1 6 10 12.5 Score/Level
Evidence Information is taken from Information is taken from Information is taken from Information is taken from
Selecting and source(s) without any source(s) with some source(s) with enough source(s) with enough
using information interpretation/evaluation. interpretation/evaluation, but not interpretation/evaluation to interpretation/evaluation to
to investigate a Viewpoints of experts are taken enough to develop a coherent develop a coherent analysis or develop a comprehensive
point of view or as fact, analysis or synthesis. synthesis. Viewpoints of experts analysis or synthesis. Viewpoints
conclusion without question. Viewpoints of experts are taken are subject to questioning. of experts are questioned
as mostly fact, with little thoroughly.
Influence of Shows an emerging awareness Questions some assumptions. Identifies own and others' Thoroughly (systematically and
context and of present assumptions Identifies several relevant assumptions and several methodically) analyzes own and
assumptions (sometimes labels assertions as contexts when presenting a relevant contexts when others' assumptions and
assumptions). position. May be more aware of presenting a position. carefully evaluates the relevance
Begins to identify some contexts others' assumptions than one's of contexts when presenting a
when own (or vice versa). position.
presenting a position.
Student's position Specific position (perspective, Specific position (perspective, Specific position (perspective, Specific position (perspective,
(perspective, thesis/hypothesis) is stated, but thesis/hypothesis) acknowledges thesis/hypothesis) takes into thesis/hypothesis) is imaginative,
thesis/hypothesis) is simplistic and obvious. different sides of an issue. account the complexities of an taking into
issue. Others' points of view are account the complexities of an
acknowledged within position issue. Limits of position
(perspective, (perspective,
thesis/hypothesis). thesis/hypothesis) are
acknowledged. Others' points of
view are synthesized within
position (perspective,
Conclusions and Conclusion is inconsistently tied Conclusion is logically tied to Conclusion is logically tied to a Conclusions and related
related outcomes to some of the information information (because information range of information, including outcomes (consequences and
(implications and discussed; related outcomes is chosen to fit the desired opposing viewpoints; related implications) are logical and
consequences) (consequences and implications) conclusion); some related outcomes (consequences and reflect students informed
are oversimplified. outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified evaluation and ability to place
implications) are identified clearly. evidence and perspectives
clearly. discussed in priority order.