Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Infancy: A Guide To Diagnosis
Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Infancy: A Guide To Diagnosis
Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Infancy: A Guide To Diagnosis
Barbara K. Burton, MD
ABSTRACT. Recent advances in the diagnosis and 102/6/e69; inborn errors of metabolism, inherited metabolic
treatment of inborn errors of metabolism have improved disorders.
substantially the prognosis for many of these conditions.
This makes it essential that the practicing pediatrician be
familiar with the clinical presentation of these disorders. ABBREVIATIONS. CNS, central nervous system; THAN, transient
hyperammonemia of the newborn; OTC, ornithine transcarbamy-
A practical clinical approach to the recognition of inborn
lase; CoA, co-enzyme A; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; GSD,
errors of metabolism in the young infant is presented in glycogen storage disease.
this review. Indications for specific laboratory studies are
discussed. Guidelines are provided for the stabilization
and emergency treatment of critically ill infants. This he number, complexity, and varied clinical
approach will identify those infants who will benefit presentation of inborn errors of metabolism
from additional evaluation and specific treatment. present a formidable challenge to the practic-
Many of the inborn errors of metabolism, including ing pediatrician. Yet, in many cases, prevention of
urea cycle defects, organic acidemias, and certain disor-
ders of amino acid metabolism, present in the young
death or permanent neurologic sequelae in patients
infant with symptoms of an acute or chronic metabolic with these disorders is dependent on early diagnosis
encephalopathy. Typical symptoms include lethargy, and institution of appropriate therapy. It is therefore
poor feeding, apnea or tachypnea, and recurrent vomit- incumbent on the pediatrician to be familiar with the
ing. Metabolic acidosis and/or hyperammonemia are ob- major signs and symptoms of inborn errors of me-
served in many of these conditions, but there are notable tabolism and with the basic laboratory studies nec-
exceptions, including nonketotic hyperglycinemia and essary to arrive at an initial diagnosis. Although the
molybdenum co-factor deficiency. Therefore, appropri- pediatrician may rarely be called on to be the sole
ate laboratory testing for metabolic disorders should be provider of long-term care to patients with these
performed in any infant who exhibits these findings. complex disorders, he or she will be responsible for
Although sepsis may be the initial consideration in a
neonate with these symptoms, inborn errors of metabo-
the emergency care and stabilization of the infants
lism should always be in the differential diagnosis, par- and children affected and should be familiar with the
ticularly in a full-term infant with no specific risk factors. fundamental aspects of such care.
Hypoglycemia may be the predominant finding in a It is the purpose of this review to define the con-
number of inborn errors of metabolism, including glyco- stellation of findings in the young infant that should
gen storage disorders, defects in gluconeogenesis, and alert the pediatrician to the possibility of inherited
fatty acid oxidation defects. The latter disorders, among metabolic disease. The discussion is confined to
the most common encountered, exhibit marked clinical those disorders that typically present in early infancy
variability and also may present as a sudden death, a and have potential life-threatening consequences.
Reye’s-like episode, or a cardiomyopathy. Jaundice or The many disorders that typically present in later
other evidence of hepatic dysfunction is the mode of
presentation of another important group of inborn errors
childhood, such as most lysosomal storage disorders,
of metabolism including galactosemia, hereditary ty- are not included. The laboratory tools used to eval-
rosinemia, neonatal hemochromatosis, and a number of uate infants suspected of having metabolic disease
other conditions. A subset of lysosomal storage disorders are described. Treatment of important groups of met-
may present very early with coarse facial features, orga- abolic disorders is addressed, focusing on the stabi-
nomegaly, or even hydrops fetalis. Specific patterns of lization and acute management of patients with
dysmorphic features and congenital anomalies character- these conditions. A more comprehensive discussion
ize yet another group of inherited metabolic disorders, of each of these topics can be found in recent editions
such as Zellweger syndrome and the Smith–Lemli–Opitz of reference textbooks.1,2
syndrome. Each of these symptom complexes, and the
appropriate evaluation of the affected infants, is dis-
cussed in more detail in this review. Pediatrics 1998; CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF INBORN ERRORS
Acute Metabolic Encephalopathy
From the Center for Medical Genetics, Michael Reese Hospital and Medical
Center, Division of Genetics and Metabolism, University of Illinois College Several groups of inherited metabolic disorders,
of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois. most notably the organic acidemias, urea cycle de-
Received for publication May 15, 1998; accepted Jul 15, 1998. fects, and certain disorders of amino acid metabo-
Reprint requests to (B.K.B) Center for Medical Genetics, Michael Reese lism, typically present with acute life-threatening
Hospital and Medical Center, Division of Genetics and Metabolism, Uni-
versity of Illinois College of Medicine, 2929 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60616.
symptoms of an encephalopathy. These symptoms
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 1998 by the American Acad- are the result of toxic effects of accumulating metab-
emy of Pediatrics. olites on the central nervous system (CNS). Because PEDIATRICS
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most of these metabolites cross the placenta and are Hyperammonemia
cleared by the mother during gestation, affected in- Among the most important laboratory findings
fants usually appear normal at birth. The interval associated with inborn errors of metabolism present-
between birth and onset of clinical symptoms ranges ing with an acute encephalopathy is hyperammone-
from hours to months. The initial findings are usu- mia. A plasma ammonia level should be obtained for
ally those of lethargy and poor feeding, as seen in any child with unexplained vomiting, lethargy, or
almost any sick infant. Although sepsis is often the other evidence of an encephalopathy. Significant hy-
first consideration in infants who present in this way, perammonemia is observed in a limited number of
these symptoms in a full-term infant with no specific conditions. Inborn errors of metabolism, including
risk factors strongly suggest a metabolic disorder. urea cycle defects and many of the organic aci-
Infants with inborn errors of metabolism may be- demias, are at the top of the list. Also in the differ-
come debilitated and septic rather quickly, and it is ential diagnosis in the neonate is a condition referred
therefore important that the presence of sepsis not to as transient hyperammonemia of the newborn
exclude consideration of other possibilities. If un- (THAN),3 whereas in the older infant, fatty acid ox-
treated, the lethargy associated with these conditions idation defects may be considered. Ammonia levels
may progress to coma. Other signs of CNS dysfunc- in newborns with these conditions frequently exceed
tion, such as seizures and abnormal muscle tone, also 1000 mmol/L. The finding of marked hyperammone-
may be noted. Evidence of cerebral edema may be mia provides an important clue to diagnosis and
observed, and intracranial hemorrhage occasionally indicates the need for urgent treatment to reduce the
occurs. ammonia level. The degree of neurologic impairment
An infant with an inborn error of metabolism who and developmental delay observed subsequently in
presents more abruptly or in whom the lethargy and affected infants has been shown to be dependent on
the duration of the neonatal hyperammonemic coma.
poor feeding go unnoticed may first come to atten-
A flowchart for the differentiation of conditions
tion because of apnea or respiratory distress. The
producing significant hyperammonemia in the new-
apnea is typically central in origin and a symptom of
born is presented in Fig 1. The timing of the onset of
the metabolic encephalopathy, but tachypnea may be
symptoms may provide an important clue. Patients
a symptom of an underlying metabolic acidosis, as with some of the organic acidemias, such as glutaric
occurs in the organic acidemias. Infants with urea acidemia type II or with pyruvate carboxylase (PC)
cycle defects and evolving hyperammonemic coma deficiency, may exhibit symptomatic hyperammone-
initially exhibit central hyperventilation, which leads mia during the first 24 hours. Symptoms in the first
to respiratory alkalosis. 24 hours also are characteristic of THAN, a condition
Vomiting is a striking feature of many of the in- that is poorly understood but apparently not genet-
born errors of metabolism associated with protein ically determined. The typical patient with this dis-
intolerance, although considerably less common in order is a large, premature infant (mean gestational
the newborn than in the older infant. If persistent age of 36 weeks) who has symptomatic pulmonary
vomiting occurs in the neonatal period, it usually disease, often from birth, and severe hyperammone-
signals significant underlying disease. Inborn errors mia. The condition can occur in full-term infants,
of metabolism should always be considered in the however, including those without respiratory symp-
differential diagnosis. It is common for an infant to toms. Survivors do not have recurrent episodes of
be diagnosed as having a metabolic disorder after hyperammonemia and may or may not exhibit neu-
having undergone surgery for suspected pyloric ste- rologic sequelae, depending on the extent of the neo-
nosis. Formula intolerance is frequently suspected, natal insult.
and many affected infants have numerous formula Infants who develop severe hyperammonemia af-
changes before a diagnosis is finally established. ter 24 hours of age usually have a urea cycle defect or
The basic laboratory studies that should be ob- an organic acidemia; infants with organic acidemias
tained for an infant who has symptoms of a meta- typically exhibit a metabolic acidosis as well. Urine
bolic encephalopathy consistent with an inborn error organic acid analysis should always be obtained,
of metabolism are listed in Table 1. regardless of whether acidosis is present. Metabolic
acidosis is not a typical feature of the urea cycle
defects. Plasma amino acid analysis is helpful in the
TABLE 1. Laboratory Studies For an Infant Suspected of
differentiation of the specific defects in this group. In
Having an Inborn Error of Metabolism addition, carbamyl phosphate synthetase deficiency
and ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency
Complete blood count with differential
Urinalysis may be differentiated by measuring urine orotic acid,
Blood gases which is low in the former and elevated in the latter.
Serum electrolytes Although the family history is often negative, a pos-
Blood glucose itive history of early male deaths or females with
Plasma ammonia
Urine reducing substances
episodic illness in the family of a male infant with
Urine ketones if acidosis or hypoglycemia present hyperammonemia suggests ornithine transcarbamy-
Plasma and urine amino acids, quantitative lase deficiency, the only one of the urea cycle defects
Urine organic acids with a sex-linked mode of inheritance.
Plasma lactate
Less significant elevations of plasma ammonia
than those associated with inborn errors of metabo- born errors of metabolism and in most other condi-
lism and THAN can be observed in a variety of other tions producing metabolic acidosis in the neonate. In
conditions associated with liver dysfunction, includ- contrast, the differential diagnosis of metabolic aci-
ing sepsis, generalized herpes simplex infection, and dosis with a normal anion gap is essentially limited
perinatal asphyxia. Liver function studies should be to two conditions, diarrhea and renal tubular acidosis.
obtained in evaluating the significance of moderate Among the inborn errors, the largest group typically
elevations of plasma ammonia. However, even in associated with overwhelming metabolic acidosis in
cases of severe hepatic necrosis, it is rare for ammo- infancy is the group of organic acidemias, including
nia levels to exceed 500 mmol/L.4 Mild transient such entities as methylmalonic acidemia, propionic
hyperammonemia with ammonia levels as high as acidemia, and isovaleric acidemia.
twice normal is relatively common in the newborn, In addition to specific organic acid intermediates,
especially in the premature infant, and is usually plasma lactate often is elevated in organic acidemias
asymptomatic. It appears to be of no clinical signifi- as a result of secondary interference with co-enzyme
cance, and there are no long-term neurologic se- A (CoA) metabolism. Neutropenia and thrombo-
quelae. cytopenia are commonly observed and further un-
derscore the clinical similarity of these disorders to
Metabolic Acidosis neonatal sepsis. Hyperammonemia, sometimes as
The second important laboratory feature of many dramatic as that associated with urea cycle defects, is
of the inborn errors of metabolism during acute commonly but not uniformly seen in clinically ill
episodes of illness is metabolic acidosis with an infants with organic acidemias.
increased anion gap, readily demonstrable by mea- Defects in pyruvate metabolism or in the respira-
surement of arterial blood gases or serum electro- tory chain may lead to primary lactic acidosis pre-
lytes and bicarbonate. A flowchart for the evaluation senting as severe metabolic acidosis in infancy.5 Un-
of infants with this finding is presented in Fig 2. An like most of the other conditions presenting acutely
increased anion gap ($16) is observed in many in- in the newborn, clinical features of these disorders
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Fig 2. Flowchart for evaluation of metabolic acidosis in the young infant. Fructose-1,6-DP indicates fructose-1,6 – diphosphatase; L/P,
are unrelated to protein intake. Disorders in this medical center genetics units. It is important to insist
group should be considered in patients with lactic that any reference laboratory used for this purpose
acidosis who have normal urine organic acids. Dif- provide prompt test results and reference ranges and
ferentiation of the various disorders in this group can provide interpretation of abnormal results.
be facilitated by measuring plasma pyruvate and A summary of the inborn errors of metabolism
calculating the lactate/pyruvate ratio. A normal ratio most likely to be associated with symptoms of an
(#25) suggests a defect in pyruvate dehydrogenase acute encephalopathy is presented in Table 2. The
(PDH) or in gluconeogenesis, and an elevated ratio typical laboratory findings in each condition or
($25) suggests PC deficiency, a respiratory chain group of conditions are also listed.
defect, or a mitochondrial myopathy.
Not all infants with life-threatening metabolic dis- Emergency Treatment of the Infant With an Acute
ease have metabolic acidosis or hyperammonemia. Metabolic Encephalopathy
For example, nonketotic hyperglycinemia typically When an inborn error of metabolism, such as an
presents in the neonatal period with evidence of organic acidemia or urea cycle defect, is suspected in
severe and progressive CNS dysfunction, but with a critically ill infant, immediate treatment should be
neither metabolic acidosis nor hyperammonemia. initiated, even if a definitive diagnosis may not yet
The same is true of molybdenum co-factor de- be established. Within 48 to 72 hours, the results of
ficiency, which on the surface may be virtually amino acid and organic acid analysis should be avail-
indistinguishable from hypoxic–ischemic encepha- able, allowing diagnostic confirmation in most cases.
lopathy. Even patients with galactosemia may rarely Appropriate and aggressive treatment before the
present with symptoms of CNS toxicity, which may confirmation of a diagnosis may be life-saving and
progress to cerebral edema, when galactose-1-phos- may avert or reduce the neurologic sequelae of some
phate levels rise precipitously. Therefore, the series of these disorders. The immediate treatment of in-
of laboratory studies listed in Table 1 should be fants with disorders in this group has two primary
obtained for any infant with clinical findings sug- goals. The first is the removal of accumulating me-
gesting an inborn error of metabolism, even if met- tabolites such as organic acid intermediates or am-
abolic acidosis and hyperammonemia are not monia. At the first suspicion of a disorder associated
present. Most of the tests on this list are self-explan- with protein intolerance, protein intake should be
atory. Although not available in many hospital lab- discontinued immediately. In critically ill infants
oratories, amino acid and organic acid analysis can with hyperammonemia, arrangements should be
be obtained in any part of the country through ref- made for hemodialysis. Although peritoneal dialysis,
erence laboratories or through referral of samples to continuous arteriovenous hemoperfusion, and ex-
change transfusion all have been used in the past to of complete protein restriction. Essential amino acids
lower plasma ammonia levels, all are substantially or total protein can be provided orally or intrave-
less effective than hemodialysis. In infants who are nously at an initial dose of 0.5 g protein/kg/24
comatose or ventilator-dependent, or who exhibit hours. This should be increased incrementally to 1.0
evidence of cerebral edema, dialysis should be insti- g/kg/24 hours and held at that level until the diag-
tuted immediately without waiting to determine nostic evaluation is complete and plans can be made
whether there is a response to dietary manipulation, for definitive long-term therapy. Therapy should be
medication, or other less aggressive therapy. Maxi- planned in conjunction with a geneticist or specialist
mal supportive care should be provided simulta- in metabolic disease. Until then, supplemental calo-
neously. In patients suspected of having a urea cycle ries and nutrients can be provided orally using pro-
defect because of significant hyperammonemia with- tein-free diet powder (product 80056, Mead Johnson,
out acidosis, an infusion of 6 mL/kg of 10% arginine Evansville, IN or Prophree, Ross Laboratories, Co-
HCL (0.6 g/kg) can be given intravenously over 90 lumbus, OH). Once a definitive diagnosis is estab-
minutes. In patients with citrullinemia and arginino- lished, commercial products formulated for individ-
succinic aciduria, this often results in a precipitous ual diseases can be instituted.
drop in the plasma ammonia level. An intravenous
arginine preparation is available commercially and Hypoglycemia
should be readily accessible to any hospital phar- Hypoglycemia and its associated symptoms occa-
macy. sionally may be seen in infants with disorders of
If an organic acidemia is suspected, vitamin B12 (1 protein intolerance, but it is seen more commonly in
mg) should be given intramuscularly in case the disorders of carbohydrate metabolism or fatty acid
patient turns out to have a B12-responsive form of oxidation. Among the best known inborn errors of
methylmalonic acidemia. Biotin (10 mg) should be metabolism associated with hypoglycemia are the
given orally or by nasogastric tube, because some hepatic glycogen storage diseases (GSD). The hypo-
patients with multiple carboxylase deficiency are glycemia in these disorders is related to the inability
biotin-responsive. If acidosis exists, intravenous bi- of the liver to release glucose from glycogen, and it is
carbonate should be administered liberally. Calcula- most profound during periods of fasting. Hypogly-
tions of bicarbonate requirements appropriate for the cemia, hepatomegaly, and lactic acidosis are promi-
treatment of other conditions are rarely adequate in nent features of these disorders. Hypoglycemia is not
these disorders because of ongoing production of a feature of GSD type II (Pompe disease) because
organic acids or lactate. The acid-base status should cytoplasmic glycogen metabolism and release are
be monitored frequently, with therapy adjusted ac- normal in this disorder in which glycogen accumu-
cordingly. Dialysis should be considered for severely lates within lysosomes as a result of deficiency of the
acidotic neonates with organic acidemias, regardless enzyme acid maltase. Clinical manifestations of this
of whether hyperammonemia is present. disorder include macroglossia, hypotonia, cardio-
After removing toxic metabolites, the second ma- megaly with congestive heart failure, and hepato-
jor goal of therapy in infants with inborn errors of megaly. Cardiomegaly is the most striking feature
metabolism should be to prevent catabolism. Intra- and may be apparent in the neonatal period. Con-
venous glucose should be administered liberally to gestive heart failure is the cause of death in most
provide as many calories as possible. Intravenous cases. Hypoglycemia may be a prominent feature of
lipids can be given to infants with urea cycle defects both galactosemia and hereditary fructose intoler-
and other disorders in which dietary fat plays no ance, although symptoms of the latter disorder occur
role. Protein should not be withheld indefinitely. If only after fructose (sucrose) has been introduced in
clinical improvement is observed and a final diagno- the diet.
sis has not been established, some amino acid intake A number of inherited defects in fatty acid oxida-
should be provided after a maximum of 2 to 3 days tion have been identified in infants presenting with
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hypoglycemia. These disorders are important be- definitive diagnosis of some of the fatty acid oxida-
cause of their apparent frequency and because of the tion defects. As is true for the defects in carbohydrate
variability of the initial presentation. Infants affected metabolism leading to hypoglycemia, treatment of
have an impaired capacity to use stored fat for fuel the fatty acid oxidation defects involves avoidance of
during periods of fasting and readily deplete their fasting and provision of adequate glucose. Restric-
glycogen stores. Despite the development of hypo- tion of dietary fat intake and supplemental l-carni-
glycemia, acetyl CoA production is diminished, and tine therapy are recommended.
ketone production is impaired. The hypoglycemia
occurring in these conditions is typically character- Jaundice and Liver Dysfunction
ized as nonketotic, although small amounts of ke- Jaundice or other evidence of liver dysfunction
tones may be produced. Hypoglycemia may occur as may be the presenting finding in a number of inher-
an isolated finding or may be accompanied by many ited metabolic disorders in infancy. These are listed
of the other biochemical derangements typically in Table 3, along with the laboratory studies useful in
associated with Reye syndrome, such as hyperam- diagnosis. For most of the inborn errors of metabo-
monemia, metabolic acidosis, and elevated transami- lism associated with jaundice, the elevated serum
nases. Hepatomegaly may or may not be present. bilirubin is of the direct-reacting type. This general-
Any infant presenting with findings suggesting Reye ization does not include those inborn errors of eryth-
syndrome should be evaluated for fatty acid oxida- rocyte metabolism, such as glucose-6-phosphate
tion defects. Because the incidence of true Reye syn- dehydrogenase deficiency or pyruvate kinase de-
drome has decreased, most children presenting at ficiency, that are occasionally responsible for he-
any age with this constellation of findings have an molytic disease in the newborn. The best known
inherited metabolic disorder. metabolic disease associated with jaundice is
The most common of the fatty acid oxidation de- galactosemia, in which deficiency of the enzyme ga-
fects is medium-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase lactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase results in an
deficiency. In addition to presenting as nonketotic accumulation of galactose-1-phosphate and other
hypoglycemia or a Reye’s-like syndrome, it may metabolites such as galactitol that are thought to
present as sudden death or an acute life-threatening have a direct toxic effect on the liver and on other
event. Many reports of infants diagnosed as having organs. Jaundice and liver dysfunction in this disor-
medium-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency der are progressive and usually appear at the end of
have described a history of a sibling who died of the first or during the second week of life with vom-
SIDS. Fat accumulation in the liver or muscle of any iting, diarrhea, poor weight gain, and eventually
infant dying unexpectedly should suggest strongly cataract formation. Hypoglycemia may be observed.
the possibility of this or a related disorder of fatty The disease may present initially with indirect hy-
acid oxidation. Very long-chain fatty acyl CoA dehy- perbilirubinemia resulting from hemolysis second-
drogenase deficiency is associated with similar clin- ary to high levels of galactose-1-phosphate in
ical findings, although there also may be evidence of erythrocytes. Alternatively, the effects of acute galac-
a cardiomyopathy. Infants with this and several tose toxicity on the brain may rarely cause the CNS
other fatty acid oxidation defects may present with symptoms to predominate.
cardiac arrhythmias or unexplained cardiac arrest. If galactosemia is suspected, the urine should be
The accumulation of fatty acyl CoAs in patients tested simultaneously with Benedict’s reagent and
with fatty acid oxidation defects leads to a secondary with a glucose oxidase method. The glucose oxidase
carnitine deficiency, probably as a result of excretion method is specific for glucose, and Benedict’s reagent
of excess acylcarnitines in the urine. Urine organic can detect any reducing substance. A negative dip-
acid analysis, measurement of serum carnitine, and stick result for glucose with a positive Benedict’s
analysis of the plasma acylcarnitine profile are the reaction means that a nonglucose reducing substance
most helpful laboratory studies in the initial screen- is present. With appropriate clinical findings, this is
ing for defects in fatty acid oxidation. These studies most likely to be galactose. If a child with galac-
are sufficient to establish the diagnosis of medium- tosemia has been on intravenous fluids and has not
chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, which is recently been receiving galactose in the diet, galac-
associated with the presence of a characteristic tose may not be present in the urine.
metabolite, octanoylcarnitine, on the acylcarnitine If the diagnosis of galactosemia is suspected,
profile. Enzymatic assays may be necessary for the whether or not reducing substances are found in the
TABLE 3. Inborn Errors of Metabolism Associated With Neonatal Liver Disease and Laboratory Studies Useful in Diagnosis
Disorder Laboratory Studies References
Galactosemia Urine reducing substances; RBC galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase 13
Hereditary tyrosinemia Plasma quantitative amino acids; urine succinylacetone 14
a1-Antitrypsin deficiency Quantitative serum a1-antitrypsin; protease inhibitor typing 15
Neonatal hemochromatosis Serum ferritin; liver biopsy 16
Zellweger syndrome Plasma very long-chain fatty acids 17
Niemann–Pick disease type C Skin biopsy for fibroblast culture; studies of cholesterol esterification and 18
GSD type IV (brancher deficiency) Liver biopsy for histology and biochemical analysis or skin biopsy with assay 19
of branching enzyme in cultured fibroblasts
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sugar. The odor associated with isovaleric acidemia exhibit one or more dysmorphic features or anoma-
and glutaric acidemia type II is pungent and un- lies that are nonspecific. The observation of dysmor-
pleasant and similar to that of sweaty feet. phic features in an infant should in no way preclude
consideration of an inherited metabolic disorder. In
Dysmorphic Features selected circumstances, it may heighten the clinical
There formerly appeared to be a clear distinction suspicion.
between inborn errors of metabolism and dysmor- Abnormal eye findings typically are associated
phic syndromes, both of which may be inherited in a with many of the inborn errors of metabolism, al-
similar manner. Infants with inherited metabolic dis- though they are not always found at the time of
ease were thought to be phenotypically normal at initial presentation. Cataracts may be observed in
birth, with no evidence of major or minor structural galactosemia, Zellweger syndrome, Lowe syndrome,
anomalies. It is now apparent, however, that inher- and a number of other conditions. Dislocated lenses,
ited metabolic disorders may be associated with con- seen in homocystinuria, molybdenum co-factor defi-
sistent patterns of birth defects, suggesting that ciency, and sulfite oxidase deficiency, may be found
metabolic derangements in utero may disrupt the as early as the first month of life and are an impor-
normal process of fetal development. tant clue to the diagnosis. Retinal degenerative
This phenomenon is illustrated clearly by the changes are typical of the peroxisomal disorders and
group of disorders associated with multiple defects are observed in several other conditions as well.
in peroxisomal enzymes, including those involved in Other abnormalities that may be associated with in-
fatty acid oxidation and plasmalogen synthesis. born errors of metabolism include corneal clouding
These include Zellweger syndrome and neonatal ad- and congenital glaucoma. A careful eye examination
renoleukodystrophy and several variant conditions, by an ophthalmologist should be performed when-
all of which are associated with congenital hypotonia ever an inherited metabolic disorder is suspected.
and dysmorphic features such as epicanthal folds,
Brushfield spots, large fontanels, simian creases, and Samples to Obtain From a Dying Child With a
renal cysts. Patients with glutaric acidemia type II Suspected Inborn Error of Metabolism
have a characteristic phenotype including a high If death appears imminent in a child suspected of
forehead, hypertelorism, low set ears, abdominal having an inborn error of metabolism, it is important
wall defects, enlarged kidneys, hypospadias, and to obtain the appropriate samples for postmortem
rocker bottom feet. An energy-deficient mechanism, analysis. This is critical for resolution of the cause of
similar to that postulated for maternal diabetes mel- death and is essential for subsequent genetic coun-
litus, has been suggested to explain these findings. seling and prenatal diagnosis. The following samples
Several of the other organic acidemias, such as me- should be collected and stored: urine, frozen; plasma,
valonic aciduria and 3-OH-isobutyric aciduria, as separated from whole blood and frozen; and a small
well as PDH deficiency, have been associated with snip of skin obtained using sterile technique and
multiple dysmorphic features. The dysmorphic find- stored at room temperature or 37°C in tissue culture
ings in PDH deficiency may strongly resemble those medium, if available, or sterile saline. If an autopsy is
observed in fetal alcohol syndrome, and it has been performed, a sample of unfixed liver tissue should be
suggested that this resemblance is explained by a obtained as soon as possible after death and frozen at
common mechanism in the two disorders. It has been 220°C for subsequent biochemical studies. Addi-
postulated that in fetal alcohol syndrome, acetalde- tional tissue should be preserved for electron micros-
hyde from the maternal circulation may inhibit fetal copy. If consent for autopsy is denied, consent for a
PDH, thus leading to malformations. postmortem needle biopsy of the liver can be re-
The Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome is an autosomal quested. The liver tissue should be frozen in total or
recessive disorder associated with a wide range of in part if histologic studies appear to be indicated. As
malformations including dysmorphic facies, cleft soon as possible after death, the case should be re-
palate, congenital heart disease, hypospadias, poly- viewed with a metabolic specialist and plans made
dactyly, and syndactyly. Recent observations have for the transport of samples to the appropriate labo-
revealed that this disorder is an inborn error of cho- ratory.
lesterol biosynthesis associated with decreased levels
of plasma cholesterol and markedly elevated levels SUMMARY
of the cholesterol precursor 7-dehydrocholesterol. Recent advances in diagnosis and treatment have
The defect in cholesterol synthesis associated with improved significantly the prognosis for many in-
this condition presumably leads to abnormal devel- fants with inborn errors of metabolism. Early clinical
opment in many different organ systems. diagnosis is essential in ensuring that affected infants
Isolated malformations may be even more com- will receive the benefits of these advances. It is hoped
monly associated with inherited metabolic disorders that the guidelines presented in this review will as-
than are specific malformation patterns. Patients sist the physician in the recognition of infants who
with nonketotic hyperglycinemia frequently have may have an inborn error of metabolism and in the
agenesis of the corpus callosum and may have gyral initial evaluation and stabilization of these patients.
malformations related to defects in neuronal migra-
tion. Agenesis of the corpus callosum also is seen in REFERENCES
PDH deficiency. It is not uncommon for patients 1. Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS, eds. The Metabolic and Molecular Bases
with almost any of the inborn errors of metabolism to of Inherited Disease. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1995
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Inborn Errors of Metabolism in Infancy: A Guide to Diagnosis
Barbara K. Burton
Pediatrics 1998;102;e69
DOI: 10.1542/peds.102.6.e69
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