary

wakes at four phase locations. Data is shown for the same three blade span locations. It

is interesting to find that the midspan region is most affected by the upstream

Suction side

Pressure side

Fig. 3.5 Mach number distributions without upstream wake


Suction side Suction side Suction side

Pressure side Pressure side

Pressure side

Fig. 3.6 Mach number distributions under the influence of upstream wake rods

rods followed by 75% and 94% span locations. This is indicative of the fact that the

strong endwall vortices and tip leakage vortices override any small disturbance created

by the wake rods. In the midspan region, where the influence of endwall vortices is

negligible, the effect of wake rods become apparent. It has to be noted that the pressure

measurements were carried out on a blade without cooling holes. With the presence of

film cooling, the boundary layer attached to the blade surface is disturbed. This is

particularly true at higher blowing ratios. In general, on the pressure side, the wake rods

at phase 0% show the highest influence on the Mach number distribution followed by

phase 75%. The other two wake rod phases show little or no effect. On the suction side,

rod phase 25% followed by rod phase 0% shows the highest influence in the midspan

region. This agrees well with the conceptual wake paths depicted in Fig. 3.4. On the

suction side near tip region (75% and 94% blade span), the wake rod effect on Mach

number is not substantial as the tip leakage flow is predominant.

Experiments were performed with five different average blowing ratios (M) of

0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2 and 1.5. As mentioned earlier, the coolant was injected from only one

side of the blade. The holes on the other side, which was not being tested, were sealed.

The average blowing ratio was defined as M = ρcVc/ρmVm, where Vm is mainstream

velocity at 50% of the blade span in the hole row location. In the current study, the

density of coolant and mainstream is the same; the blowing ratio is reduced to a velocity

ratio. By knowing the local mainstream velocity, total coolant mass flow rate required

by a cavity was pre-determined for each average blowing ratio and was set using a

dedicated rotameter connected to the coolant loop for each cavity. The coolant velocity

Vc was calculated based on the round cross section area of the cylindrical part of a film

cooling hole. The actual or local blowing ratio Mlocal = ρc,localVc,local/ρm,localVm,local for the

holes in a hole row can vary due to the pressure variation in the coolant cavity and on

the outer surface of the blade along its span. To check the coolant distribution, the local

blowing ratio was examined. The discharge coefficients CD was calculated and the mass

flow rate from each hole was determined. The local blowing ratio distribution on the

suction side or pressure side was quite uniform. The coolant mass flow rate for the holes

in a cavity was found relatively evenly distributed.

3.3 Film-Cooling Effectiveness on the Blade Surface

The film cooling effectiveness distributions on the blade surface were measured

at five blowing ratios and four wake rod positions using pressure sensitive paint. During

the film cooling effectiveness test, the coolant was only allowed to eject from one side

of the blade surface (either pressure side (PS) or suction side (SS)). All the holes on the

side of interest were open while the holes on the other side were sealed. As shown in

Fig. 3.7, camera was placed at two locations to capture the film cooling effectiveness

distribution on the whole pressure surface, three locations to capture it on the suction

surface. The effectiveness data obtained at each individual camera position was

projected onto a radial plane passing through the axial chord of the blade and combined

to form a complete picture for pressure side or suction side. In the contour plots, the

abscissa and the ordinate were normalized with the axial chord length and the blade

height, respectively.

Fig. 3.7 Optical setup for PSP film cooling measurement on blade surface

3.3.1 Effectiveness on Film Cooled Blade with Axial Shaped Holes

To examine of effect of upstream wake, film cooling effectiveness distribution

on the blade surface without presence of upstream wake was taken as the baseline case.

Figure 3.8 shows the film cooling effectiveness distribution on the pressure side or

suction side of Blade 1 (with axial shaped holes) of baseline case. Although these film

cooling holes were oriented in axial direction, the coolant jets are re-directed by the

mainstream. The tip leakage flow drives the coolant upward towards the tip on the

pressure side near the tip region, while the pressure side horse vortex and corner vortex

drag the coolant to the hub on the pressure side near the hub region. Starting at x/Cx ~

0.3 on the suction side, the coolant is swept towards the midspan by the spiraling

motion of the passage vortex near the hub and the tip leakage vortex near the tip. It is

well known that the passage vortex drifts from the pressure-side leading edge towards

the suction-side trailing edge of the adjacent blade and climbs on to the suction surface

with an upwash motion. The tip leakage vortex, however, creates a downwash motion

on the suction surface. These vortices acting on the suction surface result in a well

defined converged coolant trace toward the midspan and attribute to the two unprotected

triangular zones near the tip and hub. The effects of secondary vortices on effectiveness

distribution were also observed in by Mhetras et al. [17] and Narzary et al. [18].

Compared with pressure side film cooling, the coolant trace on the suction side is longer

and effectiveness level is higher. The suction side convex surface produces favorable

pressure gradient and flow acceleration, making it easier for coolant to stay close to the

suction surface. On the contrary, coolant jets tend to separate from the concave

(a) Pressure Side

(b) Suction Side

Fig. 3.8 Film cooling effectiveness distribution for varying blowing ratios without wake on
Blade 1 (with axial shaped holes)

pressure surface. Therefore, in general, the film coverage on the suction surface is

better than that on the pressure surface. However, the film cooling effectiveness

distribution on the pressure side is fairly uniform with the multiple rows of film cooling

hole design, particularly at higher blowing ratios.

As shown in Fig. 3.8, the film cooling effectiveness from PS1 row is the lower

than the other PS rows (except PS2 at low M) and the coolant from PS1 row barely

reaches PS2 row. Due to the big curvature coupled with the flow deacceleration, the

coolant jets from PS1 row tend to lift off from the surface, resulting in poor film

coverage. The highest effectiveness from PS1 row is achieved at M=0.6. As the jet

momentum increases with blowing ratio, the coolant penetrates the freestream and mix

with the freestream, therefore very limited coolant protection remains on the surface.

For the downstream PS rows (PS2, PS3 and PS4), the film cooling effectiveness

increases when the blowing ratio increases from M=0.4 to M=1.2. The film cooling

effectiveness magnitude are comparable for M=0.9 and M=1.2. Further increasing the

blowing ratio to M=1.5, the effectiveness magnitude from the PS rows drops due to jet

liftoff. The coolant no longer stays attached to the surface. In general, the effectiveness

in the downstream is better than that in the upstream at moderate and high blowing

ratios (M=0.9. 1.2 and 1.5) because more coolant from upstream is carried over to

downstream. In addition, the flow acceleration and reduced curvature in the downstream

region are also favorable to the elevated effectiveness. At low blowing ratio M=0.4, the

pressure inside the cavity may not be high enough to drive the coolant to eject through

the holes, therefore, the coolant jets are not observed from some of the PS2 holes.

Immediately downstream of SS1 row, the highest effectiveness occurs at M=0.6.

The effectiveness near the holes drops when the blowing ratio is greater than M=0.6.

The higher jet momentum causes the jet penetration and the mixing with the freestream

is enhanced. This leads to a thinner coolant trace and lower magnitude in effectiveness.

The coolant from SS1 row extends beyond SS2 row. This leads to an elevated

effectiveness downstream of SS2 row. The highest effectiveness immediately

downstream of SS2 row is achieved at M=0.9. Because of the convex curvature on the

suction side, the dispersed coolant re-attached to the surface. This leads to widened

coolant traces in the downstream of both SS1 row and SS2 row. When the blowing ratio

increases, more coolant will be convected downstream and covers a wider area on the


The spanwise averaged effectiveness versus normalized axial chord length for

the no wake case on Blade 1 is presented in Fig. 3.9. The sharp peaks in the plot

correspond to the row locations. On the whole, film cooling effectiveness on the

pressure side decays faster than that on the suction side because jet lift-off from the

concave surface. In general, blowing ratio M=0.6 gives the highest film cooling

effectiveness for the first rows (PS1 or SS1); while M=0.9 offers highest effectiveness

for the other rows immediately downstream of film cooling holes. Due to the jet lift off,

the effectiveness in these near hole regions are lower for higher blowing ratios.

However, further downstream of film cooling holes, higher blowing ratios provide

higher effectiveness because more coolant is convected back to the surface.


0.5 0.5
M=0.4 M=0.4
M=0.6 M=0.6

Spanwise Averaged Effectiveness

M=0.9 M=0.9
0.4 M=1.2 0.4 M=1.2
M=1.5 M=1.5

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/Cx x/Cx

Fig. 3.9 Spanwise averaged effectiveness for the case of no wake on Blade 1
(with axial shaped holes)

To understand the nature of influence exerted by the wake rods at each phase

location, the effectiveness distribution for M=0.9 at four wake rod phases are presented

in Fig. 3.10. Compared with the case of no wake, the wake produced by the rods

reduces the film cooling effectiveness. The mixing between the coolant and mainstream

is enhanced by the wakes. The wake rod positions at 0% and 25% exhibits the more

adverse effect on film-cooling effectiveness. A conceptual view of the wake paths

shown in Fig. 3.4 for 0% and 25% attests to this fact. Vortex shedding from the wake

rods brings additional turbulence in the mainstream resulting in more mixing of the

mainstream with the coolant, thereby, the coolant trace is shortened. The wake rods at

phase 0% show more degradation of coolant trace on the pressure side. The downstream

propagation of the wake is evident from the short coolant traces near the PS4 row. On

the suction side, it appears that the 25% wake rod location has a relatively higher

impact. The wake propagation along the suction surface can be gauged by the coolant

trace degradation near the trailing edge. An interesting observation can be made by

looking at the suction side effectiveness contours. It appears that the secondary vortices

shield the coolant from SS2 row holes to some extent from the incoming mainstream, as

a result, the coolant traces close to the tip and hub regions propagate downstream in

comparison to those near the midspan region.

Figure 3.11 shows the effectiveness distribution on Blade 1 at rod phase location

0% for varying blowing ratios. It can be seen that the effectiveness on pressure side

dramatically decreases at this rod location for all the blowing ratios. The enhanced

mainstream turbulence produced by the wakes rapidly mixes the coolant with

mainstream when the coolant ejects from the holes. The pressure surface is barely

protected by the film cooling at this rod phase location. The effectiveness on the suction

Fig. 3.10 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on Blade 1 for M=0.9 at varying
wake rod phases

Fig. 3.11 Effectiveness distribution Blade 1 at wake rod phase 0%


side also decreases. The coolant trace becomes shorter and effectiveness level becomes

lower. However, the damage on suction side is not as sever as on the pressure side.

Figure 3.12 shows the effectiveness distribution on Blade 1 at rod phase location

25%. On the suction side, as can be seen, not only the elevated effectiveness is reduced,

but also the coolant trace is much narrowed and shortened at this rod phase location.

The coolant has mixed with mainstream before it reaches SS2 row. Similar to the case

of no wake, the best effectiveness is achieved at M=0.6 immediately downstream of

SS1 row; blowing ratio M=1.5 gives better coverage further downstream of SS2 rows

near the trailing edge. As shown in Fig. 3.8, the secondary flow is predominant in tip

region and hub region. The wake effect is more pronounced in the midspan region. On

the pressure side, the adverse effect of wake rod still observable, but not as bad as that at

phase 0%.

Figure 3.13 shows the wake rods effect on the spanwise averaged effectiveness

for varying blowing ratios. Wake rod phase at 0% has the maximum detrimental effect

on pressure side film cooling. The film cooling effectiveness for the other wake rod

phases is comparable. For the suction side film cooling, the 25%, followed by 0%,

shows the largest effect. The effectiveness at the other two rod phase locations (50% and

75%) are comparable to the case of no wake.

The blowing ratio effect on the spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness at

different wake rod phases are presented in Fig. 3.14. In general, M=0.4 provides the

lowest effectiveness for either pressure side film cooling or suction side film cooling.

For pressure side film cooling, the impact of blowing ratio is reduced at wake rod phase

0%. As aforementioned for the case of no wake, the film cooling effectiveness

immediately downstream of the holes is reduced at high blowing ratios (M=1.2 and

Fig. 3.12 Effectiveness distribution on Blade1 at wake rod phase 25%

Fig. 3.13 Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness on Blade 1 (wake rod effect)
Fig. 3.14 Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness on Blade 1 (blowing ratio effect)

M=1.5) due to increased jet momentum. Further downstream of the holes, the high

blowing ratio presents higher effectiveness because more coolant is dispersed and

convected back to the surface. The effectiveness decays faster with x/Cx for pressure

side film cooling that suction side film cooling as the coolant tends to lift off from the

concave pressure surface. A sharp drop for the suction side film cooling appears for

wake rod phase 25%.

3.3.2 Effectiveness on Film Cooled Blade with Compound Angle Shaped Holes

Figure 3.15 shows the effectiveness distribution on the Blade 2 surface (with

compound angle shaped holes) for the case of no wake. Compared with Blade 1 (with

axial shaped holes), some common characteristics of film cooling is observed.

1. The detrimental effect of the secondary flow on film-cooling effectiveness

distribution is clearly observed near the endwall and blade tip. Starting at x/Cx ~ 0.3

on the suction side, the spiraling motion of the passage vortex near the hub surface

and the tip leakage vortex draws the coolant towards the blade midspan. These

vortices acting on the suction surface result in a well defined converged coolant

trace toward the midspan. On the pressure side, the corner vortices drive the coolant

to hub region. This leads to downward coolant traces. However, the tip leakages

draw the coolant to the blade tip. In the midspan region on the pressure side, the

coolant basically follow the mainstream flow and is deflected to the axial direction.

2. The film coverage on the suction surface is better than that on the pressure surface,

although there are more rows of cooling holes on the pressure side. The coolant

traces on the suction side are much longer than that on the pressure surface. The

peak of effectiveness for the suction side film cooling is also higher than pressure

side film cooling.

3. The coolant accumulation from the upstream film holes is observed with an elevated

film cooling effectiveness in the downstream. This is true for film cooling

effectiveness on both pressure side and suction side.

Compared with Fig. 3.8, it is clearly seen that effectiveness from the compound

angle shaped holes (Blade 2) is much higher than the axial shaped holes (Blade 1),

particularly at higher blowing ratios. The film cooling effectiveness increases with the

increase of blowing ratio for either pressure side coolant injection or suction side

coolant injection. Jet lift-off is not observed even for the highest blowing ratio M=1.5.

However, for the axial shaped hole cooled blade (Blade 1), optimal blowing ratio exists,

beyond which the film cooling effectiveness drops because of jet liftoff. As indicated in

Table 3.3, the compound angled shaped holes have a larger exit cross-sectional area than

the axial shaped hole. Therefore, the coolant jet momentum is further reduced. The

coolant jets are more likely suppressed by the mainstream and stay close to the surface.

This is more noticeable for the film cooling effectiveness distribution on the suction

side. In addition, the coolant jet more spreads out from the compound angle holes by the

mainstream. The film coverage area increases.

The comparison of spanwise averaged effectiveness for the axial shaped holes

and the compound angle shaped holes is shown in Fig. 3.16 for the case of no wake.

Usually, the coolant jets from compound angle shaped holes are deflected by the

mainstream, and cover a wider surface area. Whereas the coolant jets from axial shaped

hole follow the mainstream directions and the jet coverage is confined to the axial

direction. Therefore, in general, the compound angle shaped holes perform better than

(a) Pressure Side

(b) Suction Side

Fig. 3.15 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on Blade 2 for varying blowing ratios
without wake

Fig. 3.16 Comparison of spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness for axial shaped holes
(Blade 1) and compound angled shaped holes (Blade 2).

axial shaped holes. In addition, the compound angle holes have larger exit area. The jet

momentum from those compound angle shaped holes is further reduced. Coolant is

more easily to stay close to the surface with the reduced jet momentum. On the pressure

side, the compound angle shaped holes and axial shaped holes show comparable

effectiveness for the moderate blowing ratio M=0.6 and M=0.9. At higher blowing ratio

M=1.2 and M=1.5, the compound angle holes shows better effectiveness. On the suction

side, a clear rise in effectiveness is observed for compound angled shaped holes. As the

blowing ratio increases, the advantage of compound angled shaped hole becomes more

evident. However, the compound angle shaped holes might cause higher heat transfer

coefficients and losses due to coolant jets deflection by mainstream, as compared to the

axial shaped holes.

The spanwise averaged effectiveness for the compound angle shaped holes for

the no wake case is presented in Fig. 3.17. The effectiveness increases with blowing

ratio for either pressure side or suction side. There is no optimal blowing ratio observed

in the range considered. Overall, the effectiveness levels on the suction side are higher

than that on the pressure side for a particular blowing ratio, as seen from the contour


The effect of wake rods is also examined on Blade 2. Similar to the case for

axial shaped hole, the wake produced by the rods reduces the film cooling effectiveness.

The mixing between the coolant and mainstream is enhanced by the wakes. The wake

rod positions at 0% and 25% exhibits the more pronounced influence on film-cooling

effectiveness. The effect of wake rod on Blade 2 film cooling is presented in terms of

spanwise averaged effectiveness in Fig. 3.18 and Fig. 3.19. Figure 3.18 shows the effect

of blowing ratio. The film cooling effectiveness increases when blowing ratio increases


No Wake M=0.4

Spanwise Averaged Effectiveness

0.4 M=0.9
PS SS M=1.2



-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Axial Chord Length x/Cx
Fig. 3.17 Spanwise averaged effectiveness for the case of no wake

(a) Pressure Side

(b) Suction Side

Fig. 3.18 Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness on Blade 2(blowing ratio effect)
(a) Pressure Side

(b) Suction Side

Fig. 3.19 Spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness on Blade 2 (wake Rod effects)

for either pressure side or suction side for all the wake rod position. The effectiveness

trend pretty much follows that of the no-wake case. Figure 3.19 shows, for a given

blowing ratio, the lowest effectiveness occurs at rod phase 0% for pressure surface, 25%

for the suction surface.

3.4 Conclusions

Experimental tests were performed on high pressure turbine rotor blades with

axial angle shaped holes and compound angle shaped holes. The shaped holes featured a

10° expansion in the lateral direction and an additional 10° in the forward direction. The

coolant was issued from either pressure side film cooling holes or suction side film

cooling holes. The effect of blowing ratios and the presence of stationary, upstream

wakes are examined. Some of the main highlights from the present study are presented


1. Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique enables us to clearly visualize the

impact of the passage vortex, corner vortex and tip-leakage vortex on coolant

film trace distribution over the blade surface. Accurate effectiveness data is

obtained on the heavily film cooled blade surface.

2. The suction side gains better film effectiveness than the pressure side. The

suction side convex surface and favorable pressure gradient help the coolant stay

closer to the surface; while the coolant jets tends to lift off the concave pressure

surface. Even with more rows of film cooling holes, the effectiveness on the

pressure side is still lower than on the suction side.

3. The tip leakage vortex and passage vortex have severe detrimental effect on the

suction side film cooling. The strong mixing sweeps the coolant away from the

suction surface and resulted two unprotected triangular zone near the trailing


4. An upstream wake can have a severe detrimental effect on film coverage

depending on the wake rod phase locations. Wake phase locations of 0% and

25% significantly decrease the film cooling effectiveness magnitudes. Wakes

from 50% and 75% phase locations do not attach to the blade surfaces and hence

the adverse impact is reduced.

5. The tip leakages vortices and endwall vortices are predominant at near tip and

near hub region. The upstream wake effect on suction side is more observable at

midspan region.

6. Comparison between the compound angle shaped hole and axial shaped hole

designs show higher effectiveness values for compound angle shaped holes on

either pressure side or suction side, particularly, at higher blowing ratios.

7. For the axial shaped holes, the moderate blowing ratio (M=0.6 and M=0.9)

shows better film cooling effectiveness on either pressure side or suction side

immediately downstream of the film cooling holes. Further downstream of the

film cooling holes, high blowing ratios provide wider film coverage. For the

axial shaped holes, optimal blowing ratios exists, beyond with effectiveness


8. Film cooling effectiveness from the compound angle shaped holes increases

with blowing ratio on either surface of the blade. There is no optimal blowing

ratio observed in the range of study (M=0.4~1.5).




4.1 Experimental Facilities

Test for the platform purge flow cooling was done in the same five-blade

cascade as that for blade film cooling test in Section 3. The mainstream flow conditions

were set same as in blade film cooling test. Detailed cascade configurations and flow

conditions can be found in Section 3. Figure 4.1 schematically shows the five-blade

linear cascade with the platform test section cooled the purge flow. The definition of the

coordinate, which will be used in the discussion, is presented in Fig. 4.1(b). Cx is the

axial chord length of the blade, while x and x’ are the axial distance measured from the

blade leading edge and the slot upstream edge, respectively.

A new labyrinth-like seal, which is a typical rotor stator seal in real gas turbine

engine, is used to simulate the stator-rotor purge slot. The seal covers two passages of

the linear cascade. Figure 4.2 shows the seal configurations and two delta wing

geometries. The seal consists of two parts, an upstream (stator) part with round teeth

and a downstream (rotor) part with sharp teeth. The two parts match together and result

in a throat width (s) of 0.19cm at the purge slot exit as indicated in Fig. 4.2(b) and Fig.

4.2(c). The upstream part, with a radius of 0.1cm, breaks at 1.64cm upstream of blade

leading on the platform. The downstream part is inclined 20° to the mainstream. The

junction of inclined slot and the flat platform is located 0.62cm of leading edge.

Therefore, the total breakout width (b) of the slot is 1.02cm. Other dimensions can be

found in Fig. 4.2. A coolant plenum is attached underneath the purge slot. The coolant

enters the plenum and travels through the seal before being expelled to the mainstream.

Purge slot
Purge flow
Delta wing at
phase 0%
cooled platform x’

5 0 .5 °




Unit: cm 4.06


Fig. 4.1 (a) Schematic of cascade blade platform with upstream delta wing and purge slot
(b) Definition of platform coordinates



(a) (d)

Fig. 4.2 (a) Detail of a typical labyrinth-like stator rotor seal (b) Detail view of the seal
(c) Notations of the seal (d)Two delta wing geometries

Five pressure taps are instrumented on the side wall the plenum to examine the pressure.

Uniform pressure distribution was found inside the plenum during the film cooling test.

The coolant purge flow rate is generally considered as a percentage of the mainstream

mass flow rate. Four coolant mass flow rates (MFR) are considered in this study –

0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0% of mainstream flow rate. The corresponding blowing

ratios M, defined as the ratio of coolant mass flux (ρcVc) to mainstream mass flux

(ρmVm), are 0.17, 0.33, 0.50 and 0.67. The coolant velocity at throat of seal (based on s)

is used in the blowing ratio calculation. The mainstream velocity is measured at cascade


Wright et al. [51] demonstrated that the vortex generated by delta wing can be

used to simulate the passage vortex. Depending on the upstream vane configuration, the

passage vortex generated by upstream vane varies in term of size and strength.

Changing the delta wing size and attack angle will alter the vortex size and strength. In

this study, two sets of delta wings are selected to model the different size and strength of

vane passage vortices. Figure 4.2(d) shows the dimensions of the delta wings. One set

of delta wings have a height of 20% of cascade height (h=0.2H) with a width of 1.5

times of the delta wing height. The other set of delta wings were scaled down to the half

size of the first set, i.e., the height is 10% of the cascade height (h=0.1H). The delta

wings were located at a distance equivalent to 50% of axial chord upstream of the

blades. They were periodically placed at four equally spaced locations. Figure 4.3 shows

the locations of the delta wings relative to the blade leading edge. The delta wing edge

directly upstream of the leading edge is indicated as the phase 0%. The delta wings shift

a quarter of blade pitch along the pitchwise direction and progressively reach phase

Phase 0% Phase 25%

Phase 50% Phase 75%

Fig. 4.3 Delta wing phase positions in reference of blade leading edge

position 25%, 50%, and 75%. For a given size of delta wing, the vortex strength is

determined by the mainstream attack angle (θ) to the delta wing. Two attack angles, 30°

and 45°, were considered in the study to vary the strength of passage vortex. Figure 4.3

also conceptually shows the vortices generated by the upstream delta wings and the

passage vortex generated in the downstream local blade passage.

4.2 Results and Discussion

4.2.1 Film Cooling Effectiveness Distribution

Prior to presenting the film effectiveness data, the pressure and Mach number

distribution were examined and shown in Fig. 4.4. The pressure distribution on the

platform was represented by ratio of local static pressure and inlet total pressure. The

local static pressure was measured by PSP while the inlet total pressure was measured

by pitot tube upstream of the cascade inlet. Several pressure taps were put on the

platform along the three curves to calibration PSP data. The pressure and Mach number

data along three curves on the platform was extracted and compared with pressure tap

measurement. One curve was offset of the blade pressure side by 10% of pitch length,

the other was offset of suction side by 10%. The third curve was along the mid-passage.

Pressure distribution on the blade surface along the midspan measured by pressure taps

is also presented for comparison. On the contour plots, the black line upstream of the

blade leading edge indicates the junction of the inclined purge slot and the flat platform.

It can be seen from the contour plot that the static pressure near the pressure side is

higher than that near the suction side. This is driving force of blade work as well as the

passage cross flow. From the leading edge to the trailing edge, the pressure gradually

decreases; the mainstream flow is accelerated; Mach number increases. The pressure

PSP Pressure tap

Platform near PS
Platform midpassage
Platform near SS
Blade surface PS
Blade surface SS


P/P t


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

(a) Pressure distribution


Mach Number




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

(b) Mach number distribution

Fig. 4.4 Pressure and Mach number distribution without coolant injection

distribution along the slot exit is non-uniform with higher pressure existing near the

blade leading edge. This non-uniform outer pressure affects coolant mass flow

distribution along the slot, particularly, when the coolant flow rate is low. It can be seen

from the line plots that the PSP data matched well with pressure tap data; the maximum

deviation is less than 6%. Near the pressure side, the pressure is very close to the

pressure on the blade midspan. However, near the suction side, the pressure is higher

than that on the blade surface at midspan location. This results in a reduced driving

force (pressure differential between pressure side and suction side) near the platform. It

can be seen from Fig. 4.4(b), the velocity near the suction side on the platform is lower

than the freestream velocity.

The test cases that have been performed are listed in Table 4.1. However, not all

the film cooling effectiveness distribution is presented. Results are selected to aid the

discussion and understand the purge flow cooling. To study the effect of vane passage

vortex simulated by the delta wings, the film cooling effectiveness without presence of

the delta wings was taken as baseline case. Fig. 4.5 shows the detailed film cooling

distributions on the blade platform with no upstream vane influence. The film

effectiveness distributions are shown for four coolant flow ratios MFR=0.25%, 0.5%,

0.75% and 1.0%, corresponding to the blowing ratio M=0.17, 0.33, 0.50 and 0.67,

respectively. To clearly show the effectiveness distribution in the inclined slot and the

flat platform, the contours are plotted at two difference scales. At the lowest flow rate of

MFR = 0.25%, the coolant ejection from the slot is non-uniform. The high outer

pressure near the leading edge of the blade prohibits the coolant exiting from this

region. As the coolant mass flow rate increases, the pressure inside the coolant plenum

Table 4.1 Test Cases

Upstream Vortex generator Phase Purge
vane effect Delta wing position flow rate
None 0.25%, 0.5%
-- --
(baseline) 0.75%, 1.0%
0%, 25% 0.25%, 0.5%
h=0.1H, θ=30° 50%, 75% 0.75%, 1.0%
0%, 25% 0.25%, 0.5%
Passage h=0.1H, θ=45° 50%, 75% 0.75%, 1.0%
vortex 0%, 25% 0.25%, 0.5%
h=0.2H, θ=30° 50%, 75% 0.75%, 1.0%
0%, 25% 0.25%, 0.5%
h=0.2H, θ=45° 50%, 75% 0.75%, 1.0%

MFR=0.25% MFR=0.5%
MFR=0.25% MFR=0.5% M=0.17 M=0.33
M=0.17 M=0.33

MFR=0.75% MFR=1.0% MFR=0.75% MFR=1.0%

M=0.50 M=0.67 M=0.50 M=0.67

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.5 Film cooling effectiveness at various coolant injection rates (baseline) (a) scale 0~1.0, (b)
scale 0~0.7

increases. The coolant ejection becomes more uniform. It can be observed at

MFR=0.5%~1.0%, the effectiveness at the slot exit is close to unity. The 20° inclination

of slot keeps coolant close to the surface where exhibits high effectiveness. However,

the mainstream and coolant mixing takes place in the inclined slot before the coolant

reaches the flat platform. Therefore, the effectiveness in the inclined portion gradually

decreases. At the junction of inclined slot and the flat platform, the effectiveness for

MFR=0.75% and 1.0% drops to about 0.7. To better visualize the film cooling

effectiveness downstream of the junction, the effectiveness distribution is presented Fig.

4.5(b) with smaller scale. The pressure difference between the pressure side and the

suction side induces cross flow in the passage. The flow is driven from pressure side to

suction. The coolant is swept from the pressure side to the suction side. At low coolant

mass flow rate (MFR=0.25% and 0.5%), the coolant is taken away from the surface by

the horseshoe vortex, so film cooling effectiveness in the leading edge region is close to

zero. The effect of horseshoe vortex even extends to the inclined slot and results in a

decreased effectiveness in the slot. When the coolant mass flow ratio increases, the

strength of the horseshoes vortex is reduced by the purge flow. With less mixing with

mainstream, the leading edge region gains some film coverage at MFR=0.75% and

1.0%. Inside the blade passage, the coolant is skewed to the suction side by the cross

flow. The cross flow also drives the pressure side leg of the horseshoes vortex moves to

the suction side, and forms passage vortex. The strong passage vortex caused violent

mixing between the coolant and mainstream. The film effectiveness quickly dies out.

The passage vortex acts like a barrier, beyond which the coolant vanishes. Increasing

the coolant flow rate weakens the effect of the passage vortex, and thus film coverage

extends a little to the downstream. However, from MFR=0.75% to MFR=1.0%, the

increment of film coverage is limited. At the lowest flow rate of MFR = 0.25%, a large

portion of the passage is left unprotected. Doubling coolant mass flow rate from 0.5% to

1.0% of the mainstream flow yields only marginal improvement in film coverage. The

coolant covers partial area of the upstream passage, while a large portion of the

downstream half of the passage remains unprotected. The film protection on the

platform is minimal after the mid-chord. From the studies [46-48], it can be conjectured

that the film coverage would increase if the MFR were further increased. This is

accompanied at the cost of large amount of coolant consumption. It may be an efficient

way to cool the platform by combining the upstream purge flow cooling with discrete-

hole film cooling strategically arranged on the downstream of the platform. This

research will continue on platform film cooling with combined upstream purge flow and

downstream discrete hole film cooling.

To create the vortex, the delta wings were periodically placed upstream of the

stator-rotor seal. Because the exact size and strength of the passage vortex leaving the

vane passage, corresponding to the present blade geometry, is not known, it is vital to

consider a range of possibilities. Four delta wing configurations were generated by

varying two sizes of delta wings (h=0.1H and h=0.2H) at two flow attack angles (θ=30°

and θ=45°). For each delta wing configuration (given size and attack angle θ), four

phase position along the pitchwise direction are used to simulate the advancement vane

passage vortex. The influence of upstream vane passage vortex is presented in Fig. 4.6

and Fig. 4.7 with MFR=0.75%. A generalization of the following discussion can be

applied to the other coolant mass flow rates in the range of current study. Figure 4.6

shows the film cooling effectiveness distribution at MFR=0.75% under the influence of

delta wing h=0.2H. Compared with MFR=0.75% in Fig. 4.5, the area with elevated film

effectiveness decreases for all the phases in the presence of upstream delta wings. The

effectiveness pattern are similar when delta wings are placed at the same phase position

for θ=30° and θ=45°. The area of coolant coverage does not extend as deep into the

passage when the delta wing is placed upstream of the blades except at phase position

25%. As the vortex passes over the seal, the coolant lifts off the platform, and mixes

with the mainstream. Therefore, it does not remain attached to the surface and results in

a lower effectiveness. A better understanding of the interaction of delta wing generated

vortex with downstream flow may be achieved from Fig. 4.3. At phase 0%, the vortex is

close to the pressure side leading edge, so the effectiveness near the leading edge region

of pressure side is reduced. At phase 25%, the upstream vortex reaches the center of the

passage. It competes with passage vortex generated by the blades passage. The strength

of local blade passage vortex reduced. So the coolant is more spread out to the

downstream. Therefore at phase 25% the film coverage is slight larger than the case

with no delta wings. At phase 50%, the upstream vortex is close to suction side leading

edge. It interacts with suction leg horse vortex, and caused more mixing, therefore, the

suction side leading edge is less protected. This is more evident at θ=45°. At phase 75%,

the upstream vortex is more or less directed to the leading of the blade. As a result, the

film effectiveness in the leading edge region reduces due to interaction of upstream

vortex with horseshoe vortex reduces.


Phase 0% Phase 25%

Phase 0% Phase 25%

Phase 50% Phase 75% Phase 50% Phase 75%

Fig. 4.6 Film cooling effectiveness at various phase location at MFR=0.75% with delta wing

In general, the upstream vortex causes more turbulence mixing and is

detrimental to the slot purge cooling. With a larger attack angle, the vortex strength for

θ=45° is larger than that for θ=30°. Therefore, the adverse effect of upstream vane

passage vortex is more evident for θ=45°.

Fig. 4.7 shows the impact of the vortex created by upstream delta wing h=0.1H

at MFR=0.75%. The delta wing dimension is scaled down to half of the previous one.

With the smaller size of delta wing, both the size and strength of the vortex generated by

this delta wing (h=0.1H) reduce. The upstream vortex alters the effectiveness

distribution pattern. The impact of local passage vortex is dominant. When the coolant

meets the local blade passage vortex, it is wiped off and disappears in the mainstream.

Although θ=45° shows slightly more effect, the difference in effectiveness from the two

attack angles is small. The vortex created by delta wing is directed to the passage at

phase 0% and 25%, compared with baseline case, the effectiveness pattern is altered.

The upstream vortex is close to the blade surface at phase 50% and 75%, and interacts

with horseshoes vortex. However, the enhanced mixing doesn’t lift the coolant off the

surface completely, there is still some coolant coverage left the near the leading edge

region. Comparing with Fig. 4.6, it can be seen that upstream vortex from h=0.1H has

less impact on the downstream film cooling effectiveness.


Phase 0% Phase 25%

Phase 0% Phase 25%

Phase 50% Phase 75%

Phase 50% Phase 75%


Fig. 4.7 Film cooling effectiveness at various phase location at

MFR=0.75% with delta wing h=0.1H

4.2.2 Laterally Averaged Film Cooling Effectiveness

More general comparisons of all the cases studied can be made by comparing

the laterally averaged film cooling effectiveness versus axial chord. The arrows in the

line plots (if any) indicate the location of slot exit and dashed lines indicate the blade

leading edge. Fig. 4.8 shows the laterally averaged effectiveness for the baseline case

(no delta wings). It can be seen from Fig 4.8(a), the higher coolant mass flow rate shows

higher effectiveness. The averaged effectiveness at slot exit is about unity except

MFR=0.25%, at which the coolant ejection is not uniform. The coolant quickly mixes

with mainstream out of the slot exit and the effectiveness drops rapidly. The laterally

averaged effectiveness reduces to about 0.54 for MFR=1.0% at the blade leading edge.

It is even lower for the other coolant flow rates. Inside the blade passage, the coolant is

further dissipated into mainstream. η becomes negligible (<0.1) for all MFRs when

x/Cx > 0.4. This indicates the passage vortex meets the blade suction surface around

x/Cx=0.4 and starts climbing up to the suction surface of the blade. The coolant is lifted

off by the passage vortex. The film protection vanishes downstream of the passage

vortex. The blade surface film cooling study in previous section showed the coolant on

the blade suction surface is swept towards to blade midspan when x/Cx>0.4. This is

consistent with the current findings. The platform is partially covered by the purge

coolant when x/Cx<0.4, beyond which the platform is left unprotected. Figure 4.8(b)

shows η vs x’/Ms, where x’=0 is defined at the slot exit (upstream edge of the seal).

The correlations for the tangential slot and discrete hole film cooling on flat plate [82]

are also presented in the plot for comparison. The experimental data is close to

tangential slot correlation near the slot exit. Further downstream, η for platform purge

1 1
MFR=0.25% MFR=0.25%
0.9 0.9
MFR=0.5% MFR=0.5%
0.8 MFR=0.75% 0.8 MFR=0.75%
MFR=1.0% MFR=1.0%
0.7 0.7 Slot correlation
0.6 Discrete hole correlation



0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150
x/Cx x'/Ms
(a) (b)

Fig. 4.8 Laterally averaged effectiveness for baseline case (a) effectiveness vs x/Cx (b)
effectiveness vs x’/Ms

slot cooling is much lower than the tangential slot correlation. The passage induced

secondary flow enhances mixing between the coolant and the mainstream. η on the

platform decreases rapidly. Comparing with discrete film cooling, η from experiment is

higher than the correlation downstream of slot exit. Further downstream, the η is lower

than the discrete hole correlation on flat plate. There is little coolant remaining on the

platform downstream of passage vortex.

The influence of upstream vortex generated by delta wings at different phase

positions is shown in Fig. 4.9 – Fig. 4.12. The upstream vortex induced additional

turbulence and enhances the coolant and mainstream interaction. For all delta wing

configurations, the averaged effectiveness decreases with presence of delta wings prior

to the blade passage. In side the blade passages, the effect of upstream vortex is also

detrimental except for delta wing h=0.2H at θ=30° and phase 25%. It seems with this

configuration, the delta wing generated vortex is directed into the blade passage and

competes with blade passage vortex. The strength of blade passage vortex reduces and

the mixing between the coolant and the mainstream also reduces. The coolant is more

spreaded out. Therefore, for this particular case, the effectiveness in the blade passage is

slightly higher than the baseline case. The delta configuration h=0.2H, θ=45° has the

largest detrimental effect on effectiveness. The averaged effectiveness has the largest

phase dependency for h=0.2H, θ=30°. Although the local film effectiveness distribution

0.9 Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =45 O Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =30 O
No delta wing
0.7 Phase 0%
0.6 Phase 25%
η Phase 50%
Phase 75%
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.9 Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =45 O Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =30 O


-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/Cx x/Cx

Fig. 4.9 Film cooling effectiveness at various delta wing phases at MFR=0.25% (M=0.17)

0.9 Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =45 O Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =30 O
No delta wing
0.7 Phase 0%
0.6 Phase 25%
η Phase 50%
Phase 75%
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.9 Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =45 O Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =30 O


-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/Cx x/Cx

Fig. 4.10 Film cooling effectiveness at various delta wing phases at MFR=0.50% (M=0.33)

0.9 Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =45 O Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =30 O
No delta wing
0.7 Phase 0%
0.6 Phase 25%
η Phase 50%
Phase 75%
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.9 Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =45 Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =30


-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/Cx x/Cx

Fig. 4.11 Film cooling effectiveness at various delta wing phases at MFR=0.75% (M=0.50)

0.9 Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =45 Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =30
No delta wing
0.7 Phase 0%
0.6 Phase 25%
η Phase 50%
Phase 75%
-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.9 Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =45 Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =30


-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/Cx x/Cx

Fig. 4.12 Film cooling effectiveness at various delta wing phases at MFR=1.0% (M=0.67)

is altered at difference phases, the averaged effectiveness from different phases for

delta wing h=0.1H are comparable regardless of phase positions. For all the MFRs, the

averaged effectiveness decays faster for delta wing h=0.2H with flow attack angle

θ=45° that the other delta wing configurations.

Fig. 4.13 and Fig. 4.14 show the effect delta wing configuration on the

effectiveness for MFR=0.5% and MFR=1.0%, respectively (the discussion below is

valid for MFR=0.25% and MFR=0.75% as well). In general, delta wing h=0.2H shows

the more effect than h=0.1H. Attack angle θ=45° has more detrimental effect than θ=30°

for delta wing h=0.2H. The effect from different flow attack angles are comparable for

delta wing h=0.1H. When x/Cx>0.4, the effect of upstream vortex becomes less


To examine the effect of coolant injection ratio, delta wing with the most

detrimental is chosen (i.e. h=0.2H, θ=45°). Fig. 4.15 and Fig. 4.16 show effect of

coolant mass flow rate. Similar to the case without presence of delta wing, the

effectiveness increases with coolant mass flow rate. Examining η versus x’/ Ms, except

at phase 0%, all the data for the other phase positions collapses well. η is lower than

tangential slot correlation and higher than discrete hole correlation near the slot exit.

Downstream of the passage, all the coolant are swept away by the passage vortex, so the

η is even lower than discrete hole correlations.


0.9 Delta wing phase 0% Delta wing phase 25%
0.8 No delta wing
0.7 Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =45
Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =30
0.6 o
Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =45
Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =30

-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.9 Delta wing phase 50% Delta wing phase 75%


-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/Cx x/Cx

Fig. 4.13 Effect of delta wing configuration on film cooling effectiveness at

MFR=0.5% (M=0.33)

0.9 Delta wing phase 0% Delta wing phase 25%
No delta wing
0.8 o
Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =45
0.7 Delta wing h=0.2H, θ =30
Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =45 o
0.6 Delta wing h=0.1H, θ =30

-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.9 Delta wing phase 50% Delta wing phase 75%


-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/Cx x/Cx

Fig. 4.14 Effect of delta wing configuration on film cooling effectiveness at MFR=1.0%

0.9 Delta wing phase 0% Delta wing phase 25%
0.7 MFR=0.5%
0.6 MFR=0.75%

-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.9 Delta wing phase 50% Delta wing phase 75%


-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
x/Cx x/Cx

Fig. 4.15 Effect of coolant mass flow rate on film cooling effectiveness for delta wing h=0.2H,

0.9 Delta wing phase 0% Delta wing phase 25%
0.8 MFR=0.25%
0.7 MFR=0.75%
0.6 MFR=1.0%
Slot correlation

0.5 Discrete hole correlation


0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
0.9 Delta wing phase 50% Delta wing phase 75%


0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
x'/Ms x'/Ms
Fig. 4.16 Effect of coolant mass flow rate on film cooling effectiveness for delta wing
h=0.2H, θ=45°

4.3 Conclusions

An experimental study was undertaken to measure the film cooling effectiveness

on a turbine blade platform within a five-blade linear cascade subject to purge flow

from a typical stator-rotor seal. The labyrinth-like seal was located upstream of the

blades, and the amount of purge flow through the seal varied from 0.25% to 1.0% of the

mainstream flow. Delta wings were used to generate a vortex upstream of the blade

passage; this vortex is similar to the passage vortex that would be created as the

mainstream flow travels through the vane passage. Pressure sensitive paint was used to

measure the film cooling effectiveness. Because the exact strength and structure of the

vortex created in the vane passage varies, different size of delta wings combined with

different attack angles were considered to show how the effectiveness changes when the

upstream vortex structure changes. In general, the film cooling effectiveness increases

with increasing coolant mass flow rate. The presence of upstream vane passage vortex is

detrimental to the platform slot purge cooling, particularly, in the region between the

purge slot and about the first half of platform (x/Cx<0.4). The strong mixing between

the coolant and blade passage vortex causes effectiveness vanishing downstream of

passage vortex. Depending on the phase position, the pattern of the effectiveness

distribution alters. The larger delta wings (h=0.2H) have more effect on platform film

cooling effectiveness than the smaller delta wings (h=0.1H). Combined with attack

angle θ=45°, delta wings with h=0.2H have the largest adverse effect on film

effectiveness. Delta wings h=0.1H show the same level of influence on the film cooling

effectiveness at the attack angle 30° and 45°.




5.1 Experimental Facilities

Test for leading edge film cooling study is done in a low speed wind tunnel. Fig.

5.1 schematically shows the experimental setup. The mainstream flow travels through a

nozzle and into the test tunnel. The test section is placed in the wind tunnel. The center

of the cylinder is located at 73.7 cm downstream of the nozzle exit. The mainstream

flow is adjusted to maintain a Reynolds number of 100,900 (based on the cylinder’s

diameter). To increase the freestream turbulence of the mainstream flow, a turbulence

grid is added at the exit of the nozzle. With the grid, turbulence intensity of 7% with

turbulence integral length scale about 1.5cm is measured near the cylinder. Fig. 5.1(a)

also shows the position of excitation light and camera for PSP measurement. A close

view of the test section is shown in Fig. 5.1(b). The turbine blade leading edge is

modeled as a blunt body with a semicylinder and an afterbody. The semicylinder, made

of Stereolithography (SLA), can be detached from the afterbody when changing film

cooling hole configuration. The semi-cylinder has a diameter of 7.62 cm, height of 25.4

cm, and a wall thickness of 0.64 cm. The hollow semicylinder serves as a coolant

plenum. Coolant flow travels through an orifice flow meter and enters the cylinder from

bottom. The coolant is discharged to mainstream through the film cooling holes.

Definition of coordinate can also be found in Fig. 5.1(b). The coordinate is used to

present the effectiveness data.

Two film cooling designs are considered: a heavily film cooled leading edge

feathered with seven rows of film cooling holes, and a moderate case with three rows.



Fig. 5.1 (a) Test facilities (b) test section


Four different film cooling hole configurations are applied for each design: radial angle

cylindrical holes, compound angle cylindrical holes, radial angle shaped holes and

compound angle shaped holes. In total, eight leading edge film cooled models are

investigated. Fig. 5.2 shows the seven-row film-hole configurations. The seven rows are

located at 0° (stagnation line), ±15°, ±30° and ±45°. For the radial angle holes (either

cylindrical holes or shaped holes), the holes are oriented in the radial (spanwise)

direction and orthogonal to the local mainstream direction. While for the compound

angle holes, each row oriented at different angles with respect to the local mainstream

due the constraint of space. As shown in Fig. 5.2(b) and Fig. 5.2(d), the holes are

oriented (β) at 90°, 75°, 67.5°, and 60° to the local mainstream direction for the row 0°,

±15°, ±30° and ±45°, respectively. Fig. 5.3 shows the three-row film-hole

configurations. The three rows of holes are located at 0° (stagnation line) and ±30° on

either side of cylinder. The holes at ±30° are oriented at 67.5° to the local mainstream

direction in the compound angle design. The stagnation row is always angled to the

radial (spanwise) direction. For both seven-row and three-row designs, each row has 15

holes with a p/d of 4. Fig. 5.4 shows hole orientations and the shaped hole angles. All

these holes were angle (α) at 25° to the model surface and arranged inline pattern. The

shaped holes are laidback fanshaped holes with lateral expansion (γ) of 5° from the hole

centerline, and additional 5° forward expansion (δ) to the surface. The metering part of

the shaped holes has the same diameter (d=0.32cm) as the cylindrical holes. The

expansion of shaped holes starts in the middle of hole. This results in a area ratio about

2 between the expanded cross section at the hole exit and the metering part. Details of

holes dimension can be found in Table 5.1.


θ=0° 15° 30° 45°

Area of interest


p 67.5°


(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5.2 Seven-row film cooled leading edge models (a) radial angle cylindrical holes (b)
compound angle cylindrical holes (c) radial angle shaped holes (d) compound angle shaped holes

θ=0° 30°


Area of interest

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5.3 Three-row film cooled leading edge models (a) radial angle cylindrical holes (b)
compound angle cylindrical holes (c) radial angle shaped holes (d) compound angle shaped holes

V∞ , T∞

Radial angle Compound angle
cylindrical hole cylindrical hole

Vc , Tc

V∞ , T∞
Radial angle Compound angle

α shaped hole shaped hole

γ γ
δ γ

Vc , Tc

Fig. 5.4 Definition of hole shape and orientations (a) cylindrical hole (b) shaped hole

Table 5.1 Film Cooling Hole Configurations

Design 1 (Seven-row)
cylindrical holes shaped holes
Hole configurations
Radial angle Compound angle Radial angle Compound angle
Hole diameter
0.3715 0.3715 0.3715 0.3715
(d, cm)
Diameter ratio
24 24 24 24
Hole to hole
4d 4d 4d 4d
spacing (p/d)
Ratio of hole length
4.73 4.73~5.46 4.73 4.73~5.46
to diameter (L/d)
Lateral expansion
0 0 5 5
angle (γ, °)
Forward expansion
0 0 5 5
angle (δ, °)
Angle to surface (α,
25 25 25 25
Streamwise angles
90 90/75/ 67.5/60 90 90/75/ 67.5/60
(β, °)
Ratio of hole
breakout area to
1.0 1.0 1.9 1.9/1.94/1.98/2.1
metering cross-
section area
Design 2 (Three-row)
Hole configurations cylindrical holes shaped holes
Radial angle Compound angle Radial angle Compound angle
Hole diameter
0.3715 0.3715 0.3715 0.3715
(d, cm)
Diameter ratio
24 24 24 24
Hole to hole
4d 4d 4d 4d
spacing (p/d)
Ratio of hole length
4.73 4.73~5.46 4.73 4.73~5.46
to diameter (L/d)
Lateral expansion
0 0 5 5
angle (γ, °)
Forward expansion
0 0 5 5
angle (δ, °)
Angle to surface (α,
25 25 25 25
Streamwise angles
90 90/67.5 90 90/67.5
(β, °)
Ratio of hole
breakout area to
1.0 1.0 1.9 1.9/1.98
metering cross-
section area

5.2 Results and Discussion

Due to the geometric symmetry and flow symmetry, only one-side midspan

portion of cylinder was painted with PSP as indicated in Fig. 5.2 and Fig. 5.3. During

the test, five averaged blowing ratios were examined ranging from M=0.5 to M=2.0.

The driving force for the coolant to eject through the holes is pressure differential

between the internal (coolant plenum) total pressure and external static pressure. The

higher the pressure differential, the more the coolant ejects from the holes. Figure 5.5

schematically shows the coolant mass flow rate distribution. It is reasonable to assume

that internal total pressure is constant in the midspan region of the cylinder for a given

average blowing ratio. This assumption won’t cause significant error in the calculation

of discharge coefficients. However, the external static pressure along the curved surface

varies with the biggest static pressure existing on the stagnation line. From stagnation to

downstream, the surface static pressure gradually decreases and the driving force (the

difference between internal pressure and external pressure of the cylinder) the gradually

increases. Therefore, the least amount of coolant ejection occurs to the stagnation row.

More coolant ejects from the downstream rows. This non-uniform coolant ejection will

influence the film cooling effectiveness distribution on the leading edge surface.

The film-cooling effectiveness distribution on the leading edge models for the

seven-row design is shown in Fig. 5.6. The white line through the film holes represents

the stagnation line. The effectiveness is presented at five average blowing ratios ranging

from M=0.5 to M=2.0. Although the film hole configurations are different, some

common characteristic can be observed. Near the stagnation, the mainstream

momentum is small, so the coolant jets from stagnation row basically go to radial

Vm Vm

Ps Ps
Pt Pt
Seven-row design Three-row design

Fig. 5.5 Schematic of local coolant mass flow rate distribution


M=0.5 M=0.75 M=1.0 M=1.5 M=2.0

(a) Radial angle cylindrical holes

(b) Compound angle

(b) Compound cylindrical
angle holes

(c) Radial angle shaped holes

(d) Compound angle shaped holes

Fig. 5.6 Film cooling effectiveness distribution for seven-row design


direction without being deflected. In the downstream region, the mainstream

momentum increases. Subjected to the mainstream, the coolant jet is deflected. When

the jet momentum increases (i.e. average blowing ratio increases), the deflection

decreases. The jets are less deflected at higher average blowing ratio. The jets tend to go

to more radial directions at higher average blowing ratio M=1.5 and M=2.0. Therefore,

the upper portion of the leading edge model (with larger z/d) gains higher effectiveness

due to coolant accumulation; while the effectiveness in the region downstream of film

cooling holes (s/d>10) is reduced compared with lower average blowing ratios. At lower

average blowing ratio M=0.5 to M=1.0, the coolant jets are more deflected to the

streamwise direction, so the coolant accumulation effect is evident downstream of film

cooling rows. This is featured with a larger downstream area covered by elevated film

cooling effectiveness. On the contrary, the coolant accumulation in the radial direction

is not significant at these lower average blowing ratios. As the jet momentum increases

from M=0.5 to M=2.0, the coolant jets tend to life off the surfaces. The area with

elevated effectiveness reduces. In the region near the stagnation (0<s/d<6), the

effectiveness seems to increase with increasing of average blowing ratios; Further

downstream, (s/d>10) the film effectiveness decreases with increasing of average

blowing ratios. Near the stagnation region, the mainstream momentum is small; the jet

interaction with mainstream is weak. In addition, the small incline angle (α=25°) helps

the coolant remain closer to the surface. More coolant accumulates around the

stagnation region with more coolant injection. In the downstream region, the

mainstream momentum increases. The interaction (mixing) between the coolant jet and

mainstream enhances. The high the jet momentum, the stronger the interaction (mixing)

is. Therefore, the effectiveness decreases when average blowing ratio increases at


The effect of hole angle can be detected by comparing Fig. 5.6(a) and Fig. 5.6(b)

with cylindrical holes. For the compound angle holes, the angles of film holes to

mainstream reduces (except the stagnation rows), the coolant jets are less deflected.

Consequently, the coolant trace with elevated effectiveness become narrower but longer

instead of spread-out. The coolant accumulation in the radial direction, compared with

radial angle holes, is less significant even at the highest average blowing ratio M=2.0.

At lower average blowing ratios (M=0.5 and M=0.75), it seems that the compound

angle holes result in higher effectiveness than the radial angle holes. However, at higher

average blowing ratios (M=1.5 and M=2.0), the effectiveness from compound angles

cylindrical holes seems lower than that from radial angle cylindrical holes. This is

largely due to the less jet spread-out with the compound angle holes.

Fig. 5.6(c) shows the effectiveness distribution for radial angle shaped holes.

Compared with the cylindrical holes (both radial angle and compound angle), the

effectiveness for the shaped holes significantly increases except stagnation row at

M=0.5. The jet momentum reduces due to hole expansion for the shaped holes. With

lower jet momentum, the coolant tends to stay closer to the surface and offers better

film protection. The advantage of the shaped holes becomes more evident at higher

average blowing ratios. Similar to the radial angle cylindrical holes, the streamwise

coolant accumulation is more noticeable at lower average blowing ratios; the spanwise

(radial) coolant accumulation is more evident at higher average blowing ratios. The film

effectiveness between the hole row (0<s/d<10) increases with increasing of average

blowing ratio. This is consistent with the observation from the radial angle cylindrical

holes. However, further downstream, (s/d>10), the effectiveness for the radial angle

shaped hole doesn’t decrease monotonically with increasing of average blowing ratios.

The best film coverage is obtained at about M=1.0. At lowest average blowing ratio

M=0.5, the pressure inside the cylinder is low. The high outer pressure in the stagnation

region prohibits coolant ejecting from these stagnation holes. More coolant is directed

to the downstream holes.

Fig. 5.6(d) shows the effectiveness distribution for the compound angle shaped

holes. Compared with it radial angle counterpart, the coolant trace with elevated

effectiveness for the compound angle shaped holes becomes narrower and longer. This

is similar to the observation for the cylindrical holes at different angles. At higher

average blowing ratios M=1.5 and M=2.0, the effectiveness reduces because the coolant

jets less spreads out. The area between the holes (in radial direction) is less protected. At

lower average blowing ratios M=0.5 to M=1.0, the compound angle shaped holes seems

offers better effectiveness than radial angle shaped holes for the region s/d>10.

Fig 5.7 and Fig. 5.8 are the spanwise averaged effectiveness for the seven-row

models. The data are presented in terms of s/d and θ (angles to the stagnations line),

which are depicted in the bottom and top x-axes, respectively. The peak of the

effectiveness corresponds to the location of film cooling rows. Fig. 5.7 shows influence

of average blowing ratio on film cooling effectiveness. The film cooling effectiveness

near the stagnation region (s/d<6 or θ<30°) increases with increasing of average

blowing ratios. Further downstream (s/d>10 or θ>45°), the trend reversed. With multiple

rows of film cooling design, the coolant accumulation effect can be detected from the

o o
θ( ) θ( )
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
0.8 M=0.75
0.7 M=1.5

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
s/d s/d
Radial shaped
(a) CA shaped
o o
θ( ) θ( )
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
s/d s/d

(c) (d)

Fig. 5.7 Effect of blowing ratio on spanwise averaged film effectiveness (seven-row design)
(a) radial angle cylindrical holes (b) compound angle cylindrical holes
(c) radial angle shaped holes (d) compound angle shaped holes

elevated effectiveness in the downstream region. The effectiveness variation with

averaged blowing ratio is relatively small for the shaped holes, particularly, for the

compound angle shaped holes.

Fig. 5.8 shows the effect of hole configurations on film cooling effectiveness.

For the stagnation rows, the holes are all angle to the radial direction, therefore, the lines

for the same hole shape fall together. In general the shaped holes (red line) give better

effectiveness than the cylindrical holes (black line) except at very low average blowing

ratio M=0.5. Between the hole rows (0<s/d<10), the radial holes (both cylindrical hole

and shaped holes) offer higher effectiveness than their compound angle counterparts.

Downstream of film holes (s/d>10), the compound angle holes offer higher

effectiveness at lower average blowing ratios (M=0.5 and M=0.75). At higher average

blowing ratios (M=1.5 and M=2.0), the effectiveness from the radial angle shaped holes

is slightly higher than compound angle shaped holes; the compound angle cylindrical

higher than the radial angle cylindrical holes.

Fig. 5.9 shows the film cooling effectiveness distribution for the three-row film

cooling design. It can be seen that effectiveness level dramatically decreases with less

number of film cooling holes. However, some characteristics observed in seven-row

design also take place in the three row design. When the average blowing ratios

increase, the effectiveness in the stagnation region (between the film rows) increases; it

decreases in the downstream (s/d>7) region. The mainstream momentum is small in the

stagnation region; the jet interaction with mainstream is limited. More coolant is

accumulated in this region and convected to downstream with more coolant injection.

Further downstream, the mainstream momentum increases. The interaction between the

Radial angle cylindrical holes

Compound angle cylindrical holes
Radial angle shaped holes
Compound angle shaped holes

θ(o) θ(o) θ(o)

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
0.8 M=0.5 M=0.75 M=1.0

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
s/d s/d s/d

θ(o) θ(o)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
0.8 M=1.5 M=2.0

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
s/d s/d

Fig. 5.8 Effect of hole configuration on spanwise averaged film effectiveness

(seven-row design)

M=0.5 M=0.75 M=1.0 M=1.5 M=2.0

(a) Radial angle cylindrical holes

(b) (b)
Compound angle
Compound cylindrical
angle holes

(c) Radial angle shaped holes

(d) Compound angle shaped holes

Fig. 5.9 Film cooling effectiveness distribution for three-row design


coolant and the jet is enhanced. When the jet momentum increases, the jets are less

deflected by the mainstream, and tend to penetrate the mainstream. Therefore, the

effectiveness on the surface reduces. For the same hole geometry (either cylindrical hole

or shaped hole), it can been seen that the coolant jets from compound angle holes are

narrower than that from radial angle holes. The jets less spread out and film coverage

reduces. When compared with the cylindrical holes, the superiority of shaped holes in

film coverage is obvious, particularly at higher average blowing ratios.

Figure 5.10 shows the average blowing ratio effect on spanwise averaged

effectiveness for the three-row design. When the average blowing ratio increases, the

effectiveness in the area between the stagnation row and downstream row (s/d<5)

increases for all these hole configurations. However, the trend reverses further

downstream (s/d>7). The effectiveness for the shaped holes is relatively insensitive to

average blowing ratio variation in this region (s/d>7), particularly for the radial angle

shaped holes.

The comparison of spanwise averaged film cooling effectiveness from different

hole configurations is shown in Fig. 5.11. The radial angle shaped holes give best film

cooling effectiveness. The evidence is more observable at higher averaged blowing

ratios. In general, the shaped holes give better effectiveness than cylindrical holes; the

radial angle holes give better effectiveness than compound angle holes.

Fig. 5.12 shows the area averaged film cooling effectiveness. The abscissa is

coolant mass consumption normalized with the case of seven-row at M=1. The seven-

row design produces better effectiveness than the three-row at similar coolant

consumption. The area averaged effectiveness from the radial angle holes is higher than

θ (o) θ (o)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
0.8 M=0.5
0.7 M=1.0

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
s/d s/d
Radial shaped
(a) CA shaped

θ (o) θ (o)
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
s/d s/d
(c) (d)

Fig.5.10 Effect of blowing ratio on spanwise averaged film effectiveness (three-row design)
(a) radial angle cylindrical holes (b) compound angle cylindrical holes
(c) radial angle shaped holes (d) compound angle shaped holes

Radial angle cylindrical holes

Compound angle cylindrical holes
Radial angle shaped holes
Compound angle shaped holes
o o o
θ( ) θ( ) θ( )
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
0.8 M=0.5 M=0.75 M=1.0

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
s/d s/d s/d

o o
θ( ) θ( )
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
0.8 M=1.5 M=2.0

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
s/d s/d
Fig. 5.11 Effect of hole configuration on spanwise averaged film effectiveness
(three-row design)

radial-cylindrical Compound-cylindrical
radial-shaped compund-shaped
radial-cylindrical compound cylindrical
radial shaped compound-shaped
Area averaged effectiveness


0.2 three-row


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Normalized coolant mass flow rate

Fig. 5.12 Area averaged effectiveness


the compound angle holes, the shaped holes is higher than the cylindrical holes for both

seven-row and three-row designs. The radial angle shaped holes give best film

effectiveness among the four configurations.

5.3 Conclusions

Two leading edge film cooling designs were investigated — a heavily film

cooled leading edge with seven rows of film holes and a moderately film cooled model

with three rows of film holes. For each design, four different film cooling hole

configurations were studied. Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) experiments were

performed to measure the film cooling effectiveness on leading edge models. PSP is the

superior method for determining the film cooling effectiveness, especially for the

surfaces with heavily distributed film holes. Because PSP relies on the mass transfer

rather than heat transfer, inherent problems associated with heat transfer methods are

avoided. Main finding from the study are:

1. The film cooling effectiveness for the seven-row design is much higher than that

for the three-row design at the same average blowing ratio or at same amount of

coolant consumption. Because of large row-to-row spacing, the film

accumulation is relatively insignificant for the three-row models. While the jets

accumulation enhances for the seven-row models; the superposition of the

coolant jets leads to elevated effectiveness level.

In general, the shaped holes offer higher effectiveness than cylindrical hole at

intermediate and high average blowing ratios (M=0.75~2.0) for both the three-

row and seven-row designs. The advantage of shaped holes is more evident at

higher average blowing ratios (M=1.5 and 2.0). Due to increased breakout area,

the jet momentum from the shaped holes is reduced. Therefore, the coolant jets

stay closer to the surface, and result in a higher effectiveness.

2. Compared with compound angle holes, the coolant jets from radial angle holes

are more deflected by the mainstream and cover a wider surface area,. For the

three-row model, the radial angle holes provide higher effectiveness than its

compound angle counterparts. For seven row model, similar behavior is

observed at higher average blowing ratios (M=1.0~2.0).

3. For both three-row and seven-row designs, the effectiveness increases with

increasing of average blowing ratios in the stagnation region. In the downstream

region, the enhanced interaction (mixing) between coolant jets and mainstream

cause effectiveness decrease when average blowing ratio increases.




6.1 Experimental Setup

Fig. 6.1 schematically shows the test facilities and optical setup. The low speed

wind tunnel used in leading edge film cooling study is used for this study. The details of

wind tunnel setup can be referred to Section 5. For optical access, the side wall of the

wind tunnel was made of plexiglass. A CCD camera and a strobe light (excitation light)

for the PSP test were placed close to the sidewall. Fig. 6.2(a) shows the schematic of the

test section with sidewall removed to expose the interior of the test section. A turbine

blade was modeled as a semicylinder followed by a symmetric afterbody. The current

study was focused on film cooling on pressure side cutback trailing edge region. The

mainstream flow on the suction side has little effect on the pressure side film cooling. A

symmetric configuration was chosen because it was easy in fabrication. The trailing

portion was tapered with an angle of 6°. The internal cooling design was similar to Lau

et al.’s [91]. Lau et al. [91] demonstrated the internal heat transfer on the blade sidewalls

was enhanced by 20%-70% with the blockages inserts. In the current design, two

impingement plates spaced 3.56 cm apart were inserted into the internal passage. The

impingement holes in the two plates, with a diameter of 0.95 cm, were staggered to each

other. The cooling air turned to right before passing through the first impingement

plates. Coolant jets discharging from the second plate impinged on the internal land of

the trailing edge model. The trailing edge model simulated a turbine

Test To Suction
Section Blower

Grid Coolant


Fig. 6.1 Test facilities and optical setup







Pressure side cutback
trailing edge model

(a) (b)

Fig. 6.2 (a) Schematic of test section (b) dimensions of test section

blade trailing edge with pressure side cutback. The cutback trailing edge allows coolant

traveling inside the internal cooling passage to discharge through the discrete slots, so

that the trailing portion of the blade can be cooled. The notions for the slot are labeled in

Fig. 6.2(a); detailed dimensions of the test section can be found in Fig. 6.3(b). To

support the trailing edge structure, lands, with width 0.64cm, were periodically placed

along the spanwise direction. The land divided the cutback trailing edge into nine

discrete slots. Each slot had a width (w) of 1.91cm and length (L) of 5.2cm. Because the

lip thickness (t) is an important parameter that affects film cooling effectiveness, three

trailing edge configurations with different lip thickness to slot height ratios (t/s) were

chosen to study the effect of lip thickness. Fig. 6.3 shows the trailing edge model

configurations with t/s of 0.6 (a thin lip), 1.0 (an intermediate thick lip) and 1.4 (a thick

lip). The three t/s ratios (0.6, 1.0 and 1.4) were chosen in the range of real turbine blade

designs. The configuration with t/s of 1.0 was chosen as a baseline design to evaluate

the other designs. In the three designs, the slot height (s) remained constant, i.e.

0.635cm. The ratio t/s was achieved by varying the lip thickness. The geometrical

parameters of the slot are also shown in Fig. 6.3.

Tests were done at two different mainstream conditions as shown in Fig. 6.4(a)

and Fig. 6.4(b). In the first case, there was no obstruction in the wind tunnel; the flow in

the trailing edge portion was slightly decelerated. In the second case, a guide board was

inserted in the wind tunnel. The mainstream flow was accelerated about two times from

leading edge to the trailing edge. The flow in the second case more resembles the

condition in turbine blade cascade environment. For both cases, the mainstream velocity

near the trailing edge model was set at 20m/s. The location of pitot tube probes, which

t=0.381 Unit:cm

t/s =0.6

t=0.635 y area

t/s =1.0

t=0.889 w
z s=0.635

t/s =1.4

Fig. 6.3 Trailing edge models with geometrical parameters


Unit: cm


Pitot tube

Boundary layer probe




Pitot tube

Boundary layer probe


no flow acceleration
flow acceleration
0.8 1/7 power law




0.4 0.6 0.8 1


Fig. 6.4 Freestream flow conditions (a) no acceleration (b) with acceleration
(c) velocity profile inside boundary layer

measured the mainstream velocity, are indicted in Fig. 6.4. Boundary layer thickness

for the two different mainstream flow conditions was measured with a boundary layer

probe (total pressure probe). The probe was located 2.5cm upstream of the slot exit. The

boundary layer thickness (δ) for the two mainstream conditions was 13mm (case 1) and

8mm (case 2), which corresponded to boundary layer thickness to slot height ratio (δ/s)

of 2.1 and 1.3, respectively. In the real engine condition, the δ/s is about 1. So the

second case was closer to engine condition. The velocity profile inside the boundary

layer was shown in Fig. 6.4(c) and compared with the 1/7 power law.

Table 6.1 shows the test cases for the trailing edge film cooling study. At each

mainstream condition, film cooling effectiveness was measured at different blowing

ratios. The blowing ratio was defined as the coolant mass flux ratio to mainstream mass

flux ratio, i.e., M=ρc Vc/ρm Vm. For the baseline configuration (t/s=1.0), five blowing

ratios were tested covered a range of 0.25 to 1.5. For the other two configurations, three

typical blowing ratios were tested, i.e. M=0.5, 1.0 and 1.5.

6.2 Results and Discussions

To aid understanding of the film cooling effectiveness data, Fig. 6.5 shows

conceptual view of interaction between the mainstream and the coolant. Similar to the

wake generated by the blade trailing edge, small wakes (eddies) was created by the lip

at the slot exit. The wakes bring additional turbulence and enhance the mixing between

the coolant and the mainstream. Thicker lips generate larger wakes. When ejecting from

the slots, the coolant also experience expansion in both spanwise (y) and pitchwise (z)

direction. Therefore, coolant may also climb over the land to gain film effectives.

Table 6.1 Test Cases for Trailing Edge Slot Film Cooling
δ/s=2.1 δ/s=1.3
Configuration. 1 (t/s=0.6) M=0.5, 1.0, 1.5 M=0.5, 1.0, 1.5
Configuration 2 M=0.25, 0.5, 0.75, M=0.25, 0.5, 0.75,
(baseline, t/s=1.0) 1.0, 1.25, 1.5 1.0, 1.25, 1.5
Configuration. 3 (t/s=1.4) M=0.5, 1.0, 1.5 M=0.5, 1.0, 1.5





Fig. 6.5 Conceptual view of mainstream and coolant jet interaction


Figure 6.6-6.8 show the effectiveness distribution on the slots, lands, and slot sidewalls.

The abscissa and ordinate were normalized with slot height (s). As indicated in Fig. 6.3,

the origin of x is the edge of the lip, y the midspan of the mode,l and z the slot height

direction. Effectiveness was taken for the middle three slots including the lands, while

for the slot sidewalls, only effectiveness on the middle sidewall was measured.

Figure 6.6 shows the effectiveness on the slots and lands for the case of no

mainstream acceleration where δ/s=2.1. A wide range of blowing ratios (from M=0.25

to M=1.5) were studied for the baseline configuration (t/s=1.0). Three typical blowing

ratios were studies for the other two trailing edge configurations. It can be seen from

Fig. 6.6(a) for the baseline configuration (t/s=1.0), the film cooling effectiveness near

the slot is quite high, approximately 0.95. Close to the trailing, it slowly decays to 0.85

for the moderate and high blowing ratios (M=0.75 to M=1.5). Even for the smallest

blowing ratio M=0.25, good film effectiveness level (about 0.5) at trailing edge is

maintained. The film covered area on the slot with elevated film cooling (η>0.9)

becomes larger with increasing of blowing ratios, but not significantly. From M=1.0 to

M=1.5, the film effectiveness level and film coverage are comparable. The benefit to the

film effectiveness is marginal with large amount of coolant ejection. On the contrary, it

will cause more mixing loss (between the coolant and mainstream) and decrease the

aerodynamics performance. Therefore, from the aerodynamic point of view, blowing

ratio M=1.0 is desired. At lowest blowing ratio M=0.25, the coolant non-uniform

distribution along the spanwise direction is observable from the effectiveness

distribution on the slots. On the lands, the effectiveness level is much lower than that on

the slots. The effectiveness on the lands increases from the slot to the trailing edge

M=0.25 M=0.75 M=1.25

M=0.5 M=1.0 M=1.5

(a) t/s=1.0 (baseline configuration)

M=0.5 M=1.0 M=1.5

(b) t/s=0.6 (thin lipped)

M=0.5 M=1.0 M=1.5

(c) t/s=1.4 (thick lipped)

Fig. 6.6 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on slots and lands without mainstream acceleration

(along x/s). From the conceptual sketch of Fig. 6.5, coolant expansion is expected to be

stronger in the downstream region as the height of lands reduces. Therefore,

downstream region of the lands gains more coolant protection than upstream region.

Fig. 6.6(b) and Fig. 6.6(c) shows effectiveness on the slots and lands for the

configuration of thin-lip (t/s=0.6) and thick-lip (t/s=1.4), respectively. Compared with

Fig. 6.6(a), it can be seen that the effectiveness on the slot for the thin-lip (t/s=0.6) is

higher, while for the thick-lip (t/s=1.4) is lower. Consequently, the effectiveness on the

land increases for the thin-lip, decreases for the thick-lip. As depicted in Fig. 6.5, the lip

creates wakes. The wakes result in additional mixing between the mainstream and

coolant and reduce the film cooling effectiveness. The wakes associated with the thin

lips are relatively small in size and weak in strength, so the mixing it incurring is also

weak. Therefore, the effectiveness for the thin lips is usually higher for thinner lips. It is

expected the slots with sharp edge (like knife edge) will give best film effectiveness due

to minimized wakes. However, the lip thickness is limited by the structural integrity in

blade designs. It can not be infinite small like a knife edge. Similarly to the baseline

configuration, the film effectiveness on the slots for these two configurations increases

with increasing of blowing ratios, but insignificantly. On the lands, the effectiveness in

the downstream region is higher than that in the upstream region.

Fig. 6.7 shows the film cooling effectiveness on the slot sidewall for the case of

no mainstream acceleration ( i.e. δ/s=2.1). For the baseline case t/s=1 in Fig. 6.7(a),

there is a big increase in effectiveness from M=0.25 to M=0.5. However, from M=0.5 to

M=1.5, the increase in effectiveness is relatively small. The jet expansion can be clearly

seen by the existence of effectiveness where z/s>1 (larger than slot height). As the

M=0.25 M=0.75

M=0.5 M=1.0

(a) t/s=1.0 (baseline)

M=0.5 M=1.0 M=1.5

(b) t/s=0.6

M=0.5 M=1.0 M=1.5

(c) t/s=1.4

Fig. 6.7 Film cooling effectiveness distribution on slot sidewalls without mainstream acceleration

sidewalls tapers down, it is anticipated that the coolant is less confined in the channel.

It expands and crosses over the lands. That’s why the effectiveness on the land gradually

increases with x/s. The advantage of thin-lip is shown in Fig. 6.7(b) again. At t/s=0.6,

the coverage with elevated effectiveness (η>0.9) is extended all the way to the trailing

edge. Compared with Fig 6.7(a) for t/s=1, the area with elevated effectiveness for

t/s=1.4 seems extending further to downstream region.

Figure 6.8 shows the effectiveness distribution on the slots and lands for the case

of mainstream accelerated where δ/s=1.3. The effect of blowing ratio and lip thickness

under this flow condition is similar to the condition without mainstream acceleration as

discussed earlier for Fig. 6.6. The discussion of Fig. 6.8 will be focused on the effect of

boundary layer thickness by comparing with Fig. 6.6. For all the three configurations,

the effectiveness level near the slot is about the same as the condition δ/s=2.1. The

difference resulted from the boundary layer thickness is observed in the downstream

region close to the trailing edge. For the baseline configuration (t/s=1.0), the

effectiveness on the slot near trailing edge increases at low blowing ratios M=0.25 and

M=0.5. When the blowing ratios further increase, the effectiveness in this region

slightly decreases. Figure 6.8(b) shows the effectiveness distribution for the

configuration of t/s=0.6. Compared with Fig. 6.6(b), the effectiveness reduces at M=0.5

and increases at M=1.0 and M=1.5 on the trailing portion of the slot. This trend is

similar to that observed for baseline configuration of t/s=1.0. However, for the thick lip

t/s=1.4, the effectiveness on the slot trailing portion reduces for all the three blowing

ratios with the thinner boundary layer. As shown in Fig. 6.4(c), the velocity gradient

inside the thin boundary layer is larger than that in thicker boundary layer. This results

M=0.25 M=0.75 M=1.25

M=0.5 M=1.0 M=1.5

(a) Configuration t/s=1.0

M=0.5 M=1.0 M=1.5

(b) Configuration t/s=0.6

M=0.5 M=1.0 M=1.5

(c) Configuration t/s=1.4

Fig. 6.8 Film Cooling effectiveness distribution on slots and lands with mainstream acceleration

in more shear mixing. Therefore the mainstream and coolant mixing enhances and

effectiveness reduces with thinner boundary layer.

Figure 6.9 shows the laterally averaged effectiveness on the slot, land and slot

sidewall for the baseline case (t/s=1.0) at δ/s=2.1. In general, the effectiveness increases

with increasing of blowing ratios. On the slot surface, the effectiveness level at the slot

exit (x/d < 4) is about the same for all blowing ratio except M=0.25. Further

downstream, the effectiveness for the lower blowing ratios decays faster. However, from

M=0.5 to M=1.5, the difference in effectiveness at the trailing edge (x/s≈7.5) is less than

10%. On the sidewall, the effectiveness gradually increases along streamwise direction

except M=0.25. At M=0.25, the small amount of coolant quickly mixes with the

mainstream. The effectiveness on the sidewall increases with increasing of blowing

ratios, however, the increment is insignificant from M=0.5 to M=1.5. On the lands, the

effectiveness level is much lower than on the slots and sidewall (noted the different

scale). The effectiveness increases as x/s increases. Toward the trailing edge, the height

of the side decreases, therefore, the coolant lateral expansion increases and more coolant

crosses over the lands.

Figure 6.10 shows the spanwise averaged effectiveness for the three

configurations under the condition of δ/s=2.1. The same configurations (t/s) are denoted

by the same color, the different blowing ratios are identified by different symbols. In

general, the thin lip gives higher effectiveness (blue>black>pink) at the same blowing

ratios. On the slots, the effectiveness level is about the same for the three configurations

at same blowing ratios. Moreover, the high effectiveness maintains for a distance about

x/s=4. Further downstream, the effectiveness decays faster for the thicker lips. For the

, ,



0.7 M=0.25
0.6 M=1.25

0 2 4 6 8

, ,


0.6 M=1.0
0 2 4 6 8
, ,
0.3 M=0.5


0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 6.9 Spanwise averaged effectiveness for baseline configuration (t/s=1.0) without mainstream
acceleration (δ/s=2.1)

t/s=0.6 M=0.5 t/s=1.0 M=0.5 t/s=1.4 M=0.5

t/s=0.6 M=1.0 t/s=1.0 M=1.0 t/s=1.4 M=1.0
t/s=0.6 M=1.5 t/s=1.0 M=1.5 t/s=1.4 M=1.5



0 2 4 6 8




0 2 4 6 8




0.1 land

0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 6.10 Spanwise averaged effectiveness without mainstream acceleration (δ/s=2.1)


same configuration (t/s), the effectiveness on the slots only slightly increases with

blowing ratios. Particularly, at M=1.0 and M=1.5, the increment is not noticeable. On

the sidewall, the difference in effectiveness for different lips is more profound. For the

thinner lip design, the height of sidewall is correspondingly smaller. Therefore, the

coolant jets are able to covered larger area of the side wall with elevated effectiveness.

On the land, the effectiveness increases as the flow goes to the trailing edge. Again, the

thinner lip exhibits higher effectiveness due to coolant jet expansion and smaller wakes.

Figure 6.11 shows the spanwise averaged effectiveness under the condition of

thin boundary layer condition (δ/s=1.3). On the slot floor near the slot exit (x/s<4), the

thin lip doesn’t appear advantage over the thicker lips at the thin boundary layer. The

shear mixing is stronger for the thin boundary layer condition. The small step (lip

thickness) of the thin lip leads to quick interaction between the mainstream and coolant,

and reduces the effectiveness. Further downstream, the vortex shedding is dominant

over the shearing mixing, therefore, the thin lips exhibit advantage in effectiveness than

the thick lips. On the lands, the combined effect of enhanced shearing mixing and

vortex makes t/s=1 performing better than the other lip thickness.

Figure 6.12 shows the effect of boundary layer thickness. In general, the

effectiveness slightly increases with increasing boundary layer thickness (open symbols

> close symbols) on the slots. While on the lands, the trend is reversed. The thin

boundary layer thickness gives better effectiveness. With the thin boundary layer, the

mixing between mainstream and coolant enhances and the effectiveness in the slot

reduces. However, the enhanced mixing spreads more coolant to the land, therefore, the

effectiveness on the lands are higher at thin boundary layer condition.


t/s=0.6 M=0.5 t/s=1.0 M=0.5 t/s=1.4 M=0.5

t/s=0.6 M=1.0 t/s=1.0 M=1.0 t/s=1.4 M=1.0
t/s=0.6 M=1.5 t/s=1.0 M=1.5 t/s=1.4 M=1.5

s ot 8 a d8
1 0.4




slot 0.1 land

0.7 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
x/s x/s
Fig. 6.11 Spanwise averaged effectiveness with mainstream acceleration (δ/s=1.3)

slot land

1 0.5
δ/s =1.3 2.1
0.9 0.4 M=1.0
δ/s =1.3 2.1 0.3


0.7 M=1.5 0.2

0.6 0.1

0.5 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

x/s x/s
1 0.5
δ/s =1.3 2.1
M = 0 .2 5
M = 0 .5
0.9 0.4 M = 0 .7 5
M = 1 .0
M = 1 .2 5
0.8 0.3 M = 1 .5
δ/s =1.3 2.1


M = 0 .2 5
M = 0 .5
0.7 M = 0 .7 5 0.2
M = 1 .0
M = 1 .2 5
0.6 M = 1 .5 0.1

0.5 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
x/s x/s
1 0.5
δ/s =1.3 2.1
0.9 0.4 M=0.5
0.8 δ/s =1.3 2.1 0.3


0.7 M=1.5 0.2

0.6 0.1

0.5 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
x/s t/s=1.4 x/s
Fig. 6.12 Effect mainstream boundary layer thickness on spanwise averaged effectiveness

Fig. 6.13 shows slot film cooling effectiveness and compares the current data

with Taslim’s correlation [83]. Near the slot, the current data is lower than the

correlation. Further downstream, the data from the current study is higher than the

correlation. The difference may be caused by the different trailing edge design and

mainstream flow conditions.

s ot 3 ,
1 1

t/s M
0.8 0.6 0.5 0.9
0.6 1.0
t/s M
1.0 0.5
0.6 1.5


1.0 0.75
1.0 0.25 1.0 1.25
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5
1.4 0.5
0.8 1.4 1.5
0.6 1.4 1.0 Taslim et al.
Taslim et al.

-1 0 1 0.7 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10
1/2 1/2
(x/Ms)(t/s) (x/Ms)(t/s)

Fig. 6.13 Slot film cooling effectiveness and comparison with correlation [83] for δ/s=2.1

6.3 Conclusions

The effect of the lip thickness on the trailing edge slot film cooling effectiveness

was investigated under two mainstream flow conditions and varying blowing ratios.

Three trailing edge models with pressure side cutback were presented. Effectiveness

data on the slots, lands and sidewalls were measured using pressure sensitive paint

technique. Based on the heat/mass analogy, the conduction error in effectiveness data is

eliminated in PSP measurement. This is particularly useful for the effectiveness

measurement on the narrow land and slot sidewalls. Main findings for the current study

are as follows:

1. The film effectiveness on the slot floor (0.8~0.95) is slightly higher than the

sidewall (0.7~0.95). The lands receive the lowest film protection, particularly in

the region near the slot exit (0.1~0.3).

2. The film effectiveness on the slots, lands and sidewalls increases with increasing

blowing ratios. However, the increment is mild from M=0.5 to M=1.5.

3. The thinner lip offers higher effectiveness due to the small wakes. The effect of

lip thickness is more evident in the downstream region of the slot floor where

x/s>4. In this region, the vortex shedding enhances the interaction (mixing)

between the mainstream and coolant. The advantage of thinner lip also presented

on the sidewalls and lands with increased overall effectiveness.

4. The interaction of mainstream and coolant enhances with the thinner boundary.

More coolant is dispersed from the slots to the lands. Therefore, the thinner

boundary layer thickness reduces effectiveness on slots but increase effectiveness

on lands.

5. As the sidewall height decrease in the streamwise direction, the lateral expansion

of coolant increases. Therefore, the effectiveness increases on the land in the

streamwise direction.


Film cooling is commonly used in modern high temperature and high pressure

blades as an active cooling scheme. In this study, the film cooling effectiveness in

different regions of gas turbine blades was investigated with various film hole/slot

configurations and mainstream flow conditions. The study consisted of four parts: 1)

effect of upstream wake on blade surface film cooling, 2) effect of upstream vortex on

platform purge flow cooling, 3) influence of hole shape and angle on leading edge film

cooling and 4) slot film cooling on trailing edge. Pressure sensitive paint (PSP)

technique was used to get the conduction-free film cooling effectiveness distribution.

The effect of film cooling hole configurations and upstream wake was studied

for a fully film cooled blade. Two hole configurations were considered: axial shaped

hole and compound angle shaped hole. The upstream wake was simulated by the

stationary rods periodically placed upstream of the blade passage at different phases.

Results revealed that the tip leakage vortices and endwall vortices sweep the coolant

film on the suction side to the midspan region. Because of the surface curvature, the

effectiveness is lower on the pressure surface than that on the suction side. The presence

of upstream wake rods results in lower film cooling effectiveness on the blade surface.

The compound angle shaped holes outperform the axial angle shaped holes by the

elevated film cooling effectiveness, particularly at higher blowing ratios.

The effect of the upstream vane passage vortex on the downstream blade

platform film-cooling effectiveness was examined in a five-blade linear cascade. A

typical labyrinth-like seal was placed upstream of the cascade blades to simulate purge

flow from a stator-rotor gap. Delta wings were periodically placed upstream of the

blades to model the effect of the passage vortex generated in the vane passage on the

downstream blade platform film cooling effectiveness. The strength of vane passage

vortex was varied by changing the size of the delta wings and mainstream attack angle

to the delta wings. The vortex generated by the delta wings has a profound impact on

the platform film cooling effectiveness. The upstream vortex creates more turbulent

mixing within the blade passage and results in reduced film cooling effectiveness on the

blade platform. When the vane induced secondary flow is included, the need for

additional platform cooling becomes very obvious.

The effect of hole geometry and angle on turbine blade leading edge film

cooling was studied in a low speed windtunnel. The leading edge was modeled by a

blunt body with a semicylinder and an afterbody. Two film cooling designs were

considered: a heavily film cooled leading edge feathered with seven rows of film

cooling holes, and a moderately film cooled leading edge with three rows. Results

showed that the shaped holes provide higher film cooling effectiveness than the

cylindrical holes, particularly at higher average blowing ratios. The radial angle holes

have better effectiveness than the compound angle holes at M=1.0~2.0. The seven-row

film cooling design results in much higher effectiveness on the leading edge region than

the three-row design at the same average blowing ratio or same coolant mass flow rate.

Film cooling effectiveness was measured for trailing edge models with pressure

side cutback. The trailing edge models were cooled by ejecting coolant from spanwise

discrete slots located on the pressure side. Two mainstream flow conditions were

considered. In one condition, the mainstream flow was not accelerated; a relatively

thicker boundary layer was developed upstream of slot exit. In the other condition, the

mainstream flow was accelerated and a thinner boundary layer was developed. The

effect of slot lip thickness and blowing ratios on film effectiveness under the two

mainstream conditions were investigated. Results showed that the film cooling

effectiveness increases with increasing of blowing ratios. Thinner lips offer higher

effectiveness. The effect of lip thickness is more evident in the downstream region of

the trailing edge with faster decay in effectiveness for thicker slot lips. The film

effectiveness on the slots decreases when the incoming mainstream boundary layer

thickness decreases.


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Zhihong Gao received Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering

degrees in thermal engineering from the School of Energy Science and Engineering,

Harbin Institute of Technology, China. She also earned a Master of Science degree in

mechanical engineering, National University of Singapore. She joined the Ph.D.

program at Texas A&M University in 2003. She worked as a Graduate Research

Assistant at the Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical

Engineering under the supervision of Dr. Je-Chin Han. She obtained a Ph.D. degree in

August 2007.

Permanent Mailing Address

Zhihong Gao

c/o Dr. Je-Chin Han

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Texas A&M University

College Station, TX 77843-3123

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