Engg Ethics - Final - Presentation and Report - Fall 2019
Engg Ethics - Final - Presentation and Report - Fall 2019
Engg Ethics - Final - Presentation and Report - Fall 2019
Faculty of Engineering
Air bags can be installed in the automobiles to reduce injuries and fatalities in accidents. This
case focuses on the issues regarding public safety, professional testing and experiments on airbag
product. Extracted from an Air Bags Safety and Social Experiments accessed at:
This case study focuses on public involvement and participation in adaptation and mitigation of
climatic change. Public forum in Phonix first took initiative to study the climatic conditions and
discussed various ways of adapting and controlling ecological problems. Extracted from Case
Study : Climate change adaptation and public participation in Yuma, AZ accessed at:
4 Big Data Case Study: Big Data & Public Health [Hypothetical]:
Zhang Kar-wai, a graduate in computer science works on tracking and processing of health
related data on individual such as blood pressure, blood glucose level, eating habit, sleeping
cycles, seasonal illness, weight, reproductive health from smart phone and on-line application.
The goal is to design health related products enable to mitigate health problems and also predict
outbreak of any fatal disease. This case discusses ethical issues relating to use of personal health
related information and processing data by some algorithm and producing prediction on out
breaking of disease. Extracted from Big Data Case Study : Big Data & Public Health accessed at:
This case discusses the whistle blowing occurred by Jan, an experienced nurse in the late 1970
and early 1980 against conducting experiment on psychiatric patient without their consent.
Unethical issues regarding the experimental program and their consequences have been raised in
Engineering Ethics
this case. Extracted from Blowing the Whistle on Therapeutic Experiment accessed at:
Robotics is a branch of science and engineering that develops automated machines for sensing
and realizing of various tasks. Robotic and artificial intelligence system have much impact on
ethical, social, and legal issues of society. This case explores the ethical factors of robotic system
in line with benefits provided.
Extracted from Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Subject Aid accessed at:
General Motors had to recall 2.6 million Chevy Cobalt vehicles. The ignition switch contained a
design flaw that was demonstrated when owners placed weighted items on their key rings. The
key would rotate into accessary mode and shut down all mechanical and electrical functions in
the car including the air bags and power steering and brakes. This issue has caused at least 13
deaths. The problem was bought to the attention of GM in 2005, but engineers decided against a
fix because it would take too long and cost too much money. Extracted from The Long Road To
GM’s Ignition Switch Recall accessed at:
The meltdown happened on Three Mile Island, PA on March 28, 1979. General Public Utilities
and Metropolitan Edison were the companies responsible for the partial nuclear meltdown.
Radioactive gases released to environment and the plant site was contaminated (14 year clean-up
effort). The nuclear meltdown received a Level 5 on the International Nuclear Event Scale with
Level 7 being the worst. A Combination of design and human error lead loss of coolant, which
lead to a partial meltdown. Extracted from Backgrounder on the Three Mile Island Accident
accessed at:
Dr. Debra Reams works in the field of environmental chemistry and focuses on the oxidation and
Engineering Ethics
reduction reactions of the heavy metal jekylhydium in water and soil. Jeckylhydium is used in
many industrial processes and is known to exist in nature primarily in two oxidation states. The
oxidized form is extremely toxic; the reduced form is harmless. The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is concerned about the toxicity and potential for human exposure to jekylhydium.
The Agency is alarmed by news of the possibility of transformation from the less toxic to the
more toxic form and asks Reams to help rewrite the regulatory limits for jekylhydium in soils and
water based on her findings. Reams declined to rewrite regulations even though she was person to
clearly demonstrate the danger. Extracted from Beyond Expertise: One Person’s Science,
Another Person’s Policy accessed at:
Randey Samuels was a programmer at the Silicon Techtronic's Inc. who worked on programing
robots. Bart Matthews was crushed to death when the robot he was operating malfunctioned and
started to wave its hands violently. The Robot arm struck Matthews, throwing him against a wall
and crushing his skull. They were both employees of Cybernetics Inc. in Silicon Heights when
the accident occurred on February 16, 2006.
Extracted from Case of the Killer Robot accessed at:
Huge University and Ivy University emerged as the leaders in the new field of applying particle
accelerators, matching each other patent for patent. Since the group at Ivy spearheaded the
collaboration that wrote the original article in Popular Cross Disciplinary Research, they claimed
the first patent, which secured the rights to the idea of using the technique for medical imaging.
Groups at Ivy U. and Huge U. each began building an apparatus that would produce the specially
treated gas to be used for the new MRI technique. Ivy finished first and patented its new machine.
Huge finished a few months later, but its machine had the added capability of being able to
produce and deliver the gas with the same machine. Huge also received a patent. Both
universities are in positions to violate each other’s patents. Extracted from From Fundamental
Physics to the Private Sector accessed at:
Over 17 million people died from cardiovascular disease worldwide in 2008 (World Health
Organization, 2013). The World Health Organization estimates that number will be over 23
million by 2030. In the U.S., approximately 600,000 people die annually from heart failure.
One new development in cardiovascular gene therapy focuses on the SUMO-1 gene (Tilemann et
al., 2013; Woods, 2013). The SUMO-1 gene is naturally occurring in human beings, but its
activity is reduced in patients with heart failure. In studies on mice and pigs, insertion of the
SUMO-1 gene reduced blood pressure and improved overall cardiovascular function. Clinical
Engineering Ethics
trials on SUMO-1 with human beings are just beginning. If these trials are successful, and
SUMO-1 is approved for general use, doctors will have a powerful new tool for combatting
cardiovascular disease. Extracted from Case SUMO - 1 accessed at:
This case examines the 1984 catastrophe arising from a chemical leak at a Union Carbide
Corporation plant in Bhopal, India, which resulted in the death of as many as 3,000 and injury to
thousands more, from the standpoint of exporting risk from industrialized to developing
countries. The case, which includes comparisons with Bhopal's sister plant in Institute, West
Virginia, considers the moral responsibility for preventing such tragedies on the part of
multinational corporations, the governments of the industrialized nations where they are head
quartered, and the governments of developing countries where they operate. The moral
responsibilities of engineers and scientists working for these organizations are also considered.
Main focal point of this case is environmental and industrial safety ethics.
Extracted from Exportation of Risk : The case of Bhopal accessed at:
Structural Engineer Bill LeMessurier designed welded joints for the CITICORP building in
Citicorp Centre, N.Y (fifth highest skyscraper) 1977. However the contractor, Bethlehem Steel,
changed them to bolted joints. Tests proved that the diagonal wind loading (with a return period
of 16 years) can lead to the failure of the critical bolted joints and therefore the building.
Recalculation was not done to check what the construction change would do. The building was
strengthened by welding two-inch thick steel plates over each of the 200 bolted joints. Extracted