Clinical - Approach - To - The - Diagnosis IEM PDF
Clinical - Approach - To - The - Diagnosis IEM PDF
Clinical - Approach - To - The - Diagnosis IEM PDF
to the Diagnos es
of I nborn Error s
of Met ab olism
Manmohan Kamboj, MD
Inborn errors of metabolism Developmental delay
Replacement therapy Newborn screening Phenylketonuria
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Pediatric Endocrinology, Michigan State University, Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies,
1000 Oakland Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA
E-mail address:
What are the treatment and management options for these IEMs?
What is the long-term prognosis for patients who have IEMs?
The term metabolism encompasses the net result of a multitude of complex biochemical
processes that occur in living organisms to maintain cellular activities. These processes
are organized into specific metabolic pathways with the primary function to maintain daily
life activities. Each pathway depends on certain substrates and specific enzymes to en-
sure smooth functioning. IEMs are a group of heritable genetic disorders interfering with
these metabolic pathways in different ways, leading to inadequate functioning of a partic-
ular pathway. This interference in the normal enzymatic or metabolic pathway has varying
consequences, including deficiency of a particular end product or excessive accumula-
tion of a substrate that may be toxic. Either of these two scenarios leads to significant mor-
bidity and mortality by hampering normal functioning of a particular metabolic pathway.
IEMs have been known for the approximately the past 100 years, with the term being
first used by Sir Archibald Garrod in 1902.1 The initial disorders described were alka-
ptonuria, benign pentosuria, albinism, and cystinuria at that time, to be followed by
description of one of the major IEMs, namely, phenylketonuria (PKU), by Folling in
1934. Since that time, advances in medicine have uncovered more than 500 IEMs.2
The incidence of IEMs is highly variable among the many specific clinical entities,
ranging from 1 in 400 US African Americans for hemoglobinopathies, 1 in 4500 for con-
genital hypothyroidism, 1 in 15,000 for PKU, to 1 in 100,000 for most of the fatty acid
disorders (except MCAD) and organic acidemias. Incidences of some common inborn
errors are listed in Table 1.3
Several patterns of inheritance are possible for the different IEMs. It is important to detail
a three- to four-generation pedigree to evaluate the mode of inheritance accurately.
Autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance is the most common mode of inheritance for
metabolic disorders. In this case, both the parents are heterozygous for the mutant
gene; hence, they do not express the disorder, but the offspring are homozygous
for that particular gene defect; hence, they express the defect and present clinically
with the disorder. The family history is generally negative in the parents, but there
may be a history of early neonatal deaths or a clinical disorder expressed as a concern.
Consanguinity has an increased chance of expression of an AR disorder. Rarely, these
mutations may occur de novo.5
X-linked recessive inheritance may also be seen in some IEMs, in which one copy of
the mutated gene on the X-chromosome is sufficient for causing the disorder. There-
fore, in this mode of inheritance, the disorder is transmitted from a carrier mother to
her male offspring. Also, de novo mutations are observed with a much higher inci-
dence in this pattern of inheritance.5
Autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance is a less common mode of inheritance for
IEMs. The incidence of de novo mutations causing AD disorders is much higher
than in other patterns of inheritance. AD transmission generally means that one of
Diagnoses of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 1115
Box 1
Some common disorders of inborn errors of metabolism
Box 1
Transport disorders
Lysosomal disorders
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS)
MPS I (Hurler and Scheie disease)
MPS II (Hunter disease)
MPS III (Sanfilippo disease)
MPS IV (Morquio disease)
Combined defects
I-cell disease
Disorders of metal metabolism
Wilson disease
Menkes disease
the parents has the disease; 50% of the progeny have the disorder, and there is an
equal gender distribution.5
A mitochondrial mode of inheritance is also seen in some IEMs. It is interesting to
note that the mitochondrial DNA is always natural in origin; therefore, a mutation in
Table 1
Incidence of some inborn errors of metabolism
the mitochondrial DNA is inherited only from the mother. Mitochondrial DNA is prone
to de novo mutations; hence, diseases transmitted in this manner may be found to be
sporadic in occurrence.5
Box 2 lists the modes of inheritance of some common IEMs.5
Early-onset disorders
These present in the newborn period and can be further subgrouped into the following
Silent disorders IEMs in this category do not cause life-threatening signs and symp-
toms in infancy but present later on in the early childhood period with mental retarda-
tion and developmental delay. This group includes PKU and congenital
Disorders presenting with acute metabolic encephalopathy This group includes urea cycle
disorders, organic acidemias, and aminoacidurias. These conditions may present with
Box 2
Modes of inheritance in some common inborn errors of metabolism
AR inheritance
Maple syrup urine disease
Glycogen storage disease
Organic acidurias
Zellweger syndrome
X-linked recessive (XLR) inheritance
Ornithine carbamylase deficiency
Fabry disease
Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
AD inheritance
Marfan syndrome
Acute intermittent porphyria
Familial hypercholesterolemia
Mitochondrial inheritance
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
Leigh syndrome
1118 Kamboj
Disorders presenting with metabolic acidosis This group generally includes organic acid-
emias. These neonates exhibit severe metabolic acidosis with an increased anion gap
along with elevated organic acid intermediates specific for the defect or lactate. Lactic
acidosis is present in disorders of pyruvate metabolism including pyruvate dehydroge-
nase deficiency, defects in gluconeogenesis, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, and
mitochondrial disorders.7
Disorders presenting with hyperammonemia Many newborns with defects in the urea cy-
cle, organic acidemias, and transient hyperammonemia of the newborn (THAN) pres-
ent with metabolic encephalopathy and hyperammonemia.
Box 3
Important clinical signs and symptoms of inborn errors of metabolism
Peroxisomal disorders
Zellweger syndrome
Lysosomal storage disorders
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
Neurologic manifestations
Seizures: seen in any IEM because of toxic metabolites
Pyridoxine dependent
Folinic acid dependent
Secondary to hypoglycemia
Peripheral neuropathy
Mitochondrial disorders
Lysosomal storage disorders
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Peroxisomal disorders
Urea cycle disorders
Mitochondrial disorders
Pompes disease
Glycogen storage disorders
Glycogen storage diseases
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Mitochondrial disorders
Peroxisomal disorders
Mitochondrial disorders
Lysosomal storage disorders
Lethargy or coma
Organic acidemias
Urea cycle disorders
Fatty acid oxidation defects
Mitochondrial disorders
(continued on next page)
1120 Kamboj
Box 3
Developmental delay
May occur in all IEMs: rare
Gastrointestinal manifestations
Hepatomegaly or splenomegaly
Lysosomal storage disorders
Glycogen storage diseases
Jaundice or liver dysfunction
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Peroxisomal disorders
a1-Antitrypsin deficiency
Niemann-Pick disease
Cardiac manifestations
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Glycogen storage disease: type 2
Pompes disease
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Organic acidemias
Mitochondrial disorders
Ophthalmologic manifestations
Lenticular cataracts
Mitochondrial disorders
Corneal opacities
Fabry disease
Cherry red macular spots
Tay Sachs disease
Niemann-Pick disease
GM1 gangliosidosis
Dislocated lens
Marfan syndrome
Molybdenum cofactor deficiency
Diagnoses of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 1121
Table 3 lists correlations with some alterations in laboratory evaluations with possible
NS for genetic disorders for all newborns endeavors to make early and timely diag-
nosis of otherwise potentially life-threatening or debilitating inherited disorders. For
a genetic disorder to be considered for NS, several criteria should be justified. These
include the following: the particular genetic disorder should result in significant mor-
bidity or mortality; should have a known mechanism of pathogenesis; should offer
Table 2
Odors characteristic of some inborn errors of metabolism
Box 4
Initial laboratory investigations for inborn errors of metabolism
Complete blood cell count
Comprehensive metabolic panel, including
Liver and kidney function
Uric acid
Serum ammonia
Arterial blood gas
Specific gravity
Urine-reducing substances
Box 5
Additional laboratory investigations for inborn errors of metabolism
Blood or plasma
Quantitative amino acids
Aldolase, creatine kinase
Acyl carnitine profile
Lipid profile
Quantitative amino acids
Organic acids
MRI: brain
Muscle biopsy
Skin biopsy
Genetic studies
As specifically indicated
Diagnoses of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 1123
Table 3
Laboratory findings in inborn errors of metabolism
Box 6
Genetic disorders available for screening on the newborn screening programs
The aim of the NS is to make an early diagnosis for the previously mentioned con-
ditions. There may be false-positive and false-negative results. Once positive NS is
obtained for an IEM, the primary care physician or pediatrician should initiate dialog
with the metabolic or genetic specialist who has expertise in the field for initiating fur-
ther clinical examination and assessment, diagnostic testing, and implementation of
the required therapeutic measures. These patients should preferably be followed
closely by the metabolic specialist. With this early intervention, morbidity and mortality
can be significantly lowered.
Diagnoses of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 1125
The clinical outcome of children depends on multiple factors. These include severity of
the underlying metabolic defect, ability to make the diagnosis early, availability of spe-
cific adequate treatment options, and appropriate institution of the therapeutic mea-
sures. Depending on all these variables, some IEMs have a relatively better
prognosis than others. Many of these children are living longer but many may be at
high risk for developing progressive neurologic deficits, learning disabilities, and men-
tal retardation. A study done to evaluate response to treatment in IEMs revealed
Fig.1. Approaches to treatment of IEMs. Treatment can be directed at (1) limiting the intake
of a potentially toxic compound, (2) supplementing the deficient product, (3) stimulating an
alternate metabolic pathway, (4) providing a vitamin cofactor to activate residual enzyme
activity, (5) supplying the enzyme itself, (6) transplanting a body organ containing the de-
ficient enzyme, and (7) gene therapy. (From Batshaw ML, Tuchman M. PKU and other inborn
errors of metabolism. In: Batshaw ML, editor. Children with disabilities. 5th edition. Balti-
more: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.; 2002. p. 339; with permission.)
1126 Kamboj
Table 4
Examples of treatment approaches for inborn errors of metabolism
From Batshaw ML, Tuchman M. PKU and other inborn errors of metabolism. In: Batshaw ML, editor.
Children with disabilities. 5th edition. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.; 2002. p. 340; with
The author thanks Amy Esman for her expert administrative assistance.
3. Tiller GE. Inborn errors of metabolism. In: Sabella C, Cunningham RJ III, editors.
Intensive review of pediatrics. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and
Wilkins; 2006. p. 35361.
4. Sutton VR. Overview of the classification of inborn errors of metabolism. Up to
date. Available at: Accessed March 19, 2008.
5. Clarke JTR. General principles. In: A clinical guide to inherited metabolic dis-
eases. 3rd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2006. p. 127.
6. Burton BK. Inborn errors of metabolism in infancy: a guide to diagnosis. Pediat-
rics 1998;102(6):E69.
7. Sutton VR. Presenting features of inborn errors of metabolism. Up to date. Avail-
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8. Batshaw ML, Tuchman M. PKU and other inborn errors of metabolism. In:
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9. Ellaway CJ, Wilcken B, Christodoulou J. Neonatology for the generalist: clinical
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