Impact of Cartoon Programs On Children

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Cartoons used to be considered as one of the sources of entertainment. They

used to display some of the moral values .The question arises- do they still
display any moral values ?Well, the answer is no, not anymore. Theres is a
huge difference between cartoons that were made in the olden days and
the cartoons are being made now a days .The present research shows that
majority of the parents and teachers would prefer alternatives of cartoons as
entertainment because of the impassive and irrational behavior that they are
inducing in the children.

The present study also shows the reaction of the children who watch cartoons more than usual
Cartoons now a day have an intentional effect on children. Children tend to take in a lot of
information from cartoons.some of the parents were found to be unaware of the harmful content
their children are exposed to. Some of the cartoons should be shown to the children in strict
parental guidance. Parental guidance is a term in which some of the parents seem to be entirely
unaware of. Most of the guardians were of the view that the cartoons are inducing violent
behavior in their kids. But some were in favor of them as well.

S. No. Chapter Title

1. Introduction

1.1. Objectives

1.2 Significance of the Study

2. Literature Review

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Hypothesis

3.2 Research Methodology

3.3 Delimitations

3.4 Data Collection

3.5 Tools

3.6 Samples

Since earlier times children like adults need a form of entertainment, let it be the game or
puppets or other older version of passing time. Later on when people got a little more
developed, cartoons were introduced and they have been very popular. Children have become
much more interested in cartoon and it has become a primary action to some lives. Typically
children begin watching cartoon at an early age of six month.

The effect of viewing cartoon that shows violence to children are more likely to cause mental
and emotional problems along with brain and eye injuries and increases the risk of physical
problems. There is also an impact to brain, emotion and their sense to feel pain .when children
watch violence they become aggressive that they use harmful actions towards others. In some
cartoons children watch things which are not appropriate for their age. Children watching too
much cartoons often fantasize about the kind of life that various characters are living. Such
programmes are putting negative impact on the innocent mind of children.

On the other hand there are lots of cartoons which are not only the best source of entertainment
for kids, but could also be used for educational purposes. By watching cartoons children become
more creative. They try to do things in different ways so their creativity and imagination is
enhanced. While watching favorite cartoons kids adopt many things and sometime and sometime
they talk and behave in the same manner as their favorite characters do. They feel more
comfortable and confident and they can talk to people even in front of crowd.


To study the negative impact of cartoons on kids mind.

To study the positive impact of cartoons.

To study the inappropriate and negative factors e.g. bad language that spoil minds of

To analyze the language and elements of violence in the present day cartoons.


Children spend at least two to three hours daily watching cartoons. This research will help in
pointing out negative and positive impact on children. Also the parents can have a better
overview of what their kids are watching and keep an eye on what is destructive and constructive
for their children.
Many researcher have also used the cartoons in there researches to analyze, to
examine and to evaluate the minds of the children. Cartoons were used to learn the
social behavior of children. (pijnenburg 441)But the time has changed now.
Unfortunately, the present cartoons are not children friendly any more. They
contain material that is harmful and inappropriate for the psychological, ethical and
intellectual development of children. Timeka Tyler writes about the
inappropriateness of cartoon now they are adult swim and because of this adult
swim(content that is meant for adults only),she does not allow his son to watch
cartons alone. (Tyler, Timeka. The inappropriateness of Television. Know it.
N.p, 11 Dec 2012). Children start watching cartoons when they are six months old
and by the time they are two or three, they become very enthusiastic viewers.
Since cartoons are accessible to almost every child, parents should have knowledge
of what their children are watching. It is not only the negative impact on their
minds but the positive as well. Role models such as Superman, Spider man, Ben
Ten and Power Puff Girls play a positive and vital role in their ethical
development. Children relate to every day characters rapidly and they observe the
change faster than the adults.

Cartoons usually present stories and concepts in a happy tone, unless that certain
section of a cartoon show some melancholic situation, and this setting lightens up
and brightens almost any concept which is presented to the child (Flannery, 1993).

The impact of cartoons on childrens behavior is more negative than positive.
The research approach in the proposed synopsis is quantitative. The researcher will carry out
informal interviews with children. A survey will be conductive and questionnaires will be given
to the teachers of the given elementary school and to parents.

Researcher using questionnaires and interviews (informal) will study only a few cartoons
covering different aspects of childrens mental and behavioral development namely Tom and
Jerry (element of violence), Dora explorer (Positive effect general knowledge), barney
(imagination and creativity),Ben Ten and Barbie.

Researcher will conduct a survey in order to collect the data.

Researcher will use questionnaires and will conduct informal interviews in order to receive the

Ten students aging from five to ten years will be informally interviewed in the supervision of
their parents. Ten teachers and ten parents will be given the questionnaires. Hence, a total of
thirty which includes parents, teachers and children will be selected from the school, for the


Pijnenburg,yolande. The root of social inappropriates in frontotemporal dementia.J Neurol


Tyler Timeka The inappropriateness of television.know it.11 Dec 2012 Wed.10

May.2013.<http// inappropriateness of television.

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