An Open Letter To Confused Catholics
An Open Letter To Confused Catholics
An Open Letter To Confused Catholics
Archbishop Lefebvre
Burgess Street
Herefordshire, England.
Our Time 28
5 "You're a Dinosaur!" 38
10 Ecumenism 78
11 Religious Li berty 83
Ecumenical Fratcrnit y 97
Church" 105
Revolution 114
Faith 120
1 Poll Madame Figaro - Sofres, Sep. 1983. The first question was "00 you go to
communion once a week or more, or about once a month?" This corresponds more or
less to attendance at Mass, since everybody now communicates. Replies in the
affirmative had dropped from 16% to 9%.
3. What They are Doing to the Mass
heart, the heart which beats, and loves. The heart is also
the seat of the conscience. What can we make of this?
And death: what is that? The authors come to no
conclusion. "For some, death is the final ceasing of life.
Others think we can live after death, but do not know for
sure. Finally there are others who have a firm assurance
about this: Christians are among them." It is up to the
child to choose: death is a matter of opinion. But is not
the one who is being taught the Catechism a Christian? In
that case, why speak to him of Christians in the third
person instead of stating firmly, "We Christians know
that eternal life exists and that the soul does not die"?
Paradise also is a subject treated equivocally:
"Christians sometimes speak of Paradise to describe the
perfect joy of being with God for ever after death; it is
Heaven, the Kingdom of God, Eternal Life, the Reign of
Peace". This is a very hypothetical explanation. It would
seem that one is dealing with a figure of speech, a
reassuring metaphor used by Christians. But Our Lord
has promised us Heaven, if we keep his commandments;
and the Church has always defined that as "a place of
perfect happiness where the angels and the elect see God
and possess Him for ever." This catechesis shows a
definite going-back on what the catechisms used to
affirm. The only result will be a lack of confidence in the
truths taught and in a spiritual disarmament: what is the
good of resisting our instincts and following the narrow
way if we are not very sure of what awaits a Christian
after death?
A Catholic does not go to the priests or his bishop
asking for suggestions to enable him to form his own idea
about God, or the world, or the last things. He asks them
what he must believe and what he must do. If they reply
with a whole range of propositions and patterns for
living, then it only remains for him to make up his own
personal religion: he becomes a protestant. This
catechesis is turning children into little protestants.
The keynote of the reform is the drive against certain
ties. Catholics who have them are branded as misers
guarding their treasures, as greedy egotists who should be
common sense.
It is the current fashion to reject all forms of constraint
and to bemoan its influence at certain periods of history.
Pope John Paul II, deferring to this fad, deplored the
Inquisition during his visit to Spain. But it is only the
excesses of the Inquisition that are remembered. What is
forgotten is that the Church, in creating the Holy Office
(Sanctum Officium Inquisitionis), was fulfilling its duty
in protecting souls and proceeded against those who were
trying to falsify the Faith and thus endangering the
eternal salvation of everyone. The Inquisition came to the
help of the heretics themselves, just as one goes to the
help of persons who jump into the water to end their lives.
Would we accuse the rescuers of exerting an intolerable
constraint upon these unfortunates? To make another
comparison, I do not think it would occur to a Catholic,
even a confused one, to complain of a government's ban
on drugs, contending that it is exercising constraint upon
drug addicts.
Everyone understands that the father of a family will
bring up his children in his faith. In the Acts of the
Apostles the centurion Cornelius, touched by grace,
received baptism" and all his household with him". King
Clovis in the same way was baptised together with his
The benefits that the Catholic religion brings with it
show how deluded is the attitude of the post-conciliar
clergy who renounce any pressure, or even influence, on
non-believers. In Africa, where I spent the major part of
my life, the missions fought against the scourges of
polygamy, homosexuality, and the contempt in which
women are held. The degraded position of women in
Islamic society is well known: she becomes a slave or
chattel as soon as Christian civilisation disappears. There
can be no doubt of the right of the truth to prevail and to
replace false religions. And yet in practice the Church
does not prescribe blindly and intransigently regarding
the expression of false religions in public. She has always
said that they could be tolerated by the authorities in
order to avoid a greater evil. That is why Cardinal
religious liberty.
Another consequence affects Catholic schools. The
state can no longer grant that Catholic schools should
exist and that they should have the lion's share of private
education. It places them on the same footing, as we have
seen, with the schools of non-Catholic sects, and says,
"If we allow you to exist, we must do the same for the
Moonies and every community of this type, even those of
bad repute". And the Church cannot argue! The Socialist
government in France has taken advantage of the Declar
ation on Religious Liberty and tried to merge Catholic
schools with the others and demand that the resulting
institutions observe just the natural law . Or else they have
been opened to children of all religions, congratulating
themselves at having more Moslem children than
Christians in some areas.
This is why the Church, by accepting the status of
common right in civil society, runs the risk of becoming
merely one sect among others. She even runs the risk of
disappearing, since it is obvious that truth cannot
concede rights to error without denying itself.
The Catholic schools in France have adopted - for the
purpose of public demonstrations - a certain song, which
is beautiful in itself, but with words betraying this
pernicious spirit of "liberty, the only truth". Liberty,
considered as an absolute good, is a chimera. Applied to
religion, it leads to doctrinal relativism and practical
indifference. Confused Catholics must hold to the words
of Christ which I quoted, "The truth will make you free".
12. Comrades and Fellow-Travellers
IRev. Ulisse Floridi, Moscoui and the Vatican, Editions France Empire.
How does it happen that the gates of hell are now causing
us so much trouble? The Church has always been
disturbed by persecution and heresies, by conflicts with
temporal powers, sometimes by immoral conduct of the
clergy, sometimes even of popes. But this time the crisis
seems to go much deeper, since it affects the Faith itself.
The Modernism we face is not a heresy like the others: it
is the main drain of all heresies. Persecution now comes
not only from outside but from within the Church. The
scandal of dissolute living, or just giving up, has become
endemic among the clergy, while the mercenaries who
abandon the sheep to the wolves are encouraged and
I am sometimes accused of painting too black a picture
of the situation, of viewing it too disapprovingly, of
taking pleasure at being disgruntled over changes which
are perfectly logical and necessary. Yet the same Pope
who was the heart and soul of Vatican II commented
several times on the decomposition on which I have com
mented so sadly. On 7th December 1969 Paul VI said,
"The Church finds herself in a period of anxiety, of self-
criticism, one could say of self-destruction. It is like an
internal upheaval, serious and complex - as if the Church
were flagellating herself" .
The following year he added, "In many areas the
Council has not so far given us peace but has rather
stirred up troubles and problems that in no way serve to
strengthen the Kingdom of God within the Church or
within souls". Then, going on to raise a cry of alarm, on
29th June 1972 (Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul), "The
smoke of Satan has entered by some crack into the temple
of God; doubt, uncertainty, problems, restlessness, dis
satisfaction and confrontation have come to the surface ...
Doubt has entered our consciences".
Where is the crack? We can pinpoint the time with
precision. It was 1789, and its name, the Revolution. The
affairs that he did not resolve, with all his knowledge, his
theology and his holiness. He gave almost definitive
solutions, having truly seen things in the light of faith.
But things could not be seen so when they refused to
make it a dogmatic council. Vatican II was a pastoral
Council; John XXIII said so, Paul VI repeated it. During
the course of the sittings we several times wanted to define
a concept; but we were told: "We are not here to define
dogma and philosophy, we are here for pastoral
purposes". What is liberty? What is human dignity?
What is collegiality? Weare reduced to analysing the
statements indefinitely in order to know what they mean,
and we only come up with approximations because the
terms are ambiguous. And this was not through
negligence or by chance. Fr. Schillebeeckx admitted it.
"We have used ambiguous terms during the Council and
we know how we shall interpret them afterwards" . Those
people knew what they were doing.
All the other Councils that have been held during the
course of the centuries were dogmatic. All have
combatted errors. Now God knows what errors there are
to be combatted in our times! A dogmatic council would
have filled a great need. I remember Cardinal Wyszinsky
telling us: "you must prepare a schema upon
communism"; if there is a grave error menacing the
world today it is indeed that. If Pius XI believed there
was need of an encyclical on communism, it would also
be very useful for us, meeting here in plenary assembly, to
devote a schema to this question."
Communism, the most monstrous error ever emerged
from the mind of Satan, has official access to the
Vatican. Its world-wide revolution is particularly helped
by the official non-resistance of the Church and also by
the frequent support it finds there, in spite of the
desperate warnings of those cardinals who have suffered
in the gaols of the Eastern countries. The refusal of this
pastoral council to solemnly condemn it is enough in itself
to cover it with shame before the whole of history, when
one thinks of the tens of millions of martyrs, of the
Christians and dissidents scientifically de-personalized in
inquiry. "
"The direct and immediate cause (of Modernism) lies
in a perversion of the mind" wrote Pius X in his encyclical
Pascendi. Recycling creates a similar mental perversion
in those who did not previously suffer from it. The holy
Pope also quoted this observation of his predecessor
Gregory XVI: "It is a sorry sight to see how far the
deviations of human reason will go as soon as one yields to
the spirit of novelty; when, heedless of the Apostle's
warning, one claims to know more than one needs to
know, and self-confidently seeks for truth outside the
Church instead of within it, where it is to be found
without the least shadow of error" 1
lCanon 493