Day 4
Day 4
Day 4
Lesson Presentation
Learning activities
Complete the following table and answer the questions below
Types of activity the Describe what they were doing for each activity if
students were engaged in it was used in the class
Whole class activities
Like I see teacher give them worksheet related to
Answring very simple the lesson for exampe drawing about the weather
Question and describe
Small group/paired
activities Building block and commuincation with other
Independent activities
5. Were the instructions, explanations and questions clear and appropriate for
the students needs? Give examples.
For example, when the student need something from the teacher they ask .
6. What strategies did the teacher use to ensure the students understand what
they are about to do? Tell them to spell the words many times or do activity
7. How does s/he make sure all students are involved and attentive? She talk
with them with loud voice so the student will understand the teacher
8. What signals can you identify that they have had enough?to many signals
like silent, tell them why you do that.
The teacher didnt shout for the student she talk with them nice and quit.
11. Do they observe others?
I like the way that the teacher do for the lesson, for example when the
teacher do the lesson and the student raise their hand when they want to
12. Do they interact with another child during the task? She is to all the work
with the student.
13. What do they say or do while completing the tasks? Good word for student